"He discovered America is what he did. He was a brave Italian explorer. And in this house, Christopher Columbus is a hero. End of story.” - Tony Soprano.
@borichamo Жыл бұрын
It was great to participate in this! God bless you all, and thank you for watching, and God bless all who participated. Happy Columbus Day!
@grahamcombs4752 Жыл бұрын
In Mishawaka -- within the orbit of Notre Dame -- there is a statue of "Cristoforo Columbo" (as carved on the pedestal.) Erected in 1992, it commemorates the 500th anniversary of his great achievement. In early 2020, the Mishawaka PD fenced off the statue to protect it from vandalism, which was everywhere across the country at that time. That fence remained for over a year. The statue is part of a city park that runs along the St. Joseph River. On my evening rosary walk, I stop and say a simple prayer before the statue. "Cristoforo Columbo we pray for you, if you can, pray for us a Shepherd." Whoever that may be in future... I enjoyed your Columbus Day celebration; as always, an informative moment for this late-in-life convert to the Faith.
@andreysaiz8208 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this hermano. I look forward to seeing everyone back on 12 Dec. Viva Cristo Rey!
@m.proximus1930 Жыл бұрын
Nuestra Senora de Pilar and Christoforo Columbo - I never knew that connection, nor the full title of the flagship! Did Archbishop Carroll actually know that? Is that why he chose to consecrate US to Our Lady under that title?!? (How amazing the USCCB let's that stand, beholden as they are to forces inimical to authentic catholic history!). Dr. Colombe is too much... lol! Thank you so much for getting everybody together, Tim, and thanks to all of you for your time! Venerable Isabella! Pray for us!
@thereasonableman2424 Жыл бұрын
A bit more about Columbus: We usually learn that Columbus first tried with the Portuguese before going to Isabela, and that the Portuguese refused to finance his travels because they thought the Earth was flat. This is untrue, they not only knew the world was round, but they had better calculations of its size compared to Columbus. The Portuguese told him he would starve way before reaching any land, which would be true, if there wasn't a huge continent in the middle of the way.
@Isphanian Жыл бұрын
Columbus was NOT italian, but from Genova, in Mallorca. Colom is also a very common lastname in those areas (Balearic Islands).
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
part two response to @andymalone7338 Columbus Day represents the salvation of Catholic Europe who escaped the religious wars and corrupt caste system of the Old World for the New World where Catholics could live in peace and thrive . Happy Columbus Day I'll pray to Saint Columbus you confess your calumny against the Church .
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for proving my point . Flanders does not come from the same Country as Catholic Americans . He comes from Protestant America . If you don't understand that you must be a Millennial. Charles , like you , hates America and the people who created Catholic America , the Irish . Claiming "Americans have nothing to contribute to this discussion of the holiday." is an absurd statement . Catholic Americans are the reason Columbus Day is popular . It was Catholic Americans , the people you hate , the Irish, Italians , Germans, Polish and Czechs' who celebrated Columbus Day and made it huge because it was Columbus , for them, was the vessel of Salvation. God used Saint Columbus to create a refuge that would be a place millions of Irish and Germans could escape the Protestant villain centuries later .
@jonathanhosh445910 ай бұрын
The issues isn’t that Catholics settled the Americas. It’s that they did not wish to live under the local rulers or integrate themselves into the native cultures as much as their faith allowed. Instead many of them committed forced removals and other violent acts against native Americans with only the condemnation of the friars who worked with the natives. The evangelization of the Americas did not have to come at the expense of its first inhabitants. It could have lead an expression of our faith that would be just as magnificent as the Irish or African Catholicism.
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
This panel needs more Hispanics . Three is not enough .
@thereasonableman2424 Жыл бұрын
Brazil is not Hispanic. You could have at least tried and called them hiberic to be sure. Sure would be a good idea for you to learn more about the two countries that converted to the true religion most of the world outside of Europe.
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
@@thereasonableman2424The Irish converted Europe after Rome fell . They also built Catholic America , Canada and Australia
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
Using Columbus Day to justify the invasion of Catholic America by Hispanic foreigners , who were never in the United States in great number until the enemies of the Church changed the Immigration Law with the Hart Cellar Act of 1965 to show preference for non European immigrants , to do so in order to destroy Catholic America , to destroy its culture , to use Columbus Day in such a manner , against the very people who loved and revered Columbus and made Columbus Day popular , to do that is not Catholic . It was the Irish and Germans . the Italians and Polish who made Columbus Day huge . In other worlds it was Catholic Americans who did so . The people who made Catholic culture which was already up and running long before 1965 . To use foreigners to represent a holiday that is so quintessentially American is profoundly evil . Should Hispanics cerebrate Columbus Day ? Of course . In Latin America , in their own nations . Yes I know they do already but its not like the Americans . If you don't understand that its because you are either A) very young like Flanders of B) Grew up Protestants like Flanders . Flanders is not from the same nation as Catholic Americans . He is from Protestant America .Kennedy is Canadian so what the heck does he know and Charles is a French Canadian American who harbors great resentment for both America and the Irish who are one of the biggest groups to have made Columbus Day as huge as it once was . None of these panelists can truly tell you why Columbus Day is important in America . To be fair it could be a more global reach Flanders was going for and I agree Columbus Day should be celebrated in all the Americas but since Flanders reattains his Protestant bias's against the Church I do not think this episode will be without poison
@brandinstoy1360 Жыл бұрын
@@paddyleather5676 Lol, gotta love your commitment to the bit!
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
@@thereasonableman2424 What foreigners are is not impotent . The Irish created the first and most important Monastic movement in Western European history . When Rome fell it was the Irish who converted Europe and saved the Bible . The Celtic Church , as it became known , is the reason Europe was Catholic . Columbus Day is a Catholic American holiday so I do not think leaning about foreigners is relevant .
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
I think Flanders thinks its Hispanics who love Columbus . He's got like 5 of them in that panel and one Canuck and another French Canadian Canuck -American who hates the people who actually celebrate Columbus Day . No one on this panel can give you an actual Catholic American point of view .
@andymalone7338 Жыл бұрын
"For the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's voyage in 1892, following a lynching in New Orleans, where a mob had murdered 11 Italian immigrants, President Benjamin Harrison declared Columbus Day as a one-time national celebration. The proclamation was part of a wider effort after the lynching incident to placate Italian Americans and ease diplomatic tensions with Italy." Americans have nothing to contribute to this discussion of the holiday. Columbus discovered the Americas, and the English exported their rebels and dissidents to North America to afflict their Continental foes. Timothy Flanders and Charles Coulombe are US Citizens.
@michaelbarry1664 Жыл бұрын
@paddyleather5676 Do you have anything to add to this conversation, or are you just here to identify each gentleman’s ethnicity?
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
@@andymalone7338 Thank you for proving my point . Flanders does not come from the same Country as Catholic Americans . He comes from Protestant America . If you don't understand that you must be a Millennial. Charles , like you , hates America and the people who created Catholic America , the Irish . Claiming "Americans have nothing to contribute to this discussion of the holiday." is an absurd statement . Catholic Americans are the reason Columbus Day is popular . It was Catholic Americans , the people you hate , the Irish, Italians , Germans, Polish and Czechs' who celebrated Columbus Day and made it huge because it was Columbus , for them, was the vessel of Salvation. God used Saint Columbus to create a refuge that would be a place millions of Irish and Germans could escape the Protestant villain centuries later .
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelbarry1664 Using Columbus Day to justify the invasion of Catholic America by Hispanic foreigners , who were never in the United States in great number until the enemies of the Church changed the Immigration Law with the Hart Cellar Act of 1965 to show preference for non European immigrants , to do so in order to destroy Catholic America , to destroy its culture , to use Columbus Day in such a manner , against the very people who loved and revered Columbus and made Columbus Day popular , to do that is not Catholic . It was the Irish and Germans . the Italians and Polish who made Columbus Day huge . In other worlds it was Catholic Americans who did so . The people who made Catholic culture which was already up and running long before 1965 . To use foreigners to represent a holiday that is so quintessentially American is profoundly evil . Should Hispanics cerebrate Columbus Day ? Of course . In Latin America , in their own nations . Yes I know they do already but its not like the Americans . If you don't understand that its because you are either A) very young like Flanders of B) Grew up Protestants like Flanders . Flanders is not from the same nation as Catholic Americans . He is from Protestant America .Kennedy is Canadian so what the heck does he know and Charles is a French Canadian American who harbors great resentment for both America and the Irish who are one of the biggest groups to have made Columbus Day as huge as it once was . None of these panelists can truly tell you why Columbus Day is important in America . To be fair it could be a more global reach Flanders was going for and I agree Columbus Day should be celebrated in all the Americas but since Flanders reattains his Protestant bias's against the Church I do not think this episode will be without poison
@paddyleather5676 Жыл бұрын
@@andymalone7338 The Famine Irish who began coming after 1845 were mostly civilian's . Refugees escaping war . Weaponized starvation on a industrial scale was a invention of the Brits . So was Black Eugenics . The Brits sought to eradicate Catholic Ireland . To speak to a point of "rebels ". Ireland is a ancient sovereign Catholic / Gaelic nation . Its the oldest nation and oldest continuous culture in all of Western Civilization . When the Romans lived in caves the Irish had the most advanced form of law , the Brehon Laws, that respected life and property . Irishmen who fought against foreign invaders are not "rebels". They are patriots