You have alot of points right and this game is fun but there are some big problem you nailed everything (well I think) good job!
@WarmLillie4 жыл бұрын
I have to give Ninjala a 6/10 The art style and gameplay is absolutely amazing. I love the look and feel of the game it remind me a lot about Splatoon but still unique enough to be on its own. The music is absolutely amazing, I love jamming out to Wake up!!! I love the gameplay battle system of the game I think some the weapon are fantastic but special are both balance and unbalanced at the same time. I love it’s multiplayer but sad it’s region lock. The lack of a proper tutorial instead having video and finding text, lack of a story mode and many other thing that also a pay wall only makes things worse. But this game is early in it’s development and I know things will get better.
@T0XK14 жыл бұрын
This is the comment that I love to see. (Besides witty jokes) People sharing their own thoughts objectively. Glad to have you in the community! 💚