Taly Explains his Golf Swing Mechanics and Geometry with Driver

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@andrewkossowsky3023 12 жыл бұрын
Very similar to what I've done as well. PowerSlot Swing, like this, minimizes the movement and maximizes the swing. Very cool to see that people get it that golf does not have to be as hard as it once was. Cool video, Taly. AK
@jwreturn 14 жыл бұрын
I like your twist on the Hogan "2 plane" idea, I've been incorporating that into my swing with great results...can't wait to try it your red ball thought/illustration.
@1WEEBLE1 15 жыл бұрын
I tried this on the range today and I think you really have something that works.
@diffonyahoo 15 жыл бұрын
Hi, thanks for replying. I tried this out at the range today. Impact is definitely better the the distance actually reduces. I completed a full shoulder turn at the top of the backswing and started the downswing with the hips which is how I usually hit and get about 230y with the driver but today using this, I only got to about 200-210.
@steveperry1344 6 жыл бұрын
i've had the taly device for several years and it's really helped me. i don't use it much now because i just imagine it's on my arm and keep the club behind the red ball with a firm left hand and the club comes thru at the right time. it produces a lower more boring ball flight with a draw when lining up square. for a fade i line up open with open face. this swing requires less timing and i would recommened to anyone who likes to try different swing actions.
@scoremore05 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Kudos to you @favcity. Give yourself all the credit as you've obviously put in the work. The no arm swing move is not always the most well-received but our goal as an engineering firm was to develop a simple, repeatable move that maximized a golfer's power. So it overlooks many things that will occur on their own if a golfer simply focuses on moving the red ball by turning as shown. I've learned from Lynn that it has a flying wedge structure but there are a few things he would change.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @blandhoney. I haven't researched either of those techniques but I have heard of both of them. Keep up the great work in finding the best move for you and nice job understanding where this move varies.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Hi em2michael, Thanks for posting. Please note that we actually developed 3 simplified swings, and the "Without Swinging Your Arms (WSYA)" move is only one of them. We do also have a modified traditional swing in which we have still taken out the hinging, releasing and squaring called the "Vertical Arm Drop" move. With regards to your question, distance is usually longer with the WSYA, but more importantly, it is more consistent and effortless because it is a body-powered movement.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting favcity. Help me understand your question a little better. You mentioned three different things: 1) an open clubface, 2) "how do I avoid hooking", and 3) the PullPush move. Please note that the move shown above is not the PullPush which is one of the 3 simplified moves we recommend. It's the "Without Swinging Your Arms" move where I set the club behind me and then don't change the position of my arms relative to my chest as I move into impact.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Great point seanillesgolf. Those are great names and I do too, just not with this move. These alignments are for the "Without Swinging Your Arms" move and provide a very powerful and accurate alternative for golfers who have not had success with other techniques. With the two other simplified moves that we have provided, we do return the shaft to its original shaft plane.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @remmy100. Yes, this swing can be used for iron play. Red ball over golf ball and use turning only. Do not allow your arms to advance on their own.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting BTSZ101. The swing would actually look fairly similar even with a neutral grip because of the reset position that I make with the red ball at the start. I point the red ball directly behind me but also turn my left forearm to the right so that the shaft tilts on plane and matches the red line and the back of my left wrist. By using a strong grip, I don't have to turn my left forearm to the right too much. With a neutral grip, I would just turn it a little more.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @tomduke88. This Without Swinging Your Arms move is not representative of what Strix is doing. The vertical arm drop move that we have posted more closely imitates it. You can do this move from a normal setup position and simply think about getting into that 9 o'clock reset postion that I do on the way back but it's more difficult because of recoil with left arm bouncing off your chest and then we also attempt to help the swing with arm movement.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
The simple answer is yes my goal is to arrive at impact with the same position that I have set in my backswing. Now circular motion will have an effect and try to unhinge and straighten things but I hold everything firm and do my best to restrict any movement. When I hit the ball the furthest, I have managed to get my cluhead back down to the ball before any release can occur. It's an extremely connected and powerful impact position.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @james3r. Please share with us the correct way to swing a golf club.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @laremac. We do have some slo mo videos posted on this channel. We'll try and get you a few more.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
The red ball passing over the golf ball is key because it identifies the proper spine tilt. Or in terms of what you might say, it identifies a path for your flying wedge to follow. This is very much a pivot only move, but that's just describes what I feel. Once I set the red ball behind me on plane (i.e. putting your flying wedge on plane), I move it by using pivot only. Turning only Now sure, other forces get involved and try to straighten things out but I resist them and keep turning.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @favcity. No, we don't start inthat position and didn't factor it in. From what I hear, Moe was a phenomenal ball striking and I believe his swing is the foundation for Natural Golf. The most noticeable Moe Norman adjustment that I know of is the left arm and golf shaft on the same line but we don't use that for our simplified moves. We want that bend in the left wrist so we can properly leverage the Triangle that is formed between our red ball and the golf shaft.
@patrickgiles-ou1dp Жыл бұрын
No hinging… no flipping… strong left wrist… pure Trevino 👏👏👏
@oochoa73 15 жыл бұрын
Great Technique... I actually have been working on it for a few years now...
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
hi xvirg, I'm comfortable with these but I am always on the lookout for a new shoe for the right foot. That's the only one I change when I hit at the range since it's the only one that really gets any wear and tear. I call changing only one shoe being efficient. Others call it being lazy.
@zkool5 15 жыл бұрын
I like it. This idea of clubhead not passing redball at anytime before impact is the truth I believe, which reinforces the idea of "hand ahead of ball" at impact.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Hi favcity, I'll be meeting with one of the top TGM instructors to understand the proper TGM descriptions of our simplified moves and then I'll be able to tell you more definitively if I'm "hitting" in this video. IMO what I like about TGM is that it's more of a resource than a specific swing so I'll be interested to see if our vert move is a TGM "swing". Even though we simplify what golfers need to "do", other things are "happening" and maybe as a total package it might align with TGM.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @mr3856a. There's a big difference between releasing and holding everything firm and just turning into impact. If I allowed a release it would be a very different move. When I hold everthing firm, my shaft releases and that is much more powerful and repeatable.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
For this move, I want everything to remain firm and connected and I don't want the momentum of my backswing to carry into my downswing move and cause the arms to fling into the golf ball. My only focus to get back to the golf ball is turning my shoulders and body so that the red ball passes over the golf ball If I hold my hands/arms firm and turn on that that plane, the shaft remains bowed and I try to get my clubhead onto the golf ball before any release occurs. This is what I feel.
@cockywatchman1976 10 жыл бұрын
Got to say the idea, marketing and product is genius. Ive got hold of one, gonna have a play.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Good point jmtwocool, We are actually working with a professor over in Europe right now who also noticed the same thing.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Hi JLTRAIN233, Thanks for posting. No, I don'' want your club as straight as possible. Your club is your club and the only thing we want it to do is bend. The point of the video is to show you the plane and geometry involved in the most effortless body swing. The red ball acts as a reference point and: a) allows you to see and maintain no wrist hinge, b) Reveals your proper plane if you point it at the golf ball, c) Gives you one point to focus on. Just move the red ball.
@blandhoney 14 жыл бұрын
have you ever researched the Lever Power or Elbow to Elbow golf swings? i switched to Lever Power golf due to a back injury. some of the ideas are the same- removing the wrists from the equation- but the Lever Power swing is an arm swing rather than a body swing. 'invented' by Jack Kuykendall, creator of Natural Golf. anyway, i am always interested in easier and more effective ways of doing things, so keep up your good work in reinventing the golf swing!
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Good points @gaylorddagigi and yes, this move does promote a straight or slight draw ball flight which is more than sufficient for 99% of golfers. Also, if you want to fade the ball, you simply open your stance more and do the same move further out to the right. For me, if I want a fade I prefer to simply switch from this body move and use more of an arm move.
@IslandSimPilot 14 жыл бұрын
Pretty interesting, although I think essentially what you've figured out is how to not come over the top and attack the ball from the inside. If you look at the clubshaft when the left arm is parallel to the ground on the downswing, it's pointing exactly where it is with all great ball strikers: at the ball or just outside it. Watch any down the line shot from any PGA Tour pro on here and you'll see the same thing at that point in the swing. And the guy in this video most definitely releases.
@waldo0424 13 жыл бұрын
Taly, Do you keep your left wrist flat or bowed at impact? Your swing is awesome! I got the Taly mindset and I am trying impliment the " without swinging your arms", swing. Thanks!
@EyeAmBatman 11 жыл бұрын
Great invention Taly, you discovered the golfholygrail.Most golf instruction youtube videos just over complicate swing mechanics..Does a dvd come with the device? How much does it cost?.I really want to try this out, ive a nasty slice
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
By the way jmtwocool, the golf tool with the red ball is called the TALY MIND Set and it's simply a reference point so golfers can clearly see what's really going on in their swing.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Note - this is not the typical body swing that is taught. This move has: 1) No additional cocking/uncocking into impact. 2) No squaring the clubface with arms, forearms, or wrists. 3) No independent swinging of the arms, and 4) No allowing the left arm to drop back down to the toe line. Using the Taly allows you to repeat this geometry by monitoring the Triangle formed by: 1) the golf shaft, 2) the line out to the red ball, and 3) an imaginary line from clubhead to red ball.
@fr3agnt 13 жыл бұрын
Nice, this will get me back at it. Thanks for the info.
@soulbytes 13 жыл бұрын
this is another style how to swing in golf. My swing is abit higher and my right arm elbow doesn't seem to stick on the body. :). I'll try this style and work the same :) nicee!!
@tomduke88 14 жыл бұрын
hey Taly, great stuff, big time advocate--2 handicap and looking to get better. Always wondered how Stricker and other "dead handed" players generated power. I quickly realized after applying your move how much power I loose through active hands and arms. Question: what is your actual setup position. The videos I see you start in the flat wrist position off your back hip. At setup are you in the same position as impact with the hands and shaft way forward?
@piccalocb 8 жыл бұрын
This is actually great for pitch, chip and putting too. It's the no flipping technique, left hand dominant (for right hand golfer) mentality.
@Performbettergolf 14 жыл бұрын
For an analytic like myself, this concept is quite interesting.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
When you buy a base model Mercedes, don't expect heated seats, Command, Keyless-Go, and air suspension. This is a simplified move which has it's limitations but so do all pro swings on Tour. That's what you do, you pick your limitations. All three moves that we provide are powerful, consistent, and much easier to repeat than any golf swing out there. Why is that problematic? The great thing about TGM is that any of these moves can be described by their system. They're not rigid.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
We have posted the HD Slo-Mo video of Taly's wedge swing as requested. It's the video entitled "Simplest Golf Swing on the PGA Tour".
@scoremore05 13 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @nicorivard. The difference between the two moves is this: In the "without swinging your arms" move, you hold your arms stationary relative to your chest and you power your golf swing by body and shoulder turning. With this move, you pass the red ball over the golf ball and that keeps everything on one plane. In the "vertical arm drop" move, you most move the red ball vertically downward until it gets back to your toe line BEFORE ANY SHOULDER TURNING. Thus 2 planes.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
You've got it nailed. It's great for what it is but it's also not that workable. I hit a draw with this move and if I need to fade the ball I switch to more of an arm swing. It's also very easy to hit it straight with this move but the difficulty comes when you need to fade the ball. But rarely do I encounter a shot where straight won't do unless I am really trying to cut a corner or execute a risky shot. Do you play competitively?
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting MrPedrogolf. No, it's not the same. I am not precocking my wrists. At address, there is already an angle between your left arm and your golf shaft. I don't add any additional cocking. It's an illusion. All I have done is turned my left forearm to the right so that my left forearm, wrists, golf shaft, and clubhead are all in the same plane. Secondly, in this move I do not swing. And by this I mean that I do not allow my arms to move independent of my chest.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Also, this is a body swing and my chest will continue to turn all the way until it faces the target before my clubhead ever touches the ball. Thus my body movment is also closing the clubface. I do not need to add any closing because if I do, then I will hit a hook. Thus my misses. I want an open clubface relative to the target line, because I do not swing down the target line. I have an inside path.
@Giggle-ing 14 жыл бұрын
Just bring your hands up to the plane on the setup for a one plane swing (ala Moe Norman) and you won't have to lift through impact or worry about all the different lines going on in a two plane swing. Just reach for it then keep the right elbow in. Love how you don't use much small muscles, just core turning.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting superdegato. What you are referring to is an illusion and you will need to understand what I call the TALY Triangle. Check it out on the TALY dot com site but here it is: How the shaft passes over the red ball is important. If you flip or bend your wrist, the shaft will pass the red ball and that is not good. However, if you hold your left wrist firm and turn your left forearm over to the right, the shaft will pass the red ball visually, but the triangle is intact.
@superdegato 14 жыл бұрын
Hi. I just bough this and it really has helped me with my putting and chipping. However, I haven't tried using it for the full swing. I have one question though, After impact, the shaft should still not go over the red ball? For chipping i can hold it after the 3 o clock position, but after that, can the shaft go over the red ball?
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Hi diffonyahoo. Thanks for posting. Yes, you can use this move with all your clubs in the bag. I only use it for my driver because that's the only club that I need that much power with. Once I'm in the fairway, power is less important and as I get closer to the green I don't want to have that feeling inside where I feel that my move is going to hit the ball too hard or too far. I like our Vertical Arm Drop move once I'm in the fairway which is similar to a Steve Stricker approach.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Hi jmtwocool, Thanks for replying. With the "Without Swinging Your Arms" Body move, the club is open. What position do you recommend? Square?
@12496k 4 жыл бұрын
00:59 1:40 2:18 3:55 4:30 4:40 ish ⭐
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting jmtwocool. I do not want to square my clubface to the target but thanks for the suggestion!!! I like it open and I'm ok with the fact that you do not. Speaking of reading things in their entirety. "Infrequent" was the word I mentioned earlier.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Excellent @144822. At the end of the day it's about finding out what works for you.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Check out TALY dotcom to view the three moves or click on my KZbin name to visit the Scoremore channel.
@jmtwocool 15 жыл бұрын
ill admit.... after further review i believe this swing tool will do wonders for high handicapers. this is because it will promote turning with the body as opposed to hands(which create a whole array of crappy loooking swings) though you ref this as an alternative...
@jmtwocool 15 жыл бұрын
most low handicapers already turn through the ball leaving arms to 'drag' the club behnd the swing so if you got a case of nasty hooks...this will help get ur swing back to normal. admited: at contact....this tool is a good ref point....encourages same action as an impact bag, but without the stress and broken clubs.
@remmy100 14 жыл бұрын
Can this swing be used for iron play? Should any adjustments be made or can i apply the same techniques to it?
@steveperry1344 6 жыл бұрын
taly, i'm using this method with all my shots. it keeps my arms from getting too far inside the plane and hit the ball with more body rotation, not slashing with arms only.
@scoremore05 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting steve perry. I find that this move is great for maximizing power with minimal moving parts and I typically use it mainly for off the tee and long second shots. As I get closer to the green, power is less of a need so then I use more of an arm move for accuracy and distance control. Our vertical arm drop move of course which has no hinging and releasing.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Great job and thanks for posting @MenalcasPowell.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting surfer9901. Yes it works with all clubs. I only use it for driver though (and sometimes 3 wood) because it is for generating max power. I don't need max power once I am in the fairway. Accuracy and distance control are my priority there. Yes I do wear two different shoes when practicing as really only one gets any wear and tear and I like to be efficient. So I only change that one. Others call it me being lazy.
@JLTRAIN233 15 жыл бұрын
so does that make your ball go straighter and further once you do that?
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
jmtwocool, What's confusing me is that I just hit balls this past Friday with the instructor for one of the TOP TEN GOLFERS IN THE WORLD and he thought my swing was excellent. Now I am not sure who to believe. Any suggestions on what I should work on?
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Wow @laremac. Nice work!!!
@FreddieCouplesFan 13 жыл бұрын
Was this at lost canyons? sure looks like the range there
@headlesssoldier 14 жыл бұрын
very interesting stuff!
@scoremore05 13 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @SjKimber.
@diffonyahoo 15 жыл бұрын
Is this true for all clubs ( except the putter ) in the bag?
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @MrsSpeer1024.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
@em2michael 15 жыл бұрын
For an average person, which swing type will gain more distance, traditional or taly?
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @MikePedersenGolfTips.
@aranijoe3582 9 жыл бұрын
The length of the rod ( Taly Mind Set ) is variable ...( various length ) How to determine the right length for the rod ( the red ball ) ? Different length , will be different "plane-angle / spine angle.... Does the shaft flex ( stiff, regular , senior or ladies ) have different impact / distance ? Since you say club head speed is secondary. Please elaborate in detail. Waiting for your favorable reply. T.Q
@johnrollins9404 12 жыл бұрын
Now that's a Taly wacker
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
My misses are infrequent. My ball flight is a draw. And my misses are a hook. Pretty interesting, hunh. Especially with an "open" clubface.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting Screwdriva20. I prefer a strong grip as I like anything that turns the left forearm more to the right. This is also the position that I recommend golfers maintain into impact for a simplified move. With regards to grip pressure, I like a firm grip and don't even mind if golfers strangle the club. For a simplified move, golfers must immobilize that wrist joint. How firmly do you think they attach a driver to Iron Byron the mechanical ball hitting machine? Lightly? No.
@scoremore05 13 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @devilman6555. No I didn't but I'd love to compare it. First question, are Moe Norman and Natural Golf synonomous? And secondly, what is the relationship between the left arm and the golf shaft in his or Natural Golf's technique. Are they on the same line?
@Performbettergolf 14 жыл бұрын
@scoremore05 You're welcome.
@brown55061 12 жыл бұрын
I can see it keeps you on plane with a flat left wrist, which is great. But how the heck is a guy supposed to know if the red ball is on the invisible red line?? We don't have swing monitors hooked up to know this at the range.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting Prov1989. I don't understand your anger, but what makes you think that I don't know a plane or a turned shoulder plane. I have read your other posts and I, like yourself obviously, think TGM is excellent . Their instructors are second to none and are some of the most knowledgeable in the industry. But just because you feel that this golf swing is not perfect and is limited, what's wrong with that. That's exactly the type of swing we want. A simplified one.
@Performbettergolf 14 жыл бұрын
@scoremore05 I would love to have less moving parts and not have to have a high swing speed to hit it long. Maybe you need to come here to Scottsdale and give me a "live" lesson with it ;)
@scoremore05 13 жыл бұрын
Minimizing effort I guess @ynot1688. Only one shoe will get dirty so why change both. Thanks for posting.
@senorchipotle 13 жыл бұрын
your grip looks pretty strong.
@teddythodo3302 7 жыл бұрын
Can I still order this thing? I really want to buy one.
@scoremore05 6 жыл бұрын
teddy thodo thanks for posting.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @jwreturn.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting 1WEEBLE1. There are many ways to hit a golf ball and we just have to find what works for us. We get a ton of email to our site with golfers really enjoying these simplified moves. Thanks for trying it out and remember to not allow your club to fling or release off your chest into the golf ball. That will feel more powerful but it's not. Just hold everything rigid and firm, and continue your turn. Never allow your club to advance with arms or hands with this move.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Wow jmtwocool, You sure got a lot of energy posting on all our sites. Anyway, thanks for posting. Do you happen to have anything worthwhile to offer about how it should be done? BTW, was that you that just ordered one?
@silentwater68 13 жыл бұрын
can you possibly post a video here, one side is your system the other side is the conventional, both in slomo so we can figure out the difference, cause in all honesty, i can steel see your arm swinging.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting oochoa73.
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
I am not sure why some believe that we should all swing the same way. There are many ways to impact a golf ball and what's most important is to find what works for you. I don't even use the "Without Swinging Your Arms" move for all my shots. It's too powerful. When I have an iron or hybrid in my hand I am more concerned with distance control and accuracy.
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting @144822.
@ej0002 15 жыл бұрын
Two thinks: I see better in the daylight where you are going. 1. I bet Duval was your hero, if not. You should watch everything he did in the late 90's. 2. I think you would be stuck with a low flight here, not very workable either. But for ALOT of people, they could play some weekend golf this way, but probably not win the Masters. Give this guy a break please. Your core movement is awesome. So was Duval's.
@ferdinandjarquio751 3 жыл бұрын
pretty ingenious...
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
jmtwocool!!! I don't even know who you are anymore but everyone is welcome. : )
@scoremore05 14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting SmithwickA. I guess. You are telling golfers that if they have a half decent swing they should be using this plane anyway. That's the whole point of this simplified move. 99.9% of golfers don't have a solid swing yet. I would also bet that you veer off this plane into impact because this is a very different, simplified approach involving no squaring, releasing, or swinging.
@TexasTested3 12 жыл бұрын
why are you wearing two different shoes?
@scoremore05 15 жыл бұрын
No Sir. Just presenting an alternative to the current approach with less moving parts.
@scoremore05 13 жыл бұрын
Will do @aonachmor.
@8under72 11 жыл бұрын
@scoremore05 13 жыл бұрын
Will do @silentwater68.
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