The Enlisted Merge A Partial Success?

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Grasslands Studio

Grasslands Studio

7 ай бұрын

Enlisted's Highly anticipated Merge has Failed in Terms of Gameplay for Tiers 3-5, BUT everything else has worked! HOWEVER Gameplay is the MOST important part of a Game, SO can it be fixed?
In this video I break down what players have been experiencing so far and WHY it needs to be changed NOT for me, but for new players. While tiers 1-2 appear to be successful, tiers 3-5 are diving straight into a chaotic hell.
#enlisted #enlistednews #enlistedupdate

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@debayanghatak1521 7 ай бұрын
You are definitely on point. The merge has created a lot of associated issues. The economy feels busted at this point. The fact that you not only need to research but you also need to purchase each and every weapon that you unlocked to get the weapon of your choice is so dumb. On top of that as a person who is currently playing Germany at BR V it is safe to say that the Axis are borderline 'impossible to defeat'. While the Americans usually give you a fair fight don't get me started about the Soviets in BR 3 whom I constantly meet in Stalingrad. They should definitely make BR 3 a separate queue. I hope we see some incremental changes as we go forward.
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Yes I’ve played what used to be both Berlin and normandy campaigns. Germany has had a heavy boost since pre-merge which isn’t necessarily bad. HOWEVER the problem comes In when the outclassing it’s terrible for tier 3,4
@debayanghatak1521 7 ай бұрын
Yep. I have to grind out a few things in the American tech tree. I think I will stick to BR 2 for this purpose.
@micheletre2074 7 ай бұрын
I completely agree it's a shame what they've done to this game, i play since one year and a half and i never played matches that were so bad and ultra sweaty,got to play Normady D Day Tier 5 today and i got three consecutive squads destroyed by Rockets Tanks HE and Artillery Spam before i could even spawn literally lost more squads than kill,Tier 4 and 5 are unplayable,Tier 3 matchmaking is broken and the first two tiers are a roulette at not going put up in lobbys against Tier 3,this game is mess right now
@mattypeevesstreaming 7 ай бұрын
My main issues are with the perk resests, lost squads and research tree, I love that I'm playing all the maps now. But I'm not as savvy as you on the tiers and matchmaking. I had my highest kill round in this update but also I have gotten stomped a few times lol. I do like the gameplay variety now!
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Sup Matty! Feel you man, so many squads. Don’t like that even tho I have higher tier stuff, I’ve “lost” progress too because I have to go back and research 3 levels just to get the 1 gun. Yeah I haven’t gotten variety unfortunately. I’ve only gotten normandy even tho I’m tier 3
@mattypeevesstreaming 7 ай бұрын
@GrasslandsStudio I'm going to play a bunch more I think, but I always got overwhelmed with all the upgrading and research before, now it seems unattainable. Good thing I like my bolt actions! Haha. I've gotten mostly stalingrad maps and pacific, both I haven't played much. I'm bummed I lost my Japan maxed out squad from battle pass. The kne time I paid for something and it's gone! I feel like they made it even harder to jump in and play.... Although I like the campaign idea of building the army rather than being based on location
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
You lost a squad?! Omg that shouldn’t have happened I don’t believe? I would email them
@mattypeevesstreaming 7 ай бұрын
@GrasslandsStudio I'm pretty sure we got a maxed out Japanese rifle squad from the battle pass a while ago, and I can't find it. Om annoyed because it's the only battle pass I've done so I was hoping that I'd have what I paid for still
@ThomasBarth-gr1sz 7 ай бұрын
frankly, I'm a big-time and maxed-out player. I'm not even interested in playing anything below tier 5. After the update, I feel gameplay has improved, and I'm quite satisfied. I've been wanting something like ranked matches for quite a while, playing against more competitive and competent enemies. So yeah, the update made gameplay work better for me.
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Hey that’s good! Competitive is always a good thing. Nothing wrong with competition, just think there’s a few places right now where it is not balanced because of certain vehicles and squads
@whiplash8277 7 ай бұрын
Tier 3 needs it's own matches. The game needs to allow us to group and save different tier squad setups and save them, so when we wish to change tiers it does not involve so much effort on the players part to move so many squads around. I am still never going to be comfortable being killed and spawing into a squadmate as he dies, then it happens again. I've lost many 5 man squads by the same enemy, as my bots just stand around attracting enemy attention and do almost nothing in the way of offering any defensive measures. Be nice if my squad would at least shoot at the enemy before one guy kills all of us in 4 or 5 seconds flat. If they would fix the 3 things I outlined the game would be so much better. Alas, no one's gonna hear me, but their it is. Nice video, Grasslands.
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Hey thanks man! I totally agree with what you mean. I have bots standing around as someone comes up and just kills one after another in like 2-3 seconds. They don’t even attack, so I understand your frustration.
@mrsanatra1 6 ай бұрын
The top things i found after playing 1 yr and half is simple to fix this game: 1-Fix the gray zone tank camping, no more of that. 2-Nerf health of all players & vehicles by 2-5% allowing the TTK to be faster and for players to gain xp faster 3-remove BR tiers being tied to map selection, its stupid 4-Rework BR system because tier 5 is a nightmare for allies and the balance is off. I have had consistent games of one sided gold ranks vs scrubs 5-fix any bugs or weird lag 6-limit vehicles to a 1 life system, meaning every player can use their vehicle they selected but once they KIA, they cant use vehicles anymore. It makes vehicles important as well limits spam 7-bring night maps and more weather effects 8-Rework the silver system because it didnt change the grind at all no matter what the devs say 9-give defensive side 10-15 sec to build defenses as well give both sides time to load into games without getting whacked automatically smh 10-Bring portioned damage to buildings similar to BF but not to the extreme so it still stays true to the game
@GrasslandsStudio 6 ай бұрын
So happy you mentioned weather! This is a HUGE thing I’m trying to figure out in the mod editor for my maps. Unfortunately RNG in affecting fixed weather and you can’t have a set persistent weather type! This and time of day would be great
@woxics Ай бұрын
Sadly i've pointed out this before the merge. That a lot this would cause even more problems. Not only on the fun spectrum, but balance wise aswell. A lot of veterans has left or the ones who are still in the game are either on a payroll of gaijin for playing such as quadro, You don't see much people at top tier and often it's either one side dominates or the other. It's now either the german get's a full stack of infantry and completely rolls now or they get no infantry 2 tiger players in the back dumping HE and doesn't move 5 meters because the AI just stays in spawn don't not much at all.
@GrasslandsStudio Ай бұрын
Yeah and BR1-3 now is incredibly sweaty. I’ve been only playing this because it’s slower paced and less competitive but since so many veterans are leaving, I’m seeing a huge shift to BR1-3
@samcross3400 6 ай бұрын
I like the merge. There’s counters for everything in the game, Tiger 2 Hs go down to explosive packs and TNT easily, just paradrop onto them from behind or get around them unseen, or use a plane. I see a lot more panzer IVs still anyway. Tier 3 should be on its own queue I agree with that, but I’m fine about it all, really like the new perk system, currency, maps and mechanics. A lot has improved since 2021. I still meet players on some games who are just too ninja for me, which makes it fun, among Tier5 Marshalls with all the maxed out load outs I believe there is an understanding that it’s intelligence, strategy, speed and timing that have a much greater impact than any one players equipment or tank. Tier 5 doesn’t work at all if your team doesn’t take care of the basics like rally points and building engineer structures, you can’t just conders MG or Tiger 2H your way out of not having a rally point.
@gamingreindeer5489 7 ай бұрын
I have played this game literally since the beginning and when there were 3 campaings. Now it has been few days since upgrade and I have not played this anymore at all. I am shocked how bad this upgrade was... There is nothing to do with history anymore as there used to be. This was a major loss for me. Sucks. What is the point to bring in more content and maps now when the entire system is messed up?
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s pretty devastating. I haven’t been able to get Tunisia or pacific at all as tier 3 or 4 for the Allies no matter what I try. Germany I’ve noticed is insanely powerful now and mostly uncontested. It’s unfortunate because I’m seeing so many battles where my team has mostly Springfields up against assault rifles. A lot of squads from pacific and Tunisia were given super high BR, even though they’re inherently early war and inferior in their weapon unlocks. Makes no sense
@bornwithsauce 7 ай бұрын
You're right about the matchups. I wanna play tier 3 against 3 tier but it always puts me against StG squad swarms and tigers. I guess I either have to equip all bolt actions or all M2 carbines sigh. Even then the fact there isn't a tier 6 like they planned and that the M4A2 76 is in the same tier as the Tiger 2 seems like an oversight on Darkflow's part. The same can be said for the M1919A6 (god bless it but the firerate can't compete against a normal rifleman's FG42 II in tier 5)
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Yes! See the problem also comes in when you NEED to begin with a tier 3 squad say for like the Thompson 30 cal. It makes it impossible to level up
@Josh93B93 7 ай бұрын
A shortsighted success, in the long run its killing the game and driving away the players who stuck with it for years, you had seasonal drop offs for sure, but when you have 50,000 leaveoutside of the normal time frame of the ebb and flow, thats saying something, those werent the usual kids going back to school, those 50K arent coming back in the spring, and given how broken the immersion and balance is now, the game may not be dead, but its bleeding out.
@ns_usa 7 ай бұрын
Mostly, I agree. The game's community is very brute, and even legit good and astute players with solid feedback who otherwise adore the game and want the community to increase... cross the line (e.g. Paradivision, the dude cannot stay 1 minute without calling people he disagrees with "snowflakes" or "ret**ds -just plain sad and counter-intuitive). It's not that other communities are not as toxic. It is just that other communities have full-fledged, thriving games, and are not required to be non-toxic to survive :) That is not the case here. Which is why we have to be careful. Tier 4 and 5 seem unplayable even if you get to play Tier 5 GER. Too fast, maps too small, and contested, too many explosions, unfair situations through and through as you pointed out, and nothing fun as it does not feel you have any control at all. What really happened with this merge and few people dare to admit is that we finally saw what Enlisted is all about beyond bot farming. The fundamental flaws of the r e a l game surfaced without illusions. People did not like Tunisia because it felt like a "walking simulation". Now they see Tunisia is actually good (btw, go tier II if you want to play Tunisia more often). That said, tier 2 is a revelation type of gameplay. The game really SHINES there. It is more slow-paced, it is competitive, and it is what we, pro-merge veteran players, hoped for. And we've got it in an unexpected format nevertheless. Why eschatologically focus so much on the bad though? :) Pretty sure tier 3 will be fixed. Rant is huge over it. Aye, we will get an extra queue, but still be more competitive than before. Overall, tier 2 for me is the most enjoyable Enlisted experience yet. It offers a good balance of real players (I used to go lone mode just because of the real player thrill I am after), tactical gameplay, and arcade-style elements. PS: Mors here. Hope you are doing well man.
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Hey Mors! Yeah I totally agree with you. This is the game you get when everyone actually has equal maxed out gear, and it’s hell HAHA. Just the reality we always knew it would be if games were matched. However I will say I’m super excited because I knew people giving feedback would work. Devs responded that they know tier 3 is messed up big time and they also know that Germany is uncontested in many areas. Fortunately they’ve already said the Pershing is coming and that tier 5 will be added to make more people able to get pacific besides just normandy
@samcross3400 6 ай бұрын
Paradivision is contemptuous of noobs and fairly patronising in tone a lot of the time. He’s an intuitive and smart dude, you can tell, but he’s that kind smart that isn’t coupled with the empathy of being a developed adult yet. He has a harsh way with words.
@user-dp8lx8if2s 5 ай бұрын
the fact that the game screwed over mid-grind players is kind of sad. in order to continue researching things you want to unlock, not only do you have to research everything before it, where mid-tier smgs cost you 100k+ per piece, you also need to shell out the silver that you save in order to buy things you don't even want. Honestly if they'd fix the silver gains/costs/economy, the game would definitely improve.
@GrasslandsStudio 5 ай бұрын
Yeah definitely a bummer
@ismovirtanen7225 6 ай бұрын
I'd rather face a Tiger II in a Sherman than face a Tiger E in a Stuart. Also SMLE should definitely be BR 2.
@p_jgeon6527 7 ай бұрын
Once more campaings come to enlisted, i think that problem that is now with gameplay will be fixed or atleast partially.
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Yeah hopefully. Would love to see France squad with the Ardennes
@tomislavvranjkovic9210 7 ай бұрын
It"s a "human wave tactics" game....if You build rallies and play fast no Tiger 2 can ruin Your game....and those 100 bullets drums are something (looking at US/USSR)
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
I’ve tried the human waves tactic many times. Unfortunately there’s maps where that just doesn’t work XD
@tomislavvranjkovic9210 7 ай бұрын
If it's not working, You're facing tougher counter move is rally hunting, bringing the fight behind capture point.
@TITANONE. 7 ай бұрын
Hi ! I watched the entire video and i must say that i didnt see that much copying , crying , skill issue in a long time , I could have made a better response to that video explaining everything but that would be too much text , Welcome to Enlisted .
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Hi! I want to reply to this but… I don’t quite understand your take if you like the update or not? Sorry 🤣
@TITANONE. 7 ай бұрын
@@GrasslandsStudio if you do not understand it its not my Concern anymore then 😅 Yes I do think the merge helped the game by making matchmaking and tech trees.
@Nepomniachtchi_Austin 7 ай бұрын
I disagree, to quote Sid Meier, "A game is a series of interesting choices". The game definitely gives you that if you ignore top tier players. If you play tier 4 or 5 you know exactly what to expect, but for now, people are still figuring out whatever gun and vehicle meta for tiers, and I like that. But there is a lot to say for how exactly the MM works, I've obliterated GMC13s with a Tiger II H. That might be a player population problem. Just saying as well, I know what happened to your first account lol
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
LMFAOOOO sup austin! I’ve actually enjoyed the BR 2 battles I’ve been in. Also that first account is in good hands LMAO
@Shard37 7 ай бұрын
Yeet the realistic historical squad games into the custom matches and just open the fucking flood gate gaijin. Do what warthunder is doing. If we are going this route i say shit on the pot or get the hell off. Make all the maps available, all the factions fighting eachother, and limit matching making to the decimal point and develop a system that slowly opens up the lobby till its filled. With US vs USSR and Axis vs Japan matches i bet the match making time will get a lot shorter. As for balance thats on them to develop equipment that can closely match each the factions. But the mishandling of throwing sherman 76's against king tigers while the soviets get an IS-2 really made this merge feel rushed. But thank god the great equalizer is air power. I definitely win more matches with any faction if i bring a plane vs a tank. But the tanks are a waaaaay more effective seal clubbing tool than a plane. Advantages vs disadvantages. Still better matches than throwing a M5 Stuart at a king tiger or a Pz 3j1 against a KV1.
@GrasslandsStudio 7 ай бұрын
Ngl it would be kind of sick seeing Japan versus USSR or Germany versus Japan
@Shard37 7 ай бұрын
@@GrasslandsStudio ngl I'm more for the USA vs USSR faction fights for that cold war going hot super early vibe.
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