Teal Sound 2010 - being "World Class" at practice

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@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
and also said "Being World Class is treating yourself and other with respect. Apply what you've been taught so many years ago and have more repsect for the organizations that make up DCI. "
@tacothegoldfish 11 жыл бұрын
People like this guy make me happy and appreciate the level of respect he has for other competeing corps. Guys like this guy make 15 year olds like me want to join drum corps and im looking forward to auditioning this coming winter
@brandonslaughter2542 12 жыл бұрын
This video is of me. And look, if you want to say I dont take Teal Sound seriously you obviously do not know me. I was on the verge of passing out at this point. It was the second day of move ins. I broke down. I was trying my best to keep pushing to the end of the exercise, to not give up. I mean, not going to lie, it hurts to read this comments, that someone can see 38 seconds and know everything about myself and Teal Sound. I am not perfect. I gave everything I had to this corps. NEM
@omz31 13 жыл бұрын
@srmello101 you should always be proud to be an alumnus to teal or any organization you were apart of. i marched the 1st 2 years of teals existence. think we had the tip-top staff? no but we busted our asses and i'm proud to have been apart of something that started out div2, barely having shows with the "big boys" outside of the YEA mini tours, dropped to div3, and is now a world class corps that goes head-to-head with top 15 corps. piss off to whoever says anything negative about MY corps.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@greendude1219 What is the point of an exercise? Is it to just go through the motions half assed just because someone tells you to do it, or is it What is the point of a breathing exercise? It's not to remember how to breathe in and out. If done properly it does a lot of things... It helps support your posture, it conditions your body to take full proper breathes, and do it very quickly, good air support allows for better range range, tone, and air support, better stamina and more
@PolyFPV 11 жыл бұрын
2 years later and these comments are still hilarious
@srmello101 13 жыл бұрын
You're right though. I marched there and it's a joke. Soooooooooooo much potential, it's sickening BUT not enough drive, determination, and work ethic in my opinion, to ever get up the dci ladder. The unfortunate thing is it's not just the performers. Admin and staff needs refreshing.... yet again. :P Good luck, though. I'm still proud to be an alumnus .. at times.
@brandonslaughter2542 12 жыл бұрын
One more thing, this individual action. This was not at all intended to be a joke. Any one who marched with me knows, I was pretty much never a joker while on tour. Admin laughed at me, but I was losing control of myself, falling over, trying not to give up. I was not messing up a breathing exercise to make a joke and be funny. This all happen because I broke down. I could not focus on anything more then standing up. I was pushing and giving all I had. What part of that was wrong?
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@omz31 Doesn't matter. I marched and won DCI, and I marched and lost DCI.. I even marched where finding out we made finals was the best thing in the world. No matter where I marched though, I took practice seriously.. including warmups like breathing.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@jsk8drummer I got the video from a member of the corps. I agree, kids will be kids.. but the staff and vets should be setting the example and need to step it up. That is what the video is about. They have new staff this year, so hopefully things will turn out better.
@omz31 13 жыл бұрын
so where?
@omz31 13 жыл бұрын
@a53mp where did you march?
@srmello101 13 жыл бұрын
@omz31 i am proud of any performing organziation that ive been a part of. I am just stating the obvious: they have potential. they need better suited staff members. Admin needs refreshing. and the members need to take more initiative.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@snackpirate lol forgot about the tags.. but yes, it does reflect what is going on in the video. Gay = happy.
@omz31 10 жыл бұрын
@a53mp I notice your videos are of no world class corps or videos from when you marched, all there is is a DCA vid....cool, you've marched with ADULTS, and my grandpa 👏👏👏👏
@ez8308 10 жыл бұрын
Good thing I have multiple accounts. I still can't believe you practiced like that.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
This video isn't about the members. They ARE trying and they are doing what they are taught to do. The point is.. is that what they are taught is wrong, pointless and is only doing them more harm than good. It's like their staff saw a group doing breathing exercises and thought it was a good idea "Ok hornline, bring your arms back and forward and then breath out making a sound with your mouth to make it sound like you are actually doing something useful"
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@omz31 Doesn't matter. I don't feel like seeing you trying to change the subject and tell me everything "wrong" with other corps. I have plenty of experience marching AND teaching, the only reason why I posted this video was to show the unprofessionalism of the members and staff of the corps during this video. I would have posted it just the same if it was any other corps but I don't think I can find anything like that.. so I might be looking for awhile.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@greendude1219 There is a proper way to breathe, and then there is this video. It would be like a corps just messing around during visual or marching basics/practice. That might work at some corps, but not at a top competitive corps. You should ALWAYS practice like you are in a performance. Maybe that's why Teal Sound a World Class drum corps... got beat by Blue Devils B tonight.... an Open Class corps.
@srmello101 13 жыл бұрын
@TonyDanza007 One, I didnt post the video. Two, asking me if I "want a cookie" is kinda childish considering I didn't say anything that was rude or untrue. And three, the only reason I stated my opinion is because I believe there's so much potential for Teal to be a perennial corps. As far as "growing", the corps seems to face the same "behind-the-scenes" issues coming from friends I have that have been and are still staff members.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
It was posted to facebook, I only reposted it. Anyways, it is 2am and I have work in the morning, it's been a pleasure. Til next time!
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
Posting this video is not disrespecting or bashing any Teal Sound. If you really take offense to the actions of the members in this video, then you should STOP LETTING IT HAPPEN. Why are people getting so butthurt about a video.. it's not like I forced the members to act that way, or told the staff to allow it to happen.. so for those marching (or vets)... don't get mad at me.. reflect upon yourself and FIGURE IT OUT. What you do in practice reflects what you do in performance.
@brandonslaughter2542 12 жыл бұрын
College of Music that is known among the tops in the nation. I get it, there is a lot wrong with this video and Teal Sound had a lot of issues. In this video you see some of them. But there was a lot of good out of this organization that this video can not teach you and I hope that you can understand that.
@TonyDanza007 13 жыл бұрын
Who is this?
@TonyDanza007 13 жыл бұрын
@srmello101 Who are you?
@jsk8drummer 13 жыл бұрын
@a53mp This is not a top 8 corps so most of its members are still in high school. You need to consider that also when you talk about maturity. Kids will be kids but that doesnt change the fact that they worked their asses off and accomplished something great and they were all much more mature at the end of the summer. Btw where did you get this video? Did you record it just to post it on the internet to make the corps look bad? Seriously dude this is completely unecessary and should be removed.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
The staff. If you were really in that bad of a shape from an exercise indoors, they should have pulled you aside and gotten you checked out. It's all good, I understand. Drum Corps is hard. Some people can handle it, some can't. It's still a reflection of the organization and the members at that current time. If this was really so bad and looked down on, it never would have been uploaded the internet to begin with. Obviously someone thought of it as a joke, humorous, funny, etc.. so laugh it up
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@jsk8drummer The main reason why I have no regret or sympathy about posting this video is because 1. A staff or member recorded this. 2. The members allowed the behavior. 3. The staff allowed the behavior. 4. The person who recorded it thought it was funny enough to share online. If I renamed it to "Teal Sound has fun during practice" will it make any difference? The members are still behaving the same way and the staff is still allowing it. This is NOT how a corps should practice
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
ESPECIALLY from a corps that calls themselves "World Class". Saying "Maybe if they took practice more seriously, they wouldn't score so low?" is not a slam, it's an observation. MAYBE if they weren't jerking around in the winter, they wouldn't have lost to Blue Devils B and be one of the lowest scoring World Class corps this year. You might not like that observation, but maybe it's because there is some truth to it. I have a feeling srmello and I are not the only ones who think this
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
Ok fair enough. Your staff wants it. But let me ask you this.. how many injuries happen to members in this corps each year? Specifically the year of this video?
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
What would the members or staff do in Crown if they saw someone doing an exercise like this? What would you do if you saw someone doing an exercise like this? Chances are it wouldn't happen, and if it did, it wouldn't fly. You just said you never marched there, but what he did in the video is ok because it's what his staff wanted. Then that means he was doing it right and everyone else was doing it wrong? I don't buy it.
@brandonslaughter2542 12 жыл бұрын
You dont see what happened after the video is cut off.......I got ripped a new one by the brass staff as I should have. The ones laughing were the admin staff, we were in the temporary admin office for rehearsal because of bad weather outside. Im not trying to start an argument with you and obviously you are pretty set on your decision about Teal Sound as an organization. A little background. I started here at 15 years old. From the lessons learned there I am now a very successful musician at a
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
Where I marched, we performed, practiced, and did EVERYTHING in our lives as a champion would. We practiced and rehearsed every day like it was Finals and 30 thousand people were watching our every move. It is a mentality that I assumed was pretty standard across all World Class corps. This wasn't just about one (your) individual action.. it is about EVERY member in the room, staff, section leader, etc. THEY should have kicked your ass and gotten you in line. Not joke and laugh about it.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
I guess. He looks like he is flapping his arms around.. it doesn't look anything like the rest of the members.. to the point where he was singled out and someone (on staff) had to make a video of it, then shared it online, laughing about it.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@BrentwoodNY - Posting this video is not disrespecting or bashing any Teal Sound. If you really take offense to the actions of the members in this video, then you should STOP LETTING IT HAPPEN. Why are people getting so butthurt about a video.. it's not like I forced the members to act that way, or told the staff to allow it to happen.. so for those marching (or vets)... don't get mad at me.. reflect upon yourself and FIGURE IT OUT. What you do in practice reflects what you do in performance.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@jsk8drummer I have marched, Div 1, Div 2 and DCA. I have also taught. This video is about attitude and mentality.. not just from the members, but from the staff. You can call me names and whatnot.. but in the end, I'm not the one practicing like this. Maybe you do and that is why you are so upset. If you march there then don't get upset at me, go back to the corps and kick some ass and get the other members in shape so that videos like this won't pop up.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@snackpirate Of course you get more than the first day to learn... but answer this.. why is the staff not teaching proper technique from day one? All they are doing is wasting time learning something wrong, which would (theoretically) need to be retaught later the correct way. If they aren't teaching it right on day one, are they going to teach it right later in the season? I have nothing against Teal or it's members, but I do have something against improper teaching & wasting time
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@snackpirate Teal Sound = World Class... Blue Devils B = Open Class. You should be beating BDB in EVERY caption and placing HIGHER. First day or not, things like that shouldn't be happening regardless of the date. The issue I have with the video is not the fact that they are messing around, it's the fact that they are doing something and they have no idea why they are doing it, the purpose of the exercise, and how it benefits them. As srmell101 mentioned.. this is the staffs fault.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
The point of a breathing exercise is not to suck in air and blow it out while flapping your arms. That is pointless and is not conditioning your body. Breathing exercises should be done to teach your body first how to take in a completely full breath and then to completely exhale all of your oxygen. Then it should condition you and your lungs to take in even more air, and then once you can do that, to take in a full breath of air and to release it in a short amount of time.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
They might do exercises like this... but I guarantee you that no competitive drum corps is going to actually look anything like this when doing their version of the exercise.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
That all might be true, but if it was really that hurtful, it shouldn't have been done in the first place. The members should have not let it happen, the staff shouldn't have thought it was a joke and video tape it, then post it on the internet, and then the staff and members laugh about it. So no, I don't think it upset anyone. I think it upset them that they realized how bad it actually made them look. This wouldn't have been an issue at my corps because it never would have happened, nor at CC
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
@Masterstephen1 Why do you not appreciate this? I am glad you worked hard and received the scores you got. If you feel so strongly about this video being posted, you should have a talk with your staff and your corps and make some changes about how your rehearsals are ran - or at least this breathing exercise. There are a lot of benefits for doing proper breathing exercises, however nothing is being accomplished in this video due to improper technique and horrible attitudes towards the exercise.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
and said "I take personal offense to this video and don't appreciate you disrespecting other drum corps, and especially one that I've marched in. I really don't care where you may have marched or where you may have won your championship. Every Drum Corps out there works hard. End of story. For you to post this video and to not have enough repsect for another organization is extremely immature for someone who has 1.) Won a championship and 2.) Knows what it means to be World Class. "
@brandonslaughter2542 12 жыл бұрын
Breathing exercises are the same inside or outside. Any real musician would know this.
@srmello101 13 жыл бұрын
Yes, I was actually impressed with the corps this season (especially the colorguard) but I feel the members can mature a little and take more initiative to rehearsal. (Same issue I pointed out and despised while I was there. Especially the hornline.) I think you took it the wrong way..
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
BrentwoodNY said "I don't appreciate you disrespecting and bashing Teal Sound they way you are with your video you have posted. Please remove it. The members and staff don't appreciate what you are showing and it is just plain disrespectful. I know the origin of this video. From facebook from one of my friends. Please remove the video and the rude, hurtful comments."
@TonyDanza007 13 жыл бұрын
@a53mp You were not there. You did not march 2011 Teal Sound. You have no idea what the issues of the organization were so stop acting like you do.
@a53mp 12 жыл бұрын
Is that what you were doing? Because any REAL musician would know that THAT is NOT the proper way to do breathing exercises. Maybe it is at Teal though.. However I really can't blame any of you or your staff - 2010 WAS the first year that the corps was in World Class. What place did you guys place that year? Yeah. So don't talk to me about "any real musician" shit.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
Posting this video is not disrespecting or bashing any Teal Sound. If you really take offense to the actions of the members in this video, then you should STOP LETTING IT HAPPEN. Why are people getting so butthurt about a video.. it's not like I forced the members to act that way, or told the staff to allow it to happen.. so for those marching (or vets)... don't get mad at me.. reflect upon yourself and FIGURE IT OUT. What you do in practice reflects what you do in performance.
@a53mp 13 жыл бұрын
Posting this video is not disrespecting or bashing any Teal Sound. If you really take offense to the actions of the members in this video, then you should STOP LETTING IT HAPPEN. Why are people getting so butthurt about a video.. it's not like I forced the members to act that way, or told the staff to allow it to happen.. so for those marching (or vets)... don't get mad at me.. reflect upon yourself and FIGURE IT OUT. What you do in practice reflects what you do in performance.
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