The use of Stop Flow to abuse the forced phase shifts and prevent Rembrandt to even act was genius! That Time Stop into Explode crit was 👌
@Muctales Жыл бұрын
Thanks! I am so glad I was able to find something against him because I really hate his blast mechanic x)
@Kevassa Жыл бұрын
Holy shit the absolute min/maxing of stop flow and managing stuns! This is feeling like Shionne and Cheria brutal spell optimization to work around boss patterns xD
@Jamesaga Жыл бұрын
The utility Stop Flow has in this game is so good, I definitely appreciated it when we were fighting Barbie together xD Great job optimising this fight though, it felt like an episode of bdz where Rembrant just kept changing forms for the entire duration.
@Muctales Жыл бұрын
Forcing myself to only use spells really gave me a lot more insights at how good all those spells can be in various situations and Stop Flow is one that I really started to appreciate a lot more
@JustSamu Жыл бұрын
CC management looking VERY tight here, great use of Big Bang to refill off of the minions 🙏 And just like Zeke already mentioned, that Explode crit was sexy 👏
@Muctales Жыл бұрын
Yeah CC management was pretty annoying for that fight. I kept switching between a chaser Accessory or the one that refills CC on kills to see what was better in the long term. I still ended up using Chaser lol.
@Nazookada Жыл бұрын
Fire ball 8655 damage?????????????????? Explode 95230 dmg?????????????? Calm down girl, show some respect to the old fart