Ish. Please remember our ancestors moved around so you have that genetic aspect but don't ignore the cultural. So your DNA could point to you being for example Germanic but if they moved over to another country and syncretize with the locals (i.e. joined them with worship of their local deities, joined them in their cultural rituals, raised their children within that culture) then your ancestors are not necessarily "just" Germanic. I remember watching a video where a historian hated 23&me since it ignores syncretism and reinforces this idea that our ancestors didn't mingle (I'm thinking of the backlash where people didn't realize there were Africans within the Roman Empire for example and thought PC had gone too far).
@championofcoinstarot7232 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, Alison! This is a very important point and I regret not covering it in this video. In retrospect, I do think that this is the biggest critique of Ancestral Tarot and introductory books like it. They assume that cultural syncretism is a unique modern phenomenon and focus on untangling the separate threads of ancestral lineage, which is reductionist at best. I'm not sure of a way around this other than to promote critical thinking and historical research skills - essentially allowing the historical record to speak for itself rather than projecting our own imagined view of the past. Definitely some good food for thought that I will be sitting with. Thank you again! 🙏
@Calluna.V Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video and all that you shared here, Natalie! I appreciate your thoughts and considerations you expressed regarding approaching this journey. I enjoyed hearing about how the exercises have worked for you, and more about Ancestral Tarot. I am still working through the Ancestral Grimoire book, and am very interested in exploring Ancestral Tarot next :) ✨