Milk , best is fresh from the cow . Dairy guys sell and the others add to the cost . Form their own co op , and sell to the locals !
@scottgordon17812 күн бұрын
As for the guy in and out on bail , put a bracelet on his ankle and track him . Still has a passport ? Just how would he just leave ?
@scottgordon17812 күн бұрын
Ok , has the monitor , where is he going ?
@scottgordon17812 күн бұрын
Need water ? it can rain there a lot ! Collect the rain from the roofs . Just add tanks . New builds could have large underground tanks . More use of rainfall might help in less flood damage ? try the tokyo idea , huge caverns . Malta had the idea many years ago . How will the hubs connect ? With respect , not so much a ' valley ' , more a corridor . One step at a time .