@@benoit4692 台獨人:「台灣是美國的佔領地」 美國人:「…all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China」
一九四九年一月十二日的蔣中正電責陳誠記者會中『台灣為剿共堡壘』發言失當以中央政策為主張免為人誤解, 蔣中正在信中對陳誠表示:「台灣法律地位與主權,在對日和會未成以前,不過為我國一托管地之性質,何能明言做為剿共最後之堡壘與民族復興之根據也,豈不令中外稍有常識者之輕笑其為狂囈乎。」(狂囈:怪誕的夢話。亦謂說怪誕的夢話。) 1952-1954 美國協防保護台灣澎湖 艾森豪總統會議紀錄第811頁 「In this connection it may be noted that Japan NEVER ceded sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores to China.」Japan renounced its own sovereignty but left the future title undefined. Thus the United States as principal victor of Japan has an unsatisfied interest in these former Japanese islands. Page 770 FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1952-1954, VOLUME XIV No. 350 Eisenhower Labrary, Dulles papers, "Meetings with the President* Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State [Extract] TOP SECRET [WASHINGTON,J October 18, 1954. MEMORANDUM OF CONFERENCE WITH THE PRESIDENT, THE WHITE HOUSE, 8:00 TO 9:00 A.M. I discussed the matter of a security treaty with Nationalist China to cover Formosa and the Pescadores coupled with UN action to deal with the offshore islands under National control such as Quemoy. The President agreed that we should follow this procedure. He said that as far as he was concerned, the United States would never tolerate Formosa and the Pescadores going into unfriendly hands. He also reaffirmed the point I had mentioned, namely, that Formosa and the Pescadores had a distinctive juridical status under the Japanese Peace Treaty. They were not technically under Chinese sovereignty since Japan had made no cession in favor of China. The President agreed, however, that once we made a security treaty with Nationalist China covering Formosa and the Pescadores, it would be necessary for them to refrain from offensive operations from their "privileged sanctuary"…… Page 811 There should be negotiated a mutual security treaty with the ChiNats covering Formosa and the Pescadores, but not the offshore islands. 「In this connection it may be noted that Japan NEVER ceded sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores to China.」Japan renounced its own sovereignty but left the future title undefined. Thus the United States as principal victor of Japan has an unsatisfied interest in these former Japanese islands. This treaty, when made and ratified, will replace the Seventh Fleet Presidential order which is becoming of questionable validity from a constitutional standpoint. 1945年8月 真正幫台灣澎湖從日本”解放”的是美國 1955-1980 真正幫台灣澎湖抵制中共入侵的是美國協防台澎(合約不含金馬) 1979-2024 直到今日的「台灣關係法」美國仍然保護繼續保護台灣人的人權與主權。
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"I'm The Dude, Playing A Dude, Disguised As Another Dude"