不會英語不是借口,努力學習英語,世界又是另一遍天空!在美國做對的事,多去教會認識對的人,大家都希望你好! Don’t ask what this country done for you, ask what yourself can do for it. (別問國家為你做了什麼,問自己你能為它做什麼)。
That's right, free medical in US? People in US afraid to get into an ambulance because it will cost you an arm and a leg just for the ride. What the person got is the low income benefit, paid by other tax payer. I know it is difficult to learn a new language, but at least try. You could learn English working at the restaurant, he was sent to Syracuse, NY for work. I grew up in NY since I was 12, and I know once you are outside of NYC, the Chinese concentrated area are rare. So I am pretty sure majority of the customer at Syracuse order in English. Work at the front, so at least you could start picking up Restaurant's English. And watch English TV and not the Chinese TV when you get home. As an immigrant, you have to emerged into the other culture, while maintaining your own family heritage. In the US, doesn't matter if you speak perfect English, you are still just a Chinese American. I am happy to see that he has a goal to not work at a restaurant. There are other job that doesn't require much English like working at grocery store (back), construction worker, or farm. Those are all hard manual labor work. Learn English and take on some technical training so you could switch career from blue collar to white collar job.
很多评论讨论英语的学习能力,但是会英语其实没什么加分,真正的是学习能力……注意学习能力不是靠刻苦就能换来的。我刚到的时候在社区大学学习的一些同学,他们不可能不努力(因为基本都是边工作边读书的,而且都是full time student), 但是后来看上去最刻苦那几个都没有实质改变自己的生活(他们英文都可以日常交流了),因为英语最多只是让你少了一个“缺点”,并不能实质改变他们在求职市场的竞争力. 学英语对很多限定在独特职业圈子的人可见回报太低了.