I am sick of the victim mentality that modern teenagers have. This saying that ( once your child hit at big 13, they are going to rebel against you, disrespect you, put their friends over you, misbehave, play around with sexual immorality, and have i am grown attitude, but parnets don't worry because your teen is growing up, so its normal, part of teenage nature). NO! That teenager is using that saying to get over on you. Teenagers are not forced to act this way. They choose to be like this. Teenagers are capable of being respectful, kind, sexually moral, and not giving in to peer pressure. Teenagers just dont want to put in the work. They are lazy little children. They want to stay in that confront zone instead of getting up and being the best child they can be by God's grace and power!!! If these teens think they are sooo grown up, then why do they copy everything they see their age peers doing? Why do they not have their own brain and personality? It's like social media and age mates are their parents now. So they are still obeying something. These teenagers need to go back home, put on some on some real clothes that cover their bod,. Take those villainly emo clothes off, do their chores, obey, love, respect God, obey love respect their Godly parents, choose their friends wisely, be a leader instead of a follower, wait for their future companion instead of rushing to be in a relationship with people they dont plan to commit to forever because everyone at their school has a boyfriend, and stop watching these corrupted disney channel shows and teen shows that promote this bad teen nonsense if they are not mature enough to not pick on those behaviors.