Hey, looks good. I've had a 2007 L320 for a couple of years, so sit back and relax. As you say, we're rolling around in 17 year old cars so they won't be perfect! As you've found out, a new battery does wonders, low voltage at start up generates lots of errors, and many of those errors can be ignored. Carly doesn't look very good to me - invest in a code reader that will read all 6 DTC codes (not the 4 from Carly), as these will allow you to pinpoint issues better (eg iCarSoft V3, OR GAP IID tool if budget allows). Handbrake comments on here - yes, they can be a pain, but like most electric handbrakes, they are a service item ... guess what, they don't get serviced, and thus play up. EGRs - watch a few vids on youtube on how to change them - it's doable with only a couple of special spanners (adjustable head ratchets from Halfords, and a magnetic retrieval wand to help defy gravity); a few hours work and a couple of brews, and it'll be done - satisfying! Enjoy!
@badshodi8 ай бұрын
Nothing cooler than a black guy with British accent 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@Br1anuk Жыл бұрын
Whatever you do DONT PUT THE ELECTRIC HANDBRAKE ON!!!!!!!!!!
@justinsymonds8470 Жыл бұрын
Why? Fear of handbrake failure??
@Br1anuk Жыл бұрын
@@justinsymonds8470 friend of mine had one and the MOT station refused to test the handbrake on the ramp because they failed to release so often.