The Big Bang Happened MORE Than Once?! Brian Keating, Paul Davies & Maulik Parikh (387)

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Dr Brian Keating

Dr Brian Keating

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@DrBrianKeating 8 ай бұрын
Is the big bang theory in trouble?
@mikeheffernan 8 ай бұрын
Not in the least. The cosmic microwave background radiation hasn’t gone away.
@bipolarbear9917 8 ай бұрын
Your “as above so below” comment is a theological line. Maybe every particle (or should we say ‘excitation in the quantum field) has a beginning, but we’re talking about the Cosmos itself, not just the so-called particles within it. The Cosmos or perhaps multiverse may not have an initial cause. Because if you go down that path you end up with infinite regression once again. What caused this? And what caused that? And so on, ad infinitum. So, what have you got to say about that Mr Heffernan?
@EnthusiasticTent-xt8fh 8 ай бұрын
The big bang has no support from physics. It's a theistic postulate. It requires more faith than I can muster.
@EnthusiasticTent-xt8fh 8 ай бұрын
The big bang is a theistic postulate. It has no support from physics. I don't have enough faith to believe in the deity of the big bang.
@hakiza-technologyltd.8198 5 ай бұрын
Hahahahaha ... why acting as surprised... one must be wrong when only observing less than 5% and pretending to have the full picture.
@AntonioSanchez-yl9wj 8 ай бұрын
The guests started talking at 33:41. 😂😂😂
@captain_crunk 8 ай бұрын
Isn't Brian Keating is the guest? I think Brian added an intro as well as his ads to the original video, which starts with Malik introducing Brian a couple of minutes in.
@AntonioSanchez-yl9wj 8 ай бұрын
You are right!! I thought it was Brian channel!! @@captain_crunk
@captain_crunk 8 ай бұрын
@@AntonioSanchez-yl9wj word up broseph!
@nenojovanovic9360 8 ай бұрын
Big bang? Scientists today have no clue. When they see galaxies formed before they think they should it's time for mental acrobatics, and more big bangs.
@HUSTLE_MONEY 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for explaining the recent history that I had no idea about. I often hear you talk about the "B-mode" but wasn't quite sure of the origins.
@haldanesghost 8 ай бұрын
“Most theories are wrong ; most experiments are inconclusive” Wiser words are rarely spoken. I’d have that on a tshirt. Elegant and honest way to express how science truly operates. It’s really hard to know things for sure.
@birtybonkers8918 8 ай бұрын
Alternatively, maybe the Big Bang happened less than once.
@joeimbesi99 8 ай бұрын
Bumped into Paul Davies here in Balmain Sydney Years 20? ago, when he was filming Quantum for the ABC .Asked hin About Tiplers Omega Point and gave me his time in between the filming..What a Gentleman.
@louisbrassard9565 8 ай бұрын
Imagine a scenario where the Big Bang did not even happen once. Imagine a scenario that the Universe never began , not even one time. In such scenario one has to go as far in the past as evidences allow to go. This both depend on the state of the measurement instruments we have to collect astronomical fact but this also depend on the state of the most basic theoretical knowledge we have achieved and these two keep on improving allowing us to go further back. What is certain is that we will never go back enough to conclude there is no further back since we will never reach a point back in history where there is nothing and whatever how back we are there will have to be a further back explain this state of affair since no state of affair is nothing and not being nothing , what it is has to be explain by what is further back and we cannot reach nothing so there is no beginning but only more and more further back.
@proteusaugustus 8 ай бұрын
Mr. Keating; that Egyptian picture you showed at the beginning of this video is not an idea of the universe. It is a schematic of the ship I'm working on. That shows roughly how the quanta is exchanged from the ship to the quantum field. I can label the components. 🎓🪖⚖️🎓⚗️🔬🎵:💥:🍀✝️🇺🇲 I'm beyond theory and working on the quanta exchange and how to construct the hull.
@miinyoo 7 ай бұрын
Holy crap. I found the character model for the game I'm making. I've revised it a hundred times but now I realize. It's Dr. Keating's likeness just a bit exaggerated and cartoony. Super cool! The character is a scientist to boot saving the planet from an experiment gone apocalyptically wrong. Yes. Half Life is a huge inspiration but this is not an RPG. It's a 3rd person action sci-fi.
@RWin-fp5jn 8 ай бұрын
There are many aspects to this discussion. There is a good discussion about the multiverse. But we miss the essence of this discussion if we keep thinking of the concept of ‘clock’ and ‘grid’ in only a mono continuum way. Our universe is based on a dual concept of the function of clock. In the QP world, grid is defined by energy as the grid and the clock is defend by MASS, not time. Think of atom bound electrons dropping time-instantly in ‘quantum leaps’ of energy defined orbits). The move in terms of energy and mass. Not in terms of space and time. Roger Penrose stresses that time and again. He urges us to substitute Planck (E=hf) into Einstein’ E=MC2 and recognise that mass equals inverse TIME. In his words; ‘… If you have mass in the QP world you have a clock…’ Why is that essential to the discussion of the multiverse? Well, any cyclical bouncing universe (in terms of ‘mass a the clock’) from our perspective ruled by ‘time as the clock’, must by definition seem a multiverse to us. All its cycles would appear to come at the same ‘time’ to us since we don’t have the same definition of the clock. It is quite simple. In fact, we have a kind of multiverse in the form of our ‘atoms’, say an H atom. Here we see countless ‘multiverses’ of the presence of the same electron. It is every where at the same time from our perspective. Which is why we need to use probability calculus to find it at a certain position in our ‘time based’ reality of the external observer. It is the same thing. Likewise, anything living inside the atom would see us as living in a multiverse. So we literally need to re-boot physics and cosmology accepting the intrinsic DUAL setup. So far, our physics has been expressed only in a mono continuum way. Once we understand this, then we may also understand that the fabric of our galaxy is not governed by spacetime (but the energymass grid) which does very weird thing to incoming photons (e.g. creating infrared diffractions of furthest photons as per Fraunhofer QP effect). Only then can we accurately re-define cosmology as we start to realise the observed redshift of furthest galaxy is perfectly explained by Fraunhofer diffraction of furthest light courtesy of the QP fabric of our galactic plane, having NOHTING to do with speed but only distance of furthest galaxies. Thus not hinting at an expanding universe or the need of dark energy for that matter….
@sonarbangla8711 8 ай бұрын
There is just one universe, no multiverse. The one universe is the unitary evolution of just one wave function with infinite faces, giving the impression of multiverse.
@Shadow_B4nned 8 ай бұрын
It's not really another big bang. But there was a re-ionization period after matter formed that could appear as such.
@zaphhood4745 8 ай бұрын
Sorry @brian. Left bias is showing too much. Have to let you go. Unsubbed.
@Puffpuffgive16 8 ай бұрын
Give it another 6 - 12months and there’ll be another theory regarding the ‘apparent’ big bang 😂
@manifold1476 8 ай бұрын
I guess the "primeval atom" and the 'primordial egg' are the same idea then?
@dangerdingle900 4 ай бұрын
"I know the depths of the seas and the height of the stars." - Merlin
@lawngnome777 8 ай бұрын
what a waste of an hour, go work out or spend time with your kids instead. this topic is pointless and gets you no where
@midnightsunsets 8 ай бұрын
What a waste of a comment. You could have been working out or spending time with your kids instead.
@peterquinn2997 8 ай бұрын
@@midnightsunsets😂 👍🏼 Bravo.
@kevinsayes 8 ай бұрын
I like to think Penrose is right with at least a version of conformal cyclic cosmology. It seems to make sense to me to the extent I understand it Also, I promise we’ll subscribe. Always so many channel break ins, and when do the guests speak? I love the channel, just sometimes the little things. Either way, thanks a lot docs, great stuff
@tevis190 8 ай бұрын
Maybe you can explain it to me. How does the universe (cycle)? exactly? We know space time is expanding at a fixed rate plus an acceleration constant, but how does the space time perish or give birth to a new bang? It is not going to contract, or bounce. Heat death as an end to the universe? But it's still stable space time left. Makes no sense to me.
@captain_crunk 8 ай бұрын
​@@tevis190at the end of the universe, once the heat death has happened, the only things left will be photons. Photons travel at the speed of light, and anything that goes the speed of light does not experience time. So, because space and time are intrinsically linked, if you don't experience time then distances don't make sense like they otherwise would. And if you don't experience time, it doesn't matter how long it takes for a quantum fluctuation to come along and quantum tunnel all the photons into a configuration that might resemble the initial universe. There's obviously way more to it than that, but the gist of it is simply that photons don't experience time, and that simple fact can then lead to the conformal transformations Penrose talks about.
@tevis190 8 ай бұрын
@@captain_crunk thanks for the detailed reply. I see, then why the model has gained respect. However, this line of reasoning, will never give rise to the investigation of what a pre spacetime quantum configuration could have produced. What came before the original bang?
@tevis190 8 ай бұрын
@@captain_crunk I understand though, that the ccc makes that question moot.
@captain_crunk 8 ай бұрын
@@tevis190 yeah, this stuff is above my pay grade, but I suspect that Penrose might say there never was an original big bang. In other words, time goes to infinity in both directions. Don't quote me on that, but if that's the case then it's a convenient way of not needing to explain "the beginning", but it still leaves me unsatisfied about where everything came from, why it's here, etc, etc.
@Seekthetruth3000 3 ай бұрын
Something coming from nothing makes no sense to me.
@mikeheffernan 8 ай бұрын
Cyclical universes, parallel universes, whatever, the ultimate question is how did it all start? Every particle had a beginning. A universe can’t just be there magically.
@bokchoiman 8 ай бұрын
Why not?
@bipolarbear9917 8 ай бұрын
Your statement: “A universe can’t just be there magically”. Why not? ‘Magically’ may not be the correct word, but maybe the ‘Multiverse’ in which our ‘Universe’ exists, has always existed. Carl Sagan famously wrote in his book ‘Cosmos’, “The Cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or ever will be”. With something as fundamental as the ‘Multiverse’ it’s most likely impossible to ever know the ‘initial cause’, if indeed there was an ‘initial cause’. You have to stop at some point, because otherwise we end up in an infinite regression (in other words ‘turtles all the way down’. At the end of the day, humans are just semi-hairy apes that evolved a brain 🧠 to hunt, forage and survive on the African savanna, who are now ‘punching way above our weigh’ in trying to deduce the great mysteries of life, our universe, and our place within it. It’s the journey that’s important, not the destination. Sagan again; “We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself”.
@mikeheffernan 8 ай бұрын
@@bipolarbear9917 Nah. It’s pretty clear EVERYTHING has a beginning. I repeat, not a particle in our universe didn’t have a beginning. As above, so below.
@mikeheffernan 8 ай бұрын
@@bokchoiman Explain how?
@JRichardson711 8 ай бұрын
I cannot deny the possibility that time or the past, and therefor the universe, may be infinitely old. Agreed, at face value it seems impossible. Yet consider if time, the past, the universe did have a beginning, that seems impossible too. What came 5 minutes before the beginning? Where did all the matter and energy come from if there was nothing before that? To me, both ideas seem equally impossible.
@jacksonnc8877 8 ай бұрын
Left with more questions than answer's. In the end scientist have no idea.
@missh1774 8 ай бұрын
Very cool group discussion. Thank you 💛 btw if there is no evidence that the first war in Siddim actually happened, could it instead be describing the entropy from issues arising out of condensed states of power distribution in physics?
@dxs1971 8 ай бұрын
I think that before the last Big Bang, there was a limited number of events that caused the matter to stabilize more solidly. Previously the pre-gluon soup was very unstable and lasted maybe for a couple of seconds or so. So finally the configuration of the preconditional universal constant was correct in a way that could create a solid matter.
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Once synchronized Until synchronized Inertia in the form of a "Ringer" (Resonance) introducing the "Time element" to the passing of information.
@karlgoebeler1500 5 ай бұрын
Apologies, Lots of "jelly" ("low on peanut butter") this should have been added with a reference to the 'Metronome' demonstration I have seen online. Einstein Bose Condensate. Once linked the effect should be instantaneous across both Space and Time.
@eternisedDragon7 8 ай бұрын
I like the animation shown at 20:25 and think that this is (maybe besides continuous dampening of the process by loss of energy due to radiation) roughly what our (then cyclic) universe is like, though I'm not sure if sufficient attention to the conservation of angular momentum was paid in the development of the animation, or if it's just me, but it seems like the rotational speed of objects around the center should speed up more in the short shrunk phases, but it's a great visualization either way.
@KingBarnaDuke 8 ай бұрын
Maybe, just maybe, in the infinity of space and our perception of time, the Big Bang has just happened... Again. And will happen yet again, ¿soon? I'm so stondd right now. ❤
@Joshua-by4qv 8 ай бұрын
Could primordial black hole mergers create B mode polarization in CMB? How can we be sure they are derived from an inflaton?
@erichschinzel6486 8 ай бұрын
Infinite cycles..
@lvuyk2408 4 ай бұрын
There are 12 mirror univerrses out of the 6x well known hotspots by JWST SPLITTING INTO 2 MIRROR UNIVERSES.
@redwolf7227 8 ай бұрын
Is the universe evolving or running down? Did it start simple and become more complex over time…or was it created perfect with little or no entropy, and now running down and degrading to the point of a hot or cold death? What do our observations and laws of nature tell us is truly the case irrespective of our individual philosophical or religious presumptions? Asking for a friend 😊
@CarlAyers-x8h 4 ай бұрын
An infinite chain reaction. A self-sustaining manifestation. Of perfect balance and form. Just like us.. generational. Cosmic forms.
@dwoopie 8 ай бұрын
Maybe Galileo was right with his theory, and it never happened... no expansion no big bang...and no age of the universe... Not maybe to me... I'm sure Galileo is flying faster than the speed of light...
@lawngnome777 8 ай бұрын
maybe maybe if when maybe if. what a waste of time
@dwoopie 8 ай бұрын
@@lawngnome777 I said not maybe TO ME... means I know Galileo is right...and einsteins screwed with his theory and fucked science up lol we CAN fly faster than the speed of light...
@PearlmanYeC 8 ай бұрын
10:30 Pearlman vs Hubble and Pearlman YeC SPI-RAL (Hyper-dense proto galactic formation PRIOR to cosmic inflation.) YeC: All light arriving here and now at standard light speed, that had even been subjugated to ANY cosmic expansion, like detectable CMB, departed at SPIRAL LY radius i, i years ago, during the hyper cosmic 'inflation' expansion epoch. That caps the years elapsed at about 30k years. Once one considers all the applicable science and context, 6k rounded is the sweet spot. Age of the universe 'thousands not billions' Moses had it right to begin with! reference Pearlman SPIRAL cosmological redshift hypothesis and model.
@nikimarkov 7 ай бұрын
Man your videos start slowly... up until the minute 5 its all bulls*it... Too long intros, man... In case you wonder, people have internal need for saving time and energy (TL:DR;) That is probably why the levels of likes and subscriptions are so low for your videos, even though the topics are epic and important... You REALLY need to get to the point faster (not only in the beginnings of your videos)
@HUSTLE_MONEY 8 ай бұрын
I refuse to do it, I won't do it. Just gold, 24K gold, Dr. Keating. 🤣🤣
@4pharaoh 8 ай бұрын
Science? Theories? You keep using these words. “I do not think they mean what to think they mean.” Possibilities, ideas, guesses, mathematical consistencies, things we pull out of PhD butts, maybe... but “science”, “theories”... naw!
@proteusaugustus 8 ай бұрын
I argue quantum entropy{Qs} is time{t}. Qs of the universal quantum field can never be zero because the U would end. Local events (u) - "big bang" - are what makes U tic. After the plank quantum field density is achieved, Qs is released and our local clock starts.
@haldanesghost 8 ай бұрын
Not as satisfying as a mathematical Proof? OBJECTION! There is nothing more jawdrawping and inspiring than a beautifully designed laser-focused experiment attacking a problem that seemed so confusing yet was so important… until the curtain was lifted, with every relevant objection being anticipated and being washed away with the same amount of attention to detail as the main problem… that feeling of “case closed” even makes you almost feel lighter, as if the solution as obvious all along
@PearlmanYeC 8 ай бұрын
The greater the claim the greater the burden of proof. we only have evidence of once. everything we see (empirical observations) align with that once. Law of Science aka Entropy a massive hurdle for more than once to overcome. Reference / references in: Pearlman YeC Cosmological redshift hypothesis and model.
@DocAkins 8 ай бұрын
Electromagnetism and gravitational effects on planets used to be just as baffling. Science is the only process we have for effectively explaining baffling observations by conjecturing likely explanations. "God did it" may be true, but it has no explanatory traction. It is an assertion, not an explanation.
@reubenpelham5735 4 күн бұрын
It did not happen the first time. Runaway imagination.
@gonzalohorna 8 ай бұрын
It's all very interesting, but I expected a conversation with the guests, and I'm almost half an hour in, it's been a monologue and any time there has been a question the host answers himself... One of the guests seems super bored at times, he's holding his own head right now...
@michaelreagan7149 8 ай бұрын
Just my opinion that the big bang was not a single event but more like a grand finale in a fireworks display. May thousands or millions of years apart but still a rapid burst of multiple bangs.
@stun9771 8 ай бұрын
More than one big BANG…oh yes….how many would I think give an idea of the true age of the universe…
@drummer3354 8 ай бұрын
Incredible to think anyone believes it happened once. Completely un-"scientific"
@MrPageyjim 8 ай бұрын
You seem to be more concerned with click bait and viewers and less with science. SAD!
@JungleJargon 8 ай бұрын
Am I smarter than everyone else? Why can’t anyone see that differing rates of times and differing measures of distance change the speed of light?
@TheMikesylv 8 ай бұрын
What’s north of north pole? South Pole . Pretty sure we live on sphere
@johnsallie3181 8 ай бұрын
The reason people like holidays rarely is the reason for holiday
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like a White Hole Scenario. Back to story
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Again very painful. Took a decade to recover.
@ramzee374 8 ай бұрын
Really wanted to hear more from Paul Davies.
@dadsonworldwide3238 6 ай бұрын
Newtons original orientation and direction that Einstein seems to maintain despite what other do with both of their work does appear to a justified by default settings are order. I'm OK with space correlated with background radiation, looking back in space if we can maze like find the 1 minute newly expanded plank length bit of space to draw lines around mass displacement of space by product gravity manifolds. But obviously like Newton said ,3 degrees of motion, separation in matter owns a reductionism vertical gradient of time axis that lends its collapsing nebula origin so very differently to its neighboring galaxies, solar system and even planetary body's is many cases that it's clear to me atleast that we must come up with a more efficient taxonomy and epoch ,phenotypical song and dance of values to best order & catalog precise and accurate records and libraries . For 70 years many disciplines in archeology ,biology are not recording dates that do not correlate with predetermined assumptions so we a large missing record of data where our medical lives depend upon it. Where our courts and nations orientate & direct society
@dadsonworldwide3238 6 ай бұрын
So here on earth as time dialation shows us ,geological crust of earth's catastrophic tectonic plates regurgitation of earth surface and inner elements can give us clear or accurate information under current input and perimeters used. We also witness gyroscope horizontal paradox in geological strata known as the great unconformaties grinding up 3/4 of guesstimated timed. This form & shape horizontal paradox is in all deterministic evolutionary disciplines just as above its in every feild useing the common standardized time tools. Again no one cares about deep time not even young earth creationist it is not the arguments made by anyone that I'm aware of. Obviously humanistic woke ( the science) pseudo attacks of slander is learned here precisely though. I am guilty of the same ridicule of them owing apologies now I'm older.
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Name was Tillman If my memory is correct.
@padraiggluck2980 8 ай бұрын
Maybe there was a Big Sputter….
@tevis190 8 ай бұрын
YES! @46:40 We would like to see explanations that don't involve extra scalar fields, and rules that are deducible from first principles. Throwing in a bunch of baroque structure, extra fields and given assumptions that are un-provable is counter productive.
@Jill_Clarke 8 ай бұрын
Double slit theory. Is when i realized it was about DNA. So here tell your scientist to make a key. Ask it questions. I think it can be the new ouji board. Man people going to be pissed when you find im right.loll😮l
@picksalot1 8 ай бұрын
Excellent presentation and discussion. I think it would be worth discussing what we can know "fundamentally" based on Logic. For instance, Existence is fundamental, for the reasons that it is self-evident, and if Existence wasn't fundamental, then before there was Existence, there would have to be "non-existence." That would be a non-sequitur, and it is impossible to explain any causal connection from how to get to Existence from absolute, truly non-existence. Cyclical Models work best regrading the manifestation of the Universe and previous and later iterations and their unique qualities.
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Please The process I described is a weapons system and we would already be dead. Process of quantum coupling postulated by Wolfgang Pauli. The process is instantaneous and was very painful. I was traveling "Dragster fast thru the wall circuitry. I believed they used a subtractive process canceling out all the various objects other the wall circuit.
@MarkFaz72 8 ай бұрын
What about space/time being eternal and forever expanding. The increasing expansion creates rips in the zero point energy field iin random areas which creates our big bang and others. Time is only relative in each universe. Which then the universes eventually dissolve back into the quantum field
@MrOreo76 8 ай бұрын
This is truly fascinating
@Jill_Clarke 8 ай бұрын
Arent solar flair magnetic storms.? Magnetic waves. Whic is apart of gravitational waves right. I mean come on magnetic pull to each other we get magnets from the earth causing gravity righf?
@alphaone2834 8 ай бұрын
No there was never a beginning or there will be no end
@iamthetinkerman 8 ай бұрын
It's always "been"
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Creating a mirror image of me and the objects I described where ever and "When ever" they are. Postulated by Wolfgang Pauli.
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
In a Ideal demonstration" That transfer would be from one particle at a time. Like radioactivity Identical particles can synchronize simultaneously "Bees in the Box" Since radioactive particles are unstable to begin with they may destabilize due to the sum of the amplitude of all the "Bees"
@maha-madpedo-gayphukumber1533 8 ай бұрын
This sound like cyclic cosmology of indian gurus who were high and intoxicated on psychedelics and weeds.😂😂😂
@onionknight2239 8 ай бұрын
Cool Dr Keating 👍
@chyfields 8 ай бұрын
Mother Earth has mass, energy and is a store of information, with countless geological records. So I asked our planetary Mother about this and She assured me that we are in a consciously dreamed up simulation.
@leom7133 8 ай бұрын
Over a half an hour of talking before the guests started talking 🤦🏻
@Spacemanspiff808 8 ай бұрын
Half of which about himself.
@Jill_Clarke 8 ай бұрын
I think Tesla work is about making a device . To lets say all fly but i wont give that too you. I have to believe my guides want me to beable to make some name for myself lol
@theomnisthour6400 8 ай бұрын
You do God little credit. It only had to happen once. We saved the best simulation results and used that saved game data to play new scenarios. God isn't as stupid as most physicists.
@hakanpersson6524 8 ай бұрын
I always answer the question , when are you born ? I am born at the big bang day ! I guess that is true for every one of us.
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Instantaneous inside the particle from particle to particle Outside inertia and resistance "Maybe" Words do escape me at times.
@JungleJargon 8 ай бұрын
The vacuum energy or so called dark energy is associated black holes that are drawing in space time causing them to grow regardless of whether they are absorbing matter.
@Jill_Clarke 8 ай бұрын
Lol the universe next store! Is a person who hold more keys to the brain to have the conversation that you are all having as well as physically and psychological
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Like I was describing to Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson in the double slit experiment.
@silberlinie 8 ай бұрын
A very strange discussion group. The introduction by presenter Brian from minute 0 to minute 33:35 (33) minutes. The other two participants Paul & Maulik are also allowed: from minute 33:36 to minute 55:29 (22 minutes).
@JungleJargon 8 ай бұрын
The origin of slower time that we call time is from the formation of matter with mass that slows down time.
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Time to move on.
@Jill_Clarke 8 ай бұрын
You should have started with marvel first.! Lol
@andykeating791 8 ай бұрын
Science fumbled trying to explain if the earth was the centre of the universe. It doesnt make God's more likely just because we dont know the answer to things. If you go down that road. Your replacing superstition for the truth.
@karlgoebeler1500 8 ай бұрын
Still hear Just ran into memories.
@Killane10 8 ай бұрын
Its all mind, a crazy and incredible creation of our own collective consciousness
@iamthetinkerman 8 ай бұрын
Where did the "collective" come from?
@Killane10 8 ай бұрын
@@iamthetinkerman We are one conscious at our core but each being, including plants and animals , is an observer and is part of the collective that manifests everything.
@micstrix922 8 ай бұрын
@silberlinie 8 ай бұрын
Here again, as in almost every presentation (and that doesn't specifically mean Brian): it was sloppily done. We talk about the visualizations, we talk about the graphics. Here, in this video 20:20, the inadequate ends of the black boundary lines and also at the central black point.
@5barkerstreet 8 ай бұрын
you never be right.
@Thedudeabides803 8 ай бұрын
I’m not sure if there is a god, however the way science is fumbling to explain dark energy, black holes, inflation and dark matter, I find myself giving god even more of a possibility. To not be agnostic is a very ignorant and close minded stance. We don’t know. Yet. That’s all we can say.
@TheXenetiX 8 ай бұрын
I think god made it passible through the evelution and tools to find more information about our world. It would be none existing without a ignite or spark in the beginning of time
@Jill_Clarke 8 ай бұрын
We are at the time I'm the Cosmos that we are bringing in imagination which is intuitive. I believe that there was one big bang that started the Cosmos and we are alive during inflation of the megaverse expansion. Everything from science to developing our mind. Thought process like the story of thought , it's spelled like what though I'm not going to go look it up. It's amazing how our brain and synapses looks like the universe. I believe that other civilizations across the cosmos is also trying to figure out why we exist as well. The study of the Bible and Cosmo and humanity and morals is all connected. The fact that peoples' thought that are not if everyone else the one who chooses the path less followed is made to feel like they aren't worth what their minds think. Why aren't we fostering our minds and thought. Why isn't meditation and self affirmation also added into the the curriculum? People who study and made to feel that their minds are nuts by thinking differently when you are all throwing away what may be the guides , the universe,the cosmos contribution to the said equation! Lol
@Jill_Clarke 8 ай бұрын
I am not a scientist but schooling at all but I have other gifts So here is when I will get ridiculed but it ok I actually love it it helps me channel. In tarot the rider and wait deck there is the devil card . In the devil card shows two people chained to the devils chair Adam and Eve. Behind it is a mountain. In the mountains I see a fairy waiting to come out of the mountains which is to me a volcano eruption. Why a fairy when volcanos are destructive because trigger by the plates moving to make the world expansion.this also is chemical release of the vapors the helium to do into jet stream and to the weakest part of the atmosphere. As we know empty space wants to be filled to make osmoses of a cell right and if they say the world I alive so I the galaxy..we are like the lungs and the heart and the 🧠 brains of creations. I'm not sure if we will ever know the master answer key to why the planet and the universe actually exists it just does. I love the conversation you and the other Brian have it makes my mind smile! Lol. God is the sense of the human is an because if we don't shit we going to die,! Right?!? We don't get rid of the toxins in our body the vessel dies. So think as earth as a part of the human body we are the whole body.. but if we can't filter out the shit in the world between humanity,wars disease if we can't figure this out we will never have the peace of mind to ever elevate enough to find the answers your looking for .So now I'm only half way through but that what I am channeling the divine . All if my automatic writings have come true I say things or think of them I find the answers or at least try to interpret why it is I think they are saying. You know when you have a relationship problem you go to a person who doesn't know the story of the issues because they can't take sides because they are the stranger looking into the problem. Looking on it with a fresh pair of eyes? I take this as pay attention to those not getting it. Pay attention to the so called black sheep of your classes and discussuons. They may have also intuitive thoughts they aren't aware of. Especially because a mind of a child can only be with God right?? Peter Pan syndrome or is it divine guidance? Lol my mind is fun. Back to your pod cast I will see what they say about gravity. 😂❤
@WillyWonkenobi 8 ай бұрын
It kinda depends on what God means, is it an old man on a cloud or the event horizon of the universe that caused the original wave collapse, it could mean anything
@geraldbutler5484 8 ай бұрын
Leave it out! Let’s have the science and leave the mumbo jumbo to all the various cults dreaming up various reasons for our existence.
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