The Celery Test: Put your Why into action

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Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

Күн бұрын

Inspiration without action is hallucination. If we don't put our Why into action, it will never come to life. This video, from Part 3/3 of the online Why Discovery Course, will help you take steps toward living your Why. Learn more here:

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@augustinriche2766 4 жыл бұрын
"Why " is an important question that make us do the good choice that fit us. By asking what is the purpose of that or this advice, it permits to understand if it is a good or wrong fit.
@noanlemarie-doledec5245 4 жыл бұрын
asking ourselves "why" is very important is it guides us in order to take the best decisions but it can also slow us down in certain situation, we have to find the middle to use this as a benefit
@julievttr4327 4 жыл бұрын
Finding its "why" is really helpful in life as well as in business. By having a "why" it is much easier to know what we want and how we want it. People are also more able to help us finding our way. This video really inspired me.
@racaciaruth4460 4 жыл бұрын
Amen, the purpose driven person who is on target will be on track not wasting time, money and effort but rather focused on WHY. Thank you Mr Sinek for such inspiration.
@TheJuliette10 4 жыл бұрын
he's right the question "why" is very important and it make rhythm in our lives. There is no one day where we don't ask ourselves about "why". It permits to have a purpose
@julesdetilly6542 4 жыл бұрын
Every one has his own "why". The "Why" allow us to know what we really stand for in our life and in our job. You have to work your "why" until it becomes natural.
@julienpenet7073 4 жыл бұрын
"Why" is an important question that everyone asks themselves. this is the question that helps us make the right choices and ask the right questions and achieve our goals. This "why" is a guide for us.
@ennora5345 4 жыл бұрын
What I understand from the concept of "putting your Why in action", is that everything is about being authentic and true to yourself. You have to ask yourself the right questions. As he says, it will help you differentiate from others, and being less impressionable, which will save you some time. People will also be able to see what king of person you are, and being confident to yourself will encourage your natural qualities to bloom. All those positive things helps to have a certain purpose in life, and therefore being passionate about an idea, or concept.
@bobmenezes4739 9 жыл бұрын
Simon... I simply love your philosophy! You are the man... I run an english school down here in Brazil and i have been applying your WHY theory and it's working beautifuly brother... The school is growing and I am about to amp up on staff and It will be a requirement that the ENGLISH BOB SCHOOL crew watches and puts to practice whole heartedly what we will learn from you! Nothing but respect for you my man!!! Ever thought of coming to Brazil? Will love to meet you and talk to you one day.... Godbless you man!!! Cheers
@leopolddurufle5696 4 жыл бұрын
It's very interesting because it makes us understand that you kind of need something (a why) to really do something, that you need a motivation
@linakhoudeir9315 4 жыл бұрын
I learnt new things like what the celey test was or how it is essential to ask the why to enlighten us but above all to look for what we really want what motivates us ....
@Lisawexx 4 жыл бұрын
thx for the explanation ! It is important to give importance to your ideas in order to be able to implement them, the "why" is always a good question to ask for that.
@perdreaulombardsimon7421 4 жыл бұрын
I knew this "why?" method, but I must admit that I had never been interested in it and I never practiced it. But now it really makes me want to use it. I think it is beneficial not only for me, but also for others, because the more others understand your desires or ideas, the more they will be able to help you make the right decision.
@marieburglin 4 жыл бұрын
why, where and how? questioning is essential and helps to move things forward in the right way. the moment you act on it means that you have asked yourself these questions.
@theophilemollet4198 4 жыл бұрын
the fact to find our why is like finding the goal in your life you want to achieve. With this why you can focus on what you really need and what is perfect for you
@anoukmercier4891 4 жыл бұрын
The "WHY" theory becomes a tool in making decisions. Asking ourself "why" allows use to know exaclty for what we are stand for and shows in what we believe. Applying this theory make use understand that evreything we do has a purpose.
@edoardobianco2484 4 жыл бұрын
@theopm 4 жыл бұрын
i truly think that asking himself and not everytime others is a way to solve issu that people often forget, thx for this original video that makes every one rethink about it !
@shalynanders5114 4 жыл бұрын
"why" is always a question to ask oneself. Why we choose to do things or say things or anything else. It influences our every decision. Outsiders are also an issue to our "why", as said we are influenced by people a lot and it can drive us away from our actual goals
@rantunestube 9 жыл бұрын
Simon, you are huge. You are a true "teacher" and mentor. Thank you for your great inspiration. Please keep up. Rob all the way from Portugal.
@faustinejoly9312 4 жыл бұрын
The concept of the "Why" is really interesting. We can quickly getting overwhelmed by the different things we have to take care of and forget our main objective. It is important to stop and ask ourself "why?". This simple question allows us to be more productive and to act according to our principles/who we are
@aneesaimtiazhussain8425 4 жыл бұрын
"Why" concept is very interesting. It helps us to understand why we are doing it and to increase our productivity, improve ourselfs.
@eliedussoubs6783 4 жыл бұрын
The why is a way to ask and find for ourselves what is better and what suits us best. The celery example is very clear, it permits to illustrate simply the why definition.
@lucascrosrichard3298 4 жыл бұрын
I really like the exemple you take in this video, that permit me to clearly understand it. The why is importante to be more effective and to know themselves more.
@evvvve 4 жыл бұрын
It is indeed really important to always stepback from what people say to us or what we are doing to ask ourselves "why". This video made me realize that I was not doing this enough, it can really have a great impact on what we do.
@paulroussel1254 4 жыл бұрын
So true that knowing where you are going is always better and for you and to catch people’s attention
@estebanazoulay6318 4 жыл бұрын
The "Why" allowed us to focus on the important thing and help us to be efficient and not to be distracted by to many things
@laetitiacanon7877 4 жыл бұрын
The question "why" is not only a use of efficiency. It is a question that everyone should ask to themselves in order to be unique, not to follow others because everyone has a different life and experiences. It is a question we need to ask ourselves to know us better and be out own unique person, and then make the right decisions and choose the right path.
@mietonen 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Simon! You feel like a real real friend! ❤ Absolutelutely.
@mathiscalmet1804 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks to this video I understood that I had to think about why? And this is something I didn't do naturally. For that I will trust myself and practice these things. Thank you for sharing that with us
@jeannechalumeau3582 4 жыл бұрын
This technique is very interesting, it can be applied in all situations and allows us to be more precise.
@alexispiessens 4 жыл бұрын
The question "why" is really important, because everyone should ask themselves "why?". Why am I doing this, what pushes me, why do I have to do this. It also allows us to have something that drives us, a goal, a reason.
@kilianfestl7705 4 жыл бұрын
"Why" is the ultimate tool to keep logic the primary influence in our decisions and helps to avoid doing unnecessary things. But it bears a risk: putting too much willpower in every decision can slow you down and makes decisions hard that could be easily made by intuition.
@chloegerard5228 4 жыл бұрын
It's really interesting. It is indeed really important to always step back from what people say or what we are doing, especially if we have to ask ourselves "why".We really need to concentrate on what we actually need and want.
@emmagbnemmagbn6902 4 жыл бұрын
Asking ourselves “why” helps us to focus on one aspect of our lives or our jobs. It allows us to stop for a minute and think about the reasons why we’re doing something. Then less mistakes are made and we become more efficient.
@morineaulea7162 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think we are all questioning ourself before buying something. This video challenges us with reality and reminding us of the need for action, even if sometimes we can make the wrong choices. In my opinion acting is a response on the question "why".
@paulinegac839 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your explanation, the metaphor of the bike allows a better understanding: we need to follow what we believe and our goals. It is a very useful concept for all of us.
@kettyllafia9755 4 жыл бұрын
The arguments which are explained in this video are really interesting because we do not often ask ourselves "why" and this can be helpful for every step in our daily life.
@chalvinguillaume9227 4 жыл бұрын
Put your WHY into action is realy important and we can understand that with this video. And it can help us when you will be used to it help you to succeed, get a job or understand our choices
@aurianehlr6081 4 жыл бұрын
It's important to find our "why" to move forward with our projects and know what to do in any situation. If we don't ask this question we risk missing a step.
@ccg862 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks to your superb video, I was able to realise the importance of starting with the why at the beginning. Thank you very much.
@jdxdp_ 4 жыл бұрын
This is a very interesting concept that can be used in our everyday lives. Why do we do the things we do, because we want to do them and because it suits with our values or because we were told to. The second option is very bad because it is putting us into some kind of hypnosis or a constant guardianship that prevents us from thinking. We the human being are very lazy and tend to choose facility, therefore we tend to follow what people tell us to do because we are to lazy to think. This why it is important to learn how to think by ourselves and not to think the thoughts of other (not all the time).
@annapicatto396 4 жыл бұрын
asking ourselves why we do this is clearly important. Sometimes, people, the society, an ad, ... Push you to do things that you didn't plan to do. It's ok to listen to yourself, making your own decision.
@wiaamly7176 4 жыл бұрын
It's important to start to ask us "why" when we want to achieve a goal. The “why” allows us to make the best decisions and respond correctly to our needs. It guides us to act in agreement with what we believe on and our purpose.
@nicolasbladanet6205 4 жыл бұрын
By asking ourselves "why?" our lives will be more structured ad organized. We will directly know what we have to do without loosing time, therefore, also being more efficient.
@claralecuyer4093 4 жыл бұрын
Putting our "why" into action always seems difficult at first but it is something that will become natural over time. "Why" is a tool we will use all our life to make decisions.
@Louneptos 4 жыл бұрын
My "Why" is the reason I am watching this youtube video instead of another. My reason to be on youtube right now is to educate myself.
@AntonyBrayley 9 жыл бұрын
Love what you're about, Simon! I so look forward to your new content. Sidenote: Have you noticed how many posts pertaining to your content have the word "love" in them? You're really doing something right, brother! Cheers!
@romaneveyrines3593 4 жыл бұрын
Asking ourselves « why » is important to keep following our merry way. It helps us setting aims and reaching them.
@clemencebompart9349 4 жыл бұрын
Good metaphors to understand that really matters is knowing why you do things that you do, once you know why all will make sense to you.
@arthurpinchard6971 4 жыл бұрын
Of course it’s really important to ask ourself “Why”. To think about what and why people says us a precise think. But sometimes, on the other hand we juste have to follow our ideas and do not think too much.
@juliette7459 4 жыл бұрын
ask ourself "why" is a thing that we should do daily in order to do thing that has a reason for us and can be profitable to ourself
@zZfelix 4 жыл бұрын
Very good advice on how to implement the Why in our lives and change our action by concentrating on what we actually need and want! Expressing one self is a very important trait everyone should try to perfectionize!
@cindyrizka4921 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you, sir
@IMAE-zu6wx 4 жыл бұрын
The question "why" is like a motor, a guide in our life. It will allow us to make the right choices, and help us achieve our goals.
@victorlionnet2361 4 жыл бұрын
The more we can articulate our "why", the more others will know what we stand for and will be able to helps us make the right decisions. The best way to implement the "why" is to worked it slowly.
@bojanabegovic9250 9 жыл бұрын
And here I am 4:30am in the morning. just about to go to the airport to fly to London in order to present my concept idea to some company ...for the first time in my entire life somebody asked to give them my idea where I am trying to put this WHY thing into action and yes it feels awkward :D
@d13x001 7 жыл бұрын
How'd it go?!
@dudewat212 7 жыл бұрын
Bojana Begovic ... Any update ? ...
@bojanabegovic9250 7 жыл бұрын
I got the job, then i resigned after 11 months and got another one just because I stood with my why... it is not easy but it is worthwhile being brave and speaking up what you believe. So, it went excellent thank you for asking:) Now i have moved to Switzerland BUT this is just a beginning cause the power of WHY needs more to be raised and emphasized.
@JK-bt8sk 7 жыл бұрын
But remember he mentioned, the purpose of our why is not a discovery. It is embedded in our value and our belief and the environment we work and will work at. Try and put his cliff and mountain talk into your life where you are at the tip of the mountain trying to go for the summit but you forget that theres an immovable mountain. It is a journey to get there and it takes consistent things to love what you do and not intensity of doing it.
@thomas.02 6 жыл бұрын
I’ve been starting with why in my interviews. Interestingly, those who are visibly interested in my why leads on to a better interview experience for both they and me, while those interviews that didn’t give me a chance to say my why tends to be rather cold clunky and emotionless
@dylansharkey6040 4 жыл бұрын
How exactly do you bring it up? Is there a specific question where it feels appropriate or do you just start talking about the why you applied for the job as soon as you sit down? How do you use the language to make it feel comfortable in conversation, and not so awkward?
@alexivasic3328 4 жыл бұрын
The why helps us to achieve our goals. The more we have a strong "why", the more it leads us to put in place the actions we need to achieve our goals.
@babettvolgyesi7007 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Simon and the whole team behind you😉! These things that we know, but forget so often being deep in doing and achieving those tangible things... Thanks for the reminder and the great example btw😘😘😘😘
@DamaryPerez 6 жыл бұрын
You help me a lot of, thank you so much, I spend 3 years truying to built a project, and I was listening you about the why for long time, but just when I wrote this 3 question I found the right way to start to built it. the questions where: why do I want to do this project? what message do I want to convey? what are the things that keep me from continuing? answer those questions had taken me less than 30 minutes and that's was the exactly day when I found the right way to built this project. I have been working on it for about 3 months and I am almost finishing. The life is better, my ideas are organize, thanks to that I know what I want to say and how I should say, like in the gold circle ;) just because in my crazy time I stop and did 3 questions to myself, the life looks so clear know. I am just happy that you have been there with that very good idea, doing your best and without waist your time in this beautiful life. My mother languaje is spanish, sorry for the grammar mistakes ;) and thank you so much. now I can say than more than work I do what I love. I could die for it.
@danchadwick1495 3 жыл бұрын
Simon! Thank you! I have an anecdote that I've carried with me since its discovery in high school. Reading a book by AD Moore, "Electrostatics, and its uses'' a single page changed the trajectory of my life. Take a cube of aluminum a centimeter on a side and move one electron from each atom in the cube, and move them a meter away. The resulting force of attraction between the points will be equivalent to the weight of the Empire State Building. This with another thought experiment in the same book describing a swing generator using an actual child's swing set and trashcan lids, with the firm injunction to STOP! DON'T DO IT! Calculate the coulombs you would generate and just Don't do it. Well life goes on. Went to college in electrical engineering, got bored out of my skull and went to Japan on an immersive mission for my church. Came back and joined the marines. About the same time Pons & Fleischmann announced cold fusion I was sitting in my refrigerated communications shack. (8'x12' with two 5 ton air conditioners) thinking about how this thing was taking 3kW to run, and that I knew how to make it spin a couple discs to generate its own power. Marines have a sense of humor. Patience? depends... Nobody wanted to hear it. I started to create a lab in my head. Nikola Tesla was my hero before he became popular... And an odyssey has begun. I knew that there was a way to make a capacitor big enough that it could run an electric motor to turn the discs I would need to prove my point, by charging the capacitors while the motor was turning them. Simple, a motor takes so much to generate the magnetic field and then that magnetic field dumps that energy back into the system. Magnetic generators work the same way motors work and they're going to constantly fight for dominance, of course they're not going to produce more energy than is needed to turn them... In fact the more energy in the system the harder they're going to fight! But we're taught that light waves are a synergy of electric fields and magnetic fields blipping across the universe. Why can't it work for motors too? Well it turns out that capacitors operate in the picofarad to microfarad range while motors operate in webers and gauss ranges. Microscopic vs Macroscopic if you want a scale to look at. That says I'm going to need a lot of money. I started to have doubts about my career choice and focus, and went on a mobilization exercise. Told my wife it was going to be a couple weeks, and my Captain tells me to take a break and surprise her. Not knowing any better I went ahead. My wife had adjusted herself to the idea I was going to be gone for 2 weeks. She's not the sort that would do anything behind my back or anything like that, just resigned to the work of doing it alone. When I got home expecting to be missed, I'm greeted with, "What the hell are you doing here?" ... Young and dumb, I had no idea how to respond to that, and being an introvert, did what comes naturally. I curled up into my shell and endured the next day or so, and went back to China Lake NV, to finish the exercise. Thoughts about changing the world abandoned me like cheap friends after my paycheck was all gone the day after payday. I was broken. I started making mistakes at work costing the contractors time and rework. Riding home crashed my bike at a place I should have handily negotiated, plenty of experience, but I limped home, and the bike was gone when I went back for it. Family went back to Utah with the offhand comment that at least I couldn't quit... Challenge accepted! My First Sergeant say me down and asked me what I wanted, and I said, "I want out." Within about a month I was done. Went back to Utah myself, and after several tries at employment got an ultimatum to not come back without a job. Unemployment expired before I got around to filing for it. Coasted in a deep fog for many years before I got it together. And the cube of aluminum came back to me. There was no internet, so visiting libraries I learned about Barium Strontium Titanate, with a dielectric constant of 350,000! That means that a plate capacitor could be 350,000 times smaller than one made of metal plates separated with a sheet of plastic. Still not enough, but getting there. I started thinking about alternatives to BST, and perovskites and a number of other possibilities... I went back to college to learn the answers to 3 questions all about magnetism. I remember reading about experiments Tesla did, but didn't see them in any trainings I participated in. About magnets that stuck to wood, about resonances and a head full of other thoughts to keep me up at night. So! "Why isn't magnetism taught in school the way capacitance is?" And, "When did it stop being taught?" And, this coil of wire I have here; "What if I use the equations still available to me to calculate in a different way, 'Can I get the results I'm looking for?'" I did not get the reasons behind it but the textbooks taught about it until 1956, then every reference was purged. And yes I can get the values I need for the system I envision to work. The engine in my 4Runner seized up... This sort of thing happens from time to time when the oil pump fails. So I decided the time is right to pull the engine and replace it with an electric motor, and my generator. I can run it with CO2 pumped through the antifreeze in my radiator, or a small wind turbine arrangement for show that it is using these renewable energies, I can even put a solar PV panel on my dash, but I want to go one better and make the generator directly control the motor with a NuVinci bicycle CVT to vary the output of the generator. I figure removing the motor and the transmission I can get a 50hp motor in the place of the transmission and on the fire wall mount the heat pump and assorted remainders necessary for a modern car to operate. I believe I can get the environment controls to run constantly as they do in a home. I thought about running in the Australian solar car race with a fully featured 4Runner, but $13k is kinda steep for entry. As it is I'm scraping together a few bills to convert my 401k to self directed, just to build it. I'm even looking at designs for a bicycle to move a 53' semi trailer. I even have a hundred mile loop to pull it on mapped out. Should only take a couple hours.
@cnj452 6 жыл бұрын
Fantastic, a clear and easily understandable explanation of the Why.... Thank you so much
@livitmaggiefit7215 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks you!!!! I love this!!!! It's given me the stamp of approval for my lifestyle as it relates to my business .I am the brand and the proof and the message.Thanks I'd love to be able to speak to Simon ...someday :-)
@mezzasan 4 жыл бұрын
"Why" is a question that everyone should ask themselves. Being efficient and effective in life is very important. Knowing who we are, what we believe in, will enable us to have opportunity (e.g. find a job), make the right decisions and finally, know what is our purpose in life.
@tonezmusic8758 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this explanation!!
@ticoandalpha8211 Жыл бұрын
I've read your book 🔝🔝🔝
@ledatheophylactou6877 8 жыл бұрын
thank you for being such an inspiration.
@RobertOgilvie 9 жыл бұрын
Love your work, Simon!
@wadepatton2433 4 жыл бұрын
Amen on the celery and plant-based milk. But I've been eating that way for nearly five years and no one EVER inquires. 97% of America thinks plant-based eating is... wait for it... NUTS! Still sorting out my Why, but has only been aware that I need to find it for a week or two. I'm 53.
@rubielynqueruela5383 2 жыл бұрын
why you example is very easy 🤔 😁🥰
@mohamedrafireporter 3 жыл бұрын
உங்கள் ஆக்ஷன் தான் மாறியுள்ளது. நீங்கள் எதிர் பார்த்து வெளியே காட்டிக் கொள்ளாத உங்கள் எதிர்பார்ப்பு. உங்களுக்கு சந்தோஷம் என்றால் எனக்கு இரட்டிப்பு சந்தோஷம்.
@mama5678121 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@vrstovsek 9 жыл бұрын
Damn, that was insightful!
@kiwipuffs 7 жыл бұрын
When he is talking, how come he tilts he head to the side a bit? Is this a communication tactic?
@d13x001 7 жыл бұрын
Kiwon Lee - yes it's a manipulation tactic or a tool of seduction. He is exposing a part of his body that is vulnerable (jugular) to 'invite' you in. To trust him because he trusts you. It's a tool for speakers and leaders and quite an effective one. It may sound weird but it has deep roots in animal behaviour.
@kiwipuffs 7 жыл бұрын
David Harrison Your answer does make sense at the surface. But I cant seem to find any articles relating to your answer. Could you provide some links to websites etc that support your answer?
@hieveryone.8508 6 жыл бұрын
+David Harrison. LMAO. Are you ok?
@hieveryone.8508 6 жыл бұрын
+Kiwon Lee. What?
@scottscroucher7406 5 жыл бұрын
But why?
@pepijnpaulissen8327 4 жыл бұрын
Who has been Reading start with why lately?
@Lightningvideoeditors 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Simon, Send you and Stephen an email with a video. I think it's worth watching for you and your team. Jeff B. answered me and told me he send it to you?
@justineb2142 4 жыл бұрын
So not respecting our why is like a vegan wearing a leather coat, everyone is confuse
@LiakatHossain 5 жыл бұрын
Here is the juice 0:35
@sauravpincha 6 жыл бұрын
Wanna put all ur videos on my WhatsApp Status, with ur permission
@tahfiftusila558 6 жыл бұрын
just do it. simon will love it if share his message
@elenaradulovic3645 4 жыл бұрын
i do not like it because, first at all i dont know and understand what is your 'Y'. but i like your comparaison to sucess and learn with a bike. you are going to far with your methaphore with food and staff
@mietonen 2 жыл бұрын
' .. 🥰🥰
@sunsets6163 2 жыл бұрын
i hate school
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