The Ancient Secrets To Escape The Simulation

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Asangoham Books:
This idea that our supposed reality is actually an illusion is not new.
In both the Eastern and Western philosophical traditions it has long been suggested; notably in concepts, among others, like Plato’s allegory of the Cave and Hindu notions of the unreality of the world.
However, The Simulation Hypothesis brings these philosophical and spiritual understandings into the realm of technological possibility.
If we are indeed living in a simulation, what does this mean for spiritual understanding, enlightenment or awakening, and human consciousness?
Could this actually align with the many spiritual traditions that view physical reality as an illusion or Maya?
Do we need to redefine spiritual awakening for the digital age as the transcendence of simulated illusion?
But more importantly:
Is it possible to awaken even if we are in a simulated universe?
#simuation #awakening #hinduism #maya
Script: Matt Mackane
Edit: Harsh
Voiceover: Matt Mackane
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@anthonyryan8231 9 ай бұрын
Many years ago (journal recorded) while meditating a voice, as clear as if the person was standing beside me, said " you are living the dream of Joseph ". It was said with such conviction and personal power that it haunts me to this day. Not in a negative way, but inspired me to search within.
@hubertharmon 9 ай бұрын
I'm living the dream of Adam
@flameone4705 9 ай бұрын
I was also told while meditating "You're in a dream". Although I don't know how much I should trust those voices in my head. They could be my brain making it up or a demon. I'm not a schizio I only sometimes get these voices while in deep meditation.
@josephsolomon9825 9 ай бұрын
I AM Joseph. Aware of Nothingness. All is my dream, for I Alone AM!
@breadcrumbtv 9 ай бұрын
Atman 🙏
@solelysoul8543 9 ай бұрын
You are on the right track. Go on doing whatever you are doing. Only thing, keep an open mind.
@Qwuiet 9 ай бұрын
“I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?” - Zhuangzi
@McFluffin716 9 ай бұрын
This made my brain hurt lol
@Nicole-dj3jf 9 ай бұрын
THERE playing with our minds! Mind GAMES the matrix CRAP i can say so much more but im a fly in a rat race 😂 wtf you hurt my brain reading that 😂thanks 👍
@Nicole-dj3jf 9 ай бұрын
The gods must be CRAZY? Board GAMES the gods where bored and made us to play with! Look how many different religions, look at words and meanings WORD GAME'S ALSO! WISH I KNEW
@donjan3 9 ай бұрын
Sometime you just got to decoded what you see, it's a messages they try to tell you something that you needed to know, that's how those entities communicate with humans, Sorry for my English, i hope it's making sense for you what i said!
@Ballbusteress 9 ай бұрын
they keep trying to fiNd the starting point - in a circle.
@McFluffin716 9 ай бұрын
Delores Cannon explains this well to. You are the author of your life, you paint the stage and create the characters. I literally woke up 6 months ago, it was as if i was on auto pilot my whole life. My old ego died. Now I have been doing nothing but seeking wisdom, and undoing everything i have ever been forced to believe. Its all an illusion.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@McFluffin716 9 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane had to read this a few times, but I absolutely get it.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
"Returning is the motion of the Tao. Yielding is the way of the Tao. The ten thousand things are born of being. Being is born of non-being." - Tao Te Ching @@McFluffin716
@michaeldarling33669 9 ай бұрын
I love that you woke up and I love you enough to point out that, beliefs cannot be forced upon one, you may have given into coercion, even extreme coercion, but not forced. Don't give away your power like that
@McFluffin716 9 ай бұрын
@@michaeldarling33669 thank you for that, I love you to. ♥
@MS-yd4oj 9 ай бұрын
If you've ever experienced deeper peace and quiet, and entered a meditative state where you mind shuts off from compulsive thinking, but you remain awake, you can sense that your very existence is not the body. There's a force of some sort that's there, which is who we really are, and it's unmistakable. But in order to be able to feel it and be very aware of it, the mind needs to be tamed. Until this is done, for most, it just remains a intellectual concept which the mind can never understand.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@bronsonmcnulty1110 8 ай бұрын
take into account the illusion of the existence of ' i am '
@eschersky 8 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane Who wrote this?
@allhopeabandon7831 7 ай бұрын
@@bronsonmcnulty1110You are.
@MarcScheffer 7 ай бұрын
Yes fully agree. A pitty that humankind still lives by the rules of old materialistic science.
@michelecorwin2722 9 ай бұрын
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream 🎶
@bronsonmcnulty1110 8 ай бұрын
you got it ..... or someone/something did
@yankee2666 8 ай бұрын
Tell it to the IRS.
@itsonlyapapermoon61 7 ай бұрын
@EmeraldEyesEsoteric 7 ай бұрын
Ok. Now we just have to find Edgar Allan Poe guy in the comments, and you two would be a match made in... your wildest dreams.
@vanillacokejunky 7 ай бұрын
Propel, propel, propel your craft Dilligently down the liquid solution Exuberantly, exuberantly, exuberantly, exuberantly Existence is but an illusion 🎵
@daviddrown4416 8 ай бұрын
When I was a young child in the 1970's I sometimes wondered if it could be possible that nothing existed outside of my perception. When I went to school, my home would cease to exist. It would come into existence again just before I was able to see it and the school would disapear as soon as it was out of my sight. Of course this meant even other people cease to exist. I had no concept of computers or simulations. I don't know why this thought haunted me or how it materialize in my mind.
@kellyiversen1228 7 ай бұрын
You were a wonderful thinker as a child! Would love to see you write some fictional/fantasy stories!!
@rooibaard365 7 ай бұрын
@Mindboggle100 7 ай бұрын
Great comment... sometimes kids have insights that adults don't. Very intriguing!
@animalliberationCLBB 7 ай бұрын
Dolores Cannon speaks about this. It's because it's Holographic and just your "game" also it has something to do about group consciousness. Also the "Backdrop people"
@lv_lambo3162 7 ай бұрын
I imagine smart phones have changed many perceptions
@scaberouswretch3673 9 ай бұрын
We don’t live in a “simulation”, or at least not in the sense that it’s like a computer game. Although the computer game metaphor does provide a useful tool to understanding the nature of reality. People generally don’t understand the interplay between the phenomenological world and consciousness. They are not separate from each other, they are one and the same, two sides of the same coin. You have to understand that the phenomenological physical world wouldn’t exist without consciousness. Without a conscious perceiver, physical reality, the universe, is just information. It is the existence of consciousness that decodes that information into a perceivable reality. Much like a computer game is nothing but information on a disc, which is then decoded by the computer and presented as a world on a screen to be experienced. Another aspect to this is the issue of free will. We say we have free will, but you can’t transform yourself into a dragon and fly to Jupiter to eat pancakes with Darth Vader. So we only really have free will within certain parameters. Like the parameters of a computer game. Consider that when you play a big open world computer game, all of the millions of different choices you can make are all encoded on the disc and exist all at once. It seems like you have free will, but every decision you make is already programmed within the parameters of the game. I think reality is much like this. The sum total of all existence and all reality, everything that has existed, does exist and ever will exist, exists at all times infinitely. I think the world we perceive, at the conscious level we perceive it, is a projection down to our third dimensional reality from higher dimensions, which begins at a realm of infinite information and possibility, which then projects down through multiple dimensions and becomes more refined and solid until you start getting perceivable worlds like ours. For an easy way to imagine this, you can take a three dimensional cube and use it to project a shadow of a two dimensional square. If you change the orientation of the cube, the shadow can also look like a hexagon. Nothing has changed at the three dimensional level, just the orientation. This is three dimensions projecting down into two dimensions, but now consider it going up the other way. Try and think of what a four dimensional or five dimensional cube would look like. You can’t, because we live in a three dimensional world. Just like how a being that lived in a two dimensional world wouldn’t be able to imagine what a sphere looks like. It’s not a “simulation”, it’s just the nature of the reality we live in. This is just what it does. Nothing was ever created, nothing is ever truly destroyed. Everything is an endlessly churning, recycling sea of energy and information, that produces consciousness at various levels in order to experience itself objectively.
@mariejosee3536 8 ай бұрын
Interesting to me how i came up to formulate the same conclusion, exact same very last sentence of your comment by brainstorming on my own, but in a simpler form, few years ago. These words "in order to experience itself objectively." resonate the most with me. I thought exactly: "we, as we are, are a way for the "universe" to experience itself". Might say i'm dick riding or lying but at least i know im not.
@Garrhart 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for this
@ermitanyo777 8 ай бұрын
Did you just typed a couple of paragraphs in youtube? Thank you for your insights. It was a good read.
@deborahrodgers2200 8 ай бұрын
We are consciousness perceiving consciousness,
@thisisnotreal01234 8 ай бұрын
wrong, consciousness is not produced from a complexity of a system.
@kobalt77 8 ай бұрын
Excellent presentation, and the prefect length to get the points across without unnecessary information for the sake of it. Thank you !
@bacobill 9 ай бұрын
This is an absolutely brilliant presentation.. both inspired and inspiring.. An ancient door is opening.. Thank you
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
Thanks! Cheers Matt The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@smlanka4u 9 ай бұрын
The mind (Citta) continues due to interaction of the smallest matter unit called Rupa-Kalapa. The awareness is a result of interactions of material energy called Sankhara, and awareness is the separation and identification of matter (Rupa) and name (Nama). But awareness arises with the continuation of Citta from moment to moment in matter with or without a relationship to life. Therefore, space contains points of awareness, and a Citta with a life continues generations of awareness. It is a part of the dependent origination of life. The intrinsic nature of the five aggregates of clinging called matter/form, feeling, recognition, mental factors, and knowingness is empty.
@seanharris5592 9 ай бұрын
@kingjsolomon 9 ай бұрын
Watch the Awaken the World Series (samadhi)
@ryanbinder1294 9 ай бұрын
It's always been open my friend 🎉
@DenyMeDenyYourself 9 ай бұрын
I would argue consciousness is base reality instead of "nothingness", maybe if you understand nothingness as no-thing-ness, meaning it is not a 'thing' because it is formless and without thought. But it is not empty void, its the opposite, its an all encompassing infinite potentiality.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
Consciousness/Awareness/Sense of Existing is the primary illusion. "Meditate on the "I Am" until you realise the "I Am" is utterly illusory." - Nisargadatta Maharaj
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@DenyMeDenyYourself 9 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane That means the ego, the self, the one who thinks... once you achieve "pure consciousness" you realize that is what you truly are, not the I AM.
@DenyMeDenyYourself 9 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane Consciousness.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
That's not what Nisargadatta says. He says I Am as the "sense of existing" is the primary illusion. In fact, he says consciousness should be considered an illness that will soon pass. People hang on to these ideas that "something" continues - something, anything - consciousness, awareness, something. It's because enlightenment to the body/mind feels like death - and it is! The moment you breath out your last breath everything will evaporate as if it never existed because it doesn't. Nothing matters because it is merely nothing (only apparently) mattering. Most people are in denial of death and they, IMHO, are not really interested it what enlightenment really means. What they want is to be consoled. Nothing is happening. Nothing has ever happened. Awareness, consciousness, whatever are illusions. They are not happening. The Godhead (Nonbeing) gives "birth" to God (I Am, Consciousness, the sense of existing, Being). Absolutely nothing matters. That's freedom. @@DenyMeDenyYourself
@FilipLukes92 7 ай бұрын
Matrix is not a movie, its a documentary. Great video. Thank you
@nielsbarrezeele845 9 ай бұрын
Same as with the Toltec philosophy, where they talk about the "collective dream" of the 8 billion people living on Earth, each having their individual dream, the "traps" that are set up, the "drama" you can choose to be part of or not, the "fog".
@Ninsidhe 9 ай бұрын
So interesting to me that it seems in the past two weeks I’ve been spontaneously led to greater awareness of the traps and how to bypass the illusion….
@nielsbarrezeele845 9 ай бұрын
Yes, same here. It's becoming more and more "obvious" but yet, every day you wake up in the illusion, dream or simulation. It takes constant awareness but also not being too hard on yourself though. Awareness of where and when you get lost in "fog", "traps" and straight-up BS or nonsense of other "actors" distracting you or using you as a side character. Haha. Be the main character!@@Ninsidhe
@monkweelives 9 ай бұрын
this reminds me of a time i fell thru the bottom of the gigantic sentient being we call the earth and saw that each of us is living in our own bubble alongside others and we can see and experience similar shit but i will never actually be in someone else-s bubble nor they in mine, and the earth was compketely covered in these bubbles that were also like its eyes since it watches everything everyone does (i think)
@LAStars-sratS 9 ай бұрын
The collective dream narrated by the foreign instalment 🫤
@nielsbarrezeele845 9 ай бұрын
@@LAStars-sratS Can you elaborate, please? :)
@buyiphilip 9 ай бұрын
wow it would take me days and days to put this together like you did. thank you for sharing
@francisfischer7620 6 ай бұрын
Quite so!!
@XZ858XZ 4 ай бұрын
Whoa mind blown. Definitely one of the coolest channels I’ve stumbled upon on YT. Instant subscribe
@alandunlap4106 7 ай бұрын
"Do not pay undue attention to the passing scenes of life. You are the immortal self (consciousness) living only temporarily in a dream that is sometimes (imagined) to be a nightmare. That is the higher philosophy (and truth) of the mystics." -- Yogananda
@tommyk88888 9 ай бұрын
The Matrix was not as fictional as we believed. We need to study the most ancient texts again and get back in touch with our selves to find out why we’re in this simulation. There are those who remember.
@yomama...isaverynicelady 8 ай бұрын
We are pioneers into this dimension. By being conscious and aware of our true "selves," God can shine his light through us and out into thus dimension! Without souls from heaven (you, me and everyone), there would be no way to bring life and light into this world. We are naturally one with God and naturally serve His purpose when we are not unconscious and therefoew accidentally working for the devil.
@jasonoliveras9192 8 ай бұрын
So you think, you just fell out of the Electromagnetic womb of all creations, huh? With Fibonacci sequences that are mandlebrotting inwards, where space and time is not outside of you! It is within you, Universe=you inverse, the game is you, Always has been Tommy, and always will be^ When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, hidden in plain sight the whole time* Matix is the ma of tricks/ she is also the ma terial world. History was a patriarchal thing! Herstory is mother nature, with natural organic intelligence but simulated so real, that when you use your heart, it talks to the Electromagnetic field, that is guiding and afflicting you in life! Rub your feet on the carpet, Static Electricity, right? Have a heart attack, we will rush you to the Hospital, and shock you, right? Take 2 circles and combine them together(VESICSa Pisces), in the center, you will find the womb! You were born from one word, one spark, one, Sun Becoming! Don't quit your day dream! Those ancient texts, smash them!!! We are about to write our own! Do the inner work, and you will see!
@jasonoliveras9192 8 ай бұрын
Carbon base dna, will change to Crystaline dna, holds alot more information with in the light! But remember, light is secondary! You were here before they said, let there be light! Those who remember are master 11 22 33 old souls/ 1-9 new to the simulation! Give me your sim card from your apple i phone, you know the one with that apple bitten out of it! That should be enough clues to unwrap the veil, Oh yeah, if you were born at home in candle light, in a dark room, you leave the umbilical cord hooked up, and have the baby look the mother directly into the eyes, until the baby remembers all their past lives, but as it is today, most babies get to see 5000-to 6500 kelvin temperature lights that are artificial, which flashes/blocks your memory! But your not suppose to know that! SHHHHH
@yankee2666 8 ай бұрын
Go study what you want. I'm working on my twelfth book, working part-time and enjoying life.
@nightvision3182 7 ай бұрын
If the matrix we live in is a matrix then we are illusions as well. So there is no memory there besides the one shared with the common consciousness or the field.
@dhabababa5229 9 ай бұрын
Leaving on my 12th trip to India in 2 weeks. I hope my salubrious simulation settings are for an auspicious and awakening experience.. 🌈🙏
@michaellansdorf695 9 ай бұрын
During a profound meditation session, I reached a compelling revelation - the notion that our reality might be a simulation. What truly captivated me, however, was the realization that beneath our apparent individuality, we are interconnected as one cosmic being. This understanding transcended mere intellectual comprehension; it was a visceral experience accompanied by an overwhelming sense of infinite love and understanding for all existence. In this transcendent state, I perceived the universe as a continuous cycle of self-destruction and recreation. It struck me that this perpetual cosmic dance of destruction is the very mechanism that propels change and weaves intricate stories into the fabric of existence. The paradox unfolded - destruction, a seemingly chaotic force, emerged as the key to creation. Curiosity led me to question the purpose of this cosmic symphony, and in that moment, I felt a profound response. The essence of it all, I realized, is a cosmic endeavor to combat loneliness and boredom. For consciousness, the void of nothingness and the absence of activity are the most unsettling prospects. Thus, the grand narrative of creation and destruction serves as a perpetual antidote to the existential dread of solitude and monotony.
@Kawasake-n8i 9 ай бұрын
Yes thanks to the one who pushed the bottom I've been out at the right moment. Thanks M
@Findingtruth569 9 ай бұрын
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@zoranfrintrop-unger4801 9 ай бұрын
This shit we call life. Is real. Real as pain can be.
@Asangoham 9 ай бұрын
Take it easy buddy, sending lots of love your way.
@tommyk88888 9 ай бұрын
I’m sure it feels very real. But does it also feel natural for humans to live in a world like this? Does this pain feel natural? Much love and blessings to you 🙏🏻
@danthemansmith6095 7 ай бұрын
I had a massive stroke at 46 and I remained conscious during the trauma. I fought for my life while stuck in a prison of a unresponsive physical body. After 3 hours of fighting to regain control of my bodily functions, I couldn't break free and after 3 hours of utter brutal give-n- take, a peaceful calmeness entered my mind? I then thought it was necessary to stop struggling and become accepting of my fate. My mind told me to make peace and to remember everything that made up my life all the way up to the present moment? I believe that this was the cliche of "Your life flashes before you moment" I was a field medic in the military and I knew enough that I realized that my breathing was getting shallow and I could no longer sense my airway to my lungs. I knew that I was going to expire in a few moments. I thought about the typical stuff I guess? My wife, my kid, family, friends, ups and downs of my life. Then I felt like that it was time? without really knowing it was? Then I felt everything turned to water? Then I left my body and went down into the water, it was dark and it was never ending? Almost like the vastness of so-called space. Then as fast as I left my body, I was flowing downwards towards something? Then all of a sudden I saw a massive ball of light between two planes of existence? It was like a sci-fi movie when a spaceship enters a planets atmosphere, it was surreal. As soon as I saw it from a perceived distance, I then was suddenly there right in it's presence? I could only take it in, no other thoughts were possible. Before I could wrap my head around anything! A loud percise sound of a man voice asserts itself in my mind and breaks the silence. I am frozen in time at this moment and the voice emits instructions to my mind in a familiar recognizable way? then a few choice words are thrown in as a reminder? and then I know! The voice is of a man or a representation of man that I once knew in my physical life, it was my Dad. My pops passed away in the mid 90s and was a drill instructor during the Vietnam conflict. The man was a master of getting the best out of you, when it counted! I was given something during the experience and told to apply it for my new way of existence going forward and when you get your sea legs back, you then set your face to resisting? I then wanted to say something so intensely to understand more but was frozen and then I heard tidal waves or rushing water all around and was pushed up to the surface where I was put back into my body, which was full of terrible pain. I then fell off the bed and cut off my airway, my body is still unresponsive and I can't believe that I witnessed what just happened and now this? My back is slumped next to the bed and my head is on my chest cutting off my airflow again. I am now determined in my mind to recontact my Dad in that moment, I close my eyes but I open them and see little feet in my downward view? They look like the feet of cherubs! Like angels feet, they were dreamy and had a beautiful quality to them, like fine porcelain. Then, I realized that they are the feet of my 10 year old daughter Stella! Till this day I can put this moment on the top for in my life in the WOW!!! category! I then sense Stella crying and bewildered. I then mumble something that does not sound in any capacity a human language. Somehow Stella responds and mirrors what I was thinking? even though I know that I can't even make out what I am saying? Stella tells me that she is going to lift my head and then put me on my back. Once in a relatively safe position, Stella gets help and I am life flighted to Boston, MA general. That's only the first half of the day! The second half is even more important and wild! But after being released, I have a series of dreams and they have instructions for me. I apply the information and go plant based. I went against the wishes of my rehabilitation and therapy teams but I had to follow my heart. Within three weeks I was changing but I couldn't understand why? I was making incredible progress. I then met a beautiful soul of a psychotherapist who introduced me to the practice of awareness/heartfullness meditation and it some how made me complete in my journey in life, kinda like a cherry on top of banana split if you know what I mean! ;) Fast forward 7 years and I am a new being! When people see or meet me now, they don't even suspect that I was paralyzed and had major serious cognitive trauma? They usually say you look great and do you work out? They don't even know that I had anything, let alone a life ending stroke! Its a beautiful thing! NEVER GIVE UP! THERE'S MORE THAN YOU KNOW ABOUT THYSELF! HAVE A GREAT LIFE PEOPLE!!!
@danthemansmith6095 7 ай бұрын
I am presently doing fantastic at 54 years young! Workouts and walking! Eating all fruit and vegetables from the earth! Numbers are the best ever in my life! Then the biggie! I Love myself and when that happens! You are on your way! 💚💚💚
@Truthbtold44 Ай бұрын
What a beautiful story.. thank u
@sueelliott4793 9 ай бұрын
I have been convinced about simulation theory for over a decade. If you could look at my life and what I have experienced, you would be too.
@andrewcanady6644 9 ай бұрын
That’s interesting. Can you share a little more about your thoughts and experience?
@rosario9496 9 ай бұрын
Yeah; I’m interested as well!
@sueelliott4793 9 ай бұрын
I think of things and they happen, my mum always thought that I was psychic but I beg to differ. My life has been a series of coincidences and wierdness. I have had dreams that happen. The dreams that I was in an unfamiliar place ended up as my suburb in a different country over 2 decade later. All the wishful thinking I had as a child materialised as an adult. I wanted the technology we have today in the 80's. I saw it but could not describe it and wanted it to help me with my homework. I wanted AI in 2019 to help me in my studies as an adult and got it in 2023 to help me finish my degree.
@joshuawilliams9276 9 ай бұрын
It can be proven thru thru synchronicity
@sueelliott4793 9 ай бұрын
@@joshuawilliams9276 debatable. Some glitches too.
@Brabdog 9 ай бұрын
Very well done video. Note that where the presentation refers to “being,” as opposed to “nonbeing,” there are traditions that use the terminology in a slightly different way. For instance one popular tradition uses the term “being” to refer to the unmanifest, similar to how “nonbeing” is used here.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@RedBoyGambino 9 ай бұрын
I don’t know why this is questioned. Everything is made of atoms. Atoms are made of energy and light. What we see is light, what we feel or deem as “physical”is just the vibration and repulsion of atoms. It’s literally a FACT that this is a hologram
@LenaKrupinski-vg5wi 9 ай бұрын
🙏 Hard light Holigrams ! Thanks.💗🌠🙏
@TheXISU 9 ай бұрын
Why only light, I can also say everything is made up of sound , same stuff . It's energy frequency and vibration. The base reality is the tranquil potential form of this all pervading energy.
@UltimateEnd0 8 ай бұрын
Yes we're in a hologram and people conflate it as a simulation.
@UltimateEnd0 8 ай бұрын
Everything is hard light, the best example of hard light is hydrogen.
@RedBoyGambino 8 ай бұрын
@@TheXISU reread my comment, I said vibration and the energy of atoms.
@LivingNow678 9 ай бұрын
The mysterious mystery called Life 😮💫🌍🎵👌🙏
@andresbriones8054 9 ай бұрын
What I really like about the simulation hypothesis is that it doesn't need to be generated by a sophisticated code but it could be a simple algorithm such as in Jonn's Conway's Game of Life. The Wolfram physics project is quite interesting because they are searching an algorithm that could describe our physical world
@chasefancy3092 9 ай бұрын
Harry Truman should have informed your species before 1952 that you were living in a simulated world. He refused because he did not want to share information with the Russians. Are there no female scientists in this world? A 10 year old child should be able to figure out he or she is living in a simulated world. It is not difficult. Alien Children, such as myself know this upon birth. You are living in an Alien World.
@ericbutler739 8 ай бұрын
Or a physical representation of the Mandelbrot set. So many beginnings and endings and yet just keeps going.
@chasefancy3092 8 ай бұрын
@@ericbutler739 The Pentagon and CIA should have informed the entire human race you were living in a simulated world with Alien Beings. President Harry Truman knew but he didn’t want the Russians to know.
@EmeraldEyesEsoteric 7 ай бұрын
Have you heard of the Ramanujin Summation? That's where the sum of infinite numbers is minus one over twelve, or one of the apostles lost as it eludes to Judas and Aliester Crowley calls the beast the Apostle of Inifnite Space.
@kevingraves8577 9 ай бұрын
Great Channel; phenomenal graphics. You have talent and it’s appreciated. 💯
@malootua2739 9 ай бұрын
Nothing "exists" without an observer
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The feeling that there is an "observer" is the primary illusion.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@malootua2739 9 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane I was actually explaining this exact thing to my daughter, the blackness of space gave birth to light What is there more of? Darkness? Or light? (In space) I have experienced this deep cool still eternal "darkness" on mushrooms by myself at night deep in the Redwood Forest in the Santa Cruz mountains
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
@malootua2739 9 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane deepest thing I ever read
@scottcoates8095 8 ай бұрын
Wow! If we really are in a simulation this should raise a lot of questions on being human, religion, our world, our perceived reality. If nothing is as it seems, then we really don’t have free will, we are “Truman”. The biggest realization I have now is that I’m living in a matrix, and I know it. Now I can truly start to be free and control my own life, and take back possession. This is the Awakening. I have my power back.
@andrewbost732 9 ай бұрын
Matt, thank you for making this video! The similarities between simulation theory and these Eastern spiritual concepts have been on my mind for a while, and I've just been waiting for someone to give these ideas some consideration. I've been waiting for this for a while! I'll be watching this a few times.
@soapboxkid 9 ай бұрын
I'm Buddhism, Sunyata is Emptiness. Which is not the same as Nothingness.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
Will do something in the near future on the difference. Cheers Matt The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
That may be where Buddhism has it wrong. Rely only on direct experience. Cheers.
@davidmickles5012 9 ай бұрын
Concepts are duality. As long as there is duality there is illusion. In non-duality there is neither something nor nothing, not both nor neither. Going beyond duality is another way of saying going beyond or prior to thought. Its the grasping that places us in duality, cease grasping and reality is naturally clear.
@Shmyrk 9 ай бұрын
You’re Buddhist. Not the same thing as being Buddhism ❤
@YaSHa144 9 ай бұрын
Buddhism is religion.... Nothingness is pure Awareness
@livinglucidly4153 9 ай бұрын
Guys it’s not a computer simulation. The first principle of the hermetic philosophy explains it best. “The All is mind the universe is mental. A mental projection held in the mind of the All.”
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@ob-li-vious 9 ай бұрын
​@@mattmackaneis this an excerpt from a book? Tell me more.
@kukulkhaan 7 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane nice try! wonderful, its something new from my POV.
@rooibaard365 7 ай бұрын
​@@mattmackanewhat the f. You describing a black hole?
@jameshuckvale7685 6 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane good stuff and I don’t think this force grants favors like Santa Claus .
@kevinleemy1965 9 ай бұрын
If dreams can be simulated in virtual reality, so can physical reality!
@TheRiceExperimentsHelpsyou 5 ай бұрын
@natwil735 7 ай бұрын
Awesome hypothesis and conclusion. We come from nothingness and is living an illusionary I AM. If something has no name, then it is nothingness - paraphrase from the Gospel of Truth (Nag Hammadi Text). Thanks for sharing.
@francisfischer7620 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful powerful insight!
@citizenenak 9 ай бұрын
To observe as a gamer is to divest ones self from the ego and thereby taking a constant perspective. Dispassion is a friend.
@jmarco117 9 ай бұрын
At the start of this year I was taking a long drive. I began thinking about someone who was such a nice person I thought of them fondly. Like you would an adorable puppy, you know? So I guess u could say my heart chakra was open a little. As I’m driving, this feeling comes upon me. I felt a serenity I have never felt before and I understood that everything ‘just is’. There was no wrong or right, everything ‘just is’. I thought about a troubled soul I knew and knew there was no need to change him or the situation. I felt such serenity I had the thought ‘I’d never get anything done being in this state. I feel no need to take action on anything’. It was truly the most peaceful I have ever felt. I didn’t want it to go away. But of course it did and it was just a one-off experience (so far). But it made me realise having an open heart chakra is the way to have ‘other worldly’ experiences. I’ve not tried to recapture that moment as I’m terrible at meditation and nothing recently has made my heart open. Maybe I need to buy a puppy… lol
@Puuws 9 ай бұрын
Idk about affection bc it can border on approval of what feels good to the personal self but acceptance is a sign of unconditional love. You can come to the state of love by allowing everything to be as it is aka surrender. This means also giving up any desire, resistance to pain ect. Even acceptance can lead to forcing as you will resist resistance but allowing is the most gentle neutral word that works for me atm
@shivamsharanlall672 9 ай бұрын
I once developed feelings for somebody and one night I was sitting and meditating and then a thought came about that girl. What I felt was some sort of energy in my heart slit into two parts. One larger portion went to the lust center, arousing the feelings of lust and the smaller portion stayed in the heart, creating an emotion of love. Then I got the realisation that lovers generally convert whole of that energy into lust. And then their center remains the lust center only. And if the lovers celibate then it can stay in the heart center only. The love can be alive and stay afresh as day one.
@shivamsharanlall672 9 ай бұрын
@@Puuws hey! you have a great conceptual understanding about love and surrendering. It takes a lot of time to come to this understanding. So, my question is are you following some spiritual organisation?
@Puuws 9 ай бұрын
@@shivamsharanlall672 no I dont. atm I listen/read to enlightened advaita people and some dzogchen but this observation is more observing of my own experience. I like your observation as well, it's often in these moments of suffering we can really see something new
@cosmiclovetravelagency 9 ай бұрын
@@PuuwsI think pets are great for unconditional love practice as a consistent reminder of them just being … and with dogs, being fully unconditional.
@neil03051957 9 ай бұрын
On order to become everything we need to be everything but not a part if it, we make the glitches when we collectively think asynchronous with the previous trajectory. Thanks thinkers.
@bignodaghost3986 9 ай бұрын
My real question is, what would we know without any information of any sort. If we were simply alive, what would we discover if we were never told of any of these things.
@jeffsadowski7759 9 ай бұрын
Haven't heard too much talk of it these days...However, I have noticed when we share an enjoyable moment with someone, even for a short period of time...The "fog" inside and out lifts for a moment and there we're left with very little residue in our energy. Nothing to struggle through, over-think or even worry about. Geez...Didn't someone from a long time ago, suggest that we should do "this?" Too funny, how most of us believe we're living in a simulation; but when we give each other the time of day, we both feel much freer than before. Hmm. Indeed.
@daoudabdulbari 9 ай бұрын
The simulation is but a DREAM...Life's but a DREAM. SELF is the INTELLIGENCE.
@StarseedMarc 8 күн бұрын
For some time I have been researching how we can remove ourselves from the simulation. I became quite anxious that I might be trapped here without any possibility of escape, until a couple of months ago. I had a dream about being outside of the simulation and being told, " You see? Nothing to worry about. It's all just a game!" I awoke with a very calm, relieved feeling. I've made my decision and I will be leaving the simulation at the end of this incarnation 🙏
@peacebeyondpeace310 9 ай бұрын
Love this video so much! At 13.00 is a picture from "the thirteenth floor" - one of my favorite movies of all times... The picture is the moment when Dagles finds out he is indeed inside a simulation.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
Thanks, mate! Cheers Matt. The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@peacebeyondpeace310 9 ай бұрын
@@mattmackane Great stuff. The question however is if we as created objects can scale up the river of creation and find (and become) Godhead, and in so doing discover true meaning and ultimate Freedom.
@thorstenpausch8056 9 ай бұрын
Satguru Parabrahman. Basereality. Home. Well done ❤
@rudeylee3584 9 ай бұрын
Great presentation 🎯💯✅
@EmeraldEyesEsoteric 7 ай бұрын
I would think very carefully about that. You think your want to leave your home, but when you do, you become homesick. There is nothing fun outside of the Matrix. Why would there be? You don't get to sin in heaven after all. No food, no games to play, no mistakes to make. All of the joy of living is gone.
@drscott1 7 ай бұрын
Reality is often compared to the science and technology of the time. It’s important to remember that if you can imagine what reality is then you know what it is not !
@redpillaware5101 9 ай бұрын
If every force in this reality has an equal and opposite reactive force, and if entropy is a 'force', then consciousness in the equal and opposite reaction of it.
@sayittomyfaceidareyou8629 9 ай бұрын
The simulation seems real to me and i think there is plenty proof. Like how seeing the number 88 in so many movies, and the Mandela effect, and glitches and the double slit experiment and how particles and neutrons behave when separated from each other and how eery it is that you see famous people on the news passing away and events, comments, or music predicted exactly how they were to die. And then there is the computer codes hidden in the fabric of space and our reality and not just any codes but bits of one's and zero's which is what humans use for computers.
@Seekingtruth-mx3ur 8 ай бұрын
Pretty insane when you think about it.
@conanhighwoods4304 8 ай бұрын
What is the importance of 88?
@PeterChamor4 3 ай бұрын
​@@conanhighwoods4304 Cannibal Island
@NormanFinkelstein9863 9 ай бұрын
Could it be that our lives have become so disconnected from nature and one another that we increasingly live in a realm of our own thoughts and will pretty much accept any theory that comes along on the internet? It is incredibly convenient isn't it that this cluster of imaginative thinking exercises should arrive at a particularly traumatic period of technological and economic and social transition? - when an indulgent and convenient fantasy is seemingly preferable to the rather harsh reality many of us are experiencing. Perhaps we could Talk to someone in Gaza about this theory.. to provide a little perspective and texture to this illusion.
@sidhantsharma9961 9 ай бұрын
You've said nothing to disprove the simulation theory though. Just some words that take you back in the illusion. Oh, btw it's not just any theory on the internet. This philosophy dates back 3000 years in the Rig ved. Talking about Gaza, yes it is tough to cognize this when the body/mind is in distress, but most of us are not in that kind of distress, should we be kept away from this knowledge? Help the people in Gaza, but don't go about virtue signalling.
@seanrobinson6407 9 ай бұрын
When the Greeks were philosophizing, they used candles and shadows as the metaphor. When clocks were the big tech, the metaphor of the universe as a clockwork and god setting it in motion as the prime mover was in vogue. Now computers and video games help us to conceptualize it. Call it Cartesian, Solipsism, Religion, whatever. But the concept is ancient and remains the same. Clearly, this is an illusion.
@Puuws 8 ай бұрын
not really normally people become very much focussed on survival and physical needs during chaos and threats. I also dont agree its a traumatic time for people, for some of course but the Western wolds just experiences inconveniences at a physical/economic level. Maybe more at a phychological/mental level but I would not call it traumatic, trauma is when your literal nervous system is so overloaded in a moment, it cant function normally anymore. Its just a bit confusing for people who are very attached to things being predictable and understandable. Its really out of touch to call this period traumatic for people, only 50 years ago we had a lot worse, not to mention being workded to death and only living till 35 a few hundred years ago and also now: so many people living in real warzones or being so poor familymember die ect
@deeandrews7051 8 ай бұрын
The IRS and the landlord are not illusions. Don't pay them and see what happens.
@NormanFinkelstein9863 7 ай бұрын
This is such an ineffective medium for communication.Its just text and can be read any way you wish to hear it in your echo chamber. Some people get so upset if you challenge or offer a different perspective to their tightly held beliefs. Its a free space for ideas and I think people generally benefit from sharing different perspectives. If you're going to ask people to accept that their entire reality is a simulation, then its reasonable that people may have doubts or at least respond with some different ideas on subject. They don't have to disprove anything to your satisfaction, no matter how long its supposedly been around. I don't see why people cannot accept that people may not see the society constructed around us, around our thoughts and experiences, in the same light as they do.given the enormity of different experiences. Isn't it time we communicated a little more openly. imaginatively and less reactive-ly toward one another? just in case..
@JAMAICADOCK 9 ай бұрын
The creators of our simulation may be blissfully unaware of our existence. We could be in a quantum computer running endless simulations, simulations that the creators never see because to look at the data could distort the data. We're beginning to run simulations within quantum computers ourselves, however, can we ever know what's happening in the mind of the quantum computer? Like the dreams of dolphins, such a realm of consciousness is forever out of our grasp.
@tommyk88888 9 ай бұрын
That sounds quite romantic for the state of the world we are living in 😅 Would it be more likely for such an advanced ‘creator’ to simulate by accident or with a specific goal?
@JAMAICADOCK 9 ай бұрын
@@tommyk88888 A god like quantum computer that could, say, predict future events might have to run trillions of simulations. But quantum mechanics are so nebulous just looking at the simulations would screw up the data, so there's a high probability that if the universe is a simulation it isn't seen by its creators, it's just one of trillions of simulations happening in some super computer the size of a planet. Which might explain the existence of evil, the creators just never see the negative results of their handy work, For all extents and purposes, we're just a dream inside a super computer. why would they care? I mean do you care about the entities in your own dreams? Dreams after all are simulations that the mind runs to prepare us for violent attack, to warn us of looming dangers, to release pent up sexual frustrations, to help the grieving process, perhaps even predicting the future . If you rape some entity in a dream do you feel guilt? If you kill some attacker, do you have any remorse? If your mind's eye blows up an entire city do you care about the inhabitants? Just simulations, nothing real.
@panama2468 8 ай бұрын
​@tommyk88888 you're assuming that our simulation is worth more than any other simulation? Whats more likely... that we are the only simulation, or that there are hundreds, thousands, millions of simulation scenarios being run at the same time with no true Watcher or Overseer. I mean, it would make sense seeing as how many of the Founding Fathers were Deists believe there is providence that is hands-off, a creator who sees or knows but doesn't interfere.
@Godsmessenger333 8 ай бұрын
And we’re getting uploaded to simulated reality by a quantum computer they stole our consciousness using the mobiles this is why there’s a bite out of the apple phones.
@darrentooth7381 7 ай бұрын
​@@rodtack8420 people have believed this since before we could ever perceive of creating our own worlds in games or even virtual wprlds
@FabienFabienB 9 ай бұрын
When an idea like that is pushed more and more in the zeitgeist after so many years of build up, you know it’s not the full truth. We are not in a simulation like something you want to escape from. In most games you need to reach some level before you go up. That’s more like the truth
@FracturedParadigms 9 ай бұрын
@Last.Dark.Emperor 9 ай бұрын
Simulation is not outside world that we live in,itsthe inside world created in the mind,our persona and our image is created in the mind and around that persona which is not real an entire world is created for it which is alo not real.
@FabienFabienB 9 ай бұрын
If it was “just” a simulation, it also means of course they are many. But then you need to consider the amount of energy, effort, etc… that is being put into controlling it, misleading, deceiving, tricking. It has been and still is staggering. Think about it. For some it is like a prize to capture. How convenient to say: oh, its a simulation and what you have to do is to escape it. Its the ultimate final deception of course. Otherwise just go on play gta 6 all day
@FracturedParadigms 9 ай бұрын
@FabienFabienB why would it mean there are more? That's just speculation or an opinion. It's like you have convinced yourself you are correct by saying "think about it"
@Last.Dark.Emperor 9 ай бұрын
To escape simulation u must accept deep inside u that u are not,u are not what u percive urself to be,u must renounce inside yourself of everything that is constantly dragging u to search,endless search, when all that search and all those questions are actually happening inside u,u are creating them,u are searching for escape in an imagined world, u are the escape and u are the matrix,thers simply nothing to know and thers nothing to not know,its yust burdens which dont even depend on u, if thers a need to something to know or find out it will come to u by itself not couse u made it so. Nothing in this world is yours,it was all given to u,but u took it all that was given to u and u maked it yours and then u started to make fights and wars in order to keep it.
@drdarrylschroeder5691 9 ай бұрын
Hello - This is the Fifth Atlantean Experiment. We are in the process of development. The latest model is corrupt. A new one is in the pipelines with some further tweaks being implemented.
@robertyates 9 ай бұрын
Close. Not so much a computer simulation, that’s a way to imagine reality with the mind. The computer that’s doing the simulating as imagined by thought is the actual base reality of ourselves, the fundamental awareness in which everything appears, including the dream of a separate human doing life in a world ‘out there’. Look closely- all suffering belongs to the imaginary ‘me’. And suffering ceases when the ‘me’ is directly seen to be a thought, albeit a very clever and convincing one 🙏
@InnerAlchemyTVMax 8 ай бұрын
This is good stuff! One of my favorite spiritual channels on KZbin! And that's saying something seeing as how I own 3 Spiritual KZbin channels... lol. :) Great video as always!
@samarthnamde4359 9 ай бұрын
The representative aspect of this video editing is literally trippy dark and so exciting.
@FOH50 9 ай бұрын
I always thought “if this is a simulation being controlled by someone … who tf made them? Are THEY in a simulation too? Is this just and endless loop of simulations?” Who knows 🤷🏽‍♂️ the only answer I’ve come up with is …
@hubertharmon 9 ай бұрын
@charliegabs 9 ай бұрын
The false god that most monotheistic religions worship, and archons, and the demiurge
@nofood1 9 ай бұрын
@@charliegabsmy guy
@NXT8Yflw 9 ай бұрын
No one is controlling this reality like a The Sims player, you both project and live in It.
@Kaizrwolf 9 ай бұрын
The allegory of simulation should not be taken literally. A simulation is just an image to explain an idea. Worlds (or realities) differ in density or, in other words, in completeness. We live in a three-dimensional world, which comes from a denser reality - two-dimensional space. It, in turn, comes from one-dimensional space, which is generated by the Absolute. Humans, as a species, are not yet able to understand the idea of the Absolute. Just like several thousand years ago, we were unable to understand the idea of simulation. To explain this concept, the goddess Maya was invented, as well as the representation of the material world as part of the divine force. Regarding the simulation loop, you're right about that. True, if you count the dimensions in reverse order. Our reality gives rise to a four-dimensional reality, the inhabitants of which, from our perspective, are gods. (If only because they simultaneously perceive the past, present and future). The 4D world gives rise to 5D, and in the opposite direction this chain can go indefinitely. Truly, the Architect's plan is boundless.
@Marrtinike19 9 ай бұрын
Thats why I always say, what we call nothingness right now is reality, however, there might be other forms of being, even inside of the "nothingness", we just cant grasp
@HikarusVibrator 9 ай бұрын
You’re not making any sense.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@Marrtinike19 9 ай бұрын
@@HikarusVibrator you dont get it, its fine
@HikarusVibrator 9 ай бұрын
@@Marrtinike19 in Buddhism, where there is NO being, ultimate reality is nothingness. In Advaita Vedanta, where there is ONLY being, there is NO nothingness. So just like the video, you are totally confusing 2 contradictory philosophies. In addition, time is an illusion in both of these philosophies, so your “right now” statement makes even less sense. I do get it, actually
@FracturedParadigms 9 ай бұрын
​@HikaruSAFanclubOfficial it makes sense to me. Just remove your bias to help process it
@noshotsalloffense549 8 ай бұрын
any time i smoke, i see myself in third person. i really suggest you to focus on seeing yourself in third person and you will. and you’ll be able to hear loud and clear how someone is telling you exactly what to do. i achieved this through a lot of meditation and self reflection.
@jameshuckvale7685 6 ай бұрын
You are exactly right . When you see a homeless person walking fighting with an invisible being , it is real. See they lock these people away but really they are clairvoyant and called mentally ill. My sister was one of these. I meditated for a few years and I ran smack right into these entities. See I can’t hear them like most but I can see them . 24/7. They run this place. Most people do not know their voice because they speak in one’s own inner voice. And they thrive on suffering. Take a look around our beautiful planet . It’s insane and it’s that way for a reason. So are right on with your comment. Self observation will over prolonged time expose them and the real you. They are remote viewers who live vicariously through the human family. Crazy shit hhh
@Zenith6000 3 ай бұрын
When I smoke I see myself in third person as a light
@Zenith6000 3 ай бұрын
​@@jameshuckvale7685Jésus is our saviour
@zunpphire4ev170 9 ай бұрын
One night during deep meditation I told myself as if I knew it very well, I kept repeating “to truly be free” when I came back from trance I questioned it and didn’t think it was right but it is right, to truly be free is to die in the flesh
@deeandrews7051 8 ай бұрын
You go first.
@itsonlyapapermoon61 7 ай бұрын
Meditation requires, complete Silence of Mind. Take no thought. The Kingdom lies Within you. THERE IS NOTHING OUTSIDE YOURSELF. Do not request anything. Be silent. No expectations. Then, your body(temple) will fill with Light/photon. Bible Read Cosmic Consciousness, bucke
@goprojoe7449 7 ай бұрын
Yeah to die while alive is the highest possibility. Not too hard to do temporarily but very hard to do permanently.
@paullapthorn5386 9 ай бұрын
when we sleep and dream , this is our real life , when we wake , that is our dream
@danielgouge4639 9 ай бұрын
I'm a medium and I agree. 💯
@phoenix_sol_riseup2556 9 ай бұрын
I often have wondered about this very idea.
@unripeamerican4117 9 ай бұрын
@@danielgouge4639I dreamed about me seeing my self as a ghost, got up from my body and walk around as ghost, what is this mean?
@theREALESTrealistUNPOPULAR 8 ай бұрын
… because we are more than our body. Ok I can see that. Especially since I realized the creator of us all is simply knowledge. And we have a top that is capable of acquiring knowledge. Of course through our brain we can get a glimpse of the deeper part of us
@yankee2666 8 ай бұрын
You're a nut.
@0308JJ 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful contemplation! The prime illusionary nature of I Am awakened me once again! Thank you for your great work!
@charlesbrightman4237 9 ай бұрын
LANGUAGE: Consider the following: Language, the very thing we utilize to think thoughts and convey ideas. Un-named Concepts -> Given a Name (could be a sound, symbol, etc) -> With an attached meaning -> And maybe even other meanings depending upon context -> And maybe even other names with the same meaning. (Basically a Dictionary and a Thesaurus for a language). BUT: a. How exactly do we know for 100% certainty that we have all the un-named concepts that could ever be named? b. How exactly do we know for 100% certainty that the meanings we give named concepts are 100% correct? We truly do not know what we do not know. This is a part of the 'Great Unknown'. Never stop learning. (Always have an 'unknown' in every analysis and an 'oops' in every experiment.) Of which, an entity or a society of entities: 1. Can name their own un-named concepts. 2. Can give their own meanings to named concepts. 3. Can have alternative meanings to named concepts depending upon context. 4. Can have alternative names with the same meaning. (Basically, create their own language that only they and they alone know). Learn to function in the 'Great Unknown'. (OSICA)
@metasamsara 8 ай бұрын
words are magic runes, only modern society has forgot that. magic can backfire if used wrong. magic can create wonders if used right.
@AmandaZ-ft2ow 3 ай бұрын
With Deep Gratitude! ! !❤⚜️❤ Blessed Be! ! !❤🙏❤
@MSXTJ 9 ай бұрын
Many people assume that the simulation is for us... that we can exist outside the simulation... perhaps we are programs, with no self in base...
@chinopuertorico 9 ай бұрын
Well.. all your base, are belong to us. Lol
@jean-marclamothe8859 7 ай бұрын
🙏🙏 ce sujet est grandement captivant, pour moi il le plus important de tous. Merci à l'équipe pour cette vulgarisation de e sujet. 🙏🙏 This subject is greatly captivating, for me it is the most important of all. Thank you to the team for this popularization of this subject.
@therealericjackdaniels 9 ай бұрын
I used to dream all of the time. When I became aware of certain lies that have been peddled for truth, I stopped dreaming. I rarely dream anymore.
@consciousmachine413 7 ай бұрын
Try not smoking weed for a few'll dream again. It's weird.
@yeshua963 9 ай бұрын
I'm experiencing the glitches in the matrix for nearly a year and even the technology I'm working with reacts to it.
@matthewstubblefield4782 9 ай бұрын
@buyiphilip 9 ай бұрын
it has been 2 years of learning to get used to the glitches like the backdrop has fallen down.
@subscriptions007 9 ай бұрын
Mind elaborating?
@HarpingFish 9 ай бұрын
2 different people answering the same question the same way. Acting ‘unsurprised’ when confronted with this Info like they KNEW. People getting upset/looking at you when you scan the surrounding environment. Catching people looking at you like they were ‘recording’ you, even staring at you for a split second if you catch them looking. Constant interruptions and ‘pit stops’ whilst you meditate and Astral project. Yeah I feel it now too.
@SteveStrifeOfficial 9 ай бұрын
But what i always think about is that: When comes the soul/energy into you? In this simulation you need embryos to get into this world? And when does the energy go into it? So no one dealed with that topic
@iconoclast888 9 ай бұрын
I am everything that isn't anything at all. Paradox is the key to understand which can not be understood. I (am/am not) paradox. You get it - when you get that there's nothing to get and when you get that there's nothing to get - you get it.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@iconoclast888 9 ай бұрын
Yes and No and all between and the above. No matter what and how much you say you can't describe something that has no shape, no form or any kind of content and isn't something at all. Cause any kind of property forces upon the limitation and you can't be limited to be eternal, while you must be eternal to even '''be'' at all (at nothing). Blank book is the only kind of book that can be filed with any kind of story. 'To be or not to be ?' - that is the only question that you're asking yourself every single moment (which is just one eternal moment) in infinite number of different tones, but it can never be answered because either absolute being or absolute nonbeing are both logically impossible states to exist. So you're inherently doomed to seek the unfindable, like a dog chasing its own cut tale. And that unstopingness because of nonreachingness gives birth to the concept of infinity therefor the existence of everything you could ever imagine. Which is still just a dream, just a hallucination of the eternally lone god, who is mad from its eternal loneliness and is projecting things that it would wish to be in effort to know itself. But it can never be done, cause the eye sees everything except itself. And so it just goes . . . When you realise this truth - you know that it's the only truth and that's what it is, cause it can't be any other way. And you could write a book with every existing word in it while only talking about nothing there, but there's no point, cause all that you should do is go outside and play. Ommmmmmmm
@kinshulverma 8 ай бұрын
Hindu sages say, Shiva is nothingness. All of us including the universe came from nothingness. Just the play of nothingness and energy (Shiva-Shakti). Awakening is the process of going back to nothingness. Like peeling an onion, with nothing inside.
@BeaconPC 9 ай бұрын
I loved your narration. Thank you very much.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
Thanks. Cheers, Matt
@NaderTaghinia 9 ай бұрын
Time 14:16 , The Source of "I AM" tacitly located as "I AM Not." Amazing!💜
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
"Returning is the motion of the Tao. Yielding is the way of the Tao. The ten thousand things are born of being. Being is born of non-being." - Tao Te Ching
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
Cheers mate! Not many get that!
@Whyamisogucci 9 ай бұрын
I LOVE YOU ALL 😘💖💖💖😘👍😘
@Mainecoon_Izzy 9 ай бұрын
Love Gucci 💖🖤💖
@Paradys8 6 ай бұрын
Very interesting!!
@WeIt_Yang 9 ай бұрын
"Then to me spoke HE, the Master: Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning there was VOID and nothingness, a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. And into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all-pervading, and It filled the VOID. There existed no matter, only force, a movement, a vortex, or vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the VOID." - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth (Tablet X: The Key Of Time)
@KingAntDaProphet 9 ай бұрын
@RainMakersGroup 9 ай бұрын
Before it all was, there came imagination, the spark of creation, or in alignment with this video, the beginning of the code. There is no escaping the simulation, and why would you want to? You are the code. "There is no spoon" is so much more fun. Don't escape. Navigate. Use your imagination and write your own code.
@tommyk88888 9 ай бұрын
This is looking in the right direction 😎
@godandantess07 8 ай бұрын
This exact thing is what the great sages such as Ramana Maharishi and others have found from experience and is said in the ancient Hindu sacred scriptures. Interesting I found the same thing logically explained by Nagarjuna in the book called The sun on wisdom - The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way. And even more interesting here Buddha had predicted the coming of Nagarjuna 400 years into the future.
@allofmykek3884 9 ай бұрын
Anyone else notice the narrator alternates between a British and American accent out of nowhere? Still very much appreciate this content, thank you for it 🙏🏾 10:57
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
Yeah sorry that's me - I wrote and narrated the video - and my accent tends to be all over the place - even when I am not narrating! Glad you enjoyed it! cheers Matt
@awakenotwoke7949 9 ай бұрын
Thing is: The mind has no use or comprehension of nothing. It can only grasp nothing as the absence of something. Even a great intellectual understanding fills in the blanks with something and quietly rejects it, like claiming nothing is actually pure potentiality.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@K94Life 9 ай бұрын
Code is not actually created. Creation is actually a finding. Code then is written and so found.
@CynthiaCurtis-cu5tf 7 ай бұрын
It s some dreams i had ten or twenty years ago i still remember man i wish I could of stayed to this day
@Namasteyy 9 ай бұрын
We call the base reality Shiva .It's like a space Nirgun Nirakar Anant Consciousness/Chetna. Once the Jiva/Being realises itself it's also known as Shiva 🕉️🙏🏻
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
@rtkyalpazz2497 8 ай бұрын
@ericvondell5157 9 ай бұрын
We invented words to express thoughts and writing to share them with the future! Gorilla Are people too; We Now Know This. However, they seem to Lack Any philosophical or esoteric concepts involving "The Future". Sure, they can modify a Human invented language to suit Their unique Gorilla Languages. And , there's Zero question about just How spectacular Gorilla memory is! But, they seem to live, And Contentedly So, ONLY, in the Present Tense! I wonder: Could Gorilla be The Ones Who've Got It Right?!🤔😸💕
@JC-lh1pj 9 ай бұрын
I held my mind still using hypnosis based techniques for long periods of time coupled with lessons from "A Course in Miracles". After a few months of doing this a bliss state began to occur regularly. I loved it but didn't think more would happen and one day it did. God reached down and pulled me out of the simulation and into his presents. What ACIM calls revelation. Here in the simulation it was a blink in the timelessness it was everything. It can be done from many different techniques but in the end thought must end for vision to become.
@drummingearth5326 9 ай бұрын
Hi I've just seen this and the reason I'm reading these to find something which resonates. I just wanted to ask for any tips or advice. I feel lost compared to how I did when I was in late teen years. I used to stretch and lift weights, but the natural feel good chemicals were sparing and I think I may have been mediating as I believed I did yoga before yoga became so common place. Now I don't do any of these things and do not feel connected like them and I'm 20 years older with having had drink and drug issues. I'm gradually trying to unlearn and strip the layers off rubbish which have hindered my progress bit the impending guilt and shame that come along from wasting so much time often lead me back to self medicating.
@markh756 9 ай бұрын
You need to let go of the past, a good book for this is the power of now by eckhart tolle. Join a gym to help you feel better about yourself and keep focused. ​@drummingearth5326
@Aum-d8v 4 ай бұрын
Thanks you pinned Asangoham 🙏🙏
@moffettRL2727 7 ай бұрын
Instructions unclear, I'm now a beingless floating mass of consciousness.
@madhumangaldas333 7 ай бұрын
the truth cannot be zero, because the forms that exist here, would need to exist, in potentia, within the ultimate reality, in order to come out of it. Plato explains this very nicely, ie. "platonic forms". the ultimate reality has spiritual eternal forms and is known as Vaikuntha Dham. peace 🙏
@mattmackane 7 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@Big_Tough_Guy 9 ай бұрын
Maybe we made the simulation ourselves and it sort of loops around. If it does loop around, there would only be one simulation, and basically we are in base reality. Yeah I think I pretty much figured that out. This is both base reality and a simulation.
@saptorshibiswas2802 9 ай бұрын
Enjoy life. Cz life is short.
@MaddyIndia 7 ай бұрын
This video addressed so many of my outstanding questions. Ramana asked to do self enquiry to know the reality of all, but if the source of I’amnesss is the truth, then I strongly feel that Nasargdatta had a better answer that it ends with the Body mind, that is not eternal. I think consciousness is transitionary and the base reality is Nothingness. The world appeared from nothingness and will collapse in to nothingness. There could be multiple worlds derived from nothingness but that still doesńt matter. The truth remains the same. That which we do not understand, we label it as God as a superpower, there is nothing wrong with it but it leads to a lot of confusion. If God is an external entity and created the world, then who created God. As far as our lives are concerned, they are temporary existensces. We can give it a meaning, as life intended us… to procure food, procreate and live decently good life. Any other desires that we have are man made and can take us on a Hamster wheel. Accept the ups and downs of life. Help each other a bit and that pretty much serves the extra purposes of life. There is not much to it, we dońt need to complicate it.
@olgaprokopieva2692 9 ай бұрын
That Nothingness rings with Emptiness is Form and Form is Emptiness. The concept is found both in Buddhism and Daoism. Nothingness is the concept of the Dao as explained by Lao Tzu in his book "Tao Tei Ching". All beings in the universe return to the Dao/ the source or the Mother of the Worlds. In Buddhism this concept of Emptiness is extended to the human being, there is no Self, and is explored in the Heart Sutra.
@Revinance88 9 ай бұрын
Right. Almost identical in conception to Kabbalist’s version of the return ascent into the Ain/Ain Soph/Ain Soph Aur.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@Jivanmuktaintraining 9 ай бұрын
A masterful encapsulation.
@audiohope_ 9 ай бұрын
Nothing exists other then our consciousness , which our consciousness is multi-dimensional
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@roysunrohit 9 ай бұрын
Nothingness is I AM, and it is very well defined by Shiva introducing self through Nirvana Shatakam shlokas. Problem with us is that our perception of nothingness is just typically based on concept of materialism. A wave is also nothing, but fact is that waves create particles, particles create atoms, atoms create molecules and molecules create the materials. Waves we are.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@nikkenwellness 8 ай бұрын
When I was 7 years old I could see structures as framework, like looking at skeleton of building, it was the matrix, i was highly psychic, had premonitions all time, I was at 8 like old soul, I was astutely aware of things before it was said, I am now targeted individual, my spiritual gifts are being hacked, by the overlords Of this world.
@xNekomancerx-fx7ey 8 ай бұрын
I am a targeted individual now as well.... and i saw....
@citizenenak 9 ай бұрын
I Am is always there. Seeing this means it's constant as well as illusory because knowing I Am can occur and seemingly doesn't occur. The one knower is aware at all levels and through everything. This could explain why we get lost inside ourselves. If we had no personal self we wouldn't have this problem.
@citizenenak 9 ай бұрын
When source is non being you cannot find it.
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
There is no one to find it.@@citizenenak
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
@nilzor 6 ай бұрын
Plato's Allegory of the Cave primarily serves as an allegory of education and the journey of enlightenment. It's often interpreted as a metaphor for the process of enlightenment or the journey from ignorance to knowledge. While some modern interpretations draw parallels between the allegory and the concept of living in a simulated reality, such as in a simulation theory, this was not the original intent of Plato's allegory. The primary focus is on the process of learning and understanding reality, rather than on the idea of living in a simulated world.
@mariner1358 9 ай бұрын
I am committed to semen retention for the rest of my life. Ive seen it all. had all, done it all. There is nothing left to explore except for this semen retention stuff. It is working. I am expecting that I will turn into a ball of light. I am 53 and free. I was very Americanized. That has all washed away. This is not a religious thing for me. It is a fact. If I release my semen ever again, I feel that I will lose my progress. It is an easy choice. The words of Ghandi affected me greatly. He said that his life would have been better if he had been practicing his entire life.
@AstralApple 9 ай бұрын
The concept of "base reality" is advanced by those who do not asseverate the pervasive existence of fractals.
@sidhantsharma9961 9 ай бұрын
Those who believe, cannot know and those who know cannot belief - Kungfu Panda
@AstralApple 9 ай бұрын
@@sidhantsharma9961 I might be able to do both because I might remain humble. Key word might. I may not know/believe if I am humble, or I might know/believe that I am humble. Show me humility and/or modesty and I might show you robust adaptability.
@Puuws 9 ай бұрын
you take your thoughts very seriously@@AstralApple
@jg1772 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, whatever….
@AstralApple 9 ай бұрын
​@@PuuwsYeah you could say that. This is a philosophy video after all.
@andreag4148 7 ай бұрын
I had to think of the Rick and Morty episode when Morty's consciousness got trapped in the video game and Rick had to get all the characters who thought they are separate on board so he founded the religion "grandsonism" and once they all believed that they are one, Morty, he got to wake up
@MJ-ge6jz 9 ай бұрын
This simulation exists for observations and reflections for the consciousness which intrinsically has no self identify. I AM and Me are manifested as a byproduct of the individualized perspective. The I Am and Me are needed to help solve daily perceived problems in order to acquire experiences for consciousness. So essentially all that exists is just to experience something with a slightly different point of view. What else in the hell would it do?
@HyperboreanOrigin 2 ай бұрын
This is covered precisely in the “Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom” by Nimrod de Rosario
@unityweareone6768 9 ай бұрын
Matrix ..i was walking with my husband near a church and the flagged pathway i was walking on went black disappeared from inder my feet and a flag ahead of me for a few seconds it was clear to me that yes its a dream or simulation.iv also seen rips in the air in places but that was along time ago..but still i kero having to remind myself its not real lol😊
@submanstan7488 9 ай бұрын
The idea that our reality is a computer simulation seems curiously and quaintly reflective of the current culture. It's as though we can only imagine in terms of our technology, just as primitive people did in the past. Reality is no more likely to be a computer simulation than the Earth is likely to be resting on a turtle's back or giant stone pillars.
@nicknak5257 9 ай бұрын
True. People need a good walk in nature to get grounded to reality. The planet is real.
@LyransDenofLight 9 ай бұрын
Can you imagine yourself being Infinite in all directions ? That is probably what we truly are
@mattmackane 9 ай бұрын
The pure potentiality of absolute Nonbeing. The Godhead is absolutely Silent. Not the Silence of sound and silence. Rather, a Silence deeper than all silence. An eternal and infinite Silence. There is absolutely no movement in the Godhead. Not a Stillness in relation to movement; but a Stillness beyond stillness. An eternal and infinite Stillness. There is no light in the Godhead. This is not the Darkness of light and darkness. This is a Darkness beyond all darkness. This is an eternal and infinite Darkness. The Godhead is utterly Simple. This is not the Simplicity of the simple and complex. This is a Simplicity beyond all simplicity. This is eternal and infinite Simplicity of absolute non-distinction. There are absolutely no intentions in the Godhead. Thus, there is no “Divine Will” in the Godhead. Nothing is willed. This is absolute Freedom. A Freedom that is prior to the freedom of the will. An eternal and infinite Freedom. A Freedom from intention that is the Godhead. The Godhead is empty. Empty of distinction. Empty of intention. Empty of light. Empty of will. Empty of anything one could say of it at all! The Godhead is a pure unmanifested potentiality that precedes all creation. The Godhead is the boundless source from which all of existence emanates. The Godhead is the source of God.
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