Why You Need to Watch Out for Shady Musicians

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Terence Fisher

Terence Fisher

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@mrwebbofficial 4 ай бұрын
This is one of the reasons I quit the industry. So many flaky people, back stabbers, and bad actors. It's sickening.
@jesusislukeskywalker4294 4 ай бұрын
🙏 don’t give up 🔥🚬🐨 we need more brothers like you ☝️
@BeesWaxMinder 4 ай бұрын
A G R E E D.
@bryandraughn9830 3 ай бұрын
I've had 6 years to try and get past the feeling of betrayal and disappointment and yes, a bit of hatred towards my previous circle and it seems like I've made progress but there's no WAY I'll be able to trust anyone in the future. I just don't see how it's physically possible. I wish I'd never gotten into the business in the first place. Totally wasted my life for nothing.
@mrwebbofficial 3 ай бұрын
@@GBPARMER_GEN-X77 I still play music from time to time but now It’s just a hobby and I don’t have expectations. And I also don’t trust anyone when they try to promise me the moon or make these grandiose statements about how we’re gonna be great someday. But If an already working band, who already plays full time and makes a good living at it was to call me up and hire me on as their keys, then I’d probably do it. But I’m older now and it would be a job to me, just like any other job. In other words, I have boundaries and my B.S. detector is very well refined.
@jameseverett9037 3 ай бұрын
Let's face it, calling oneself a "Musician" is one of the biggest ego trips out there. And anyone who has picked up a guitar or thinks they can sing will claim to BE one. I found it almost more entertaining meeting the various people who thought they had talent, than playing the music. I remember a couple of girls I [and a talent manager] ended up calling "the meow sisters"...because that's what they sounded like - a couple of cats meowing. They had a special way of singing that they apparently thought was original.... or something, which consisted of a very accentuated style of crooning - the best I can describe it. Long story short, I gave their demo tape to a talent manager, who tried to book them as a comedy act......unbeknownst to them. When they found out they were going to perform as comedy, they were quite devastated and called me to express their hurt feelings and frustration. I didn't know what else to tell them. They wanted to perform gigs, but didn't want any advice or correction on their "singing style" so I had just done as they asked and let the talent manager decide what to do with them. The restaurant manager with whom they were booked also called in desperation when they no-showed, asking "where are my meow sisters?? I want my meow sisters!!" because they refused to go perform under that name and understanding of their act.
@jacobsmithjr 4 ай бұрын
That guy burned bridges with a whole band which means it will be multiplied by a factor of 10. As the saying goes, "Do a good job they tell 5 people, do a bad job they tell 10"
@showrunner2183 3 ай бұрын
Nah, people desperate. He’ll get work
@chrissharkey9644 3 ай бұрын
Yikes! Rediculas
@anthonyanderson9963 3 ай бұрын
Dude you should have exposed a near hint of the person to protect the community. Looks like U just trying to GET CLICKS. Shame on Yo ACE NINJA
@mr.dennis5503 4 ай бұрын
I fixed this by giving people a breakdown of the performance fee vs. rehearsal fees in my rider. (Yes, I charge rehearsal fees!) It gets me around the people who try to get me to commit to an honorarium, THEN start trying to schedule all these "added" rehearsals! Because some people don't want to pay deposits, I also charge the non-refundable variety. It eliminates the people who aren't about business!
@allenlevelle 4 ай бұрын
You are an intelligent musician.... I charge for rehearsals just in case if some one flips out. Time is a virtue.
@ScratchySlide 3 ай бұрын
Rehearsals require more work than the actual gig. Why would ANYONE rehearse for free?
@mr.dennis5503 3 ай бұрын
@ScratchySlide: Precisely! I ask up front for a rehearsal schedule, and factor that work into my overall fee. It's really akin to the pay schedule associated with union scale.
@Ytterdahls 3 ай бұрын
@@ScratchySlideI believe some people have the hobby musician mentality, that they’re still kids trying to get noticed. The rehearsal is “bonding time” to get to the level where they might get noticed on a gig. Even though they’re way past that, some people stay in that mental state when it comes to music and other art businesses.
@gerimayawhyte154 3 ай бұрын
​​@@YtterdahlsThe last band I was in had that mentality but they didn't rehearse and that attitude manifested at the gigs. Wanted all of the attention but couldn't take any constructive criticism, rejection, and commit to doing what you had to do to get better gigs and better as a band.
@papabois5001 4 ай бұрын
And this is why " managers ,agents, contracts , entertainment lawyers," exist... salute..👊🏼
@shanewoolsey940 4 ай бұрын
The moment I got my mechanics ticket everyone started showing up at my place on Saturday wanting their cars fixed for free.
@JVMC_ZR1 3 ай бұрын
That's fucked up. I've always paid for work done for my car even if they were family.
@Into_the_void64 3 ай бұрын
Yes, this happened in my autobody business as well.
@Bernielandry 3 ай бұрын
Excellent point. I have played in so many bands over the last 50 years. I learned early on, a rehearsal is for bringing it all together. Each musician must learn their parts before the rehearsal, NOT AT THE REHEARSAL. Telling someone just before the gig that "I got another band" is bad business. It brings to mind the saying "I'll see to it you never work in this town again!". Thanks for your videos and wisdom. Peace☮
@Stereotype5346 4 ай бұрын
We used to have functioning "Musician's Unions", that you paid dues, had monthly meetings & gigs were posted daily. In the '70s @ N.Y.C. I was a member of 'Local 802'. If you played "Union Rooms" you were paid "Union Scale", no problems. So many 'Clubs' have no affiliation with any Unions. In the '80s we used beepers & would hang in a bar or club waiting for the beeper to send a phone #. In the '90s beepers had messages on them & cell phones led into the 21st century. Technology changes, musical styles change, but "bad faith behavior" among musicians, bandleaders, producers, studio owners & club owners has led the "Music Business" less rewarding for all.
@BeesWaxMinder 3 ай бұрын
@@Stereotype5346 G0D...how I wish I was around then😢
@djpetenice 4 ай бұрын
This why I quit the music industry back in the late 90s. Imagine how even worse it was back then. At least there's email, text and what not. Back then it was only phone numbers. Couldn't make ends meet, late rent, selling gear just to float another month. Bailed LA and had to move back in with mom in San Jose Ca. Shameful but I was always one paycheck away from being homeless.
@perhapszacsucks 3 ай бұрын
Some people don’t even have a family that they could turn to when they’ve hit a rough patch in their life. There’s no shame in either struggling financially at some point in your life or needing help from your family, especially when there is enough money to go around and only a small group of people have access to it - which is truly shameful.
@eyeheartsushi2212 3 ай бұрын
Did everything else work out?
@djpetenice 3 ай бұрын
@@eyeheartsushi2212 It did. Thanks for asking. After years of just playing in local bands I decided it was time to go to the next level on my terms. I started an 80s synthwave project called Vector Hold that was all me. Produced a ton of music, got signed on to a label based out of France. Then gained traction by getting noticed from music directors for tv and film. Did music for countless video game aps, I did some music for indie films and an HBO tv show called Vice Principals Season 2. I continue to do this stuff. But now I play shows, hire pro musicians. Took me a long time to figure out but if you want to be successful you have to everything yourself. Im the musician, producer, show booker, art director, mixer, mastering person. Everything.
@WrvrUgoThrUR 4 ай бұрын
I quit a band BECAUSE they didn't want to rehearse. I get not needing a rehearsal if you're familiar with the songs and the other musicians, but still.
@tessjuel 3 ай бұрын
It's a different thing. The two big mistakes the singer made in this case was: 1. He/she didn't mention the rehearsals until after the musicians were booked. The rehearsals are a part of the job and the time spent on them has to be included in the agreement right from the start. 2. He/she came to the rehearsals unprepared. I think we all know how frustrating it is when one member of a work groups hasn't done their preparations properly and everybody else have to wait for them to catch up. It's ten times as bad an extremely unprofessional when that person is the one who's supposed to be the leader of the group.
@micah3823 3 ай бұрын
I once was employed by a church and had considerable difficulty just getting the musicians and singers to come to rehearsal as well. Everyone but myself were not full-time musicians and had secular jobs and families and some were even managing college courses along with work and family obligations. One day a local civic group called the pastor and asked for the church group to provide entertainment for their Christmas party. This served no ministerial purpose but to make the pastor look good. He expected myself and the musicians, singers and sound group to tear down the entire stage, bring it across town, set it back up there, entertain the civic group, tear all the equipment down again, transport it back to the church, set it all up again and do sound checks all on Saturday night so we would be ready for church on Sunday morning. I felt that the civic croup could well afford to hire a local entertainer who does this for their livelihood and by a church stepping in and doing it for free was doing a dis-service to the musicians and singers who entertained for a living. On principle I declined to take part and the pastor fired me. This is a perfect example how churches abuse musicians and singers just to make the pastor look good so I was glad to be relieved of my duties. He actually had the nerve to fire me and then thirty seconds later asked me to continue to play with the group voluntarily without compensation....HA, what kind of fool even asks this sort of thing? Oh yeah their true colors came out when his wife cornered my wife at her workplace, making a scene and insulting her and then evicting us off the church property knowing I had a family with two babies ages 3 and 18 months old. A real man of God huh?
@gerimayawhyte154 3 ай бұрын
Same here. Was in a local small town band. It was always a pickup type thing with no rehearsing. Probably can work with more professional and elite players but when the band consistently fields audience complaints about being too loud, has no dynamics, solos too much and doesn't have enough material to keep people on the dance floor it gets old quickly. I couldn't get anyone except the lead singer/guitarist and the lead guitarist to rehearse and we we're a five piece. Add in playing the same two venues for dirt pay and a five way split it was hard to maintain interest and trying to galvanize the troops only caused friction with me and the lead because it was his outfit. After I became pretty serious about live looping and looking for gigs as a Solo Acoustic Live Looping Musician I started making two to three times more and choosing my own material without needing approval my days with them were numbered. They're still playing the same two places for dirt pay.
@davidsellers3639 3 ай бұрын
Yeah a gig shouldn’t be a rehearsal imo
@davidsellers3639 3 ай бұрын
@@tessjuelI heard it really sucks when it’s someone you enjoy playing with and you get along with.
@simbaking6338 4 ай бұрын
This happen to me on many occassions...Its ashame there are so many musicians who have some of the most horrible personalities, very selfish & dont care about anyone but themselves....smh!!
@sseltrek1a2b 3 ай бұрын
i tell my wife that, for the most part, musicians are the worst because of these very things...
@patrickdudgeon9315 4 ай бұрын
Really digging your channel, looking good, here’s to growth and prosperity!
@Spladoinkal 3 ай бұрын
That's the thing about the pool of musicians. As much as we all might complain about working a 9-5, there is a lack of "Straining out" of the flaky ones compared to a corporate job. That unfortunately leaves situations like this.
@showrunner2183 3 ай бұрын
I had a pastor text me two hours before service and said “service cancelled for the summer”
@fredericlinden 2 ай бұрын
I had three of them in the past two months wanting me so bad... "You are God-sent, my Brother"... As soon as I started asking for the music, or links, etc. they all vanished...
@etpslick100 3 ай бұрын
Wow! This is what I gotta look 4ward to? That was messed up ALL THE WAY AROUND! Thanks for the video! I will sure keep an eye for that BS! Right on point!!🤨🎶🎸👍🏾
@tjsmith3741 3 ай бұрын
Guy I knew asked me to be a part of a project, he had a gig lined up. I traveled an hour each way to rehearsal for three weeks. Two of the other people in the band didn’t bother to practice the material. The gig Was an hour away. A few days before the gig, the guy tells me the pay was going to be about $90 and he was going to 1099 me. I was out! I don’t mind helping someone out, but I will not be taken advantage of!
@alphatrion100 3 ай бұрын
I Create music with my fellow bandmates / friends because i love doing it. I don't just do a job for some random ahole. I Keep a day job as long as necessary.
@alanjohnson2853 4 ай бұрын
I’ve had similar experiences. If you’re around long enough, you’re bound to run into people like that. It’s one of the reasons I mainly do solo gigs. I just don’t want to deal with the frustration
@sseltrek1a2b 3 ай бұрын
@gerimayawhyte154 3 ай бұрын
Same, I'm done with those types of musicians. Waste of time when I can make two to three times more a gig as a Solo performer and not need anyone's approval for my song selection.
@mansosound 3 ай бұрын
Love your channel, just figured. Great stuff
@OranteFrazier 4 ай бұрын
Only 2 hours, I was playing with a band where there were vocalist auditioning. Three hours of of not knowing lyrics and out of tune singing. Then one of the actual singers came for rehearsal. There were other circumstances, but that was the last straw for me. I wished them the best and quit that band.
@aveleofficial 4 ай бұрын
This was just on my mind this morning ‼️ some people ain’t who you think they are and it’s always some other musician that smiles in your face. I either keep my distance or have people put down deposits.
@allenlevelle 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like Lauren Hill, Anyone???, Anyone???, Bueller???, Bueller???
@mootbooxle 3 ай бұрын
There are some people in the local scene here that have been known to be shady in ways similar to the story you shared here. I avoid them! I’ve also been messed around by venues changing their mind at the last minute…and clueless club/restaurant owners/managers that don’t understand music and don’t know what they want.
@thespadestable 3 ай бұрын
I had one worse. Was asked to become a part of an already existing band, attended 3 rehearsals, everyone was comfortable with how the outcome should turn out, come 10 minutes before the performance the lead singer not only shows up with minutes to spare, but didn't want to perform that night. As his boys went to the lobby to beg for him to perform, I'd already had a young lady from the area set to perform provided the lead singer pulled this stunt, because I'd witnessed him doing it to that same band months prior. As soon as word got to the lead singer that there was a suitable replacement ready to go, he had a sudden change of mind, and performed with the band. A few days after the performance, the band let me go due to, "causing unneeded friction within the band while not being a fully vested member of the band".
@abbeyna01 3 ай бұрын
They did you a favor!! 🏃🏽‍♀️
@thajust 3 ай бұрын
That is wack. You were providing a plan B and trying to save them from the mess he was causing. They will learn one day. You was not the problem.
@thespadestable 3 ай бұрын
@@thajust - To be fair, my involvement with the band was not all that innocent. I'd agreed to help them out because they were local fan favorite, it gave me a chance to do some behind the scenes recon on just how organized they were once I'd fond steady music for my band, and the young lady was had recently moved to the area, and it would've allowed me to see her talent in a live situation.
@JuicyDry 3 ай бұрын
so they guy showed up to make people beg for him and u ruined his ploy? awwww
@thespadestable 3 ай бұрын
@@JuicyDry - The word is "tried". He ended up performing.
@ARG7822 3 ай бұрын
I got up with some musicians and we decided to do a New Year’s Eve gig with other Christian bands. Our lead guitarist had a guitar solo to initiate the intro of our first song. Long story short, he did a no show and we all found out he played for another band that very night. It felt like he kicked us all in the teeth. I have to forgive but I can’t forget.
@jameseverett9037 3 ай бұрын
Honor is not a thing anymore. It was replaced with Political Correctness, so that people could still feel somehow "moral". Besides everyone get's to have their own "truth" now, so there's no agreement on anything as a society. It started in the 60's with "do your own thing" and naturally progressed to "find your own truth" which means we get to each have our own facts and definitions. Everything has it's upside and downside...or it's price tag. Trade the inconveniences of shared reality for individual reality, and there is no more functioning society. How could there be? No one has to agree on anything, so everyone is right and no one can rely on what anyone else says, because it fluctuates with their malleable "truth" because of how they FEEL today.
@jimbarnes3831 4 ай бұрын
Had the same thing happened to me once. 24 hours before the gig....got a call. After I spent a week working on the set list. It has not happened again since.
@priscamolotsi 4 ай бұрын
Terence, I am so sorry this happened to you. That musician is absolutely unprofessional! Were he here in Japan and tried to pull that stunt, his career would be over! Guaranteed! NO ONE would want to work with him. His name would forever be mud! I like rehearsing when I have special gigs or new arrangements (jazz) with scores, that my musicians must read. I also feel more comfortable going into a concert having rehearsed new songs. I need to know of the key is right for mer whether the song sits right for me! I can rehearse alone while playing the piano, but it’s so much different if you have a quintet playing behind you. If the rehearsals are long and complicated, I will always pay my musicians. Whenever I rehearse with my regular musicians, I ALWAYS lay out a spread of food and drinks, and as I mentioned, I sometimes pay them. I would NEVER cancel on them. If ever the show gets cancelled, (for example, because of a typhoon or during Covid), the musicians ALWAYS get paid! I have found that over the years, if you treat your musicians well and with respect, the6 will perform excellently and even go out on a limb for you. Definitely put that musician’s name on a black list!
@vender3516 4 ай бұрын
Keep in mind as professionals that love the craft of creating and performing there are those who truly love and respect the art....You dont have to be a great musician nor a great singer what is needed is great COMPATIBLITY for the art ....and thats when ...................The Magic Happens !
@howtodoitdude1662 3 ай бұрын
I agree, rehearsals are a waste of time unless the songs will be altered from the original covers.
@JaimeLuna-ft6cd Ай бұрын
Yeah, I had to deal with this nonsense a lot. It’s heartbreaking because you end up breaking that TRUST especially when they’re you’re so called FRIENDS. There’s times when I did gigs with friends and I would end up getting under paid for the gigs and I’ve been playing with them for at least 30 years. It’s pretty sad
@dellebelphine-moralez3510 3 ай бұрын
I’m not a musician but listening to you and your stories is very satisfying
@Dsullivann 4 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear about this. I've been there as well, rehersal is about coming prepared with the material and NOT learning it during the rehersal. At that point you're wasting everyone's time and showing a lack of accounatbility.
@davidmcaninch4714 3 ай бұрын
At least you got texted you were being replaced. The guy I played with replaced me without even talking to me. And he would talk about me behind my back!!!! Not to mention that he’d insult me for not familiar with a certain singer he looked up to. I have autism, and for me, I have a fear of abandonment. I hate when it happens to me.
@stevepruett542 3 ай бұрын
Brotherman - I've checked out your vids for quite a long time now, and eventually I noticed that you have never uttered the name of God. I have been a stage performer since I was a child and finally returned to Christ and now in my churches P & W ministry, so now these things are much more noticeable. My life was a mess, but now that I use my talents to glorify God, my life runs much smoother, and the Holy Spirit provides peace that is soooo amazing. Large churches is where the money is at, and I get that, but maybe check your relationship with Christ and give Him a mention now and then. I'll be praying for you.
@RockAndDoubleBassWithAaronJoy 3 ай бұрын
Your rehearsal story reminds of an EP I did with a band just before covid. We were an alt-country quartet. Upright bass (me), drums, lead electric, then our singer on rhythm. It was his band. He was sick. He could barely sing. The plan was we'd just do everything live. Then later we'd go back and redo each part completely or overdub where needed. And, layer some other instruments. Sure. Well, the singer kept stopping to couch and hack. His singing was shit, but saying how great he was doing considering everything. We said we'd reschedule, but nope. His playing was okay, except for the stopping/starting. After 3 hours we got 8 songs done and called it a day. A week later I went back to lay down my bass with just the lead guitarist (also the producer, though I wish he wasn't, but that's another story - just cause you can play doesn't mean you can mix music). He told me the drummer was gone. He wasn't coming back, but didn't say why. On all but 2 songs his drum parts were on, so we dumped those 2 songs. I redid 2 complete songs, then changed some things on the other two for some overdubs. I was done. While I was there my guitarist told me that the rhythm guitar and singing was beyond garbage, and played it for me in pro-tools. The drummer and I had a great connection, so we were locked in. But, our singer wasn't, more than I realized. That's why 2 drum parts were trash, and likely why the drummer was gone, he was changing time constantly to keep up (and I'd been locked into him so I felt something was wrong, but didn't realize it). That was disappointing. Had our singer just stepped away we might have had 8 songs not 6. Anyways, the singer came back to redo everything. Still sick. I heard he spent 5 hours doing 6 songs and they were all garbage. I heard the vocals and they were worse. Then he came back again for another recording session and finally got it. ... I left soon after. We had a gig on the schedule. I did it and walked. After the 'seriousness' taken with recording I decided my definition of "seriousness" vs my singer was not on the same page.
@joel6427 3 ай бұрын
In a different industry, I was asked if I could make an assembly of parts for a specific price, and I took the job. I figured out how to make each component and made a profit. The job would be and was a monthly repeater, meaning it would go even quicker the next time. A month later, the purchasing agent called, telling me they found a fellow who would do the job less expensive than what they offered me but had a problem. The fellow could not cut one component and asked me to teach the guy how to do it! I responded by saying, you are asking me to help your new vendor take a job from me that he is not qualified to do. He responded, saying, you are refusing to help us! These brain-dead people are out there!
@eyeheartsushi2212 3 ай бұрын
The gall they had to ask YOU to TEACH the person they used to undercut YOU. WTF I hope you told them to go pound sand.
@bryancroad2063 3 ай бұрын
Doing the right thing, music is a trade like any other, your time is worth a lot.
@BeesWaxMinder 4 ай бұрын
Everyone has stories like this if they are musician but very few have that many stories if they're not a musician it seems to me & that is why when AI finally rolls into town then 10 years later such videos as this will be of minor historical interest on how much BS Was tolerated in the past while, by then, the same so-called musicians who were so flaky on a regular basis will be telling everyone how AI took their careers and crushed their dreams
@necrodamus5481 3 ай бұрын
AI at this point will crush everyone's dreams.
@Denver_Risley 4 ай бұрын
I agree that a lot of things need to be standardized such as protocols and etiquette to not only help commitments run smoother, but also to weed out the unprofessionals or, at least, those that aren't quite at the pro working level yet. This also makes it easier to nix unprofessional CLIENTS and maintain/develop a solid working reputation, which is absolutely everything.
@JimmyMRollins 4 ай бұрын
Sax player here. Haven’t had this happen to me but I’ve seen other musicians undercut so they can get gig at a venue which I hate and it only hurts other musicians.
@ukulele-covergirl 4 ай бұрын
I saw that too many times. .sad ~ 🌺
@jcox526 3 ай бұрын
How do you perform any gig without rehearing first, to make sure everyone is tight. Without rehearsing you wouldn't have known the singer didn't know the lyrics. But this was why I stopped trying to work within bands, and just set out to becoming a songwriter and producer of making music to hopefully sale to established artists. Practice makes perfect! Before recording any track I'm going to play the instrument part several times, and after I practice the part, break for a while or 'til the next day and then come back and perform with better results. Even a professional rehearses before recording a song or performing before live audiences; James Brown stop his band during a live show, took them off stage to re-rehearse the show, then brought them back onstage to do the concert. So, it's important to rehearse, or you'll end up making yourself (and everyone else with you) look like a fool. Peace
@markt2398 Ай бұрын
Had a big falling out with former bandmates who I thought were actually friends as well. They stabbed me in the back for no reason, thinking that was the secret sauce to their success. They've done barely anything since(this was 2 years ago) so I guess it didn't pan out, womp womp. It was pretty hurtful and kept me away from music for a bit. I'm back at it again with some good guys and having a blast, playing tons of gigs. I know a lot of great people in the industry from playing over the last 15 years or so. I have also met some truly heinous musicians that would throw you under the bus without hesitation. Too many big egos and shadiness which definitely sucks since it should be fun and bring joy to not only the crowd but to you as well.
@fredericlinden 2 ай бұрын
Oh Man ! I would have so much to say, I don't know from which angle and with which story to begin. One thing is clear now to me, after decades of dedication to my craft, working zealously to maintain my versatility, and demonstrating the utmost professionalism, and then finding myself in very dissatisfying situations : it is ALWAYS those calling for rehearsal after rehearsal who are the weakest in e-ve-ry pos-si-ble way. And they are 'successful' at destroying the spirit of the group, the motivation of everyone else, and more often than not, the project or the gig NEVER happens. The lesson here is : That a definite "No!!!!" has to be said to those suckers as soon as they try to play their usual 'game' and keep asking for more from everyone else but themselves.
@dudenice 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely classic.. loving the content!
@ricardomitchell5331 4 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear what happened 😞 once bitten twice shy,never again.
@earlsfield 3 ай бұрын
It happens. There are SO many shady people in and around music industry. That is why, even if the gig is coming from your best mates, get the money in advance, or you are not there, plain and simple. I get it is not always easy to do so, but try to get 50% upfront. I used to charge flat rate for recording in my studio, got a few clients that wanted masters and to "pay in a week" - I would even fall for it (20 years ago when I was a kid), but I learnt from the other studio owners - for the longest time, to get booked in my studio you would have to pay 30% advance for the booking (depends what kind of project it was and who was involved this of course, sometimes this wouldn't be necessary). But when working with the people you do not know or know via your mates, always charge at least the part in front.
@robsaint77 4 ай бұрын
Practice makes perfect enemies. The only time I need to see you is at the gig when we play and then I pay. Practice on your own time.
@sseltrek1a2b 3 ай бұрын
"rehearsals" means you show up knowing your part, and then address any issues that come up while playing the music "together"- that's it...i completely agree that "most" rehearsals are a waste of time...if you're all on the same page regarding the keys, arrangements, etc, it should no problem for seasoned musicians to just show up and play the music "at" the gig...
@ebertmahon8939 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking truth to power. I see this in church as well. Just lazy with learning lyrics and the correct cadence of the melody.
@tomdbass1 3 ай бұрын
About a month ago a music minister from a local church posted that he needed a bassist for 2 services that coming Sunday with a rehearsal that was taking place that evening. I reached out and after going over a few details we confirmed the gig. He explained that the rehearsal location and exact time wasn’t confirmed and that he would get back to me later that day when he found out. Never heard back from him. I had moved things around in my schedule to accommodate his rehearsal. I did text him in regards but never got a reply. From what I understand, he’s done this before to other musicians in town.
@BearRamsey62 3 ай бұрын
AMEN .. I am like you brother, always ready to perform and don't mind jamming with anyone, and I have been done the same way with some guys I know, and i wasn't till later when the true colors came out and I discovered some well hidden resentments and jealousies that were unwarranted and not based on anything I did i made sure to ask if it was something I said or did that brought it on, and not one could say why hey felt that way. it was a bummer and then I decided to start recording my tunes an d just using y music as a backing track and performing, same thing when a local band, all friends of mine, kept trying out singers and each time the vocalist was like you said, unworthy of the position and they knew I could sing all the songs an never once needed a phone or teleprompter because i can recall lyrics from 1970 and forget why i opened the fridge...I finally asked them why I was always overlooked or not considered for the pat, the bassist was honest enough to say, "It's because you are an entity and we don't wanna be the Bear Ramsey band...I was so shocked and was shaken, because I have never had an ego. and always put the songs first. man i was lost ..and after hat i learned stuff about people i could have been well enuff not knowing
@travelingman9763 3 ай бұрын
Snob musicians can be quite unreliable while quite sensitive" emotionally speaking. Lots of lips pursed while on lookout for money! Have Plan Bs and Cs non musical speaking! Cowards is an understatement!
@Into_the_void64 3 ай бұрын
I decided when I do start a band, there will be rules, to sign that were read and be held accountable for. I've seen a lot of others struggle with entitled celebrity wannabes. Ideally, if you're in a band, you should all be able to play another's instrument. Guitar/Bass, Bass/Drums, etc. Because when folks back out at the last minute, you can swap instruments and go on without them that night. Multiple times- SEE YA!
@ukulele-covergirl 4 ай бұрын
Watch Out in Any business! That person needs to practice at home before rehearsing. ✌️♥️ ~ 🌺
@rolandgreystoke5601 3 ай бұрын
I learned an acronym from some Marines when I was in the military: Delta Whiskey Echo - DWE - it stands for "Dick With Ears". Sounds like it describes that 'musician' perfectly.
@paulfrederick8902 2 ай бұрын
You can "practice" on your own, but until you get together with your other members THAT'S where it should be "blended" providing everyone put in their work. IMO.
@jotice9 3 ай бұрын
That person wasn't ready for rehearsals, since they did not yet know the material to be performed. In your shoes, I would feel very compelled to know what "other band members" that person found acceptable to perform behind them under such circumstances, and after the gig, I'd want to hear their accounts of how it went.
@markpanic4513 4 ай бұрын
This is so like what I go through all the time players showing up not knowing the songs only wanting to do what they know then the show happens and it’s a complete utter train wreck this is the Pennsylvania musicians garbage every town is like your home town only 2 hours or more away so extremely discouraging to the point I don’t really care to play and I’ve had this across the country as well,so sad it’s like chasing the Elucid unicorn only you can see but never catch really makes you rethink about career choices
@dallassurfersclub8872 3 ай бұрын
The way I do it, I go through the song and/or lyrics to at least be somewhat familiar on my own time before the rehearsal. Then if everyone does that it goes a lot better and we just smooth out the rough spots and tweak the nuances
@jazzpianoman01 3 ай бұрын
I’ve had experience with these types of musicians and recently got fired after a year of being in a band after telling me how ‘valuable’ I was. Just fired because they wanted to get another drummer who was a mate of the guitarist.
@demetriccauthen-no1jy 3 ай бұрын
You got a point bro I know the feeling I was with a band I had go pick up band members that wasn't my responsibility we didn't agree or anything he always volunteers me go get them an for gigs I got fed uo with the shit an moved on I'm not a taxi driver
@magmasunburst9331 4 ай бұрын
I think the tendency today is to think everyone has the same level of developmental psychological integration. Sad fact is a lot of people did not have very good parenting and they are basically operating at the highest level that they can. It's like ethics doesn't really have much to do with it. Not sure if you're still a Christian but you talked about your experience in that industry. A lot of it today accounts for that those of us who were brought up with those values often are encountering people that are nowhere near having those values or those learning experiences. It doesn't mean that Christians are that much better but often the environment that going to church on Sunday created in the culture was I think a lot higher.
@jameseverett9037 3 ай бұрын
Honor is a thing of the past. Simple as that. Replaced by PC, so that people can still feel like they're moral in some way. All you have to do now is pretend like you care about minorities and it somehow makes you a good person even though your word of honor is worthless.
@NoCoverCharge 3 ай бұрын
That’s why I love doing original bands …. We can weed those people out fast …in original band there is no money so you are there because you want to be
@jwal1992 4 ай бұрын
I left music school about 10 years ago and was still playing with students in the area. One guy turned down my gig because he was offered to play with an older cat. Dude did a rehearsal and the older cat not only kicked him off the gig, but also “offered” him lessons. Guy was livid and teared him a new one. The younger guy ended up moving back to his home town to get gigs and the older cat has been all but exiled from the gigging community. Shady mfers out there.
@Strangz_ODT 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I need to know everything. How many rehearsals, how many hours the rehearsals are, how many hours I’m need the day of the gig ( IE we don’t play til 9pm but sound check at 2pm type of stuff). Then I give my rate and contract it all out, cancelation clauses and all, even for the smaller gigs. I can be friendly and flexible but what I don’t like to be, is frustrated.
@thomascordery7951 4 ай бұрын
Rehearsal time is not practice time. Buddy showing up not knowing the lyrics and having no idea about arrangements he wants is already not cool. After trashing that gig and cutting off contact, I assume he's not getting crickets back.
@JustBGuz 3 ай бұрын
You've been consistently talking sense (since at last the last few years). Thank you for your service to the live music crowd (hangin' in like a loose tooth)...😎 kzbin.info/www/bejne/a4CVaX6Fp9eeh5o 🎸
@vender3516 4 ай бұрын
I had the same issues as a producer and Mastering engineer, I had several singers ( well at least they said they were singers ) after hearing a short snippet they wanted to sing on my tracks, so I invited them over to see what they got and to rehearse to know and understand thier flow well all they did was hum ,,some oohh aahhh and that was that, waste of time; other occasions, I was told my music was to complex and they like simple beats lol .. I find it strange that nowadays I see more so called artist on this selfish " look at me" trend and that seem to be the narritive for being an artist instead for the love of the art.
@soulfulartmusic8487 4 ай бұрын
Here we go!
@TheWilliamHoganExperience 3 ай бұрын
Guy had “rehearsal” confused with “practice”. Rehearsals are for fine tuning a set list and it’s performance. Rehearsals should have a clear agenda and a schedule. Goal is to polish, not learn music.. Everyone must already know the music and its arrangement. Practice is for … learning developing and practicing new material as a group. Regardless you should be getting paid if you’re a professional and it’s not your band or project.
@michaellazor5667 3 ай бұрын
Rehearsals are essential to make sure everyone is on the same page. If you didn't rehearse with this guy, you wouldn't know he was shady.
@svenjansen2134 3 ай бұрын
Prince rehearsed.
@randyk1919 3 ай бұрын
Even McCartney rehearses, and Nirvana rehearsed daily for weeks before recording Nevermind. Good bands rehearse -- but I'll grant some need it a lot less than others. Regardless, I never understood the stance of not bothering to hone the sound of one's group, but perhaps this is more a thing if one primarily plays covers and one-off gigs.
@TedTalksBass 4 ай бұрын
I had a singer do some sh*t similar to that.. I was at my MOTHER'S hospital bedside shedding and charting - IN THE HOSPITAL
@Birkguitars 4 ай бұрын
There is a great Noah Guthrie lyric "what we do is who we are". Some people prove who they are this way and they are not worth the effort.
@BeesWaxMinder 4 ай бұрын
Do you know if this person actually DID this gig with the new band?
@markorendas1423 4 ай бұрын
Cue the stagehands... yes someone should write a thesis on this. Ans a subset about drummers. (😂) GREAT VID
@romp6969 4 ай бұрын
Been there. During the holidays as well. Never worked with that person again.
@Brolo214 4 ай бұрын
Musicians need to unionize or the exploitation of labor will just keep getting worse.
@travisguide4516 3 ай бұрын
I have a friend who does classical gigs and he will bail after several rehearsals if a paying gig comes in and bumps it. It’s a matter of paying his bills i thought it was shady too but some gigs he has to pay the conductor why does he have to go backwards and give up the 20$ he made when he can get 100$ privately
@extramile734 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately some people get people to rehearse then dump them for the gigs.
@j_vasey 3 ай бұрын
That could screw with people’s reputations imagine if the venue only had your names and the gig went south
@anthonyanderson9963 3 ай бұрын
Dude you should have exposed a near hint of the person to protect the community. Looks like U just trying to GET CLICKS. Shame on Yo ACE NINJA
@roncollymore1330 3 ай бұрын
Could you do a video for singers who prolong songs like singing a 1st verse more than twice
@jimkalfakis9893 4 ай бұрын
It’s funny, some of the flakes are commenting on the other flakes, thinking that they’re never the problem. You know who you are
@r3dphlud 4 ай бұрын
"Thinking that they're never the problem," but also, "You know who you are." 😂Peak passive shit talking
@zombee38 3 ай бұрын
Many people disrespects musicians.
@EdNash-l5b 3 ай бұрын
Rehearsals, as soon as someone mentions that I say bye bye.
@TruthAndMoreTruth 4 ай бұрын
Amateurs don't the difference between "practice" and "rehearsal".
@thespadestable 3 ай бұрын
"Amateur" just means they perform for payment outside of cash. The attitude between them and a professional are solely based on the individuals.
@glmotorcity7573 3 ай бұрын
You rehearsal for any gigs on the minimum everyone should come knowing there parts, Sometimes. There may be a need time to go over some parts not being understood. Tired of going on gig and those that that suppose to be professional were the first to to know there parts or on stage playing wrong chords and ragged solo’
@givrcanadianrocktributeban6965 4 ай бұрын
I always ask about the guy setting up/leading the gig- “are they a real musician, or just a karaoke type?” Tends to answer if they have skin in the game sometimes lol. Sorry to hear that happened to you too.
@bryandraughn9830 3 ай бұрын
I played music professionally for 30 years and finally washed my hands of the whole thing. I won't even bother telling the story because it's as pointless as it is infuriating. Seriously horrible people making everything worse for themselves and others. Thousands of them. It's not worth the trouble. It's not even close to being worth the trouble. You absolutely can not trust these people no matter how smart and observant you think you are. It's diabolical.
@burritodeluxe 3 ай бұрын
Folks work so hard to achieve their dream of making money as a musician only to work freelance gigs & rely on a third party to secure the gig, & then lose out when the folks with the knowledge in securing the gigs in the first place go rogue on them. It sucks, but that’s the way of the freelance market. Isn’t there a union you could join?
@paradiddlediddle8630 Ай бұрын
No doubt!
@oscardupree8414 4 ай бұрын
This feels like Lauren Hill energy…
@TedTalksBass 4 ай бұрын
buuuuuuuuddddyy.... I have been there
@chilisaucecritic 3 ай бұрын
this is why i switched 80% from rock to EDM, working with bands is too unpredictable.
@jesusislukeskywalker4294 4 ай бұрын
new subscriber from Australia ☝️🔭🐥 stay cool bro 🙏
@kdub607 3 ай бұрын
We see this all the time. What's funny to me is that vocalists are the worst of the bunch. Sure, there are some lazy musicians that bluff their way through gigs or come out like it's solo time and forget the foundation of the music, but that can (sometimes) get masked and overlooked. The vocalist is the front person and the focal point of the audience in general. So when they don't learn the lyrics, it's a lot harder to mask that - especially for a popular song where everyone in the audience knows the lyrics. Because the vocalist is the one on the billboard, they feel like it's ok, or they can get away with making up words. But don't let the band mess up! And just as bad - when you're given a set list to learn, come to the rehearsal prepared with all these songs you had to learn for this one vocalist, just to find out they're dropping two or three of them. Why? Because THEY never learned the words of the songs themselves (even though they picked them)!!! And of course, they don't care that your time is valuable, and you've got other songs to learn for other artists. So much Shade in this business unfortunately...
@jondnz Ай бұрын
There's only 24 hours before the gig and the excuse they gig for firing you, and going with someone else, was because they need more rehearsal time???? That seems to make NO sense how much MORE rehearsal time could they get from this other person within 24 hours The only thing I can think of is that the second band that they ended up going with, are actually just as terrible as they are at learning the music so to this person believed they were "better" in some way because of it. You know like they appeared to be "more patient" to learn the song. I've had that before where I try and go "hey the song as I heard it on Spotify goes like this" and you get the whole "oh we're just gonna do what feels right to us" and "what feels right to us" turns out to be a train wreck
@JimiRebel 3 ай бұрын
Alot of this is why I stopped gigging and only produce.
@badtriad9684 4 ай бұрын
Simply, common decency UNCOMMON...
@jc9240 4 ай бұрын
Front and Center Bruce Lee Tee-Shirt!?....I am trying to figure its relative on context about your Subject, Theme or Purpose of this KZbin Broadcast?...LoL x7
@sangha1486 3 ай бұрын
Your mistake was making a commitment to play (and declining other gigs that would actually pay you) without getting any commensurate commitment to pay you. It's a business. Treat it like a business. That's particularly true for those with yt channels advising musicians about the business of music
@TheMoviesDirector1 3 ай бұрын
All due respect, but it was clear from your tone and attitude towards the situation that you (and probably the rest of the band) weren’t willing to be patient with the singer in learning and grooving with the songs. While I also agree that you should’ve been paid for the time spent, the band switch was probably due to you or the others feeling like amateurs. This is just the conclusion I’ve come to because I do no know the context to the rest of the text message.
@50wc 3 ай бұрын
Bro, That was the issues, The show didn't pay the money they thought, and they went with a lesser band for the money purposes.
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