I used steam last Thanksgiving to the green beans that arrived late and cold heated quickly. Heated an empty pot for a couple minutes, tossed in a shot of water, like 2 tbsp, which started boiling almost immediately. Then another shot. Poured in the green beans. At first I thought the beans would kill the steam but they didn't as the hot water on the bottom kept making steam. A light cover and the beans heated. Put another shot of water in if it starts to go dry. The key seems to be to get the steam up, don't have a mass of water that can be cooled and of course the beans were not a solid mass so the steam could flow around and give up that latent heat. And depending on you heat source, I use a glass top resistance element, you can turn off the eye and let the residual heat finish it off without worrying about burning if you just make sure it won't go dry in the first few minutes.