"That Time of the Night" by Ian Gordon / Ghost Stories

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@1630revelloak 6 жыл бұрын
I'm an insomniac, sleep has always been "difficult" for me but I do get what you're saying, one night years ago it came in very handy. A man had jumped my back fence and was coming by my living room window, I was still awake for usual reasons and only had a small desk lamp on. When I saw the shadow on the window, I hurled a big ceramic ashtray through the window. I heard him swear and got outside just as he went back over the fence...and then I was left with a window repair bill.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Damn - very handy indeed. And I have to admit, much scarier than anything described in fiction. Almost as scary as that window repair bill I imagine. Ian
@Hydroavion 6 жыл бұрын
I love That Time of Night. I am a pure night owl, and sometimes I think that I might be one of those strange things that emerge to dance in the moonlight. As an aside I live in the Andalusian scrub desert nowadays, and the intense charged stillness of the night is moved to the afternoon here. Right now it is pushing 100 degrees outside and nothing is moving, no birds are singing, even the cicadas are saving their strength. Night time in the daytime. Thanx for the story, the channel and your time, always a pleasure to listen.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing - sounds like a fascinating environment. Funnily enough, Jennifer and I were set to live out there for a while back in 2015, but a problem with accommodation ultimately led to us abandoning the trip.
@jamiecameron7615 6 жыл бұрын
I'm absolutely stunned at how good this was. It's chilling, it stirs a primal fear. You are definitely on to something with this. I enjoyed this immensely, thank you very much!!!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jamie - glad it touched a nerve. Ian
@MysteryEzekude 6 жыл бұрын
I've always enjoyed listening to your dramatic readings of Lovecraft, Wells and Howard. Your narration and character performances really help deliver the atmosphere and tension of each story. So it was a huge treat to hear you write and narrate a horror tale of your very own! With universal themes (i.e. insomnia and night anxieties), clear and well-paced narration and, above all, a dynamic reading, this is a worthy debut! Very well done! I look forward to hearing more stories from you, by you! Also, with regards to my night anxieties between 1-3am, my most recent experience occurred weeks ago when I heard cats fighting and yowling outside my window. This filled me with a sense of irrational dread and self-distrust. I felt like I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully without either walking it off to my local park and back (which was thankfully empty) or succumb to my fear of insanity. Only on rare occasions do I get out and walk after midnight in my silk black robe and sandals (equipped with a personal alarm) to relieve tension. That's all I can share.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! This isn't the first HB Original though, here's the playlist: kzbin.info/aero/PLeNNKRLWxwoM5ln91QajdA--HZgo4Z1IZ As for your nocturnal habits - we're left with more questions than answers!
@rabbitrhett4954 6 жыл бұрын
(Note: I genuinely had it all written down than my phone glitched. So I will do my best to recreate what I thought) To start I enjoyed how there is no music. Much like the wendigo, listening to the ambience of your own room in a story like this is enough to set the mood. I also enjoyed how you made something as simple as the closet, bed, and even the window seem like artifacts to some hidden world. It’s why I love turn of the century weird fiction as the main players of that time genuinely believed that where they lived was an alien world of infinite possibilities. The introduction of the bicycle made me think of a few things. Themes of rotation such as the moon around the world or the revolutions of a clock. But the revelations of a wheelchair went further as it than made the connotations of a death omen. That in each passing second the ownership of the wheelchair will be your own. This leads to the corruption of your world. Though extraordinary the narrators world is familiar and understandable. Now it’s corrupted, the smells of antiseptic and the feel of callused hands bringing shape to a concept that seems infinite. The mention of Pennington also made it all make sense as it shows that we either willingly or unwillingly bring in our own nightmares. Not the best recreation of my old critique but I hope this new one still has the same weight to you. Now I did try to write the original one as I went along and even then it was hard. I felt like I had to put my pad down as I listened to make sure I took in every detail. But when you got to your own explanation involving the old man Walter and your youth it truly brings life to something I tell my dad “If you want to know more about someone, put down their autobiography and read their fiction. For you don’t lie about what’s important in a world of make believe” and for that it was great to go into your own realm of imaginings and see what you live. As for your question. My cats always wake me up at 1-2:30 around that time begging for attention. And my apartment feels unusual as we live in the country. It bothers me as I wonder if night predators have gotten close to the door and my cats warn me of what maybe out there. Regardless I do welcome the feeling, because living in a world of certainty leads to no world to write about. Look forward to more and I hope this helps Ian
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rhett - I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I love your interpretation of the 'wheel' element - I hadn't considered that myself. Well, you know what they say about cats/dogs and extrasensory perception. I also like to think our pets have the inexplicable ability to keep such things away!
@rabbitrhett4954 6 жыл бұрын
HorrorBabble which is just more proof that the world isn’t a stagnant place. We let the wild animals into our homes and with them cane the rest of that primordial chaos. But yeah I admit I jumped the gun on the themes of time in your story. But I feel like if I don’t leave these kind of comments than you won’t get really anything out of my views. It is to keep your mind active and aware and able to form more symbology in later narratives. It is love of the written word X3 Either way I look forward to more as usual and I’m glad to know who the real Ian Gordon is, the writer and the believer.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
It's important to consider other points of view - and that applies to everything in life, in my opinion. Always happy to hear your thoughts, sir.
@feralbluee 5 жыл бұрын
wow! you are incredible. you read so beautifully and the story is suspenseful and engrossing. thank you so much for this - i really got into it. you sent me here (from 'The Voice of the Dead' to listen to your "real voice". so i heard your speaking voice and the voice of your soul. . . i live in New York City, so it's not like the country where you do get eerie feelings. it's probably when the crickets, katydids, and frogs stop 'singing' - or when the house creaks. (i was always told it was settling :) As a kid i had a big tree outside my window which had long black branches and scared me a bit - i wouldn't let my arm hang over the edge of the bed when i went to sleep because there were witches underneath it. i can still feel that. :)
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Alexa. Creepy - the numerous limbs of an old tree casting all kinds of strange shapes on the walls at night... But also great for the imagination! Ian
@listerjne Жыл бұрын
your extra info at the end is so valuable (but the standalone is fantastic) and im truly just so stoked to hear you talking. probably a lot of things that make this particular vid feel kinda casual, but regardless im grateful to have the occasional moments where u are basically a real dude. (i adore and admire everyone ive ever met so no one is truly real to me)
@onlyonewhyphy 6 жыл бұрын
lol, CH4 was great in the a.m. in the late 90's. So many lesser known films that I loved.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
A kindred spirit! TV just isn't the same nowadays - I actually miss the days of only being able to receive 4 channels.
@donaldmccleary9015 8 ай бұрын
This is fantastic! Great writing and narration. This story ties well to "That Time of Night". That part of the night has a specific feel. I once woke up during this time of the night at my parents' house in Pennsylvania. I was in college, and it was the time before every house had air conditioning. There was no noise pollution. I kept hearing this noise in the house. I looked around for what seemed ages. I would hear the noise every time I almost fell asleep. I ended up localizing the noise. It was a big houseplant, making noise either moving from a light draft or because the leaves were growing. Thanks!
@Christv420 2 жыл бұрын
I sleep so well when I drift off to your voice, thanks so much for all the hard work. ✌🏼❤️✊🏼🙏🏼
@j4nk3n 6 жыл бұрын
I have had a deep relationship with that time of the night since childhood when I didn't have any concept or ideas to sway me on the subject, it's always the small hours and the full moon, and when those combine there's some serious power involved, but I pay no attention to lunar cycles, you can feel the power of that time of the night amplified to the point of it feeling suffocating, look outside and see that bastard full moon working it's influence. I don't know how you feel about the small hours and the moon Ian, but the state of madness known as lunacy is named after the effects of the moon, no doubt at it's peak of 2-3am, I wonder if we have dream tides in accordance with the moon? Would be interesting to make a journal! Anyway I'm rambling on, I think you get where I'm coming from! I hope this tickles your brain, good luck with future writing Ian!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Very interesting perspective JA - I have heard the 'lunacy' thing before, but I haven't given it much thought. Something to muse over, for sure! Thanks again, Ian.
@BigBennKlingon Жыл бұрын
Story aside, I love 'that time of night' after midnight and before dawn. It's my favorite time to read (or listen to) horror, scifi and fantasy stories and comics. My imagination seems to be in it's most receptive and fertile state at that time.
@Sco6014 6 жыл бұрын
As a child I used to really be afraid of the nighttime sounds. I lived near a railway and the screeching of the breaks used to be very ethereal and defined the nighttime soundscape for me. A few times I experienced waking dreams and perceived a ghostly 'grudge' type girl standing by my bedside. I sleep with a night light so that I can see in the dark and quickly dispell any visions of waking dreams I might experience during the night. nice original story! When you read these things all the time you get really good at the tone and pacing necessary for such spooky tales.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
We have a railway nearby - similar 'screeching' sounds and 'horns' echo across the fields to the house. There is something melodic about it. We certainly don't want any close encounters with 'grudge type girls' though! Ian
@onlyonewhyphy 6 жыл бұрын
That was good. Very good.
@lizziejordan-seeley4786 3 жыл бұрын
Ive been a shift worker many years ago, and have driven, patrolled on foot, all manner of areas in the "wee small hours" - the time when our bodies are at their lowest ebb, no spooky experiences to report though. I think it would be more disconcerting to me to experience something in "normal" daylight hours. Great story as ever - thankyou
@CountingHouse 6 жыл бұрын
Just gone midnight. That time of Night Indeed.
@rayswoop4947 6 жыл бұрын
👏👏 great show old man! ... when I was a young boy I had a night terror, was laying in bed with a night light and my bedroom door wide open across from my parents room..but the only problem with that was the hallway beyond the door was ever so dark, I'd lay there staring Into that stark universe beyond the corner of the door thinking the worst of shambling things; well sometime in the middle of all this I had fallen asleep but never felt that I did and in my mind I was wide awake, lucid...staring at that godforsaken abyss beyond the Threshold of my door, and then, a face quickly peered a sidelong glance, then retracted back away, I jumped, then that face looked in again-it slid up then slide down oddly..then immediately a very tall woman with black, slightly short cropped stringy hair just sauntered in if you please and stood right over me....I remember quickly sitting up, stared straight into my my visitor from the night's face..and screamed bloody murder like a woman In a movie; and at that moment I precisely remember my eyes blinking open and she immediately vanished with my dad rushing in... I've never forgot such a waking dream...I was scarred for years cause it seemed so real. I couldn't be in the dark ever when I sleep, even now...I'd always think of that lanky woman and her black hair in the shadowy corner of the room, face obscured but the outline of wild tufts of black hair..... staring.. true story lol
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Not a pleasant experience, Jesse! To have seen a 'face' in the darkness is sure to have left a scar or two... Thankfully, that sort of thing hasn't happened to me! Thanks for sharing! Ian
@rayswoop4947 5 жыл бұрын
thanks Ian, not to bad of a description if I must say so myself☺also you are a great writer, I really appreciate this story and others, God bless and keep you
@vali6717 6 жыл бұрын
As a superstitious sort this makes me glad that I wake up as early as three, but no earlier. I remember the hour between 2 and 3 being particularly marked by sleeplessness or by horrible dreams as a child. I suppose that’s what I got for growing up close to an old Civil War battlefield.
@bluegreenglue6565 2 жыл бұрын
This one was SO much fun! The thrill I got when you revealed that it was a wheelchair, sitting across the street, made me laugh out loud. So chilling, so unexpected. As a child I was unable to discern between fiction and fact, so believed everything I saw in movies and on t.v. could be real, if I acknowledged it in my imagination in the black of night. This stayed with me off and on through my teens and into adulthood, right up until my late 40s when reality came home in the form of my husband's cancer. Last year, I watched him fade, suffering in a rented hospital bed, and then breathe his last while I watched his face and held his cold hand. Since that moment, when I realized there was no ghost, no lingering spirit of the man I loved, I have never felt any fear of the dark. I am completely alone. I still enjoy scary stories, and love suspenseful supernatural movies, but the feeling that "perhaps this could happen in real life" is completely gone.
@miserableoutcast 6 жыл бұрын
For me “that time of the night” is around 1-2 am. I’m not visited by apparitions during this time thankfully.Occasionally however I do get a creepy feeling that something is amiss, I have to grab a bat and check the house even though I know no masked serial killer is hiding. I feel like everyone has this feeling from time to time, it’s a strange phenomenon.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Possibly a throwback to our nocturnal ancestors...
@bigo8647 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night cause I swear I heard a noise like someone had entered the house yet the house is empty except for me, in those times I have the sheer feeling that someone or something is watching me from every dark corner.
@Kikilang60 6 жыл бұрын
I wake up at that time most nights. I can't seemed fall back to sleep, so come down and listen to your channel. I thought your story was very clever.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Kiki - I wonder what it is that's waking you up? Hmm... Ian
@gonzaloayalaibarre 6 жыл бұрын
An original tale? This is a very pleasant surprise. I really didn't see it coming. I'm not trying to sound rude, but I specially didn't expect it to be this good.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Gonzalo! That's good to hear. I hope you'll check some of the other originals out: kzbin.info/aero/PLeNNKRLWxwoM5ln91QajdA--HZgo4Z1IZ
@Normaschthewanderer 6 жыл бұрын
Another excellent story, as for your question I do have an anecdote. I have an older sister, and she had gone off to college by the time I learned to talk. Her bedroom was down the hall from mine, and somebody would have to pass my bedroom door to get to it. I had difficulty sleeping around the time I stopped sleeping in my crib. It was around this time I would hear footsteps coming up the stairs. At least that's what they sounded like. Most nights I would hear them coming up the stairs and walk towards my sister's empty room. I remember one night they went into the room and I heard a series of bloodcurdling screams all night long. I was still a kid so I don't know what was really going on. Maybe some neighbors were having a party and not being very polite considering the hour. But it was frightening at the time.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Fascinating account - I often wonder how infant minds process these things. It's only when you reflect on such events as an adult that you say: "That wasn't quite right..."
@Normaschthewanderer 6 жыл бұрын
On a lighter note, are you familiar with Midnight Syndicate or Nox Arcana? They are a couple of musical acts, wouldn't necessarily call them bands. They do horror themed ambiance. Each album is a sort of concept album that would almost work as a soundtrack to a horror movie. Midnight Syndicate leans more on the ambiance to create an atmosphere of dread like you're in the moment. Though Nox Arcana develops their story a little more. Reason I ask is they could do great for inspiration for your writing.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
As a muso myself - I've worked that way for years. Most of my original stories have been told through music in the first instance. So of course, I'd be interested to hear whatever you recommend.
@epiendless1128 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, I remember Eurotrash! No particular night terrors here, although I occasionally spook myself so that a trip to the bathroom cannot be made without a light on every step of the way, until I'm back under the covers. The title did put me in mind of a Marillion lyric: _"At that time of the night_ _When streetlights throw crosses through window frames_ _Paranoia roams where the shadows reign_ _Oh, at that time of the night"_
@HorrorBabble 3 жыл бұрын
Big Marillion fans over here! The title is no coincidence...! And as for Eurotrash... oh, the memories.
@Mrichie881 6 жыл бұрын
So well done. The tension is almost unbearable and as always your narration is amazing. I look forward to hearing more original stories.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed this one! :) Ian
@1971thedoctor 2 жыл бұрын
I would have trouble sleeping at night especially on the weekends, my imagination would hear and see things that was not there but the shadows in the house was always my focus of worry. I had a terrible nightmare about a shadow creature or person coming towards me and I could not move I was frozen with fear. When I woke up my wife could tell I was having a bad dream but I told her it seemed so real.
@JasonGreensides 5 жыл бұрын
Well done with this, dude. I love the wheelchair idea: the way you bring it to life (so to speak) with chilling descriptions, and that it is symbolic of the protagonist's repressed guilt. I like the psychological aspect of horror stories, so this was highly enjoyable to listen to. Great work!
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jason - much appreciated. I see you're a writer yourself! Be sure to let us know if you have any horror shorts you'd like us to take a look at in the future. Ian
@JasonGreensides 5 жыл бұрын
@@HorrorBabble will do!
@michaellangwaller 6 жыл бұрын
I used to live in the country and sounds were always around even in the dark of night, birds , crickets, foxes, bobcats, squirrels, even the occasional gator, but certain times of the year late at night/very early morning, sometime around 3 AM, all sound would stop. For a week or so it would happen, like a sponge absorbing all sound, the night air would be quiet, quiet enough to wake you. Not even a breeze would be shaking the leaves. I don't know if it was just where I lived, but I do know that it did not happen anywhere else I lived. I do know that the place is now abandoned, even the farmland attached to the property is all overgrown with weeds and trees.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Michael - it almost sounds as though something was moving through the area... Reminiscent of Skinwalker Ranch: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinwalker_Ranch
@horse433 6 жыл бұрын
Good job man. Good description of things. It’s hard to do. Using verbs and nouns instead of adjectives. 👍
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks W - I'm always learning; forever a student. Much appreciated. Ian
@niverian7726 5 жыл бұрын
For me, it's in the dark as I get up for a midnight snack, I fear that there is...something in the dark or even the darkness itself as an entity. It only gets me sometimes after watching something unsettling.
@Girlgamssilver 5 жыл бұрын
You've certainly have got an ace in the hole. Keep going with this channel. My "time of the night" is in the dead of winter at 3 or 4 in the morning.
@annmarieray3922 2 жыл бұрын
This has chilled me becuse I do have insomnia.. Where I used to live, very late of a night, early morning I used to hear a very rusty sounding bike or pram.. Or something with wheels travel up the street.. Over the pavement stones you could here it.. I never ever looked.. So this story has touched a nerve...
@MrsCaranAmy 4 жыл бұрын
I so enjoyed your tale. Plus an added bonus I especially liked is that you talked and shared something about yourself. I thank you very much. As far as night goes, I am a night owl and usually am up til the hours of 2 or 3 in the morning. Yes, there are certain things which have scared me. One thing has helped is my cat who is very observant of anything unusual going on. Anyway, enjoy your holiday.
@HorrorBabble 4 жыл бұрын
Cats see all, Amy! Thanks again for listening, and for leaving so many wonderful comments. Ian
@lordtachanka903 6 жыл бұрын
You should really do more original stories!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Ian! We do have a playlist if you've missed any of them: kzbin.info/aero/PLeNNKRLWxwoM5ln91QajdA--HZgo4Z1IZ
@kathyorourke9273 5 жыл бұрын
That time of the night used to frighten me. I hated waking up then. When I was older I worked on duty in a group home on the graveyard shift. Ever since then it doesn’t bother me at all. A core!
@hkhjg1734 6 жыл бұрын
I love the peaceful quiet of the early am. when I couldn’t sleep i would sit on our small porch and watch the street at night while listening to the cars on the nearby expressway. It was like a picture, the only moving elements being the dark clouds in the sky and an indecisive streetlamp turning on and off every few minutes.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Good to hear some of us are still able to enjoy the early morning stillness!
@lordtachanka903 6 жыл бұрын
Listening to this at 1:47 am. Almost that time of night....
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Keep your head down Ian!
@raidersoutlawstruckingmini1922 6 жыл бұрын
Great work please write more. Always enjoy listening to you read. You do an excellent job.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you! :) Ian
@giginovak8027 6 жыл бұрын
Wow. That was incredible. You must write more. Please.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks gigi! You can listen to some of our other original works here: kzbin.info/aero/PLeNNKRLWxwoM5ln91QajdA--HZgo4Z1IZ
@blakmajk3512 2 жыл бұрын
@mahoganyeclipse3909 5 жыл бұрын
This story was a fucking delight, absolutely loved it and the creep factor got me good!
@TheEldritchGod 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent. Very nice imagery.
@justafallperson2108 3 жыл бұрын
I just found this one. Fantastic story, Ian! Very relatable, and seriously spooky.
@HorrorBabble 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it, Rebecca!
@gregriessland1552 7 ай бұрын
I saw a hooded figure for years in one of my apartments and 3:am always was frustrating. Even sleeping in the living room could feel the oppression. So I stayed with a friend till things were cleansed. Still though it felt dormant. Till later I heard my friend Jena having the same issues. Great Story Ian! I like listing to your page while I draw.
@tikkidaddy 6 жыл бұрын
This one has significant maning for me Ian. I am disabled, CP. And walked on crutches for over 40 years. Now its the danm chair. And I HATE the thing. Between 2 and 6am is my favorite time of day and there was a crazy abusive ex. So while my family sleep here I am listening to you again. Constant. Neuropathic pain makes it impossible to sleep now.. So the crippled old man in the chair REALLY IS FOLLOWING YOU... Ok. Now this kinda freaks me out😃😃😃
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Mark. I'm sorry to hear about the constant pain - I have friends and family members in similar situations. As long as you keep on listening, we'll keep on bringing the horror! Ian
@tikkidaddy 6 жыл бұрын
HorrorBabble. Just wanted to say that my response was based in the irony of what the character experienced and out of the millions of horror tales this just " had " to be the subject and of course GUESS who wrote it. LOL
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Yes - I can appreciate that Mark!
@rhondadills8275 6 жыл бұрын
@@HorrorBabble This is my husband Ian😎😎We LOVE this channel! Thank you for all the hard work you are doing!!
@lihigers1290 6 жыл бұрын
Growing up, I had no sense of creatures that go bump in the night. I guess it wasn't a part of my culture (though I have read most of the Goosbumps series). It just wasn't a part of my reality, we had other things to be worrying about than imaginary boogieman in Israel of the 90's. Consequently, I have always loved that time of the night. I always loved staying up late, the silence surrounding me, and knowing I wouldn't be interrupted in that time. I still love this time of the night, and have become a sort of night owl once I managed to be the master of my own time (i.e. after school ended). I took the non-evening shifts at work to be able to stay up late and sleep late into the morning, and I do it to this day. Even though both of my most beloved dog and my maternal grandma, which I was attached to, both died at the witching hours, it has not changed my fondness of being the only one awake in the still and sleeping world around me.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Lihi. This is what I love about HorrorBabble - it continues to introduce us to wonderful folks across the world with interesting stories and backgrounds. I like what you said about becoming a 'master of your own time' at night. That resonates with me, as it's during 'that time of the night' that I'm at my most creative. Ian
@skywyzeparanormal7934 5 жыл бұрын
That was good. I still got chills. Awesome story. That time of the night for me is between 3 and 4 AM.
@cheesburgr 2 жыл бұрын
Always a great listen :) I prefer to stay up until after 2, but it's not always workable. When I was a kid it wasn't so late, but I did always stay up past when I was supposed to be asleep. As a kid, at night I was always quite nervous at the idea of monsters creeping out at me from any/every corner. Only one time did I think there was a monster in my room, however. I heard some creature making a noise I couldn't place. I called in my mother, and she began to dismiss it, but then she heard it too. In a few seconds, she discovered it was our giant tabby cat, who had crawled into a pile of laundry and was snoring (he was 18 pounds, but not fat; he had a normal cat-shape with his large frame). He was a sweet giant kitty, such a cuddly guy. There's a degree of 'superstition' (especially in the United States) about dying between 3 and 4, that it's one of the most common times for people to die. Statistics don't really bear that out, but there's lots of bot-generated articles that suggest things about hormonal cycles and things of the like that make the body "weaker" then, relative to a "normal" sleep/wake cycle.
@HorrorBabble 2 жыл бұрын
You've got to love cats. Thanks for sharing!
@SVCleary1980 6 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this! I had the same nighttime experiences as a young teen, and can identify with what you are writing about -- those auditory hallucinations during the "hour of the wolf" between 2 and 5am...
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Sean! There were so many of us it would seem! Ian
@Nanosuit37 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr. Gordon. From your own mind this was superb.
@duncankayartwork 6 жыл бұрын
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Duncan!
@kooky45 6 жыл бұрын
I slept on a ridge between hills last night south of Edinburgh. Cold in my tent, I hunkered down in the sleeping bag, nearly shivering, and wondered if it was just the wind tussling the tent. Insect sounds I'd never heard before came and went, and even though I knew, absolutely knew, that nothing but I was on the hill last night, I waited for the tent side to suddenly bulge in with a terrible noise. It didn't happen.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
The tension itself can be a killer Kenneth! Scottish Borders?
@tikkidaddy 6 жыл бұрын
Drag out the Claymore!!
@kooky45 6 жыл бұрын
West Lothian, the top of West Cairn. On the way to the hill you pass a farm where a murder happened a few years ago and where the police found the buried body.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Eerie, but worth a visit no doubt.
@violetfemme411 6 жыл бұрын
no no no no NO! It's almost 2am here and I'm alone as my boyfriend is away on business till Wednesday. Just b4 I noticed this new upload, I had let my dog Rose out... neither of us able to sleep in a big empty house with it's own special set of occasional spookiness, and when I went to let her back in I noticed the 1 1/2 acre backyard was black. I don't mean dark, I mean pitch black, not even 1 of the countless enormous trees were visible. And it seemed very hazy, which I first assumed was the remnants of the horrible humidity accompanying the 90° summer heat wave. I turned on the light on the back deck but could still only see what was on the deck...as if beyond that point someone had painted over the backyard "scenery". As I was rubbing the goosebumps from my arms and calling Rose... sounding more like pleading really, the smell hit me. I can't really describe what it was but the closest I can get is a burning chemical and rubber smell...but with the building sense of dread I'm thinking "fire and brimstone?" Keep in mind this is absolutely true...not one word of exaggeration (as if I could top YOUR tale!) So I grab my fone to call my bf cause even tho it's the middle of the night I'm freaking out just a bit. I first try his work cell and instead of ringing, up pops a message "call cannot connect" and 2 options, cancel or redial...so obviously I choose option 2 but it continues to tell me I can't connect. SO, I try his personal cell...same issue. I call AT&T, my carrier....same issue. I go into my contacts and try random business numbers I know are closed to avoid waking any friends or family...same issue. Now I'm terrified as we no longer have a landline. Of course I've checked to make certain I have both signal and wifi, and I'm at my wit's end. I decide to reboot my fone and voila!, I am able to call out. So that remains a mystery. I reach my bf who is trying to understand what I'm telling him and his first thought is a house fire, as I guess some nasty things burn and smell bad when homes burn. I look outside again to see if there are flames (after, at his suggestion making sure OUR house isn't burning) and I kid you NOT...hand to goD the wretched smell and haze is completely gone...not a trace is lingering....like someone came out here and sprayed front and back yard with a giant can of Febreeze Fresh Forest scent ( the only part I made up...not sure if Febreeze makes that actual scent). So it's now 2:21 am and all is well (?) Hmmmm I guess I really don't know if it is as this is THE hour 😵 Pray for me....
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Whoa VF! I'm glad you're still in one piece - by the sound of it, you were on the verge of disappearing into some sort of localised void. I have a volume of 'The Unexplained' somewhere, and there's a phenomenon described in the book that sounds similar to what you experienced. I'll have to dig it out. Fingers crossed you'll still be with us tomorrow!
@violetfemme411 6 жыл бұрын
HorrorBabble I’m alive and well but reading this response just took me back and now ur saying you’ve heard of something similar?? Yes please let me know if u find anything cause this isn’t the 1st time we’ve had “unexplained “ phenomenon in this house. I’ll try and find a photo to send u from a couple of yrs back that still freaks me out so much I can’t stand looking at it. And for awhile there was serious poltergeist activity in our kitchen.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Good grief - and I thought I'd had a rough time growing up! In terms of the 'phenomenon' - I found the book I mentioned, which describes various 'black masses', often accompanied by the smell of sulphur, and commonly associated with UFO activity and/or 'black coven' rituals. Of course, it's purely speculative - but interesting nonetheless.
@derekk.2263 6 жыл бұрын
There is this wide, double paned sliding glass door that opens onto lower back patio in the basement of my parents house. When I was a kid, and really into my late adolescence, I was always terrified of looking out that wide window late at night, because I was afraid that silhouetted against the black abyss would be the massive, leering bulk of some sort of sasquatch-like monster staring back at me. It was the only window in the basement that didn't have any blinds, so I simply avoided looking in that direction instead. This fear was of course, greatly magnified when watching or reading some spooky nonsense about aliens or whatnot. This fear actually somewhat persisted until I moved back home fully from college at the age of 23, when I realized how foolish it was.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
I feel your pain Derek - we had a similar window at my parents' place growing up. I think it's the idea that the darkness beyond appears to be impenetrable - that anything could occupy that space should it choose to, and you wouldn't know it was there.
@kaithoward3902 6 ай бұрын
Insomniac here too. And even when I can sleep, the smallest noise will wake me. It's nice though, having the opportunity to listen to resident owls, (or coyotes and foxes howling when I go to stay at the farm, like I am tonight. )I have seen the northern lights before, and many a shooting star on nights like this. Far from instilling terror, I have time to think clearly and really process the previous day. Sure, a sudden noise will make me jump, but I am quite a sensitive person anyway, so I pay it no mind.
@Boogie_the_cat 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the subject matter and narration of this one especially. And the discussion as well. Good job!
@juliavee889 5 жыл бұрын
Marvelous story. Myself and my husband both agree- we could,for many hours, listen to you even reading shopping lists. Best voice on YT. About the hours - myself and our 12yo son live nocturnally,so we are normally awake during this time. I have not seen anything too weird around this time, but maybe that's cuz i'm usually in front of my pc, doing my stuff. I have seen plenty of strange+otherworldly stuff earlier,in the evening times, outside. I smiled when i heard about the TCP - have not thought of that product in years, since i was a kid - Certainly a distinctive smell:-) What i remember best of those types of chemicals, is KillGerm, a budgie-puke yellow ointment in a budgie-puke yellow toothpaste like tube, with red letters. Best ointment ever. I once slid down a tree by accident, and peeled all the skin from my abdomen and lower chest. My mother was not the type to take one to the doctor unless you could not breathe or were bleeding profusely ( I once trod straight onto a rusty nail and it stuck centimeters deep into my foot - i said to her they told us at school we need a tetanus shot if that happens - She just said Oh it will be fine don't worry - Luckily it Was fine) Anyway so really she Slathered on the Killgerm, gave me an aspirin and propped me up with pillows on the side for the night so i could stay on my back.Next day it was well on it's way to healing, healed up within 3 days. That product is not on the market anymore- obviously it worked Too well. A cured patient is a doctor's appointment lost.
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Julia - I'll be sure to keep my eye out for that stuff - should it reappear! Ian
@SedDelMar 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Ian!
@RodTeeterRodneytheNoahite7laws 6 жыл бұрын
fantastic work!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Rod!
@FormerlyknownasPonti 6 жыл бұрын
It's at that time of the night that Death seems the closest... and thinking about what happens after we pass terrifies me.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
A truly terrifying concept, if ever there was one. Though it's also possible that that fear is misplaced. We'll all find out eventually!
@sagejin 6 жыл бұрын
I spend most of my working hours during that time of the night. I work night shift in a hospital. An old one, but a rather large one due to the number of buildings connected. It's located downtown. So the sounds of the night is accompanied by cars and people coming and going. The lights make it inviting to leave the building as well. While slipping between buildings you see a co-worker or two sneaking a break or a cigarette. With the lights and the people, you forget it's the middle of the night. Funny thing, I move my car around that time of night. To avoid paying a five dollar fine, I move it to a parking space about a block away. When I started working, I was jump coming back to my unit, but now I breeze through passing an odd vagrant or co-worker not thinking of my safety. But there are times where I fret. The eerie sound. The odd clicking of something behind me. I turn and see fluorescent lights masking something that might be following me. Sometimes I can shake the feeling. Other times, I move faster. I ponder during my walks. I think about the odd things to buy in the morning or what to do when I get back to the unit, but I never address the real fear of walking alone in the dead of night. Wheelchairs are everywhere and half light cigarettes litter the ground, but I just move past them with some invisible pride. But being alone in the dark can be daunting. Funny thing it happens inside too. If I have to make a late night trip to the café or to the blood bank at that time of night, I never met anyone. I walk the hollowed halls of this giant hospital alone. The silence I hear here is strange. It's a muffled silence. Like if you buried your head into sand and tried to listen to the world around you. I feel trapped and unable to move sometimes or I appear at my destination without any idea of how I got there. And the last thing to mention, patients. My patients react to that time of the night. Our patients with a psych history begin to wail sometimes. It's not often, but you can hear it. It's a low growl that turns into a shriek. We rush in and they're asleep. I've had family members sleepwalk and run into things. I've had patients get dressed and start running down the hall in fear of something. Granted this happens maybe twice in a year, but it happens.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing - sounds like quite the place to work and occupy during 'that time of the night'. Most of your descriptions perfectly encapsulate what I was trying to say/communicate with the story - always cool to hear from fellow night owls with similar perspectives on the world. Ian
@TheFaulkned 6 жыл бұрын
pretty epic Ian, keep up the sweet work
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you David!
@mr.v8631 6 жыл бұрын
Good stuff Ian!!!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mr. V!
@joelweichs450 2 жыл бұрын
As a lad, the creepiest time was wet Sunday afternoons and evenings when my parents were usually away.
@docbrown7916 5 жыл бұрын
Very cool Ian ! Although my teens were much earlier and I had already started studying mysticism and metaphysics, I knew there was something odd outside, this being northern NJ bout an hr west of NYC, suburbs, but with 200 yrs of rough history including the revolutionary war, you may have heard of that, late 18th century, crazy colonies uprising, anyway, lotta weird stuff around and some sounds not quite right, not fitting normal night sounds. I've listened to some of your other stuff, I like it, some have elements I toss in my writing, lotta same stuff HP used, so did Poe, but it's all classic spooky stuff, the same humans have feared since we became humans and prob before. Sometime I'll have to tell you bout a real wheel chair controlled by a ghost, nurse's ghost. Another time my friend, stay well and best to Jen.
@alexjonezNH 6 жыл бұрын
It's weird hearing you speak so candidly! But I like it! Your voice has a lot of gravitas, and all of your videos that I've seen before now were just the stories being read, and very little if any preamble to remind me that there's actually a normal person behind the voice and video, haha. (SPOILERS BELOW) Personally, I really enjoyed this story! Especially the ending! Many horror stories like this tend to end with doom and gloom for the narrator. So when one ends with the narrator just learning to live with the spook, it's refreshing and feels a lot more relatable!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Bear - yes, I'm pretty normal behind the scenes. Glad you enjoyed the story. And yes, more of us should learn to live with the spooks - they're not all bad. :) Ian
@troymclure8330 3 жыл бұрын
I know it's a bit different but I recall seeing a baby stroller on the side of a seldom traveled road late at night, that was all but for some reason it filled me with the uncanny sense that something unwholesome had occurred, there in the dark on a lonely stretch of road.
@HorrorBabble 3 жыл бұрын
That's EXACTLY the kind of thing that would disturb me, Troy!
@troymclure8330 3 жыл бұрын
@@HorrorBabble there are myriad horrors in the seemingly mundane and innocuous places we frequent and never know or perhaps we instinctively and hurriedly look away. Cheers mate & thanks again for all you do!!
@navelriver 5 жыл бұрын
I noticed tracks or a trail in the gravel of my long driveway. Houses here are hundreds of meters apart in a forested area. I traced the strange tracks from the woods near the road right to the corner of my house where the sidewalk is. It is like two broomsticks held vertical and fixed 10 cm from each other being dragged on the ground with tiny 6mm footprints, featureless, like small rods jabbed into the ground following along. The impression I have is that something was being dragged by something else with stick-like legs. That was several years ago and I have not noticed it again, but clearly there is something hidden in these northern woods. I am not at all sure I want to know what it is!
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
More than a little disturbing, Sundog!
@critictactic7090 2 жыл бұрын
This hits very close to home. Although this may seem like a made-up story, it really happened, though I wish it did not. I was 4 or 5 years old, I don’t remember exactly because memories from that age are not set chronologically in your head. My aunt was coming from the States to visit us and it was a very cheerful winter day. The thing was that her plane was arriving at 4 in the night and a trip to the airport usually takes about an hour and a half. So we were supposed to be up at around 1:45, get a cup of tea and then head to the airport at 2 leaving extra 30 minutes for some unforeseen circumstances (winter, semi-rural locale, you know the deal). I was very excited because never before, I think, have I been awake at such a late hour. The day dragged on and on and an impatient little bugger as I was, I couldn’t sleep at all. No thoughts about anything bad in the whole world. Just pure childish joy and anticipation! So there we are finally, my dad, myself and my mom, my dad starting the car (hard to do at -26 or something). It finally starts, and I’m jumping with joy in my car seat (as much as you can in a car seat). We drive out onto the street and my parents are conversing in quiet, sleepy tones and then... No. nothing supernatural happened. It was just a solitary guy caught in our headlights in the middle of an empty street (an empty town even, because our town was very small and quiet). He was standing there right in the middle of the road, his face I perceived as completely white in the headlights. He had no expression on his face, none, seemingly not noticing us at all. His eyes were unblinking looking through us. I was terrified, but not in a screaming fashion. Just stupefied, looking at this man, unable to look away. My dad said something to the effect of “fucking drunks, I bet he is high!” My mom was concerned for him and asked if we should help him, but dad deemed it unsafe and drove past him. The man just kept standing there, looking ahead with no purpose. And that would have been it. Just a drunk or high guy, freezing his ass off for no apparent reason, but it just stuck with me. My excitement was gone completely! I didn’t say anything until we reached the airport, though usually my parents had trouble shutting me up. I just sat there quiet and strangely afraid, no particular reason for it. In the coming days I obviously forgot about the whole thing, but to this day, sometimes when I fall asleep, this blank face comes to me. In these moments, I get chills, switch the light on and watch some KZbin, something wholesome, falling asleep as I do. I am 23 now, we have moved from that place ages ago, but I’m still afraid of seeing this fucking face again in real life. I know that will kill me. The worst part is that none of my parents remembers it. And sometimes I think that I’ve dreamt the whole thing. But it was just too vivid.
@HorrorBabble 2 жыл бұрын
Blimey...! Thanks for sharing, CT.
@philippel.9086 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Ian, that's a very good story. Very scary!!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks again Philippe - I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@gabrho 6 жыл бұрын
I recently went camping up in the mountains with some friends. I pitched my tent a little further away for privacy and quiet, but in the night I heard the cracking of sticks about my tent without the attendant flashlight beam and was sure it was someone or something approaching me. At that point I wished I had pitched my tent a bit closer. It was probably just the wind though.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
In my experience, footstep sounds are usually caused by footsteps! Perhaps your waking state frightened them off somehow. Either way - creepy!
@ftfthirdeye8084 2 жыл бұрын
Ironically since I work mostly nightshifts from now on there really isn’t an hour of the night that disturbs my sleep. However… there was a night terror that still bothers me to this day you might want to hear about. I’ve honestly been kinda dying to share it so I’ll summarize: So as you may or may not know, from a psychological perspective, night terrors are usually occurrences when a child wakes up screaming from a supposed nightmare. I believe I heard that often times when the child is asked if they can remember it, they simply can’t. However I had a re-occurring night terror that I could remember. It disturbed me to the point where I made a strategy to avoid it all together. The night terror would occur either on it’s own or randomly interfere with another dream. It’s starts of with some sort of weird sort of vortex of some sort, pulling me inwards slowly. Funnily enough the whole context of the night terror would have never made me afraid at all if conscious. For what would slowly but surely happen is that I would hear a dreadful voice. Soft and quiet at first bust slowly becoming louder like the vortex was drawing me closer. A sort of primal fear would slowly begin to increase. Perhaps almost calling it a chemical fear, an almost innately natural response to what I was encountering. I would try to cover my eyes and shut out my ears from the voice but it would just get louder and louder giving off the vibration of a sickening fear. I would begin to realize that the voice wasn’t just making noise but it was laughing. A sadistic overwhelming laughter that would wash over me with fear. One time I had opened my eyes within the dream to see that the center of the vortex had a horrific and indescribable face of pure sadistic terror staring into me like the eye of the abyss. Inevitably the dream would put me into so much fear it would force me to wake up, sweating, and screaming. I would be stuck in bed for what felt like hours unable to move my limbs due to the fear of what had occurred. It got bad enough to where I created a strategy to wake up. A brutish method that happened to work most of the time. When the vortex or feeling of the vortex came to light within my dreams, I’d make sure to try and recognize it right away. A simple reminder to tell I was dreaming was to ball my fist and start pounding against my own head. I learned eventually that the best thing to due when faced with it again was to cover my hears, ignore the frightful laughter and keep pounding my head until it forced me to wake. The dream hasn’t occurred in a very long time thankfully, and was only there mostly when I was a kid. Although I feel sometimes I still visit it, but it’s quite different now in way I can’t remember. Excuse my grammar by the way haha it’s morning and I’m about to head to sleep after my nightshift. Great story Ian! Absolutely inspiring! Your readings have kept me going plenty of nights and long drives. Hope all is well for you.
@HorrorBabble 2 жыл бұрын
Blimey! Sounds terrifying. Thanks for sharing.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
"That Time of the Night" tells of that peculiar period in the early hours, when hidden things stir, rousing us from sound sleep, or prohibiting sleep altogether. Chapters: 00:16 - Introduction 01:02 - That Time of the Night 20:08 - Discussion Written & Narrated by Ian Gordon Music and production by Ian Gordon Support us on Bandcamp or Patreon: horrorbabble.bandcamp.com www.patreon.com/horrorbabble HorrorBabble MERCH: teespring.com/stores/horrorbabble-merch Search HORRORBABBLE to find us on: AUDIBLE / ITUNES / SPOTIFY Home: www.horrorbabble.com Rue Morgue: www.rue-morgue.com Social Media: facebook.com/HorrorBabble instagram.com/horrorbabble twitter.com/HorrorBabble
@annanimus3943 4 жыл бұрын
Nighttime is all bad for me. I grew up in the home of a real monster. Now I sleep with a pitbull at my feet. It works like magic.
@HorrorBabble 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that, Anna. Dogs make the world a better place!
@12201185234 6 жыл бұрын
Back when I was homeless the hours between 2 and 4 were always the worst. ..
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Sounds frightening - and worlds apart from what is described in this story. I bet you've got some stories of your own.
@smegcity 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Again Guy's for Another Great Spine Tingler! The Premise is Full of Horror Potential. Personally I'm Always Put On Edge if I'm Awake at 3:33am. I've spent many a night pondering the sounds that come through My Window at Night, and Imagining from what Dark Things They Emanate From. Tales told about the Witching Hour go a Long Way Back in Human History. It's Almost A Primal Thing(in My Opinion Anyways). You could Have A Lot Of Fun with this Concept Ian. I look forward to What You come up with next. Awesome Stuff👍👍👍🤘
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks again - there is something indeed inherently creepy about 3:33... My advice - keep the window closed! Ian
@DemienC. 6 жыл бұрын
It's kind of curious that across Europe there is the same tradition about "witching hour". Here it's called "until third roosters". Magic is lost, since most modern people go to sleep very late.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting! Where are you Demien?
@DemienC. 6 жыл бұрын
Let's just say Slav from VERY Eastern Europe.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
I've been all over Eastern Europe - the furthest I've been is Latvia. Loved it!
@DemienC. 6 жыл бұрын
I presume it was Riga. Good old town with great architecture. Haven't been there from Soviet times.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, though I'd still like to head back out there to visit Gauja National Park.
@ADITADDICTS 5 жыл бұрын
Well...at least he didn't urinate on you! Lol Excellent story, creative AND original! Oh and 2:30am to 4:30am is the only time I feel uneasy. That was the same time that everything would start slamming and opening and things would be tossed around in this very old house we lived in from when I was 4 to 10 yrs old. Every...single...night...for six yrs. You never get used to shit like that, trust me.
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
I can imagine! Perhaps you'll have to put that story to paper one day.
@ADITADDICTS 5 жыл бұрын
@@HorrorBabble I really should. I have some decent pictures, on Polaroid even, that are somewhat creepy to say the least. 😬
@kristadisgumundsdottir3658 6 жыл бұрын
When I was growing up there where plenty of places with strange stories, sounds and sights. I always had a problem with hearing things when going to sleep or waking up to some sound or another. I do sleep very lightly and my hearing is quite good. I do have a predisposition for turning some sounds and sights in something horrifying under certain conditions.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Perhaps then it's that predisposition in some of us that casts a shadow over everyday things... Thanks for the insight Krista!
@kristadisgumundsdottir3658 6 жыл бұрын
You are welcome Ian.
@EnDungeoned 6 жыл бұрын
Great stuff as always! You've now got me feeling nostalgic for late night C4, especially Fortean TV and the trash-horror films. A thought (brought on by Fortean TV) would any of Reverend Robert Lionel Fanthorpe's short stories be suitable material for HorrorBabble?
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
It's funny really - at the time, I was the only person in my circle of friends who enjoyed late night C4. Great to hear I wasn't alone! On the subject of Fortean TV, I believe our friends over at Rue Morgue Magazine have a close relationship with Fortean Times. I'll have to do some digging!
@lamblyn 3 жыл бұрын
I work 3rd shift at a gas station. I think I've sold beer to that creep before.
@Thing.of.nought 6 жыл бұрын
I'd say "That time of the night" for me is 00:01 because past 00:00 is when all the madness happens while we all are asleep. May the madness be oddities, phantoms or other unexplained tales of the night.
@Pooknottin 6 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid that being an old raver (and by the sounds of it of a similar age) I generally like the night. Perhaps I'm one of the hidden things. You might be right about this part of the world though, I've seen some pretty odd things of a night and actually live near Bogan Hill in Leeds (it's not called that anymore, but a little research should be enough to find the history and location).
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting point - many of us tend to keep ourselves hidden away from others. Not too familiar with Leeds, though I've been through one or twice. I imagine it's pretty similar to Manchester though in terms of 'things that go bump in the night'.
@toekafrank6998 6 жыл бұрын
Cambodia, 1244 a.m....(Thank you for uploading.)
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Intriguing... very specific!
@username65585 6 жыл бұрын
What sort of accent is this? Edit: Just finished the story and it was very good.
@j4nk3n 6 жыл бұрын
username its a northern English accent, i would place it around the Yorkshire area ( very roughly ) but during ians reading he mentions some place names, this may be where he lives, where hes from, or just a setting for the story but its certainly very roughly northern, i would ask ian!
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
JA is correct - Northern, but more specifically 'Boltonian'. The story called for it. Though I currently live in Yorkshire, I'm a Lancashire lad at heart (though technically we now refer to Bolton as Greater Manchester).
@j4nk3n 6 жыл бұрын
HorrorBabble I'm just a southerner so I could only approximate 😂
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Ha - 'just' a southerner?
@jimjohhnston9992 6 жыл бұрын
I dealt with paralytic night terrors for years Once or twice a week I would wake up at around 3:00 Am from a nightmare of being pursued , with sure knowledge that the chase was continuing into the waking world , but I was completely unable to move a muscle Only a verbal protest which always sound like an inarticulate moan and was very very difficult to give voice to , would " break the spell"
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Sounds terrifying Jim - how did you get over them?
@jimjohhnston9992 6 жыл бұрын
eventually they stopped
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
That's good to hear!
@jimjohhnston9992 6 жыл бұрын
Now that I have your attention I have a question I would like to ungrade my membership to the 10.00 level but can not find a way to do so Can you advise me?
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim, that's very generous of you. If you head over to this page: (www.patreon.com/pledges) you should be able to click 'edit' on the right. If you're still having trouble, I'd be happy to assist you via e-mail or the Patreon messaging system.
@raymondgerman6671 6 жыл бұрын
Great story, great read, Ian. Rod Serling would have been impressed. Thought: the reader should have walked over and put oil on the axel of the wheelchair, or taken off the wheels.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Raymond!
@NoBody-zb3so 6 жыл бұрын
2100 hours, it’s a time that has always bugged me.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Sounds intangible - which makes it all the more frustrating!
@bigo8647 5 жыл бұрын
This happened to me at 1am back when I was 18, summer vacation, a group of friends and I met at an abandoned farm I'll call Killian's Farm where years ago Mr Killian had murdered his wife and committed suicide, the doors and windows were barred by uneven wooden planks. We were having a drink when we heard noises inside the house and suddenly there were lights inside like someone had lit some candles inside the house, Louis thought he had seen someone watching us from that window at the 2nd floor where the old planks had fallen. Louis, against our advices managed to pull off one of the first floor window's planks and peered inside but then the lights inside the house became brighter we ran urging Louis to follow us but he stood there peering inside. I went to Louis's house next day and he never actually return home, we informed the sheriff, Killian's Farm was opened and searched but nothing lead to think someone had been there, about Louis...nobody ever saw him again.
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
Now THAT is a horror story.
@bigo8647 5 жыл бұрын
@@HorrorBabble Thanks you can add some details and make it longer and tell it here and say is a true story by Oliver Big (My last name is obviously not "Big")
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
@@bigo8647 Thanks Oliver. Should we choose to do anything like that in the future, I'll keep it in mind.
@bigo8647 5 жыл бұрын
@@HorrorBabble Ok thanks
@listerjne Жыл бұрын
'hi guys, this is ian', is possibly the most illegal thing i could ever hear
@listerjne Жыл бұрын
excited to truly absorb this rn but omg that was SHOCKING. """HI""""????? IM SO UN-PARASOCIAL RN
@listerjne Жыл бұрын
can u tell i am in my 20s lol
@HorrorBabble Жыл бұрын
@hereticbastard666alejo3 3 жыл бұрын
I'm always awake at night do to some spooky occurrences I'm unable to not stay awake cause I feel I need to be always vigilant .
@ericshipley8488 6 жыл бұрын
Ian ur a god
@wolffy42 2 ай бұрын
It was a possum trying to mate with a cat. :-) now that would be a horrific and haunting noise. A wheelchair? Serious? You mustn't live in the city do you? Teeth? You went cartoon on us?!? Bloody heck. Nvrmd. All the below is puffery by sycophants.😢
@GodOfPlague 3 жыл бұрын
Well sale... time to take advantage.
@blixten2928 3 жыл бұрын
Another I. Gordon! Hidden treasures from 2018. When will we get the 2021 set?
@HorrorBabble 3 жыл бұрын
There's a couple of new offerings on the horizon! :)
@montsemajanmartinez9824 6 жыл бұрын
Does this particular time of night have a name?... like , the gloaming or twilight?... if not, there is an opportunity here to coin a new name for a thing that seems to be screaming for a name, doesn't it? Too bad gloaming is already taken, as it seems just about perfect to convey the hollow feel of that desolate part of the 24 hour cycle we call a day. Any ideas?
@jimjohhnston9992 3 жыл бұрын
Why does every one assume the Hidden Things are malign ? Or even all that interested in us
@HorrorBabble 3 жыл бұрын
Good point, Jim!
@nvfury13 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I love your readings, but you managed to stumble onto my one true horror and recurring nightmare with the empty wheelchair...can’t continue past that.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
The movie The Changeling (1979) introduced me to this particular horror. Incidentally, one of my favourite horror movies.
@nvfury13 6 жыл бұрын
HorrorBabble My own introduction to It was a series of recurring nightmares with an odd trigger, but it is the only true horror and nightmare I ever have. Not aided by being told 16 years after they first appeared that I’d end up in a wheelchair by 35 after a knee injury, luckily I’ve beaten that by 4 years and counting.
@HorrorBabble 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that Nick - but I'm glad to hear you've surpassed the odds against you.
@nvfury13 6 жыл бұрын
HorrorBabble Thanks!
@Bbergster 4 жыл бұрын
waiting for the sun to come up. Daybreak. Maybe when the raccoons bang on our window for grapes and marsmellows. Could be anyone. Anytime of the night when you find yourself in the middle of the woods in the rain alone. That can make u see and hear things. I see you were in Budapest with some terrifying looking statue. "Wraith with large pencil?" If u ever go to my gate, I'll grab me passport n meet u there! Can't skip an opportunity to listen to the bb concerto, at the bb gate, with bb.
@Chezbo 5 жыл бұрын
Is this an advertisement for TCP antiseptic? LOL
@HorrorBabble 5 жыл бұрын
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"Pockets; or, The Presence in the Darkness" by Ian Gordon
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"A:B:O." / A Classic Weird Tale by Walter de la Mare
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"High Strangeness in the Village of Rillington" by Ian Gordon
"A Night of Horror" by Dick Donovan / A HorrorBabble Production
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The Horror at Chilton Castle by Joseph Payne Brennan
Classic Ghost Stories Podcast - Tony Walker
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"The Empty House" by Algernon Blackwood / A HorrorBabble Production
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