Well sorry for that...the fighter was from Dan Docherty's school of Practical Tai Chi Chuan. I have never trained with Dan myself, but understand him to be a top British coach/instructor of the art. I believe he has trained and fought Full Contact himself in China in the past. I believe him to be a no nonsense Tai Chi Chuan Master and teaches the whole art and not just the Tai Chi Form. Purists may say that its not possible to do Tai Chi Chuan with gloves on, but hey - its the same with my style of Kung Fu also. Regards D
@StopMoColorado7 жыл бұрын
fengpo - Well said. As a former Docherty/Cheng Tin-Hung lineage student myself, I can attest to its legitimacy and effectiveness. especially the Nei Kung. The big mouthed Keyboard Warriors who aren't familiar with real Tai Chi (hint, it doesn't include techniques and exercises with Buddhist names, those always come from Shaolin styles - not to bash Shaolin, I've learned some great things from some of those lineages, but they aren't part of legitimate Taoist arts, including Wudang Tai Chi) seem to expect to see something from a video game or a Jackie Chan/Jet Li film. Those are certainly entertaining depictions of fantastical, idealized Tai Chi, but not representative of real Taoist, Wudang Tai Chi. They're just not. I've found another art that suits me better, at this point, but wouldn't hesitate to recommend Docherty lineage TC to any of my friends or to anyone interested in contact/combat effective work. I definitely recommend some ground work, too (take your pick: Catch Wrestling, Judo, JJ/BJ, Sambo, etc.), but the blow absorption/internal strength work is the real deal, and those guys are willing to put their reputation on the line to prove it, and have done so several times already, publicly. I've found similar "work" in both the Silat style I studied and in various Russian styles, which I also found quite effective (when I took up boxing again, right before I turned 40, I could absorb punches like they were nothing, from 20 year + pros and the then-17 year old regional Golden Gloves champ, the hardest hitting "kid" I've EVER met, I've seen him break ribs like it was nothing, with 16 oz. gloves on, no less!), and learned relaxed striking methods (very common between various Internal Styles, in my experience) that could lift 260 trained boxers off of their feet with hardly any effort. One of the secrets of the dominance of Soviet-era Cuban boxers was their Russian coaches and the methodology they brought with them, BTW. All to say, those who haven't studied actual Wu/Cheng/Docherty lineage Tai Chi or crossed hands with those who have, all the while claiming to be TC experts (lol! 😆😂😂😆😝) have no idea what they're talking about and have no ground on which to stand. Those who are humble and wise enough to have an open mind, and are interested in actual combat/self defense competency over flowery degraded forms based POSING, would do themselves a favor to actual sit in on - or actually take - a few classes with those guys and only then start flapping their jaws (or keyboards). I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm no longer a Kung Fu or Tai Chi student, but I actually did the research, studied various Bagua/Pakua, Xing Yi, and Tai Chi styles (including Chen, both the exercise form and the stuff with the fake/combined lineage that is mostly Kung Fu and hardly related to the Taoist internal arts whatsoever, before I found the Wudang style), I found Docherty lineage Tai Chi to be the most legitimate claimant to actual, complete, Martial Tai Chi, and its Nei Kung to be demonstrably, measurably effective for both Jing (strike/body power) and impact absorption. If I hadn't, I wouldn't say it were so. I studied with an Indonesian Master (Grand Master, actually, but he generally avoided even mentioning that, embarrassed by praise, a truly skilled, humble student and teacher, and a generous soul, to boot) who can drive nails with his hands, chew and eat glass without any damage to his body, have baseball bats broken over his neck, body and arms without any harm or mark to his body (I bought the bats and the nails myself, they weren't tampered with in any way) snap through stacks of steel files with his wrist and fingers without lifting his hand above his shoulder, not to mention his combination knife drawing/attacking/disarming techniques that are so fast the eye can't follow what he's doing (though I've watched slow motion footage of the same, it's mind blowing and humbling) and more. There are multiple real internal Styles out there, and the competent, legitimate instructors who teach them are generally both willing and able to demonstrate it without qualification or hesitation. I'm very happy with and confident in the Russian work I generally stick to these days, I'm years past being involved in any SE Asian martial arts anymore, but respect the Instructors and Masters of those styles to this day, and won't hesitate to defend them against childish trolls. When you've got a video of someone from your style embarrassing Docherty or his students, feel free to upload it, it would be instructive for everyone. Until then, though, the critics are just talking $hi+.
@Jenjak5 жыл бұрын
Sanda is the best example of taichi applications done with gloves.
@indefenceofthetraditionalma3 жыл бұрын
I was at that event. I’m pretty sure I fought there the year after
@azarazar0072 жыл бұрын
Why am I here?
@justinhumphreys62262 жыл бұрын
@YungL.i.X.6 жыл бұрын
This is hard to watch
@piedpeter18 жыл бұрын
I agree! this is just sloppy kick boxing. didn't see any tai chi or Kung Fu. - P
@indefenceofthetraditionalma3 жыл бұрын
Almost like tai chi and Kung fu are methods of fighting….just like kickboxing….
@liang31022 жыл бұрын
Yeah post one of your fights so we can see tai chi and kungfu