Hey guys😊💕 今日は、おさるさんと一緒に英単語レッスン🙈 意外と知らない体のパーツについておさるさんにクイズしながら、みなさんと楽しくシェア☆ enjoy!! Testing my husband on his English vocab on certain body parts!! Lots of terms you'd think you know, but actually don't when you think about it! Added English subs for Japanese learners!
Hello I am from India. I am learning Japanese from your videos. Your videos are so helpful.Thank you very much. I know this channel targets Japanese people who want to learn English but still I cannot resist my self asking you to start a channel for people who want to Learn Japanese. Any how, Great efforts. Thank you so much
Chika san, it was an awesome video!いつも更新楽しみにみています!意外と知らなかったり、聞いたことあっても思い出せなかったりでとても役に立つ動画でした。足をつる、や鼻をほじるなど、日常で使っている例文も実は毎度なんていうんだっけ?って思ったりしていたので、ぜひこの動画の例文ver.も作って頂けるとうれしいです!