The Expanse 1x3 REACTION

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@flyingardilla143 4 жыл бұрын
Isn't it great how they don't spoon feed you all the information.
@FMJaqenHghar 4 жыл бұрын
It is one of the best things about this amazing show.
@Norbert_Sattler 4 жыл бұрын
True, they don't spoonfeed, and yet they don't leave you hanging. Of the things they don't tell, they still give out enough information that you can figure it out yourself... eventually. Some things are deliberately hidden for the sake of the story. Such subtlety and trust in the attention and intelligence of the viewers has sadly become rather rare these days.
@TArnoldFerguson 4 жыл бұрын
Pill Martian interrogator (Lopez) took was a focus drug to enhance his ability to pick up on body language, etc.
@Norbert_Sattler 4 жыл бұрын
It is that and yet even more than that. It enhances perception, so the interrogator can notice clues that are too small for a normal Human eye to see. Body language is something a trained interrogator can read even without enhancements. The drug enables to see the pulsing of the blood through arteries close to the skin, the size of the pupils, skin going pale or flushed... all the little details that no amount of training alone can reveal.
@johnalley8397 4 жыл бұрын
Carly crushin' on Space Pirates.
@hoos3014 4 жыл бұрын
Good Lord, do not watch that Alt Shift X video! Turrible advice! This season plays out as a mystery. You don't have all the pieces yet to understand what is going on. You don't even know the game yet. But neither do the characters. The joy of this show is watching the mystery unfold right in front of you from episode to episode. Great job so far.
@bonnieamof7033 4 жыл бұрын
true, when i was watching and came across the protomolecule, I didnt think of aliens at first, thought it was a government experiment. Was Presently surprised later to find out it was aliens later. WOULD RECOMMEND AFTER AT LEAST FIRST SEASON THOUGH.
@wilfchapman-gandy8120 4 жыл бұрын
"None of the crew are from mars." Sad Alex noises.
@STR33TSofJUST1C3 4 жыл бұрын
After having finished season 4, rewatching the early episodes with reactors such as yourselves really shows the sheer amount of foreshadowing. As you continue into this show, you will come across a plethora of moments where you'll look back at an earlier episode and think to yourself: "sh*t, they hinted at this back then?"
@blackpaw29 2 жыл бұрын
ikr! Stuff that happens in S5 was hinted at early in S1!
@DrEsky914 4 жыл бұрын
BTW, you are smart enough to figure out these characters and story on your own, it just takes a few episodes to become completely immersed in the characters and the world and then you will be ALL IN for the ride. In Other words, you don't need anyones video to figure that out. Having said that, the books are epic and you will really enjoy them as well. It makes you even more greedy for season after season because the stories get better and better. so glad you are doing this amazing series!
@alienrenders 4 жыл бұрын
You shouldn't watch external videos on the expanse. There are spoilers. Just watch the show.
@widget3672 4 жыл бұрын
The Belter language is called "Belter Creole" and has roots in Chinese, Japanese, Slavic and Romance languages - though English makes up a fair bit of the space (possibly for English audiences - in the books they frequently use bits of Spanish).
@Cbricklyne 4 жыл бұрын
Actually, Alex, the pilot guy, is actually Martian. He's a former pilot in the Martian Navy (space fleet) who left the military to go work in the belt. Holden as you've probably already worked out is from Earth as is Amos, and Naomi is the one from the Belt.
@Soupie62 4 жыл бұрын
Background (from show and books): 1. Earth expanded colonised Mars. For some reason, most Mars people speak with a Texas accent. 2. Martians wanted independence, started resenting people from Earth. 3. As things were getting bad, someone invented a more efficient rocket drive. Human race expanded again, with people living & mining the asteroid belt (Belters) Belters speak an odd mix of languages, so subtitles can be a good idea. Belters also have a major chip on their shoulders, resenting both Earth and Mars. James Holden & Amos are both from Earth. Holden did time in Earth military. Naomi is a Belter, and Alex is Martian.
@Melancthon7332 4 жыл бұрын
"He's trying to learn the (local) language...why?" C'mon. If you were a cop, and you were transferred to, let's say, Mexico City, you'd try to learn some Spanish, wouldn't you?
@daviddalke926 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy that I found another reactor to this amazing show. For me, its the closest thing to experiencing the story for the first time
@ranialian8537 4 жыл бұрын
I love this show. I really do. So happy you're reacting to it. I must sound like a broken record by now but Season 1 gets so much better in retrospect. So much important groundwork laid in this episode alone. I'm seeing much of it in a different light even after S4. 7:14 DeGraaf is from Earth, and Earth's ambassador to Mars. Being employed on Ceres and all, I think that Havelock just wanted to be able to better communicate with the locals. Or should I say "belter communicate"? ^^ Edit: Also, is it me or does AltShiftX' s " no spoiler" video contain a PM-related spoiler within the first minute?
@elroysez8333 4 жыл бұрын
Belters actually live in many places out on the belt (other asteroids, moons, ships etc.) Belters are spread out so far that the often have their own dialects and individual words, so they sometimes don't even understand each other. They have developed many standardized hand gestures to communicate within space suits, so you will see a lot of that as the series goes. The books are fantastic. The 9th and final book will be out this year. There are also several smaller novellas that focus around specific characters. Definitely read the books when you aren't worried about spoilers.
@Tortuosit 4 жыл бұрын
"I don't know whom to believe, yo" You will, Jesse
@calicocat4393 4 жыл бұрын
Stick with it, Carly. I was mostly confused on my first (of many) watch up until ep. 9. I felt like an idiot child sometimes, but at my age I don't beat on myself for that anymore. But it grabbed me and pulled me in with the first episode, so I was determined to stay the course. It was well worth it. I think it's the best show on TV of any genre, difficult though it is.
@andrewcharles459 3 жыл бұрын
Episode three is the threshold. After this, it all starts coming together. And yes - read the books!
@noisecrime 4 жыл бұрын
Love your commitment to 'Space Pirates' perhaps one day it will happen ;)
@PlacidDragon 4 жыл бұрын
Cant wait for your reaction to episode 4, hehe :D Its a series of books (8 this far i think), the 9th is going to be the last one. The simplest way to look at it is that there are 3 factions. You have Earth (the most populous), Mars (the most technologically advanced), and the belt (trapped in the middle and has very little).
@Cbricklyne 4 жыл бұрын
Actually, the Belt has more resources (mostly minerals and mined metals) than Earth and Mars combined. But belters don't get to benefit from them since for the longest time they've been exploited by both Mars and Earth who have more resources, more powerful militaries and have companies that have mining rights on the Belt. Also, Mars is not the most technologically advanced (as a society). Earth is. Mars just happens to have the most advanced military and fleet since they are the ones who invented and developed the Epstein drive that powers all the ships in the Solar System. As a result their ships are more powerful and more advanced but Earth still has more ships and more military superiority.
@PlacidDragon 4 жыл бұрын
@@Cbricklyne When i say "has very little", i mean in what matters up there, namely food, water, air. The belt also has little to no military (being fragmented into clans), no army (except fragmented militia), no navy (except jury rigged civilian ships), etc.. they are the "gnat" between Earth and Mars. As for the rest of your post, that is just mirroring exactly what i said in a vastly more convoluted manner :)
@cunning01 4 жыл бұрын
The first book concludes in season 2 episode 5ish. So, i would recommend watching up to that point then reading book 1 or... read book 1 and see how the show differs. I read first, but i think watching first might be more fun. All of that said, the show will raise questions give you answers, but it's a matter of patience and memory waiting for the answers and remembering the question when you're seeing the answer. The previously on are usually pretty spot on.
@neonspecter2730 4 жыл бұрын
Just a little background on why destroying the Canterbury caused such a stir among the Belters: It wasn't just a random Belter ship, it was originally a major colony ship that brought alot of the original Belters out there. It's part of their history.
@NozomuYume 4 жыл бұрын
Well, the symbolism is important, but also the fact that it was one of only a few major ice freighters operating at the time that had water earmarked for the belt (and not just going straight to Mars/Luna), and losing it severely restricted the water supply. Mars needs water badly for terraforming, and while Earth has *lots* of water, Luna doesn't, and it's way cheaper to take water from the outer systems and haul it in slowly than to lift it out of Earth's gravity well even though it's physically super close. (Although in real life the belt has enough ice that I'm amazed Luna and Mars were able to strip it all, but I guess the Epstein drive made it efficient enough to haul it away. Also I don't know why they go to Saturn so much when the Jovian moons have enough ice to last forever. Maybe because sometimes Saturn is closer depending on where in their orbits they are.)
@abbaszaidi8371 4 жыл бұрын
Your vids have made me watch season 1 again. But not as background noise while kids disturb me. But to really immerse myself. Cannot wait for the next episode- oh it’s going to get so good C Q B
@jasondolph2785 4 жыл бұрын
One of the basic properties of The Expanse as a series is that each book is more or less a hybrid of sci-fi with another genre. The first book is a sci-fi/mystery, so we are meant to piece things together carefully from the clues we are given, and working out all the details takes a very long time. You are meant to struggle to understand who to trust etc. Book 2 is a sci fi/political thriller, and you will see most of the chips on the table much more clearly. Waffling on who to believe and what to think of them is part of the fun of the story. ;)
@redmilo92 4 жыл бұрын
8 novels (9th and final one expected this year) and half a dozen novellas
@rodentnolastname6612 4 жыл бұрын
he's learning the Belter language to be a better cop. He's in the Belt, on an asteroid.
@GameMasterToolbox 4 жыл бұрын
This is the episode that hooked me in. I was watching a few other shows, and then that last scene happened. I was done with the other shows.
@spatulasnout 3 жыл бұрын
Best editing I've seen on a reaction channel
@direnova6284 4 жыл бұрын
Miller has idealised Julie in his mind, he sees her as some paragon of courage and virtue, she represents redemption to him.It's an obsession with an image of purity which has power over him when contrasted with the corruption he lives in. It's nice to have something to believe in .
@deanadewall8400 4 жыл бұрын
You're doing a great job. Loving your reactions/reviews.
@robinhaffner2077 4 жыл бұрын
I am so happy your watching this show! One definite drawback for some people is how complicated this Universe is, and though they do a decent job of showing you rather than simply telling you, (the viewer), what's going on, the way they have a number of separate storylines add a whole other level of complexity that can make it difficult for the viewer to feel confident that they know what the hell's going on. It's one of those things where your not sure whether your confusion over what's going on is something the viewer is meant to have, or if it's just something you specifically have because you missed something. From what you said in this video it sounds like you for the most part are up to speed and have a relatively decent grasp on the universe/lore. If it's not yet clicked for you whether you like this show or not, I know everyone says wait till episode 4, but for some it takes till episode 5 even before they got hooked. For me i knew before even seeing the trailer that i was prolly gonna like this series alot after merely reading about the premise seeing as how sci-fi is by far my favorite genre, but it was this episode that i realized that this had a good chance of becoming one of my favorite sci-fi shows of all time. By the midway point of season 2 this had become my favorite show of all time and then by the end of season 3 it went from being not just my fav but easily one of if not THE single BEST TV SERIES ever made, (regardless of genre). I don't want to over-hype it or anything, but this show is really just that good. The only shows that come close to it in my opinion are "Battlestar Galactica," "Vikings," and "Black Sails."
@TealJosh 4 жыл бұрын
and destruction of cantebury caused more strict water rations on ceres.
@zachgaskins3731 4 жыл бұрын
How the show progresses compared to the books & novellas, in case you want to read-along but still avoid spoilers: Season 1: first half of Leviathan Wakes and early-establishes some characters from Caliban's War. Includes content from "The Butcher of Anderson Station" short story. Season 2: last half of Leviathan Wakes, then the first half of Caliban's War. Includes content from the "Drive" short story. Season 3: last half of Caliban's War, then all of Abaddon's Gate. Season 4: all of Cibola Burn, and establishes characters early for Nemesis Games. Includes elements from the "Gods of Risk" short story. Season 5: Nemesis Games, and possibly elements from "The Churn" and "The Vital Abyss" (but that's speculation on my part).
@CybrSlydr 4 жыл бұрын
Episode 4 is when things start to take off. Read the books after you watch the series. Anxiously awaiting your episode 4 video!!!
@jrich749 4 жыл бұрын
Welcome to The Expanse. It only gets better. Don't worry about not knowing. The show gives you a lot of information. It makes re-watching very worthwhile. = ] Canterbury: James Holden, the Earther executive officer on the Canterbury Alex Kamal, the Martian pilot of the Canterbury Naomi Nagata, a Belter engineer of the Canterbury Amos Burton, an Earther mechanic of the Canterbury Shed Garvey, the Canterbury's medical technician Earth: Sadavir Errinwright, UN Undersecretary of Executive Administration Chrisjen Avasarala, UN Deputy Undersecretary of Executive Administration Ceres: Joe Miller, a Belter detective on Ceres Dmitri Havelock, Miller's Earther partner at Star Helix Security Tavi Muss, Miller's former partner at Star Helix Security Anderson Dawes, the OPA's Ceres liaison Shaddid, captain of Star Helix Security's Ceres detachment Julie Mao, the missing daughter of business tycoon Jules-Pierre Mao Martian Focus drug: The user is granted greater alertness, awareness to have better recall for details in past events making it suitable for depositions or debriefings. It also provides improved awareness, makes it possible to detect even small changes in facial expression or body language. For this reason, Martian naval intelligence uses this version of the drug during interrogations.
@MattDW45 4 жыл бұрын
Lovin’ these reactions 😆
@mannygee005 4 жыл бұрын
I really like this reaction = ) I think you have a pretty good grasp on what's happening which is impressive. Subtitles is a really good idea. I think you can just keep watching and feel free to rewind if you think you missed something. Now I want to see your other reactions. The guy seems to want to learn the language to be able to communicate and probably to gain trust with the locals. I only comment on the existing an previous episodes. Amos is the big guy = )
@noone1704 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't read the books I got in like you and I'm happy I didn't, it's really not that complicated I'm glad I didn't know everything before I watched ! I don't understand how people enjoy shows after they read the book and know everything that's going to happen I wouldn't enjoy that at all.
@ChipMatthews 4 жыл бұрын
There's enough changes from the books to keep it interesting for book readers, even if we know the broad strokes. Plus, it's really fun to see how they visualize something you've had living in your head for years.
@Fackeldackel 4 жыл бұрын
Now the world building is done and the actual story starts. And as you said, episode 4 "CQB" ist when shit hits the fan. CQB (Close quarter battle) is one of the highlights in season 1.
@widget3672 4 жыл бұрын
Watch the series first, it's beautiful and enthralling - then read the books, a lot of crossover but so much detail about the thoughts of each character and why they do what they do - they give you a new light on everything and the differences are marginal but results the same - and the show doesn't disappoint upon returning to it. Warn you though, by the time you get to the 5th book (Nemesis Games) you'll get hooked and right now I'm on book 7 (Persepolis Rising) and it's so damn hard to put down. Welcome to the community of one of the best sci-fi series. Ever.
@guthixisdead 4 жыл бұрын
Oh and I heard you talking about the books... they’re great. The first one is well worth it. I got to the fourth so far and that’s where the seasons are at. They’re really, really well written. Like a movie in text form.
@SomeKindaSpy 2 ай бұрын
Man, Amos in the books and the show is one of the best. Besides Avasarala of course lol.
@peadarruane6582 4 жыл бұрын
There are 8 novels currently with a ninth one coming out. Make sure to read the novellas at the appropriate spots, as they are short and really flesh out the world. (available audio book format on KZbin) The show deviates in small bits from the books, but keeps very true to the spirit. So reading the books is a unique experience as well. Really enjoying your reactions... Strap in and get ready for the juice over the next few episodes it really kicks off :)
@lowbudgetcomicsthings7068 4 жыл бұрын
Belter creole. Remember the Cant
@Rschaltegger 4 жыл бұрын
oye belterlowda
@rakwraithraiser7315 3 жыл бұрын
3 episodes in and she already loves alex
@bobriemersma 4 жыл бұрын
Don't assume that Mars has to make shit up when they have a powerful intelligence machine.
@TheDetailsMatter 4 жыл бұрын
There's a moment in the full version (trimmed here for brevity) where something surprising happens. It's very quick & subtle; you have to pay close attention, but once you see it, you won't be able to unsee it. Recall that at the start of the interrogation, Lopez takes a pill, we go in for a closeup of his eye and watch his pupil suddenly expand. Just after he drops Phoebe into the conversation, we go in for a closeup on Holden's eye, and his pupil suddenly expands as well. Lopez seems startled for a moment, and then goes on. Holden can focus himself by force of will. He doesn't need the drug.
@CosmicDreamz139 4 жыл бұрын
I think the altshiftx video about the world of expanse contains some things that have yet to be presented in the show and footage from the first 3 seasons, There is not heavy spoiler but few minor things that are presented in the first 2-3 seasons. It's a good to watch tho after the first 2 or 3 seasons or now if you want to have a better grasp of the world and not worried about some minor spoilers and footage from future episodes.
@NickRedstar 4 жыл бұрын
Two guy wrote the books. One of the guys worked for GOT writer George RR Martin. And he likes to kill off the main characters.
@IanHillan 4 жыл бұрын
It's called Lang Belta. :)
@johnnemesh5459 4 жыл бұрын
You don't need other videos or references (or the books!) to enjoy the series. You have a good grip on who is who and who's in what faction. The books apparently have significant diversions from the show...Chrisjen Avarsavala (I have ZERO idea if I spelled that right!) doesn't even show up until book 2, supposedly. The main plot points align least from what I have heard. I personally am waiting until after the show is over to go back and read the books...I don't want spoilers either.
@Drummer4President 4 жыл бұрын
Dude! I love your reactions but literally just had to pause at 0:12 because I mostly just blank on your background, except....... FLOOFY FUCKIN PUPPER IS BACK (and she’s my fav) 😍👏🏼 Edit; 1. Havelock is learning Belter Creole (belta language) because he’s from earth and it is a whole other language, and the hand movements are because the Beltas had to learn to communicate whilst wearing spacesuits. 2. “Damn why they gotta be so aggressive” (about Amos) he’s from Earth which means that he’s actually a lot stronger than Martians or Belters because he was born and grew up with real gravity 3. They picked out Naomi for being OPA because she’s the only Belter on board 4. It’s not a truth pill, it heightens the persons senses so they can pick up on other people’s micro expressions, making it easier to tell if they’re lying
@dwnkaomwn3953 4 жыл бұрын
He's trying to learn the Belter language because he probably likes the Belter teaching him.
@guthixisdead 4 жыл бұрын
Degraaf is a UN ambassador to Mars... a diplomat from Earth that goes to Mars. He fell in love with it though along with his husband so they are planning to move there.
@GameMasterToolbox 4 жыл бұрын
If You're now looking up how many books this show has, you're hooked.
@KillahMate 4 жыл бұрын
You can certainly watch background videos if you like, but as far as I'm seeing you're actually pretty much on track and picking everything up as the show is laying it down. All the questions you have are the stuff we haven't been told yet, and even if you don't know exactly what some of the side details are you pretty much get the gist about them.
@Norbert_Sattler 4 жыл бұрын
I watched the entire first two seasons of the Expanse without any knowledge outside of the series itself and I was fine. Everything important is answered eventually and in my opinion you don't need any outside information. As for why everyone is so sure it was Mars, it's because of the Stealth technology that the attack used, as well as the transceiver found on the wrecked ship that sent the fake distresscall. Mars doesn't give away any of it's technology, but their stealth tech they guard better than they guard their government. Every single piece of it is meticulously catalogued so it's also thought impossible that someone stole a piece of it. If a ship with stealth tech had been lost, the Mars government and military would know and move heaven and earth to recover or destroy it. And nobody else, neither Earth and especially not the Belters, are thought to be capable of building such sophisticated stealth tech on their own. At the same time, everyone and no one has a potential motive. Earth might want to pressure Ceres to get better business terms. Mars might want to disrupt Ceres' water supplies so that they in turn can deliver fewer minerals back to Earth, which will hurt their economy and ability to build and maintain their fleet. Radical Belters might want to destroy the Canterburry either for being "collaborators" with the Inners or to blame it on the Inners to fan the flames of revolt. The only group that can be discounted entirely are pirates. Even in the pretty much impossible case of them getting their hands on stealth tech, Pirates would have tried to capture and loot the ship, not outright destroy it.
@eliotcougar 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, yes Chrisien Is really a die hard woman... She's something, I tell you... I'm reading book 6 now...
@DrEsky914 4 жыл бұрын
cute puppy!!
@Cydonius1 3 жыл бұрын
Ah Josephus Miller in his prime, besides Amos, he was my favorite character
@bobriemersma 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, you need to be observant of dialog (even muttering), screen annotations, facial expressions, and objects and text within scenes. Big screen and good audio are almost a must, and reading captioning text will not hurt.
@streaky81 4 жыл бұрын
Aint no plot armour on The Expanse. I feel like the books are different enough to be a different experience, but honestly, personally, I am and would suggest to leave them for later. Lets be clear about something though, *you're supposed to be confused*. You're supposed to learn these things when the characters learn what's going on. None of the players in the story have any idea what's going on and neither should the viewer. Even the lore, how the world works same. You'll spoil yourself to hell if you start digging around. Every single one of Alt Shift X's videos on the show are Spoilerville - even the 'Worlds of The Expanse (no spoilers)' video is pouring with them. If you're paying attention, but never read the books you'll get all this stuff yourself exactly when you're supposed to. The thing is a mystery series as much as it's a scifi drama - I've never noticed it gaslighting the viewer like Westworld does, but you'll know when you need to and it'll be a better experience for it, and you'll still have many many questions at the end of Season 4, that's what was meant to be. Don't feel like you're being stupid or something because there's something you don't know, if the belters have something important to say they'll say it in English, if you think you're missing some lore the show will deliver it when you need it.
@penfold7455 4 жыл бұрын
Well, well; "CQB" is up next! Can't wait to see how wide her eyes open up when watching the next episode!
@Cbricklyne 4 жыл бұрын
Two other great videos to watch that give you a good overview of the World of Expanse (without spoiling anything) are the videos from Templin Institute: They make great videos about sci-fi worlds, world-building and also alternate realities and universes in video games and sci-fi shows, so you might be interested in checking out some of their other work.
@menolikey_ 3 жыл бұрын
The books are terrific.
@pawpaw415 4 жыл бұрын
@ArkturusRX 4 жыл бұрын
How do you not watch entire seasons in one take? I mean, how, with series soo good like this one
@IanHillan 4 жыл бұрын
The books are fantastic. I read all that had been released at the time while waiting impatiently for season 3 to be released. The show follows the story but there are enough differences, because of the different media, to make both interesting. However, to keep your reactions "pure," I would avoid watching or reading anything but the show. There are spoilers all over the place that might affect your reactions. If you're living it now, you're gonna be blown away as the series progresses. Great reactions. Thanks!
@mikedignum1868 4 жыл бұрын
At the moment there are eight books..I'm on #6 and there are some differences. Try the audiobooks on YT , there good and if you find you can't get into it then you haven't spent any cash.
@Northstar_004 4 жыл бұрын
@ViraL_FootprinT.ex.e 3 жыл бұрын
Ugh... That ending never gets any easier.
@GF_Baltar 4 жыл бұрын
3:32 "I like her...I get good vibes from her" 😬
@ArkturusRX 4 жыл бұрын
@dontjudgemebymyname.4282 4 жыл бұрын
Delete this comment, it kinda acts as a spoiler.
@GF_Baltar 4 жыл бұрын
@@dontjudgemebymyname.4282 Your own comment is far more of a spoiler than the "grimace" emoji that I posted 🙄
@dontjudgemebymyname.4282 4 жыл бұрын
@@GF_Baltar Yikes, you got us both 😂
@ranialian8537 4 жыл бұрын
@@GF_Baltar SPOILERS FOR S1 Pointing out that a comment is a spoiler is not a bigger spoiler. It can be, but it's not in this case. For example, saying that "I like Shed even though he tends to lose his head from time to time" is a concealed spoiler but innocuous as long as noone points out that it's in fact a spoiler. On the other hand, quoting the reactor in the way you did strongly implies that her assessment is wrong before she's meant to know. Hence a spoiler. I don't think it's a big deal, really. I just thought I'd point it out since you doubled down on it.
@Richard-rh9cm 4 жыл бұрын
You have to read the books. They are absolutely fascinating but you don't need them to understand what's going on (the mystery and guessing is half of the fun).
@ranialian8537 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It's the reason I keep postponing reading the books.
@anniesearle6181 4 жыл бұрын
The Belter language is called Lang Belta :)
@krilizek 4 жыл бұрын
I've read the books, you don't need to in order to follow the story. ALL will be revealed in time.
@artboymoy 3 жыл бұрын
"Where's Alex?" and I wait... :)
@89Joe08 4 жыл бұрын
The story structure of the books is different to the show (as is natural for change in media type) but it could be a little jarring. Another commenter mentioned book 1 concludes in S2E5 which is true, however S1 contains elements of book 2 as book 1 only has 2 POV characters (Holden and Miller) and so to give us a more well-rounded look at what's going on the Chrisjen POV is brought forward so we can see the politics side from the start. Personally I'd suggest watching the show first.
@petersmith6513 4 жыл бұрын
Piece of advice: if you are going to do reaction videos about The Expanse (and you should, it's a great show), you will most likely run into a company called the Lasso Group. They will claim copyright infringement despite not owning the Expanse either in terms of production or distribution. Here's a clip that can explain it better than I ever could:
@SingWhileYouMay 4 жыл бұрын
As far as I heard, the Lasso thing has been resolved.
@ElewIV 4 жыл бұрын
Next Episode and you're hooked for good!
@geoffgreen2105 4 жыл бұрын
Just a heads up, the Belter language (Belter Creole or Lang Belta) never gets translated in the show. HOWEVER, it is a real Creole, and there are translation guides online. Yam seng, Kopeng!
@krisbrown6692 4 жыл бұрын
Alex is from Mars.
@SomeKindaSpy 2 ай бұрын
lmao havlock lives until at least book 4 lol
@SomeKindaSpy 2 ай бұрын
god... poor miller. killed and remade again and again and again.and it calling 113 times a second.
@Tortuosit 4 жыл бұрын
Millers motives behind finding J. Mao.... Oh yes. YES! YAAAAAAAAAAS! I am stupid at watching TV and didn't understand shit the whole first season. Well at least I was confused about... a lot.
@johnconner4695 4 жыл бұрын
None of them are from Mars hahahah "wrong"
@trolleyfan 4 жыл бұрын
The first season is more or less made up of book one plus some of book two. After that, it kinda settles down to one book per season - though they do make changes - with season four being essentially book four, "Cibola Burn."
@timterry6496 4 жыл бұрын
ok carlys reaction is that the end and pouts so cute
@kirkdarling4120 4 жыл бұрын
>Subtitles are fine, but the story does require viewers to pay attention. >The series is not exactly like the novels. The writers have adjusted a lot of details for the sake of the different medium, and as well, they've changed some characters to better fit the actors, so some characters have far more or far less appearance in the series than in the novels. >They don't spoonfeed the audience. They have placed lots of plot foreshadowing and information that will be important later (even seasons later), but you have to pay attention. But that's why the series is so always see things you didn't notice before that become important later. That's why I'd personally recommend NOT reading the books or other story explanations. Let the series play itself out for you as the writers have planned. For instance, when you first met the UN Ambassador to Mars Frank Degraaf, he was writing with a pencil in a paper notebook, even though everyone uses hand terminals. Remember that pencil. >Lt Lopez: "You had no way of knowing that then." Holden: "But I was right." Holden always acts on what he thinks is right, even if it's not smart. The pill that Lt Lopez takes is an attention-enhancer. He's able to see small physical tells, like the twitch of an eye or the corner of a mouth. It's kind of like a natural lie detector. >"He's got a point, but he's doing it wrong." is something you say a lot in this series about everyone. >As you've probably heard, episode 4 is the hook.
@Drummer4President 4 жыл бұрын
Kirk Darling I don’t think the subtitles thing needed a > I spent years living in Thailand listening, understanding and eventually speaking a bastardised form of English. For the first season getting used to belter creole and not wanting to miss anything in the awesome monologues on Ceres is a way of paying extra attention 🤷🏼‍♀️
@ranialian8537 4 жыл бұрын
*Beware of the timestamped comment (5 comments below), it's spoilery*
@MAORISMURF20 4 жыл бұрын
DO IT! READ THE BOOKS! I'm not that much of a reader so for a long time I only watched the show. But before the start of Season 4 I picked up the first book on Audible. I'm still only about half way through the first book but it's great! There's probably another year to wait for Season 5 so I'll probably try to read ahead because I can't wait!
@cyberpunkgirl7907 4 жыл бұрын
"For the Belters!"
@jensenhealey5653 4 жыл бұрын
James Holden look alike James Anderson and they mention cricket or is that just me
@GameMasterToolbox 4 жыл бұрын
Simple factions. Earth: large but a bit behind in tech Mars: advanced but small Belters: a lot of little factions that hate both Earth and Mars because they get abused by both.
@markus3978 4 жыл бұрын
@vovafortuna5967 4 жыл бұрын
Please reaction Vampire diaries!
@jorgebonafe 4 жыл бұрын
You should not watch that Alt Shift X video... there is a big spoiler not 20 seconds into the video
@veradex8016 3 жыл бұрын
Alright, no disrespect , just have to say it, the way she gets all excited at the mention of "space pirates" is f***ing adorable.
@tsogobauggi8721 4 жыл бұрын
3:15 I like her shoes ;) 5:03 That feels so creepy. 6:28 Your expression there. :) 4:46 8:12 And there's your friend Alex... 14:26 A surprise ending. "Remember the c...nt" 14:56 Unfortunately they are not very well written.
@jackalope_hunter 4 жыл бұрын
this girl is wife material
@victorradoi1372 4 жыл бұрын
wow you didnt recognized the cernobyl guy
@redmilo92 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe she didn't watch Chernobyl?
@abbaszaidi8371 4 жыл бұрын
I thought he was the King George VI guy. Or that Moriarty Guy. Or that Mad Men Guy. Or that Richard Harris’ sons guy
@jasondolph2785 4 жыл бұрын
@@abbaszaidi8371 The Fringe guy! ;)
@jasonreyesbass8225 4 жыл бұрын
Watching Chernobyl: IT'S ANDERSON DAWES!!! 😝
@Vorrin5 4 жыл бұрын
@@abbaszaidi8371 Or the guy from the Lost In Space movie.
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