發人省思的好片。 其實不管客家、閩南、原民或新住民等,你我需要更多的是體會及學習,我出身閩南家庭,從小到大生活也是閩南語和中文,當長大後生活圈更廣闊時,才「真正」意識到其他種族語言在臺灣這國度的存在,因此也學習了客家話。現代人學習的外語是為了追求更好的生活、為自己掙得更多的舞台發揮的工具之一,但,到底卻仍不是屬於我們的一部分,卻漸漸也忘了回頭看看自己的土地,我們到底擁有了什麼,慢慢地也在失去什麼。更難過的是,母語在現代社會的地位與觀感甚是低落,如是影片片段中的那兩位主持人... 感謝臺客劇場的影片,This means something to someone, like me. 也希望這部片能喚醒更多人對於語言傳承的重視以及其意義。 P.S. 覺得臺客劇場應要從新定義所謂的「臺語」,它包含的不會只是單一語言. It would just be a definition dispute otherwise.
Hi. Love your videos! I think this is a really cool subject! Mother tongue is really important and many parts of the world are loosing it. However, there are many foreigners who are interested in other country's mother tongue or dialect. In this case Taiwanese/Hokkien. I think with english subtitles you can target a wider audience. Keep up the good work and thanks for the education.