Eating Lab: The Science of Weight Loss | Traci Mann | Talks at Google

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@sophiakat 6 жыл бұрын
She is very chill about the obesity epidemic. There is no surprise that people who have years of bad habits, just going on a crush diet and can't sustain it. It's not about making obese people's life easier, they gain weight because it's easy. Fast food is easy, not moving is easy, giving up is easy.
@Goodbyeeveryonehere 3 жыл бұрын
I went plant-based vegan in 2017 and quit smoking 4 days later when i had previously tried to quit using the same method for at least 10 years without success. I believe that eating meat meses with our brain chemicals (particularly dopamine levels which are also raised by nicotine). The reason i think this is that the 10 years i mentioned not being able to quit smoking i was eating meat. I was not eating sugars for those 10 years and obviously dont eat them now as already mentioned. Therefore the only change i made was taking meat out of my diet (dairy was already out because of lactose being a sugar of which all sugars i am intolerant to including fructose so cant eat fruit either. I lost 7 stones (7 x 14 pounds) in weight in the first 8 months with no effort and now am at my natural weight. I never crave anything. Diets are classed as temporary. The mindset of people who go on "diets" is that diets come to an end and then they can eat whatever they like again. Thats not true. If you want to stay the way you were when on the diet you have to keep eating that way. The difficulty with that is that most people cant keep eating that amount/those types of food. Thats because of what those foods are. Processed foods/meat and dairy. I love the food i eat and look forward to every meal. I eat up to 6 potatoes with each meal (3 meals a day) with either salad or cooked vegetables. Those taste way better to me than chocolate and sugar which i used to be addicted to. It also goes without saying that i didnt gain the weight back afterwards 4 years later. Incidentally, a french scientist discovered that no more calories are burned running a marathon than are burned doing light housework. Im guessing that this is because back in stone age days we had to walk 10-15 miles a day to find food. We would have all walked ourselves to death if there wasnt a set amount of calories to be burned off. Evidence of that french scientist is on Dr john mcdougalls youtube video entitled "alzheimers part 1" So basically exercise is recommended for brain and bone health only. It doesnt help us to lose weight and i didnt exercise at all during my weight loss. Nor have i lost more weight since exercising every day. For more information on what this lady's talk is about watch "how to lose weight without losing your mind" on youtube by dr. Doug Lisle who is a clinical psychologist who studies evolutionary psychology. His method is what lost me those 7 stones permanently (i wont gain the weight back again if i never want to eat the wrong foods and i never do want to so i won't ever eat it). Never felt so amazing health and mental health wise as since I've been plant-based.
@ahmedm6234 9 жыл бұрын
she is a great teacher. enjoyed her vary much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yasmeen66 8 жыл бұрын
You need to read the book that is all based om scientific experiment. I am a true believer in what she's saying. She is not saying don't use good judgement. She sis saying that people who don't eat all day long is not because of will power. It is like some people have an itch that they need to scratch and some don't have the itch or have a lesser itch to scratch And actually, I have this proven throughout my life. It is good to have science saying the same thing.
@BigPictureYT 4 ай бұрын
Did any of the diets you studied keep their subjects in a state of ketosis? I've found that my hunger when eating a low fat, plant based diet was far more intense than when eating a ketogenic, animal based diet and doing 72-hour fasts. A 72-hour fast on a low fat diet would have been impossible. The need to raise my blood sugar would have created undeniable cravings and resulted in binge eating. After a month of being in constant ketosis, fasting is simply convenient and less expensive. I don't have to spend time shopping, cooking, eating, and cleaning up, and I don't spend money at restaurants and grocery stores. I forget that I am fasting. Around my regular mealtime, I feel the sensation of an empty stomach. If I drink filtered water with electrolytes, the sensation disappears. Any research on keto diets?
@Vivienwestphal 3 жыл бұрын
Strategy called "get alone with a vegetable" cracked me up😅
@colasensei6210 6 жыл бұрын
The main point about what she talking about : "There's no clear science about this "
@DharmendraRaiMindMap 9 жыл бұрын
8.25 - " there s no evidence at all that people can harness their willpower . Actually not sure what that even means " if she wrote the book how can she not know what it means ?
@darksoul1381 7 жыл бұрын
I think it means she could not easily define it scientifically as it is obviously a very very subjective term.
@Tod_oMal 7 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know good documentaries about Weight in relation to Genetics?
@DharmendraRaiMindMap 9 жыл бұрын
8.25 - " there s no evidence at all that people can harness their willpower " ? that s a seriously wrong thing to say
@Douglas_Gillette 7 жыл бұрын
Audio buzz is acceptable for live events at google?
@yasmeen66 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for writing this book :)
@robhingston 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe I shouldn’t bother dieting then.. if it’s going to come to nothing..
@FullmoonPhantom-dn2sr 2 жыл бұрын
Most people lose that battle not because it’s impossible, but because the average dieter doesn’t usually go on sustainable diets. They change their eating habits for a few months, lose weight, and then go right back to their old habits. The habits you create should be lifelong ones. The changes should be something you can do forever. You don’t have to do anything crazy. People also fail because there’s psychological factors that go into losing. I knew someone who lost 100lbs. Looked amazing! They were a bit overweight technically by about 10lbs, but they were so much happier. You’d never be able to tell just looking at them they were slightly overweight even at their lowest weight. People around them were so jealous and so shocked. Calling this person “skinny bitch” or “anorexic” or “abused” by their boyfriend. Friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, their own children, everyone was shocked or jealous. They were too. They ended up losing the battle and gaining back everything, but it wasn’t as simple as they were a failure at dieting. Diets just don’t work, etc. This person also lost the weight quickly (within 1 year). They kept the weight off for a couple years before gaining it back. Idr how many years. They lost the weight using the common sense diet, walking for exercise everyday, and doing farm work. Some exercise at home and going to the gym sometimes. Not much of that though. Mostly walking and physical labor. Their day job was also a physical labor type job where they stand all day and lift heavy items. I’ve kept my weight off for a year on the common sense diet, that is, calories in calories out. I haven’t cut anything out completely. I just built up better habits than the ones I had before. I say it’s a diet because technically it is, but I’m actually fairly anti-diet. I’m not done yet losing (because I have a lot to lose) and I’m making adjustments where I see fit like I’ve recently picked up carb counting as well. Nothing crazy. Just eating less carbs than before. I’m using an app to track everything. Losing weight permanently usually means playing the long game. Something I wish I knew pre-diet was it’s not necessary to go 0-100. You can lose weight especially when you’re obese even when eating A LOT of food. It just has to be less than before. I’m okay overall because I’m playing the long game and I’m short so I can eat 1500cal and be fine. Still, it would’ve been easier had I known I didn’t need to start out at 1500cal a day.
@billyb6001 5 жыл бұрын
Sourkraut is amazing!!!
@Heretical_Theology 7 жыл бұрын
"There is no such thing as will power and all weight is a healthy weight..." ???? She tip toes around words worrying about offending people but multiple time has no issue saying "Jesus/God" in a curse form. She wants us to have sympathy for people who are genetically disadvantaged with weight gain again saying will power won't help but then gives ideas on how to avoid bad food. I weighed 275lbs. I lost 50lbs because I had an autoimmune disease to gluten and am no getting fit lifting and eating REAL food. It wasn't a simple "eat less" or "diet" strategy but I still did something about it. Go to a doctor. Go to a nutritionist. Eat Real Food and stop eating crap food. Want some "Will power"? What you're eating is killing you. A diet may not fix it but doing nothing is, as she puts it (the only real thing I appreciated her saying) is that we are lazy. We need to stop tip toeing around the issue. Get angry. Get mad. Do something but stop saying woe is me while stuffing your face with a doughnut. You just might have a genetic condition. You just might have a disease causing inflammation like I did. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If a diet doesn't work, seek professional help. We can complain about how unfair weight is all we want but that won't help us when we are six feet under and dead at 45 because we died of obesity. I'm willing to help anyone who is willing to help themselves. I am sure this lady is as kind and compassionate as she is scatter brained but I hear a lot of enabling and a lot of excuses and no real ways to help until 40 minutes into the video which was to "eat veggies first" and to "keep candy out of arms reach." Really? Ya think? She clearly is doing something right because she looks fit. Instead of telling us "it's ok" tell us what YOU do for your body type. Every body is different and needs different diets depending on our goals but if you eat candy, drink soda, eat fast food and can't seem to eat even just 5 cups of veggies ( you need about 10) then you aren't taking your health seriously. It shouldn't take WILL POWER to simply want to live unless you are clinically depressed. Obesity WILL kill you and lower your quality of life. Change your lifestyle- change your thinking- get your butt off the coach, away from the TV, go outside, make a plan, get friends to help and do it. Sugar is HIGHLY addictive and is in everything in a box. Buy real food, go through a couple days of withdraw and come out a new person. It may not be "will power" but it will take a new and healthy habit to want to have a new and better life.
@rotorhead_al4629 4 жыл бұрын
WRONG! I discovered her on that episode of bill bye saves the world and everything she said didn’t make sense to me. If everything she said was true, I wouldn’t have lost so much weight and kept it off. Still losing by the way. Sure sometimes I stall and maintain or gain a few pounds, but guess what, I fucked up, I blame myself for breaking my “diet” which is really just normal healthy eating habits for me. I’m on the keto diet, but I just consider it a normal healthy lifestyle change, eating habit. Within the past two years, since I made the decision to seriously use willpower and motivation, I have been successful at losing fat and the weight that comes with it. From 350 to 227 as I type this. Have I gained significant weight since? NO!
@Vivienwestphal 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, your experience is totally valid. However, I think that her advice works more for people who are already lean but keep being obsessed with getting into extremely low body fat percentage. Its also not a particularly useful advice for very active people who might have body building/performance goals. On the other hand.. It seems like great advice for managing healthy weight long term.
@FullmoonPhantom-dn2sr 2 жыл бұрын
The vast majority of people gain back the weight, but the vast majority is not literally everyone. It’s also not necessary to use will power all the time. It’s actually not advised. It’s easier to just not buy the junk at the store in the first place than to have to keep using will power. Will power is finite. I’d consider myself as someone with pretty strong will and I think I could keep saying “no” even if it was just out of sheer stubbornness or I said “no” so many times, I’d feel embarrassed if they saw me break. Still, I admit my will would likely evaporate over time because again, it’s finite. I’d like to believe I’ll be the small % who keep the weight off, but honestly, I’ve only been dieting for a year. Idk what will happen 3 years down the line. I certainly was expecting to be at my ideal weight by that point. It’s only recently I’m hearing some are still dieting even then. The habits are life ones which is why I’m still going strong after a year, but still, I’m not gonna lie and say I wasn’t expecting to be able to eat ice cream without a care after a few years. Hell, I thought I’d lose more than 30lbs after the first year. Technically, I have 1 month left before it’s officially 1 year. I did Keto 3 years as a child for seizures and I did so without ever cheating, but I didn’t have a choice to cheat back then. I kinda had to be perfect on that diet because it was necessary for my health. When I went off the diet I had lost all sense of control of food for a while. I did become obese despite knowing almost nothing back then about Keto other than I was on it and I couldn’t have the same things other kids could. Despite not caring about being the weird kid and I honestly forgot what food tasted like. I didn’t miss it. Despite being underweight to the point of having bones stick out and people were accusing my mom of abuse for me being extremely skinny and being on a diet at all. I didn’t take back that control for years so even in that situation the outcome wasn’t perfect. Keto did control the seizures and gave me a life which was the objective. Before I was having 300-500 seizures a day with medicine not working and usually making my life worse actually. I lived obese until I couldn’t do so anymore without consequences. I felt those consequences at just 24-25. I had 2 different health scares which I had to acknowledge might not have been as bad or happened as soon if not for my weight. Even you said you’ve only been dieting for 2 years so you’re not at 3 years either. How are you today, btw? Are you still dieting or have you met your goals and changed your plans? Remember, another reason the majority lose the diet battle is because the average dieter picks unsustainable methods to lose weight. That’s gonna effect success. I know my brother still eats raw egg whites, powders, and diet pills to lose and then wonders why he fails to sustain the loss.
@rotorhead_al4629 2 жыл бұрын
@@FullmoonPhantom-dn2sr first of all thank you for commenting and sharing your story. I’ve been alright, but you’re right, will power if finite haha. Managed my weight around 225 for a good while until recently late last year started to gain a bit. I’m at 250 now but it’s still nowhere near my highest weight which was 350. Just starting to regain some will power and go back on keto, not exactly strict but I’m back on course again
@GurgleGurgleBlahBlah 6 жыл бұрын
In 20 years, the number of obese people in USA increased by 25%. That cannot be explained by genetics. I'm sorry but anyone who talks about "obesity" for one hour and avoids the word "sugar" is immediately suspect in my book. With all her fancy studies, how does she explain the 25% increase in obesity rates?
@phillyfans5641 6 жыл бұрын
GurgleGurgleBlahBlah something in the water
@ash20453 5 жыл бұрын
GurgleGurgleBlahBlah the obesity epidemic is not solely caused by sugar. Come on, now lol
@rotorhead_al4629 4 жыл бұрын
GurgleGurgleBlahBlah right! I discovered her on that episode of bill bye saves the world and everything she said didn’t make sense to me. If everything she said was true, I wouldn’t have lost so much weight and kept it off. Still losing by the way. Sure sometimes I stall and maintain or gain a few pounds, but guess what, I fucked up, I blame myself for breaking my “diet” which is really just normal healthy eating habits for me. I’m on the keto diet, but I just consider it a normal healthy lifestyle change, eating habit. Within the past two years, since I made the decision to seriously use willpower and motivation, I have been successful at losing fat and the weight that comes with it. From 350 to 227 as I type this. Have I gained significant weight since? NO!
@magdalenadacunto888 8 жыл бұрын
It´s good but she could have briefed us more!
@lugosky02 9 жыл бұрын
It's ridiculous how she had to waste time making sure adults wouldn't start crying like babies.
@KellyIHolly 3 жыл бұрын
Hi. I enjoyed your work! I have been trying to research for KZbin vid that really explains the ideas in this video. 👨‍⚕️Your breakdown for sure is like the channel of Doctor Ethan! Dr Ethan's tips are insightful and I learned a lot for my diet. He is an educational med student in the UK! Go check his channel out and give the medical student a like! ➡️ #DrEthanOnKZbin
@HealthPoliticsAndProtein 3 жыл бұрын
The questions come along and they seem to ruin the plausibility of her argument. Her explanation for why people gain weight after their lives change - person goes to college, gets married, etc. - is an increase in set point. Ocamm’s razor says no. There is also no scientific definition of set point as she admits. This is very shoddy deterministic work
@tinolino58 9 жыл бұрын
What a list of excuses... hahahhaa
@Tod_oMal 7 жыл бұрын
You call science a list of excuses? You should study a bit more to heal your ignorance.
@darksoul1381 7 жыл бұрын
Well that's the exact stuff she was refuting about. Do you think will power is the only problem if the damn statistics is saying there's a problem with just relying on willpower? Don't start with "Well the person I know has successfully lost weight bla bla blah" because that is one very insignificant data about to be hidden under a pile of millions other samples. We're talking about your whole damn body even your brain--in charge of functions lower than cognition--designed and programmed under ages and ages of genetic material accumulation going against you, for months, for years, and you have to tame it. Do you stop yourself from going to the bathroom with sheer willpower? Maybe. Yes, but eventually you need to go and your effort becomes meaningless under the premise that there was nothing stopping you from going to the bathroom.
@sidraa5327 7 жыл бұрын
insulin makes you eat foods that doesn't trigger insulin secretion.
@1967davidfitness 6 жыл бұрын
You should study me, I am serious.
@Goodbyeeveryonehere 3 жыл бұрын
Me too. I went plant-based and 4 days later quit smoking. I've had no cravings for either processed foods or cigarettes since then. 2017.
@andreshadow2 3 жыл бұрын
Blah blah blah… She just wants to sell her book
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