This is a very interesting interview, thank you 阿滴 for making this. I'm a primary school teacher from New Zealand, 這裡也是很崇敬芬蘭的教學方式, 我們很多小學的教學方式, 方針都有試著朝他們看齊. Project base, inquiry base and play base learning is a big thing here for many years. 我自己是在台灣讀到國二才來這裡的, so I have experienced sort of half TW, half NZ learning experience. 然後自己在這邊當了十幾年的老師後覺得, 台灣在教 basic must know knowledge in Maths, Science, literacy, is actually pretty strong. 這裏 project base 的方式壞處我覺得是 you do not get a balanced learning experience. Because it is mostly driven by children. 最有趣的地方是看到PISA result 顯示學習成就的差距在芬蘭其實是很大的. 這證明了其實也沒有說哪種 Education system is THE BEST. 大家都有可以相互學習的地方. 因材施教比較重要. 大家都有改進空間, 教育不是拿來比較的, 是拿來切磋大家才能一為了下一代一起進步.
Double, Triple 👍👍👍 As a homeschool mom, I enjoy listening to anything related to education. I had to play your video a few times to understand as my Chinese is not up to par. I do have to say that I was so impressed by the Taiwanese education resources available to autistic kids as I had witnessed myself when I was visiting a few months back. Thank you so much for sharing this video. I will look into TFT further via the links you'd provided. Awesome!!!😍