The Chosen Season 4: Episodes 7-8 DISCUSSION

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Now Let's Be Honest

Now Let's Be Honest

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@DallasJenkinsOfficial 6 ай бұрын
One note about Judas. If you the viewer didn't know he's going to actually BETRAY Jesus, his arguments and resistances to Jesus and the others wouldn't stand out as much--bear in mind the other disciples push back as well, especially early on, back when Judas WASN'T pushing back. But even that doesn't equate to "he might betray and turn in our leader to the authorities" in their minds and it never would. Huge difference between "he seems unhappy" and "he's going to betray all of us."
@BZLing 6 ай бұрын
You are so right about the feeling of anticipation. They are doing such a good job making you feel like you don’t know what’s going to happen.
@cmf7475 6 ай бұрын
About the Lazarus rising scene - The scream was not expected but I found it believable and probably happened. Jesus reaction was gut wrenching. Saying he had mixed emotions falls short...He knew this was his last miracle. He was joyous for Lazareth and the sisters, but knows what's coming and he also knows his mother would be there to witness. He's out of time.
@ladymarie8512 6 ай бұрын
I always have to watch episodes more than once to really soak in all the content and special moments. I also find this the best season yet. The build up was incredible.
@pattyegroffel7834 2 ай бұрын
I think the writers are attempting to how Thomas’s doubts begin to manifest! He sees so much that he is still working through and yet his dedication, though shaken, is still firm! He must process so much, and yet full closure is not yet in sight!🇮🇱😇🇺🇸❤️🌹🙏
@peggymigas9876 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this and the other 2 lives you did for these episodes. I wasn’t able to be on the live, but watched after. It didn’t seem that long and l listened to the whole thing. ☺️ Both of these episodes were amazing!! I think episode 7 is slightly ahead of 8 for me. I will definitely watch these episodes multiple times once it is on the app.😂
@brianbartels9580 6 ай бұрын
I loved the flash forward. My con is the lack of Peter in both 7 and 8 as the rock. Seems like they stepped back of that.
@pamelakyle-campbell778 6 ай бұрын
I thought “Peter, the rock” was metaphorical because Jesus was standing at the rock of Caesarea Philippi which was thought to be “the gate of hell”. I thought he was saying that here, I will build my church, and the gates of hell (here) will not prevail against it! There has to be significance to why Jesus said that where He said it. But, I could be wrong.😊
@AnnieDee-jp2ss 6 ай бұрын
Mother Mary is the ORIGINAL chosen. She deserves to be a player in "The Chosen."
@Nicole_Marie_ 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. So many people want to forget she exists between the Nativity and the foot of the Cross.
@Servant44 6 ай бұрын
It's not about mother Mary but the Lord Jesus Christ ‭‭John 8:24 KJV‬‬ [24] I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your [sins:] for if ye [believe not] that [I am he,] ye shall [die in your sins.]
@babelon1987 6 ай бұрын
I thought Jesus wept because of his compassion for everyone crying, but there could be lots of reasons. Hard to say.
@lenorewang6573 2 ай бұрын
Re: Jesus swept, I have harbored that thought, too, that he was disappointed in their disbelief, but at the same time, there were people he didn’t raise, and so it would not have been illogical to believe that he might not raise Lazarus.
@kevburk1 6 ай бұрын
Minor spoilers The Judas Schmual conversation made me think oh no please don’t let this be the set up of thirty pieces of silver. I am so hoping for this Pharisee to be redeemed. He is still worshipping God’s law. His mind is closed even though he seems to know Jesus is not a false prophet.
@Nightman221k 6 ай бұрын
I agree with you about thinking it's a bit harsh that Thomas gets defined by his having had doubts. ALL the Apostles didn't believe Mary Magdalene when she said that Jesus was alive. I feel like getting fixated on having him "need a reason to doubt" kind of loses the notion that the historical Thomas was a normal person who feared that everyone was seeing what they wanted to see. Seeing this amazing man you knew to be God die a gruesome death, body destroyed entirely; I don't think that it comes off as needing to be rationalized cause it already is something that makes sense without him thinking Jesus couldn't because he didn't resurrect Ramah. I just had an unusual realization... if Quintus is the centurion at the cross who realizes that Jesus was the Son of God, and Quintus ends up becoming a follower of Jesus. We might end up seeing Thomas forgiving Quintus. That would be a really interesting scene to see since it would show a lot of character progression from Thomas.
@drkarenhanson 6 ай бұрын
Jesse was the one who told Veronica about Jesus. They talked about it after her healing.
@gailpaul5274 6 ай бұрын
This is my first time commenting on your channel, and I feel i must tell you my take on Thomas. Personally, I really identify with this storyline and this character portrayal. I have been in Thomas's shoes. I have felt his anguish. I know his pain. Due to circumstances of a death in my family, I know how hard it is to face unjust circumstances in my human mind. I have wrestled in agony as he has. I knew someday I will get answers. But it is not now. I have faith, and trust in the Lord. In the meantime, I will be interested in following his journey.
@MariaIMedina2121 6 ай бұрын
Many times I have talked back to this stream but I have to comment when it comes to Thomas. When he buried the sundial he's trying to move on but it's still going to hurt and in his case he will probably be mourning the rest of his days. Just saying he lost the love of his life. Idk how long it will take for someone to heal from that. And I hope Judas leaves that alone or else he's just greedy and not confused just evil.
@gish72 6 ай бұрын
One last thought….Remember… As far as Thomas’s story arc is concerned… In theatrics, a lot can be done with flashbacks to add precision to perceptions, and fill in the gaps in the story telling … after all, it is a finite screenplay, attempting to depict an infinite story… God’s Story for the redemption of mankind
@mariemcclure151 6 ай бұрын
I have not seen season 4 yet. I agree with you about Jesus wept. Jesus was upset that his people were not understanding him,Mary and Martha were upset with him and then his death. It was a lot to bare.
@kevburk1 6 ай бұрын
Also very confused about Judas spying on Thomas. Guess a later payoff but scratching my head.
@AnnieDee-jp2ss 6 ай бұрын
I just read about the horrific deaths the apostles Matthew and Nathaniel suffered through. Maybe the flash-forward is going to tie into Matthew's martydom. He converted the king's daughter and she became a nun, and after the king died, his successor wanted to marry the nun, and when Matthew chastised him, the king had his guard run him through with a spear. Nathaniel's death was more gruesome. Look it up if you dare.
@SueProv 6 ай бұрын
I just watched a whole video about it.
@gish72 6 ай бұрын
‘The man of sorrows’ is depicted well… Jesus, the Man, had the right to be sorrowful because… In Thomas’s case, Thomas sat around the fire when Jesus talked to Malik, the Samaritan, about the fact that “in this life parts will still break bones will still break”… I think Jesus, as depicted, his tears partly come from the fact that he told all of them these things, over & over, and they didn’t always listen …
@gish72 6 ай бұрын
The next two seasons, covering only a few days… Are likely to be riddled with flashbacks… Covering many of the aspects of Jesus ministry, that have so far been left out
@keithriley1880 2 ай бұрын
Job said, "Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book!. That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!" And those words were written in a book.... The Thomas story line is difficult to process, but read Job in light of this and ask yourself the same questions. A lot of us have had issues with the Job story line, but the point is that God does not owe us an answer. Thomas and Judas see the same things, Thomas suffers much more than Judas, yet Judas is the one offended to the point that he betrays Jesus, who only showed kindness to him, while Thomas experiences great loss and ends up trusting Jesus to the point where Thomas loses his life for Jesus while sharing the Gospel in Southern India.
@ladymarie8512 6 ай бұрын
They won't do the bread of life discourse in John 6. Because it's too Catholic for them. They don't believe in the true presence of Jesus in the eucharist , which is exactly what Jesus was telling everybody , and that's why many walked away from him
@drkarenhanson 6 ай бұрын
Exactly, they only included the "to whom would we go?" line.
@CatholicaVeritas777 2 ай бұрын
I actually didn’t know many Catholics watch The Chosen. God bless you!
@CarolMcKenna-yf5uq 2 ай бұрын
@CarolMcKenna-yf5uq 2 ай бұрын
I’m Catholic and I watch The Chosen ❤❤❤❤
@pattyegroffel7834 2 ай бұрын
Virginia here good afternoon! Thank you for this discussion!
@kevburk1 6 ай бұрын
Flash forward. Matthew mentioned Paul being st Colossi. So assuming was before Paul’s death in the sixties. Always thought Matthew’s crush on Mary M was cute. But probably a stretch to imagine him pursuing it.
@damali. 6 ай бұрын
Being newer to the channel I thought you and Breann were already married. I thought you both look so cute together. So happy to hear that you are headed there. She definitely likes you. 😊 Ok I’ll mind my own business now.
@tinajohnson8984 5 ай бұрын
I have seasons 1-2-3 so looking for the comming.i watch them many times to see the characters,and get familiar with them so when they say matthew i know who he is. Love first 3 seasons.watching actors grow with the life of Jesus. its like your right there.
@pamdodds8210 6 ай бұрын
I think we have to remember that we (as audience) see all of Judas sneakiness and deceitfulness. Judas does some of this in secret and few even see much to make them suspicious. So at last supper each disciple could say “is it I” who would betray
@annme7638 5 ай бұрын
@physicsteachr 6 ай бұрын
One option to pad the next two seasons are flashbacks either to old testament or even gospel events they’ve yet to include. That said, some of the best parables come up during this timeframe and I trust Dallas enough at this point to engagingly portray for us the multiple intense exchanges between Jesus and the sadducees and pharisees. I think they might chronologically move some parables into next season to ratchet up the tension. My prediction for the structure of season 5: ep 1-3 - Entrance to Jerusalem through cleansing of the temple (flash forward to the temple’s destruction maybe but that could be too dark for the chosen) ep 4-6 - Discourse with the other Rabbis - In matthew this is 4 chapters of questions and answers, it might actually be a matter of what gets cut for time and pacing. ep. 7-8: The plot to kill Jesus and the last supper. Season 6 has a lot of ground to cover as well to end with the crucifixion. Jesus’s arrest at Gethsemane, three trials before the Sanhedrin, then Herod, then Pilate, all before the Passion narrative gets truly devastating. This one’s gonna be rough…
@BZLing 6 ай бұрын
Joey Vahedi is Thomas
@bonniejeancampbell3851 6 ай бұрын
Evil people often begin to look evil as they go further into darkness.
@tinajohnson8984 5 ай бұрын
Can't wait for the rest of the seasons as rhey can get outt..(hungry for the word)excited for the expect seeing and hearing of each caracter of Jesus coming to life in a way and sequel that i haven't seen before. Going through there experience and fellings ou the time too!
@melvahash1837 6 ай бұрын
Watching from Taiwan 6 hours late. Thanks for sharing.😊
@MariaIMedina2121 6 ай бұрын
Did you stop is it plausible series?
@lenorewang6573 2 ай бұрын
Where can one find the Bible nerd shirt?
@Nightman221k 6 ай бұрын
I always assumed, like you, that s1-s5 would be the ministry then s6-s7 would be the passion and resurrection. I mean, logistically it feels excessive to stretch out the crucifixion for a whole entire season. I don't even know what that looks like but it sounds hard to pull off. And yes, I also feel like the series missed a chance to adapt more of Jesus' parables. It feels really wedged in when they are brought up like the way the Decapolis chaos happened cause the big misunderstanding. Were I adapting the gospels I would try to include the events and use them as focus points to write stories around rather than get a bit carried away with adding in some plotlines. I think the Thomas storyline is my biggest qualm and even though I feel like Ramah being "fridged" was a storytelling choice I didn't like; I did like Ramah and believed that she and Thomas were in love. Seeing him hurt over Jesus not healing her but helping Lazarus is something that definitely evoked emotions and Joey is a fantastic actor. Unfortunately, I hate the circumstances of Ramah's death cause I feel like the writers DIDN'T think about how it came off like Jesus intentionally hurting the Apostles (he let Ramah go to the area he knew she'd be stabbed with a sword at and didn't heal her as she bled out, it's different than were she to die of natural causes like Lazarus).
@cami478 6 ай бұрын
My understanding was that he died Friday rose on Sunday. That was why the pierced his side to make sure he was dead…sabbath was coming fast and they needed to get him off the cross and taken care of before sundown…Jesus kept the Sabbath even in his death.
@MariaIMedina2121 6 ай бұрын
You go long but you keep us engaged
@maureenmigliorati3582 5 ай бұрын
Happy Easter David x
@PianoSongDownload 6 ай бұрын
During the flash forward scene, I felt like Matthew was no longer acting like an autistic person. I missed seeing his wonderfully unique mannerisms.
@drkarenhanson 6 ай бұрын
He managed to walk stiffly while going up a mountain!!
@MaribelleDib 6 ай бұрын
Tamar was preaching with the man who was paralised
@AnnieDee-jp2ss 6 ай бұрын
I've always believed the passage, "Jesus wept," was because He was sad for what the mourners were going through, having empathy for them, feeling their sorrow.
@thechad4485 6 ай бұрын
I’ve always read it as mostly weeping for the fact that they had such little faith. Most people in the text seemed angry at Jesus for not preventing Lazarus’s death. Or being present to do so. No faith in his authority over death. Especially after he had explicitly spoken to his disciples about intending to wake him, and them confusing his death for literal sleep. Not understanding that death, in contrast to his power, is as simple as walking someone from their sleep. He essentially frustratedly exclaims that he’s glad he wasn’t there to prevent his death because now they’ll have a reason to remember their faith. His reasoning for weeping has always seemed clear to me in context.
@bette5373 6 ай бұрын
​​@@thechad4485yes, and they skipped it in the Chosen but in the Bible Jesus does a public raising of the widow of Nain's son- public in Israel to get his name out at first - but he didn't have a target on his back at that point so it jump started his ministry rather than ending it (like laz or like would have done if he hadn't kept Jairus's daughter a secret).... so in reality they did actually know he had raised the dead in the past but in the Chosen only John James Peter and Jairus's family knew before Laz. I definitely agree that it seems like he is weeping for several reasons including that those around him don't have the faith that he had authority over everything yet.
@MiguelFernandez-xo8ns 6 ай бұрын
In episode 7 season 4 they said that James less was martyred by being killed by a spear even though in the internet it says he was stoned to death and then his head was bashed in with a club in some reports that I have read. I don't know if they or aware of that error. To me it doesn't matter it's still a great show to me I love it!
@NowLetsBeHonest 6 ай бұрын
There are many different (oftentimes conflicting) reports concerning how the apostles died. I break down the different traditions about Little James in this video:
@susanstarke8581 2 ай бұрын
Read Foxes Book of Martyrs for true information about the original apostles.
@ilikeyoutubecoolvids 6 ай бұрын
Hi David, I love your channel. Each one of your videos I’ve watched so far are ~2 hours long (it’s rare for a TY video to be that long), but they never feel long! May God continue to bless you and use your chanel to draw more people closer to Jesus.
@biki97 6 ай бұрын
Wasn’t St. Paul the one that condemned the first martyr- St. Stefan?
@brianbartels9580 6 ай бұрын
David was calling Nathanael.
@bjmstx1952 6 ай бұрын
48:32 the word is Keltic.
@thegamerwoman5320 2 ай бұрын
You are wrong about that the sanhedrin couldnt execute Jesus though, they could for blasphemy and the punishment would have been stoning, but not for crimes against rome and definetly not by crucifixion, and in the story of the chosen, caiaphas didnt want jesus to be executed for just blashemy, he wanted him to be seen as an enemy of rome, and this is where I feel like it could be getting into the realm of antisemitism too, I just wish the chosen would be more careful about this stuff
@jagknight3730 6 ай бұрын
Do you think we’ll get the market place scene ? Towards the end of his life
@doxieherblitz 6 ай бұрын
I wish the actress who plays Joanna were more subtle with her facial expressions. Her feelings would be obvious to all at the table, and I think they'd challenge her.
@drkarenhanson 6 ай бұрын
If they paid attention to her.....
@cami478 6 ай бұрын
Didn’t Jesus know he was going to raise Lazarus? The moment that he crumbled up the paper that decision had been made…Receiving the letter of his sickness? or even sooner ???Maybe even back when he knew Laz was sick while at his house…didnt he he know Laz would die and his part in bringing about his own closeness to death??? When Jesus wept… why for Laz? Part of me wonders is part of his weeping was just that this resurrection (of Laz) is going to bring him that much closer to his own demise. Basically because this is it…there’s no going back now. He’s literally moments away from bringing Laz back so it doesn’t make sense that he would be weeping for Laz. The dude is just asleep :)
@MariaIMedina2121 6 ай бұрын
Lol you just answered my question. Lol
@ChristineBrown-oe3lw 6 ай бұрын
Dallas is gifting the 40oz Tumbler with orders of $30. He put a QR code up on the movie screen to the link
@FrightfulHousecat 6 ай бұрын
In my theater the link did not work because there was too much light innthebceiling.
@NancySwass-jv4kp 6 ай бұрын
Hey, David Tate! Long time, no see
@thegamerwoman5320 2 ай бұрын
The children of the devil verse that is in the gospels is also antisemitic
@bonniejeancampbell3851 6 ай бұрын
Ramah is extra-Biblical and you can only fit so much in one episode. Ramah was a believer so will she not be raised if she were real person ?
@cami478 6 ай бұрын
Sorry I am always confused but wasn’t the entire king David scene all leading up to comeong in on a donkey with the bridal bit thing that he shows to his son isn’t that supposed to be the actual one passed down to Joseph who then gives to Jesus before he dies??? And of course the lamb stuff. but back in season 3 they made a big deal of this and portrayed that is was his actual reason for making that last trip to Nazareth. My question is that bridal bit that Jesus pt on the donkey the vey one that David used and passed down the line??? Basically…was Joseph in a line down from David’s son Daniel? I am trying to remember Joseph’s story about it to Jesus. I thought he had said it want way back to ansestors fleeing from Israel…. I could be wrong
@NowLetsBeHonest 6 ай бұрын
Yeah that was kind of weird. Joseph was descended through Solomon, so I'm not sure why they chose to portray Daniel there. I'm assuming they were just wanting to portray one of David's other wives rather than just showing him with Solomon
@cami478 6 ай бұрын
Thank you that makes sense …but do you believe it is the very same bit/harness thing? It seems weird that it is such a big part of season 3…he goes to get the box from mom so she knows his death is soon…. And then to have king David bring attn to it…
@annme7638 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@NowLetsBeHonestI think they picked that time in David’s life because of the battle he would be returning from, which would be the reason for David’s triumphant entry. Also he is showing and explaining the bridle to this son but it doesn’t necessarily show him passing it down to him.
@americanphilosophy2701 6 ай бұрын
I think season 7 will be the acts. It is called the chosen
@annme7638 5 ай бұрын
No, Dallas has already said season 7 is the resurrection and the forty days after.
@drkarenhanson 6 ай бұрын
I think it would have been strange for Jesus to be wailing in the street, near numerous family and friends, with no one going to comfort Him! Mother Mary was the obvious choice.
@drkarenhanson 6 ай бұрын
I am Catholic and much of our theology is precisely that. Jesus loved and honored His Mom, so we do too.
@MariaIMedina2121 6 ай бұрын
This is his grourh
@kentslocum 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely crazy and very far-fetched theory that I have (and it hasn't been proven false yet!): perhaps Shmuel is Saul! Shmuel is a Pharisee of Pharisees; he is ideologically motivated, and he is familiar with Jesus' teachings and has reason to persecute Jesus' followers.
@MaribelleDib 6 ай бұрын
Shmuel is the Hebrew for Samuel and the Hebrew for Saul is shawuul
@cmf7475 6 ай бұрын
@Nicole_Marie_ 6 ай бұрын
The mysterious onlooker at the raising of Lazarus…the man with his head covered looking like he was spying. Hoping that’s Saul.
@kentslocum 6 ай бұрын
@@Nicole_Marie_ Okay, I wondered about that; I'd buy that as much more plausible.
@rachels9598 6 ай бұрын
Saul was converted on the way to Damascus.
@metroduck123 6 ай бұрын
I predict that in The Chosen, Jesus will be crucified at the end of Season 6 or at the beginning of Season 7, and the rest of Season 7 will about the Book of ACTS
@annme7638 5 ай бұрын
Dallas has already said the Chosen would not be going into the Book of Acts; they are only covering the Gospels.. If they do Acts it will be another series. Season 7 is to be the resurrection and the forty days after.
@barbhousley714 2 ай бұрын
It’s a story. Read your bible and do a study to really study Jesus
@jagknight3730 6 ай бұрын
GOH Damn 3 hours
@pamelakyle-campbell778 6 ай бұрын
I really did not care for the story arc with Thomas. Truthfully I said to my Son, that Thomas was getting on my last nerve. I mean, come on…wasn’t he being overly selfish, as if Jesus owes him because he follows Jesus, and duh…He should answer my wishes. I don’t know…. I just didn’t like it, it was too much for me.
@gigglyme2001 2 ай бұрын
You took the words right out of my mouth. I agree with you 100%
@alwaysaishy 2 ай бұрын
Well Peter denied Jesus just a few days before Jesus' crucifixion. So i wasnt surprised at all that Thomas acted that way. Although yes im not that big of a fan of the Thomas Ramah plot twist. But it contributed to the development of the story leading to the crucifixion. Anyway, i think the death and resurrection of our Lord removed all the doubts and fears of the apostles which allowed them to really grow in faith and spread the good news to the world without fear even on their own. But before that, yes they still had hesitations because they didn't know better. Jesus in the end was the one who made it possible for them to have unwavering faith.
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