English Lyrics Translation 「アンチテーゼ貴様 改」 Antithesis Kisama Remake 0:19 通勤快速乗らなくなりもう結構です 機嫌はいいが溜め込むこたぁもう一杯です プライベートを切り売りする様な商売です 自宅の前で張り込む奴らを一掃してぇ I don’t need to ride the commuter rail anymore, I’m good I’m feeling good, but I’m filled to the brim with the things I’m holding in It's a business of selling privacy bit by bit I wanna just eradicate the bastards staking out in front of my house 0:44 全然まだまだの身分でこれだとか 未来の事思うとマジ不安になっちゃう Having to face things when I’m completely unprepared and such, I feel so anxious whenever I think about the future 0:50 毎回毎回本当思ってんだけど アンタって本当に嫌な奴ね アンタの価値観 既視感 10歳児未満 テメェのケツもふけてねぇ奴の忠告なんざ うるせぇうるせぇ知らねぇよ Every single time I always think you’re such a freakin’ prick Your values remind me of someone who's not even 10 I don’t wanna hear advice from a guy who can’t even wipe their own ass, shut the f*ck up, the hell would I care 1:09 他人が決めた社会の定義に則って 「幸せです」と言わされてる様で最悪です 身分や地位や大人騙しなど一切要らん 自分のままでありたいだけだぜ当然な Conforming to the definition of “society” that someone else made, It’s like I’m being forced to say “I’m happy” and it’s the worst I don’t need social status or rank or adult deceit I just wanna be myself, duh 1:34 一見好景気に見えるか知んねぇが 油断すると危険また砂漠になっちゃう I don’t know if it looks like good times at a glance, but if you let your guard down it’ll be dangerous, it’ll turn into a desert again 1:40 毎回毎回本当思ってんだけど アンタって本当に嫌な奴ね 有名税 脱税 絶対払わんぜ それより愛する地元へ向けふるさと納税 未来のためならいくらでも Every single time I always think you’re such a freakin’ prick I’ll commit tax evasion on the price of fame, no way I’m paying that I’d much rather pay taxes that go to my beloved hometown I’ll pay any amount if it’s for the future 2:10 アンタがあの日々で堪え守り抜いた 批難されて悲観された人間性や人生観 そのワインとパンは血となり肉となり 役に立たないと思い意外に立っちゃう Throughout those days you managed to endure and protect your humanity and view on life that were criticized and viewed with pessimism That bread and wine turn into flesh and blood You’d think it won’t be useful, but it surprisingly is 2:24 毎回毎回本当思ってんだけど アンタって本当に馬鹿馬鹿馬鹿 毎回毎回本当思ってんだけど 俺だって本当に嫌な奴ね 言ってる事とやってる事矛盾上等じゃい 他の追随など許さん程モテてぇんだ そこらの並とは比べんな それではお後がよろしくて Every single time I always think you’re such a freakin’ idiot, idiot, idiot Every single time I always think I’m such a freakin’ prick The things I say and the things I do are all top-class contradictions I want to be so popular that no one could ever be on the same level Don’t compare me with those ordinary people Well then, that's all folks Corrections/improvements are welcome! By the way, there's multiple different versions of this song with different lyrics, so it's interesting to see how they relate to each other!
@ninjakitty24742 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@crimzon_x44412 жыл бұрын
Wow this song lashes out on ALOT of people. This is exactly what i love about Japanese songs, their meanings tend to be large most of the time