I'm very happy to have my good friend Şimal join us for this video as we test the mutual intelligibility between the 4 languages. Hope you enjoy it! Please contact me on Instagram if you have any questions or if you would like to participate in a future video: instagram.com/BahadorAlast
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in all directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thank>Denge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chie)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it / to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn out/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
Bal = (Honey) Bal >Mel >Mer >Mil >Meli > Melit > Melis =(yumuşak, melul, balsam, hoş kokulu, tatlı / yummy, mellow, balmy, malleable, dessert, sweet) Al-Bal (red-sweet) =Alpal (Apple) >Afal >Almelo> >Alma > Elma (the dessert) > Alba> halba > halvah > helva Mel-ak (sweet-white)>Mela >Mal >Mar >Milo >Melon >Melam >>>Milk (sweetie) > Balak > bala >>> bella ? >> well ? Almıla / Melah >> Elma = Apple Muş-mela > Muşmula = Medlar Meltem= mellow wind = breeze Mel-melat = marmelat = marmellata Melisa = balm / jam / rosin Melamine = a type of chemical resin (Mel-hem)> merhem=(almost-balm) > ointment (Mel-sumac) merşumak> mercimek = lentil Mel-audio = melody (Dağ = mountain) (tow/toğ/tao/tai/tav/tag)>> high/ 塔 /大 / 高 /ضيقة dev/deva/diva/dheu/theo/theus>> huge (dar /tar /dai /tay /tav /dae /too /toi) = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Phone / Phoon/ Fun / Wajan / Wehen = (Esen/ Esinti / Rüzgar/ Ses ) - Wind / Breeze / Sound / Voice Dae-vane /tai-fun / tao-wen/ too-phone/ typhoon/ 大风 = (loud sound) >> hard-strong wind Dağ= litosferik tabakaların sıkışarak yükselmesi / compression and rise of lithospheric layers Dar-lık= to rise upwards by squeezed, feeling of height, feeling of being squeezed Dar = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Dar = birbirine yaklaşmış / sıkışık / sıkışmış / sıkıştırılmış / sağlam / sert / dayanıklı Darlık= sıkışarak yükselmek, yükseklik hissi, sıkışma duygusu Dar = yakın olmak , alakalı olmak, ilgilenmek / to be close, to be involved, to be interested Hüküm-dar = Hükümle ilgilenen , hüküm veren = Sovereign Mihman-dar = Misafire yakın olan , misafire alaka gösteren = ~hostess Darülaceze = Acizerle ilgilenilen yer = ~hospice Dai-u > nearest he's = Dayı = uncle Toy = meeting /ceremony/feast/ immature-game boy Kurulu-toy > Kurultay = scheduled meeting / council (Dai-emek)> Dayamak =to base on /make it support/fasten down / get it closer well to (Dai-en-mak)> Dayanmak= to recline upon / stay strong /be close literally (Dai-et-mak)>Dayatmak = to impose / insist / keep it completely nearest to Yanardağ ile ilgili / pertaining to a volcano Dağ-et-mak >Dağıtmak = to distribute /to deal out / to deploy Dağ-al-mak >Dağılmak = to get dispersed / to go to pieces Dağ-la-mak = krater şekline çevirmek / cauterize (Doğ-umak) = Doğmak = to come up / rising up / come into the world > to born Doğ-ğur-mak= Doğurmak= to make this come up > bring this into the world > to give birth Doğu=the direction where the sun comes up > East / 东方 (Doy-umak) = Doymak = to rise to the top / to be full Doy-ğur-mak= Doyurmak=to satiate > to make it full > to feed Tok= has peaked, satiate, full (Tik) Dik= direct to endpoint / ~upright Dikey= vertical Dik-uğru =Doğru = right direction = true Diken= thorn Dik-mek =to make directly them overlap each other over endpoints > sew / sow Doğa= upper surface structure of the earth > nature Doku = surface structure, texture Doku-mak=to weave (on the surface) (Toku-en-mak) Dokunmak=to touch / to contact the surface o
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
Yeğ / Yüğ = upper, superior Yeğ-mek > Yemek (to eat)= to add on oneself, accept into one's own essence Yeğ-im> Yem= provender, fodder > Yemiş= fruit Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = to keep it on top of others, make it relatively superior, ~to prefer Yüğ-ka-yer-u > yukarı =(which side is the top) = Up Yüğ-ce > yüce = superior in level /sublime /huge Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek = to achieve superiority in level Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = high Yüğ-sel > yüksel = exponential , superlative Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek = to rise to a high level, to ascend Yüğ-sük > yüzük =(ring)= jewelry worn on the finger top Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek= to feel slighted / take offended Yüğ-ük > yük =(load)> carried on top, undertaken Yüğ-ün > yün =(wool)> the feathers that on sheep Yüğ-üt > yeğ-üt =yiğit =(valiant)> superior in character Yüğ-kut > yeğ-kut = (highly holly)> yakut =ruby Yüğ-en > yeğ-en =(nephew)> which is kept superior, held in high esteem, valued, precious (yüen > yen 元) Yüğ-en-cük > yüğençiğ > yinçi / inci =(precious little thing)> pearl , 珍珠 Yüğengi >yengi> yeni =(new)> what's coming on top of , what comes next Yüğenge > yenge =(brother's wife)> came over marriage, added to the family later (new bride) Yüğ-üne /Yeğ-ine > yine/ gene =again /over and over > yeniden = anew /once more Yüğ-en-mek> yenmek = to overcome, to cope with, to subdue Yüğ-en-el-mek > yenilmek= to be overcame, to be subdued, to show weakness Yüğengil > yengil =remains on top of, light, weak Şan= Glory, splendor 單于 > Şan-Yüğ =Exalted glorious Yormak=to tire= to arrive over someone (too many). (too much) to go onto something (Yörmek)> Örmek=(to operate on something), to weave on top , to wrap onto (Yör-et-mek)> Örtmek= to cover (Yörümek)> Yürümek= to go on/to reach over something, to get somewhere, to wander around (yöre=precincts) (yörük=nomad) Yürümek= to walk (yürü=go on) Yülümek=to go by slipping over something Yalamak= to lick >~to take swiping/ by scraping on something off Yolmak= to pluck=to pull by snatching off, tear off (~flatten the top) Yılmak=to throw down from the one's own top (~get bored), to hit the ground from above (yıldırım=lightning…yıldız=star) Yurmak= to pull onto, cover over (yur-ut>yurt=tabernacle) (yur-gan>yorgan=quilt) Yırmak=to bring it on top of, to take it off (yırışmak>yarışmak= to race> to overcome each other) (Yır-et-mak)>Yırtmak= to tear, to take from inside-out or bottom to top (by pulling from both sides) (~tide over, ~get rid of it) Yarmak= to split in, to tear apart, to halve, separate by cutting off Yaratmak= to reveal it, bring it out, to create Yermek=to pull down ,pull to the ground Germek=to tense= to pull it in all directions > Sermek= to spread it in all directions Yıkmak= to overthrow , take down from top to bottom, turn upside down Yığmak= to stack= put on top of each other, dump on top of each other (yığlamak=shed tears over and over, cry over) Yağmak=get rained on, get spilled on / to pour down from above Yakmak= to burn out=to purify matter by heating and removing mass , reduce its volume Yoğmak=make condensed=to tighten and purify, narrow by turning, get rid of own volume (~get dead) Yoğurmak= to knead=tighten and thicken , reduce volume, bring to consistency (Yogurt=thickened milk product) Yuğmak=to purify squeezing to clean (Yuğamak>yıkamak= to wash) Yiv = sharp, pointed (yivlemek= sharpen the tip) Yuvmak=to squeezing thin out, narrow (yuvka>yufka= thin dough) (yuvka>yuka=thin, shallow) (yuvuz>yavuz=thin, weak, delicate) Yuvarlamak=to round off=narrow by turning (yuva (smallest shelter)= nest) (yavru (smallest)= cub ) Yummak=to shut by squeezing, close tightly Yumurmak=make it closes inward (yumruk=fist) (yumurta= egg) Yumuşmak=be completely enclosed by oneself (yumuşak=soft )
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
TH > T / D TH > TS > S / Ş / Z Thuith >Tuits > Tiss / Diş = tooth (dental) Thuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss / Dış = out ( outer) Thuss > - Suz = (- Less) >>without it / free from it / it's got rid of that Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside Dışsal = external Dışı = out of… / de- / dis- Suz > sız/siz & suz/süz = without / -less Kanat = Wing /Kanatsız = Wingless Su= water > Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous Suç =crime > Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame) Şeker= Sugar > Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free Kitap= book / Kitapsız = without books / free from books Ücret = fee / ücretsiz = free /ücret dışı =out of fee Gereksiz = needless / İhtiyaç dışı/ lüzumsuzca =unnecessary Kanunsuz/hukuksuz = unlawful / Kanun dışı = outside the law Hukuk-yasa =law > Yasal =legal / Yasadışı = illegal Görüş = sight / görüş dışı = out of sight Sadık -vefalı-vefakar= loyal / sadakatsiz-vefasız= disloyal Beğeni = like / beğeni dışı= dislike Bağlantı = connect / bağlantı dışı=disconnect Evirmek= to make it to turn around itself or transform into another shape over time İç = inside > ÇE Çe-evir-mek =(içe evirmek) = çevirmek = (turn-into) / encircle / convert / slew round Dış =outside > DE De-evirmek =(dışa evirmek) = devirmek =(turn-outer) / overturn / overthrow De-monte=démonté= dis-assembled (LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got) LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir... (Have)(~With) (Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri “İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder. (Have no)( ~without) (...less) O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) the woman has two children > woman with two children Çocuksuz adam = (which) the man has no child > childless man Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (git-mek-li-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (gitmek-in gerek-li) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (gitmek-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
29+ tenses in turkish language Anatolian Turkish verb conjugations A= To (towards /~for) (for words with a thick vowel in the last syllable) E= To (towards /~for) (for words with a thin vowel in the last syllable) Okul=School U (ou)=it’s that/ it’s about Mak/Mek (umak/emek)= aim /exertion (machine/mechanism)(activity purpose / effort process) Git-mek=(verb)= to Go /the effort of going> getmek =to get there 1 .present continuous tense (right now or soon, currently or nowadays) Used to describe the current actions or planned events -for designated times YOR-mak =to tire ( to try ,engage in) >Yor=~go (too much) onto (yorgunum=I’m tired) A/E Yormak=(to arrive at any idea of what it is) I/U Yormak=(to deal with completely) used as the suffix=” ı/u - i/ü + Yor" positive Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-Yor-u-Sen >School-to Go-to-Try that-You < (please read backwards) Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-Men >(from Home I’ try to Come) =Come-to-try that-Me Home-at-then< negative A) Mã= Not B) Değil= Un-equivalent examples A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you’re not going to school)= Okul-a Git-Mã-i-yor-u-Sen >You don't try to Go to school B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you aren’t going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen >You aren't try..to Go to School Question sentence: Mã-u =Not-it> is not it? Used as the suffixes =" Mı / Mu / Mi / Mü “ Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school )= Okul-a Mã-u Git-i-yor-u-sen (To-school/ Not-it / You-try-to-go)>Are you going to school or somewhere else? Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do you go to school )= Okul-a Git-i-yor Mã-u-sen (To school /Try-to-go /Not-it-you)>~do You (try to) go to school (at specific times) or not ? Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ?= Are you the (only) one going to school? 2 .simple extensive tense ( used to explain our own thoughts about the topic) (always, since long , for a long time, sometimes, currently, sooner or later/ inşallah) positive VAR-mak = to arrive at /to attain (var= ~being there) used as the suffixes >"Ar-ır-ur" (for thick vowel) ER-mek= to get at /to reach (er= ~achieve ) used as the suffixes >"Er-ir-ür" (for thin vowel) examples Okula gidersin (You get to go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen= You get (a chance) to go to school Kuşlar gökyüzünde uçarlar=(~ Birds fly in the sky )=Kuş-lar gökyüzü-n’de uç-a-var(u-lar)= Birds have (likelihood) to fly in the sky = ~ Birds arrive by flying in the sky Bunu görebilirler (They can see this) = Bu-n’u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =~They get to be able to see what this is Question sentence: In interrogative sentences it means: isn't it so /what do you think about this topic? Okula gider misin? (Do you get to go to school) Okul-a Git-e-er Mã-u-Sen =You get to Go to School -is Not it?=~What about you getting to go to school? Okula mı gidersin? =Do you get to go to school or somewhere else? negative Mã= Not Bas-mak =to tread on/ dwell on/ stand on (bas git=get out of here > pas geç= pass by> vazgeç=give up Ez-mek = to crush/ to run over (ez geç= think nothing about > es geç= stop thinking about) Mã-bas=(No-pass/ Na pas) > (give up on/not to dwell on) >the suffix "MAZ" (for thick vowel) Mã-ez=(Don’t/ Doesn’t)> (to skip/ avoid) >the suffix "MEZ" (for thin vowel) for the 1st person singular and 1st plural is only used the suffix “Mã” ,except for questions examples Okula gitmezsin (you don't/won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-mã-ez-sen > You skip going to school Babam bunu yapmaz (my dad doesn't do this)= Baba-m bu-n’u yap-ma-bas > My dad doesn't dwell on doing this Bugün okula gitmem (I won't go to school today)> Okul-a Git-mã-men =I don't (have to) go to school Bugün okula gidemem (I can’t go to school today)= Okul-a Git-e-er-mã-men >I don't get (a chance) to go to school Bir bardak su almaz mısınız (Don't you get a glass of water)> Bir fincan çay al-ma-bas ma-u-sen-iz > Do you (really) give up on getting a cup of tea? Kimse senden (daha) hızlı koşamaz (Nobody can run faster than you)=Kimse sen-den daha hızlı kaş-a-al-ma-bas 3.simple future tense (soon or later) Used to describe events that we are aiming for or think are in the future Çak-mak =~to fasten ,~to tack ,~to keep in mind ,~to hit them together (for thick vowel) Çek-mek=~to pull, ~to take time, ~to feel inside, ~to attract , ~to will (for thin vowel) positive.. Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen = You fetch-keep (in mind) to-Go to school Ali bu kapıyı açacak ( Ali’s gonna open this door)= Ali Kapı-y-ı Aç-a-çak = Ali takes (on his mind) to open the door negative A. Okula gitmeyeceksin (you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-mã-e-çek-sen =You don't take (time) to go to school B. Okula gidecek değilsin (you aren't gonna go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen =~you won't go to school and nobody is demanding that you 4 . simple past tense (currently or before) Used to explain the completed events we're sure about Edû = done / Di = anymore / Dimek>demek= to deem/ to mean Used as the suffixes= (Dı /Di /Du/ Dü - Tı /Ti /Tu /Tü) positive Okula gittin = You went to school = Okul-a Git-di-N Dün İstanbul'da kaldım= I stayed in Istanbul yesterday Okula mı gittin ? (Did you go to school)= Okul-a Mã-u Git-di-n> You went to school or somewhere else? Okula gittin mi ? (~Have you gone to school)= Okul-a Git-di-n Mã-u> You went to school or not? negative Okula gitmedin =You didn't go to school / Okul-a Git-mã-di-N Bugün pazara gitmediler mi? =Didn't they go to the (open public) market today? Dün çarşıya mı gittiniz? = where Did you go yesterday, to the (covered public) bazaar? Akşamleyin bakkala (markete) gittik mi?= Did we go to the grocery store in the evening? 5 .narrative/reported past tense (just now or before) Used to describe the completed events that we're unsure of MUŞ-mak = ~to inform (muşu=perceive/notice muştu>müjde=evangel) that means > I've been informed/ I heard/ I found out/ I noticed /I learned used as the suffixes= (Mış/ Muş - Miş/ Müş) positive Okula gitmişsin= I heard you went to school> Okul-a Git-muş-u-sen Yanlış birşey yapmışım=~I realized I did something wrong negative A. Okula gitmemişsin (I learned- you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-mã-miş-sen (I heard you haven't gone to school) B. Okula gitmiş değilsin =(Apparently you haven't been to school) Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen In a question sentence it means: Do you have any inform about- have you heard- are you aware -does it look like it? İbrahim bugün okula gitmiş mi? =~Did you heard that Abraham has gone to school today? İbrahim bugün okula mı gitmiş? =~Are you sure Abraham went to school today? 6.Okula varmak üzeresin =You're about to arrive at school 7.Okula gitmektesin (You're in (process of) going to school)= ~you’ve been going to school 8.Okula gitmekteydin =~You had been going to school =Okula gidiyor olmaktaydın 9.Okula gitmekteymişsin =I found out you've been going to school 10.Okula gidiyordun (Okula git-i-yor er-di-n) = You were going to school 11.Okula gidiyormuşsun (Okula git-i-yor er-miş-sen)=I noticed you were going to school (at the time/ now on) 12.Okula gidiyor olacaksın (Okula git-i-yor ol-a-çak-sen)= You’ll be going to school 13.Okula gitmekte olacaksın (Okula git-mek-de ol-a-çak-sen)= You’ll have been going to school 14.Okula gitmiş olacaksın (Okula git-miş ol-a-çak-sen)= You’ll have gone to school 15.Okula gidecektin (Okula git-e-çek er-di-n)=You were gonna go to school > I had thought you'd be going to school 16.Okula gidecekmişsin (Okula git-e-çek ermişsen)=I found out you're gonna go to school>~I hear you wanna go to school. 17.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin)=You used to go to school >~You'd have had a chance to go to school 18.Okula gidermişsin ( Okula git-e-er ermişsen)=I heard you used to go to school> I realized that you’d get to go to school 19.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin)= I had seen you went to school >I remember you had gone to school 20.Okula gittiymişsin = I heard you went to school -but if what I heard is true 21.Okula gitmişmişsin = I heard you've been to school -but what I heard didn't sound very convincing 22.Okula gitmiştin (Okula git-miş er-di-n)= you had gone to school 23.Okula gitmiş oldun (Okula git-miş ol-du-n)= you have been to school Dur-mak=to remain in the same way/order/layout Durur=remains to exist / keeps being / seems such used as the suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür / Tır- tir-tur-tür) (in official speeches these suffixes are used only for the 3rd singular and 3rd plural person) its meaning in formal speeches> it has been and goes on like that Bu Bir Elma = This is an apple Bu bir elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= This is an apple (and keeps being) Bu Bir Kitap = This is a book Bu bir kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= This is a book (and keeps being) informal meaning in everyday speech>it seems/ likely that/ remained so in my mind Bu bir elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)=It seems like- this is an apple Bu bir kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)=It's likely that -this is a book Bu bir elma gibi duruyor=(looks like an apple this is )>This looks like an apple Bu bir kitap gibi duruyor=This looks like a book 24.Okula gidiyordursun =(guess>likely-You were going to school 25.Okula gidiyorsundur =(I think> you are going to school 26.Okula gidecektirsin =(guess>likely- You would (gonna) go to school 27.Okula gideceksindir=(I think> You'll go to school 28.Okula gitmiştirsin =(guess >likely- You had gone to school 29.Okula gitmişsindir =(I think> You've been to school
@Qazaqsha-sci6 ай бұрын
Hello all turkic brothers from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
@TheChimples7 ай бұрын
Greetings to wonderful Turkic nations from a Hungarian
@tttt232976 ай бұрын
I would like to learn Hungarian! Do you know any Turkish?
@Lonely_Phoenix6 ай бұрын
Brothers ❤ Magyars & Huns 🫂
@karayursa3 ай бұрын
im manchu
@ОмарОмар-л9о6 ай бұрын
As a karakalpak, i can say that i understand uzbek and kazakh languages 100%, Tatar language 70% Turkish language 50%
@jack243416 ай бұрын
As an Uzbek, I also understand karakalpak language 100% and kazakh&tatar 90-100%. Turkish 40-50%.
@BulatShaymi7 ай бұрын
Tillerimiz qanday uxşaş! Thanks a lot, Bahador, for showing the similarity of our langauges once again! Tatarlardan sәlam!
@Lonely_Phoenix6 ай бұрын
Tatar bauyrlar ❤ Salem Kaxakhstannan 🫂
@ozodbekk6 ай бұрын
I am Uzbek and I typically understand Kazakh. Tatar is also easy for me. Anatolian Turkish is a little bit transformed. I love the content. Thank you!
@mirsoatovxayitbek10807 ай бұрын
As the representative of uzbek language in this video, I have to say, it is more easier to understand when you see the text itself. However, thank you everyone for this experience
@BahadorAlast7 ай бұрын
Thank you for being a part of this! It was really great!
@tarakkiyot6 ай бұрын
Yashang, rahmat!
@Fenixsamarkandian7 ай бұрын
I am Uzbek from Uzbekistan. I understand all of Them easly😂. Especially Qazaq and Tatar it is like my native. Cuz We speak Kipchak Dielect thats why Kazakh is easy to Understand. And Turkish also not Difficult. Love all turkic brothers 🇺🇿💞🇦🇿🇰🇿🇹🇷🇹🇲🇭🇺🇰🇬😘
@yeterhalatci97057 ай бұрын
There are people crying in the comments :). I wonder why they hate Turks so much ?
@oinotropwick11447 ай бұрын
@@yeterhalatci9705 Because it is the Turks who know the most about their own imperfections, it bothers them a lot when the Turks talk about them. they speak themselves to silence the Turks.
@Ibrohim-z2y7 ай бұрын
Мнхам узбекман лекин мен хеч нарсани тушунмадим сан кандай тушундин хайронман
@Fenixsamarkandian7 ай бұрын
@@Ibrohim-z2y umuman qiyin emasku aka. Oʻzbek tilini Chuqurroq oʻrgansangiz bemalol tushunasiz. Badiiy asalar. Kitoblar Izohli lugʻatni oʻrganing. 😁. Shunda tushunishingiz oson boʻladi. Oddiy soʻzlarni ishlatavermay. Shevada
@Fenixsamarkandian7 ай бұрын
@@yeterhalatci9705 they are hater of Turks
@johannafeminist17452 ай бұрын
As a Bashkurt, I understood Kazakh and Tatar perfectly well without reading the text. It was difficult for me to read Uzbek and I understood very little. I understood the Turkish text halfway through the text, but it was very interesting to me that the text was about a book; I really like reading books. It seemed to me that the Kazakh and Uzbek guys chose very complex texts, full of Parsianisms. P. S.: Perhaps something was difficult to hear due to the participants not having a microphone. So maybe we're all closer ☺️
@MuratAkancan2 ай бұрын
Yessss !!!
@yourmemes787 ай бұрын
I was very pleased to see how our brothers practiced their native languages among themselves, I understood about 70-80% now I’m looking forward to the next video I’m an Uzbek I’m in Tatarstan
@hassanalast66707 ай бұрын
Good to know about Tatar, Turkish, Uzbek, and Kazakh
@nejdumanli25567 ай бұрын
That was great to see variety of Turkic, very pleasing. Diversity in all its forms is the path to greatness. Thanks to all of you, especially to Bahador. Keep watching you mate.👍 🤍
@Emilya345-hz8kd7 ай бұрын
Greetings to wonderful Turkic nations, republics from Azerbaijani Turk
@НартайЕсекей6 ай бұрын
Kazakh guy chose a difficult text, but the Uzbek one is really smart, he understood the most of it. Tatar guy was also very bright. Thanks, Bahador, for gathering the turkic people.
@trollhunter99926 ай бұрын
Kazakh guy looks like he is Korean
@michaelrosenberg31076 ай бұрын
Kazakh guy has a strong russian accent as well, but its ok
@Akbotazhold6 ай бұрын
There is nothing like being smart or dumb. Uzbek and Tatar languages are very close to Kazakh. Technically we are not speaking different languages, but dialects of Kipchak Turkish. I'm Kazakh, teaching in Uzbekistan.. in Kazakh, Uzbek students understand perfectly
@MASTER_CMBC6 ай бұрын
@Qqqqmmmmmtttttooooo12346 ай бұрын
@@MASTER_CMBCI am Uzbek and I speak Kipchak Language
@danielyasin50546 ай бұрын
Hi Bahador, great to see these Turkic languages, would love to see some Uyghur in the future :)
@qurbonovtv46916 ай бұрын
Тогри айтасиз🤲🤝
@НоровДжамшед7 ай бұрын
Я был рад что Бахадур старается сблизить тюрка- язычные нации и найти сходства между ними. Но участники выбрали сложные тексты. Которые отдоляют сближение наших наций. Я считаю что надо использовать простые разговорные речи. Ведь цель передачи общения тюрко-язычных наций.
@НоровДжамшед7 ай бұрын
Человек из Татарстана выбрал хороший текст.
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in all directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thank>Denge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chie)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it / to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn out/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@saidamsakha6 ай бұрын
@@НоровДжамшед у него слишком простой текст на фоне других. да, некоторые тексты надо выбирать покороче. и чтобы жанр был один - либо разговорный, либо публицистика, либо отрывок из какой-нибудь классической более-менее современной литературы.
@wg6116 ай бұрын
37:00 izlemek also to follow
@wg6116 ай бұрын
38:00 kelime word
@NurmuhammadBaraka7 ай бұрын
As an Uzbek I'm so happy to see an Uzbek guy. For me all other Turkic languages are not that difficult to understand even though I don't know none. Soooo interesting, thank you. Please, keep making videos like this
@alitok95647 ай бұрын
They chose hard texts . After watching it People outside of these language group may conclude that these languages are very hard mutually intelligible although Kazakhs tatars and uzbeks can talk to each other and have basic conversation about anything particular daily matter dialogues . To a certain extent turkish is also comprehensible to central asian people .
@britturk1237 ай бұрын
I agree as a Turkish speaker the Turkish text was a hodge podge of Turkish, though it is understandable to most Turks but somehow feels all over the place.
@BolanKG7 ай бұрын
I am Kyrgyz. I had no problem understanding what was being read, but I believe the Kazakh guy's choice of sentences was unnecessarily complex. It should have been something simpler.
@britturk1237 ай бұрын
The Turkish one was difficult too unnecessarily so I felt.
@saidamsakha6 ай бұрын
Interesting! when are you going to add a native Sakha speaker? I'd like to contribute 😉
@BahadorAlast6 ай бұрын
Welcome! Just message me on Instagram
@wg6116 ай бұрын
@sunquake24 күн бұрын
@@BahadorAlastcould you discuss two things: why the verb to find is bul- only in Turkish and Yakut. All others use tap-. And why yaz is summer only in Turkish and Kazakh (not sure) in others it's spring.
@adanvazquez56637 ай бұрын
Aaaaaa Şimal. "Hi, my name is Şimal. I am from Antalya, Turkey, and I speak Turkish." 😄 Haha Şimal is baaaack, hoş geldinnn!! 🤗 I missed her in your videos. It's always very interesting to see Turkish and the Turkic languages in your videos. All guest are very knowledgeable and outstanding. I could be mistaken, of course, but I have heard that for Uzbeks, Turkish can be a little bit difficult. As a Turkish learner, Uzbek was way more difficult than Tatar and Kazakh. Thank you for sharing culture through the language, Bahador!
@buritekin4297 ай бұрын
Uzbek is not difficult at all. Just change O to A ( Ona Uzbek Anne Turk Ota Uzbek Ata Turk) T to D ( Til Uzbek Dil Turk Tur Uzbek Dur Turk) B to P (barmoq Uzbek parmak Turk). For example Tog in Uzbek change 2 letters Dag in Turk. And you start to understand at least 70%. But of course Tatar or Kazak is closer to Uzbek than modern Turk language.
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in all directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thank>Denge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chie)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it / to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn out/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@lingdocs6 ай бұрын
I absolutely love your videos. I have this terrible habit that whenever I meet people who speak other languages I ask endless questions about which neighboring and related languages have which degrees of mutual intelligibility. Not everyone shares my interest in this, but this channel does! Thank you! One suggestion I would make is that I wish there would be more times where the speakers would try to interact and have a normal social conversation, testing the mutual intelligibility in real time, rather than just reading individual words and sentences.
@madameenmamadaliyev17276 ай бұрын
Im an Üzbek from Üzbekistan and literally understood the Tatar brother ❤
@Abeturk6 ай бұрын
TH > T / D TH > TS > S / Ş / Z Thuith >Tuits > Tiss / Diş = tooth (dental) Thuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss / Dış = out ( outer) Thuss > - Suz = (- Less) >>without it / free from it / it's got rid of that Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside Dışsal = external Dışı = out of… / de- / dis- Suz > sız/siz & suz/süz = without / -less Kanat = Wing /Kanatsız = Wingless Su= water > Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous Suç =crime > Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame) Şeker= Sugar > Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free Kitap= book / Kitapsız = without books / free from books Ücret = fee / ücret dışı =out of fee / ücretsiz =~free Gereksiz = needless / İhtiyaç dışı- lüzumsuzca =unnecessary Kanunsuz/hukuksuz = unlawful / Kanun dışı = outside the law Hukuk-yasa =law > Yasal =legal / Yasadışı = illegal Görüş = sight / görüş dışı = out of sight Sadık -vefalı-vefakar= loyal / sadakatsiz-vefasız= disloyal Beğeni = like / beğeni dışı= dislike Bağlantı = connect / bağlantı dışı=disconnect Evirmek= to make it to turn around itself or transform into another shape over time İç = inside > ÇE Çe-evir-mek =(içe evirmek) = çevirmek = (turn-into) / encircle / convert / slew round Dış =outside > DE De-evirmek =(dışa evirmek) = devirmek =(turn-outer) / overturn / overthrow De-monte=démonté= dis-assembled (LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got) LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir... (Have)(~With) (Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri “İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder. (Have no)( ~without) (...less) O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) the woman has two children > woman with two children Çocuksuz adam = (which) the man has no child > childless man Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (get-mek-liğ-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (get-meg-in gerek-liğ) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (get-meg-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go
@mastersafari53496 ай бұрын
Because the sentences were simple😅 It's not a fancy-worded Wikipedia article like some other guys had in these video ( 🇺🇿 🇰🇿 )
@KoraySelduman6 ай бұрын
Turkish is like English. I was shocked when I learnt english is a Germanic language because, German, Dutch, Swedish, Dannish sound like germanic langs but English not sounds like germanic and even Romance. Turkish does not sound as a turkic language. look how j g d u letters and hard throat sound exist in Kazak, Özbek, tatar, Uygur, Kırgız. Even Azerbaycan has lots of these but Turkish is very soft exactly how germanic langs are hard but English is softer. I like that hardness of Turkic langs.
@MuratAkancan2 ай бұрын
You're not correct. Swedish and Danish do not sound like German. They sound very soft, not like these horrible Dutch and Arabic.. and even German or Spanih !.. These four are real throat diseases.. Even Persian with its poor, undefined and greasy vowels is a joke. For my ears the most pleasant to hear are: Italian, Portuguese, Greek and Hungarian..
@cio677 ай бұрын
Uzbek brother is dominating the Turkic world because of Karluk branch is between the Oghuz and Kipchak :D Greetings from Turkiye to all Turkic nations.
@richcrown11766 ай бұрын
Karluk was the language of science and poetry in Central Asia
@cio676 ай бұрын
@@richcrown1176 It is true. Especially during the Timurids period.
@richcrown11766 ай бұрын
@@cio67 but it started way earlier to be so. Since Ahmad Yassavi became a founder of Uzbek poetry
@cio676 ай бұрын
@@richcrown1176 Of course. You are right, brother.
@Галижан-о8ф6 ай бұрын
@@richcrown1176Омар Хайям писал на Кипчакском наречий большая часть ЦА кипчакоязычные.
@bagdatakhmetov27046 ай бұрын
The qazaq guy chose a difficult topic with loads of idioms... Tbh this would be difficult even for the native speakers.
@doc1919-m2qАй бұрын
Barcha turkiy kardashlarimizga Uzbekistondan salamlar bulsin . Assalomu alaykum va rahmatullohi va barakatuhu❤❤❤
@balporsugu2.07 ай бұрын
Imagine Turkish, Chuvash and Sakha trying to communicate with each other.
@socalav6 ай бұрын
LOLOLOLOLOLOLLL!!! omg most other people have NO clue what is the significance of this !!
@dymytryruban43246 ай бұрын
Chuvash is the only extant language of Oghuric subgroup therefore it shares little mutual intelligibility with other Turkic languages.
@Turkemia6 ай бұрын
A great video again Bahador, thanks for the effort. 💯
@javohirkhujamberdiev7 ай бұрын
Kazakh brother seems very educated. Qozoq bourim ancha bilimli, ma'lumotli ekan. U aytgan so'zlar deyarli ko'pchiligi turkchada ham o'zbekchada ham bor, faqat ular bilmadi.
@runningaroundaimlessly4327 ай бұрын
Nice to see Şimal again!
@ukessex7 ай бұрын
Kazakh article is a bit too "literary, not the language you would use in everyday speech
@QasqaZhol4 ай бұрын
Қарапайым қазақ тілі. Алматы мен астана сияқты қалалардан шығып батыс пен оңтүстікке келсеңіз бәрі таза қазақша сөйлейді.
@R-Football5452 ай бұрын
Қарапайым қолдпныстағы сөздер
@ukessex2 ай бұрын
@@R-Football545 күнделікті өмірде ол сөздерді өте-өте адам қолданады
@R-Football5452 ай бұрын
@@ukessex қай сөздеді
@jumyrqylysh93142 ай бұрын
@@ukessex Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының оқитын тексті. Жұрттың түсінбеуі біздің проблема емес. Тілді өзгелер түсінбейді деп қарабайырлауға болмайды. Жігіт дұрыс жасады, қазақ тілінің әдемілігін бір оқым сөзбен көрсетті
@bauerjan78877 ай бұрын
Nanym in Kazakh comes from the same word as İnanç in Turkish and Senim comes from the same word as Ishonch in Uzbek. Also, Elga in tatar is Jylga in Kazakh
@muratayaz9985 ай бұрын
Selam Bahadır, videolarını çok beğeniyorum. Türk deyim ve atasözlerini sorarsan daha öz Türkçe kelimeler yer alır ve daha iyi tahmin edilir. Hem de biz öğreniriz
@balazskiss9854 ай бұрын
künn= outside in magyar kun is a version of sun=nap (day) rózsa= rose, erős=strong, rich. powerful jön= come (jana, jáná/ year..jár=goer, coming, works, move (jurta=ger= circle nomad tent)
@sahinucansoy18816 ай бұрын
Şimal hanıma esenlikler diler, saygılarımı sunarım.
@michael.m-mira26656 ай бұрын
yalnık sayın uçmağa varmayanını dilerim (Her insanın cennete girmesini dilerim)
@sahinucansoy18816 ай бұрын
@@michael.m-mira2665 İpinalık yapma! 😊
@absoluteanonomity69947 ай бұрын
I'm from Turkey and understood most from the Tatar brother.
@mastersafari53496 ай бұрын
Tbf, the Tatar sentences were made of pretty simple words. I imagining Lenar intentionally came up with a text a toddler would've written in his junior school essay so that others would have a easier time understanding it. Comparing it to Kazakh and Uzbek sentences that were probably just excerpts from some Wikipedia articles really showed how a certain vocabulary affects the mutual understanding in these language games. Keep it simple and people will understand you!
@johannafeminist17452 ай бұрын
😂 Because he chose a relatively easy text and it was right. The Turkish girl’s text was also interesting.
@freddibob4333Ай бұрын
@ajiken1235 ай бұрын
The kazakh guy said Turkish and Uzbek belonged to same branch. But this is not true. Turkish, Azerbaijani, Turkmen belong to Oghuz branch. On the other hand, Uzbek and Uyghur are classified into Karluk branch.
@sanjarbek1293 ай бұрын
A bit more complicated than that. Uzbekistan is the only turkic country with all three representatives of turkic branches. So, in some regions, you can find people speaking in oghuz accents (some say it's separate languages) and in some people speak kipchak.
@crazyformyself72963 ай бұрын
Yeah Kazakh language belongs to Kipchak branch
@Leylaa-n6d7 ай бұрын
🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇺🇿🇰🇬🇰🇿🇭🇺 and all Turkic nations, republics❤️
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in all directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thank>Denge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chie)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it / to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn outer/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@Соломеннаяшляпа-символвеликого6 ай бұрын
When you used Hungarian flag you mean Hungarians?
@Leylaa-n6d6 ай бұрын
@@Соломеннаяшляпа-символвеликого yes,i mean Hungarians, because they're also Turks.
It is pretty interesting ( men uchun juda ham qiziqarli edi) from Toronto
@ibekdin6 ай бұрын
If compare Turkic languages with germanic it'll be clear. Turkish as English borrow many loan words from other languages. Kipchak languages look like Nordic they understand each other but for others it's quite difficult but not for uzbeks. So uzbeks have mix as germans we have all three dialects oguz, karluk and kipchak. Uzbekcha is not for beginners 😅
@zha20.116 ай бұрын
Kazakh brother is a real jigit🔥💪🏼
@daianakabidenova74766 ай бұрын
@frechjo3 ай бұрын
Maybe Bahador or someone else could make something like Liga Romanica, the podcast in which each of the four hosts speak a different Romance language, but for other language family, like Turkic languages, why not? I wouldn't be able to understand it, but it looks like some people would enjoy it :D
@wg6116 ай бұрын
Great to see Şimal again.❤
@tttt232976 ай бұрын
Love from Bodrum, Turkey!!!! Bodrum, Türkiye'den selamlar, sevgiler, saygılarla!!!!!!
@soyombika33736 ай бұрын
Greetings from Tatarstan❤Tatarstannan sələmlər
@ИлгизарМугаев6 ай бұрын
Сиңа да сәлам. Кайда югалдың?
@socalav6 ай бұрын
Agree the Kazakh language selection is more difficult but not impossible.. ! Salaam Lenar!!
@burqut7 ай бұрын
Great video Bahafor!
@LiorSultanov7 ай бұрын
I am an Azerbaijani speaker and could understand Uzbek a little bit faster than the Turkish speaker. We use yetişdirmək exactly the same way and yenmək means to defeat while udmaq is to win 😅
@javohirkhujamberdiev7 ай бұрын
We say yutmoq as well
@brl62936 ай бұрын
I'm Turkish, When i was a child we used to say ütmek for win the game. But in generally we use yenmek for the defeat and kazanmak to win. Both of them are turkic origin.
@LiorSultanov6 ай бұрын
@@brl6293 Kardeşiz!!! Qazanmaq is also a common word but the meaning in Azerbaijani shifted to "earn", e.g. pul qazanmaq. I hope that Azerbaijanis will use yenmək more because oftentimes people use məğlub etmək, its arabic counterpart, in favor of it. Türklər yenilməzdir!
@randomized36946 ай бұрын
@@LiorSultanov Öz dilində yaz da
@hurthur45536 ай бұрын
utmaq to win and utturmaq or uttirmaq to lose we say it in khurasan uzbek
@SmithWesson886 ай бұрын
Assalamaleykum to all Turkic people. From Qazaqstan 🇰🇿🤘🏼🐺
@dilnorazakirjanova5206 ай бұрын
Hayitbek🇺🇿 you did a great job😎
@turktilmash6 ай бұрын
Керемет жоба! Түбі бір, түрі ұқсас, тілі ортақ - Түркі елдері жасасын! ✊
@britturk1237 ай бұрын
I think Turkish is the most modern language of the four with the other three being the original Turkic languages, although they are obviously all more modern today than when they were first created.
@mastersafari53496 ай бұрын
what do you mean? How a language could be "more modern" than other? I mean you can tell it if you comparing a dead language to a living (for example Latin and Italian). But how Turkish is more modern than other Turkic languages in that regard?
@elladagurbanova41646 ай бұрын
@user-lf5ph4jh6e6 ай бұрын
Greetings! It's great! 👍👍👍
@Turkemia7 ай бұрын
26:56 I guess that the litteral translatioon of 'korhana' would not mean qurxana in Kazakh, not coming from the Turkic verb 'qur-' to build/constract but from the Persian word kâr wich means profit. In Turkish that would be kârhane. We can understand that because it is not written with q but k.
@javohirkhujamberdiev7 ай бұрын
Korxona comes from persian. Kor -job, work, xona is room, or house. We borrowed that word from persian
@Руслан-п1б4ъ6 ай бұрын
Нет, слово "корхона" это чисто таджикское (персидское) слово. "Кор"- это работа, "хона"- дом - это комната, дом. Корхона- это рабочий дом, рабочее помещение, или же дом, помещение где работают, рабочее помещение, предприятие. По этому это слово не было понятно турчанке вообще. К сожалению, в узбекский язык и не только в него, проникло много персидских слов. Например, "Нон"- хлеб, "Хона" -дом, комната, "Дукон"- торговое помешение, "Замин"- земля, "Хозир"- сейчас, "Барвакт"- рано, "Хамдард"- сопереживание, " "Хамкасб"- коллега и т.д.
@LeylaOzden-fc1bi6 ай бұрын
@@Руслан-п1б4ъ Şimal is from a younger generation, older generations can understand Persian-origin words better because in Turkish there used to be a lot. PS: Please note that I'm saying this not particularly for the word in question kârhana but in general.
@inquisitiveguest5 ай бұрын
bala nin ne oldugunu bilmeyen bir turke ilk kez rastliyorum
@muhammadyaqubkhan76626 ай бұрын
Hey bahador! I really want to contribute in your videos i speak Urdu,Hindhi,English,Pashto,Arabic and Learning Farsi
@n5alast7 ай бұрын
Interesting 👏
@ИбнСино-й3й7 ай бұрын
Uzbek language is the most Persianized Turkic language. I am Tajik and I understand the Uzbek language by 60-70%. And the Uzbeks are the people closest to us, even closer than the Persians and Pashtuns. Apart from the language, the Uzbeks and we have everything in common: culture, way of life, cuisine, traditions, clothing and even appearance. Therefore, Tajiks and Uzbeks often say that “we are one people speaking two languages.”
@alitok95647 ай бұрын
The difference is in the mongolian dna admixture Uzbeks have more and tadjiks depending on the region more or less
@Quad2727 ай бұрын
Source my grandfather 😂
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in all directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thank>Denge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chie)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it / to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn out/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
Bal = (Honey) Bal >Mel >Mer >Mil >Meli > Melit > Melis =(yumuşak, melul, balsam, hoş kokulu, tatlı / yummy, mellow, balmy, malleable, dessert, sweet) Al-Bal (red-sweet) =Alpal (Apple) >Afal >Almelo> >Alma > Elma (the dessert) > Alba> halba > halvah > helva Mel-ak (sweet-white)>Mela >Mal >Mar >Milo >Melon >Melam >>>Milk (sweetie) > Balak > bala >>> bella ? >> well ? Almıla / Melah >> Elma = Apple Muş-mela > Muşmula = Medlar Meltem= mellow wind = breeze Mel-melat = marmelat = marmellata Melisa = balm / jam / rosin Melamine = a type of chemical resin (Mel-hem)> merhem=(almost-balm) > ointment (Mel-sumac) merşumak> mercimek = lentil Mel-audio = melody (Dağ = mountain) (tow/toğ/tao/tai/tav/tag)>> high/ 塔 /大 / 高 /ضيقة dev/deva/diva/dheu/theo/theus>> huge (dar /tar /dai /tay /tav /dae /too /toi) = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Phone / Phoon/ Fun / Wajan / Wehen = (Esen/ Esinti / Rüzgar/ Ses ) - Wind / Breeze / Sound / Voice Dae-vane /tai-fun / tao-wen/ too-phone/ typhoon/ 大风 = (loud sound) >> hard-strong wind Dağ= litosferik tabakaların sıkışarak yükselmesi / compression and rise of lithospheric layers Dar-lık= to rise upwards by squeezed, feeling of height, feeling of being squeezed Dar = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Dar = birbirine yaklaşmış / sıkışık / sıkışmış / sıkıştırılmış / sağlam / sert / dayanıklı Darlık= sıkışarak yükselmek, yükseklik hissi, sıkışma duygusu Dar = yakın olmak , alakalı olmak, ilgilenmek / to be close, to be involved, to be interested Hüküm-dar = Hükümle ilgilenen , hüküm veren = Sovereign Mihman-dar = Misafire yakın olan , misafire alaka gösteren = ~hostess Darülaceze = Acizerle ilgilenilen yer = ~hospice Dai-u > nearest he's = Dayı = uncle Toy = meeting /ceremony/feast/ immature-game boy Kurulu-toy > Kurultay = scheduled meeting / council (Dai-emek)> Dayamak =to base on /make it support/fasten down / get it closer well to (Dai-en-mak)> Dayanmak= to recline upon / stay strong /be close literally (Dai-et-mak)>Dayatmak = to impose / insist / keep it completely nearest to Yanardağ ile ilgili / pertaining to a volcano Dağ-et-mak >Dağıtmak = to distribute /to deal out / to deploy Dağ-al-mak >Dağılmak = to get dispersed / to go to pieces Dağ-la-mak = krater şekline çevirmek / cauterize (Doğ-umak) = Doğmak = to come up / rising up / come into the world > to born Doğ-ğur-mak= Doğurmak= to make this come up > bring this into the world > to give birth Doğu=the direction where the sun comes up > East / 东方 (Doy-umak) = Doymak = to rise to the top / to be full Doy-ğur-mak= Doyurmak=to satiate > to make it full > to feed Tok= has peaked, satiate, full (Tik) Dik= direct to endpoint / ~upright Dikey= vertical Dik-uğru =Doğru = right direction = true Diken= thorn Dik-mek =to make directly them overlap each other over endpoints > sew / sow Doğa= upper surface structure of the earth > nature Doku = surface structure, texture Doku-mak=to weave (on the surface) (Toku-en-mak) Dokunmak=to touch / to contact the surface of..
@Salomsalom-sp2fl7 ай бұрын
maybe it is because most uzbeks are turkifiezed sogdians on the other hand the majority of tajiks are persianized sogdians ( but i'm not sure:)
@avapangeayt23976 ай бұрын
I'm soooo glad to see Şimal back
@johan_johansson_7 ай бұрын
💫 Rule #1 💫 *Watched 🎧 ➡ pressed 👍🏻 ➡ pressed 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 to the comments from others* ✅
@javohirkhujamberdiev7 ай бұрын
Korxona and mardanovor come from farsi. Kor xona not a "quruv" xona(constructing room), it is work place
@mrfreddo4615 ай бұрын
As Kazakh who was born and raised in Uzbekistan, and then worked with turk brothers in Kazakhstan, I would say I understood 90% of all words used here by 4 languages 😊😅😅😅
@Grungeuncle2 ай бұрын
Yeah, Şimal is a lovely person and might be very famous with your channel, no offense but please bring someone much more knowledgeable for Turkish next time. At least someone that is familiar with the Anatolian accents as some of them still have old sayings that could be close to other Turkic vocabulary. And was she signaling something? Was that passive-aggressive? Her sentence was literally " I'm losing my Turkish vocabulary as I'm not speaking Turkish anymore because I live abroad", in a video about Turkic language family similarities ????
@Ash_tommo7 ай бұрын
We need Uyghur, Qirim tatar, Azerbaijani ❤
@MariiiaPuder6 ай бұрын
Şimal is back!
@hdersoz7 ай бұрын
I saw Şimal in Bahador's videos. I was thinking she is also living in Canada.
@KoraySelduman6 ай бұрын
Kazak is still more near to proto-Turkic, Oğuz branch (Turkish, Azerbaycan, Gökoğuz, Türkmen, Horasani) is far changed among kıpçak, kuman, karluk, Sibirian. Kazak text is so difficult because it is very traditional and months, days of the week etc are diffirent in ex-soviet countries from Turkey. Actually I understood more kazak in old Bahadır's videos. On that video I pretty sure It was a hard text. Also all texts are difficult at that time because so much junctioned sentences. Şimal's sentences is a 3 row sentences.
@Abeturk6 ай бұрын
TH > T / D TH > TS > S / Ş / Z Thuith >Tuits > Tiss / Diş = tooth (dental) Thuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss / Dış = out ( outer) Thuss > - Suz = (- Less) >>without it / free from it / it's got rid of that Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside Dışsal = external Dışı = out of… / de- / dis- Suz > sız/siz & suz/süz = without / -less Kanat = Wing /Kanatsız = Wingless Su= water > Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous Suç =crime > Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame) Şeker= Sugar > Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free Kitap= book / Kitapsız = without books / free from books Ücret = fee / ücret dışı =out of fee / ücretsiz =~free Gereksiz = needless / İhtiyaç dışı- lüzumsuzca =unnecessary Kanunsuz/hukuksuz = unlawful / Kanun dışı = outside the law Hukuk-yasa =law > Yasal =legal / Yasadışı = illegal Görüş = sight / görüş dışı = out of sight Sadık -vefalı-vefakar= loyal / sadakatsiz-vefasız= disloyal Beğeni = like / beğeni dışı= dislike Bağlantı = connect / bağlantı dışı=disconnect Evirmek= to make it to turn around itself or transform into another shape over time İç = inside > ÇE Çe-evir-mek =(içe evirmek) = çevirmek = (turn-into) / encircle / convert / slew round Dış =outside > DE De-evirmek =(dışa evirmek) = devirmek =(turn-outer) / overturn / overthrow De-monte=démonté= dis-assembled (LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got) LI- Li-Lu-Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir... (Have)(~With) (Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri “İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder. (Have no)( ~without) (...less) O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which) the woman has two children > woman with two children Çocuksuz adam = (which) the man has no child > childless man Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (get-mek-liğ-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (get-meg-in gerek-liğ) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (get-meg-in gerek-e-er) = you need to go
@Abeturk6 ай бұрын
Bal = (Honey) Bal >Mel >Mer >Mil >Meli > Melit > Melis =(yumuşak, melul, balsam, hoş kokulu, tatlı / yummy, mellow, balmy, malleable, dessert, sweet) Al-Bal (red-sweet) =Alpal (Apple) >Afal >Almelo> >Alma > Elma (the dessert) > Alba> halba > halvah > helva Mel-ak (sweet-white)>Mela >Mal >Mar >Milo >Melon >Melam >>>Milk (sweetie) > Balak > bala >>> bella ? >> well ? Almıla / Melah >> Elma = Apple Muş-mela > Muşmula = Medlar Meltem= mellow wind = breeze Mel-melat = marmelat = marmellata Melisa = balm / jam / rosin Melamine = a type of chemical resin (Mel-hem)> merhem=(almost-balm) > ointment (Mel-sumac) merşumak> mercimek = lentil Mel-audio = melody (Dağ = mountain) (tow/toğ/tao/tai/tav/tag)>> high/ 塔 /大 / 高 /ضيقة dev/deva/diva/dheu/theo/theus>> huge (dar /tar /dai /tay /tav /dae /too /toi) = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Phone / Phoon/ Fun / Wajan / Wehen = (Esen/ Esinti / Rüzgar/ Ses ) - Wind / Breeze / Sound / Voice Dae-vane /tai-fun / tao-wen/ too-phone/ typhoon/ 大风 = (loud sound) >> hard-strong wind Dağ= litosferik tabakaların sıkışarak yükselmesi / compression and rise of lithospheric layers Dar-lık= to rise upwards by squeezed, feeling of height, feeling of being squeezed Dar = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Dar = birbirine yaklaşmış / sıkışık / sıkışmış / sıkıştırılmış / sağlam / sert / dayanıklı Darlık= sıkışarak yükselmek, yükseklik hissi, sıkışma duygusu Dar = yakın olmak , alakalı olmak, ilgilenmek / to be close, to be involved, to be interested Hüküm-dar = Hükümle ilgilenen , hüküm veren = Sovereign Mihman-dar = Misafire yakın olan , misafire alaka gösteren = ~hostess Darülaceze = Acizerle ilgilenilen yer = ~hospice Dai-u > nearest he's = Dayı = uncle Toy = meeting /ceremony/feast/ immature-game boy Kurulu-toy > Kurultay = scheduled meeting / council (Dai-emek)> Dayamak =to base on /make it support/fasten down / get it closer well to (Dai-en-mak)> Dayanmak= to recline upon / stay strong /be close literally (Dai-et-mak)>Dayatmak = to impose / insist / keep it completely nearest to Yanardağ ile ilgili / pertaining to a volcano Dağ-et-mak >Dağıtmak = to distribute /to deal out / to deploy Dağ-al-mak >Dağılmak = to get dispersed / to go to pieces Dağ-la-mak = krater şekline çevirmek / cauterize (Doğ-umak) = Doğmak = to come up / rising up / come into the world > to born Doğ-ğur-mak= Doğurmak= to make this come up > bring this into the world > to give birth Doğu=the direction where the sun comes up > East / 东方 (Doy-umak) = Doymak = to rise to the top / to be full Doy-ğur-mak= Doyurmak=to satiate > to make it full > to feed Tok= has peaked, satiate, full (Tik) Dik= direct to endpoint / ~upright Dikey= vertical Dik-uğru =Doğru = right direction = true Diken= thorn Dik-mek =to make directly them overlap each other over endpoints > sew / sow Doğa= upper surface structure of the earth > nature Doku = surface structure, texture Doku-mak=to weave (on the surface) (Toku-en-mak) Dokunmak=to touch / to contact the surface
@ramazansmrk6 ай бұрын
Bu kadar kopmuşuz birbirimizden İngilizce anlaşıyoruz
@koseku36 ай бұрын
ŞİMALLLLLLLLLL İS BACK with özlem tekin look :D
@TarlanT2 ай бұрын
I’m Kazakh, and Kazakh text was like really hard even for me.😂
@alexwander75797 ай бұрын
Can you do Kyrgyz Uyighur Turkmen Turkish version? These are the oldest nations of turkic world, I wonder how similar / different are the words and pronunciations. BTW, tatar language was more clear to me 😂
@proudbacteria13737 ай бұрын
The Oldest nations of Turkic world? Are you joking right?
@Abeturk7 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in all directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thank>Denge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chie)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it / to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn out/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@azizmasimov32987 ай бұрын
lol I'm Uyghur. And we don't speak Old Uyghur 😂 We speak Modern (or New) Uyghur , which is very different from the old one. Our language we use now is close to Uzbek. Almost the same languages from one branch
@IlhomjonNomalumov7 ай бұрын
There are 4 dialects of the Uzbek language, Oghuz, Kipchak, Qarluq, and surprisingly, the fourth one is the Tajik mixed Uzbek language. the text spoken by this young man contains mainly Tajik words. if we want, we can express our thoughts with close words and phrases for Tatar language, and then if we want, we can express our thoughts with close words for Turkish language, without bypassing the official dictionary. we understand at least 60% of the language of all Turkic-speaking peoples, but they may have difficulty understanding us, because for example, we may inadvertently introduce words close to another Turkic group to another.
@ИбнСино-й3й7 ай бұрын
In which regions of Uzbekistan do they speak the fourth dialect, which is most mixed with Tajik? Thanks for the interesting comment.
@alitok95647 ай бұрын
The dialect diversity suggests that uzbeks ethnically are not quite homogeneous and comprises of many tribes who inhabited the area for centuries kypchaks , karluks , oghuz other turks-mongol tribes . uzbekistan is a mixing pot that is still being mixed !
@wewenang51677 ай бұрын
But Tajik is not Turkic but Persian sub group.
@wewenang51677 ай бұрын
@@alitok9564 yeh Uzbek also have a lot of Persian words even in the history Uzbek were the first Turkic tribe who settled and built cities. So they have a lot more mixed then other Turkic tribes.
@Salomsalom-sp2fl7 ай бұрын
brother there is no such a thing called as the tajik dialect(lahcha) but we do have the Tajik accent(sheva)( for example it's like French or German accent in English ) the text was in the Standart Uzbek language which the Ferganea accent of The Karluk dialect
@selengeenesay74496 ай бұрын
I am Turkish and I am screaming like girlll how the hell you didn't understand that!! Please bring another one next time because she doesn't even know Turkish...
@EMRE-gj1vr6 ай бұрын
Sizi alkışlıyorum, aynı fikirdeyim
@richcrown11766 ай бұрын
I'm Uzbek but I couldn't understand a word from Turkish
@EMRE-gj1vr6 ай бұрын
@@richcrown1176 because she chose a very very hard and ridicilous sentence, no points, and sentences are upside down. Don't worry we are Turkish and we didn't understand too
@LeylaOzden-fc1bi6 ай бұрын
Sad but true. Her text was very poorly written.
@Rustamazizow3 ай бұрын
Sadece Türk kadını değil burda Özbek çocuk da aynısını yapıyor 😒 @@EMRE-gj1vr
@Simsrockslol7 ай бұрын
i missed simal!!
@nickhalden878120 күн бұрын
as an Uzbek, well I would say Uzbek is closer to Tatar, but Khazak and Turkish kinda a little hard to grasp without concentrating a bit more into the speech. But interestingly for Khazak guy it was difficult for him to grasp the Turkish as well. Kinda interesting scenarios. Though I would say Turkmen and Tatar languages are more closer to Uzbek hence more comprehendable
@phol85506 ай бұрын
Здравствуйте Смотрю из Таиланда
@TarlanT2 ай бұрын
Don’t get how Kazakh guy didn’t understand Tatar text. It was like 75% same as Kazakh.
@Turkiclanguagess6 ай бұрын
Hi Im from Karakalpakstan
@uzer-10716 ай бұрын
Temel (Kırsal) Türkçe~Oğuzca Türk dilli coğrafyanın bütününde anlaşılabilir tek dialekt (söyleyiş şeklidir). El, ayak gibi organ adları, yer~yön adları, sayılar, gel,git, ye, iç, yat, kalk, otur, yürü gibi temel edilgen sözler, ay, gün, yıldız (jıldız), gök, yer, uzak (ırak), beri (yakın), çık, düş (in), derin, sığ gibi gök ve yer belirteçleri bütünüyle birdir.
@JurabekHasanov-sd9fp5 ай бұрын
Would be interesting to see Uyghur and Uzbek. I think they will comprehend each other well
@YaxyoxonAbdurahimov4 ай бұрын
Greetings from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
@tegin33 ай бұрын
Anadolu Türkçesi çok güzel. Birinci güne değin dediğini rahatlıkla anlayabiliyorum.
@aiganymka7 ай бұрын
@Ihatebingqiling6 ай бұрын
Bahador actually secretly turk! He wants to unite all the turkic people!! 😮
@MichaelSemikin6 ай бұрын
Турчанка, кстати, привела довольно сложный совершенно неразговорный текст с нетипичными для разговорного языка оборотами. Сложилось ощущение, что каждый из них кроме татарина хотел доставить своим оппонентам максимальные трудности в понимании.
@MuratAkancan2 ай бұрын
@batuXhan6 ай бұрын
46:32 a beautiful momemt
@bulentbulut4965Ай бұрын
As a Turkish guy I understood Kazakh %50, Uzbek %70 and Tatar %80
@diyassars40779 күн бұрын
Dear Bahodur! The title of this video is more appropriate like this: Turkish, Tatar, Uzbek and Kazakh - that's more geographycally correct. As you see neighboring people understand each other easily and also see the faces: tatar people more similar to turkish and uzbek people more similar to kazakh - that's happened historycally by chingizkhan empire and after that tamerlan empire.
@Vivi_86736 ай бұрын
Biz biriz🇹🇷🇦🇿🇺🇿🇹🇲🇰🇿🇰🇬🇧🇬
@tarakkiyot6 ай бұрын
I noticed that the turkish participant is understanding it when the uzbek participant is retelling it. I think kazah us pretty close in written form, but their phonetics is somewhat unusual.
@tarakkiyot6 ай бұрын
All turkic nations are more or less ecposed to and familiar with turkish. It is like an equivalent of arabic fusxa for us.
@Turkemia7 ай бұрын
19:00 Can it be that äz comes from the Semitic word aziz? In old Hebrew 'az.
@hurthur45536 ай бұрын
No its not because az it means few or little bit in turkish and uzbek languages but aziz means dear in arabic
@sunquake24 күн бұрын
Äz < ghazza
@muminusmanov39055 күн бұрын
Biz tum turkler bir birimizi.daha iyi Anlamak icin Turkiya turkcesini Kabul.etmemiz ve onun.etrafinda Birlesmemiz gerekiyor. Bu dil cok tatli, zengin ve tavlanmis Dildir. Onu ogrenmek icin biz.ozbek Kazah,.tatarlar icin 6 aydan fazla Zaman.gerekmiyacak .
@masudnabati89063 ай бұрын
Selam arkadaşlar ben İran'da yaşıyorum kuzey Horasan da Şirvan şehrin de
@duyguyazar25436 ай бұрын
Daha basit cumleler olmaliydi, ayni dil gurubundalar ama tıpatıp ayni degiller
@muminusmanov39055 күн бұрын
Why these long sentences bearly Understandable by the people Who have evidently never heard of.
@altay-bekizrailov439216 күн бұрын
Anatolie turks could never understand the other turkic langage. Lot of araps french words influence turkish langage