Mark 2:17 耶穌聽見了,就對他們說:「健康的人不需要醫生,有病的人才需要。我來不是要召喚義人,而是要召喚罪人。」 only if you realise that you are sick (need help) then the intervention of God can begin. (though, i do not deny God can intervene without our permission- miracles do happen) Sexual sin is a sin doesn’t matter what sexual inclination one has... we accept you as a person but we hate the sins... we are here on earth to seek help and redemption from God thru the blood of Jesus. there is no absolute Truth apart from God. only God is absolute, and He is the truth and the way. There is a judgement at the end, we are all responsible for what we did on this earth. at all, it is the judgement we are need to face one day.
@Guess My Name 怎麼會被廢棄呢?沒有政教合一,不表示聖經被棄之不用了。就像我們仍然學習古希臘羅馬和儒家的哲學思想,是一樣的道理。 舊約聖經許多戰爭、罰則的確是殘暴的,這不可忽略歷史背景的影響。要一一去檢視會太長,且模糊了同婚議題的重點。我覺得簡單地說,聖經這些部分提醒我要謙卑警醒,並教我愛神愛人。 信仰是我看待世界的指引,而我作為台灣公民,當然有自由以我自己的方式來看待社會議題與討論政治;其他人也有自由這麼做。這就是在多元民主社會裡,參與政治討論的方式。