Tafseer of Surah 109 - Kafirun - Nouman Ali Khan

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Tafseer of Surah Kafirun, the 109th Surah of the Qu'ran, by Nouman Ali Khan of the Bayyinah Institute
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@ayesharahman7010 2 ай бұрын
Jazakallah Khair. Beautiful tafseer I am eternally grateful to you. Its so easy to understand Quran after your tafseers and lectures. Your tafseer just opens up both the Quran and the Arabic language. The Quran becomes a pleasure after your tafseer. Its beautiful how the Quran opens up after your tafseers. I always learn so much after your tafseers. The animation videos are a pleasure to see . I used to avoid Quran lessons now I wait everyday for Quran time so I can listen to your tafseer and watch your animation videos. Now I understand and love the Holy Quran now . Now ,after your tafseers I realize the beauty of Quran, its predictions ,stories and its orders. It's is now obvious to me that Islam is the best religion . May Allah S.W.T bless you in this world amd the Hereafter. May you be granted Jannat ul Firdos. May you be given shade on the day of Qiamat. May you be given a position equal to Hazrat Muhammad and his Ummah. Ameen . Jazakillah Khair again Nouman Ali Khan ❤
@UnfunnyMayonaise Жыл бұрын
1:05:00 (notes) -CONNECTION WITH PREVIOUS SURAH (KAUSAR) allah said in the previous surah that allah has given him kausar, so when kufaar offered him money, he already had far better thing, and in surah kausar, -allah said in surah kausar, ina shaniaka huwal abtar, the enemy is gone , he is taken care of by Allah, so he doesnt have to make compromise so he can go straight to thier face and say ya aiyu hal kafiroon -It is as though allah is saying that we have given you these powerful words (surah kausar) so dont care about them, dont turn towards them, you dont need to -BACKGROUND HISTORY the kufar had insulted the messenger and had said ' batara muhammadun' so allah responded to it in surah kauthar, the prevoius surah, but as they called rasool something, allah in this surah also gave prophet the right to call them something back i.e 'kafiroon' as it is QUL ya aiyuhal kafiroon, kufar's insult was :abtar Allah insulted them back with the word : kafiroon -DIFF B/W KUFAR'S INSULT AND ALLAH'S RESPONSE 1:kufar's insult was wrong (as prophet's name is and will be made till the day of judgment) the name Allah called them (al kafiroon) fits perfectly , its right 2:kufaar's critism was not about prophet's character, behaviour bcz there dant be any, but the name Allah used for them is not just a bad name but also tied to an action -this is one of the harsh ayahs against kafir in quran -POLITICAL COMPROMISE -kufaar said to Muhammad s.a.w that you follow our releigion for one year and we follow your relegion for the next year and so on.. they also said that or we are willing ot give yousome wealth so that you leave us alone, this is called political compromise, -they said it as they realized that prophet Muhammad isnt going to stop preaching his relegion altogether or he isnt going to accept ours completely so they tried to make him enter bit by bit -thats also a trick of shaitaan, as allah said in the quran to eneter the islam COMPLETELY and not follow the FOOTSTEPS of shaitaan, -WHO IS THIS SURAH TALKING TO? as the word QUL is used, this surah is not talking to all the mushrikoon, its only talking to the specific kufaar who got the special favour of Allah that the last messeneger was is them, and they got to hear the last revelation from his s.a.w mouth, but they still disbeleived completely. HOW NABI DELEVERED THESE AYAHS he came right upto the leaders of quraish who were having thier lil meeting and said to thier face ,يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْكَـٰفِرُونَ in other words you have rejected me and I have rejected you 🔴VERSE 1🔴 QUL YA AIYU HAL KAFIROON WHY HE CALLED THERM KAFIROON BUT NOT MUSHRIK kafir: one who rejects Allah completely shirk: accepting Allah but associating other partners with him --meaning of kufr kufr means to deny a favor, as they received the favor of Allah, the received protection from ashabul feel, they received Allah's final messenger (the answer of the dua of hazrat ibrahim), so they are really ungrateful --he called them kafiroon not compromisers or even mushrikoon, normally Allah calls kufar 'alazeena kafaro', and there is only one place in surah tahreem where they are addressed directly, ya aiyu halazeena kafaro , it's about when they will be being addressed on the judgment day (and it may be angels or believers saying them cuz Allah won't talk to them on judgment day) but in this surah allah isnt talking ot them, allah is telling the messenger to talk to them --kafiroon (noun form) Allah has used kafiroon in ism form, noun, and noun indicates consistency., so Allah is saying that they were, and will be kufar, so it's talking about specific kufaar, who have been given the best opportunity (as nabi pak was the daee )to accept Islam but they still didn't accept it, -so they refused to leave their shirk, that's why they are called kafir --Allah didn't mention what they disbelieved, he just said those who disbelieved, meaning they disbelieved everything, the messenger, the ayahs, their fitrah QUL --nabi saw was so soft and he was told to be soft towards people by Allah,but these specific kufaar reached such a point where he was told to say these words,that you are gonna remain a kafir (as noun form is used).so the word qul comes before cuz it was hard for prophet to say to them 'you cant say it cuz u r soft so u just say what im telling you to say, QUL , --kufaar thinks they can choose what to follow etc,, but nabi pak s.a.w isnt presenting his opinions, so Allah used the word Qul to tell them that it is not nabi pak's opinion that he can make compromise on, its Allah's decision, and nabi is only communicating them the message, --in this word thier is insult to the kufaar as Allah hates them so much he doesnt talk to them directly, at the same time there is an award to the messenger s.a.w KAFIROON --kafir: one who rejects Allah completely --kufr means to deny a favor, --it was more insulting for the kufaar when nabi said it to them as, when a person who uses good language, doesnt swear, and is known to speak the truth says something bad or offensive, it hurts more, and the kufaar also knew him for his truthfulness -this harsh word shows that Allah doesnt care for them, so the door of dawa and prophet s.a.aw mercy is closed -its the anger of Allah manifest in These words YA AIYUHA -its used in formal settings, it gives dignity -aiyuha adds another aspect, when its a serious matter aiyuha is used, it creates distance -so allah also makes a distance from kufaar in this word too, just as in qul and kafiroon 🔴Verse 2🔴 MEANING OF IBADAH -to be abd of allah, you need to fulfil five conditions 1: obedience, we have to obey Allah 2: love,we have to love allah more than anything else 3:tawaqul,we have to have tawaqul(trust) in Allah (and his planning) 4:sincerity, when we do something it should only be for the sake of Allah 5:the terms of slavery,in every kind lf relation there is an exchange, we do that you do that, EXPLAINATION OF THE 5TH POINT The fifth point is imp in regards to this surah , as during exchange, compromise comes, but in our and allah's relation there us no 'exchange' we do what allah has told us to, no compromise on it TWO COMPONENTS IN IBADAH it combines the meaning of slavery and worhsip, ---worship is done at certain tim (during prayer etc) ---but slavery is done all the time even when we are sleeping some people worship Allah but doesnt enslave themselves to Allah, to be abd of Allah we have to do both things TWO PROPOSALS AND TWO REJECTION kufaar came with two proposals, 1 that you follow our relegion for one year 2nd that we will follow your rrelegion for one year, so there are also two rejection as the ayahs have repetetion, وَلَآ أَنتُمْ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعْبُدُ and then later on وَلَآ أَنتُمْ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعْبُدُ WHAT KUFAAR WORSHIPED AND WAS A SLAVE OF kufaar worshiped idols and they were enslaved of their desires
@UnfunnyMayonaise Жыл бұрын
🔴VERSE 3🔴 ABIDOONA ---Allah used it for kufaar, ---abidoona is a noun form , which means that you (kufaar) have never been in the past, not now in present nor will you everv be in future be enslaved to/worhsip the same god that I(muhammad s.a.w) do, which means they will remain in kufr WHY DID ALLAH CURSE THEM IN THIS WAY? in another part of quran Allah says "am abramo amran fa inna mubrimoon" "have they tied thier rope ehwn it comes to this relegion, then we have tied up our rope also" -the arabic word is ibraan, which means to tie a rope for contruction (cuz they didnt have cement ) , the rope is strong, and you knot it twice atleast, and once it is tied , it is not untied, and Allah used verb past tense for thier rope and used noun for his rope , noun is permanent and verb is temporary, cuz on judgment day they will wish that they were muslim, -so they made up their mind to never worhship or be enslaved to Allah ABUDU ---Allah used this for propphet s.a.w ---it is in present form, Allah didnt mention his past form for him prophet s.a.w never did shirk but he truly became the slave of Allah when the revelation came , he was looking for it, and when allah gave it to him, he became a true slave ---one of the reasons for it is that even tho nabi pak became a slave to Allah now but even before the revelation came, the kufaar and nabi was not the same 🔴Verse 5🔴 Its like"And i have nevr ever been a worshiper of what you have been worshipping" -we repeat a sentence it means we are angry ir talking in harsh tone , and allah here used this vrse two times MA Allah didnt say man a'bud( who I worship and am enslaved to), he said MA a'bud(what i worship and enslaved to), -This what could be Ma mastariya So what here means what worship i do, the kind ,the form of worship that I have taken of Allah, you will never take -if MA is taken as mausula, it is like what an amazing god i Worship and what pathetic falsehood you worship -the diff b/w who and what is that , who(you are looking for identity) What( you are looking for qualities) So when MA is used for Allah, his qualities is being highlited, amazing and true etc And when MA is used for the kafir , thier bad qualities are highlited, pethatic falsehood 🔴LAST VERSE🔴 This verse is commonly translated to , "to you is your relegion, and to mr is mine" But its bot correct ---lakum is early, so it adds the 'only' in it, so its translated as your "your relegion is only for you and my relegion is only for me" also indicating about hijrat, that now the dawah there has ended so nabi pak is making hijrah DEEN -Deen comes from the word daen , it means loan, something that you own to someone in precise terms or something that is own to u, -deen is aslo used in arabic for government, as it gives people what they own and people give government what it owns -deen necessetates an authority -so this ayah translates as " your will get exactly what you deserve, your judgment is only for you and my judgment is only for me" its an open challenge, -this ayah was revealed after decade of dawah, and at that point, this ayah was revealed, so they are told that you keep doing what u r doing, we are not gonna collide with words but we are going to rnd up colliding with swords, WHY THERE IS A CONFLICT EMBEDED INSIDE THESE WORDS the mushrikoon are keeping thier idols in the haram, and messenger say job was to purify the relegion of ibrahim, and he can do so as he reconstute the house of allah for the purpose that it was built, and it was not done then, so in order for his deen to complete. thier deen has to go -there is a ya at the end of the deen. "deeni" for retorical reasons the ya is removed, it is called hadaf (to take word out) it is done for several reason -to put an exclamation, ( when you are excited or say something emphatically) -the ya would refer to the messneger and his role hazs been minimised as Allah's role has been maxamized from start (QUL) this further shows that its Allah's order , and not messenger's WHY DOES IT SAY "I" This surah is for all muslims but allah used the word I , as he highlited that the messengar alone is enough for them, as some disbeleiver would say that muhammad is nothing without his followers (astagfirullah), but Allah is telling them that he, muhammad s.a.w ,without his followers is enough
@UnfunnyMayonaise Жыл бұрын
-DEEN 📍Comes from "daeen" 🔻means: 1:"loan" 2:Or "government" 3:The day of judgement is also called "youm u deen" 🔻Why? Bcz in all of those things we are getting something exactly what we deserved (judgement day). We are giving and getting (government). something that is owed to you or you owe to ppl (loan). This makes the ayyah "your judgment is only for you and my judgment in only for me" . There is a conflict embedded inside these words
@UnfunnyMayonaise Жыл бұрын
⭕THE LAST WORD OF THE LAST VERSE. (DEEN) this word was actually meant to be "deeni" with a "ya" at the end but if u read the mushaf the "ya" has been removed and there is on ly a kasrah. changine the word from deenii to deeni (the "i" is pronounced longer in the first case) it is called "hazaf" in arabic ( a mission) . it has following reasons 🔻:when the "ya' is removed to a ksrah it means 1: we are begging Allah as in : rabigfirli ( O allah forgive me) 2: we are excited. (exclamation) in this ayyah it is used for the following 🔻REASON 1:the emphatic power in which the messanger s.a.w is saying this is my deen 2: messanger's s.a.w role has been minimized as Allah's role was already maximized by using the word "QUL" ('say!' meaning it is Alah s.w.t's messanger , you are dealing with Allah s.w.a now not his messenger only) by using this at the end it is as if Allah s.w.t is saying that in the end even, you don't mention yourself much. that decision is Allah's its not really you. ⭕Connection of the legacy of prophet Muhammad s.a.w tied to the legacy of prophet Ibrahim a.s. Prophet s.a.w is repeating the legacy of Ibrahim a.s as he s.a.w is departing from quraish In another place in Qur'an Allah s.w.t says: Already there is a beautiful model for all of u especially in the legacy of ibrahim a.s and those who are with him when they said to thier nation "we are completely disassociating ourselves from you and your worship (anything besides Allah no doubt about it. And they said we are doing kufr of you ppl and your relegion and now anamosity and hatred had been born from us and you forever (that group particular) until u believe in Allah the one and only. And the ayyah goes on about the exception of ibrahim when he made dua for his father. Is not this another depiction of surah kafiroon? And how the messanger deals with the quraish, he is repeating even in his amanosity against the quraish,repeating the legacy of Ibrahim a.s . This is how incredibly well history connects subhanallah! 🔻The messanger was told to speak alone and Ibrahim a.s. (who had very few followers) even he was told to speak with the believers with him. A contrast. The reason behind this is that hazrat Ibrahim was supposed to stand togeher with his follwers and then soeak up to his nation but rasool Allah s.a.w who has many more followers than him he is asked that u go speak by yourself bcz they need to see that they cannot be talking to you in this way ,this is what u r made of. The irony.
@am60k Жыл бұрын
May Allah reward u
@ishaqkhan5327 Жыл бұрын
barakllah fik, such a good work you have done. jazakallah khairan
@tabindaashfaq4076 4 жыл бұрын
I don't like to share comments on utube specially but I thank you for sharing it with us for free. I swear my heart makes dua for you. May Allah forgive you and accept your duas.Ameen
@mishkatahmadchowdhury1513 2 жыл бұрын
@kingrapid 3 ай бұрын
@intellectualislam-py9ih 7 ай бұрын
Oh what an explantion shuKrun ya ustaaz for giving us these lectures free
@elbissan 3 жыл бұрын
thank you thank you thank you Jazakom Allahu Khayran
@finneganmario7705 3 жыл бұрын
i realize I am kinda randomly asking but do anyone know a good website to watch new tv shows online ?
@judesamuel1357 3 жыл бұрын
@Finnegan Mario I watch on Flixzone. You can find it by googling =)
@owenryland2359 3 жыл бұрын
@Jude Samuel yea, I have been watching on Flixzone for since march myself =)
@finneganmario7705 3 жыл бұрын
@Jude Samuel Thanks, I went there and it seems like a nice service :) I appreciate it !!
@judesamuel1357 3 жыл бұрын
@Finnegan Mario no problem :D
@kholoudmanlucu 12 жыл бұрын
Jazakallah khair for the free tutorial, barak allah fee kum
@MikayilAbdullayev 2 жыл бұрын
How wonderful and great the Quran is both as a weapon and as a shield. How amazingly it embeds so many jewels inside just one ayah. We muslims miss such a great blessing of Allah by ignoring(mathaAllah) the Quran and spending almost all of our time for things that are ephemeral.
@UnfunnyMayonaise Жыл бұрын
Pearls from this tafseer 56:05 ➖TRAP OF SHAYTAAN➖ ➡️How shaytaan traps a beleiver :The first trap is slowly getting you out of islam by slowly making you follow the footsteps of kuffar. How? Well. You have a group of frnds and you know that they say bad words, you know that they will play music in gatherings,and they invite you to one of thier gathering or party and u say to yourself "ok this time only and later on i will never go and handle my imaan" but u dont know what this "one time" could do to your imaan . :::::You could imagine a crack on water damn . One crack and some of the water goes out . And as the time goes by,the crack will grow and bfr u know it there is a disaster. Its a slow process of getting you out of islam by slowly involving you into things . 🔻THE RELATION OF THIS TRAP WITH THIS SURAH kuffar told the prophet s.a.w that they will follow the his (s.w) relegion for one year and then he (prophet s.a.w) will follow thier relegion for one year (which was shirk). Bcz kuffar knew that there is no way they can stop prophet s.a.w from preaching and they will not follow islam, so they want him s.a.w to soften up a bit and they will soften up a bit . Bcz they had no power over this msg . Just like the crack on water damn , they wanted to build a crack on islam and imaan of prophet s.a.w. ➖ DA'WAH ➖ ➡️RELATION of dawah with sales :::Only this specific thing which will be discussed is same in da'wah and sales . Other wise da'wa and sales have many differences. When a person is selling an item . And there is a costumer buying it, who is in power? Ofc the costumer , especially when u are desperately selling it. Tye costumer sees that u are in need of selling it so they'll ask for discounts and throw in some more stuff with the product. Bcz they know that the seller is in need and they will sell it. The matter was same with the kuffar they thought prophet s.a.w is desperately giving dawah of islam so he must be in some need so they kinda discounted by saying yeah we will follow it for one year and u will follow ours for one year. (Kuffar were not accepting the lordship of Allah bcz if they did they would not make such lame demands). ➡️What makes the da'wah more effective :The da'wi (the person giving dawah) 🔻the words of the da'wi are effective and eloquent such that they touch the heart (by the will of Allah) 🔻the character of the da'wi If the person giving the dawah has great characters such that he really acts upon what he is saying 🔻How much barakah Allah puts in the da'wah ::In the case of prophet s.a.w everything was there. His characters were so good that even bfr nabuwat ppl called him sadiq and ameen (truthfull) . And the words of prophet s.a.w were the quran. The barakah was there, but many ppl still disagree Some of them were called kaffir (kuffar/kaffir is a strong word meaning a person who has not accepted the truth and WILL not accept it) bcz the da'wah was perfect but it was them who ignored it or did not want to loose thier political position . ➖WHY U SHOULD NEVER CALL SOMEONE A "KAFFIR"➖ "Kafir" is a very sensitive and serious word, we dont have any authority to use it for our non muslim neighbors, frnd or anyone who is not a muslim. Cz kaffir is someone who will never ever accept Islam and that knowledge is only known to Allah. In this surah some soecific ppl are called kaffir cz they had the last book, the last prophet, years of dawah, tye great companions but they still denied it. ➖ CONDITIONS YOU HAVE TO FULFIL TO BE AN A'BD (SLAVE :AS IN ABDULLAH) OF ALLAH➖ 📍اطاعت obedience 📍حب love 📍تو کل trust Sincerity (in your deeds) اخلاص 📍 From start and through the end you should be sincere (in your deeds i.e zakaat, helping,prayer etc) Terms of slavery 📍You are in no position to define what does it mean to be a slave of Allah. These terms only comes from Allah. You only obey. While in other relation ships its a two-way deal "i do that and you do that" but in this relation between a a slave and a master, we will do what we have been told.You can only be a true A'bd if u do what Allah says ,not what you think or what your beliefs are. ➖MEANING OF IBADAH ➖ ibadah means two things in english :Worship :Slavery Worship can be done in specific times like prayer hajj etc but slavery is 24/7. You can be a worshiper but not a slave (a person prays 5 time but in between the times of prayer he goes to his haram buisness) so it does not fulfil the meaning of ibadah. You are then not an a'bd (slave)
@marziazahedee1005 6 ай бұрын
Subhan Allah. JazakAllahu khairan for this!
@momonajjar393 7 жыл бұрын
keep up the good videos!! May Allah SWT bless you!
@ninakhalid161 7 жыл бұрын
Jazakumullah o khairan
@saeedurrahman3234 6 жыл бұрын
Ma Sha Allah wonderful job brother, really fantastic. May Allah bless you
@shehwarkhan9985 4 жыл бұрын
And among the people are those who say we believe but they are disbelievers and deceivers
@halimibr 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent job
@MrSuperman957 4 жыл бұрын
@mishkatahmadchowdhury1513 2 жыл бұрын
🌹Subhanallah Alhamdulillah La ilaha illallahu Allahu Akbar 🌹La hawala wa la quwwata illa billah🌹 🌹Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Aziim🌹 🌹Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam🌹Asaalatu Assalamu Alaika Ya Rasullullah🌹Assalatu Assalamu Alaika Ya NabiAllah🌹 Assalatu Assalamu Alaika Ya Khataman Nabiyeen🌹 Assalatu Assalamu Alaika Ya Rahmatallil Aalamin🌹 Assalatu Assalamu Alaika Ya Rahmatallil Aalamin🌹 🌹ASSALAMU ALAIKUM WA RAHMATULLAH to Brothers and Sisters🌹
@abdallaomar4673 6 жыл бұрын
Jazakullah khayr
@lakiglasgow 6 ай бұрын
There's a huge polemic on the word kafir in Malaysia today Thus, i want to listen to this lecture and hopefully understand something..
@bethanyallan631 8 жыл бұрын
@Sistrofans 7 ай бұрын
Alhamdullilah ❤
@yusyus75 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir
@shehwarkhan9985 4 жыл бұрын
After listening to him I feel like I need to take a bath
@elopuff8575 3 жыл бұрын
@ayesharahman7010 2 ай бұрын
@saharkhan728 5 жыл бұрын
@lulukannisya6662 5 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up buat lecturenya 👍 Perlu menyimak dari awal sampai akhir. Sebelum berusaha menciptakan narasi atau desas desus yang tidak baik.
@indiansaudi93 9 жыл бұрын
Mashallah Very nice Thanks
@AfzalKhanBunairi 4 жыл бұрын
The sound is not good before the break
@BKAYS Жыл бұрын
@mdkhan3928 9 ай бұрын
@mirumer521 4 жыл бұрын
Assalam U Alikum.. Ustaad i deed ur Notes of Quran....
@zaakirah4997 5 жыл бұрын
Part 2?
@englishtime7285 4 жыл бұрын
English subtitles bi de diya karein. Accent samh nai aa rha
@Malay_13 4 жыл бұрын
Türkçeye çevrilmiş hali var mı bunun çok acil??
@shehwarkhan9985 4 жыл бұрын
@hayatollahfaraz5481 5 жыл бұрын
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