She can but as an Indonesian to reach that level she must improve her game, rally and placing shots left and right back and front won't be enough to win games against a top 10 veteran, she must have a killer smashing shots sometimes it doesn't have to be hard hitting smashes but jumping higher will definitely help with smart placements down the lines left and right. Too bad Dewi didn't have it against Chochuwong but having it and this game would only be a straight set. If she couldn't do the jump shots properly and the Indonesian coaching staffs must make her jump higher to smash and do correct sharp placing and most of the time this can only be achieved with a jump or a higher jump. they need to train her ability to jump not only her but all our women singles players including Tunjung. Without that none of our women will reach no.1..Congratulations to Chochuwong, she should have been no.1 after Intanon!