it's taken me the past 7 years to heal from that trauma of the past. Family members: son, ex-husband ex sister-in-law....all for an inheritance of money..alot of money...God pulled me out as "things" were being played out. I suffered so much pain emotionally, mentally and physically. I had to leave behind 40years hard work left behind. I had to relocate across a wide body of water to try and rebuild my life...2 hip replacement surgery's later and years of counselling I'm somewhat back to my normal self...and yes my Light is brighter than ever.
@thetheraine Жыл бұрын
same with me, I was made the scape goat, by my elder sister who turned all against me, I lost my family farm and she has cursed me with her hateful words... lost my partner/pets/possessions/money... I have health issues and am totally alone... while they go on with no consequences for their actions of bullying abuse and hate... just all happy I've been going through hell... disgusting... I turned to God Jesus Holy Ghost to help me heal... it's a long battle... I'm so angry and resentful... but it's a battle for our souls... I have to forgive... as hard as it is and let go of their shit... Blessings to you... amen.
@shannonvanderhoof4810 Жыл бұрын
Please send me.. Where I can live in love. I am keeping the faith that I've earned my freedom from abusive game players stuck in their dirty greed. Never going back. Not ever. 🖤💦👣🙏🌎🌏🌍💧
@CarrieChapman-n2x Жыл бұрын
Bless you Lavender Rose. You story gave me hope, and you are a Warrior, an Overcomer, both physically, emotionally, and though we have never met, I wanna say, I am darn proud of you.
@PhoenixRisen-fz7sz Жыл бұрын
Keep being strong ❤
@lynnefaulkner7601 Жыл бұрын
@mamimaningouekomadeleine8839 Жыл бұрын
@thetheraine Жыл бұрын
yes, true, older sister turned family and all against me, made me the scape goat, cursed me with her hate... I lost pets, long term partner, my health, possessions, money... no true friends... nearly homeless... now I'm left with all their pain and anger, trying to heal... totally alone... but at least it's made me a better person and drawn me closer to God Jesus Christ Holy Ghost... amen.
@Isa45609 Жыл бұрын
My older brother and his wife attempted to do the same for the past 8 years, and it’s officially over for them.
@coldhardtruth333 Жыл бұрын
You will be fine .
@CatheyAlbertson-jc7uj Жыл бұрын
@dominiquedebenckendorff668 Жыл бұрын
Yes this happened to me. What was done to me was so much more than I can even talk about.traumatized
@CatheyAlbertson-jc7uj Жыл бұрын
@thetheraine Жыл бұрын
very true, I am the youngest and I prayed for my family for years... but the hate in them just grew stronger, so I have finally gone no contact with them. Once I saw that not one of them cared about me or loved me or had empathy for me... I move on now... that goes for relatives, friends, strangers... I don't cast pearls before swine... I pray for myself now... I draw closer to God Jesus Christ Holy Ghost... it is up to them to decide what they want to do... they cursed me with their words, while I prayed for them... so it's now for them to deal with their consequences, in this life or the next... it's not up to me to protect them... I did that for years and they hated me more... darkness is falling over human hearts and I am going to get onto my knees and pray to God that He protects me... because I have no one in this earth...and people wake up, you think you have people that love you, but believe me... in the wrong circumstances, they will turn on you... we are alone... because satan rules this world and our hearts... all we have is to turn to God Jesus Christ Holy Ghost... yes pray for the world, pray that our hearts turn to loving each other... but keep yourself safe, protect yourself... love light and blessings to us all... always and amen.
@thetheraine Жыл бұрын
just to add... satan protects these people, as long as they are doing good in life and things are going there way, they won't have a second thought for the people they step on, they will tell themselves that it's a good thing they've done to punish the victim of their abuse.... that they deserved to be punished and the abusers rewarded... that is what satan does... cause delusion... and praying for them only makes satan support them all the more and attack you the victim all the more... so as I said... pray and protect yourself first... because satan supports them because they have no faith in God Jesus Holy Ghost, so they get rewarded for the unloving things they do, which perpetuates in their hearts to do more of the same... and if you're a scape goat... then you will be punished more and more, as they will get rewarded more and more... this is my experience and the experience of others who have been hurt... so move on, let them deal with their spiritual life, with consequences of their acts and pray for protection and grow in faith, because this world is fallen and hearts are cold... Sorry to go on, having a bit of a healing crisis at the moment... I'm angry and want to abuse and attack my abusers... but they are in denial and pretend they've done nothing, which only makes it works... so CLOSURE does not exist... it is up to me to forgive and move on... and let go... easier said than done... Blessings to all... amen.
@Isa45609 Жыл бұрын
I thank the dream clairvoyant for channeling and I thank you for sharing your truth because both of you are on point. Blissings to you both. 🙏🏼✨
@coldhardtruth333 Жыл бұрын
Welcome home brother. I know exactly what you mean and been through You were your family’s battery. All the things they have in life was them living as you and using your dreams and life force to manifest in their life’s ..Now you will be good and successful cuz you’re aware and awake .. I just had my awakening and I’m doing better .. I had no idea other people can project hate and manipulation through emotions and intentions. Praise God ..
@thetheraine Жыл бұрын
@@coldhardtruth333 yeah very true, their words curse... and they suck the life out of you... family's battery... yes... exactly... We will be recharged by God and they will lose power and go 'flat'... amen to that.... Blessings Brother... amen.
@Peekaboo2-o8o Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more and when you state this truth you get challenged.
@islandbeauty354011 ай бұрын
My goodness, I live this All the time with my family and it is the hardest thing for me to deal with. They are literally dangerous for my mental health, so I've had no choice but to physically and emotionally detach from my family. I still pray for them and go around them when I have to, but I keep a very healthy distance and I don't care if it's considered Biblically wrong..if I don't look out for myself, certainly no one else will!;)
@puticorbett8981 Жыл бұрын
Your reading is the most accurate that I have had. I have suffered for two years of being bullied, abused and shunned by the whole community because of my cousin, his wife and children. My cousin is a narcissist, and the most important thing in his life is money, power and control and status within the community. I retired back to my tribal community and I dared to challenge my cousins lack of process and his blatant disregard of the law to achieve what he wants. I was attacked by him and his family who then turned the whole community against me with lies. I went through cancer, depression, anxiety and very low self esteem for the past two years. I gave all my unwellness and despair to the Lord and asked him to sought out this nightmare. My prayers are being answered and I have faith that the Lord will take care of all that is going on and he is healing me, that's the blessing that I'm receiving right now. Thank you for your accurate reading because sometimes you question whether you're making it up, it has been so horrible.
@rachelcryan6431 Жыл бұрын
I really feel ur response there, so profoundly, from one soul to another who has broken many a curse in my time, stay strong and never be afraid to speak on ur truth, cry or show emotion, it is part of our healing journeys and humanity namaste 🙏
@roisinmangan5296 Жыл бұрын
I relate to this reading 💯. I was emotionally attacked which caused physical health issues. I didn't think I would survive. But I was spiritually protected every step of my healing process. All access to me has been denied. 2023 was the most challenging year of my life. I realised I was sacrificed by a man I truly loved, and it was all in vain. It was like a light bulb went on inside me when I realised I had been dancing with a devil!!!!. When he went to where he believed he would be living a dream life he was dealt instant karma by Universal Law . Now I am physically healed and I am emotionally and spiritually healing. ✨️ I will never be vengeful and wish harm or attack them. Love never dies, and I love from afar now. Thank you so much, you have given me clarity and comfort from your messages. I can see a beautiful misty heart in the middle of the card spread!!!!!. ❤❤❤❤
@mamimaningouekomadeleine8839 Жыл бұрын
@mamimaningouekomadeleine8839 Жыл бұрын
@Divine.Wallflower63 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I really needed to hear that. I was on the verge of cutting the cords. I had forgotten how evil always attacks what you love! They are so lucky and yet I know what Ive always known, they are the ones that initiated each attack. As spiteful as they are, I always wish them healing and a special place that might help them. However, their karma is theirs and theirs alone. Why would I want to keep them from learning? (Rhetorical) Hugs ❤
@m.theresiaberger9090 Жыл бұрын
I'll return it all back to the sender that is my answer! I hate injustice!
@mariainge5477 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Drea , yes thats why i separe or keep a distance...Right you own fam...Sad but true reality... Selfish and toxic People...🙏🙏💜
@IAmMe33376 Жыл бұрын
Yes, my ex slept with my mother, and they both lied. I was divinely guided to go to her house. That was at the end of May?? In June I was overwhelmed with grief and I tried to take my life. In July, I was battling an eviction in my Son's apt and became homeless. I had checked myself into a rehab in Late July because I had nowhere to go and didn't want to continue using drugs. They let me go the day after my birthday. I went into a Woman's shelter and was there for a little while. I returned to my ex & his family and On 9/6/2023, I left as I had enough of him and his ways and he kept us in the mindset of getting high amongst other things. I ended up in the hospital with Septic Pneumonia & 108 fever! I knew he had something to do with that but could not physically prove it. 9/5/23 was the LAST day I used drugs. God saved me and he continues to everyday 🙌🏾 GOD IS REAL AND HIS LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL!! ❤
@michellesciotto4676 Жыл бұрын
@KristiPhillips-q5x Жыл бұрын
This reading is better than any church service I could have attended . Thank you.
@MsLori-BassGirl4Life Жыл бұрын
Those are church bells. They're so beautiful, ❤ and this is so spot on. 😊❤
@annerliemoss3878 Жыл бұрын
My kindness will never cease, but my table is complete with loved ones who have each others backs. 🙏💛🎉💛🙏 Blessed and Grateful.🎉🎉
@Peekaboo2-o8o Жыл бұрын
So what you doing here gloating?
@rosewise9896 Жыл бұрын
I am alive and well with lesson learned!! Thank you beloved father❤ I learned a long time ago how the beast can use family. They know that I love them and once again the beast won’t win I stand strong in my faith always🙏❤️
@shirleyarrington2288 Жыл бұрын
I pray God protects my children and grandchildren no matter what they have done or will do in the future. I pray they always are covered under my spiritual umbrella, i Jesus name. May the blood of Jesus be applied over my self, my children, and my grand children, in Jesus name 🙏 ❤️
@BlueOrb333 Жыл бұрын
I literally shouted for joy just now it resonates so powerfully! As i compare my channel to my other one over the last 4 yrs aftery nde i can see thebattle scars ah but we rise again dont we 😂❤🎉
@leslieglez2063 Жыл бұрын
I am, no longer in lack mentality or mode. I let. go and am set. free of all negativity and toxic people in my life. I reclaim my power and leave behind all set backs and things that are holding me back.
@garciapy79 Жыл бұрын
Mind blown I already knew this I just needed confirmation and you just gave it to me.. thank you it's my sister is been years of trials and tribulations I know how i made it but my daughter went thru hell barely made it thru but my baby is unbelievably stronger.. God is good he's got us and without faith or the guidance we would've never made it.. I love her still and leave it in his hands.. thank you you're the truth it's amazing you're amazing #blessed
@asatta222 Жыл бұрын
Insightful Reading❤ very accurate! Ive known this for many, many years n know more of what was being done in the guise of darkness than they think. Its a hard * thing* to come to terms with while still, as u said *sheilding* --- The most high has always showered me with blessings n love. When ppl hear our stories of life ( starseeds/ lightworkers) they would fully innerstand how deep The Most Highs' love abounds for the ones chosen to walk this path, we are given super natural strength, courage, wisdom. When u think we have drowned, we're swinming under water. We are the ones dancing in the rain. There is a high price on our soul because we are the David's n Harriet Tubmans of now....we slay the giant's with a stone n be- head them with their own sword. The bounty increases with every spiritual attack we overcome, and every demon we turn to ashes. Thank u for channeling this message n All Praise to The Most High❤❤❤❤💫💫💫💫💫💫
@madamthemystic Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this message. I had a lot of anxiety trying to figure how I was going to deal with people that i love who are possessed.
@sanjuktabidyadhar1326 Жыл бұрын
✨🌠🌹 GRATITUDES Dream.Its so sad for money how ppl wages war against the one with whom u hv shared ur quality time.Thr is no doubt in tdys date money is all dat matters.God bless everyone most Amazingly and abundantly.I m so happy n proud of myself dat i m god's beautiful child n would never ever stopped to dat level for material possessions 🙏I m inded god's beautiful child ❤❤
@Laura-e3w6z Жыл бұрын
Everything was taken from me. They can keep it. All I want is my life back. I want to be left alone. I don't want anything from them. They can keep it all. I want nothing from this world. Peace out. Thank you for this reading. God bless you.
@mamimaningouekomadeleine8839 Жыл бұрын
@Martina-kw7wm Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your reading. It's the way you said. I don't allow anyone to harm my family and I also don't allow anyone to harm me, even if they are part of the family. It's a sick minded way to try to destroy happiness or love or joy or abundance or a light bearer and bringer. Whatever made the underlying programs and structures obviously wants to make sure that the world remains in heartbreak and suffering, people attacking each other instead of loving and caring for each other -and we don't allow that to happen. At one point, I just started to do exactly what you recommended. Not allowing anyone to cause suffering, heartbreak, pain, lack or anything negative. And doesn't require fighting anyone. It's just a crystal clear boundary or the light of mother-father-god that makes all of these unnecessary attempts bounce back without affecting me or those who are loyal in their love to me, or whom I placed under my protection. I stopped even thinking about it, the boundaries became so ever present and strong, that's just who I became. There are so many stories of people suffering, stories that are not what the love that brought us into existence wants for us. It must stop. Now. We want peace and kindness, safety and a harmonious community, we want prosperity and health and a good life for ourselves and all humanity. We all stick together in love and there is no demon, no devil, no heartbreak, no spiritual war that can keep humanity from uniting in all that is good. Blessing to you and this community, much love.
@SandraMuller-vs8ck Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this message. You have revealed so much truth within my family dynamics. There is jealousy within the ranks of superiority within the circle of my siblings grouping together in numbers members who are of the same mindset, therefore the others are left out for no fault of their own. I have lived a life of independence making progress towards my health and wellbeing and that of my immediate family. Progress is of important relevance to me and likewise I support this within the life of my children. This has been a tumultuous journey and by living within the guidelines of truth/clarity, having faith in God, has given me the most significant aspect of me reaching my goals. Thanks so much for your continued support. God bless. ❤
@pcfulgrl33 Жыл бұрын
It’s been a challenging time and your honest well described guidance has made me love you. I’ve had to work at making a few changes and I’ve waited patiently through these trails. Proud of myself for holding my ground. My life will be different and I very much wanted to have the best God-centered perspective. Thank you for helping me see things in a good healthy way.
@CatheyAlbertson-jc7uj Жыл бұрын
@CharlotteParity Жыл бұрын
My daughter is under a spell of mamon worship and it's hard to see. I believe that it is part of breaking generational curses. Holy Spirit says keep praying and keep covering her. It will change. Thanks Dream 🙏❤️, I needed d to hear this as hard as it was. Love is the strongest power we have and that part never changes. I will be delegating as the Lord shows me how to. Sending you love and light! 💖❤️🔥🦁
@kellydryden4360 Жыл бұрын
@kellycurrier5279 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I was sacrificed...nearly killed...twice! It's taken me 30 years to heal and I'm still recovering from it! I find your readings to be very accurate and helpful! I will not be sharing in this next stage of my life with ANYONE from my past! I'm the hierophant not them! It's been REALLY difficult for me! This reading almost made me cry! Thank you!🙏👩🎓💃🤨
@audreyflannery5270 Жыл бұрын
My son always helped me when he was home from work. I don't want to forget that. My son is awesome and loved his grandmother dearly. He made sure she was showered with things she wanted. She loved him dearly. She was an amazing woman. She was 86. After she passed away they excommunicated me. I forgive those that hurt me for me. God is in control. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. I have learned so many lessons from this. I learned what a narcissist is for the first time ever. My son and I will be just fine because God has got us. Praise God Praise Jesus Amen
@marthapienaar1126 Жыл бұрын
Sacrifice is a very strong word. But the Holy Spirit gives US a choice, to forgive and to asked for forgiveness. Thank you Dream, this message is beautiful 🙏🏻
@coldhardtruth333 Жыл бұрын
It’s not a strong word. It’s exactly what they did . Wake up.
@elwandaschock8934 Жыл бұрын
I'm iny 80's and I'm dealing with a twin flame. He's sick with low blood platelets from a jezebel witch that does bl magic on both of us all the time. He met her on a business trip to Columbia and she used him to get her and her son to America $$$$. She is a dark jezebel witch 🧹🧹🪄 🪄🪄 and their demons cause around 15 or more diseases. They were together when I met them. I got the assignment to heal him in a church - a good friend. She hates me because I know how to heal him with Amish herbs and she doesn't want that to happen. Wants to inherit his land instead of his grown kids her age. He lost his wife of 35 yrs to cancer. I've received like an entity blocking me and she keeps him like a zombie.. we have no contact because she has fits and blows up. None of us in his Sunday school class can talk to him as she monitors his phone. Hope he gets away before it's to late. He's been isolated several states away from me and his friends and is still sick. So sad!!!😮😢 This is a desperate prayer request. Thanks 😊
@elwandaschock8934 Жыл бұрын
Our minister is not trained in counseling at all and I feel counseled him incorrectly.
@leekaram743 Жыл бұрын
Oh my soul, this reading is my life for the last 3 years, my person has brought me to my knees, trying so hard to get away from him. Thank you for this reading xxxx
@sandhyagovindarajulu3015 Жыл бұрын
I never knew this kind of harm people can give. Only God can save me and us. For me it's new and for the first time. I thank you for the revelation. I agree what God wants to do. Thank you for clarity. Thank you for helping me.
@roseannasmith5673 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that message.I was almost to the point of forsaking my kids and friends.I have been horribly attacked since 2014.My dad was murdered in 2020.I have been gangstalked,lied on,my kids turned to dark spiritual practices following their dad and probably the masons cult religion.I have been attacked with a dark psychic from spain,and demons sent to my home.Even attacked with energy.I can not call police because their plan is to say i am crazy or some kind of made up lie .I have went through this alone in the human world,but I know the Great Spirit has his hand on me.I know I have multitude of angels,ancestors protecting me,and I know I was Gods example to the cults and the devil that what God says not to touch,you will not touch no matter who you are or how powerful you think you are.I thank God for giving me the privilege to be the one to walk through this with him.I would do it all over again for him.
@sayusayme7729 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, I’m free, blessed & healing with support from my Ancestors, Angels,Spirit Guides, Mother Gaia. I was hit as a pedestrian, yes I was attacked. I’m a survivor and I thank God too. 🕊️🧡🤍🦉🪶 Thank you for this blessing of clarity. ⚖️
@kimsmithrockmusic Жыл бұрын
I learnt this once before, I will not let it happen again. You are so right ❤
@ChariotDestiny Жыл бұрын
Your messages deliver so much insight on spiritual warfare. They are not overdramatic or message but heartfelt and filled with compassion. Even if it's not my message I'm intrigued from the epiphanies I get just from listening. You are an amazing teacher and story teller. I'm thankful to have found your channel.🙏🏾❤️✨
@ChariotDestiny Жыл бұрын
@beverlywashington1063 Жыл бұрын
@ritajeanferreira1032 Жыл бұрын
Wow, very accurate reading. I left East Coast moved to West Coast, after my Mother passed. My Sister attacks me, I also was in relationship and being attacked by that person. I am still healing, I know they are surprised I am still breathing.
@wendymoon7251 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the validation. It was a Spiritual sacrifice for me to be around them all so i kept pushing on. I had many mental health issues. They diagnosed me with mental illness. Im actually a Shaman. A very talented one that took the wheel of my own Merkaba. And am moving forward to receivethe blessings that have been bestowed upon me. I did the work. Allelujah. A'Ho Namaste~
@leeleeg4169 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this reading. It completely resonates. The last person who I found out was in collaboration with the others attacking me was my own spouse. Ain’t that a b! I mourned 3 losses of what I once believed was good and loving. I chose to distance in peace. I appreciate your helpful insight. 🙏🏻💕🌞🕊
@yolandaallen8439 Жыл бұрын
Mine was my Spouse and his Children along with my Sisters and Neices. I am healing as I type. Doing very well. It's another part of the Journey.
@Godstrongwarrior888 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing❤ I didn't know all this I know now
@kathytesch6551 Жыл бұрын
Dream you amaze me with the clarity and insight you possess. As always thank you for sharing your immense gift. God bless you always!!!💕✨💕⭐💕✨💕⭐💕
@elisabetharmstrong2464 Жыл бұрын
You just laid out the entire scenario of the last year of my life. Your gift is amazing . Thank you for giving me the clarity I needed. The story continues and I will be contacting you!!
@downhomegirl5 Жыл бұрын
Noticing the Haters in my family from my whole life & I am happy to be released, I do not want to be apart of anything that they are. ✝️🕊✨️👑
@davenusianastronaut Жыл бұрын
It's all my family... everyone worked together EVERYONE.
@kimralaowens2373 Жыл бұрын
True, yes, this happened to me before.I learned from the past. When I was broke, no one was really there to help me.
@chrissyjones2173 Жыл бұрын
😮😢❤ what can I say other than that was needed clarity. Shock of the audacity, hurt from the betrayal. So much love from the divine who stood by my side and protected me then intervened to bring me to safety. Praise the Lord and my ancestors. May God protect them but forever maintain a distance between us I can't succumb to this again. Lesson learned, blessed to be alive for real. Amen. Thank you for the reading I know officially what to do now. Love you xoxo
@malamakaualani2263 Жыл бұрын
That's the story of what happened to me 18 years ago ! People have died because of that.and a few others got really sick. They tried to take my family away from me. Now one person has told me they are very jealous of me. My dad died and they waited 2 days to tell me and never told me or give me information on when his funeral was or where he is even buried. This is my family. 😡🙏🏽
@inettaliggins8507 Жыл бұрын
all of this happen to me my brother and sister and my family , the people in authority and all there friends over half of my town. In Oklahoma, not one person help me . But I am a chosen one and the most High God never let my hands go leader is my nephew in Oklahoma. Thank you my sister. And people was paid off . And itso much it is so much more . Is done to me . And had my son so sick. And voo doo. . And I'm over 70 . Everyone laughing and I'm fearless. I'm not helping no one . My spiritual Family got me covered.
@barbarapalacios9753 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Dream. Love and light from the depths of my heart to yours, Amen.
@musicwithshona751 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your reading. Onto it!! You're reading my spiritual, family, friends journey. You're teaching me to be a better human being, Spirituall teacher. I'm learning more about lifetime narcassistic destruction. Woke up at 75yrs. Big,big sleep it was. Thank you for sharing
@lakehairdontcare3398 Жыл бұрын
How amazing as I have a situation with a family being cut out-I used kipper and Lenormand to clarify my own situation this AM before listening to this video, and got community, main male, (it’s an in-law family) family room, scythe and heart this AM. How interesting you didn’t use kipper or Lenormand and used the same verbiage to describe the scenario I got from the other decks. What a confirm-long time coming-thank you!! ❤
@kimmacdonald2032 Жыл бұрын
I thank you for being so indepth....the person who sold me...I totally believed was my soul mate...honestly I'm pretty anxious now...I can't believe I was so unbelievably wrong.. I really need to reexamine how I trust... Always something to learn Thank you Kim
@wendymoon7251 Жыл бұрын
Yes i had to go thru alot. I allowed the tower moment and by Gods WILL, 19:49 it created self introspection and I AM HEALED!! I WISH THEM WELL. ❤
@evelynhalper5224 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou.. my trials are completed.. may you be blessed.. the suffering is done.. this was not strangers it was a trusted therapist that said she was my twin flame..this has been such a difficukt boundary road to negotiate with the live and morality of God..ev
@ngaireeruera4923 Жыл бұрын
Happy to Have My Family Covered By My Light❤ Love And Light❤💜💙💛💚🩵🧡🩷🤍
@milfordhines4799 Жыл бұрын
Amen hallelujah I thank you Father God for this individual that you've used to give me the vital information that I need to pass this test to give me the understanding so that I can make judgments on my own without harming unnecessarily
@coraturner8161 Жыл бұрын
@sharonetteevans9257 Жыл бұрын
No weapon formed against me shall prosper ❤❤❤😊
@SK-hh8ze Жыл бұрын
Thankyou Dream Clairevoyant for the information about these matters. Thank God in heaven for protecting us.
@meggtokyodelicious Жыл бұрын
Very powerful message from you. I didn't realize my daughter might be wishing me curses...... Jesus. I am going to pray 🙏 and ask God to protect me from my family and relatives and wish them love and peace but to stay away from me. I already prayed to cut my physical ties with my best friends but I guess that isn't enough in the spiritual realm. Thank you for teaching me. Amem 🙏
@tammyhughes8464 Жыл бұрын
I had accidentally come upon Ur channel n I know I've heard this .I actually sent it to myself..I have had many blessings but in reality my family n friends n relationship male friendship relationship n all the others except for my daughter has actually over soooo many yrs I've been dying slowly n know I'm getting sick with medical problems like my heart ect..I've never lost my faith but it's beautiful to hear n I seriously thank u for giving hope..I'm so weak n never gave up my faith but in my heart I so want to believe all this but I'm so towards the end of just giving up...I only hang on for my daughter but she's older now n I was always so strong n giving n caring n somewhat my time probably isn't going to be much longer BC as u said I have nothing left to give in all aspects..My health is n has been getting worse due to the horrible treatment n regarding family n boyfriend's I can't talk n said enough.. Only my daughter n her new fiancée ..I pray 🙏 I'll be here when n they are trying to get pregnant..I know my body n also ea. Dr appo I'm being told that I'm in danger with my heart..In my opinion I believe it's broken ..I love hearing u n I really enjoy listening to u ..I know I've seen my angel as I woke up n he n yes I know there no sex but I had never felt so peaceful but as it faded away I cried..ILL NEVER FORGET THAT FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE...Ok well my friend I'm sorry for venting but my little fur baby dog licks my tears ..I'll never nor say anything about this to my daughter ..Again thank u n God bless u my friend..Ms Tammy
@Officialjrob22 Жыл бұрын
Waging war on your own family is totally disgusting. And to do it for so long without a care in the world.
@simplymeeh2509 Жыл бұрын
Yes,and he is my husband I gave my whole life/heart to him for long long years😭He treat me like a rag😢 for this past few years.All nasty acts cheating,lying,and so on…All what his done to me I lift up to the Lord,my Angel and my ancestors.NOW I’m still in a healing process.
@hellnoo Жыл бұрын
..young are so are 💯 God loves you chosen chosen,Thank you.. ....Thank you❤️ such a blessing ..👍
@cparker9986 Жыл бұрын
I really wanna thank you for this message. You really enlighten me on so many things thank you for the clarity and the wisdom and knowledge to move forward in my life, purpose my soul, purpose, and my walk with God thank you very much.
@roxannekoller4274 Жыл бұрын
@melanieromp5998 Жыл бұрын
I needed this after the year I had…even the dog came up in the read. Thank you for the clarity. Hit every point of my life.
@Leuqar1012 Жыл бұрын
Hi Dream, Yes, I did actually get physically hurt. I fell and broke my coccyx bone. It was also spiritual, mental, financial, and emotional. All Glory to God In The Highest!!!! I am Blessed Better than Blessed💯‼️ Libra ♎️ Never, again ❗️👹🤮💩‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
@kristiedavis6899 Жыл бұрын
I literally just emailed you before this live started! ... resonates..
@GhettoFabulous001 Жыл бұрын
My entire campsite was lit on fire right before New years, I burned my face trying to save the puppies from the fire.... I know it was intentional, but coincidentally for them all the evidence I had against them went up with the flames. I lost 3 puppies that night. And my shelter and everything I owned. But more so the lives lost is what I can't get out of my head. I've been in the Hospital since trying to heal to get back to my other dogs. I saved one puppy....
@thetheraine Жыл бұрын
horrible, so very sad... I pray God Blesses and restores you and rebukes those responsible... turn to God Jesus Holy Ghost... for protection of animals and animal shelter and yourself... amen.
@Beachplease-Fire Жыл бұрын
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I, too, had arsen to my marital house. I'm sending you healing prayers..
@GhettoFabulous001 Жыл бұрын
@@Beachplease-Fire thank you so much I truly appreciate that God bless
@GhettoFabulous001 Жыл бұрын
@@thetheraine amen. Thank you so much for that. I truly do appreciate it 🥰 God bless!
@thetheraine Жыл бұрын
@@Beachplease-Fire Blessings... 🙏💖
@Isa45609 Жыл бұрын
Yea for the past 8 years my mental health was deteriorating at the hands of my malicious older brother and his wife. He threw stones time and time again and hid his hands. I know they were both attempting to sacrifice me but it’s all backfiring. To the point my mother on occasions has turned on me defending them just to not have him get mad at her for defending/getting along with me. He manipulates my mother by not talking to her if she is getting along with me. I was so stressed these passed 8 years I had been restless, paranoia, couldn’t concentrate in my life purpose, isolations, depression, anxiety all because of the attacks they’ve been sending energetically and physically. They both know what they’ve done. My brother mows know that I know he’s the main culprit. It’s over for them. My destiny is mine. Al-lawh al-mahfuz (preserved tablet) my destiny is protected. I am protected moving forward. Thank you. 🙏🏼♥️
@BopheloMphori Жыл бұрын
Good morning my dear servant of God thankful for the gift that God trusted you to deliver to us today you have been send to finish up the message to me I feel blessed to be loved by God to send you to open my eyes even more because us everything you saying it really happened to me with no doubt my sister you are true servant of God I will never forget you in journey of my life am praying that may the Almighty continue to give you strength for the calling and shower you with lot of favor s in your life I feel like crying I never know that God will send me his servant to set me free sister may God prolong your life am asking to continue praying for me prophet of the living God
@ericparkin1197 Жыл бұрын
You have been spot on and they will be treated accordingly. Thank you.
@annamayhope4154 Жыл бұрын
I pray for God to remove all negative things from my immediate family, whether it's temptations or extended families/friends....remove them, lord...and bring reconciliation to my marriage...make your presence stronger than ever in our hearts...Amen.
@ritamcdonald5382 Жыл бұрын
Dream , I think I have write to you before. I am pretty sure this is my story. I am a Virgo and the king of wand is an Aquarius that I grew up with, I have known since we was five years old. He was my brother best friend, his Dad and my Dad were in the eagle scouts together. We also went to church with them. He spoke at my Mother And Father ,My Sister Funeral, and he made the funeral so uplifting and special for us. He was a Christian leader and Christian actor he also travels overseas to save lives and give out shoes. We have never slept together. He also has had ego from hell. He is like a big brother. He knows I give unconditional love. And he is in Ripley believe or not for huddleding the most car at one time. Under the name of Jumping Jeff Clay. And I have already forgive them. I will always love them. Thank you, you are God send. If it wasn't for you 'LL I'D be lost. I love you ❤🎉
@user-letboop Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for you have shown me just what I have been wanting to hear please pray for me and keep me in your prayers .❤❤❤❤ 😢😢😂😂😂
@tinekemooij9298 Жыл бұрын
They betrayed me with a lot of money. I lost my dignity by my children and family. It happened about 7-8 years ago. Thank you.. ❤
@naasogbor825811 ай бұрын
Had an accident and drove under a school bus but God saved me I didn't die. Praise God
@sandhyagovindarajulu3015 Жыл бұрын
I went to counseling And learnt how to counsel That's how I healed myself.
@latoyagray6515 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the confirmation!
@babbellove9710 Жыл бұрын
I forgave my jealous mean family but I don't want contact no more I left them behind because when I was dying nobody came nobody helpt me through the hardest time of my life they wanted me to die all about money I was a black ugly slave to them and iam done moving on to a better sunny future bless you
@lisalotoa369 Жыл бұрын
Confirmation, I had aneurysm & my mind was confused, but I know Jesus protected me, I was getting all kinds of medical problems back to back for over 30 yrs. The aneurysm hit me in 2017 & 3 yes later I had to have another brain surgery, but God healed me & my mind is healed, God revealed to me that it was my siblings & that they have sold their souls to the devil, ty dream you are greatly appreciated. I forgave them & released them cutting all ties & moving forward in Jesus name. Ly dream❤🙏
@emilarica6912 Жыл бұрын
You are so gifted from God .I sending you a big hug and prayers to everyone including me to walk always with Faith in God.Many blessing to you too.🙌🙏❤️😇🙌🙌🙌
@maribethpula6019 Жыл бұрын
Madam, thank you very much, you are the medium God sent for the answer I have prayed to Him for clarity, to pls send me His answer thru dreams or Card Readers whom I trust so much and whom God would choose, and it reached me. Thank you so much. And the sound that came, its from God, I felt, it's the church bells that rings before the mass starts, I felt like crying because He is with you, Madam, He guides you. And the person you had mentioned based on the cards, it's the clarity I prayed for to God. So I am now sure to myself coz my parents are already in heaven and also my husband, and we had no child. Thank you Madam, and God bless,
@trudygordon7965 Жыл бұрын
You are amazing f Dream. Ty for sharing your gifts. You helped save my life. One day we will meet and I will pay it forward for you as TMH told me to do.. may he bless u ten fold. I love u.
@marque7583 Жыл бұрын
Ms Clearvoyant you have opened my eyes, too show the Love 💖 & Respect 💫 ✨ thank You 💕 and Father God ✨ Hallelujah 🙏💖 Yes 18 Leo 🌄
@Eleari-q6l Жыл бұрын
It is bc I have marital husb. And my true flame they both controlling and both got together with a cult and your seeing what i went through. But, leaving them both and taking my blessing for me to enjoy, and share with actual people who need and will be grateful thankful and pay it foward like i only really move in one way, with my knowledge, but, by my heart
@davidmckinley1619 Жыл бұрын
For me it's been 10 years of being trapped by my mother with spell work and I just finally got away with just the clothes on my back. She was drugging me and molesting me in my sleep along with a lot of other things. She drove me to the point of suicidal thoughts a few times and I'm not that kind of person. She was also trying to have me committed with false charges. God is truly great or I wouldn't be here.
@Abeautifulchildofgod Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dream for your spiritual gifts! God bless you and your channel! Love you my spiritual little sister🙏🏽❤️
@wendymoon7251 Жыл бұрын
@sharonetteevans9257 Жыл бұрын
So on point that’s what is happening now but I have great insight into this person and you are so right about this person thanks ❤❤❤😊
@lucyantonio4320 Жыл бұрын
LORD HAVE MERCY! CHRIST HAVE MERCY! Thanks much DREAM, i know what ur talking about and i love them, always praying for their safety and prosperity..GOD BLESS them..
@BlueOrb333 Жыл бұрын
I thought it's a great exmple the banquet .deeep scriptural stuff of ascension girl !❤🎉