Your labeling Wollo is wrong. Don't lie. Give it the right label. Melaku can sing both Tigrigna and Amharic but this video is Tigrigna music. Raya is in both sides of borders Tigray & Wollo. We all are Ethiopian brothers but we need to tell truth. Nothing comes out of lies.
አቤት ድምፅ እንዴት እንደምታምሩ እኮ ሳላቀው እምወደው ሃገርና ህዝብ የአዲስ አበባ ልጅ ብሆንም በጣም ነው እምወዳችው አንድ ቀን መጥቼ እንደማያችው እርግጠኛ ነኝ OMG what a lovely voice Respact me Beautful ppl we love you so much proud to be Ethiopia♥