The Dark Truth About Brazil's Economy

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@Reis.507 10 ай бұрын
It seems that every comment is made by we Brazilians, the 2% of english speakers in Brazil is here 😂
@WTFuc4 Жыл бұрын
At 5:20 It’s completely wrong the information given; Brazils biggest trade partner is China, which you didn’t even mention.
@caminofront Жыл бұрын
@ericreed4535 3 ай бұрын
Vcs não entenderam. Ele estava referindo o número de países com que o Brazil faz comércio fora do união Europeu e o Brazil tem um terço do número que o Chile tem.
@_Bruno_Cesar_ Жыл бұрын
Literally everything written in 5:19 is wrong. Starting with Peru. The sentence: "Peru has trade agreements with all countries that brazil has plus Egypt (one of Brazil's largest and most important trading partners) and China (literally the largest trading partner of Brazil) ... (Then the list goes on with a lot of coutries brazil has expressive trading relations)..."
@MrVitorao Жыл бұрын
i think he meant free trade agreements
@jvctr5977 7 ай бұрын
Do you even know what a Free Trade Agreement is?
@ericreed4535 3 ай бұрын
Vcs não entenderam. Ele estava falando do número de paizes com que o Brazil tem comércio (excluindo o UE). Não no tamanho do comércio com cada um.
@chrislee176 11 ай бұрын
You are absolutely right that the retirement age needs to be increased. There is also no good reason for women, who live longer than men, to retire earlier, as they presently do -in a massive forced wealth transfer from tax-paying men to tax-money-receiving women.
@Darkmagecurt 10 ай бұрын
Happens in most countries 1st world.
@BigJFindAWay 4 ай бұрын
There aren’t many First World countries left. Those that are First World are mainly in East Asia and the Persian Gulf. Switzerland and certain European micro states and a very few Caribbean island nations like Bahamas. That’s about the full extent of the First Witld nowadays.
@felipegindri Жыл бұрын
WTF, there's so many wrong data!! And why did you put videos from another countries to justify your sayings? Please, correct it.
@marciabarberio7098 10 ай бұрын
Concordamos inteiramente com a sua visão sobre a origem das dificuldades brasileiras, incluindo "custo Brasil", isto é, burocracia exagerada, baixa taxa de investimentos em relação ao PIB, corrupção principalmente.
@LucasSantos-rv8gh 10 ай бұрын
A geografia e o clima são os grandes problemas do país, incluindo o povo também
@parScheSdt 8 ай бұрын
​@@LucasSantos-rv8ghA geografia e clima só dificultam o crescimento, mas não são necessáriamente os maiores problemas, a cultura é um grande problema realmente e outro grande problema é o governo incompetente e corrupto
@LucasSousa-bo8yd 4 ай бұрын
​@LucasSantosa-rv8gh a geografia é muito boa deixa de falar merda
@hauzsharpe 11 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to say, but those solutions will not be implemented. The average Brazilian thinks that investors, who could help with infrastructure, are all villainous bad guys. The politicians simple turn that mentality into laws forbidding stuff like private investment in some sectors. Sad, but it's reality.
@LongDefiant 9 ай бұрын
Never trust the profit motive
@hauzsharpe 9 ай бұрын
@@LongDefiant I say it with a lot of experience in the matter: The profit motive is way better than the politician's motives.
@LongDefiant 9 ай бұрын
Lol KZbin deleted my comment. It said "Never trust the profit motive" And why would I trust state capitalism? I mean the choice today is either corporate fascism or red fascism. I reject both.
@LongDefiant 9 ай бұрын
@@hauzsharpe Lol KZbin deleted my comment. And why would I trust state capitalism? I mean the choice today is either corporate fascism or red fascism. I reject both.
@LongDefiant 9 ай бұрын
My previous comment started with the word "never" The next 2 words were "trust the" The final two words were "profit motive"
@crumbie Жыл бұрын
What ‘bout Brazil/China commerce? 31,28%! U tottaly forgot it!
@jvctr5977 7 ай бұрын
"Free Trade Agreements" Is it difficult to google it before commenting on nonsense?
@MrWillbeto 10 ай бұрын
now addresses the positive data from Brazil, the current 8th global economic mega super power, NOMINAL GDP AND PPP GDP, the most socially developed country on earth, while Europe g7 United States Australia South Korea breaks record of people in extreme poverty, Brazil eliminated extreme poverty, with the greatest green development on earth, the country in which less than 1% migrates to other countries, whose population prefers to remain in Brazil rather than migrate to other countries, that Brazil is highly developed and technological, the most developed country in the world earth, in the year 5000
@francescosilverio7343 2 ай бұрын
Sejam bem vindos ao Brasil 🇧🇷🌅🇧🇷☀️🇧🇷
@tealkerberus748 5 ай бұрын
The real question: how do we move past "growth" as a measure of a successful nation? Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer. Can we move on to real indicators of success like home ownership, households having enough resources to support themselves, young people accessing education and rewarding employment, and improvements to infant mortality, maternal mortality, and life expectancy?
@parScheSdt 8 ай бұрын
Though all the information about trade in this video is wrong, the video has very good points and is not bad in general
@MosesGHC Жыл бұрын
You know nothing about Brazil! That is capitalism, there are periodic crises! America does it too! But if you compare Brazil at the 1970s with the country now, you’ll see a country that had overcome to get from a very HDI and underdeveloped economy to an country on the edge of the fully development and wealth! A strong democracy, different from Singapore that’s the size of a São Paulo neighbourhood! A country that produces from soy and meet, to refined oil, gas, cars, military aircraft and military tanks! We have had troubled moments as any other capitalist economy but we’re increasingly improving and developing our nation! We’re not the size of a city like you guys, we’re one of the world’s largest and economic powers, a country the size of continent! Don’t tell us what are we supposed to do! We’re not like you!
@hetedeleambacht6608 9 ай бұрын
Capitalist economy is an idea that starts to become seriously critisized in many western so called civilized countries by people who realize that technology and luxury (for which technology mainly is employed) is not what makes a country truly rich, and happy, and healthy. In Europe we rely heavily on the imported items you just mentioned. It is these exact products that at this right moment destroy our national health. Cars polute our air, take up all out space, meat is so cheap even the poor die from disease linked to too much meat consumption. Luxury items and technological gadgets create huge waste problems, if not next to our doorstep, we export our waste to Africa or elsewhere....A truly rich or civilised country offers a good basic wealth standard, good health, good food, social and educational possibities, the right to participate in any political process and to make decisions to whatever concerns their own benefit, whether local or national, especially around posession and management of (their own) land. This for even the poorest of people. A healthy economy can only exist when there is a healthy environment for everyone. Do indigenous or `minority` people own their own grounds?
@spark300c 8 ай бұрын
yes but dealing with banking sector and malinvestments. a culture of using less debt creates less crisises. Mexico does not have crazy up and down and grow like turtle. yet it grow richer. Mexico is richer than turkey now.
@videosboxchavesvarela324 8 ай бұрын
Edge of what? Are you joking? Are you from Alphaville your son of a bi***?
@guilhermeroyer9097 7 ай бұрын
democracia forte o caralho né o presidente era pra estar preso por receber mais de 80 milhões em propina (dinheiro do pagador de imposto, incluindo o seu) o stf faz o que quiser e a baderna é liberada. A taxa de analfabetização é altíssima, altos impostos que não são devolvidos a sociedade e milhares de outros fatores que fazem com o que o Brasil não seja nada além de uma nação que promete muito e nao entrega nada.
@blancsublim 5 ай бұрын
Com certeza amigo
@PutinkabaapLawrencekajija 11 ай бұрын
totally wrong information..brasil has surplus trade with countries like china ..brasil has many trade agreements with eu,usa,middle east ,china and many more ..
@jvctr5977 7 ай бұрын
He was talking about free trade agreements. Brazil only has trade agreements in specific markets with those countries you mentioned.
@PutinkabaapLawrencekajija 7 ай бұрын
​@@jvctr5977 brasil has free trade agreement with mercosour countries..and soon eu and brasil going to sign on free trade agreements too..other thing when the economies of eu countries are shaking ,same time or in current scenerio brasil economy is improving..
@marciabarberio7098 10 ай бұрын
Essa mensagem está otima. Gostaria que fosse divulgada no Brasil na lingua portuguesa.
@lairtonrocha1771 5 ай бұрын
Cara problemática mesmo é guerra, cobrir corrupção, políticas danosa a sociedade, isto tudo acontece a partir do países poderosos. Aqui tem muito trabalho.
@luizshhx1 Жыл бұрын
This year we had some advances with the tax reform and also something we call "PAC" that invests A LOT of money in our infrastructure... the only thing missing was the social security reform as you said (:
@luizshhx1 Жыл бұрын
It’s sad to see that some Brazilians ignore these advances and continue to pretend not to see that the country is advancing after we changed president 😔
@luizshhx1 Жыл бұрын
@@Baiano-rx5uj você não mencionou várias escolas de tempo integral sendo construídas com o novo PAC, sem contar que esse ano o orçamento tá bem apertado por culpa do Governo Anterior
@MsTiktaalik 11 ай бұрын
​@@luizshhx1Governo anterior? É preciso reconhecer que o Lula liberou mais alguns bilhões pra Argentina, que já tinha uma dívida bilionaria com o Brasil. Ali vem o primeiro rombo na nossa economia, porque esse dinheiro vai ser pago pelo cidadão brasileiro que já não tem poder de compra. Ao menos fosse usado aqui esse dinheiro. E nem vou entrar na questão dos "necessários" ministérios que gastam com apresemtações dignas de um prostíbulo.
@lavista2054 Ай бұрын
​@@MsTiktaalikvivia na Argentina e sou Brasileiro, primeiro o balanço do BNDES não interfere negativamente no orçamento do governo federal, o banco apresenta lucro e no caso da Argentina financia uma obra com insumos brasileira e poderá garantir a segurança energética dando ao Brasil acesso as reservas de gás de vaca muerta. Abrazos e pesquise antes de comentar.
@chrislee176 11 ай бұрын
Politicians forcing people to pay for other peoples consumption is not ‘good in a moral sense’. Don’t you know that theft is wrong, and that taxation is theft? É inacreditável a falta de base moral.
@pedrosousa9780 5 ай бұрын
tax regulations takes too much time because of burocracy.Is this burocracy allow the coroption go in and delay development.exactly the same in portugal.we need a new sistem to work with not just the tax but with other areas to acelerating the process for development.
@hauckaraujo1281 7 ай бұрын
dude, you didn't do your homework. so many errors...
@FodaseNaoLigo 5 ай бұрын
Brazil had much , MUCH worse crisis over the 70s, 80s and mid 90s, every brazillian know
@romeuparolari9431 Жыл бұрын
Excellent work presented! The truth hurts because your solution is very far from being resolved. In fact, it cannot be resolved because it is a cultural issue, where the slaveholding oligarchies that own land and have always been in power maintain the current "status quo". Anyone who does not experience the misery of these people hardly understands or does not want to admit the true situation. Congratulations!
@pedrosousa9780 5 ай бұрын
stop talking about crises in Brasil.Brasil is the 5ft country export in the world but when you dont think is the body has to pay for it.
@ericreed4535 3 ай бұрын
Nem está no top 20.
@Reis.507 10 ай бұрын
Usa is always sabotaging Brazil afraid of having another superpower in the neightborhood 😂
@ericreed4535 3 ай бұрын
Parabéns no comentário mais falsa e ignorante do dia. Impressionante. Fala do pior Sabotage dos últimos anos que os EUA fez com o intenção de prejudicar o Brazil. PIB de quase 30 trilhoes e o brasil 2 trilhões e vc acha os EUA preocupado com brasil??
@aayushdesai813 Жыл бұрын
Amazing Video Brother.
@ayushc5704 Жыл бұрын
brazil needs political stability first for structural reforms and then attract investment... other emerging economies are already ahead in this and coupled with slowed global demand seems like Brazil have to wait further to boom... especially after leftist govt took over.
@MrVitorao Жыл бұрын
it already has all of that. Specially if compared with other emerging economies. It is by far the one with most political stability and that has been doing a lot of structural macroeconomic and microeconomic reforms with everything pointing that they will countie on doing it and very rapidly as it turns out
@PutinkabaapLawrencekajija 11 ай бұрын
other emerging economies like nigeria,india,south africa are very much behind ..they are poor or lower class economies ,just emerging ..whereas brasil hdi is high and it is upper middle income economy
@canalozieljose Жыл бұрын
We will try to reform the tax code in the coming days. As for corruption we just take a step backwards in the last national election.
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