One reason meat is more expensive in Sweden is due to higher regulated animal welfare. Sweden has one of the lowest usage of antibiotics in animal industry etc.
@StefanThyron6 жыл бұрын
That is very true, the meat quality here is really good!
@abc-eq9so6 жыл бұрын
The only negative thing about meat in Sweden is that we have lost everything that is called local produced and we barley buy anything from local farmers. Compare to South East Europe where its the norm to buy the meat from the farmer or butcher and your vegetables from open air markets and not supermarkets. I can guarantee you that the meat there is so much better. People in Sweden don't like to spend much time or money to buy quality food, we want it fast and cheap. But comparing to western Europe I would say that Sweden is top 3.
@edvins88636 жыл бұрын
@@abc-eq9so Im from sweden and we buy meat from a local farm.
@abc-eq9so6 жыл бұрын
Ballong Pappan I believe that but you have to agree that it's not as usual as it was once. You can notice this in developing countries in Europe, people buy more and more from supermarkets. Less pricey but also lower quality. Local products from Swedish farmers are the best!
@andersmalmgren65286 жыл бұрын
Dario If you buy 5 week tendered meat from a food hall (saluhall) its really good meat here in Sweden. Expensive as hell though
@Shiva182Katarina6 жыл бұрын
About the meat prices. They're high because it's Swedish meat and we have really high standards on animal care, so of course it's more expensive. On the clothes stuff, did you account in the US that you add the tax later? In Sweden it's already counted in on the price tag.
@ElinPihl946 жыл бұрын
Also, higher prices on meat and gas (for example) means that people buy less meat and get encouraged to walk/bike/take the bus instead. Cheap is not always good!
@maxysurvivorsucks6 жыл бұрын
At least when you pay more for chicken meat in Sweden, it's not laced with arsenic haha
@muribe856 жыл бұрын
When it comes to clothing, he is comparing a US brand sold in US to sold in Sweden. Take a pair of Tiger of Sweden jeans, it will be a lot more expensive in New York than in Stockholm.
@j.obrien49906 жыл бұрын
yup he's accounting for the taxes on the clothes in the US. I live in a cheaper part of the US (New Mexico) and he's from Portland which has a moderate cost of living. If he was from California I think Sweden would seem inexpensive. A part of this comparison that is difficult because all of the services Sweden has that the US doesn't provide. For example University fees are about $10,000 anually for a public school in the US, my understanding is that costs are much much lower in Europe. Same with health care, l have insurance but last year I paid $5,000 for a surgery and the insurance paid about 50K. If I'd known in advance about my costs I would have crossed the border to Mexico and paid $2,000 in Juarez.
@Bstneis6 жыл бұрын
The price of $42 Levi's in Texas plus tax is 42(1.0825) = $45.47. The difference between Sweden and U.S. is still 105% or 2.05 times.
@PerSiden6 жыл бұрын
What’s the cost of taking a five week paid vacation, or 12 months of paid parental leave in the US? How much does it cost to to have your children at kindergarten? How much does a cancer treatment cost? Glasses or lenses for your children? What’s interesting to compare more than the cost of groceries is perhaps the average family’s spending to enjoy a safe and good life.
@MrHenrikAndersson6 жыл бұрын
En helt ok sjukförsäkring i USA kostar runt 3000 kronor, ungefär exakt vad en genomsnittsarbetare betalar i landstingsskatt. Skillnaden är att köer existerar inte där, du får faktiskt vad du betalar för, till skillnad mot här där endast 4% av prostatacancer patienterna får vård inom garantitiden. Det mest pinsamma är när svenskar som har fått all sin information från sossarna och SVT ska uttala sig om hur det är i ett land de aldrig levt i.
@attesmatte6 жыл бұрын
Jag har vänner som betalar 600 dollar per månad i sjukförsäkring i USA, och då får dom dessutom hosta upp 6000 dollar out of pocket om dom behöver vård, plus 10-20% på resterande kostnader. Problemet med sjukförsäkringarna där är att de inte är lika för alla. Vissa får bra deals, och vissa (oftast de som har bakomliggande sjukdomar) får skyhöga premier. Dessutom dör folk varje dag i USA för att dom inte har råd med livsviktiga mediciner, som insulin och adrenalin/allergi-pennor. (Epipen) Oftast måste man få en bra försäkring genom sin arbetsgivare.
@MrHenrikAndersson6 жыл бұрын
$600 köper dig en riktigt bra försäkring, en av de bästa. Jag har aldrig hört talas om någon som skulle betala $6000 på det sättet. Pre-existing conditions/bakomliggande sjukdomar påverkar inte längre din försäkring, däremot så finns det en karensperiod efter att du tecknat en ny och inte förnyat din gamla, den tiden kan variera mellan 5-12 månader. Men visst är det så att många (60%) har försäkring via arbetsgivaren.
@-Suie-6 жыл бұрын
oh yes i forgot the maternaty leave and the paid vacation ive was often wondering why Americans travel so little if you never have vacation no wonder
@womanofacertainage58926 жыл бұрын
$600 a month for medical insurance? That's CHEAP for the US. I was paying $800 a month but another $2000 a year for extra medical expenses that the insurance doesn't even cover. It's insane!! I have friends paying over $2500 a MONTH for medical insurance for a family of four.
@evelinaas6 жыл бұрын
I don't think people go vegan because of the meat pricing..
@MrHenrikAndersson6 жыл бұрын
Nej, men konsumtionen sjunker kraftigt med höga priser. Se om du kan hitta en graf över konsumtionen på KG rent kött, titta efter åren efter vårt EU-inträde. Helt plötsligt hade folk råd att köpa fläskfilé istället för falukorv.
@martah53696 жыл бұрын
Kanske finns ändå effekten. Jag började laga mest vego när jag flyttade hemifrån och pluggade, för att vara snål. Plötsligt var steget till att bli vegetarian inte så långt och nu har jag varit det i tio år 😃
@Kjellegren6 жыл бұрын
sweden is one of the most healthiest countries in the world, that say's alot about why there are so many vegans
@blueeyedbaer6 жыл бұрын
Pfff. Jag ska helre köpa samma mängd kött och mindre grönsaker men jag ska aldrig bli vegan.
@Dropler86 жыл бұрын
no they become vegans cause the are idiots and communist and love rape and murder
@JackieeHill6 жыл бұрын
You need to have in mind that we import very much to our country. That’s why we have higher prices in some stuff. That Levi’s jeans is cheaper in USA is not that weird if you think about it.
@StefanThyron6 жыл бұрын
That is very true. I think a lot of things that come from the US get extra costs along the way which ultimately leads to a higher price tag here!
@ChickandGiggles6 жыл бұрын
@@StefanThyron Yup, it pretty much costs an arm, a leg and your first born to import things from the US!
@fjonken6 жыл бұрын
Seriously, I’m so happy that you brought up this subject. I do have family in the states and I’ve watched quite a few of “Americans in Sweden” type of videos and everyone is complaining that it’s so expensive here. As in a tourist point of view, def yes. It is expensive ‘cause you mostly experience the things you mentioned that Sweden is higher in price. But for overall living in a country and the benefits I do think Sweden will take this one home. Except for the weather.
@zipp4everyone2636 жыл бұрын
Tell me about it. "Hello and welcome to Borås! Here's your complimentary and obligatory umbrella, poncho, wellies and sunlight in a can!"
@OlleDenStore6 жыл бұрын
This was interesting. I would love to see a follow up video where you compare average salaries for the same jobs and look closer at the social benefits. How much does the average american have to save for medical, college for the kids and retirement? How are pensions handled in the US compared to Sweden?
@anastasiap.68076 жыл бұрын
Thought the same thing
@ceciliajeanetterunion27566 жыл бұрын
Being a Swede living in the US and havi g raised a child here. Currently looking at collages for said child. The costs are unbelievable!!! Not to mention Rent, car insurance, medical bills.
@womanofacertainage58926 жыл бұрын
I was paying $800 a month for medical insurance in the US, for ONE HEALTHY PERSON (plus another $2k a year for co-pays, deductibles, etc). It's insane. I can't imagine my Swedish tax burden would be more -- and I like that all people are covered.
@zipp4everyone2636 жыл бұрын
Me and the wife did a few rought estimates (seeing as how the medical insurance plans can vary wildly between people and states we did quite a rough estimate) and got to the conclusion that its actually about as expensive or less to live in Sweden and have the tax-payed healthcare system rather than the Insurance system. As i've said before, im sure there are SOME people who can get away with a lower monthly cost in the States. However i do think that using the taxes to pay for our healthcare is the better way of doing it and that the economy scales better using that system.
@womanofacertainage58926 жыл бұрын
@@zipp4everyone263 Yep! Plus there, *everyone* has the medical care they need. No one has to declare bankcruptcy from medical debt, and people have the funds to actually enjoy some of their 7 (or is it 8?) weeks off every year. :) . I used to live there. Loved it.
@zipp4everyone2636 жыл бұрын
@@womanofacertainage5892 Yeah, im really happy to have been born here, its something you very easily forget. Almost free healthcare (effectively), free education etc is something every country should have imo. I know thats sadly not feasable but its something every country should strive to achive. I hope you're getting a better system soon over there! :)
@zipp4everyone2636 жыл бұрын
(Here=Sweden, There= the States)
@womanofacertainage58926 жыл бұрын
@@zipp4everyone263 Actually, it IS feasible. if Canada can do it, the US CAN, we (those in power, and corporations that profit massively from our current "medical care" system) just don't **want** to do it. We already spend 28% of all tax money on health or medicare, and our military budget is excessive. We had the largest military on earth *before* the current president and majority republican congress increased the military budget. Sadly, most of that increase will go to military contractors, (e.g. corporations!) and NOT to soldiers or veterans, where more money should go. If we slightly decrease the military budget and then allocate the 20% differently, and slightly increase taxes on the very wealthy, we can do it. More than possible. Will we? Remains to be seen, But a lot of everyday people are getting more and more vocal that we need something better, and paying $2,400 a MONTH for medical insurance, which some families I know do, is not sustainable. As more politicians are calling for universal medical care (because those that elect them are demanding it) -- it will happen someday, I think. But it's going to be a rough fight because lobbyists (people paid by corporations to get politicians to do what they want in exchange for donations to their political campaigns) practically run our government. (It costs millions of dollars to have a chance at winning a senate seat, for instance -- and campaign finance reform needs to be done, too.) Capitalism has its good points but unchecked, it's dangerous for the majority of us, e.g. those who are middle and lower income. And higher education has gotten so absurdly expensive that no one but upper incomes can afford to save much, if anything, for their kids' college -- not if they are also trying to own a home, or pay for that ridiculous medical insurance cost, and save for their own retirement, since our social security pensions are very low unless you were making high income throughout your work life. *sigh* . Ah . . . the United States. Some of the best people in the world and some of the greediest and worst. Like all nations, I guess. But Capitalism, unchecked, and without provision for the non-wealthy, is bad, imo. Thankfully, we just had a wave of newly elected progressive candidates to congress, many of them women and many first-time candidates. Most of them are for universal health care, we''ll see if they are able to make any progress on it. Maybe not until the senate is also controlled by Democrats, which may happen in 2020. :) .
@TDrudley6 жыл бұрын
When you compare the two the only tying you need to compare is this: Which country ruins your entire life when you get sick. (not sweden)
@Ragemuffn6 жыл бұрын
They're cheaper in America because America doesn't believe in the environment. Part of why Sweden upped their taxes for gas was to force people to feel like it has to be worth it to drive, thus decreasing the amount of gas being used. Increase taxes in america and they'd be forced to make public transport work better.
@possumfriend23356 жыл бұрын
Ragemuffn Many cities in the US don’t even have public transport at all so you kind of have to be reliant on cars if you want to work and eat.
@zipp4everyone2636 жыл бұрын
Yeah. And its not like Public Transport cant work well enough either, just take a look at the INSANE efficiency of the Japanese railways.
American here. I really enjoyed this video and I'm glad you are enjoying life! I would say Sweden is cheaper. Americans have a very tough time paying off student loans. Health care in America is ridiculously expensive too.
@juliawolfe37944 жыл бұрын
I would love to see more comparison videos! I can never get enough of learning about new cultures and then comparing and contrasting them to other cultures, of course! 😉
@prodesu86076 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind the items you listed as more expensive are generally more luxury items. It's more important that everyone has their necessities, luxury stuff you can work for.
@StefanThyron6 жыл бұрын
I guess that can depend on perspective a little bit. In America Levi’s are like normal working man jeans but in Sweden Levi’s may be considered more fancy!
@prodesu86076 жыл бұрын
@@StefanThyron yes in Sweden Levi's is more a premium brand :), you can find really cheap clothes in stores like H&m which was founded here in Sweden and certainly in secondhand. There are so many things to keep in mind when considering costs of certain products. I like your videos because my mother is from New York and I travel there frequently so it's fun to see your perspective. I'd say sure we don't have as many absurdly rich people (though Sweden has more billionaires per capita than the US) or rich mid-upperclass, but consider the amount of poverty. We have our problem areas too, but nowhere near the same levels. In NY I could walk from a superfancy area and 2 minutes later end up in what I'd consider a ghetto, the inequality becomes very real. The US is great for visiting, but I'm happy I live here even though I have dual citizenship. At least for now (Jesus Christ how did we elect trump).
@Klickan6 жыл бұрын
As a vegan i can assure you that the decision to go vegan has absolutely nothing to do with high meat prices. Its even more expensive to be a vegan. Love your videos btw!
@stardusstie6 жыл бұрын
I disagree that it's more expensive to be vegan. It's all about what kind of products you buy. Some of the cheapest foods are vegan: rice, beans, local produce, frozen produce, etc. Eating vegan only gets expensive when you fill your diet with specialty products like vegan cheese and mock meats.
@MrHenrikAndersson6 жыл бұрын
I love Miljöpartiet. Poor people shouldn't eat meat, they can eat supplements or bugs to not go anemic. Just like the good old days when you knew who the sossefamilj was that only could afford falukorv.
@commonsense316 жыл бұрын
I’m a cook or used to be. And I hated making food for vegans. But it was actually only first after I stopped being a cook that I realized why I hated it. I have never known a vegan, so I literally had no idea what to make for vegans. But that’s chefs biggest problem is that we have never learned to create vegan food. It has become a bit better because of more and more become vegans.
@zipp4everyone2636 жыл бұрын
How is it more expensive to be a vegan? You have a huge selection of veggies, beans and nuts to use for a big range of the fats and protines you need. Im not a vegan myself so this is actually a proper question, not an angrily worded slam :) And im assuming you do most of the work yourself.
@j1mzan3925 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention the parental allowance where you are able to stay home with your kid with 80 percent of your income. Thats one of the most generous benefits coming from tax money. This enables both parents to split an amount of days and stay home with your kid :)
@peo58466 жыл бұрын
i mean im swedish i have watched a few videos of you're and you're swedish to be from america and moving to sweden you're swedish is really good och det gör mig glad att folk från andra länder kan flytta till sverige och kunna lära sig svenska för man hör din dialekt men det är svårt att få bort den.Jag har pratat engelska i typ 4 år och min svenska dialket är fortfarnnade där men jag bryr mig inte jag gör mitt bästa och du gör det också så keep up the great work love ya bro
@peo58466 жыл бұрын
wow i did not think it would get this much attenion thanks everybody
@neville13116 жыл бұрын
cerTi your = din you're = du är
@Luredreier6 жыл бұрын
"You're" is short for "you are" while "your" is a ending on the "you" word rather then a short form of a completely different word tacked onto the previous word.
@syntaxerror89556 жыл бұрын
OK, I'll join the crowd then just for fun: "swedish", "sweden", and "america" should all start with a capital letter, and "im" should be "I'm". On second thought, screw that, and go for a more fun alternative: "I'm mean, I'm Swedish, and I have watched a few videos of yore." = Jag är elak, jag är svensk och jag har tittat på några väldigt gamla videofilmer. :-)
@neville13116 жыл бұрын
Luredreier wtf do you mean
@troublegurl19946 жыл бұрын
I’ve been dying for this video. Thank you thank you thank you for this!!!!!! This is beyond helpful and informational. Continue the great work. Stay strong and aim your arrow.
@kaunioo6 жыл бұрын
Great video! I was also suprised that the difference was so small. A few comments more to add to it than anything else. Meat and other Swedish made foodstuff are probably partly more expensive since the Swedish food administration is one of the strictest in the world. We have stricter rules around antibiotics in food and things like that. Makes it harder to be a food producer (higher prices) but hopefully better food. Another things that affects general prices are the warranty laws. Basically everything have a 2 year warranty in Swedish and I think the rest of the European Union have the same concept. That requires sellers to have a margin for taking care of returned goods. I might have missed if you said anything about it, and I think it was purposefully left out, but I think that part of why Sweden feels more expensive is the basic income. I don't have any hard facts to it, but I think the income spread is more centered around the middle in Sweden. You fare better with a "low status" job in Sweden and you earn less with in "high status occupations". Having to have 2 or 3 jobs to support your family is virtually unheard of in Sweden. However, if I would move to work in the US within the IT-sector that I work in I would earn way more than I do here (probably close to the double amount considering the average salary. Keep up the good job and enjoy your life! We appreciate what you do and I hope the recent changes in life will be for the better!
@edvins88636 жыл бұрын
Don't forget about the tech. America is much cheaper on that.
@abixD1016 жыл бұрын
You're so cute! I love watching your videos because I learn so much and I adore your lightheartedness and optimism that you bring to videos. Your videos add to the reasons of supporting my goal to completely relocate to Europe (particularly Scandinavia) one day!
@rembertoadambelcourt75866 жыл бұрын
If you want to find cheap groceries I recommend you to take a trip to the Stockholm’s suburbs. Here is food way more cheaper than downtown.
@zanyt136 жыл бұрын
Great video as always! This video is about living in a country, but i guess why so many think it is so expensive here is because they come as a video about being a tourist iv America vs Sweden would be nice for many to see as well! :)
@Rikard_Nilsson6 жыл бұрын
6:50 about a month or maybe two ago you actually paid more in fees and taxes on gas in sweden than you paid for the actual gasoline. The guys in charge want people to ride public transportation but don't seem to take into account that there are actually rural areas outside Stockholm (wow, chocker!) where there is basicly NO public transportation.
@Quimper1116 жыл бұрын
Gas tax is about 60% of the price here in Sweden. Current gas price 2018, july 1, is 15.95 SEK. Some of the political parties believe there's plenty of room to raise it more and would prefer people to use bikes. Other political parties believe the tax is already too high and is disproportionally punishing those that do not live in the big cities.
@annarehbinder75406 жыл бұрын
Rikard Nilsson they have been pushing for a lot more public transportation both railways , buses and regional support , and also trying to get deduktions on tax mainly applying to the countryside but sd and the rightwing alliansen keeps blocking a lot of the suggestions to actually make things happen because they dont feel the countryside is important enough to actually spend money on ( talk is cheap) exception being perhaps centern However centern the last time they were in government had NO environment suggestions whatsoever which getting transport and working logistics to the countryside are so its fucking frustration !!!
@Quimper1116 жыл бұрын
I live in the biggest rural municipality in Sweden (Uppsala). The first thing the government (primarily "the environmental party") did after winning the last election was to double the fee for taking the bus from the suburbs into the city (where all the workplaces are). During these 4 years the leftist municipality majority (social democrats, environmental party, former communist party) have constantly and without mercy dismantled bus routes outside the city. They have placed subsidies on electronic bikes only benefitting a select, already privileged, few. To say that people are upset by the leftist government is an understatement. Just ask anyone living far from a big city (the northern part of Sweden for example). Taxes on gas has been raised 5 times during these 4 years even though the social democrats campaign promise was to not raise them at all, taxes on flight have increased even though Sweden are barely visible on the flight pressure radar compared with Europe. As a result, national tax revenue is down and tens of thousands of Jobs are in the risk zone. The liberal-konservative Moderate party has been suggested as having the most effective environmental policys since they target influencing the big environmental crooks on the global market instead of trying to punish individuals on the national market. In effect, placing the effort where it is of the biggest use instead of where it is most disproportionate in relation to [individual disadvantage or cost] vs [global benefit]
@leagetz56306 жыл бұрын
I love your videos and find very interesting the comparisons between both countries. It would be great if you could do a video about Gothenburg.
@crazyHPgeek5 жыл бұрын
I’m a Floridan about to move to Stockholm from Orlando and from what I see rent is a good bit less there than here. We have been finding apartments that we can live off of the pay of my husband and my pay would all be savings meanwhile we have a very cheap apartment for Orlando and still have to split things to make it work. But the clothes thing is great to know because we will definitely be going shopping here and taking clothes with us. I’ve loved your videos by the way they are really helping us prepare for the move and helping us realize things that never occurred to us.
@elite_rock_god22924 жыл бұрын
My brother bought a small 2 room+ bathroom apartment for 104565.32 dollars( about 1 million sek, give or take, the dollar change alot in worth 😂) and now he is renting it for about 150 dollars a month. Not sure If that is alot in usa but its pretty damn cheap in sweden. Whats the "average" rent on a apartment like that where you from?
@13z2 жыл бұрын
Rent in Orlando is now around 2000. I’m looking to move too, where did you end up going?
@twist81876 жыл бұрын
I live in Sweden and I’m in college at the moment and i actually make profit cause I get around 100-200 dollars (I don’t know the exactly amount in dollar currency) and the only thing you need is the standard grades to get into a college or if you want to get into a better college you obviously need better grades.
@johanlundberg10326 жыл бұрын
if you live up north in sweden u kinda need a car, and gas prices are insane, we dont got any good public transportation up here.
@SigfridSWE6 жыл бұрын
Awesome video 📹 👌🏻 I learned a lot, it was an educational watch 😊👍🏻
@MrXtenzion6 жыл бұрын
You need to take into consideration that one meal in America can feed two people while a meal in Sweden feeds only one person.
@filiz58374 жыл бұрын
That's why Americans are obese. It's not healthy.
@filiz58373 жыл бұрын
@The governor yeah it was just generally speaking. I saw a tweet once saying Americans eat/live like they have free healt insurance and that lives rent in my mind hahshah that's what i meant
@herkcollins42634 жыл бұрын
I'll be living in Soderhamn if you ever decide to do some specifics on that area lol. Thanks for the great informative videos.
@elite_rock_god22924 жыл бұрын
About the "que time" for housing and such. My parents but me and my brother on que for housing a couple years after we where born, and alot of other People does this as well. Not sure how it works but my older brother got a apartment 2 months after he graduated from high school and I bought mine a few years after mine graduation since i moved up country to study. But there are alot of ways, like you said, to shorten the que time
@dav99935 жыл бұрын
Hey I like your videos... I would like to see you talking about salaries in Sweden VS the USA.
@andrewevans57503 жыл бұрын
depends on the state. $1 in CO has the buying power of $0.86 nationally. In Missouri, $1 nationally = $1.13 in Missouri.
@irinaschutz9216 жыл бұрын
Stefan, it's very interesting video! I like the idea to compare different cities !
@brostrand48666 жыл бұрын
Really enjoy your videos😄
@johnjester62885 жыл бұрын
Sweden or america is the better in salaries and saving money for a single guy after the basic month expenses example [ drink , eat , rent , transport , internet ] and after taking a tax from salary ( take into consideration that the work in a restaurant or any casual works and work full time and over time ) overall in the end which is better for saving more money ????
@offgridsweden6 жыл бұрын
Awesome video. Greetings from Andreas from Andreas on Off Grid Sweden
@Quimper1116 жыл бұрын
The swedish tax level, for employed persons, is on average 42,6%. That is excluding payroll tax (which would raise the effective tax to 56.3%) or VAT (on average another 25% tax on all private consumption). If we make more than 74 616 $ a year, our tax gets bumped up progressively to the final tax bracket (57% incom tax, before payroll or VAT). 42% of our total tax go to social security and 27% to health and education. In effect, we are more socialist than most Western countries which means we don't get to decide as much what we get to do with our own money. The government spends our money for us. This is the reason we can have such high social security and equalization of income after taxes. It also means we are less incentivised to "make it big" and drive development and competition forward. It also means our country is less liberal when it comes to the individuals freedom to spend. Currently, the former communist party (changed in 1991) in Sweden has proposed that we should abolish private ownership, and more or less consider private alternatives for welfare services, including schools and hospitals, to be a criminal concept.
@jimboswe6 жыл бұрын
42,6% sounds very high for an average, unless a small percentage of the population with really high income affect it that much. I took a look at the "tax table 33" and it require an monthly income of over 80 000 kr to reach that level. I would guess that a majority of workers in Sweden today earn between 20-30 K kr and at 25 000 kr you pay around 23% in tax.
@Quimper1116 жыл бұрын
The average value comes from the "Economic facts" (Ekonomifakta) site. From what i've seen from them previously, their calculations hold up. 23% tax would be if you recieve 300 000 SEK/ year, or 25 000:-/ month (about 2760 $). The average municipality tax is 32.13 (the highest level, in Dorothea, is 35.15). Government tax at + 20% kicks in at 455 300 SEK/ year or 37 942 SEK/ month (4196 $). Final government tax at +5% additional tax kicks in at 662 300 SEK/ year or 55 192 SEK/ month (6105 $). The last information is from the Swedish Tax Office "tax on income through services", where i note they've written down two different interwalls in the same text block. I've used the first numbers (the others are 468 700/ year to 675 700 for the +20% / +25% increase). The tax (for business) to employ people is 31.42%, which of course also gets deducted from that "original crown". Finally, VAT is tax on your purchases as a private citizen. --- I've chosen not to talk about the "jobbskatteavdrag" (tax deduction on work) since it's politically established and some parties approve or disprove of it more than others. Same thing with RUT/ROT that are deductions on certain services (household-like or construction services for individuals).
@Liksmaskaren6 жыл бұрын
If you ever visit northern Sweden you will see that we need to use cars in many places here. Sure, you could maybe take the bus once or twice per day to the nearest town if you are really lucky but you have to remember that Sweden is more than what you have seen in the southern part of the country. The price for gasoline and diesel are way too high.
@annarehbinder75406 жыл бұрын
Andreas Söderberg actually they are way to low but We need changes which makes it much more expensive in the cities to have a car for example remove the taxdeductions in the cities and keep them in the countryside and the rightwing parties inkluding sd to stop blocking the development plans for not Big cities so that We have more trains , more flights ,more buses- but electrical flights and buses for the countryside which they already made possible in norway ( during this last period 40 000 electrical recharging stations have been put up for electrical cars in Sweden ) but we need subsidies so people who live away from the big cities can afford them a lot more easily though they are rapidly dropping in price - in short we need a development program like we haven’t seen since the end of world war 2 and all parties need to be in on it and stop fucking blocking it ! It should be something we go all in for because it’s needed, not a left, environmentalist /right parties thing but a we need together to get sweden accessible, economically attractive and make it easier to live all over Sweden ( can you tell I feel strongly about this ?...;)
@Liksmaskaren6 жыл бұрын
Paying 16 SEK for one liter of diesel is expensive. The fuel is also double taxed. Can you point to other countries with the same distances and more expensive fuel in the developed world? Driving 200km to get somewhere and 200km back is not uncommon. You also have to take in consideration that we have very cold winters with much snow so the cars will use up more fuel. Using electric cars is not a real alternative up here.Also, the only way to move goods up here is by trucks. More expensive fuel means that everything from food to getting a package delivered becomes more expensive. Sure, it works in Norway where they have almost no snow or cold at all compared to us. You re talking about more trains so you can travel faster in the southern part of the country and I am talking about getting trains at all up here. Sure, there are a few stations but take a look and compare the amount of railroad and train stations in the north and in the south. People should not be punished until they do what the politicians want, they should be encouraged to use the best option. Today that is diesel and gasoline. Tomorrow it will be fuel cells. the EV options we have today works in some places but the options of tomorrow will work everywhere. The way I see it Sweden is really two different countries in one. You have the southern part that really matters and you have Norrland, the place that makes the big money but is considered to be a burden and is always referred to as the countryside. Electric cars don't do that well up here. Let's say you have to drive 350-400 km in -35C and snow with two adults, three kids and a dog in the car. How many EV's can do that? I can drive double that today and even bring more fuel in the car. If I need to refuel at a tank station it takes just a few minutes. Oh, maybe the family is bringing their snow mobile with them too and maybe they have a boat they want to use in the summers. Are there any SUV EV's that can drag a trailer? The environment is important to me. I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere in one of the biggest municipalities in Sweden. The environmental politics we have today are simply dumb. It does not matter what we do in Sweden as long as the rest of the world sits right beside us. We will continue to get their pollution and moving to using more and more batteries in everything is so stupid. How much of each battery can be recycled? How much does it pollute to dig up everything from the ground, ship it and produce the batteries? How toxic is the waste? Well anyway: instead of just preaching for the people in and around Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö I wish that the politicians could grow up and see what their politics are doing to the country. We are moving towards a recession and a housing bubble burst and our currency is losing it's value in a steady pace while our neighboring countries are using us as examples of what not to do. We don't need any shoreline protection in Norrland, it just makes it so that it is impossible to build in many places. We also don't need any more wildlife conservation areas up here. It was not long ago that the Social democrats wanted to make all of Norrland into one big region that they could run over easier than they can today. The best thing would probably be to split Sweden in two. Either as two separate countries or make Norrland an autonomous region that can set it's own priorities (like having working health care and homes with sane prices again) Yeah, we will have to build a lot of new cities in Sweden to make sure that everyone will have a home in the future. I read somewhere that the Social Democrats wanted to take in over 300.000 people in the next few years. That is insane. A country should grow organically. That is the only sustainable way. Sorry for the long answer.
@Ohem16 жыл бұрын
Electric vehicles are on the rise and the electricity is cheap everywhere here in Sweden. Sure there are a few expensive suppliers but you can find really cheap.
@MartinAhlman6 жыл бұрын
Levis jeans? Why not compare the cost of surströmming! That's really expensive in the US! ;-)
@zipp4everyone2636 жыл бұрын
65 bucks for dinner for two in Sweden? What restaurant and area are you using to get that price? Seems quite steep. Sure, you can easily eat food for that ammount, but not usually at your mid-range restaurant...
@Adam-fu6sr6 жыл бұрын
7:12 yeah only in Stockholm Malmö Göteborg and the other big city
@bernienolan39074 жыл бұрын
I'm Blown Away By This Information and...How Do I Immigrate...Ill Do Any Menial Job.
@americanembassy45394 жыл бұрын
We provide services for the production of documents of the EU countries. - PASSPORT - ID-CARD - Residence permit / permanent residence - DRIVING CERTIFICATES - VISAS Schengen, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea - TEHPASPORT We will help to get to Europe, Canada, USA and other countries. Terms of fulfillment - from 2 days. Sending anywhere in the world.
@rrsjr5 жыл бұрын
The underlying distinction I'm seeing in costs seems to be based on what is vital to human existence and what is luxury, ergo housing, food, utilities, public transpo, health care, education are less expensive relative to designer clothing, dining out, personal vehicles, etc.
@TheBomshot5 жыл бұрын
I dont pay $50 at a restaurant in USA bro
@rockfire26 жыл бұрын
about that medicare thing that people are saying its around $15 per visit, that is in general in some districts even those check ups are free like in Eskilstuna were i think it's the town taxes that cover even that or it may be the county, with the purpose to relive the emergency room for more urgent matters but with that they also raised the emergency fee up with $10 so now it's $40 when you go to the emergency room(only adults pay) but with that they have seen a lot less stress over their when people think twice if it's really a emergency or if it can wait a day.
@pervestling9076 жыл бұрын
well from a stockholm/gbg/malmö view you dont need a car. go outside the city and travel north to smaller towns and communites, then a car is mandatory. public transports is awfully bad or nonexistant in most places up here.
@Dovndyr134 жыл бұрын
True some places you need to walk a few miles - still even there its greater than the USA. I don't know any place in europe where you need to walk 100 miles for the nearest bus stop. Every city of 100.000+ inhabitants has public transport on weekends in Sweden, thats not the case in the US.
@rogert70176 жыл бұрын
If you have to rent an auto can you use your US drivers license or do you need to go through there drivers license facility?
@Saberlost6 жыл бұрын
where do you find beef for 150 kr kg? Is that "köttfärs" ?
@only_james4 жыл бұрын
Hej! A question regarding the rental prices. Are sublets (2nd hand contracts) also still regulated by the government when it comes to the price, or can owners do whatever they want with the price of the sublet?
@Saberlost6 жыл бұрын
was the price for dinner excluding drinks?
@magnusolander6 жыл бұрын
Did you factor in taxes in the food prices? In Sweden prices are allways including tax. In US tax is excluded in price.
@BHBdrummer6 жыл бұрын
I wonder in which country the people have the most "buying power"? Even if the cost of living in a country is higher than an other country dollar for dollar, one should also factor in where you're likely to earn the most money?
@swedishmetalbear6 жыл бұрын
You also have to add in the fact that the Swedish annual income is generally much higher than in the states and that our social insurance is covered by our employers. Also. Our workers unions allow us to pay our insurance together with our union fee and it is generally tax exempt. In the States they lower the working percentage of the employees so they don’t have into social security.
@michaelportwood24504 жыл бұрын
You never said how much your rent was?
@okikiconsulting4 жыл бұрын
Also how much is health care?!
@qqchan4 жыл бұрын
No comparison of internet costs?
@adreannwingren66036 жыл бұрын
Someone kind of touched on this in a previous comment, but I would want to take into consideration the cost of meat when you buy grass fed in the US. I’m only assuming that in Sweden there might not be the need for such labeling because of better care of the animals from the beginning. I live in California and try to buy only meat from grass fed and pasture raised animals (non gmo fed animals etc) and it is EXTREMELY expensive. So maybe if you are used to such prices here, Sweden might even out in grocery costs, or possibly be cheaper.
@tommiejonsson89526 жыл бұрын
There is a difference in rents here too, depending on how popular the location is and the condition of the apartment.. Eating out is a lot cheaper in the US. At least for me, because I'm a junk-food lover. I visited the US with a friend in 2006. I paid less than $5,00 for a double Whooper Garlic meal in a Burger King in Santa Monica. The price for that same meal in Malmö at that time was about 80 SEK, which - with the then-current exchange-rate taken into consideration - amounted to more than $10,00. And there is another thing. Exchange rates. In the last 25 years the exchange-rate for one dollar has been as high as 11 SEK and as low as 6,50 SEK. When you are dealing with the kind of amounts we're talking about in rent costs, that can be a lot of money. Of course, when you live and work in one country and don't visit any other on a regular basis, that don't matter much, but in a video such as this it's fairly important.
@maxysurvivorsucks6 жыл бұрын
Even fast food prices are up in the U.S, today. That was in 2006.
@tommiejonsson89526 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but the American price was still only half of the Swedish price at that same time.
@alexdiezg6 жыл бұрын
One more thing. Almost any product related to electronics, all from computers to home appliances, costs more in Sweden than in USA. The main reason is the taxes that these companies are putting in when shipping their products to Sweden. One example: I've seen you use an iPhone X which costed 1000 USD at launch which is 9106 SEK. But in Sweden they launched it with the price of 11.495 SEK which is 1 262 USD. More than 25% of the original price in USA. Another example: Me and my family have a fridge in our house that costed us around 30.000 SEK and that's 3 294 USD. I found the same fridge sold to USA for 3000 USD which is 27 318 SEK.
@ann-marielofberg11596 жыл бұрын
Interesting and good to know when some people say that they wanna live in US, because that is much cheaper living there.
@scubaeric13446 жыл бұрын
Love your videos,Stefan! Keep up the good work! (And once you get used to the "really-really"(You can't unhear it once you notice ;-) )instead of just really,the english you speak is really-really easy to understand and not at all distorted by any regional accent. I'd prefer more videos in swedish though,since you seem to have learned it so well in such a short time.
@Dovndyr136 жыл бұрын
Infact not surprised at least from a tourist point of view both countries seem to be a bit cheaper than Denmark. Where I am always surprised is that Singapore makes it in to the top 10 most expensive places, where you often find Copenhagen - but rarely an American/Swedish city.
@carolinegreene21885 жыл бұрын
Love your videos, Stefan!!!! Levi's are more expensive in Sweden because they are imported! Also, regarding the utilities , it is important to take in account the square footage of the home. American's tend to live in larger homes, so their utility bills will run higher! For meat, Europe has much tighter laws on what livestock is fed compared to the US, where they pump animals with toxic antibiotics. Meat is imported into Sweden from nearby countries and there more expensive. Also in Sweden, the tip is built into your meals at restaurants, where as in the US, you ought to tip after you receive the bill.
@thedude47956 жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant video.
@jonathankarlsson12586 жыл бұрын
Hi Stefan! It would be fun if you could go to Gothenburg! It’s a really nice city, and Liseberg in Gothenburg is soo AWESOME! keep up the good work, you are one of my favourite KZbinrs!❤️
@angelastormeful6 жыл бұрын
Allt är bättre och billigare i Göteborg ,,och så är vi trevligare med 😘😍
@PennyAfNorberg6 жыл бұрын
The housing market in Sweden is quite much condominium and villas, ie buy for a high sum and some per month, that the way around that rent-queue. And what about the internet-price ?
@melnerud6 жыл бұрын
Sadly the public transportation only works properly in the south of Sweden and in the city areas. Go up north in Sweden and you are equally dependent on your car as you are in the US. Large distances between cities and a lot of forest in the north makes you more dependent of your car. And the public transport doesn't really work. Buses go twice an hour and sometimes not at all during the middle of the day. Sweden is a very long country with really different ways of living. So even if you live in Stockholm or Norrköping you haven't seen the majority of what it's like to live in Sweden. Visit Sundsvall or Umeå or Östersund and you realize the difference and how much we up north and in the countryside need the car for transport, 'cos there are no alternative that works. And to us the gas prizing is a really important question...
@jeromemckenna71026 жыл бұрын
In a few states such as NJ and MN, clothing isn't taxed. Also years ago, college was relatively inexpensive but that has all change in the last 25 years.
@persianeyes163 жыл бұрын
We make up for it in NJ with outlandish property taxes and very high rents. Groceries are also very expensive here.
@danielnunez55044 жыл бұрын
He says the average cost of rent in the US is higher but doesn't say what it is. What is the average price of rent he is going of? It would have been nice to get an actual number. Also, what do you get for your money. If the average cost of rent in the US is for a two bedroom apartment and the average price of rent in Sweden is for a studio, it kind of puts it in perspective.
@dovahmiin5 жыл бұрын
So what you're saying is that I should move to Sweden?
@Dropler86 жыл бұрын
it's cheaper to take the car then the train here in sweden i live like 30 mil from gothenburg where i was born so to take the train there and back will cost me 1000 swedish kronor but when i go with a car it will cost me about 700 - 800 kronors there and back so the train isent that cheap
@MrJML186 жыл бұрын
go buy vegtbles, in a vegies store outside coop and ica, its WAAAAY cheaper. like serioucely i cud but a whole week of vegis for 200 kronor when it usually cost me around 400 or 500 in ica or coop just for vegies. Go to a hang out bar, befor you got clubing. beer there usually goes around 40 to 50 Crowns cheaper than nigtclubs that cost between 70 and 110 depending on how popular the nightclub is. Buy the last seasons cloeths, the price goes down like 50-70% on jackets and jeans.
@lessilu91046 жыл бұрын
Levis in America are cheaper because they come from America :) they cost pretty much the same as Sweden all around Europe. Second hand rental contract in Stockholm are pretty expensive but not more than London for example and the standards are much higher here in Stockholm!
@Hustle-and-Motivate-1012 жыл бұрын
Depending what state u comparing
@patrikvonkohler87396 жыл бұрын
You also forgot a main thing here when comparing cost of living. Yes, the prices are extremely similar (except gas prices) between USA and Sweden... But one thing really differs, and that is that we pay roughly 30% tax. So when you get your pay check each month, and you pay your bills and go out to a restaurant to eat, in Sweden our government have taken 30% of our pay and your government have taken much less from you. I prefer paying the taxes due to the healthcare etc, it's just a point I'm making out
@jnmc24986 жыл бұрын
Aren't salaries different in America and Sweden? That would affect how you perceive the prices... compared to "the other" country.
@metalbin6 жыл бұрын
With the levis example import cost is probably included in the swedish price, while the american price is cheaper because it's an American product. I spent 3 weeks in SF a couple of years ago when the dollar was really low aganist the crown. so I bought 4 pair for the cost of one in sweden :D
@arcticafox2872 жыл бұрын
I live in Washington DC and just took a trip to Stockholm and it seemed like things were generally cheaper than here. DC is very pricey
@AngieElizabeth6 жыл бұрын
Very helpful!! Ty
@ItsJohannaaa6 жыл бұрын
I know other people probably explained this but I want to make it clear. Meat prices are so high because Swedish standards on meat production and animal care is high, which makes it more expensive to produce. Gas prices are so high because 60% of it are taxes. You might think that's a lot, which it is, but the reason it's that high is because it encourages people to take the bus/train instead. It was enforced with consideration of our environment and is part of our Government's plan to have no fossil fuel by 2030 - 2040. And, like you said, it's easy to not take the car here because our public transportations are so good.
@TheJonasbz4 жыл бұрын
Most rental apartments are now private so there are not that many rental on the market, the ilibrral idea is that you should own youre youre house/apartment
@Red01006 жыл бұрын
Compare rural northern Sweden to inner Stockholm and you are going to see some huge housing cost fluctuation as well
@eddebrock6 жыл бұрын
If the cost of living is about the same, how is it with post-tax income? Is that also the same or is it higher/lower in Sweden?
@StefanThyron6 жыл бұрын
I think it really depends on the job. I actually take home less money as a teacher here after taxes but with the taxes you get a lot of free stuff that you don’t get in the US!
@Vasasa6 жыл бұрын
you compare rent for a 140 000 person city vs about 640 000 of course its gonna be cheaper, and apparently you haven't lived outside norrköping much, i lived in about a 20 000 population city, the buses are crap.
@Jaisee145 жыл бұрын
Grundtjärn Sweden is where I would love to see and possibly live. Any information on living out so far from the city?
@MadQmike6 жыл бұрын
14,60 sek ??? i wanna know where :) bc ive not seen lower then 16 this year most the time its about 16,30
@Maax12006 жыл бұрын
So, whats the income tax in the US for someone making, say 40,000 dollars year?
@carmenwheatley73166 жыл бұрын
Maax1200. $3,170 federal income tax. $2,480 Social Security. $580 for Medicare. Total federal taxes 6,230. Take home pay $33,771. That is an average tax rate of 15.57%. You will probably have health, vision,dental and maybe life insurance, long term disability insurance taken out. You might have 401K retirement money taken out. Which could be another $1,000-5,000 a year taken from your wages.
@lowkeystudios50264 жыл бұрын
I live in a small town Southern up in Sweden. the prices in Stockholm are outrageous compared to what we are paying for a house
@kthornbladh6 жыл бұрын
I know you're young, but could you compare being an older person in the US with being an older person in Sweden?
@sandrajohansson55286 жыл бұрын
I don't really get how the cheaper gas price makes sense just because Americans need more gas. Shouldn't it be the opposite way, that a high demand would make the price higher? And also, it would be interesting to hear about how much you have to pay for clothes on for example H&M in the US? I don't know about the US but here in Sweden I would say there are many people that really never buy the expensive jeans, and then I think it would be more fair to compare the most cheap jeans in both countries, or the ones that "everyone" buys. :)
@arthena21306 жыл бұрын
You did not mention of how potentially cheap you can live in Sweden, as a student myself, the fact that the things that are more expensive here are things that are possible to barley buy. I can go without buying clothes for long periods of times and there are really cheap clothes to. Meat is expensive but it is not necessary to survive either.
@blueeyedbaer6 жыл бұрын
Where did you find chicken breasts for 90 sek/kg? In ICA they're like 120 sek/kg if without special offer.
@theRealRindberg6 жыл бұрын
I want to know where you buy your gas! because where I live it's about 16 sek/liter
@andersrozsahegyi11314 жыл бұрын
Hi Stefan! I just saw this video today, and I have some question on how you did the calculation to compare US with Sweden. I guess you just took the amount of a selected product and just compare the prices. The correct way to really get a fair and realistic readout of witch country is the most expencive is to compare two let's say constructionworkers in both countries and compare what each get for an hours or ten hours in salary after taxes.
@Ohem16 жыл бұрын
What’s your opinion on the pizzas here in Sweden?
@akbarallardfreichmann29386 жыл бұрын
How safe is food in Sweden?
@jayamilapersson40305 жыл бұрын
The food are really safe, we have high regulations for example our eggs doesnt have salmonella its pretty much exterminated here.
@johnjester62886 жыл бұрын
Sweden or canada ? The best in salaries ???
@LAXEN90036 жыл бұрын
The rents differs ALOT depending were you choose to live in Sweden too. The bigger city the more expensive it gets, example you live in Norrköping wich many people consider a quite big city in Sweden btw, so it`s more expensive to live there then in a actually a small town like Eksjö,Tranås,Mora and so on.