Which 40k Armies Are BEST in 10th Edition!? | Warhammer 40k Faction Tier List

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TacticalTortoise 40k

TacticalTortoise 40k

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@TacticalTortoise Жыл бұрын
Huge thanks to The Magnet Baron 🧲👑 for sponsoring this video! Check them out at -> themagnetbaron.com/
@chromehunter2074 Жыл бұрын
@tacticalTortoise how can you make a tier list when the full army rules aren't even out for 10th yet? These are just index rules with limited detachment items. ??
@BERD9001 Жыл бұрын
DG Terminator with 4" move: I fear no man, but that thing (looking at barbaguant) it scares me.
@jimmysmith2249 Жыл бұрын
@Narokh Жыл бұрын
I really wonder why they don't have the same restriction pretty much every other unit with an on hit ability has - "pick one unit that was hit" - and if it was an oversight that they don't have it or if it was intentional.
@sebastianmeyer8039 Жыл бұрын
barbaguants on a forest Battlefield^^
@BERD9001 Жыл бұрын
​@@jimmysmith2249"The Death Guard’s approach is slow but inevitable, and their enemies fall choking under clouds of diseased smog." On the bright side, at least they didn't completely ignore the fluff. They nailed the slow part.
@josephengland868 Жыл бұрын
@mattvucu6706 Жыл бұрын
When GW said they would put fewer re-rolls in this edition they meant they would put more in
@Syst3m04 Жыл бұрын
Kind of like how they said it would be less lethal, but some armies can table you turn 2 🤷‍♂️
@ThePoopoo12345 Жыл бұрын
They ment just for admech
@Theredglovedman Жыл бұрын
You tell em cap
@MARStheFORSAKEN Жыл бұрын
No there is fewer rerolls it's just that they all belong to aeldari,space marines and knights so on average they is technically less XD
@ballsmcgee7783 Жыл бұрын
They cut the number of dice you roll, via twin linked, so technically you are rerolling less now.
@thunderball44 Жыл бұрын
Deathguard are so forgotten they're called AdMech in the chapter titles 😂
@Vardaangupta- Жыл бұрын
@nurglematthew893 Жыл бұрын
Ha! Big luv.
@CataclysmDM Жыл бұрын
They're so bad right now they aren't even worth mentioning XD My giant DG army will be collecting dust
@spiffcheeso Жыл бұрын
Well I guess sisters are gonna be a superfan-only army until the codex drops and hopefully we get points cuts and a bloody rose equivalent detachment option
@thunderball44 Жыл бұрын
Honestly the points are OK at the moment, mostly we just need an adjustment to our meltas to be anti-vehicle X. Call them Ministorum Meltas or something to differentiate them if needed. That and a better detachment rule as everyone's saying. I'm hoping we get a decent Valorous Heart or Argent Shroud detachment as well, I've had a whole edition of Bloody Rose and I'm very over only having melee as a viable option.
@subaveragejoe2 Жыл бұрын
@@thunderball44 You can't be serious. Paragon warsuits are overpriced WITH MORVENN, let alone solo. Retributors are 10pts more expensive than Devastator marines for no sane reason. Our characters are universally 10-15% too expensive, both repentia and arcos are 30pts more expensive than Desolation squads despite have no armor, Dominions are 130pts despite having basic ass meltaguns in an edition where scout is mid for a shooting unit, Sacresants are 130pts for 10 despite not being able to kill 2 marines on average. The entire army is hilariously too expensive in ADDITION to having bad rules.
@Lokd0wn Жыл бұрын
In all honesty I don't know whether a Bloody Rose detachment would even really have any legs in this edition. With not being able to guarantee charges with Miracle Dice, the proliferation of Indirect and Overwatch and the increase of end/out of activation moves. I can't see the likes of buffed up Repentia or even Sacresants reaching the lines of a savvy opponent in a number that would have a real impact.
@Istalrison Жыл бұрын
Ì mean, it probably is not that representative yet, but Sisters are sitting at a 60% winrate right now
@doomkingraye7692 Жыл бұрын
​@@Istalrisonsuperfan-only army as the comment said
@grumpycup4762 Жыл бұрын
Admech can be summed up as: GW wanted them to be a buffing faction (which is boring af imo, but that's their choice) so they made the mistake of balancing them around when the unit is buffed. A buffed admech unit that has all the doctrinas and stratagems and what-not activated. - Is OK. It's on par with other factions' units. The issue is that that's not how you balance stuff. You FIRST make it on par. The buffs then take it BEYOND that and make it GREAT. The reason for this is that you can only buff a certain number of units each round. Usually only 1. A good game-designer recognizes this. You have a BASELINE that's on par with other factions. Then you use the buffs to SUPERCHARGE certain units. That creates interesting gameplay and counterplay. You make DECISIONS on what to supercharge and when, and how much. The opponent gets counterplay in being tactical: - Oh he positioned his unit over to the left? Normally that's not a threat, but I think he's gonna superbuff it next turn, so I better divert some resources to deal with that! But oh! Then I may not have enough to deal with his tanks over to the right! But that's just the stats on their own, like BS/WS and saves (and wounds). We then have the issue of admech having really lackluster and boring HQs. For instance; 99% of players will only ever take a dominus if they are running Electropriests. Because using him on anything else is stupid when you get significantly more out of him when he leads electropriests. That's bad game-design. Cawl is... better than previous edition, but again; Just boring. He provides an aura of -1 to hit, and for 160 points, that may not be bad choice. But is it fun? Is it INTERESTING? - Not at all. I'd rather he cost 300+ points and be more in line with the likes of Guilliman, Abaddon and the Lion. Providing TRUE power and FUN. Then we have the issue of the Kastelans and the Datasmith. You now cannot run Kastelans without a Datasmith, if you wanna swap protocols that is. Doing so also makes the unit Infantry, which means Kastelans can be wounded by anti-infantry weaponry on a 4+.... Not only that. The protocol swap has a SIGNIFICANT chance of straight up failing. And I think it's still an ACTION to do it. So the Datasmith can literally fail it, and then not get to do anything for the rest of the turn lmao. It's just... a mess. The entire index is a mess. It needs to be reworked from the ground up. Every single datasheet needs to be re-evaluated and overhauled. The only truly good unit we have is the Kataphron Breachers. And even then, it's due to stacking buffs on them.... And EVEN THEN; they're nothing special compared to other factions.
@soffren Жыл бұрын
I'm excited for Orks. I'm always excited for Orks though.
@23tovarm5 Жыл бұрын
As a admech player, I’m just gonna bunker down till our codex drops
@FhtagnCthulhu Жыл бұрын
At least yours is coming quickly!
@IsaacEsquivel-Pilloud 5 ай бұрын
Well, that aged like milk didnt it?
@tudlaur7605 Жыл бұрын
THANK GOD a video about this of a reasonable length I am tired of seeing 3 hours videos about this
@midnightflare9879 Жыл бұрын
I don't care if you're losing with sisters. You're gonna look absolutely badass while doing so!
@OspreyRed Жыл бұрын
On the topic of dark Eldar. It has historically been a fast shooting, kabalite focused army which spammed lances/blasters/disintegrators. The only edition it had good melee that could do reliable damage was 9th. That’s it. 9th was the anomaly. It’s just back to what it was up until then.
@archonlelithjose5902 Жыл бұрын
Yes yes . 9 Edition was the Best for drukhari .
@mulattofy Жыл бұрын
And 6th edition but ok
@TheStromzilla Жыл бұрын
Heads-up: the time stamps show "AdMech" for the DG section of the video. :)
@stevenburton7725 Жыл бұрын
I will disagree with your assessment of World Eaters and Drukhari. After five games so far against the pairing, I have to say that World Eaters have absolutely nothing to do against a dedicated gun line, and that’s all that Drukhari do. And the Daemon Prince/Jakhals combo can’t deal with deep strike. I have not seen World Eaters win a game, even in battle reports. And Drukhari gun line armies are actually very strong.
@majedmalek4429 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. Im a Drukhari player and currently 8 and 3 in 10th. He is right about the dark lance spam though 😂 it works great hahahaha
@majedmalek4429 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you i mean ***
@stevenburton7725 Жыл бұрын
@@majedmalek4429 my current list is just spam: 2 Archons, 2x10 Warriors, 3 Cronos, 3 Ravagers, 3x5 Scourges, 3 Talos, and 2 Tantalus. I wanted to throw in a Court of the Archon, but it was more fluffy than effective.
@OccamsHammer Жыл бұрын
Seems mostly reasonable except I think CK are fine tier and 1kSons should move up. SM ahead of Necrons too. CK just aren't nearly as strong as IK. I feel like IK being overtuned is just causing people to think CK are in the same tier.
@jarrod7465 Жыл бұрын
I know gw wanted to get rid of -1D spam but honestly Death Guard should have been the only faction to keep it it's important to their identity and made them unique and tough to kill.
@big7industries Жыл бұрын
should have reverted to their 8th edition 5+FnP
@reginlief1 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, they didn’t necessarily have to completely remove that rule. If death guard kept it, would’ve made them much more unique.
@mattb683 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure it was the 5+ fnp but I'd take -1d over this
@nurglematthew893 Жыл бұрын
Nurgle Bless Our Constitution In The Kindest Of Ways, Chat.
@isheh19 Жыл бұрын
They could just give all DG infantry +1 wound (just like CSM chosen or DA termies). It they wanted to reduce the number or rolls required but still respect faction identity.
@hamishwalker9637 Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna call serious bullshit of thousand sons in fine tier, they are fucking annoyingly strong. It's crazy hard to even get near them because of rubrics with spammed warpflamers, and Magnus will fuck you up. Some factions literally don't have the tools to kill the bastard
@johndoe-cv1gv Жыл бұрын
Like any high T, W model with a 4++, the only way to kill them is with high volume. It's not unique to Magnus. Magnus just excels at dealing with high damage targets in this edition.
@hamishwalker9637 Жыл бұрын
@@johndoe-cv1gv but he also has the 2+ armour save, so making him fail saves is also bloody tough, especially because of the cabal ritual to re-rolls saves, that can be done twice because of the enhancement. I play csm and it feels like my two options are deep strike a unit of obliterators 9" from him, hope none die to the inevitable 10d6 of warpflamers on the squad of nearby rubrics, and fire all their damage 6 guns at him and home for the best, followed up by ramming a brick of chosen lead by a master of executions (and either Fabius bile for s6 accursed weapons, or a master of possessions for his anti-psyker shit) for full re-rolls on units below half strength for the chosen, then pray that does enough, cos if that doesn't finish him he probably almost wipes the squad. The other option is 3 forgefiends with max ectoplasma cannons shooting him for 2-3 battle rounds and hope he doesn't double-move ritual to come squish them all.
@johndoe-cv1gv Жыл бұрын
​@@hamishwalker9637 It's tough. The bigger threat is the 1 CP stratagem to reduce a failed save to 0 damage. While it can theoretically be used twice, it does eat away at your cabal points so that you cannot then use them to buff the damage output of Terminators. Killing everything else is the easier option. Rubrics, Tzaangors and HQ's are all T4, Terminators are T5. They have no MW protection, and can all fall so incredibly quickly. Magnus will only kill a few TEQ's in melee each turn, and as his psychic weapons lack the PISTOL keyword, they cannot be used in melee... Whereas a brick of SoT's will annihilate near enough any target in the game in a single round of shooting. Also, Temporal Surge (double move) has a restriction that doesn't allow you to charge in the same turn. To quote the index... "can make a Normal move. If it does, that unit is not eligible to declare a charge this turn." It's also not smart to send a 410 point model way up the field (losing access to his most important buff, the aura for +1 to hit and wound on psychic weapons) just to trade for a handful of TEQ's (you're spending 410pts, to trade for roughly 150) Oh, and Magnus will kill 4-5 Chosen in melee, based on averages. (see below) 7 attacks profile hitting on 2's results in: - 6 successful hits, - 1 wound roll of 6 (proc-ing DevWounds) - 1 failed wound roll - 4 successful wound rolls 1 x 3W Chosen dies to the DevWounds flat 3. You then make 4 saving throws at -3 AP. You're then rolling 6+ to save. Short of luck, 4 more dead. Chosen will deal 1-2 wounds to Magnus, but a lot more to Terminators. You're making a poor decision / trade to send them in to Magnus.
@Zach-kc4mq Жыл бұрын
This was two weeks ago but I feel you should take another look at Tyranids. I didn't hear you speak about all the buff stacking, which gives things like feel no pain giving a lot of survivability, or the adaptability: do more attacks vs infantry, or guaranteed wounds to vehicles/monsters or the ability to hit characters first. And you can gain multiples of these buffs and more within synapse range.
@RotaFury Жыл бұрын
It will be fun to see just how much each codex drop will shake things up. Given we get nids first it could show us how much a lower teir faction will change.
@alfred8936 Жыл бұрын
It seems like GW chronically overvalues Miracle Dice as a mechanic. Sure it's strong, but every Sisters unit feels pointed like it somehow makes up for their awful stats
@kandifamily Жыл бұрын
As someone who just started his imperial knights army off and is planning on getting into playing 40k for the first time in tenth edition after being into the lore for many years and I really hope that Imperial knights aren’t incredibly ahead of the pack in terms of ingame strength as I would like to be able to enjoy my games
@carsontyler3203 11 ай бұрын
What's strange to me is that this is the only video I have seen where both IK and CK are top tier. While strong, most other players I've spoken to put them as a middle of the pack army, with IK almost always being stronger than CK. I think Knights as a whole are a very "noob" stomper faction, but suffer against experienced players. Knights just play a different game than other factions which forces the other player to adapt to them.
@Wes-xk6hl Жыл бұрын
I feel like tau at least 1 tier higher but only very specific lists My thing with knights is that everyone always seems to ignore that they only have like 6 models on the table. What does the community think they should get for that incredibly huge disadvantage? It has to be something. We cant just ignore that key aspect. Sure its real easy to hate on them if you act like the other variables are the same as every other army. But if you make them about the same strength as other armies (which have 50 models on the table) then by definition they are going to be trash. Which is obviously why theyre so hard to balance and are always on the knifes edge of being viable or unplayable
@aleczandergordon1298 Жыл бұрын
Na knights need a big nerf, every single player sees that.
@Wes-xk6hl Жыл бұрын
​@@aleczandergordon1298 think you missed the point. I didn't say anything about them needing or not needing a nerf
@MrHoneuma Жыл бұрын
Nah. Tau currently have the 2nd worst winrate in the game. If anything, they're too high.
@leSmokySmoke Жыл бұрын
My knight list has 2 big Guys and EIGHT small ones :) I walk over and obliterate everything I see, No Army can Deal with 8 Tanks (with toughness 10 for some reason) and 2 mega Tanks Walking Up to you Just smacking your face in. I am not at any disadvantage, because after my First Turn you lost at least 3 whole Units No Matter what it is. I need a Nerf asap :) Make armigers T9 Raise some Points so I can't have 10 Guys and then we're fine maybe
@SLG493 Жыл бұрын
@@leSmokySmoke you are the first knights player i've heard to admit that the faction is OP thanks for your honesty mate.
@nickthenoodle9206 Жыл бұрын
I have an Eldar army, and there is good news for those who face them. Two words - Indirect Fire. Eldar don't really have an answer. Imp Guard find it easy to wipe the floor with them when stationary. 3 units of 3 mortar teams fire 9d6 S5 attacks auto wounding on 6's. 1 squad of 3 has a decent chance of taking out a Farseer in cover, and out of sight. Marine Desolation squads are excellent as well. This is the way. Oh, and its important to note that Aeldari were not play tested, otherwise it would have been noticed that some storm guardians, ie dedicated melee troops, don't have a melee profile. Their datasheet was simply copied and pasted from the original incarnation without fact checking. Autarch Skyrunners with a fusion gun cannot melee either.
@boyanpenev9822 Жыл бұрын
The eldar index is carried by several absurdly priced units and the way Fate Dice interact with "natural" 6s. Making fate dice not count as unmodified and upping several point costs (knights, prisms and wraithguard are imo the top contenders, and I can definitely see D-cannons and hornets joining them) can make a considerable difference in win rate. Ironically, outside of Harlequins, GW did a decent job of keeping them in a competitive but far from overwhelming state for the latter third of 9E.
@nickthenoodle9206 Жыл бұрын
@@boyanpenev9822 Knight are broken, but can be destroyed. I normally play Eldar, but I played with a mates Marine army, against his Eldar. He borrowed my Knight and 2 Prisms as well. My army included 30 Scout Snipers, 1 unit led by a Phobos captain with bolter discipline, and the army in devastator mode. With the Storm of Fire stratagem, the Knight didn't survive long enough to shoot, and used much of his fate die. My 15 desolators destroyed two of his 3 Prisms that round as well. For well under a 1000pts, these 46 troops destroyed the heart of his army. I play Eldar. I know how to beat them. Currently the means is Indirect Fire.
@ruas4721 Жыл бұрын
@@boyanpenev9822 Beside the combination of DW + FD the Eldar index is very bad. The Fire Prism and the two Avatars are the 3 good models with damage and tankynes. Most units are just unplayable.
@samhunter1205 Жыл бұрын
@@ruas4721 you keep spamming this bollocks. Do you have some sort of problem?
@samhunter1205 Жыл бұрын
@@nickthenoodle9206 agreed indirect is a major Aeldari weakness. That said, both Space Marine and Imperial Guard indirect is very far from ok and also needs a severe nerf. Also, out of interest, if you opponent was playing a wraithknight into a ton of indirect, why the hell didn't he deep strike it? I mean, I don't disagree that the few factions that can spam ridiculously undercosted and very efficient indirect can beat Eldar, but at the same time that doesn't mean Eldar are not broken or that all armies can do the same thing against them.
@n0rst4thew1cked3 Жыл бұрын
Question for KZbin people. This is my first change to a new edition, got in during late 9th. For Black Templars, Helbrecht and the Marshal don't have Chapter Master or Captain keyword. Do y'all think that's an error? And if so, how long does GW take to make changes like that?
@adampillari Жыл бұрын
Hard to say. It may be intentional that they don't want the rules for castellans to stack with them, or rules for apothecaries, lieutenants etc. to combine with the marshals. Or it could indeed be an oversight.
@munchinbiscuits Жыл бұрын
Sadly GW are rarely consistent enough to give you a straight answer. You could get lucky and get a surprise faq, or it could be something that gets addressed at the next balance dataslate
@n0rst4thew1cked3 Жыл бұрын
@@adampillari from 90% of the videos I've watched, with groups who competitively play 40k, most of them think it's an oversight, sucks because it really is a game changer
@adampillari Жыл бұрын
@n0rst4thew1cked3 they did just say this morning that a balance and errata is coming next week from the looks of it. Hopefully it will be addressed
@subaveragejoe2 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, he's being generous with Sisters. The entire army is just...not functional. Even points won't fix us.
Sister was my second army and I Just finished building all of them. 1850 points of sisters right before the index’s dropped.. I feel you brother..
@PriestessOfSlaanesh Жыл бұрын
Drukhari are great in this Edition. Its just a fast shooting army now instead of melee
@bloodhazard67 Жыл бұрын
With Chaos Knights only being at 45% win rate, beaten by Custodes, Thousand Sons, Orks, GC, Leagues of Votann, and even Admech. I vehemently disagree that they're S Tier.
@kylewells6871 Жыл бұрын
When the 40k app asked what the name for my DG list was gonna be, I went with "Sad Guys" ((facepalm))
@FrankSGuerra Жыл бұрын
CKs seem too high to me, and 1KSons too low, but I think this is pretty close.
@Vardaangupta- Жыл бұрын
nah chaos knights seem to be on par with the imperial knights the only difference is that imperial knights tend to be a bit more tanky where as chaos hit VERY hard, the brigands are the main reason they do so and with the desecrator giving re rolls it is very hard to survive a shooting phase of a knight army especially because you can't hide behind terrain because the big knights can see you even if you are behind ruins
@Dale4cetanu Жыл бұрын
@@Vardaangupta- Brigands aren't big knights though and CK big knights are not as lethal OR as tanky as Imperial big knights. So You can hide from brigands, and you can kill the big ones easier. It's not the same
@Saltism1 Жыл бұрын
came here to say this, our faction rule isnt comparable to the IK one and against Marines(there is a lot of those players out there) or any other good LD army, we dont get our army rule to take affect that often. I agree their shooting is good but this has started off as a shooting addition so its good for most factions if they focus on shooting as was stated in the video.
@dashkataey1740 Жыл бұрын
Upset about Votann. I just picked up the army set and read through the codex and was pretty excited about creating my own league. It's disheartening to hear that they are just an army now and you can't have much uniqueness to them like I was hoping for. Regardless, still going to paint them however I want to and make them mine. As for their Eye of the Ancestor rule, perhaps a way to make it better is something like, "Whenever a League of Votann unit is wounded but not killed, the attacking unit gets a Judgement token if it doesn't have one. Whenever a League of Votann unit is killed, the attacking unit gets a Judgement token." I don't know if that would be too powerful or not but from what I'm seeing, Judgement tokens are the way the army works and it needs a better way of dishing them out to multiple units other than just throwing sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. The first Judgement token is easier to give out to units since all they have to do is damage your bigger units but the only way to give them a second Judgement token would be for them to kill a unit. Would make the army feel more like vengeful dwarves. Just a thought.
@theemus Жыл бұрын
DG so bad they didn't even deserve to have their chapter in the video named after them.
@FhtagnCthulhu Жыл бұрын
While I think Votann can be okay with points adjustments, I don't think that would make them fun. They are still a tough army that needs units to die to trigger their core mechanic. They still have some do-nothing characters. Still can't benefit from their army rule and several of their own buffs. Basically no rerolls. Strats are a mixed bag. They just do not have much going on. I think even just raising them back to BS 3 wouldn't be broken. The one nice thing I can say is that the 'ignores cover' is fluffy for hunter weapons and very useful. At this point, just take away judgement tokens and start from scratch. They are almost as bad a design as Admech or DG, just accidentally have slightly better sheets.
@clayandros2038 Жыл бұрын
I kep seeing this EVERYWHERE so Our custodes rerolls are probably some of the least aggressive reroll mechamics compared to something like space marines or even the eldar who can just fix their rolls. Also because of how vehicle and heavy fure focused the meta is right now we arent in a very good spot when everything isnjust focus fire drop 3 damage shots on iur already small units.
@StrandsOfFate Жыл бұрын
In years to come we will look back on 10th edition as a broken one. It's potential is there, but there are too many flaws in the core rules interactions and foundations.
@stomptrooper1896 Жыл бұрын
DG should get their own tier below bad.
@joheras9330 Жыл бұрын
Deathgaurd look at Chaos demons and Nids and wish they could share the Fnps they have across the board... its a travisty as somebody whos fought nothing but eldar all week i can say this... Gw really loved this faction to much and gave it literally the jack of all trades and thats not even considering there fate dice mechniq which is just a supped up version of sisters miricle dice i have no idea what GW was thinking or if they were thinking when making eldar faction as a whole.
@lukefreeman4281 Жыл бұрын
The GW design team have always been full of Eldar d#ck riders. Its fine Eldar units being the best but make them damn expensive!! ATM their super powerful and cheap!! 🤦🏻‍♂️
@Tehstampede Жыл бұрын
I like that knights are in a good spot right now because I play CK but I don't like that they're in the BEST spot because they're going to get nerfed
@Wes-xk6hl Жыл бұрын
That's the story of every edition. O yey, knights are actually playable maybe I'll actually see some awesome models on the table. Enter community who thinks they should have never been added to the game. Knights die off and I never actually see them I really wanted to play knights, but I just can't because it's been like this 3x now. I'd simply be a fool to pay all that and paint them up for nothing other than some awesome models on my shelf
@TheMalthas Жыл бұрын
@@Wes-xk6hl I've played knights for a couple of editions now and even when these tier lists say they are bottom tier I've never seen it. Most of the lists you see on the battle reps are really cookie cutter and i really feel that their strength lies in more skewed lists. Like 10 armigers and 1 questoris, or bringing one of the big acastus class and a vailiant stacking it very heavy. i find if you aren't playing against someone really good they fold with the amount of pressure you can apply across the whole table.
@MrHoneuma Жыл бұрын
They're not. This is his opinion. As far as actual performance thus far, Chaos Knights are actually just barely in GW's target performance at 45%, if it weren't for the fact that 13 armies are below that mark, you could make the argument that they're underperforming. So I would say don't worry too much about it. As long as they're based around Battle Shock, they probably won't be in the top tiers. Imperial Knights on the other hand are 1 of the 2 most overperforming armies with a winrate over 60%.
@jedrzejjezierski2533 Жыл бұрын
Nice movie bro! I used to use this outro music for my youtube channel a few years back. Ah, nostalgia
@mintyaroma987 Жыл бұрын
I think you could have placed Thousand Sons higher - between their Cabalistic Rituals, Strats and Ahriman allowing another free Strat and hence Ritual, you can make 3 blocks of 10 man Scarab Occult Terminators or Rubric Marines all have Devastating Wounds along with other buffs from characters pumping out 40+ MW a turn fairly reliably. They have insane combos with very high ceilings so as long as you apply them properly they can just about take on anyone!
@johndoe-cv1gv Жыл бұрын
If you're going to make statements based on a factions abilities... MAKE SURE YOU'RE CORRECT WITH WHAT YOU SAY. The fact that you even think Devastating Wounds is the correct choice to tech towards, speaks volumes to your ignorance. FYI, the math of combo-ing Sustained Hits 1 (via detach rule), Lethal Hits (via sorcerer in terminator armour), and the cabal ritual to strip armour saves... is SIGNIFICANTLY higher damage than fishing for MW's. 1) Ahriman's once per battle free Cabal ritual cannot be used on Echoes to generate a free stratagem if you've already used said ritual in the turn. Refer to the line in his datasheet ", all the other rules for using Rituals still apply". Ahriman CANNOT use his ability to double up on a ritual. There's an enhancement that allows double tapping of a cabal ritual, but it isn't free (25pts + cabal points for ritual). At most, you can use 2 separate stratagems TWICE in one turn. (spend CP on stratagem 1, spend CP on stratagem 2, spend cabal rituals to re-use stratagem, activate enhancement to then spend more cabal points on another stratagem). The strongest stratagem double up combo (to layer on to 2 x 10 terminator units) is full re-rolls, and bolters buffed to S5 with the PSYCHIC keyword. BOTH units required to be within 6" of Magnus to gain the aura buff. 2 x 10 SoT's, Magnus, and at least one Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (with enhancement to double up on cabal rituals) is 1360 points. Throw in another 65 minimum points for a 10 man unit of Tzaangors / Cultists for the backfield objective / screening, and you're up to at least 1425 points. Congratz, you now own two objectives, and have 575 points left to perform objectives, and contest another primary objective (provided you even have the range). 2) One 10 man brick of Terminators, at half range, with every single buff layered (S5 Bolters, PSYCHIC keyword, full hit and wound re-rolls, Devastating Wounds detachment rule, AND proximity to Magnus for +1 to hit/wound) is 32 attacks. Fishing for 6's, re-rolling EVERYTHING that isn't a 6 on the hit roll, yields 9.504 x 6's. Factoring in the 2 x SRC's (12 shots, you'll gain an extra 2 MW on average. Your total is 11.504 MW's Lets assume you went for 2 x 10 SoT's, and somehow can position them both in proximity to Magnus, while ALSO gaining LoS for EVERY single model to shoot, you now have 23.008 MW's from a 1360 point combo (AND all of your resources). Magnus shooting puts out an average of 2.5 MW's, and his melee (if you somehow manage to charge him in, which would make things tricky to keep him within aura buff range of SoT's... Good luck). is approx 2.9 MW. New total: 25.508 (or 28.408 with melee). Any other available points you have left over, teching in to the highest damage potential for MW's, would bump you up to at best, 30. This is assuming an unbelievable amount of unlikely factors are going your way (in which your opponent is stupid enough to allow you LoS with TWENTY terminators, without ANY recourse). In essence, you'd have to be vs'ing a fellow window licker, with dementia. If you double down on your window licking, and take a 3rd unit of SoTs... Congratz, you now have 165 points left to spend on units that will score you points. You will also be unable to position in a way that allows you to both benefit from Magnus' Aura, AND have LoS to shoot. You will also NOT have more than 10 cabal points total (defeating your ability to even double tap the free stratagem ritual, as it costs 6 per use, totaling 12). Congratz, you now also lack the CP to protect Magnus if you fail a saving throw against a big damage gun. Take a moment to stop licking windows, and use that time to do some self reflection.
@UnalloyedMalenia Жыл бұрын
Sisters really got done dirty
@Sigdowner Жыл бұрын
For Votann, changing the token role to "they get +1 BS and +1 WS against the unit" would be a quick fix that may not make them amazing, but would help a lot. That and 24 range for the Magna Rail Rifle, but I'm not holding my breath on that second one.
@reginlief1 Жыл бұрын
While I agree whole heartedly, I imagine trying to word that could be hard. I think I’d rather change the Iron-Master’s ability to “increase BS”. And then hope we get a melee-focused leader in the wave 2 we’re getting…
@donaldtsummers80 Жыл бұрын
Just a heads up, your bookmarks have Death Guard listed as Adeptus Mechanicus.
@michaelallen7269 Жыл бұрын
Hmm dark eldar has always been a shooting army since 3rd Ed. They just became decent in melee the last few editions.
@dawn4383 Жыл бұрын
I think the problem is they have a lot of dedicated melee that are just terrible now.
@skilz2kil528 Жыл бұрын
@@dawn4383 I havent gone through the 10th changes too much yet, what made all their melee trash now?
@FearTheCaboose1337 Жыл бұрын
​@@skilz2kil528weak high volume melee is pretty bad this edition, and that's most of their melee threat
@dawn4383 Жыл бұрын
@@skilz2kil528 They lost advance and charge, combat drugs, stratagem synergy, and general melee blobs got nerfed by the engagement range changes.
@samhunter1205 Жыл бұрын
@@skilz2kil528 yes. Some of the coven options are ok but Wych cults and Incubi are not good at all. Wych cults also lost their combat drugs, which is a major loss of flavour and another fucking brain-dead decision.
@valaquenta220 Жыл бұрын
Good. At least now we know that votann ,death guard and adeptus mechanicus will eventually receive some major buffs (as they should). Which (funnily enough) makes it the BEST moment to start collecting one of these !
@JasperXoR Жыл бұрын
I think your ad covered up the Ad Mech part. it's labeled but there is no discussion of Ad Mech.
@MrHoneuma Жыл бұрын
I'm going to disagree straight away on the notions that Leagues of Votann and Adeptus Mechanicus are bad. Based on win-rates, they're 2 of the 8 armies in GW's target range of 45% to 55% at 48% and 49% respectively. Someone even went 4-1 with Admech at one of the GTs this past weekend. So I think its probably safe to say that their players jumped the gun and overreacted. Sisters aren't doing great, but theyre still about 37% for their winrate. Death Guard however are actually dead last at a 26% winrate. In order at the moment, its Drukhari, Guard, Sisters, Tau and Deathguard as the bottom 5 factions.
@XPOL12X Жыл бұрын
Necrons are insane. A single cryptothrall tanked 21 wounds before dying- it has 2 wounds. Then it got reanimated. I blew away 13 warriors with 6 bladeguard. They all got reanimated and then wiped the bladeguard. Last fight against warrior blob of 20 plus the diviner, overlore and cryptothrall, i killed at least 50 warrioirs and sniped the diviner. Character reanimated at full health and warrior blob still full health at the end.
@TheWhiskyDelta Жыл бұрын
A key problem I feel is people are still mostly building 9th style armies; very small elite glass canon builds. But 10th rules and lethality changes I think requires larger base infantry forces than most people are prepared to run. If we take the bottom DG, there signature abilities for 10th of -1T and Lethal hits basically demands volume of fire to be good. But most armies are running barley 20 models total.
@wenbenson143 Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree
@sgtredbeardtg2862 Жыл бұрын
I have been trying to pick a combat patrol box and before i saw this video i was like you know what Aeldari seems cool. Now (cause i know nothing) i know they are good.
@ConorJT3 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoying my daemons in 10th so far! Only played 2 casual games against my Thousand Sons buddy and managed to win both. Be’Lakor is such a boon. They kind of feel like how you described Orks; if you can deliver a ton of charges in one turn it bodes really well Also since Corrupt Realspace can be done in any Command phase, doing it in your opponent’s turn then getting away with Realm of Chaos can be a tricky little combo
@madisonkung8390 Жыл бұрын
I'm building a primarily Tzeentch/Slaanesh Daemons army this edition and I couldn't be more excited! They're a bit of a more fiddly army from my understanding, but I have a lot of faith in them.
@re1v3r Жыл бұрын
After watching Grey Knights @TableTopTactics, they're OP
@darksteelmenace595 Жыл бұрын
I disagree on the Chaos Knights. If your opponent has decent anti tank or can mitigate the high toughness they actually melt pretty fast because their saves are really mediocre still. And their army rule is just very inconsistant. Also their own anti tank is kinda meh because the meltas have too little strength.
@UntiltedName Жыл бұрын
Their army rule and the abilities keying off it may as well not exist during the turns it maters most tbh. They should be in good tier at best but the Towering rule is making people alarmed about them. If they lose Towering or people use solid terrain, they need something to guarantee battle shock, not leave their rules up to lucky shock tests.
@thefloridaman41 Жыл бұрын
As a Daemon player I feel like we have a really weird niche where we just need some quality of life buffs in the game like you said or else we are gonna be a really weird army in a few months. Like Mass battleline spam (particularly Daemonettes & Plague Bearers) with Daemon Prince support over the classics GD spam.
@oscarsantillan6487 Жыл бұрын
chaos knights are not in the same tier as imperial knights, chaos knights have army rules, as well as a detachment rule, chaos knights have one between 5-10% of the games, and the rules of the questoris knights, as well as the bondsman abilities from forgeworld models are far better than any other biffs than chaos knights get at very similar points costs, the only thing that chaos knights get are better armiger class datasheets, mainly the brigand war dog, besides that is just worse imperial knights, as well as worse souping options.
@Wes-xk6hl Жыл бұрын
Lol iv tested both and 14 small knights in chaos is unbelievably better than imperial. People complain about knights lists that aren't even that great. This chaos list I made makes them look like trash
@valaquenta220 Жыл бұрын
fully agreed : chaois knights are mid tier, not top tier. Imperial knights are op though.
@KawaiiAzusa Жыл бұрын
And current tournament results show that you are correct. Right now Imperial Knights have the second best win rate in the game while Chaos Knights are pretty much exactly in the middle of the pack. I think this shows that Towering or at least Wardogs/Armigers aren't the problem. The Big Knights are just undercosted and leave little counterplay to many armies, especially with the enhanced tankiness of IK (like -1 Damage aura, or a 6+/5+ FNP)
@Wes-xk6hl Жыл бұрын
​@KawaiiAzusa literally 1 weekend of tournaments lol. And the vast majority of those were rtts which have never really counted in terms of measuring things. For the most part you guys are probably right but let's give it a bit more sample size before we start quoting win rates And everyone is wrong about what makes imperial stronger. IF they are stronger, it's because they can slot in agents to virtually fully mitigate the weakness knights have always had. The fact that I havnt seen anyone talk about that tells me most people don't really know much about the situation
@oscarsantillan6487 Жыл бұрын
@@Wes-xk6hl I mentioned that chaos have worse supping options, because a vindicare can snipe the warlord turn 2 and give a 5+++ army wide, an option that chaos doesn't have
@Bovineicide Жыл бұрын
It's so funny that 40k is having it's DnD 4th edition moment
@jakestefano4118 Жыл бұрын
I'm out of the loop on that one. What's the similarity?
@Bovineicide Жыл бұрын
@@jakestefano4118 wotc decided to make huge, sweeping changes to 4th edition that everyone hated. So much so that 5th is basically them going back to 3.5 lol
@jakestefano4118 Жыл бұрын
@@Bovineicide Ha gotchya, I could maybe see that if they dont get their balance in order quickly.
@thetimebinder Жыл бұрын
No, 4e was a well designed game with great rules and purpose. WH40K has NEVER been any of that.
@christopherhughes7970 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has never played 40k but has played other tabletop games I’m curious to know if you can combine multiple armies in one list. Like could I Combine space wolves and imperial knights or space wolves and astra militarum, or possibly even all 3 into one list and still be a valid fighting force?
@user-hv6gi9ux6z Жыл бұрын
You can ally in "imperial agents" for imperial army's, allowing you to take a few models from inquisitors, assassins and knights. Genestealer cults can use imperial gaurd units. And chaos army's have agents of chaos which is the chaos flavour of imperial agents
@jeremycoffey5249 Жыл бұрын
So glad all four of my armies are going to suck in this edition :) Nice breakdown but I did see a really good game on another channel that showcased some serious grey knight butt whoopin on some demons. I think they are going to be a little more solid than you think. I think the ability to be able to always jump to be in position for attack or bolster defenses will be a huge advantage. And sadly not they are not one of my four armies :) DG, LoV, AdMech, Tyranids
@dittmar104 Жыл бұрын
The redeploy is definitely stronger in casual play than higher tables
@codyott1982 Жыл бұрын
I think I saw your sm tier list, but as I own sm and nids, I would like lists of both (if you haven't already done them).
Played my first game of 10th last night. Tyranids Vs. Grey Knights, I won but only by a hair. The psychopage is practically designed to kill Grey Knights so that helped also. Even though I won, it was really underwhelming on both of our sides. We had fun like always but it just felt.. weird? You know? Nothing felt “Smooth” about Tyranids. It’s hard to describe but my opponent agreed he felt the same way. Idk if it’s 10th or just both of our armies but something feels off.
@alexzero3736 Жыл бұрын
Grey knights as very elite army often struggle against unit spam armies...
@OperatorJoker Жыл бұрын
Literally played a game against T'au yesterday as Astra Militarum and got board wiped the second battlephase tell me how they are labled as "MEH". I lasted longer against Adeptus Custodes
@D00M3R_MAVS Жыл бұрын
what about black templars? they have different rules to "space marines".
@big7industries Жыл бұрын
Admech aren't great, but they don't belong in the bottom tier, been playing special Olympics with the derpy armies, and Admech are definitely the big Fish in the pond, they could prolly make it into the "Meh" bracket. A small points reduction will prolly get them into a good spot.
@The80sWolf_ Жыл бұрын
How should I build a blood axe kommando focused army?
@ruas4721 Жыл бұрын
I disagree for Custodes and Eldar. Custodes: in theory they have very good profiles, but the army has like zero anti-tank capabilities, vehicle heavy armies or in the worst case knights are like unplayable against. Also the objective game is realy bad in my opinion, the leadership is "bad" (for so few units) and there are so many automatical tests and bester scoring units in the game ... Eldar: The index is not the problem, but the interaction between Devastating wounds and fate dice. GW will fix this obvious error in no time and Eldar are done, maybe mid tier at best. Besides the mortal spam they have no good unit but the two Avatars and the Fire Prism. The best thing the rest of the army brings to the field is mobilety and many units not even that. If you look at units like Scorpions, they are just easily one of the worst 5% of units in the game and many other Eldar are the same. Only op because GW cant write rules.
@thetimebinder Жыл бұрын
Custodes can literally run a Knight.
@thetimebinder Жыл бұрын
I disagree with Aeldari being bad once Devastating wounds + Fate Dice gets fixed. The current skew list that is exploiting those rules is done, but that is the point. Also, just not using ruins with any windows utterly wrecks the Wraithkight version of the list. I've been doing just fine and I don't run a knight at all. Honestly, spamming fate dice into invulnerable saves has been way more busted.
@RazORKful Жыл бұрын
Still faithful to my ommnisiah.. hoping the new codex later in the year gives us something.... Why do they hate destroyers so much?
@Grossmond Жыл бұрын
I like how you point out how Necrons have an amazing full wound reroll while not calling out its requirement of half range....
@Glasshammer_Matt Жыл бұрын
Because you get it at full range when the unit is led by a character which is extremely easy to do. With the enhancement
@Grossmond Жыл бұрын
@CrustDee You're not wrong, and I agree that its easy to have a leader. It just felt like a bit of an oversimplification to the requirements of the strat.
@Glasshammer_Matt Жыл бұрын
@@Grossmond probably just to get his point across smoother. I don't think most of the strats will be used often without the leader buff. :)
@Wes-xk6hl Жыл бұрын
The real winners of this edition will be necrons and gsc. With such a huge shift towards tanks, which wont be changing, it means everyone is going to have to build for that. Virtually everyone they play against will be that so theres not really a choice. But then that means they arent set up to deal with gsc or necrons. And you cant set up for both at the moment
@leSmokySmoke Жыл бұрын
Thats bullshit. If anything it hurts gsc and necrons aswell, gsc for example wants to bring 2 Trucks, 2, 4, some even want to Bring 6 ridgerunner. Which you either cant do, sacrificing your own choices, or Just give away bring it down because it grants so many points. Plus both factions, especially gsc again giving away assassination for free aswell. So on a competitive Level, you either cant bring your own AGame right now and suffer yourself against vehicles, or give away at least 30 Points for free since they can all just kill your low T vehicles easily. Which makes it very hard to win right now, even with all the Points you can make yourself.
@leSmokySmoke Жыл бұрын
Assassination needs a Split as Well, with any character at 3 wounds or below only giving 2vp
@blankspace4358 Жыл бұрын
Grey Knights need more damage or a points reduction + daemon hammers for anti vehicle. Simple.
@markhohenbrink5230 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the Bad tier entirely and would add Tau is definitely almost in that tier if you dont want to spend anywherw between 2-3k USD on forgeworld units. The index has a ton of problems and FTGG in incredibly bad for what the Tau playstyle is with something like the Taunar.
@neckris512 Жыл бұрын
i play sisters, i like the " miracles are better than fate dices!' haha! sure just w8 to get table 1rst and i will saw u!
@Poisonedwight Жыл бұрын
I really wish they’d give slaanesh his own traitor faction or even just a separate faction from the chaos deamons I mean he has the emperors children but when are they gonna be made playable?
@jegysesara7070 Жыл бұрын
Love the Knights getting some love. My Forgeworld Lancer has changed each edition and now it had a bondsman ability and way more deadly. Just awesome!
@willlondon4964 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, seems Knight Lancer will become a common sight once the plastic kit is out. (I'm waiting until then to get one) 4++ is amazing one less attack than a gallant but much more durable and inbuilt tank shock.
@jegysesara7070 Жыл бұрын
@@willlondon4964 I have had this one from 8th Edition, wanted an Imperial Knight that was unique and saw the least love was given to the Lancer. So I ended up restoring one that was beaten up from eBay for about 160. Safe to say, it seems to always be the Warlord or Second in Command. It does very well but yeah, it is a built in tank of death. My only real concern has been 1000 point games. Generally all you can take is one knight and maybe rest of Armigers. Got lucky as the Lancer with 2 Warglaives and 2 Helverins is exactly 1000. Also yes, them having a flat 4++ Invul is surprising. Most of the time, it survives enough till near the end. Now it may survive the whole battle potentially.
@WoWisdeadtome Жыл бұрын
Drukhari have been turned into a shooting army with the potential for an incubi counter strike and a lot of combat troops you will not field. The list seems a little boring as I think its strength really revolves around the warriors now. Squads mounted in raiders can fire freely from the deck and with the ability to divide fire among different targets your dark lances and blasters can fire at walkers/armor while splinter rifles just pile wounds on infantry, no matter their armor save, taking that many hits you will fail some. Wyches are the biggest disappointment because they can't be fielded as a unit of 5. If they could, you could take a succubus for the pain token, attach it to the wych squad AND still mount the entire thing in a Venom. Nope, never mind. I wouldn't want to invest much in wyches as they die instantly when fired upon and their threat just isn't there.
@bloodraven5533 Жыл бұрын
I'm really not a fan of Astra militarum's 'lethal hits if you're stationary' Sacrificing movement for lethal hits might be good, but it's so boring. Like who wants to fight against a stationary tank line, who wants to play as that? Maybe with artillery, but I don't want to have to sit still with infantry and tanks just to be able to put out a middling fight
@WookieRookie Жыл бұрын
Why World Eaters are above Grey Knights? World Eaters can do nothing to Grey Knights, this is the least fair matchup.
@Nurgor1 Жыл бұрын
Why is it that Genestealer Cults always feels better than Tyranids? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
@facemite Жыл бұрын
Always? Tyranids spent the majority of 9th as the strongest faction.
@ValyrianGenos Жыл бұрын
Lol yeh, where have you been the last few months. They were OP for ages and GSC were one of the worst.
@MrOK-fx2ep Жыл бұрын
Anyone that ranks Thousand Sons below Custodes and CSM… no… just, no.
@TheSoulMeister Жыл бұрын
My sisters. My poor sisters army. ;_;
@woahhbro2906 Жыл бұрын
TSons are probably a bit better than CSM, but solid list
@tommyback7642 Жыл бұрын
How do you deploy from an aircraft?
@jakestefano4118 Жыл бұрын
I foresee the nerfbat incoming for Knights
@sockMonster241 Жыл бұрын
Teleport Assault just makes GK a moving target, rather than a target. Thanks for taking away our hammers. "We are the Hammer" lol
@obsidanix Жыл бұрын
Grey Knights probably need to go from meh to good. Unless is a army thats brought a lot of tanks. Knights will push and hold any infantry army off objectives. If its a tank advance amd charge baby carrier with the hammer does fair damage to tanks.
@xaymhd8818 Жыл бұрын
Tsons definitely need to be higher
@RobDP1981 Жыл бұрын
Sad my tyranids werent buffed to be higher up the list.
@knotcho2715 Жыл бұрын
Also I’m noticing the more I learn about the game and watch all these YTers. They just go by what they “know” from what’s on paper.
@ChimeraGames Жыл бұрын
Was looking for this comment. It’s important to remember that most KZbinrs making these lists and giving their opinions on 10th have not played every army themselves. Go with your own experience and enjoy painting and playing what’s coolest to you!!!
@kuhndog7468 Жыл бұрын
No black Templar?
@davidjones4772 Жыл бұрын
I think GSC are top of good for sure. With uktc terrain they would go above knights.
@WoWisdeadtome Жыл бұрын
I haven't played 40k in probably a decade. I played Adepta Sororitas at the time, largely because they were essentially as good at shooting as space marines and still had the power armor crutch but at only 2/3 the cost. I didn't want to play space marines because literally EVERYONE plays space marines. Seriously a tourney list is an anti-marine list because if you play four games at least three will be against marines. My only other army is Drukhari, which also seem weak. Guess sitting out another edition won't matter.
@ryankyle2467 Жыл бұрын
That’s a little disappointing how low the Orks are but that’s fine since my other two armies are pretty high on this list!
@bronzejoseph9393 Жыл бұрын
Orks now don't have too much power to smash everyone just by brutal force. But, they can be more devastating in missions. Well said, they are now cheap (85 for Boyz, 105 for SnaggaBoyz), mobile (6 inch move and charge after advance in specific situasions) like witches, tough (5 toughness against bolters and lasguns, 5++ once per battle, nobz with boss have -1 to wound) like wracks - they can fill the board, and with a few ones, that actually can do damage - outscore EVERYTHING. Necrons can ressurect from "nothing" - don't care Mortal wounds everywhere - well done, I have 22 more units to go (more often, mw concentrate on killing 1 unit) So, yeah, Orks aren't too strong - but they have more scoring tactics, than anyone else. And, cause missions nowadays are around objectives - I can do nothing with your army, and still win.
@RoyKhn Жыл бұрын
Not super sure about Sisters being so low. I've played only 2 games with them thus far in 10th (they where my main army in 9th), one against Tau and one against Tyranids monster mash, and surprisingly enough, they did pretty ok against the nids. I have to say, even though the meltas are now lower strength (realtive to the new, higher toughness values) and lower range, they do still pack a punch in their AP. Also, having access to multiple acts of faith per phase and a whole bunch of easily accesible miracle dice. makes them quite reliable, especially with a Dialogus. No, retributors are not the powerhouse they used to be, but Meltas do still pack a punch in this "everything has cover" game we have now.
@MrKehoeOUT Жыл бұрын
Issue with sisters is they are weak into indirect and have a real issue with av. S9 multimeltas wounding even armigers on 5s is not where you wanna be. And save hunter killers you have almost no access to s12. Mm need av 4+ or s 12
@subaveragejoe2 Жыл бұрын
Sisters suck, there's no two ways about it. The issue isn't that retributors don't hit hard, the issue is that the second they're in line of site of anything(and a lot of times before that) they're dead. Once people get used to 10th, they'll die to overwatch before they get to shoot more often than not. Plus...yunno...all the other problems.
@RoyKhn Жыл бұрын
@@subaveragejoe2 this has been true always. Why is their durability an issue now?
@RoyKhn Жыл бұрын
@@MrKehoeOUT I think the short range hurts much more than the 5s to wound. Plus, you have a ton of miracle dice now.
@gunchar06 Жыл бұрын
@@RoyKhn You play Sisters but don't even understand why their durability is an issue now, did you somehow never realized that Sisters were a glass canon army that relied on trading, and last edition even got mostly proped up by Bloody Rose(+ unfair secondaries and Armor of Contempt)? They are a glass pistol army right now, can't trade well anymore, and have a detachment that relies on the opponent either being incompetent or getting unlucky.
@Rhino_king1 Жыл бұрын
Death guard aren’t bad tbh you just need to be good
@erikstoner98 Жыл бұрын
New meta list is known, DG has a 28% winrate lol (General Jannis explains more)
@homer7245 Жыл бұрын
thousand sons are definitely above necrons. literally one of the few factions that have the ability to wipe a necron warrior blob thats fully buffed around (like half your 1/3 of your arm) the amount of mortal wounds they pump out is insane
@D00M3R_MAVS Жыл бұрын
no way, you put nids as "meh"? I think they're one of the coolest factions in 40k.
@DarrinSK Жыл бұрын
Somebody help my machine boys!!! :(
@jeffreywitty3088 Жыл бұрын
Chaos knights are just "op", low cost for war dogs (135 to 150 points each) and their ability to "all-round" are nearly overwhelming, Imperial knights less so (if facing Eldar). T10 with 12 wounds and a 3+/5+ save is frightening (pun)
@LoftOfTheUniverse Жыл бұрын
If Aeldari are the top, then their counter picks would be higher on the list i.e. custodes, 1k sons, grey knights.
@chiledog24 Жыл бұрын
Played 3 games with deamons vs guard using belakor to prevent any fire turn 1 every game i had to concede on turn 2 as one round of guard shooting destroyed 50 percent of my army in each game
@Wes-xk6hl Жыл бұрын
I have to believe a lot of the doomsdayers for the top factions are doing so in order to distract from their own broken army. There are plenty of things that are way too strong. But noone is talking about them Meanwhile, I can't even buy a win with tyranids
@aerka0s760 Жыл бұрын
Did your tables have sufficient terrains to hide, did you try to put more units in deep strike while protecting only a few units with Be'lakor ability?
@chiledog24 Жыл бұрын
Yup lots of terrain my entire army was either in deepstrike or covered by belakor
@JoeFlamenco Жыл бұрын
Chaos Knights aren’t winning any tournaments after the point nerfs.
@punchyMiddleEarth Жыл бұрын
How do people believe anything GW says 40K related? Especially in regards to improving the game or making it balanced/playable in any form what so ever. 10 Editions of pay to win garbage they still can't get right!
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