The Command Line Does It Better Than The GUI

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@texaslinux 6 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more with your points. One thing I would add is that CLI programs tend to be more stable. Particularly those that abide by the Unix Philosophy. Since they're doing just one thing, there is often fewer lines of code meaning fewer bugs (I know, broad stroke here). More CLI videos, please! :)
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Keith. More CLI videos on the way.
@texaslinux 6 жыл бұрын
Yes! You are the man
@StefanoPapaleo-TS 6 жыл бұрын
Long live the command line
@kennywhiddon1497 6 жыл бұрын
Nice reply, you don't want to learn anything that could be useful. very smart.
@kennywhiddon1497 6 жыл бұрын
I don;t reply to stupid people but I just could not resist this time, it's just proof that you can't fix stupid, thanks for proving that point.
@dude86264 6 жыл бұрын
Never heard of Lynx? It's a web browser that is used in the command line.
@geremijugy2177 6 жыл бұрын
Joe Johnson Have you ever tried the command line??? It is just lightnening fast, as you said, once you’ve learnt what to type. If you don’t want to use it, just don’t. As simple as that. But there are people on here including myself using the CLI everyday, to check mail, surf the Internet, take some note, programming, etc, all that on a COMMAND LINE INTERFACE. My computer boots in 4 seconds in CLI, after log in (+2sec), then do anything. I’m going to take you’re example, to surf on Internet, to explain you a little thing: 6 seconds after booting my computer, I tap the command to open the browser (specially created for CL), instantly loading (3MiB), with all my customization settings (which IS a REALLY great advantage on CLI you don’t have on a GUI). I now look up at the DuckDuckGo bar, tap my keywords, searching for meteo today. Here is the GREATEST thumps up with CLI: you can create a script which is going to fetch meteo for you in half a second (expression, because it’s even faster:). So, instead of booting in, say, 15 to 35 seconds upto your Display Manager (log in), then waiting 10 to 20 seconds for your session, and still waiting 3 to 10 seconds to, say, opening Firefox (≈250 MiB) and FINALLY searching for meteo, sum of 28 to 65 seconds,,, you load all up in 6 seconds (all included for me), then executing the script and BOOM, you have the meteo in ≈ 7 to 8 seconds. I know, THE big thumps up for GUI is the beautiful interface you may setup (e.g. Compiz & KDE) ; The big thumps down for GUI is its slowness (but if you don’t care, that’s up to you). THE big thumps up for CLI is its swiftness and mighty dominant powerfulness in all spheres (I may not be correct, correct me if so) ; The big thumps down for CLI is its REALLY unituitive manner in doing things (I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, but once you’ve learnt it, and aren’t afraid of CL, it isn’t a thumps down anymore). So when you’re talking of a subject, look up the advantage and inconvenient of both before texting ANYTHING to a guy like Kenny Whiddon only showing you these advantage.
@sud0x3 6 жыл бұрын
Joe go try create a graphical application without the cli. Everything you have said is wrong litereally every statement. 1 You can browse properly structered websites in the cli and many people still do so, not that computers are all about viewing websites. 2 it is not slow and if it was so would all your other applications that use the shell to launch graphical applications. 3 Do your gui applications not allow correct use of the shift/caps lock key you seems to have uppercased half you messages like its going to make a difference to the crap you spouting.
@JoeSherlock88 6 жыл бұрын
I discovered Linux 2 years ago and GUI software managers were an easy cross-over. I soon got to realise that the command line is your friend unlike Windows! I'm still learning every day and I find that if I use a terminal it will show me every step of the process for whatever I'm trying to perform. Everything is there for you to see. Another brilliant vid Distro. Much respect mate.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Joe!
@TheRojo387 4 жыл бұрын
RAM is useful for IO.
@kmp3e 2 жыл бұрын
How’s your Linux journey going currently?
@TheRojo387 6 ай бұрын
​@@kmp3eIt's really blazing me along with developing my hand-coded OS, Chiplock, along with its signature features of BareCC and SEAN.
@TheL0wner 6 жыл бұрын
being the old bastard that I am I learned the linux commend line from a book called Linux in Plain English. the DOS / Linux command reference was particularly useful for me.
@EvilStepTwin 6 жыл бұрын
Like any distro or other operating system comes with a book these days. What is the purpose of a .pdf file when one needs a computer to run it and the proprietary software to read it. Not to mention that the computer/software is broken and at that point a file is useless as to a non working system... DER!
@tostoday 6 жыл бұрын
The Windows users said fuhgeddabouddit!
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Windows has a command line, TOS. It's just not a very good one. ;)
@muhammedkpln 6 жыл бұрын
PowerShell is actually very powerful.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Muhammed. Sounds like Windows just keeps getting better.
@tostoday 6 жыл бұрын
DistroTube Still, fuhgeddabouddit :)
@tostoday 6 жыл бұрын
@nikos7088 6 жыл бұрын
I'm also CLI > GUI kind of guy, even though I'm new to it and Linux/GNU stuff overall. But I just want to point out that the complicated menu systems in GUI also work kind of like build in man page, and you can use tools which you didn't even know that they existed until you saw it in menu.
@martinkunev9911 2 жыл бұрын
You did not mention composability - command line tools interact easily. You have standard abstractions like file, stdin and stdout and you can pipe data from one program to another. Composability and automation are the biggest advantages of CLI in my opinion.
@0779BooBoo 6 жыл бұрын
I know myself I refuse to update using a GUI,.
@14u2ponder 6 жыл бұрын
Bryan Troxell balla!
@MyurrDurr 6 жыл бұрын
Updating and installing software is much better in terminal, I only use the GUI software center to see if the software I want is there Although sometimes, like installing the breeze cursor theme yesterday, It wasnt in the GUI software center but I found it using command line
@cthedosboss5113 6 жыл бұрын
nice video well said i subscribed and hit the bell icon loved it man keep it up :)
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, BOSS. Much appreciated.
@DannyMexen9 4 жыл бұрын
Hope you don't mind me commenting on your old videos. They are just so well done.
@rexevan6714 6 жыл бұрын
You can do a lot with CLI. Especially if you want to achieve minimalism, like myself. If I can achieve something with less bloated and ligther program, I'll go for it.
@ravenecho2410 9 ай бұрын
I will say that learning different shortcuts, commands and everything... if u say to yourself "change directory" or "view inner word" or "stream editor" or "list", it helps u to remember the commands 1000% faster Imo
@lonewolfcoding5208 3 жыл бұрын
i use both commandline and gui when programming on node js or react you always need it
@qingwang3453 6 жыл бұрын
Back end developers depend a lot on desktop environment especially when they test(take I use selenium to drive Firefox). I like both cli and gui.
@negai_ Жыл бұрын
4:30 The bro here is has a crush on Command Line interface
@VasanthDeveloper 6 жыл бұрын
How fast can you recursively delete all empty folders in a GUI file manager? The command line is the most powerful tool that every got into my hands.
@VasanthDeveloper 6 жыл бұрын
In which file manager can you do that?
@VasanthDeveloper 6 жыл бұрын
Ever heard about the word recursive?
@hotroof 6 жыл бұрын
I'd say it depends on what you're doing. However, in many cases the command line is much faster. Having the ability to write a script to execute multiple commands very quickly is a "pro" as well.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Good point about scripting.
@naunau5417 4 жыл бұрын
yeah, the command line is great for 3d sculpting or writing music
@14u2ponder 6 жыл бұрын
I had a choice to make. My choice was go to a command-line only interface and browse with a text browser or deal with a split in my work flow and run floating windows just to be able to use a graphical browser. The compromise just wasn't an option. I thought if I went ahead and ran something that had graphics: that switching from that to the command-line and back again would be very inefficient and maddening. So I decided to give up the GUI browser, and I haven't looked back since. If anything I'm trying to get go less and less. I've been trying to actually install void Linux because systemd is so terribly huge and complicated. I have also been more security conscious lately and I've been looking at getting a system that has high security. So that's another reason why I want to try void since it uses libressl. Which is more secure than openssl. And since I'm not using graphics I might as well go with musl as opposed to glibc. So that's where I'm at.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome, Kevin! And good luck with Void.
@zalinuxdev7817 6 жыл бұрын
Kevin Moses tiling window manager help with that somewhat. But I hear ya. In fact, I've recently migrated to straight tmux with irssi, matterhorn and slackterm for communication during my work.
@tonybronze7459 6 жыл бұрын
I don't totally agree. Some jobs can be done faster with a gui. Example is setting up a Samba share. GUI can do it really quick with a few clicks. Command line, you have to open samba,conf, manually type in info for the share then save and exit. With a GUI you are less likely to mistype something, make a spelling mistake or use the wrong command. Sometimes the command line can just be stubbornly awkward. I was trying to create a symlink a couple of days ago and it just refused to do it. Done it loads of times before so left me scratching my head. File manager had an option to create a symlink which I used and it worked fine (it was probable that I mistyped something but just couldn't see it)!
@RobinGrays 5 жыл бұрын
@devcaveman9452 6 жыл бұрын
Can you talk about CLI programs, like ranger or mocp? It would be nice.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
I can do that. :D
@bobwright8000 6 жыл бұрын
Well said. I completely agree.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, I knew you would back me up on this, Bob! :D
@rmcellig 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Derek!! Did you ever do a video with a terminal side by side with a GUI file manager and show for example how much faster it is to create files and folders in a terminal compared to a GUI file manager? Simple text is beautiful. I love working with simple lowercase text for all my writing. 😀
@shakkirptb 6 ай бұрын
using terminal beautifier is a cry for GUI :D
@fubaralakbar6800 5 жыл бұрын
I use the command line only a handful of times in any distro: once after installing, to install my favorite programs, since I already know what they are and the commands needed to get them--and whenever I need to copy and paste something to solve some intractable driver issue. Any distro where you HAVE to use the command line is not for new users.
@hewfrebie2597 6 жыл бұрын
It depends on human instincts. I use CLI in Gnu/Linux but not windows because it's hard even powershell except the basics of basics I was used to it. When I see the software just froze or hang up and does not display a message to give me the option to "wait or force close program", than I use the CLI to close the program. Sometimes I'm lazy, but only I don't have a choice but to do it. And I'm already used to it by the CLI in Gnu/Linux when I started in the age of 16. Also I'm not looking at my keyboard when I'm typing. Which means I have the ability to follow along what am I doing while using CLI or the GUI program I'm using such as a word processor.
@KeinNiemand 5 жыл бұрын
I prefer using a GUI when it comes to stuff I do manually and use the comand line for automation or some things that are just easier to do in a comand line, but I would't want to use to comand line for everything.
@chaminda512 3 жыл бұрын
Powershell ❤
@tubelarasa 6 жыл бұрын
I'm absolutely no commandline guru but still learning and mostly see the benefits of it over using GUI's to do similar tings. But often I use a combination of both, in case of GUI applications I use keyboard shortcuts whenever I can. It depends a bit of what you want to do of course, some stuff isn't possible using the command line only. But I agree, whenever it IS possible I try to use it. So, still learning here, from vids like these and the plethora of others on this subject. So thank you DT and all the other 'teachers'. Cheers!
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
>I'm absolutely no commandline guru Neither am I. I'm constantly learning new things that I didn't know were possible. Part of the fun is the journey.
@tubelarasa 6 жыл бұрын
@jkf16m96 5 жыл бұрын
Umm why don't use both? CLI with c++ and GUI with lua/python/whatever
@themadoneplays7842 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah but if you're a long time user of windows you will often think that the command line is outdated old fashioned and something that should be relegated to the Past. Me I use the terminal when I have to as I actually prefer the GUI over command line, some people have their comfort levels and there's nothing wrong with this. It doesn't make people stupid or incompetent it's more of a comfort zone thing. Plus there are some handy things about the GUI such as having a indicator for updates, I think it's possible for both to coexist but command line purists just need to understand that we all have our own needs
@themadoneplays7842 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah config filesc are really something i dont like, especially if you dont know what you are doing. I have the philosophy of for every commandline app out there there must be a GUI
@yuriprigozin7497 Жыл бұрын
I know bash , I use it for bashing peoples faces up til they go all guey
@chilly2171 3 жыл бұрын
The command line: For people to show off and pretend like they know wtf they're doing, but the GUI is just better, easier.
@kylebriffa7 6 жыл бұрын
GUI is more user friendly, that's about it really
@oleg_deezus 5 жыл бұрын
- CLI is much, much easier to make cross-platform. In 99,9% cases linux program works well on macos. Also, compiling it for windows is much easier than GUI, even if we using cross-platform GUI framework. - CLI is accessible out of the box - You can write CLI programs on most programming languages. Languages, that have powerful and mature GUI frameworks is much less. - Remote access to CLI is much faster. - There are a lot of custom GUI's for command line tools. You can write your own.
@BernardoHenriquez 6 жыл бұрын
I don't agree at all of have tools on gimp cuz you need those tools to make a job done.... things that you cant do on command line, is more faster and easy to click on an icon, than open a terminal and type a command. i like the command line for administrative superpose some times, but for daily use like navigate working on gimp, office, sending email, editing pdf or creating pdf, video editing, compressing and uncompressing file, and sharing files, gaming etc etc etc (works that must of the users do on a pc).... GUI does it better and faster than command line. event installing software, in the Gui you can see what are you looking for.. but command line will show you a bunch of result that you need to start ridding until you find what you are looking for.... the GUI does it more easy to use.... like for example to update my system on my arch i just have to click on pamac icon and click apply (tow mouse click).... but in command line to have to open the terminal and type sudo pacman -Syu.... and you have to be a good typewriter to type it fast without mistakes..... so no... Gui was made to make computer easy to use.... so i don't agree at all with this title.
@sashawinters2177 6 жыл бұрын
exactly. cli is great for repetitive tasks (installation, updates, admin, server configuration and so on) but it makes no sense to say cmd is above gui. there are a lot of use cases where gui is essetional to get the job done in an effective way.
@ceebee23 6 жыл бұрын
I lived thru the CLI -GUI wars of the 1980s .... reality is for 98% of users the GUI is vastly superior.... for tech-heads yes the CLI is great...and it does offer options and power... BUT most users have zero interest in learning CLI commands... they have a real life out there... I remember DOS (and UNIX and AmigaOS CLI) and how the Macintosh and X just made simple thing soooooo much easier to do... so give me the GUI any day
@serge5046 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Bernardo! You just need to create a short alias like up => in your~/.bashrc file put this line in it: alias up='sudo pacman -Syu' and source it => source ~/.bashrc. You're good to go. From now on you can type up in the terminal for your updates. If you need to give arguments create a function. Cheers
@geremijugy2177 6 жыл бұрын
Serge That’s good to know there are still people knowing how to speed up things with scripts :D When you know how to do it, it’s so much easier than waiting for the GUI to load up and then click the button.
@sud0x3 6 жыл бұрын
You said the GUI is better for installing software but then go on to talk about that process ebing more of a discovery, if i want to install an application i type something like "pki firefox" or "pku firefox" to install or uninstall a package, pks to search which i very rarely do. I dont need a gui to get in my way when i want to install an application, have to search for the name or browse through catergories of usually badly desined software catalogs. Write an alias for your updating like i have alias pku="pacman -Syu" or even just use up as the alias, short sweet and easy to remeber. Gui was made to present information in a different way and unfortunately most guis are badly designed. some other things you have mentioned like gimp, i dont think you replace gimp with imagemagic or in reverse but you simply use them when you need them so if you need to automatically crop a heap of images with the same restraints you could use imagemagick the asme task in gimp would be extremely repetative so its all about choosing the right tool for the job in my opinion.
@neo22501 4 жыл бұрын
come on man windows powershell commands are so freaking long
@linuxnoob8906 6 жыл бұрын
I like your videos, but sorry to say, the entire concept you're trying to make here is baseless. What ultimately decides what is faster and better is what you're doing. The example of GIMP you made, you made it sound like it is so much more tough to use GIMP with the GUI, when you can do the same things without the GUI. Well guess what, I would really like to see you make a video on editing photos on the command line with the same efficiency and dare I say, faster. You mentioned in a previous video that you use Kdenlive to edit your videos, if CLI is faster at everything, why don't you use it to edit your videos? At my workplace, 75% of the time I'm working on the shell, because of the nature of the work. I'm connected to 2, 64core remote servers all the time where I'm deploying the programs me and my team is writting. Guess what, CLI is what I'm using because it is giving me that finer control we need, and it is easier as well. But the very notion that you're trying to pass that the shell is better and faster for everything that one might do on their computer is utter nonsense. And if it is, I would like to see you edit your next video writing a new shell script. In fact, I would argue most of the things that a general day to day user does is actually better handled by the GUI. Web browsing, office tools, image or photo editing, even something like file managers, you name it.
@Erwan-ws6qg 6 жыл бұрын
@alltypes6690 3 жыл бұрын
black on white and white on black aren't sexy... okay.
@hardwarelabor1631 2 жыл бұрын
Under Linux i use in 95 % of the time i use Linux
@arnorobinwerkman 6 жыл бұрын
the only command line thingy that differs from distro to distro is the update tool. i grew up using an ast 286 computer running dos, then i got a laptop running vista, and from vista i jumped to ubuntu. and then to arch. if i could learn myself the command line, anybody can.
@gaiusbaltar7122 6 жыл бұрын
It is not a matter of GUI vs CLI, each one has its own purpose and is better than the other in its own field. That means CLI does it better than the GUI for some things and vice versa. Anyway, average computer users have not to use it.
@ArifBillahOnGoogle 2 жыл бұрын
I hate the command line, because it's supper annoying to learn every new command out there. I don't know it, I don't want to know it. The idea itself is a very bad one.
@AllwinJeba 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry but very weak argument.. Can you edit photo on terminal? Apart from filesystem and writing code.. terminal looses it's advantages... CLI is good but it's not everything.. welcome to 2020 and get out of your 1995 cave.. Look around the world is made up of GUI today..
@robinlukas4025 5 жыл бұрын
Mac users: *pee themselves*
@14u2ponder 6 жыл бұрын
Well Derek, my idea of trying to install openbsd was a bust and a total waste of time. I think I got roped in on something. Openbsd is supposed to be this beautiful code with exceptional documentation, well I ain't seeing it. First of all it uses a very antiquated version of fdisk, provides little or no explanation on how you're supposed to do anything with it. Then when I decide well screw it I'll just use MBR just to look at it and go past that section, I get to the choosing your code groups whatever that things called. And I can't even get a mirror to work to download the packages if I wanted to, even though I can drop out of the installer and ping Google and get a response. I think I might try Dragonfly bsd. It has a whole lot less hype but at least it provides a proper installation page. It also has a file system called hammer which even openbsd is thinking about implementing. So I'm going to try that and see how it goes. But my main thing is just to say that openbsd to me is a bunch of hype.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
I still need to look at OpenBSD sometime. But it sounds like it might be a bit of a hassle to setup.
@14u2ponder 6 жыл бұрын
DistroTube well Derek I figured out my problem. When I initially downloaded the ISO file, I chose the CD option and didn't even look at what it said. If I had read it, I would have realized that this option apparently assumes that you already have your "sets" stored somewhere. The download page makes a distinction between and iso that can actually use the "mirrors" and one that can't. I really don't understand this however when I downloaded the CD option with the file sets included then I could install the system. However when I got up to the system, I was greeted with an ugly terminal font as though I'm using a monitor from the 1980s. What I looked to find out how to change the resolution, these fools say that you can't change the resolution on tty1, you have to do it on tty5. I don't know man the more I think about this openbsd crap, I just think these guys want to tell you what to do all the time. It makes no sense to me why they want to keep the resolution on tty1 at ugly terminal font, but they do.
@14u2ponder 6 жыл бұрын
DistroTube actually I read something just now that openbsd doesn't have framebuffer access, which is how you get better graphics without a x terminal in Linux systems. If this is true then I totally can't use this operating system.
@14u2ponder 6 жыл бұрын
Well, I think this pretty much said it: I really do think these guys are fanatical in the worst way. Linus Torvald was right about them. You do it our way and shut up. I don't really like that.
@arouetmartel5054 6 жыл бұрын
Why do learned Linux users continue to harp on how great the Command Line Interface is in a terminal as compared to a simple one click Graphical User Interface? Some of us like our porn visually and NOT in text or binary... P.S. More precise and faster, maybe, but NOT better!
@jeffreysanfilippo6030 6 жыл бұрын
Not always true it depends on the task if we're talking video conversion on MacOS through brew you can install FFmpeg which is a Terminal based video conversion tool and i have a GUI based application called smart converter 2 and i have a DRM free copy of Bryan Lundukes linux sucks commentary in webm format the gui program can convert it to mp4 in 2mins 24seconds vs FFmpeg at 40mins 48sec so I went over to my Pop OS and compared VLC vs FFmpeg and had similar results much quicker on VLC vs FFmpeg. However I love having Nautilus uninstalled it on my Pop OS system and the security that gives me helps me sleep better at night then AES-256 encryption also how can you talk about running terminal application without mentioning Tmux you can have music playing in cmux browse the web with links2 with a virtual machine running in QMEU and code in Vi all at the same time with switchable tabs. You gotta show people what they can get out of a terminal those are rookie topics!
@NoF...ckingName 6 ай бұрын
I find this video up-to-date
@MentatMentor 2 жыл бұрын
Command lines (typing interfaces) belong in a GUI programming tool (IDEs) and thats it. Every thing else should be GUI!
@cordovajose5693 3 жыл бұрын
As a matter of fact, for me, the terminal is Linux's killer app.
@EvilStepTwin 6 жыл бұрын
Personally I see no purpose in this video as I see no link to a list of commands and their meanings or a link to a downloadable file (preferably .txt). I see sooooo many linux users go on about how good the command line is but I see no real action to put the information out there. Just lip service... Get real DT...
@itsmepionman5432 6 жыл бұрын
Old don't say it GUI it's G-U-I
@comradecurio3931 6 жыл бұрын
gui's don't have something as verbose, useful, and versatile as man pages
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
man man
@DrDiemotma 6 жыл бұрын
Help and documentation are often a part of a GUI, so this isn't entirely true.
@veyselerden72 6 жыл бұрын
just no.
@DrDiemotma 6 жыл бұрын
People who cannot work without a GUI shouldn't touch a computer. The scripting kind of interfacing is very much a procedural interaction, very much like a computer works internally: one command is executed at a time, the data is ordered, commands are piped to the specific devices. The command line teaches you to think like a computer, and learn how you can make it do what you want to do. The GUI with its non-linear approach just doesn't.
@DrDiemotma 6 жыл бұрын
Programmers who are not used to that thinking are usually bad programmers, sorry. I'm a software developer myself (on an algorithmic level, applied mathematics). And you might remember that famous quote from Steve Jobs? That's where I totally agree with him, and that's why I really think to learn the CLI is so helpful, because, well, Bash is a programming language.
@ymi_yugy3133 6 жыл бұрын
I think a minimal gui + shortcuts is even better than the gui. Take a file manager as a example. In a gui I can see the contents of a folder and sometimes even the files, e.g. for pictures, and interact and navigate at the same time. using the shell I would repeatedly type ls and cd, which seems worse. I often locate a file in a gui and copy the path to the shell. Another drawback of the shell is its steep learning curve, until you are more productive with it than your gui, esspecially when you already know all the shortcuts. Time you could use to do whatever you want to do with a computer.
@ymi_yugy3133 6 жыл бұрын
Hobo Lord it's definitely interesting and I admit it looks super cool, though I fear the zooming might be slower than traditional clocking. I think I'm going to try it out
@tubelarasa 6 жыл бұрын
I tried Eaglemode a couple of time through the years and found it pretty appealing. But after some time I allways switsched back to more conventional file managers, I found it faster to use.
@lucasleonardo2111 6 жыл бұрын
Try Ranger, fantastic shell file manager :)
@tubelarasa 6 жыл бұрын
@Sacul lel I have ranger installed and like it very much indeed! For some reason I often forget to use it though, but comments like yours are a nice reminder ;) Thanks.
@andrewpalm2103 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with all you said, Derek. Lately I have been enjoying using what I'd consider a middle ground between GUI and CLI, namely Ranger. It is terminal based, but displays files and directories nicely with quick navigation via vim-like keystrokes and bookmarks. And it is fairly easy to add custom commands to mount usb sticks, launch favorite programs, and even play music without the hassle of writing a bash script.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Andrew. And ranger is pretty sweet.
@Michael-it6gb Жыл бұрын
GUI all the way. I started using Linux back in mid 2000s and I still hate the Terminal. If you like Terminal. Great. GUI is still more user friendly without even doing any tutorial, anybody can understand how to use it right away. Remembering what to type in order to complete a task on a command line is something I've forgotten over and over. And people who say Terminal is faster. No it's not. If you have to look up what pictures/videos you need to save and copy, select them and save them - GUI wins 10 times out of 10. No contest. I think geeks just want to tell everyone how badass they are because they're typing on a keyboard a bunch of gibberish to use a computer.
@abdelkaderchelfi6497 Жыл бұрын
Did you make this presentation using a command line tool?
@lolnjeoglondajmejejplejlis3365 2 жыл бұрын
time is money exactly, it takes only a couple of months of life to learn basic terminal programs, years to learn all the programs that are essentiial to your workflow like vim, vifm, quemu alsa and other stuff and decades to learn how to automate
@rmcellig 6 жыл бұрын
Another excellent video but for me, the best way to teach the CLI compared to a GUI is to for example open a folder in let's say pcmanfm. Have a terminal emulator next to it. Create 5 folders in the GUI compared to creating 5 folders in the GUI. Way less time and more flexible. I'd like to see you do a video this way to ilustrate how much faster and easier it is in the CLI compared to the GUI. When I switched from the Mac environment a few years ago, I HATED the CLI. I thought it was dated and stupid. Not so now. I absolutely love it!! :)
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Good idea. Show how file management is better in the command line. Might do that one.
@markzajac 6 жыл бұрын
I can see where this is going're going to be living in a tty for everything aren't you. Lol.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
No. Netflix doesn't work correctly in a terminal.
@mr.v3700 6 жыл бұрын
Both of them have their positives and negatives. Use that suits ur work flow.
@markpritchard1272 6 жыл бұрын
Indeed. I like to mix n match. mc is a prefered file manager for example.
@pyotrleflegin7255 6 жыл бұрын
An interesting video, but 'It just is' doesn't really say very much, now does it? Modern Linux distributions can manage perfectly well with a fair amount of memory and a GUI. I'm not saying the CLI is useless -- far from it -- but you have to admit it is unfriendly, especially for beginners.
@cyber-7878 2 жыл бұрын
I used to be hesitant about using Linux because some of tasks had to be done through command line, now i want to use Linux because i can do many tasks on command line, sadly i was unable to install linux so guess i'll install a bash terminal emulator
@paulfrischknecht3999 2 жыл бұрын
You're almost never limited by how fast you can type but by how fast you can think, remember and look stuff up...
4 жыл бұрын
@14u2ponder 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Derek, I just moved from arch to void Linux, and man, I know you are mostly a desktop user, but void is doing a lot of shit right. I wasn't dissatisfied with Arch, but the fact was that arch had alot of bloat, with systemd, etc. And so, I wanted to see if I could improve that with void. And I have to say that while arch was perfectly find, I did not realize that some of the things they did were just Arch's lack of attention to detail. For example, the date command. In Arch command line, no matter what I did it would always show utc time, unless I used several flags to somewhat fix it. In void, it just works. Type date and that's what you get a perfectly formed date and time. Also, anytime I ran a complicated command, and then decided to arrow back through those commands, once I got to the complicated command, I could not arrow past it without collecting some of the syntax, which was damn annoying. In void, that problem is gone! Also the history command, in void, shows line numbers by default. And even on boot up, while this is not a huge annoyance, the grub bootloader on my 4K monitor had to redraw lines and slow down the boot up process. This happened in Arch as well as Ubuntu. With void, they fixed that, out of the box. I know this whole distro hopping thing is real, but I am very impressed by void and what they are doing. They make things extremely simple. I also like the fact that it seems as if even there builds in the Repository are more exact than Arch. I highly recommend this distro.
@DistroTube 6 жыл бұрын
Great to hear, Kevin!
@sophieedel6324 Жыл бұрын
The only reason the command line still exists in OS is so system administrators can write their own scripts. Anyone else still using the command line probably still uses myspace too.
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