The issue is how much comfort do people feel for the dollar spent. Spend a large amount of borrowed money up front. Spend a large amount in financial costs. Spend to run the system. Spend to maintain the system. Spend a lot of time earning income and paying taxes to pay above. If the entire home needs to be heated to be comfortable then a large amount needs to be spent. And so different systems may have different solutions. This matter is rarely gone into, most people speak highly of their choice after they have locked themselves into their choice. Failures are hidden by embarrassment, naturally. This presentation is very good, well done.
@tattabridge2 жыл бұрын
Love the serendipity of him accidentally discovering the thermometer went up highest when placed beyond the red.. it’s noticing anomalies that leads to discoveries.. (I’ll end my rap there!) I’m using Herschel IR panels to heat my home and really enjoyed this clear elucidation of your man’s discovery. Thanks+++
@roberthooper29492 жыл бұрын
Now the technology makes sense. Thank you for the explanation. Why has it taken 200 years to use this technology for home heating?
@tiitulitii2 жыл бұрын
Every warm object radiates infrared energy. So does every warm heater.