The Definitive Apex Legends Tier List w/ Jhawk & Jumba

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The Definitive Apex Legends Tier List w/ Jhawk & Jumba
This is The Meta, an analysis podcast series discussing everything important to Apex Legends Global Series and the competitive scene.

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@zoetekauw9647 2 ай бұрын
1:05:00 no way you get a Horizon ult off inside a bubble. You carry Newt with no gun out in full view you get double pumped, ciao
@mmhoss 2 ай бұрын
hour 40 of jumba and j politely going "wtf are you talking about man"
@dvp1694 2 ай бұрын
1:35:08 fully agreed with, pretty good tier list as well
@t3e_e 2 ай бұрын
That ballistic convo was... challenging 😅. I can appreciate an alternative view - it's my MO - but there's just no shot for him and he needs a redesign
@BurkeApex 2 ай бұрын
I still think the pacing of his kit is the part people cant buy in to, I dont think he's at the top but i think the value he can bring to a good team with good timing is better than he gets credit for. Agreed he needs a buff, id hate to see his kit fully reworked though.
@EclipseEH 2 ай бұрын
@@BurkeApexevery single thing you said about ballistic, Maggie? Ash and Fuse can all do the same thing infinitely better
@DirectFireDave 2 ай бұрын
@@EclipseEHwe’re still hyping ash? 💀
@t3e_e 2 ай бұрын
@@BurkeApex it just doesn't seem like enough against skilled players but maybe I'll see the light if they juice him up vs. a redesign! We both know they will one day when papa Ballistic gets his heirloom ;) You talking about the mechanics does give space to actually think about something fresh for the meta, so I don't wanna be a hater!
@cl_0ud470 2 ай бұрын
​@@DirectFireDaveAsh is still understandable, but Ballistic is just trash.
@ITR1329 Ай бұрын
Tough convo to hear as a Wraith main 😆
@PhilosopherKhu 2 ай бұрын
Ash Level 3 perc - 2 tac, or successful Tac reveals enemy teammates
@misterskarbero5374 2 ай бұрын
As someone with 10000 games on rampart, changes id like to see would be something like Bandolier Blue Perk removed added Wreckless 50% grenade resist Amplified Barriers Purple Perk Buff added Fast Revives behind the wall and Apply it to teamates not only yourself. Sheila Ult Headshot multiplier reduced from 2x - 1.5- 1.75 Ramped Up Built in and removed Added New Perk Expanded Loader Passive Applies to all weapons. Allows for the choice of selfish faster guns or support utitlity and reloads for your teamates. Totally think the idea of her sheild stunning being great cause shes one of the only Controller characters who struggles to hold a building from people walking in.But id def try to apply it to her Top wall so shoot out the top and its just a wall no stun. Oooooor forget all of it and give her ult a gun shield hop up lololol
@Ballistic-vn6em 2 ай бұрын
Cat is by far the best controller legend right now, with all the bubble fights and everybody being so close she almost works like an aggresive legend with her Q. I feel like this legend will never go away, she's too balanced.
@cubbian 2 ай бұрын
Conduit in C tier is crazy. All supports are broken atm with the healing and res perks.
@rywen-25 2 ай бұрын
Her tac is a little slow after nerfs and other supports just offer way more than her. She’s definitely around C tier or B tier.
@cl_0ud470 2 ай бұрын
Conduit only A or even S tier in contest which doesn't exist anymore.
@EclipseEH 2 ай бұрын
Burke was making a ranked list and Jhawk and Jumba actually did comp.
@louise.4748 2 ай бұрын
They should give valk purple perk, either scans while flying or less damage
@DirectFireDave 2 ай бұрын
Cat/bang/horizon def one of my fav metas. Love their aggression, small hit boxes and versatility.
@zoetekauw9647 2 ай бұрын
Why even isn't Alter ult instant?
@SuperGabber5000 2 ай бұрын
Lol maggie ball sticking to knockdown sound really fun
@misterskarbero5374 2 ай бұрын
Great video!
@kage_4046 2 ай бұрын
The problem with giving Seer a revive cancel is you can't counter it. Either the revive gets canceled or you cancel the revive to avoid getting hit. Furthermore if you get hit as Newcastle or Lifeline, you can't do your special res. The same logic applies with heal cancel. I'm betting now that once Newcastle is no longer the best reset legend Lifeline will take his place. Fast heals shouldn't be in the game. The only reason Lifeline isn't meta from her fast heals is because Newcastle reset is way better at the moment. IDK if Giiby will take Newcastle's place.
@jegade001 2 ай бұрын
IMO , removed wattson abilities from the wall that set and Newcastle will be fine like why they are giving other legends abilities to other , that wall is just Wattson kit, energize is like a fence, reject imcoming ordenance and also regen shield. , this is the worse season I’ve ever seen in this game, to make a legend that was actually good give it other legends abilities.
@tjr1 2 ай бұрын
I respect you trying to make a case for Mirage haha
@taeplayzz6299 2 ай бұрын
Ballistic is def c tier one on one is way to ez put helps team to
@iksdjvan100 2 ай бұрын
this dude on the bottom just doesn't play ash at all... the idea that fuse or horizon is better than ash in practice is laughable. The ability to instantly take high ground for your full team, instantly send on an unsuspecting team or seperated loner, to be able to knock and instapush the rez, to be able to instantly reposition behind a castle wall... Ashes ult is the most underrated utility in this meta. fuses ult only forces a team to step back or further into castles wall... his cue is pointless when res restores full health on ult and when supports get double health from heals... just try to peak a bubble and throw his cue in there without getting a mastiff to the face... same thing with horizon... the second she throws that in there is the second the bubble team is out and triple blasting you with shotty... her cue is too slow on getting height when everyones reactions are soo fast... ash is the sleeper A tier player
@EclipseEH 2 ай бұрын
“Imagine you get mastiff’d, just pop a conduit q amd re chall” “It’s way too slow now” “Okay well I haven’t actually played with the timings” THEN STOP SAYING SHIT IS GOOD WHEN YOU DONT KNOW THE CORRECT INFO
@illtyuh8336 2 ай бұрын
Ballistic is actually the worst legend in the games history (excluding og mirage)
@zombieslayer470 Ай бұрын
Alter being worst legend in the game and only being D is completely crazy. Should have clicked off right there really. At least ballistic was good last patch and how is loba D tier with support perks, ult and escape to res? Mirage is bad but having support perk makes him infinitely better than alter. Saw mirage and loba way more than alter in blgs too.
@shaquille.oatmeal2724 2 ай бұрын
haven't ever been on this channel but whoever the bloke is on the top (sorry if that's the channel owner, no offense) seems out of touch with comp and just the general state of the game (such as rev not being able to get conduits tac or the hypothetical seer no res not just knocking someone off res but disabling their abilities after) getting challenged on most rankings such as ballistic, horizon, fuse, crypto, and lifeline almost always overestimating their value and not considering the ability of other legends to do what they do the same if not better. Again though I don't mean this as an offense
@grahamhill2277 2 ай бұрын
did you just learn the word concede or something
@BurkeApex 2 ай бұрын
Yeah it means I win
@Mr.Milkins 2 ай бұрын
Everyone saying mirage is bad have not even tried to learn him and haven't actually played against a good one. He's a solid high C tier or even a low B tier
@matthewmorley310 2 ай бұрын
brother this is a comp tier list. There is very little value gained from having mirage in your comp at the top level.
@Mr.Milkins 2 ай бұрын
@matthewmorley310 Of course there's little value if you don't know how to actually use him. I understand that learning him would take a lot of time but saying he's bad because of his massive skill floor is just wrong. He's also harder to use if you're playing on controller, so there's a lot people who have a harder time using him.
@MatthewMorley-l1f 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@Mr.Milkins I really don’t understand how you can watch this video and any scrims or comp at all and have this opinion. Firstly, what skill ceiling? Any pro player will immediately know the real mirage in his ult, regardless of how many hours you have on mirage. Even if you bamboozle someone with the tac, so what? You get a little scan. Great. What value is he actually bringing over any S tier or A tier legend? Remember that in comp every legend is rated not always on their kit itself, but in how viable they are to replace one of the main three picks. Right now with the standard comp being gib, nc, path, who would you suggest mirage replaces ? You’re not replacing him with gibby because then you’re at a massive disadvantage mid to end game in fights, and you’d just straight up die to gibby ults late game. If you take him over Newcastle you lose the pull res, energised ult that can tank a gibby ult, and his ability to ult slam into another teams nc ult. if you replace him with path (or cat who some teams play instead) you lose your rotational ability, you’ll be beamed trying to make any rotates. There’s a reason that even some of the better legends right now don’t get pro play and that reason is that there is such a small room for manoeuvre outside the top 3/4 legend picks. Even lifeline who is really strong right now and certainly 10x as valuable as mirage will barely see use in comp, because while she’s great she cannot replace gibby or Newcastle as one of the two supports, and you definitely can’t replace Pathy or cat with her because then you lose all rotational ability and ring console info. Cmon man. Is mirage absolutely dogshit? well quite frankly yes. Can you get some value out of him in ranked? Of course, the same way you can get some value playing octane or alter in ranked, because it’s not comp. Sorry for the essay but cmon man, this is just a silly argument from you. Watch some comp.
@Mr.Milkins 2 ай бұрын
​@@MatthewMorley-l1f My lack of knowledge in English is showing in this essay. If you have played mirage you'd actually know how to use his abilities to your advantage. He has a small form of a scan, can revive, can skirmish. He might not be the best at all of them, (maybe besides skirmishing) but he's very universal. The small ping from bamboozling enemies is a better scan than that from a bloodhound. Maybe you can't tell what legend shot at your decoy and they don't stay scanned as long but you can use it to your advantage to get in a better position or better yet, peek at the moment they shoot at your decoy. If you have good aim, like a good player should, you can guarantee a free knock by just people getting bamboozled by your tactical. His ult has never been more usefull than it has been now. The gibby, newcaste meta has gave mirage the time to shine. Learn where to put your decoys, learn how and when to ult properly and then there's no problem dealing with those two legends. You as well are invisible, and you can still shoot a little bit while invisible. The half second of advantage is huge in high skilled lobbies, you just need to be able to use that to your advantage. When people say it's easy to track mirage it's because they only see the shit ones, the ones who have not put enough time to learn how to not get tracked easily. You ult you can show your back to the enemies and be completely invisible while of course making the ult sound that gets muffled and is hard to track in a gunfight. It's very possible to get behind enemies and just take out one preson in a 2v1 situation while still getting away. Even if you are looking at enemies when the decoys come out it's quite hard to even track a mirage if he has good movement while using his decoys as visual clutter. Controller users (like the 95% who plays scrims/comeptitive) can't do well with him because they lack the ability to properly to use the decoys to their advantage + have a hard time to hide the dots that show up when you ult. His rez capability is of course situational but probably could be on par or even better than the one of gibbies. With how many characters can you get in a better postion after rezing? With newcastle you are a walking shield that has good cover but after rezing you and your teammate have most of the time fight in less ideal conditions. As a mirage you of course don't have the shield to keep you safe but you still are invisible and after you rez you both have the ability to run past the enemies that are coming and take a better position or just try to run away. Now tell my why can an actually good mirage player win against pros? I''ll help you with that, it's because they know how to play the character properly. Mirage by himself is good the problem is when a bad mirage without knowledge and skills tries to use him against highly skilled people. Don't blame the game, blame the player. They are the ones who are dogshit not mirage. Why even make a tier list if you know what 3 legends are good? Looking by what you're saying, it wouldn't be a problem if the rest 23 legends would get removed and everyone would play the meta becasue the rest is shit comapred to them 3 in comp. The thing is that everyone dosen't play well with the same playstyle and different legends can have some counter play.
@DirectFireDave 2 ай бұрын
Mirage and ash have the biggest stans out here 😭😭😭
@TheMikeMassengale 2 ай бұрын
Horizon should get a little more credit, there is no spot for her I a comp roster, but she fucks up Newcastle rezs which is massive.
@wesker8814 2 ай бұрын
crypto literally doesnt counter anything in this meta
@spinazwhit 2 ай бұрын
mirage is not F tier, you can see his utility in apac n finals, a team was running him. def not good but at least D
@aidenstumme 2 ай бұрын
They were trolling in BLGS where anyone could sign up. Mirage has no real utility in a good lobby
@JustJuiceWrld Ай бұрын
Disagree blood being placed D I’ve liked using him this season for scans and a lot of info along w entry damage w ult pairing him w gibby and new castle is a fun comp to play
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