The best photographers were using “bad” cameras

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Sergio P. Studio

Sergio P. Studio

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@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
Let me know your favourite feature on the new Sony a7Wx-248
@hbholliday Күн бұрын
Instead of 15 meter wide images, with the a7wx-248 I can now print 16 meter wide images
@kimpark6944 Күн бұрын
Hahahahahaha. Sergio I just found you on KZbin. I live in the same town, but I am a relatively new photographer at age 65. Still finding my way, but I love that you speak the truth. I watched a lot of other really great photographers like you and listen to the advice they gave about Travelling lighter so to speak so I just have a few things. I like to say that if I can get an idea into the 6 inches of concrete between my ears, It’ll work out. In my 2 1/2 years of photography, I have gone from my iPhone to a Sony NEX5N, to a Sony A6000 and that’s where I should’ve stopped, but I went to Alberta and I thought I could save a couple hundred bucks on an A6700 which I think is their top of the line APS-C. Your point is well taken I should still be focussing on using the ‘Volkswagen Beetle’ of Sony cameras, the A6000, just to learn to perfect my craft. I have it now, the new A6700 so I’m going to keep it and I don’t ever see myself needing another camera for the rest of my life honestly.. It reminds me of those guys that used to show up to hockey games or soccer games and they had the best equipment of everything, but they were shit players. I’d rather have a guy on my team that just shows up consistently for practice twice a week and delivers at the game on Sunday learning those habits of consistency, taking pictures three or four or five times a week is good for you. In my 2 1/2 years of doing this I don’t think I’ve ever been zeroed out of at least having a couple of decent pictures. I probably have a 5% keep rate and most of my pictures go on social media now anyway. I haven’t even started a website and I want to do a KZbin channel in January. I’m glad I found photography because my knees can’t cut it in soccer anymore. Now I’m playing goal and there’s no positions left after this one. I went to Europe last May and I didn’t even take my camera gear because of all the plugging in and recharging. I just took my iPhone and it took some great pictures. People can’t tell the difference they just like what they like and so far I seem to be pushing a lot of buttons in that direction so I’m gonna keep trying to get better compositions and keep watching guys like you that inspired me to be better. Thanks, brother.
@OldCrank-c2v 6 сағат бұрын
I heard that the Wy-249 will be coming out in a few months! Do you think I should I buy the Wx-248 or wait?
@jonharvey6295 Күн бұрын
"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept." - Ansel Adams
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
I really like that. Thanks Jon!
@Βόρειο_Σέλας Күн бұрын
Yeah, that is a great quote.
@lostcreators Күн бұрын
I love it!!!!! These are the beautiful conversations that will help the photography reset. So we can go back to emotion, story and personality in images.
@imac3355 2 күн бұрын
Well done Sergio, It's about time someone put things into perspective about gear and how times have changed.
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
Thank you ✌️
@pwx8460 2 күн бұрын
So true, and amazingly needs to be repeated over and over and yet the uninitiated never seem to get it. Thanks for another good video.
@JiggiJiggi 2 күн бұрын
Dude your videos have been superb recently. Love seeing them.
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the feedback Jiggi 🤙
@Dimasphotographer 19 сағат бұрын
You just got a new fan! Thank you! I’ve been saying this for 20 years and people doesn’t understand! People judge you for the camera you carrying… when I shoot with my sl2 people say… ohhh you are professional… But when I use my zf in weddings people look at me, mostly the “KZbin photographers” thank you !!!
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
such a nice camera tho! hahaha
@frank-in-toronto Күн бұрын
The first lady is using the best dslr ever made. For her needs on location, it is still the best.far more reliable than a recent mirrorless. Ive never seen any pro photog use less than the best available according to their needs.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
I know a bunch of commercial ‘togs that don’t shoot Phase, Frank! “Best” is a loose term, I think most pros shoot on what feels most comfortable to them.
@dexcreativeliving7 Күн бұрын
Inspiring! I needed to hear this! I am developing my photography story and learning to work with what I have. Thanks!
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Best way to do it! Thanks Dex!
@paulpurpi9069 7 сағат бұрын
I bought my 1st slr at 16years old in the mid 1960s,even back the there was a ,"it's the gear" mentality. We need more videos like this to get photographers to concentrate on being creative. There certainly is a need for the latest and greatest in the competive commercial photography world, but you can do wonders with what you have when you really learn to "see" the world.
@sergiopstudio 4 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing Paul. I bet you’ve got a wealth of knowledge yourself!
@oldDan-l1c Күн бұрын
gear isn't everything but lets be real, the world was a lot more interesting to photograph back when
@jerrykovis5417 Күн бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I work at a camera store, where we're supposed to be explaining the benefits of the latest tech, BUT, at the same time, some photographers, are still using older gear and doing a great job using dated tech. Ultimately, you're / we're the photographer and if we're relying on the latest tech to capture, well, that means we're really not the photographer. I lent a friend an older DSLR because of what he has been capturing with his phone and wanted to expand on that. Once he started shooting with the camera I lent him, he started realizing how much of the work was being done by his phone's software. So he decided to not shoot with a dedicated camera. Anyways, yes, I want to sell everyone the latest and greatest thing, but, some people can create amazing images with "DEAD TECH", and I think it's important for newer photographers to realize that older gear is still valid. So thanks for this video.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing Jerry! Valuable insight in there.
@Huffoto Күн бұрын
I love the Fro Knows Photo sticker on the Lens hood lol IYKYK
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
circa 2013 on that one! You gotta hand it to him 🫡
@Huffoto Күн бұрын
@ love him or hate him he puts in the work.
@mrki4937 12 сағат бұрын
I started shooting concerts when I was 18 years old. That was 1992. I bought a used Praktica BCS with a 50 mm 1.8 manual focus lens, not even Zeissglas but the cheap Prakticar version. Paid 150,- Deutschmarks and started shooting acts like the Prodigy, Iggy Pop, Therapy?, Life of Agony, and New Model Army to name a few. The camera only had auto, 1/60 (flash sync), and bulb mode, the finder displayed either a green, yellow, or red LED for exposure control. I grabbed whatever film I was able to afford at the supermarket, still, the pictures look great if I look at them today.
@sergiopstudio 8 сағат бұрын
sounds like some fun times were had. Thanks for sharing!
@BarrettBaker_photos Күн бұрын
Heck yeah I am! I’m an abstract photographer and I shoot with a Nikon d300S and a Fuji xt10.
@djtoman6875 Күн бұрын
I’m intrigued by the abstract part. Where can we find your photography?
@paullanoue5228 Күн бұрын
This sounds like the wisdom that comes from the geniuses that buy a five thousand dollar camera body and put a thirty five dollar used lens from 1956 on it. A great photographer will smoke the rest of us with a point and shoot. That is just an unvarnished fact.
@katyg3873 2 күн бұрын
I learned on film back when there was only film. I dabbled in medium format with a bronica. My first digital camera was a Nikon d70. It was a fantastic camera producing great images. Had it for years. Then I ‘upgraded’ to the brand new d7000 which was crap and didn’t focus. So I bought a 5d mk 2 and used that for years. Eventually sold it but bought another last year. I’ve never understood the obsession with the latest tracking autofocus and what not. The 5dmk2 has one useable focus point in the middle. And so what? It works. I’ve shot multiple weddings on it. I’ve shot portraits landscapes, everything. I’ve never felt the need for more autofocus. I’ve recently bought a Panasonic s1 and I literally spent half a day in the menu setting it up. Apparently that has ‘ unusable’ autofocus. Well not that I’ve found. It’s perfectly acceptable and fast for my needs. Stop listening to people on the internet that try and sell cameras. The good stuff is still good.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
the good stuff is still good! Well said, thanks!
@Streetphotog-dn1zy 21 сағат бұрын
Greta video that worked as an awake call for the rabbit hole i am now with equipment. I changed 7 cameras the last year and made no more than 10 films with them. Its time to change that now. I sold all of them and i am going to get a nikon f80 to use with a 35mm lens and that is it for me now. i shoot mostly street and candid stuff and i dont need to spend the more money for a camera a bit quicker a lot heavier or with other negatives. Every camera has its negatives, get one that you find ok, get a lens you like or would like to play with and start shooting thats my moto now.
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
there we go! Sounds like a solid plan.
@andytheturtle87 Күн бұрын
If professional full frame Nikon DSLRs, Leica M cameras, professional aps-h Canon DSLRs and even the Yashica T4 are "bad cameras" then I don't even want to know what you think are good cameras.
@andychandler3992 16 сағат бұрын
I can tell you that easily. There were some cameras I felt I needed a degree in a computer engineering. Then there were some cameras I got so use to, it felt like an extension of my eye. It's pretty much all feel. I still shoot with a 5dMKIV
@sergiopstudio 14 сағат бұрын
Wonderful ergonomics on that one!
@smichaelpridgen Күн бұрын
SUBSCRIBED BECAUSE YOU ARE SPITTING STRAIGHT FACTS It's about storytelling... also, I'll take it further, the brands need us more than we need them... we collectively need to stop buying new cameras every year as a community, in my opinion... so that the brands actually think about what they are making, why they are making it, and who are they making it for... "no such thing as a bad camera..."
@albert.rw2 22 сағат бұрын
The Matt Heafy shots were so unexpected 🤣
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
ayy I knew someone would recognize them haha
@jkspepper05 Күн бұрын
Workflow and use ability over specs. All. Day. Long. Which is why I still rock my 9 year old X-Pro2 as my main today.
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
such a pretty camera. Love a rangefinder!
@Βόρειο_Σέλας Күн бұрын
I guess that is how the camera companies are kept alive. They market new products to sell. I am not a professional nowdays, I used do weddings but stopped a while back. I am still shooting photos with my D700 as a hobby and serves me well.
@eastbaystreet1242 14 сағат бұрын
The same is true in every field. The great music of the 1940s/50s/60s/70s was recorded on equipment with far, far less fidelity than Garage Band on a Mac. It is always about the art, not the capture device.
@sergiopstudio 14 сағат бұрын
Well put!
@LouisLuzuka Күн бұрын
The mic stand earned my sub 😂
@business7219 18 сағат бұрын
I will argue that the camera doesn’t matter, optics matter. Which is why many of the greats in recent history shot with Leica. Superior optics that outperformed the competition during that time. Along with the compact and lightweight body
@jaimeramirez4982 Күн бұрын
I shot a bunch of compaigns and so many photo shoots on a z7. Everyone said it is a horrrible eye tracking yet I was getting booked more because I knew that moments that people wanted not worrying about what the biggest KZbinr or everyone else was using.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Precisely. Good on ya!
@willsmith975 Күн бұрын
So ive been professionally shooting weddings for the past year and a half on my Eos 5D Mkiii and i utterly love it like for a typical wedding that and the 6D i keep on hand is more than enough and most importantly ive never had a client ask me what my camera is they do not care. my 2 bodies combined cost me less than £1000 and have made me massively more than that Ive been offered a grant to buy a R5 (not the mark 2 really not worth the money imo) and i am going to take it but because i want it i dont feel like i need it but i am excited to expand into hybrid shooting and there is always going to be a part of us photographers that gets excited about new toys just in our nature
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Hilarious! I used to shoot weddings on those exact bodies back in 2014/15. Good on ya! Thanks for sharing Will
@SusanneGeert 2 күн бұрын
Such a great take - also on the topic "Hey friend, would you like to bring your camera to our wedding - you have such a great camera...?" 😉 Thanks for more lovely and insightful inspiration, Sergio 👐 Best from Susanne, Denmark
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
Big camera big skill! 💪 hahaha
@TomasWatchReviews 14 сағат бұрын
so true
@Barry-Sweaty Күн бұрын
I agree with everything you say but I still need an X100VI 😂
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Don’t sweat it Barry! Shop around for an x2d and your x100 will feel like it’s worth peanuts 😂
@KILLEGOTV Күн бұрын
I started out with a Canon 60D with the 50mm 1.8 lens and must say it's still one of my favorites. The EF lenses are so good. For serious videography you would need something newer, but for photography, if you're not shooting rapid fast, nobody would really see a difference in reality.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
The ol’ nifty fifty!
@leirumf5476 21 сағат бұрын
Me purposely using a 2005 camera with a 1990 lens because no way you'll find me walking around the city with anything worth a lot of money. And then when I go to print my photos the dudes there have crazy fantasies about what crazy camera and lenses I use is hilarious AF!
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
haha! what city would that be?
@leirumf5476 17 сағат бұрын
@sergiopstudio Buenos Aires! In Argentina 👉🏻👈🏻
@sergiopstudio 15 сағат бұрын
😂 stay safe!
@leirumf5476 14 сағат бұрын
@@sergiopstudio it's not unsafe, but also... Why tempt fate and destiny?
@brucetaylor607 Күн бұрын
This is so spot on THE TRUTH. My Nikon D3500 that's right a beginners DSLR can shoot just as great photos as a D850. For shooting film I have a 40 year old Nikon FE with 50 f1.8 and a 28 f2.8 Nikon Ai lens. It's not about the camera, it's the person behind the camera that tells the story. Love ♥️ this video and everything you stand for.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Cheers Bruce! Thanks for chiming in ✌️
@zoltankaparthy9095 23 сағат бұрын
Right on the money. I wish the gear made me a better photographer but it doesn't. The tech end of the images gets better but it does not change the story and as you point out, the story is the deal. Cheers, eh.
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
Cheers Zoltan!
@manilamartin1001 Күн бұрын
good video. I shot a calumet 4x5 for a long time. probably 25 years. I doubt most people knew what my main camera was.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Real cool! Thanks for sharing ✌️
@irwinseidman5290 Күн бұрын
Thank you
@fottograma7065 12 сағат бұрын
Awesome vid
@ILZHOO 2 күн бұрын
Totally agree! Best spendings on photography is on traveling indeed. Today I was in freeride in snowboard with full packed lumix s5iix, it was tough but fun :)
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
Amazing! Which peaks were you riding?
@ILZHOO 2 күн бұрын
⁠oh, I bet you don’t know, Sheregesh, Russia :D
@TheRealMarxz 20 сағат бұрын
Back in the film days my studio partner was all gunned up with the new Nikon F4 and Hasselblad cameras and lenses, I'm shooting on an old, second hand F3 but the top photographer in the wedding industry field in our town, an internationally multi award winning photographer, was shooting with a couple of 30 year old Nikkormats - the "consumer" grade Nikon bodies with just two "prosumer" primes....since then I've rarely bought "the latest and greatest" any camera gear, I've bought mostly uses gear - the amount of MFT fast primes I've picked up super cheap since "MFT is dead" was proclaimed a few years ago from all the people who dropped it for Sony A7's , Canon R's and Nikon Z's the images I can get from these lenses on an old 10 year old Lumix MFT body bought for pocket money just shine
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
well put! Thanks for sharing ✌️
@TL-xw6fh 18 сағат бұрын
In Europe Bruce Gilden will be charged for harrassment.
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
on the CCTV-covered streets?
@TL-xw6fh 18 сағат бұрын
@@sergiopstudio Yup, anywhere.
@MikeLikesChannel Күн бұрын
My newest camera is my Fuji 50R, almost 8 years old - got it for $1200, so why not? My X100T… 9 years old. They both got classic chrome and the R has Acros. Plenty fine for me.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Omg the 50 is already that old 😂 spare me! Thanks for sharing Mike!
@MikeLikesChannel Күн бұрын
@ yeah time do be like that. Sucks right?
@nnamdiozo Күн бұрын
The D5 and the D850 are still great cameras! Both built like tanks.
@scotthullinger4684 Күн бұрын
Some of the best photos - within a certain classification - have been taken with nothing more than a simple box camera. Cameras don't create images, no; human beings do.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Cameras used to be so simple 🥲
@MillennialDiligence-sx8re Күн бұрын
F8 and be there!
@yuqin405 16 сағат бұрын
Studio and wild life are two totally different things
@kytoober5137 Күн бұрын
Good video. I know many pros still shooting with "dinosaurs". I get why you picked Ami but the D5 is pretty a bad example to illustrate this, as it can easily can go toe to toe with the latest mirrorless cameras on stills with image quality, most types of autofocus, and dynamic range. Those classic pro bodies were on another level. I know pros that shoot with cameras that are objectively and significantly worse than anything on todays market.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Objectively AND significantly! Hahaha so true!
@zolie.7191 22 сағат бұрын
@marshalltravis3217 23 сағат бұрын
The camera I am currently using is older than me. I love my Nikon F. It’s not the gear but the shooter.
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
a great camera that has stood the test of time!
@757GLG Күн бұрын
1D Mark II paired with the 70-200 2.8 ...heaven. Okay, maybe not "heaven," but...
@beyourself9162 Күн бұрын
Totally agree even as a hobbyist. The story stays the same. But using my 50 mm Summicron during blue hour is like using a totally different brush for the colors. I can underline the story with it, but it won’t make me a better photographer….
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Very cool analogy! I like that
@beyourself9162 23 сағат бұрын
@@sergiopstudio Ah and another very stupid discussion is analog vs. digital. Special in Streetphotgraphy I can remember many situations where digital had clearly only advantages. With the M6 and an 400 ISO Film it simply wouldn’t had been possible to catch the moment in difficult lighting. And thats what I also remember from the 80s the disappointment because it wasn’t possible to catch the moments… Sometimes I was thinking about a lost opportunity for two days. Digital clearly frees my mind from these worries, specially if its only a hobby. Yes I know I could push film in development but I don’t develop film, i have enough to do with catching an interesting moment and my lifetime is limited….
@71co0k 10 сағат бұрын
Haha so real with this. I just got finished sifting through some of best biking sports photography I have seen and the PRO who shot the series used an OLD FujiFilm X series camera. Skillz, not gear, y'all.
@sergiopstudio 9 сағат бұрын
if biking photography is your thing, you have to check out my guy Andy Vathis
@71co0k 8 сағат бұрын
@@sergiopstudio what bad camera does he use? 😁
@OndrejBlazekPhoto 2 күн бұрын
Love the video and agree wholeheartedly. I think money better spent are in (used) books and time better spent by going to gallery and immerse yourself in art of others. BUT!!! ... Can I pretty please have answer from proper professional to my most burning question. Can I use my Phase One as door stopper?
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
I hear those blue rings make a great paperweight 😂 hahaha
@TimvanderLeeuw 2 күн бұрын
Newer gear can help overcome some degree of lack in skill -- sometimes. Newer gear can have quality of life improvements. Some gear can be more fun to use than other gear, making your work more pleasurable to do. And sometimes a specialty lens can enable you to get that shot of the stars, or high magnification macro. But the gear is the tool and doesn't make your story or your composition. That's a learning step most of us have to go through at some point, I guess! And by the time you've reached "max gear level" is the time you realize, well, it all didn't really matter as much as actually becoming more skilled. 😉
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
10/10 Tim 👏
@katyg3873 2 күн бұрын
Newer cameras with instant tracking ai autofocus and a million iso and whatever actually hinder skill development. The camera does all the work for you. You no longer have to learn how to focus or plan your shot the camera does it for you. You no longer have to know about proper exposure or how to light, the camera does it for you or you can simply fix it in post. Half the photographers now don’t even know what focus and recompose is.
@musanetesakupwanya1050 Күн бұрын
Dude... I have a 250D, and I'm realising it actually works pretty well! Started taking it a bit seriously a few months back and I'm shocked, cos it's supposed to be "entry level" right? Wonderful shots I'm getting! And I'm doing a lot of really cool stuff with just a speedlight i just bought used (430exii) and a softbox. I just shot my new headshots at home by myself. You're right. It's the story of the pic. Not the gear! But I'm still getting an R6ii in a few months... I want the cool shit! 😂😂😂
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Nothing wrong with that! Love that realization for you, thanks for sharing! ✌️
@careypridgeon Күн бұрын
The work of Henri Cartier-Bresson can't be replicated by just buying new technology. I sold an image for an album cover in 1989 taken on a Practika MTL3 using a 50mm 1.4 Zeiss lens. A set that I'd owned and used constantly since 1978. Using just this I also had several long term professional gigs for local councils. I still shoot film, though I have upped my game to pro level Nikon and Hasselblad manual mechanical cameras from the 80's (though I'm thinking about getting an F2 without ba light meter, since I use a spot meter). I didn't then and still don't use a flash because after so many years I'm accustomed to working with natural light. I have a Panasonic S5 and a couple of lenses, but it hasn't impressed me. Nice system, but I can't see it replacing film for me personally. I don't use autofocus, as that doesn't suit what I do, meaning any of its alleged weaknesses in that area aren't relevant to me. I could buy another M42 mount camera, but I seriously liked that MTL 3. As for why people constantly upgrade cameras? It baffles me. I lost my Practika after owning and using it for over twenty years, which was a disaster, since my attempts to replace it have resulted in a stream of faulty ones, leaving me with lots of now useless but valuable to me personally lenses I'm still reluctant to get rid of. Also why are people so obsessed by lab performance sheets? Those are completely unrelated to any real world behaviour of the equipment you purchase, but marketting departments push like they're something that should influence a purchase.
@sergiopstudio Күн бұрын
Thanks for chiming in Carey!
@corot33 23 сағат бұрын
Edward Steichen shot one of his greatest photos of Isidore Duncan in Athens from a cheap Kodak camera borrowed from a waiter, Learn to see the, rest is commentary
@LouisLuzuka Күн бұрын
I want a d850 😮
@germancreatives88 Күн бұрын
@kennethgates5790 8 сағат бұрын
I just got a Nikon d300 because I wanted a more fundamental camera with less menus and modes I was spending to much time playing with the technology to the point of feeling like I was no longer part of process.
@sergiopstudio 8 сағат бұрын
Very valid sentiment Kenneth! Enjoy the new toy ✌️
@nocommentnoname1111 6 сағат бұрын
@52701970 11 сағат бұрын
I am replying to your opening statements in how people are duped into thinking they need the latest gear to make the best photos idea. I think it is not only manufacturers, but other photographers who are paid shills that make the argument that DSLR are not relevant anymore. Age of a camera especially in the last 10 years are perfectly able to capture great photos. Technology makes it easier not better. I know of professionals that still use a Nikon D700 for portrait work and other things.
@blacksharkpro3youtube Күн бұрын
Ive been contemplating for about 8 yrs now to Retire my 5D MK III but I cant, it is still my main camera that I use for wedding etc etc.
@sergiopstudio 18 сағат бұрын
Built my career on that camera. Will always have a special place in my heart.
@stevesmith581 Күн бұрын
Is there such a thing as a bad camera..? Bad photographer yes, thousands of them but cameras from 2010 onwards are great.
@MaybeTiberius 8 сағат бұрын
i am just getting so tired of this... image quality debate as of late. it is kind of mindblowing just HOW good modern cameras are compared to dslr era. Pretty much any modern camera is good enough from an image quality standpoint and i dont give a damn about it. what people should talk about instead is... lets call it ''enabling features'' . meaning any sort of feature a specific camera has that enables you to do something new or do it better, that tho have nothing to do with image quality. a lightweight camera with good ergonomics are a feature, because it enables me to carry it everywhere. the best focus peaking implementation enables me to make better use of my manual lenses. Stuff like that. who gives a shit how many MP the camera has or what other crap. 99% of people only post to instagram nowadays anyways... yeah bro... i really need those 60MP to post on instagram with a resolution of 1350x1080. on the flipside, i even say that modern cameragear is so ridiculously good on a technical level, that its too good for me. everything looks way too clinical sharp and...artifical somehow. in that way...even lenses are completely overrated nowadays simply by how good everything is. to me: i simply dont do any sort of photography where i need any of the latest computational and AF features and i have a different opinion of what ''looks better'' means and i prefer lightweight lenses, therefor i pair a lightway mirrorless body with almost exclusively vintage primes. they are small, cheap, and take some of the sterile-ness out of the too clean image and bring back a bit more character. Also has the added benefit, that i can have a film camera or two and share the same lenses. i can go out and decide if i wanna bring mirrorless or film...or both, and just use the same lenses on either of those. and i stand by that opinion, compared to what most people say and always were: lenses... ARE overrated. for the technical details. as long as you have the focal range you need and you have the aperture you literally doesnt matter how perfectly awesome sharp the lens is. best example for this is: a 50mm is a 50mm is a 50mm. it literally doesnt matter and has zero impact on your creativity or the ability to take an awesome photo. if you sit in front of the same subject with 2 lenses: and you can not take a nice photo on a 20$ vintage 50mm 1.8. you will not take a nice photo with the 2000$ canony GM L 50mm F0.95 either because you re simply a bad photographer with zero skill or creativity...or maybe you re not a photographer to begin with but just a dude with some cash who walked into a store an pulled out a credit card...because literally everyone is able to buy a camera. you can pretty much take the exact same awesome photos with both lenses. and if you re posting on insta, chances are, 99% of the people wont even see a difference between those two. and that counts for i would say MOST of what most people do with their cameras. ofc, if you are that wildlife guy and you are shooting lions and grizzly bears with your 600mm lens or you re this sports photographer taking photos of the superbowl game from the side of the fiels... sure, you need a more specific setup. but realistically... how many people ACTUALLY do that sort of stuff? not a lot.
@WildGosdan 2 күн бұрын
Good gear motivates me, but doesn’t create.
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
Great way to put it!
@SteveKleinheider 18 сағат бұрын
"Bad Photographers"...not "Bad Cameras".
@mickeli7155 21 сағат бұрын
The tech i todays cameras are soo good, that it has become almost irrelevant to talk about it, still there are litterly millions camera tech vids on YT.
@paigeofstylez 2 күн бұрын
Please stop me from buying lighting 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 now im buying light painting equipment 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️😖
@sergiopstudio 2 күн бұрын
If it helps, you can make light paintings with any flash 🙏
@paigeofstylez 2 күн бұрын
@sergiopstudio how 🤔 🤯🤯
@martinleblanc4814 21 сағат бұрын
Gear doesn't matter, that is for sure. So why would someone care enough to make a 12 minutes video to demonstrate that?
@nevvanclarke9225 2 күн бұрын
It's funny I use a GFX100S ii ...let me explain. I was using a FUJI XT5 and while I liked it had defencies in low light. And focussing. BUT I lobed Fujifilm colours ...from raw to edit. I dislike sony menus ...I used a Nikon d850 brilliant but No good infer a shutter speed of 1/100 So after much trialing I ended up in Fujifilm gfx Recently though I was running a workshop shop face to face And I gave a student my 100s ii for twn minutes Yup no great images The higher the specs ..especially megapixels better know how to drive it! 20 to 24 megapixsl is sweet spot Yes mirrorless has some advantages but DSLR still great. It does matter if you have skill I have been a part time working professional
@jaegerschtulmann 2 күн бұрын
The xt5 AF is virtually identical to the gfx100 II.
@nevvanclarke9225 2 күн бұрын
@@jaegerschtulmann for colours yes but not for image quality and low light performance. I do really well at a photography given that I only do it for pretty much one day a week professionally. I have a good day job as well so I can afford gear and I made the jump to GFX because of several reasons I don't like videos like this that criticise people for buying gear people can do what they like with their money. He makes it sound like that. It's a bad thing to spend money on Gear. Well one day you're going to die. No one's gonna remember you anyway so your enjoy the gear you have and if that means buying nice gear go for it I see it completely differently..... also if we don't support the companies that make gear then eventually they will stop making it completely and that's not good for the industry. Either. I have some close contacts for Fuji film in Australia and had coffee with them and I've explained how it works. We need a vibrant camera industry, not videos like this which completely discourage anyone buying gear.
@nevvanclarke9225 2 күн бұрын
@@jaegerschtulmann if you stand in front of a GFX print that's 1.2 m across by 70 cm down in a big gallery. The GFX will give the impression that you are actually standing at the scene. The XT5 simply can't do that. Don't get me wrong the XT5 can take some nice photos of street photography people and even landscapes but it doesn't have that resolution that takes prints to a whole new level and you have to stand in front of massive print to actually see the difference and that is the market that Im in.
@jaegerschtulmann 2 күн бұрын
@@nevvanclarke9225 yeah of course the gfx image quality is leaps and bounds ahead of the tiny apsc sensor and glad you could afford it…hell who wouldn’t like to have one or a Hasselblad
@nevvanclarke9225 2 күн бұрын
@@jaegerschtulmann you know I worked my absolute arse off to buy the camera and that's probably why I reacted to this post a little bit these types of videos which tell people not to buy gear really are just click bait. We need a healthy camera industry and if people want to save up and buy a nice camera with their hard earned money and go and use it, we should be encouraging that life is short enjoy your gear if we rolled up to a car club on a Sunday and someone had a brand-new car that they had worked on would we be saying the same thing about that flash car? No we wouldn't be. We would be saying great wheels man check it out with all due respect to this video. I just think it's a crock of shit and I'm calling it out and I've called it out on lots of other people who resort to these types of videos where they tell people not to buy gear....... what really got my goat was some of the images that he was showing from so-called world renowned photographers who take dog shit photos and call it art seriously come on!!! I have unsubscribed from this channel and it's probably a good reason because I cannot stand this type of attitude in our camera industry and our photography industry. We could easily say the same thing about taking photos. Let's just download AI save the money. Don't hire a photographer........rant over!!
@UnFudge-d8i 23 сағат бұрын
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