The Alberta UFO Wave of 1967

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Strange North

Strange North

2 ай бұрын

In this video I talk about the wave of UFO sightings that happened across the Canadian prairie province of Alberta in 1967. This year was Canada's centennial year, and it had some major UFO incidents.
The Falcon Lake sighting on May 20 and the Shag Harbour incident on October 4 are Canada's most well known UFO encounters. Alberta also saw Canada's first reported "crop circles" near the town of Duhamel on August 5. Funny enough, 1967 also saw Canada open the world's first official UFO landing pad in the town of Saint Paul, Alberta. There have never been any recorded UFO landings at this pad, but Canada has had an incredible amount of sightings throughout the decades.
1967 was a busy year for UFO activity throughout the country, and Alberta definitely had enough reported encounters to fill up a video.
Here are some of the stories I cover in this video:
1 - On February 24 a 13 year old girl sees a UFO above her home in Calgary
2 - April 6 Edmonton airport radar tracks UFO for 2 hours
3 - May 7 14 year old Ricky Banyard tracks UFO for several hours over his neighborhood in Edmonton's south side. Tracks are later found on the road where the UFO's light beam had hit it
4 - A couple in the same neighborhood sees a UFO a few days after Ricky Banyard's encounter
5 - June 2 a pair of sisters see a white UFO hovering above a field near the Duhamel circles site
6 - July 3 a neighbor of the Duhamel circles site sees a multi-colored object rise up from her field and then fly away
7 - Also on July 3 a group of prospectors near Nanton see a large UFO that appears to drop something on the ground below
8 - August 8 David + Beryl Cahill photograph a UFO above their home in Edmonton
9 - Early September a farmer driving near Lethbridge hears a strange noise and then completely loses power in his truck
10 - September 18 fire lookout employee Russ Hill sees a UFO near his tower, and he has another sighting in early October from the same lookout site
11 - Nora Tibbs was driving on Highway 2 south of Calgary when a UFO moved over her car and she completely lost power in her vehicle
12 - October 13 a UFO followed a CNR train for several miles near the town of Mirror
13 - October 14 the RCAF announces interest in possibly sending a helicopter to investigate the July 3 UFO sighting near Nanton
14 - October 20 - 3 people see a large UFO flying over Airdrie
15 - October 31 - Lorne Grovue, one of the 3 prospectors that saw the UFO near Nanton on July 3, sets out to investigate the site to see if he can find the object he thinks he saw drop from the craft. Eventually a massive search ensues to look for Lorne, but he is found unharmed. He states that he saw strange lights in the sky and collected soil samples from a potential drop site
There was a fair amount of general interest in UFOs in Alberta in 1967, and I found a number of newspaper articles from that year talking about the subject.
In 1967 Edmonton had a UFO group that met at the Masonic Hall on 188 Ave, and Calgary's UFO group met at the Centennial Planetarium.
I hope you found this video interesting and informative, and if you'd like to watch more of my content in general please consider subscribing to my channel - I upload at least one new video per week.
Thanks for watching!

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@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Has anyone else out there had a UFO/UAP/ET encounter at some point in Alberta? I'd love to hear about it. Thanks for watching!
@Siggi395 2 ай бұрын
I'm pretty darn sure I saw one in Edmonton about 3 years ago Oct 2 @11 am....the reason I know it was Oct 2,it was my sister's birthday and I just got off the phone to her and it happened one hour later. After the UFO went out of sight(it was travelling east) , my wife and I came out of the McDs(34 st. & 38 Ave) we were in, a squadron of 5 Jets flew in formation from the north to the spot where we first saw the object, which was near the airport. Almost seemed like the airport radioed Cold Lake AFB and asked for help. Absolutely true story.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@Siggi395 Wow that's wild, thanks for sharing! There are many reported cases where people report military aircraft in conjunction with UFO sightings. Fascinating how many sightings have happened around Edmonton over the decades. Cheers mate!
@brucenadeau4248 2 ай бұрын
NOPE BUT I have had two around the same place in Northern Quebec!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@brucenadeau4248 Thanks for sharing, were they fairly recent sightings?
@Siggi395 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth I'm going to say it was was definitely Oct. 2. My sister's birthday. I should start... I'm a huuuuge believer... almost obsessed with them, but have never seen one until then. I'm constantly looking up in the sky.... but still. What did it looked like?.... Picture a picnic basket, the handle was rotating one way, the bottom was rotating the other way. At first I thought it was a helicopter(it was going about as fast) , but things weren't adding up, a 'copter blades would rotate, but not the bottom. I should add, it was a ways away, but I could still tell the movements it was making. I then when outside, but it went out of sight. Then I went inside into McDs, we finished our coffee and as we were going to my car, that's when the 5 jets flew by. I'm pretty sure there was no event that day to warrant a fly by. I went to a hobby shop to see how big a drone is.... the biggest drone was far too small. Weird.
@coreymickanuik8199 2 ай бұрын
My dad was a air traffic controller with Transport Canada and he used to work in Fort McMurray and Inuvik NWT. I remember him telling me and others on a few occasions radar would pick up unexplained aircraft regularly. In the early nineties he spotted a row of lights flying over Fort Mcmurray, he said radar didnt pick it up, but he watched them for about 5 minutes and reported it to Edmonton Center. He also said alot of UFO activity over Inuvik seen by pilots he knew well.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing that's interesting, I've actually heard quite a few stories over the years form air traffic controllers and pilots. Seems like it's pretty much commonly accepted knowledge in that industry. I'm fascinated by the topic and it's neat how much activity there has been in Canada over the years. Cheers mate!
@dustinallison9262 2 ай бұрын
The last UFO I seen was in Fort Mac. I pulled out my phone to check the flight radars, (nothing even remotely close) when I looked back it was gone.
@mrthompson9876 2 ай бұрын
Love hearing the local content my man!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I'm glad people are getting some value out of my little videos, cheers!
@RandomTrinidadian 2 ай бұрын
I love a good UFO story. Always interesting to.hear
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
I find all of the UFO activity in Canada in 1967 fascinating, and Alberta has a huge share of the action. Cheers mate!
@Inlinetodie 2 ай бұрын
My dad was head bouncer at the kingsway hotel in the 70s, the airport was right beside the hotel, he kept telling the family about things hovering over the airport at 3 am when he would walk home to the Queen mary park area
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
That's cool, thanks for sharing - seems like you hear a lot of similar stories from people who work around airports. I find the topic fascinating and it's neat how much UFO activity there has been in Canada over the decades. Cheers mate
@Inlinetodie 2 ай бұрын
@strangenorth a local squadron drank there on the regular, dad told me they'd be telling him weird stuff when he'd get them cabs at end of the night
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@Inlinetodie lol it usually comes out after a few drinks, those guys see some wild stuff out there though
@4363HASHMI 2 ай бұрын
Is that why they have major security around that army base in Alberta, is it our area 51?
@angiedjenkins5570 2 ай бұрын
My friend Kevin and I were walking across the pipeline in Royal gardens, this was in the fall of 1978. As we were walking across the grass from my friend's home towards my home which was straight across this pipeline, we looked Eastward where the pipeline stretches all the way to 111th Street. We both froze as we saw this giant sphere encircled by colored lights and a large glowing light sandwiched between two smaller ones. We watched the sphere hovering by one of our neighbors houses for about 5 minutes or so before. I told my friend Kevin to run into my house and grab my mom's Polaroid camera, as I was going to stay there to observe this craft. Moments went by and Kevin did not return with the camera and I was wondering what was taking him so long, I remember pointing at the craft and thinking to myself don't go nowhere. I'll be right back! As I ran into the house. I asked my mom where is Kevin in the camera? My mom replied you're not getting the camera and then I exclaimed there is a UFO outside practically on our doorstep. I asked where is Kevin? My mom looked at me and said he's hiding under your bed. After hearing this, I ran and grabbed my dad's binoculars and quickly ran outside back to the pipeline to observe this strange event. As I got back outside the craft was gone and I stood there looking at the stars but there was no sign of it, so I went back inside and I went to find my friend Kevin. He decided to go to his place afterwards to watch some movies and as we were hanging out we both noticed on the side of our Temple we had the exact same scar. We really don't know what happened. Well we watched this craft for those moments, later on I had some visitations that were unexplainable and for the longest time I was always afraid as if somebody was watching me. We both experienced lost time that night and a chilling feeling that would not leave us, not until many years later when I had a final experience with some grays when I was working as a teacher in lacombe, Alberta in 1996. But that's another story all together.
@aprilY619 2 ай бұрын
@alexsetterington3142 2 ай бұрын
Another story altogether? Almost like you are writing fiction.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - that sounds like a wild experience, thanks for sharing! It's a subject that has always fascinated me and it's cool to hear about what others have experienced, tons of sightings in Alberta! I'd also love to hear about your experience with the grays if you're comfortable sharing. Cheers mate, have a great weekend!
@troytromwell 2 ай бұрын
@angiedjenkins5570 2 ай бұрын
Reality is stranger than fiction. Fortunately or unfortunately this was a true event when I was 11 years old. 1977, and I've seen many, many unexplainable things ever since then. Nothing seems to surprise me anymore.
@gorgeousgeorge5173 2 ай бұрын
The Drake equation leads one to believe between 23-36 intelligent species occupy the Milky Way. I'd love to learn how these visitors have conquered space time. FTL travel, worm holes, dimensional travel? Heck, the visitors may be out of galaxy for all we know. Hoping James Webb discovers GHGs on a planet soon.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
When I was younger I always wondered why there was a stigma around believing in intelligent life out there in the universe, it seemed a given just given the vastness of space. It also seems probable to me that there are intelligent civilizations out there that have advanced millions of years beyond human technological capabilities. Thanks for watching!
@taureanblue 2 ай бұрын
So glad I found your channel! Very interesting to hear local history. I live close by Mount Pleasantville Cemetery, one of the sites!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I'm glad you're getting some value out of my videos! You know what if I'm not mistaken I think that Mount Pleasant cemetery is also haunted too (as are many cemeteries). Cheers mate!
@user-ge2vc3rl1n 2 ай бұрын
I didn't expect much but was very pleased with your research and findings, very interesting stories.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I'm glad you got some value out of this one, I find this story fascinating. Cheers mate!
@JamesMacPh 2 ай бұрын
Wow you got me with one I've never heard of as an Albertan. I also knew of a lot of these famous incidents, but I didn't put together that they were all 1967
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I'm fascinated by the amount of UFO activity in Canada in 1967, and Alberta has a significant share of the action. Cheers mate!
@gp7910 2 ай бұрын
Awesome video! In 1976 ( I was 10) ,on New years eve I was heading home from a friend's in King Edward park about 5 p.m. I saw what looked like a light bulb with a red tail. It went from north to South and stopped south west before just disappearing. I yelled for my mom and brother to come see,which they did.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I find this story fascinating. I appreciate you sharing your story as well, it seems like a lot of UFO sightings involve the craft moving and then stopping for extended periods. Neat to see how much UFO interest and activity there has been around Edmonton. Cheers!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I find this story fascinating. And I appreciate you sharing your experience as well, seems like there are a lot of sightings where the craft moves and then stops for extended periods. Neat to see how much UFO activity there has been around Edmonton over the decades. Cheers mate!
@nhlcfl7733 2 ай бұрын
LOL and thank you for remembering to mention my hometown (St.Paul, accomplished more centennial projects than all others in. Nationwide contest including the Landing Pad which I was privileged to be present during 1967 ceremonies).
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - that's cool, must have been neat to see them complete that project in your town. I always loved that Saint Paul did that, I actually visited the landing pad for the first time last fall. Cheers!
@incensejunkie7516 2 ай бұрын
Interesting diversity of topics you have on the channel :) An aunt and uncle of mine lived right across from the Mt Pleasant cemetery at that time, sadly they are no longer alive so I can't ask them if they saw anything.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I don't want to focus on just on topic and I like the variety too - I'm glad you're enjoying my little videos! If I'm not mistaken I think Mount Pleasant cemetery is haunted as well. Cheers mate!
@TheHiddenUnderbelly20 2 ай бұрын
Great video....
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I subscribed to your channel, very cool content and I'll definitely be checking out a bunch of your videos. Cheers mate!
@truckermre 2 ай бұрын
Pretty wild stuff! Great video!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
I find this story fascinating, thanks for watching!
@Yut00bisSUS 2 ай бұрын
Thinking we are alone in the vast universe is just alien to me.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I'm with you, cheers mate! Nice wordplay btw
@Yut00bisSUS 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth 🍻 keep up the great content.
@armaximus 2 ай бұрын
I think these UAPs are more interdimensional, rather than interstellar.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@armaximus A lot of people seem to think along those lines, good reason to lean that way
@Dy-de3yh Ай бұрын
Just kinda stumbling upon this channel..and I gotta say..,Good job!!..,well done!!..I'm definitely going to watch more of your content.
@strangenorth Ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - glad my little videos are providing value to people out there. Cheers mate, have a great week!
@gamblinramblinab 2 ай бұрын
great video, be interesting to see how other years stack up for sightings
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I'm looking forward to doing many more Canadian UFO videos down the road. Cheers!
@user-pr7vd3hs1j 2 ай бұрын
Great job. I really enjoyed it.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - glad you enjoyed this one, I find this story fascinating. Cheers mate!
@IamxElusive 2 ай бұрын
Few years back I was riding my back it was like 10pm maybe 11 seen an orange orb in the sky it was moving slowly then it just shot up. With some insane speed
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - whereabouts did this happen? Cheers mate
@IamxElusive 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth Winnipeg
@Knut-Kase 2 ай бұрын
Cattle Mutilations would be subject you could follow this video with!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - that's actually a great idea, fascinating topic and some interesting stories in Canada. Cheers mate!
@shelleygiesbrecht4759 2 ай бұрын
Fascinating video! Have you ever heard of Dr. Steven Greer? He does this “C5” thing where he gathers people in the US to do this meditation called “merkaba” (the hebrew word for chariot in Kabbalah) and they contact these orbs. Many people believe that these objects and entities are inter dimensional, and not from other planets millions of light years away, which I agree with.
@gorgeousgeorge5173 2 ай бұрын
Greer's credibility is VERY questionable.
@shelleygiesbrecht4759 2 ай бұрын
@@gorgeousgeorge5173 For the most part, I agree. His whole demeanor is unsettling, and one gets the impression that he’s not being up front with a lot of his claims. However, I have come across many others who also claim, based on their own experiences, that these entities are “spiritual” in nature (quantum) and not merely material.
@gorgeousgeorge5173 2 ай бұрын
@@shelleygiesbrecht4759 I WANT to believe him. But so many holes and as you said, a gut feeling he's a fakir.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I find this story fascinating. Yes, I'm familiar with Greer and the idea that some ETs and possibly their craft are interdimensional/spiritual/ethereal in nature and not comprised of the same physical structures that humans are familiar with. Hard to say what's true ultimately. I definitely think that a lot of the UFOs we see on earth are definitely not manned by biological organisms - just because these UFOs often move in a way that would cause damage to biological organisms, at least the way we currently understand them. Cheers!
@Downs-Indroam 2 ай бұрын
I go to Shag Harbor at least 3 or 4 tines every summer. So easy to think of that whole incident happening... INCLUDING the days after in the Shelburne area with what the military was witnessing. Good video and dig the Alberta accent b'y lol Subbing Need more good Canadian channels like this
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I'm fascinated by this story, I find it just as compelling as the Falcon Lake incident. Cool you visit the site, I haven't been to Nova Scotia yet but when I do I'm definitely going to go there. My brother just moved to Halifax and I told him to pop down there when he gets a vehicle. Lol I didn't even realize I had an accent before people on KZbin told me. It's funny, the other day someone thought I was putting on a fake Canadian accent - they said "I've only heard Neufies have an accent that overkill" lol I appreciate the support and I look forward to posting many more videos this year. Cheers mate!
@Chris_Ireland 2 ай бұрын
#1 gang of alberta
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
They have a funny way of completely avoiding prosecution too, must have a top-notch legal team. Cheers mate!
@lindasue8719 5 күн бұрын
I've seen a few things over the years (Vancouver area). About 12 or 15 years ago I went to the annual Shag Harbour event which was FANTASTIC and I got to meet the great Stanton Friedman.❤. I went all tongue-tied fangirl, much to my embarrassment😂
@strangenorth 5 күн бұрын
That's really cool, I'd love to meet him and and I look forward to visiting the Shag Harbour site when I'm in Nova Scotia!
@sasquatchyyc 2 ай бұрын
Hey. Nice channel. Great narration! I’ve seen 4 ufos myself. One friend near Camrose who had a wild encounter 10 years ago. My sightings - 1 in BC while camping. 1 on westjet flight from wpg to yyc. And 2 here in Calgary. Just subscribed. Keep it up Sir!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to provide feedback - cool top hear about your experiences as well. I'm curious - with the one you saw while you were flying, did it appear that the UFO was following the plane at all? Cheers mate
@sasquatchyyc 2 ай бұрын
It was 2 orbs flying super fast beside each other, no smoke trail or anything. It was far and couldn’t tell the distance away. It was your typical orb ufo that everyone is seeing in the sky’s. I snapped a pic of it as well.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@sasquatchyyc I appreciate it, thanks for sharing - love hearing those stories. Cheers!
@MsiPro 2 ай бұрын
i saw a ufo in 2009 in edmonton alberta
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I'd love to know more details, cheers mate!
@MsiPro 2 ай бұрын
I was about 9 or 10 years old woke up really early to go snowboarding on a field trip for school and I went outside my house and stood in the back yard there was no fence so I could see a huge field with an recently abandoned school and it was probably 4:30 or 5 am and a fly saucer looked like a dinner plate flipped upside down on top of another dinner with a dome and yellow green and red lights in the middle going around in a pattern and in came down and flew low right across this school then ripping out into the sky and I followed it with my eyes till it turned into what looked like a star it was so far away but I remember running inside telling my dad and he laughed at me I told people at school everyone laughed but I saw it and it was some really Kool shit
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@MsiPro Wow that's wild, you're lucky you got to see one so close! It's a fascinating subject to me, and it's cool how much activity there has been in the Edmonton area over the decades. Cheers!
@leondwilliams8391 2 ай бұрын
The Industrial airport inside the city of Edmonton was closed down in 2013. My Dad was a private pilot and we as a family had multiple sightings in Alberta and elsewhere. Often with other people also witnessing I have seen many different craft in both daylight and at night in multiple places around Alberta. Shining Bank near Peers Alberta, Rocky Mountain House, Indian Cabins, High level, Red Deer, going back to the 1970s up to just recently near Brooks Alberta. .
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - good to know, I probably could have done some more research on that point and I thought it was a misprint. I appreciate you sharing as well - I'm curious, how recent was that last sighting? Cheers mate
@wanderingquestions7501 2 ай бұрын
Good work! Thanks
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, glad you enjoyed it - I find this story fascinating. Cheers mate!
@DynamicOwl13 2 ай бұрын
There used to be a web page called the Alberta UFO Study Group. The site was closed about 10 years or so ago now. People were able to upload their sighting on there where anyone could read them. There was at least 1 sighting uploaded once a week, and most was around Calgary. Some hunters also talked about coming across a deer that was mutilated further north of edmonton. A professor from UofC, who was also a mufon investigator, owned that site. Not sure what happened with it.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Interesting, yeah I haven't found anything like that currently in operation. I'd like to do a video down the road on the current state of UFO research in Canada, different groups that are compiling sightings and researching the topic. I'd also like to do videos on animal mutilation cases in Canada, those are fascinating. Cheers
@kenjones102 2 ай бұрын
Well done.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate it, thanks for watching!
@landonrae1350 2 ай бұрын
Really enjoying your videos! Especially the Alberta ones, they’re all very interesting
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - I still can't believe anyone is watching my little videos, glad they're providing some value. I'm looking forward to a whole bunch of new ones this spring/summer. Cheers mate!
@chrisdunn1965 2 ай бұрын
Great job on research and video. I remember the 3 prospectors near Nanton very well,as my older brother was one of the three, he along with Warren Smith and Lorne Grovue .I was quite thrilled to see the photos of Lorne Grovue again, brought back some fond memories, Sadly Lorne recently passed away in Calgary at the age of 86.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to provide feedback - still can't believe anyone is watching my little videos but I'm glad they're providing some value to people out there. Very interesting - would have been really cool to talk to Lorne about his experiences. Did your brother talk often about his sighting? Cheers
@detectivewiggles 2 ай бұрын
As a Minnesotan stuck in Texas, Canadian accents are as close to home as i can get these days!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - lol yeah the accents are similar! One of my favorite movies of all time is Fargo and it reminds me so much of vintage rural Alberta. Cheers mate!
@robertsine8812 2 ай бұрын
Excellent man thank you
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - I find this story fascinating and I'm glad people are enjoying the video. Cheers mate!
@rykervivier6111 2 ай бұрын
Such an interesting quote at the end. This was said in 1967? Seems like we forgot or want to forget
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - neat to know some people are actually watching until the end too lol. Yeah that was a quote from an Edmonton Journal writer in 1967. I found it interesting too, we sometimes assume that during those decades the subject was just widely ridiculed - but there were many intelligent UFO enthusiasts and researchers back then too. I love the topic, always fascinated me. Cheers mate!
@rykervivier6111 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth yeah love the channel man. Cool to learn about “fringe” Canadian history. This was a video I didn’t want to end so of course I watched to the end lol.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@rykervivier6111 I appreciate it thank you - and I'm looking forward to more Canadian UFO videos down the road. Cheers
@kingkrimson8771 2 ай бұрын
"If you build it, they will come" A UFO landing pad, that is. Thanks St. Paul. 👽
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
I love how they did something like that in Saint Paul, it's a neat little tourist attraction. Also funny how there were UFO sightings all across Alberta juts none near the landing pad. Cheers
@disoldman6573 2 ай бұрын
Being 72 years old I can relate to most of your stories.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, really seems like 1967 was a massive year for UFO activity/interest across the country - always wondered why that was. Cheers
@CallsignJoNay 2 ай бұрын
The first article about Mrs Stone and her 13-yo daughter sounds like a textbook lenticular cloud. The rest of the cases are more mysterious.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - yeah fair point, I've been surprised at how similar to UFOs clouds can look at times. Definitely a lot of variation with the specific sightings. Cheers mate!
@darrenplett8821 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting video
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, I find this story fascinating too - cheers!
@ijali9 2 ай бұрын
Im from Edmonton, had no idea...well made movie thanks
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - I still can't believe anyone is watching my little videos but I'm glad they're providing some value to people out there. Cheers mate!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - glad you got some value out of this one, cheers mate!
@chuckwick1606 2 ай бұрын
Good video !
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching, glad you enjoyed it!
@lesliegann2737 2 ай бұрын
Re the sighting in Edmonton at Mount Pleasant graveyard on May 8, 1967: I was 14 at the time. I lived in this area on the south side and used to take a shortcut through the graveyard to and from school. I noticed the burned markings on the top of the hill that weren't there the day before. Unfortunately later on Ricky Banyard retracted his story as fake. I don't know if he was coerced to say that or if it was real. It felt real to me at the time.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - that's very interesting, thanks for sharing. Cool to hear you actually saw the marks on the ground. And I didn't know that Ricky Banyard later retracted his story, I wonder what happened there because others in the same area also claimed to have seen it. I look forward to more Canadian UFO stories down the road, cheers mate!
@lesliegann2737 2 ай бұрын
​@@strangenorthHis sister told me that when I asked her about it a few years later. Ricky's family is JW so I figured that might be the reason or maybe they didn't believe him? I moved to BC in my mid 20's so I lost touch. That graveyard was wall to wall traffic of lookyloos for months afterwards lol. When I saw it, the charred marks on the top of the hill fanned out from a center. Later it was claimed that this was just charred rocks under the gravel being exposed, but if so, something made them exposed as it wasn't like that the day before.
@elescritorsecreto 2 ай бұрын
The UFOs in the Canadian prairies coincided with the placement of the ICBM missile silos in Montana and the Dakotas.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - interesting perspective, especially because you hear a lot about alleged UFO activity around those types of facilities. Fascinating subject, cheers mate!
@DarrellAmell-gh2eb Ай бұрын
1967 I was 5 years old living in Oyen Alberta. I was standing at the living room window I was staring at a bright light in the sky to my right. As I was staring at the light something appeared in the living room window right in front of me After that I had trouble sleeping for quite a while. My mom had to take me to doctor get sedities to sleep. I was having problems and my mom took me to doctors to find out what was wrong. I ended up going to Alsask Saskatchewan radar station I talked to a man he asked me questions how to spell my name He had shown me ink blots and asked what I saw. I ended with drawing him a picture of what I saw I drew the window and the light but didn’t know how to draw everything because I was to young. Still wonder about what happened
@strangenorth Ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - very interesting about what happened at the radar station! And it seems like 1967 in general was a major year in Canada for all sorts of UFO related encounters. It's a subject that interests me quite a bit. Cheers mate, have a great weekend!
@underfire987 2 ай бұрын
If people only had a clue what is out their and the nature of our reality is nothing, nothing that they teach and allow the public to know. We need everyone who has experienced the unknown and real reality of our world to have the courage to come forth with their experiences without the fear of shaming and mocking by the ignorant masses.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - it's super frustrating how there is a stigma attached to people who share their UFO/ET experiences. With the sheer vastness of the universe, wouldn't it be highly probable that there is other intelligent life out there? Cheers mate
@wizardgaming669 2 ай бұрын
I’ve seen ufos near drumheller and Hanna Alberta a lot.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to provide feedback - I love the badlands area of Alberta, when was the last time you saw something strange? Cheers mate
@user-zm7ys4rv2w 2 ай бұрын
I'm from lethbridge and I'm Blackfoot and the land here lays on one of the spiritual leylines or a point where they all meet and it is by drumheller maybe that could be a reason
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - I'm interested in that topic, do you have more information on that? Cheers mate
@jingop11 2 ай бұрын
@strange north yup i was on the way to mc donalds at like 12pm i walk outside and saw three spots of light in a triangle they looked like stars. after i thought thats weird three stars in a triangle they moved then i saw a green and red orb darting through my neighbors back yard followed by the triangle of stars splitting on blinked out right away the other on stayed in place while the other one flew off to the middle of the sky it started blinking in and out in and out and then faded away after that i saw a cigar shaped object hover across my street with a red orb on top of it i turned around and saw a car in the middle of the street and he speed off i was with my brother when this happened after a few moments of observing this weird thing no windows just a hunk of something in the sky no sound a helicopter came and chased it ps Edmonton Alberta. previously my dad was out and barbecuing said he saw a red orb i told him its probably just a drone 30 mins later i came out to check up on him and we both saw a red orb though at first i kinda thought nothing of it as my dad and myself do like watching alien shows and i always thought id never see something crazy or out of the ordinary. also 2020 ish i think or 2021 can exactly remember!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - always cool to hear about people's personal experiences. That sound wild! Was that in Edmonton?
@jingop11 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth yeah west end Summerlea Community by Terra Losa it was weird man haven't seen anything like it since
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@jingop11 It's cool that you got to see one so close, most people don't - thanks again for sharing!
@jb7720 2 ай бұрын
0:31 My hometown lol
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
I actually visited the site for the first time last fall, pretty cool - I want to go back this summer because when I was there the visitor center at the landing pad was closed for the season. Thanks for watching, cheers mate!
@evangoucher783 2 ай бұрын
In 1967 open pit mining of oil sands started, maybe that has something to do with it?
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - your guess is as good as mine, and I've started looking at other years to see if they had close to the same amount of UFO activity. Cheers!
@Skoden_lures 2 ай бұрын
My parents saw one around that year just outside of New Norway or Bittern lake. I don't recall which.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - interesting, did they talk about that often? Cheers mate
@MizzMM 2 ай бұрын
Come on, Alberta has a town named Vulcan… That’s got to tell you how much history Reid must have lol
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
You know what it's funny you mention that - I'm going to take some video of Vulcan when I pass through to visit this really cool archaeological site in Southern Alberta this summer. I would love to attend their annual Star Trek festival one year too. Cheers mate!
@miketomasini346 2 ай бұрын
Ontario has a town called moon beam
@JimCamel37 2 ай бұрын
im from central cape breton island. i jus uploaded a video of some lights in seent in the sky the other day on my channel . triangle formation n stuff
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to leave feedback - cool I appreciate the info dude, I subscribed to your channel and I'll check that out. Always like seeing stuff from across this massive country of ours. Cheers mate!
@johnshields6852 2 ай бұрын
They've been in our skies since the begining and we still don't know who or what they are, that's not easy to do, obviously their tech is way beyond us, probably by millions of years in some cases, their probably many species from different eras themselves, evolving from different times in the distant past.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - I agree, I think it's possible that there could be multiple civilizations out there in the universe that are millions of years more advanced than us. I also think most of the UFOs people see are not manned by biological organisms. Cheers mate!
@truthhasnoagenda3785 2 ай бұрын
They are not what people think they are .
@alexsetterington3142 2 ай бұрын
Wow, very mysterious!
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - seems like there is a debate over the nature of these things. Some people think they are physical craft and others speculate they may be more spiritual/ethereal in nature. Not a lot of tangible evidence to work with but a ton of solid eyewitness accounts. Fascinating subject to me, cheers mate!
@truthhasnoagenda3785 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth for me there's no debate. People need to see how deep the deception is. Almost from birth we are taught lies. The people telling us the lies believe it to be truth. If people really take a step back and challenge their own beliefs you'll see the world is not what it seems. But I digress
@wendellswendell2001 2 ай бұрын
As we got better at detecting, they got better at hiding themselves😮
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Interesting perspective, I wonder at times if they have the ability to avoid being photographed somehow. As if they can detect when cameras are present so they can avoid them. Who knows. Thanks for watching!
@wendellswendell2001 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth we can only guess until we get some scientific evidence.
@dangauvreau9049 2 ай бұрын
Many new narrations state they are coming from under water/earth.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - I've heard that too, and underwater UFO sightings are surprisingly common! Cheers mate
@Skoden_lures 2 ай бұрын
Just as an aside, Duhamel is a french name, but all the locals pronounce it doo-HAMEL sounds like camel.
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Ah, got it - I appreciate it, cheers.
@MalcolmRa 2 ай бұрын
@Lord_Nemesis8 2 ай бұрын
When do you breathe ?😂😂😂😂
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
lol I edit out all the breathing sounds so I guess it just sounds like I'm an alien who doesn't consume oxygen. Thanks for watching!
@Lord_Nemesis8 2 ай бұрын
@@strangenorth or are you…….?🤨
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
@@Lord_Nemesis8 I will say that I love planet earth!
@djonbreak 2 ай бұрын
Sky Gangs of Alberta
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
They're incredibly effective at avoiding prosecution!
@wesleyc8101 2 ай бұрын
Why would aliens visit primitive 50s/60s humans lol visit us instead
@strangenorth 2 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for watching and I appreciate when people take the time to comment - I agree, I want an Alberta UFO wave of 2024 already! Cheers mate, enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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