Twisted Metal: Black Did Something IMPOSSIBLE

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Tactical Bacon Productions

Tactical Bacon Productions

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A while back I made the decision that Twisted Metal black is going to be saved for my 100,000 subscriber special. It was only fitting considering that Twisted Metal black was responsible for my first hit video. All the way back in the halcyon days of late 2021. Twisted Metal black is the best, there is no competition as far as I'm concerned. It is the best Twisted Metal game, and will be extremely hard-pressed to ever have competition in that regard. And I feel like that's especially the case for me. It was simultaneously a reinvention of the series but also it return to form. However with that, it's also a game that is lucky to exist and quite frankly, shouldn't exist.
#twistedmetal #twistedmetalreview #tacticalbaconproductions

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@EastyyBlogspot Ай бұрын
I will never forget getting the game and after playing through it I wondered where the story was and then I found out they removed cutscenes from the pal version....that was mental
@Astfgl Ай бұрын
Yeah this was awful. I bought TMB in late 2001 being super excited about it, and what I got was a neutered version of the experience. The gameplay was still great of course, but so much of the atmosphere was just gone. I ended up trading it in for GTA3 and fortunately I was able to make amends a few years later by importing a full-fat copy of TMB from the US.
@EastyyBlogspot Ай бұрын
@Astfgl at the time I thought I had a faulty copy lol
@PeterKulawasilo Ай бұрын
Brit sighted
@Astfgl Ай бұрын
@@EastyyBlogspot I had heard of the censorship before I bought the game but for some reason I didn't believe it. Surely they wouldn't do that? I'm sure it will be fine... it wasn't.
@EastyyBlogspot Ай бұрын
​@Astfgl that was the biggest censorship I have ever seen in a game
@FatherTime89 Ай бұрын
Twisted Metal black was the first dark piece of media I ever got. It definitely left an impression.
@fluidwolf Ай бұрын
One thing I always liked was the fact that the weapons all actually were shown on the vehicles during the game. Each vehicle had different compartments and nooks and crannies where each weapon is stored and fired from which is neat I feel. The weapons are actually things the vehicles are made to use and each has generally unique placement for them on them which was such a nice detail imo. Though I do agree on the idea that despite this basically being one of my favorite games in the series people treating it as the representation of how the entire series is creates a bit of a problem. People treat Black and 2012 as representative of the entire series' tone and sometimes use that as a point against other entries like Head On or Small Brawl without seeming to realize that they are big tonal shifts from the rest of the series as well and that Head On is more how the series tone was overall.
@Goose21995 Ай бұрын
The cars were extreamly detailed for a 2001 game. Look at gta and compare the 2. The maps on black may have suffered bc u can tell most of the love went to the cars and it shows(however the maps were still well designed. Prison passage and junkyard are some of the finest in the series i was just talking like graphically) The weapons popping up as u describe is such a neat concept. Like the cars are way bigger than they should be if u look at the environments and alot of the buildings lack good detail, but man focusing on the cars over the rest of the graphics was such a good idea bc the cars look and act so realistic. Also small brawl is my guilty pleasure and the tm game I played the most. It's genuinky awsone, I wish it got the ps2 treatment as origionally intended, but the guy who designed the physics is a cool dude. U can catch him in the comments on some of TBP videos
@Sykoze 20 күн бұрын
I started with 2, really enjoyed the series growing up, and I absolutely hated Black when it first came out for this exact reason. The series was always silly and kind of tongue-in-cheek, but some of the stories in Black were legitimately disturbing.
@OcelotOmega Ай бұрын
I genuinely believe that Black is a reimagining of the original game, not only for all the reasons you listed, but also because there's one other character that is only playable in those two games: Yellowjacket. Not only that, but the newspaper articles that have a date on them for Needles being captured, in my opinion, is a red herring. The wheels of justice grind slowly after all, and I could easily see his high profile court case taking several years to be fully resolved, then his execution taking time to come up.
@PatTheElder Ай бұрын
32:31 "Pounded in the ass by missles" I must've missed that Chuck Tingle story 😂
@lunanyx8592 Ай бұрын
Love the Tingle reference.
@mrtophat12 Ай бұрын
Pounded in the Ass By Handsome Missiles -C T
@sobrev1viente Ай бұрын
When the game manual added to the lore of the game, according to some pages, the inmates got released some time before the tournament takes place, no faces mentions driving near a elementary school and being able to feel the children and how they look back at him
@Goose21995 Ай бұрын
They didn't escape, calypso killed the guards and set them free. The manual says "idk how he got to me but he must have went through atleast 13 guards"
Congrats on 100k subs!
@kyletech84 Ай бұрын
😅😊 0:40 😅😅 0:45
@evilhomer91 Ай бұрын
I read bloody marry’s ending as a type of psychosis. Even when presented a labotomized boyfriend her mind won't recognize love and she lashes out.
@Bad_Gazpacho Ай бұрын
That's what I got from it too. She was given a man custom made to love her, but she still wouldn't recognise it and would instead hear the opposite.
@greed42o Ай бұрын
but that just clayspo way too their is always a catch.
@Hitomora Ай бұрын
​@@Bad_Gazpacho funny thing, Calypso never Specified that her "True Love" was a Man; a popular theory is that Bloody Mary's "True Love" was actually the concept of Murder. The same way people could be Passionately in love with Cooking, Making Art, or Listening with Music
@bullets1x99 Ай бұрын
@@Hitomoradefinitely how I took it wished for her true love But her mind has twisted what that even is for her
@redpandafirefox9434 Ай бұрын
I also saw it as MURDER being her "true love."
@Cheezus Ай бұрын
the details inside and outside the game (the manual specifically) just set the bar so high for me for other ps2 games it was crazy how deep they went into this idea
@Goose21995 Ай бұрын
Me too. I wonder if no face was suppossed to be the main character, but sony probably wanted to highlight sweet tooth. If u watch all the stories, no face is thr funniest and has charm and u wanna root for him so bad and when he finally gets his revenge, he throws in the best one liner in the game
@RadicalGuy69 27 күн бұрын
Because video games back then were more worked on and cared for, nowadays it's just about the money and sales
@Goose21995 25 күн бұрын
@@RadicalGuy69 isn't that true. Some ppl still make great games out if passion tho. Fromsoft being a great example.
@Astfgl Ай бұрын
Oh man, I remember when they first showed the trailer for Twisted Metal Black; dark oppressive atmosphere, smooth gameplay that returned to its roots, they had the Rooftops music playing from TM1 and then they showed Sweet Tooth's special attack animation... the crowd went wild at that. Rarely have I been so hyped about a game, and TMB delivered on every account. Just don't mention the PAL version.
@romangagne5842 Ай бұрын
Twisted Metal Black is easily one of my all time favourite games to pick up and play even to this day. As someone grew who grew up playing the first four installments, I remember the first few times I played Black it disturbed me as the world and atmosphere was much more dark and cryptic (also I was like 7 the first time I played it and had nightmares after seeing Crazy 8's face for the first time lol). I've always enjoyed seeing the different weapons come out of certain parts of your vehicle, vehicle design and each character having a unique back story as well as ending! Anyways, Congrats on reaching this milestone and for the hard work you do!
@deathstinger13 Ай бұрын
Black on a friend's PS2 is the source of this one's sole lasting twisted metal memory; Sweettooth's ice cream van turning into a fricken mech. Always been more of a mecha girl then a car combat girl, admitedly
@FatherTime89 Ай бұрын
@@deathstinger13 did you ever play those mech games that had those giant controllers specifically for those games?
@deathstinger13 Ай бұрын
@@FatherTime89 you mean Steel Batallion? NO BUT IT WANTS TO ;w; They look so neat, so detailed, so perfect for that one part of the brain that fires off when watching highly detailed mecha workings, like in the early gundam OVAs, or seeing diagrams of how they're built in universe. But the controller's are expensive, so the closest this one ever got was a Virtua-On machine at a chuck e cheese back in the day.
@Phil.Anthropy Ай бұрын
​@@deathstinger13just judging by the two comments I've seen, you would do a lot of service to yourself by investing in one just to feel the kicks. My buddy had a setup and I was always too poor, being at his house was amazing during those days.
@seansquiers6506 Ай бұрын
Dynasty Warriors Gundam series. That's all I'll say if you're into mechs.
@deathstinger13 Ай бұрын
@@seansquiers6506 already own and beat 3 and Reborn. Both are fine, but they're nothing more than a standard Musou game with a gundam skin. This one wants more games in the vein of Steel Batallion or Armored Core. Deus X Machina was a good one too
@donavonhoward114 Ай бұрын
This game never ages. I love most of the Twisted Metal games, but this is by far the best one. Sure, the AI can be pretty unforgiving, but the control, and the skill curve allows the player to make up for that difference with knowledge of the maps, and the handling of the vehicles in the game. The controls are tight af.
@RebelFNOS Ай бұрын
Its pretty evident how much of an influence this game would later have on the theme and tone of TM2012
@sebastiancintron29 Ай бұрын
Damn good video. Twisted Metal Black was my exposure to this series. I played it when i was a kid and while we were forbidden from playing the story mode, my brothers and i played the hell out of the multiplayer modes. Something about the game made it so hard hitting. The oppressive atmosphere, the dark look, Sweet Tooth immediately jump scaring us in the main menu. It was the perfect dark game for that time when we were young.
@iguanajoe9329 Ай бұрын
I can't help but notice that in all of your Twisted Metal gameplay videos, catching fire seems an issue, to a point where even car specials are tiered based upon you catching said fire (flames) back. Then, I heard you say around the 3 min mark that you did not grow up with these games, and it all made sense, so here's a Pro-tip: as soon as you cath fire because of any flame based attack, just tap the turbo button, and the flames automatically turn off and you stop taking damage. I can't remember if it can be done in TM1, but I sure as hell did it all the way from TM2 to TMBlack. To be completely honest, you treat this franchise with such respect, that I would never had guessed you did not grow up with it, so mad respect 🫡
@Se7enBeatleofDoom Ай бұрын
At 17:02 let’s be honest. Chris-Chan would fit in as a twisted metal black character without changing a thing.
@sprinterofblack8186 Ай бұрын
28:35 I had something like that happen to me as well a few years ago, and coincidentally enough, it was with Axel, but in the Midtown Suburbs instead of the Skyscrapers. So here's what happened: After I discovered that there was a "no enemy" code, I picked the Suburbs to cruise around in so as to soak in the dark and bleak atmosphere. As I was driving, I stopped by the suburban area near the coastline and proceeded to jump onto one of the small houses. I flipped midair and all of a sudden, I fell right through the ground. About a few seconds later, Axel was right back on the ground and the game showed this message at the top of the screen: Car Teleported. Haven't had another incident like that occur since then. By the way, I like your Twisted Metal vids. It's been years ever since the series was left to fade through the passage of time, so I'm glad that there are people out there who talk about it and keep its memory alive.
@Never_Layte Ай бұрын
Congratulations on 100k brother have a great day/night 💗
@streetfreak4206 Ай бұрын
Good shit man! Congrats. I remember playing TM1 in my local blockbuster on the demo set-up. 2 & Black are the best.
@ScottE-2 Ай бұрын
Twisted Metal: Black was my first and only entry into the series. I quite liked it for how dark it went and was willing to go. It was also the first time I ever looked up online how to unlock stuff and secrets. It was a magical experience and the internet was still new at the time since it had only become a bit more available to the home. The cheats were cool too but what got me was just how stubborn I was just trying to beat the game with so many characters. And I did for about 6 of them. The rest I just looked up online for their endings which is still really cool to me just how varied these characters were. That and it introduced me to the Rolling Stones with Paint it Black being an instant favorite. I don't carry much interest in the past games but this channel definitely rekindled my past experience with it. Congratulations and to a well deserved 100K subscribers dude.
@furiousapplesack Ай бұрын
The golden age of the internet. I remember the days. gamerevolution, geocities and niche forums. Good times.
@l3esme568 Ай бұрын
I just love listening to people talk about things they like... I haven't even given twisted Metal a single thought before
@roperaustraman4445 Ай бұрын
Twisted Metal Black is the only game in the series I have never played. I didn’t have a PS2 when it released, but a friend of mine’s family had two and had the game. When he got Black he swore it was broken because it wouldn’t start up, I told us we needed a network adapter and we didn’t know what that was. He later moved away so I am unsure if he ever played it, but I am guessing his dad had the network adapter with one console and got the online disc that way. For years I just thought it was an odd game that required the network adapter to run, and so the game sold poorly. Then that was why the series died out from there until the PS3 game. It wasn’t until I discovered your channel that I learned Black was a popular game in the series and found out there was a separate Black Online disc.
@killer1one1 Ай бұрын
David Jaffe might be a crazy bastard, but he deserves every bit of praise he gets not just for having, but for championing the vision for this game and for God of War. Consider that it was basically an idea in his head, and that idea got pushed through every developer and corporate suit along the way to get the final product(s) in our hands. I dunno, I think that's kind of cool.
@Kyle-nm1kh Ай бұрын
How difficulty should have been: Easy: 3 lives that refresh, 3x heal Medium: 3 lives that refresh, 1x heal Hard: 3 lives no refresh, 3x heal Insane: 3 lives no refresh, 1x heal Impossible: 1 life, no heal
@ZachlikesMetal Ай бұрын
Me and you have a similar story about this amazing game. I got the game in 2010 at a gamestop at the age of 14 and I remember it being very hard to play but I kept on trying and I did beat the whole game with every character mainly to see all the cutscenes. Me and my brother loved to play this game back then and we use to watch the cutscenes and analyze them wondering what was really going on. Also that Twisted Metal: Black video about it all being in his head is what brought me here. I've been watching since. So for about three years now. Me and my brother watched the it's all in his head video and thought wow that has to be it!
@pharmcat8484 Ай бұрын
When you said “trite” I heard “tripe” and with the visual of Mr Grimm’s meal it put me off my dinner.
@VicariousNickk Ай бұрын
Twisted Metal Black is rated as one of the best games on the PlayStation 2 for a reason! Amazing game
@coffee0093 Ай бұрын
it does so much right and is still a blast to play now!
@pharmcat8484 Ай бұрын
Heeeeyyyyyy; it’s the guy!!
@moviemaker2011z Ай бұрын
This is the earliest I've ever been to a video ever. So glad it's this one of all things because the all in sweet tooths head video was the first one of yours I saw.
@FlappableElf Ай бұрын
I’m not great at this game, but I love Mr. Grimm and always play as him in every TM game I can lol
@steveperson5686 14 күн бұрын
Between Grim and the grey car that shot missiles. sometimes spectre (white camaro?)
@ImperialVirtue Ай бұрын
Came here on a whim of Twisted Metal nostalgia, and I just really appreciated the competence, thoroughness, and fairness you brought to it. TM3 was a very early game for me (I was like seven years old, maybe), and I still love it for all the jank you pointed out. It was also an early exposure to metal-esque music for me, which is now a huge part of my life. Thanks for the guided tour down memory lane. Looking forward to more!
@VRHyoumaru Ай бұрын
Congrats on 100k, and thinking about it, yeah fighting Warhawk with Darkside sounds like one hell of a challenge
@joshmartinez2581 Ай бұрын
Ive been playing twisted metal since I was a kid. I never really looked too deep into blacks story until your video blew my mind. Congratulations on 100k.
@Ninrutu Ай бұрын
100k! You deserve it and more, man
@WeirdWebbster Ай бұрын
Congrats, TBP - well deserved 💚 ngl this is THE game I grew up playing the most and I'm so glad there's still people adoring it even now. The atmosphere, characters, controls and quick gameplay make it probably the best car combat game out there (for me). ...I'm STILL gutted the cutscenes didn't make it in the Europe version tho :/
@lunanyx8592 Ай бұрын
I love your videos. They're interesting, entertaining, and high quality. I also appreciate you being genuine and telling stories from your own life.
@iguanajoe9329 Ай бұрын
About the endings of the characters; did anybody else notice some of them are related? The Priest was baptizing Junkyard Dog's kid and Outlaw was killed by Roadkill. Those are just the ones I can's been ages since I last played it...
@LonelySpaceDetective Ай бұрын
Considering Preacher's ending depicts him stabbing and presumably killing the pre-deformation Junkyard Dog, and there's no mention whatsoever in Junkyard Dog's story of his kid being murdered, I assume it's just a case of reused models. As for Outlaw, I don't think that's Roadkill specifically (particularly since his story doesn't mention him being shot by Outlaw) but one of the other members of the doomsday not!white supremist gang. Still ties into Roadkill's plot, but I don't think it's specifically him. That said, there are some confirmed instances of stories tying into each other with characters showing up. Axel's wife was murdered by Sweet Tooth, and Preacher is almost certainly the same preacher who cursed Sweet Tooth (one of Sweet Tooth's loading screens mentions he heard the same preacher is in the tournament as a competitor).
@iguanajoe9329 Ай бұрын
@@LonelySpaceDetective you can clearly see the preacher throughout Sweettooth's campaign, it is him. Junkyard Dog can be a case of reused models, but it's deffinetely him. And in the case of Outlaw, it is Roadkill who kills him, you can see it on Roadkill's story progression; he's the same dude terrorizing the family, just out of it.
@sayerraider09 Ай бұрын
IIRC they're just the same model reused for different characters because they didn't have the budget to make new ones. It also ties thematically into how it takes place in Needles Kane's head because he lacks the imagination to make every single character different from each other
@lordvlygar2963 Ай бұрын
Hold on: exchanging weapons for health by holding the 4 shoulder buttons and then pressing Triangle, X, Square, Circle?!?!?! 20-something years and I had never heard of this.
@robertisaar Ай бұрын
Yeah, revelation for me too. I remember spending quite a bit of time on Game FAQs when it was new trying to figure out all of the Easter eggs the community discovered and never did anyone mention this. I don't remember it being in the manual either.
@Roxim Ай бұрын
Congrats on 100k subs! I fondly remember your old channel, but I can't wait to see where this new channel goes!!!
@TheArckaneMen Ай бұрын
I remember being like 10 years old walking into best buy and dropping my umbrella after seeing Twisted Metal Black on the shelve, I don't know how I convinced my Mom to buy me the game since there was a big M on the cover but I did. I loved Twisted Metal as a kid, I always found them so fun and seeing that there was a new game for one of my favorite series filled me with joy.. and that's where the fun story ends because as soon as I started up that game I was completely put off by the incredibly dark theme 😂 I was super scared of the game, The intro music still hautns me til this day even when I boot it up to play on my ps5. I hated sweet tooth and would have scary day dreams of him waiting for me outside my bathroom or of him crashing his car into my house. however, for some reason, even if the game put me off entirely and scared me to hell, I still really enjoyed playing it and it was one of those games where I couldn't really understand why I liked playing it so much even though it scared me to bits. Having that game to me felt like I was carrying a Black Omen with me and when I eventually sold it off I Felt like a big burden was lifted from me as if I broke a curse. Being Older now I completely regret selling it off lol even with the negative feelings that I had for that game, its still one of my favorites and its such a fun game to play compared to the rest, although Head on I would say is my second Favorite. Great video man! and congrats on the 100k!
@MrWolfpack131 Ай бұрын
Oh shit, you're not a Spec Ops Bacon Strip
@gkivestattoo Ай бұрын
I love TM Black, as I love Head On, since they were my most played games on PS2. I have to say, that I'm weird TM fan since I grew up with the series, and despite I don't liking TM3 and 4 much, as the majority of fan base, I really have to say that TM2012 is my favorite game of the series. I know Black is considered a better game, but 2012 have a special place in my heart. That game deserved a lot more of care by Sony or Santa Monica or whatever. So much potential to be something even better than it was. I really wish to see a video talking about it.
@elkskullfilms4524 Ай бұрын
Dude your videos got me into twisted metal, to the point Twisted Metal 1, 2, and black the day I got a PS5. Congrats on 100,000 see you at 200,000
@brawlmaster7 Ай бұрын
incredible video!! :D i absolutely LOVE Twisted Metal Black, and honestly i could watch any sort of deep dive, review, behind the scenes, making of, analysis, etc, of TMB for like.. 10 hours straight, i love this game so much, my personal favorite in the series is STILL Twisted Metal Small Brawl, only cause it does still have this really juvenile & crazy kind of energy too it, it's kinda hard to put into words, but it resonates with me on a really personal type of level, but TMB does aswell! and YEAH man the videos you create not only with black, but ingeneral are super interesting to listen too, they're concise, they're enjoyable, and they get right to the point! and to mention! you're pretty good at speaking infront of the camera too! :D cheers to the 100k subscribers, and i patiently await any new videos that come out! KICK ASS!
@Blackrob1313 Ай бұрын
Congrats On 100k. Please continue to make the content you love and please know we love it just as much as you. Appreciate you and continue to grow and be well
@excellentestevan4488 Ай бұрын
Congratulations! Can't wait for 500k in the (hopefully) near future
@PSYCLOWN185 Ай бұрын
Black was very cutting edge when it came out. I was blown away the first time I played it which was about 6 months after it came out.
@Lucas17031 Ай бұрын
Congrats on hitting 100K dude!!
@MikeDeeJackson Ай бұрын
Congrats on 100k! You're the first channel that brought me back to Twisted Metal!
@marcusbighouse Ай бұрын
The way you described the controlling feeling of TM2 and 3 and how black merged it. Perfect. Just perfectly described. In black what I loved most is how well designed the missiles were. Like, they travelled mountains always close to the groud, finding paths in every slope to hit the target. Also: The Los Angeles song played at the beginning of this video: I loved it since I was a kid playing TM2. I think if you had to describe what is heavy metal in one song, that would be the one
@durag_rico Ай бұрын
I'm watching this while editing my own vid, and I have to say the talk you had at the end shows the a brighter side to YT creators. Thanks for the epic look at TMB and caring passionately about your art.
@BenOlsberg1995 Ай бұрын
I'm really glad TBP finally got around to covering this one. I formally got into Twisted Metal a little over a year ago with the advent of the show. I haven't watched the show since I really don't feel like creating a fuckin Peacock account just to do so, but it kickstarted my curiosity and lead to me picking up and trying out the first game. Enjoying what I played for the most part, I decided to check KZbin to see if anyone had made a consistent effort to review the series. Even if TBP isn't quite finished just yet (with the last major installment being the PS3 title), his videos helped further get me into the series and gain a new appreciation for it. Not unlike how Fire Emblem opened my eyes to the fun of the SRPG genre, Twisted Metal showed me the potential fun of the Vehicular Combat genre, though as far as I'm aware there exist very few games in that genre that can even hold a candle to TM. But Black is more often than not the go-to title in the series that people generally refer to when talking about its respective pinnacle of quality, so this was an upload I really enjoyed.
@Bassdudeguy1 Ай бұрын
Regardless of what the “community” says, Black will always be a masterpiece and one of my all time favorites; Everything about it was executed perfectly, cutscenes, stories, vehicles, menus, etc. David Jaffe and Scott Campbell are legends in my book they can do no wrong. I love Snowy Roads as opposed to Drive in not because Drive in is hard but because I love the atmosphere of Snowy Roads
@furiousapplesack Ай бұрын
Congratulations on the subs! I found you when you put out the other Black video that went viral. I may not pop in much but it makes me happy to see creators I like get some eyes on their work so this is good news all around.
@michaelboydston313 2 күн бұрын
Tip for Minion: go into one of the cubbies in the corners, activate the shield when he gets close, and he'll try to turn away. a good amount of the time he'll show the back pannel
@JoaoAgile Ай бұрын
Black was my return to the TM series after a lot of time away, back in 2007, and I fell in love with the series forever then. It might not be my favorite Twisted Metal (that would be 2012), but it has the best story and atmosphere while also being very important to me. Congrats on getting to 100 thousand subs, and keep up the great work!
@ckmondaviable Ай бұрын
I hope one day you’ll get to interview the man himself. And by man I mean David Jaffee!
@Dazs Ай бұрын
Congrats on 100k, fantastic content!! :) Great video!
@CurtezKemp Ай бұрын
I always love seeing your Twisted Metal videos. Congrats on 100K+ subscribers. :)
@VPCommieKamala 23 күн бұрын
"Shut up and Bleed you Mother" The cutscenes and dialog in this game are top notch
@ashleygatton5649 4 күн бұрын
The Intro Song was a Banger! Rolling Stones, Paint it black. I really enjoyed this game.
@phasmidgaming99 Ай бұрын
Congratulations on hitting 100,000 subscribers and thank you for all the amazing content you put out!
@mattiepoohbearable Ай бұрын
its wild to me your channel doesnt have more subscribers. Your videos are absolutely amazing and so entertaining. Your videos actually helped me introduce my best friend into Twisted Metal. Congrats on 100k man and heres to many more!!!!
@Zenrikku77 15 күн бұрын
i think one of my favorite parts about the game is how some of the story in the storymode would some how interweaves with of the playable characters. Like Sweet Tooth being curse by Preach like you saying but also John Doe was the terrorist guy in Outlaws story that he was task to kill. On a side note No Face on his loading screen scared the crap out of me when i was younger because i always had the feeling the eye lids would open and reveal some demonic yellowish eyes under them.
@GeneralLaygo Ай бұрын
Hey man, congratulations on 100k subs! I forgot exactly when I found you, but I believe it was sometime within the last year, probably late 23. I got recommended one of your lists (either endings or levels) and I'm a sucker for that kind of content. I greatly enjoyed your stuff and have been an avid watcher ever since! You got me into Twisted Metal as well (Played Black first, then got Head-On plus Small Brawl). I've greatly enjoyed my time with the series, so thanks! I'm glad I got to join in on correcting everyone on the Sweet Tooth and Needles Kane confusion!
@Barlaxthechicken Ай бұрын
Congratulations on 100,000 subs and we'll all be here when you reach 200,000 🥳🎉
@zetamaniac Ай бұрын
When one member of my family first got the PS2 , we kids were still playing TM2 on our PS1 back in the early 00s The jump from playing TM2 to this when it was brand new back in the day was so fucking unbelievable I'll never forget it. Something Im afraid younger people will never experience anymore really as game have stagnated super hard. Awesome video, congrats on 100k
@bearlybusy Ай бұрын
hey man, congrats on the 100k! huge accomplishment. This series has always held a special place in my heart. love your reviews and will keep watching!
@sorenfontes Ай бұрын
Congratulations on 100k! I came from your hit video and have been watching since. Me and my best friend both love your videos and keep up with your uploads.
@pablofernandez2335 Ай бұрын
05:36, that also happens to me, i feel the world (or at least my hometown) should match my mood/status, i know it sounds screwed up, but it's what i genuinely feel and it's been like this since i was born
@jesternario Ай бұрын
My favorite character is Mr. Grim. I know he's a glass canon, but if you're good enough to dodge most of the shots, which can be difficult, but you're fast, so it balances out, Grim can be a lot of fun and fits to my play style. He was the first character I chose back in the original Twisted Metal, and I look to him first in any new game I play.
@FischerFilmStudio Ай бұрын
I’ve been happy to go through this journey since 2022! You’ve earned it man!
@austinskywalker92 Ай бұрын
Your twisted metal videos are great and I enjoy listening to them on repeat whenever I feel the mood. But now, I am wondering. Now that you finally looked at Twisted metal black, are you going to do videos on both head-on and 2012?
@coffee0093 Ай бұрын
I think this was my first rated M game, I remember some of the cutscenes being too scary for me since I was elementary school age, and my parents didn't like it because it had the 'swearing clown'. But damn, what a fun game
@irun253 16 күн бұрын
The random shot and kaizo players was fucking hilarious. Loved the video brother.
@DerNomade1871 Ай бұрын
Funny enough, that first twisted metal black was my first video of yours and been a fan ever since
@psykolikwid Ай бұрын
We appreciate your efforts man, don’t overthink the interactions with fans, your videos show fans the appreciation!
@pacotorres5968 Ай бұрын
Great job on 100k man and head on and 2012 baby!
@MAC_HAMMER 12 күн бұрын
The theory that Twisted Metal Black is all in Sweet Tooth's head makes more sense when you notice that sweet tooth and Calypso have the same eye thing going on
@zephyrstrife4668 Ай бұрын
This was the only Twisted Metal game I ever played... I grew up terrified of horror films, I happened to catch glimpses of Return of the Living Dead 2.. I think... But games like this made me realize what the horror genre is about. It got me looking at what normally was a movie I'd never touch with a ten foot pole... And helped me discover stories about tragic villains that are evil, know what they're doing is evil, and fighting the only way they know how to try and fix a mistake they made... It's the game that helped me see that not all horror is bad.
@The_Big_Jay Ай бұрын
I find Black's tone to be interesting in a weird personal way. When I was younger, I never played Twisted Metal, but I always saw the game's case on my brother's shelf, and it scared me. I thought it was a horror, car, demolition derby game or something. Only later did I find out that it was actually pretty goofy.. except for Black. Black is literally exactly how I imagined TM 1 and 2 in my head as a kid, looking at the box art.
@scottjs5207 Ай бұрын
I found the only difference between the difficulties is how aggressive the AI are. They bombard you more and pursue more often. Also, if the ai grabs a health pickup, they will not respawn. Had that issue reoccur enough times to figure it out, especially since I learned the locations and spawn rates to T.
@ZelronRPG 12 күн бұрын
I replay this game yearly and one thing i have found that i just love is how screwed up the atmosphere it really shows how an art style can really bring up a gamr
@Goose21995 Ай бұрын
Congrats on your 100k!!! Dont wanna sound douchy but I was actully your 100k subscriber, i was so hyped when i saw that and then u treat me w a hour long tm:black video. Its just *chefs kiss* so glad i found ur channel recently man. Only been a little bit of time but i already watched almost all ur tm content. But this is a banger. Wish we got more of this world like maybe even a comic would be cool. Its crazy this concept didnt go further. Also have a theory noface was suppossed to be the main character but sony wantes sweet tooth to be. No face is funny and charming and you root for him the entire way and he ends the story with his revenge and 2 halarious 1 liners. He was lowkey the best
@RaphaelRemington6969 Ай бұрын
I played TM 2, 3, 4, on the PS1 with friends when I was a kid. When Black came out I’d just gotten my PS2. I was maybe 12 or 13 or something but I borrowed it from a friend and played the shit out of it and never gave him back his game. It blew my mind and I couldn’t stop playing it. It was so bleak and oppressive but I couldn’t stop playing it. Congratulations on 100K Mr Bacon.
@landonletterman831 Ай бұрын
Video: "It's dark, it's grim, it's bleak- Sudden commercial: _"It's Bo time!!!"_ Some days you have to work for a laugh, and some days the universe serves you one on a silver platter!
@AshoreNevermore Ай бұрын
Rare Drakengard 1 appearance. I know that game sucks, but I love it to death. ... Playing it at 7 y/o is probably the cause of my mental disorders.
@thepickles8833 Ай бұрын
If you ever played WarHawk for the PS1, that boss suddenly takes on new meanings... Minion's panels too! In WarHawk, you have a shield that cushions damage from four sides of the ship. Those bosses are direct references to that!
@EastyyBlogspot Ай бұрын
I loved twisted metal just I wished it was a battle royal rather then everyone targeting the player😅
@michaellesperance4358 Ай бұрын
Absolutely loved this game as a kid, couldnt see anyone remaking it now but i can dream. Great vid!
@omar_s.a.s620 Ай бұрын
I remember finding your channel like a year ago and ever since I've enjoyed every video you dropped. The topics and game selections. congratulations on 100K subs 🥓
@khill64 Ай бұрын
This makes me so happy to see. Congratulations!
@prsuave420 7 күн бұрын
Twisted metal is 1 of the first games i remember playing. And when the ps2 dropped it was the first game i got for it. It was also a game that was so dark it gave me nightmares for years but i couldnt stop playing it. Crazy that people are talking about it in 2024.
@CassidyBooks Ай бұрын
Thank you❤
@louisminati 28 күн бұрын
The rolling stones paint it black as the theme was the coolest thing. You knew you were getting into some dark s***
@vincentmasterbassist6784 Ай бұрын
A reference to sign of the cross...I did not expect that but I'm very happy it's here
@Odbarc Ай бұрын
My interpretation of the lore is something of a multiple-truths. Whichever driver you choose alters the reality for that play through to fit their narrative. A bunch of the drivers are mostly in the "This is a living Hell and I'm doing this to survive." as either being in literal Hell or each individuals mental problems feeds into their delusions or trauma causing them to participate without being able to actually acquire this Calypso promised wish. [Hell, Unlikely Magical Man Tournament, or Completely Delusional] as three options to tether the lore together. Then there's the reoccurring story of an individual (Sweet Tooth, Marcus Kane, or whomever gets to be 'it' in the current version of the game) and it isn't a group of people with these delusions but a single individual possibly with split personalities that are competing for control, maybe each with their own goals and interpretations of the world. Between these options, I like how the games keeps it somewhat up in the air as to which is 'true' and lets for each of us to decide on our own which truth we choose to accept as canon.
@justinweber4977 Ай бұрын
My only actual interaction with the Twisted Metal franchise was when I'd visit a cousin who had Twisted Metal 2, and I LOVED playing that, honestly. He always played Thumper, I liked to try all of 'em, though I really liked Axel. It was enough that even though I haven't played any other Twisted Metal Game, I love keeping up with the lore and finding videos about it.
@Based_Face 24 күн бұрын
Twisted Metal was my alltime favorite game franchise for PlatStation. The lore, the gameplay, everything was just awesome. Black took everything great about TM and made it a brutal masterpiece.
@emcmend9960 Ай бұрын
I got some found memories of TMB. Hell was my first M rated game I saw at the wee age of like 4 years old. it sparked my macabre interest in stories like TMB and other darker ones like Postal 97/Redux (which personally I feel is a tad better in its vague story but I digress) I still hold TMB close to my heart. also Congrats on 100k TBP. I don't always agree with your two cents on some things but ya never fail to make an interesting vid. keep rocking you magnificent bastard.
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