The Forever Winter - Water System Updates

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Fun Dog Studios

Fun Dog Studios

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The FDS team has released Water 2.0, maintaining the challenge but shifting focus to rewarding strategic planning. Players now have multiple opportunities to prevent loss of everything. Now available:
-Thief-Proof Vault: Store items and credits in a water pirate proof vault, thus preventing a water death from taking your hardest earned gear and credits. You will NEVER lose anything stored in this vault. The vault is automatically available to all players.
-Water Bots: Hire Water Bots to collect water for you when you are offline
-Base Defense: Increase base defenses with turrets in your innards
We will continue to evolve the system so it stays as in-world as possible. As such, we're adding these optional tools to support players as they navigate the horrors of the world. The team is constantly working on adding to as well as reinventing current game mechanics and are thankful for your constant feedback and support!
We know we have work to do and we are not backing down from the challenge. In 2025 the war continues. Happy holidays scavs!

Пікірлер: 586
@michaelkane7999 Ай бұрын
This guy is making an Update into a fucking Story...... That's one hell of a signal that the storyline's gonna be lit.
@lynxlagoon Ай бұрын
The Glazing is getting out of hand
@corneliusocachorromanteiga5931 Ай бұрын
@@lynxlagoon most obvious rage bait
@lynxlagoon Ай бұрын
@@corneliusocachorromanteiga5931 I’m being genuine, it’s not okay to shower devs with unjust positivity for releasing a broken game. Be hard on them so they improve. I mean seriously what is happening, people are terrified to speak their honest thoughts.
@amxThortween Ай бұрын
@@lynxlagoonIts appreciation fella.
@NewageExistentialism Ай бұрын
Yep, I’m glazing this game hard
@riloegaming Ай бұрын
The Water Thieves are such a fantastic and creepy faction. Rael's art for their masks is mindblowing
@technoartfest8708 Ай бұрын
Whats goin on with the water? IF you are new in the game ,and farming water , can anyone else invade your base and take all your water? while you are playing the game outside or offline?
@Thlormby Ай бұрын
@@technoartfest8708 To my knowledge there are only 2 conditions that will trigger water thieves. 1. You ran out of water. The games timer ticks down even when you are offline. If you keep collecting water, everything is good. 2. You purchased water delivery robots that will automatically retrieve water for you. This means you don’t have to worry about water as much, but thieves can “follow the robots home”, and it has a chance of triggering a water thieves event. If you’re new to the game and just farming for water to get yourself set up for success, you are all good as long as you maintain your supply. Also, the water thieves are not human players, they are bots, and you will always have the chance to fight them off when you log in. I hope this has helped, good luck scav, remember to check the donation box for extra guns, and keep any cigarettes you find for easy money.
@davet3588 Ай бұрын
Big fan, riloe. Have you and the devs considered timeblock based water consumption? Big water reserve=more traders=bigger water consumption? This seems more like automating a chore than rewarding playing smart
@lordhamster9452 Ай бұрын
@@technoartfest8708 no If you purchase the water bots upgrade, your innards may get invaded by the water thief’s. (AI controlled invaders) Water bots are quite a late game thing and you can always stop the invasion by logging on and fighting. The hidden vault also ensures that they can’t take all your stuff.
@techpriest6962 Ай бұрын
You really have some low standards.
@TheShadedStalker Ай бұрын
I love how the water bots have little baseball caps, it looks so goofy yet menacing at the same time.
@Sphynra Ай бұрын
The way that the updates are being woven into the story and even tied into quests (neuro uplink retrieval) is incredible. Also I thought water bots were just chill guys from their look and their cute hats but their cinematic introduction is crushing a GRINN's skull...
@thatgreyhat_H Ай бұрын
finally, a studio that takes valid complaints and properly adjusts their product. your team is the kind that needs to be setting such example. i'm so hyped for this game to one day be in it's optimal state, and I'll be supporting the journey.
@Cheesepuff8 Ай бұрын
And does it in a fun immersive way
@Calebm90 Ай бұрын
Agreed - I was holding off because of the water issue but now I'm ready to play. These devs are doing the good work
@Esperkama Ай бұрын
I had over a month of water in under 4 hours of play. This wasn't an issue. They made something that gives 1-4 days of water every 2 days. So they just literally turned off a mechanic that was ultra easy to deal with in the first place because people whined. I HAD A MONTH OF WATER IN 4 HOURS OF PLAY.
@informatikabos5481 Ай бұрын
@@Esperkama This is the main issue actually, in its current state, the water mechanic doesn't add difficulity or complexity to the game, it just makes it inaccessible. Not everyone can or want to play a game on a regular basis, and dropping a game for multiple months really isn't a rarity. To me, most of the criticism is less whining, and more giving feedback. The game is appealing to people, this specific mechanic is not.
@gavinferguson2938 Ай бұрын
​​@@informatikabos5481The idea here is that your long-term progression is rooted in your character xp and skill-tree upgrades as opposed to your weapons/items. The former is permanent across deaths while the latter is temporary. If you want incentive to play beyond a particularly painful loss, then you have a system that rewards you atleast. I think the point is that the game world exists despite (not in spite, nor for) you. That means that this world is so indifferent to you that it wouldnt even notice your gameplay or lack thereof. This is the philosophy of the game and its the same reason why the devs are so insistant on the water system being IRL timed, its to engage players with the meaninglessness of death, how expendable and delicate life is in this world. But as a gameplay philosophy its to emphasise enjoyment of the core gameplay loop as opposed to the progression system. I.e play the game because its fun, not because you want to earn something to make it fun. If you cant enjoy games without an emphasis on perma-progression systems, then maybe extraction shooters aint your thing.
@Fazeshyft Ай бұрын
I was a hair-trigger away from pre-purchase, but I told myself to wait for early access reviews. Water depleting while the game doesn't run was a hard sell for most everyone, myself included. Now this has me back at that hair trigger. I really want to support you guys. You listen to your community without disdain or derision. You built one hell of a world. And you adapt and change your vision to be better. The result here is sick as hell. You guys really make me want to buy your game.
@TheJadedWolfLad Ай бұрын
From what little i can take away in this update trailer. It only adds other ways to prevent loosing everything a little longer. it dosent remove the issue of loosing everything if you dont play
@casbienbarr Ай бұрын
@@TheJadedWolfLad which is profoundly anti player. i'd love to play this game, but alas, life? job? doing literally anything else? Casino gaming.
@wez9620 Ай бұрын
@@TheJadedWolfLad If you unlock all 3 tiers of the bots the water system becomes self sufficent. You have to grind a lot for it though.
@davidrossi5096 Ай бұрын
@@casbienbarrgive me a f’ing break, casino gaming? The games $30, you can get a months worth of water in 6 hours of gameplay. If you’re broke that sucks, if you don’t wanna play the game then don’t, but quit whining about the only dev team in the industry that actually is taking a real stand against “casino gaming” unfinished releases, endless DLCs etc.
@magerino5587 Ай бұрын
Games don't have to be made to be liked by everyone. You can fill several live times with games you like or you can complain about games you don't like. Choice is yours Edit: typo
@bearcommando Ай бұрын
Great update! I am hoping eventually I can easily share my excess water stockpile with scavs in need.
@cyanyde4950 Ай бұрын
that would be a nice addition for the donation box one slot for weapons the other water, we're in this together so it makes sense to have the ability to share resources more especially for our down on their luck scavs, we gotta have each others backs cuz nobody else will.
@trathanstargazer6421 Ай бұрын
I really hope the water system keeps evolving. Water being as precious as it is needs to feel more valuable. It is now easier than ever to hoard it. For those who don't know, the Scav base in the Frozen Marsh is stock full of it, meaning getting a large stockpile is easy if you can make it out. Maybe water trading will become a thing in the future, or maybe a drought will happen and water becomes more scarce... looking forward to this games future!
@jeffkgregg Ай бұрын
We have plans for water to be more... :)
@802Garage Ай бұрын
@@jeffkgregg Good to hear. I hope it becomes an incentive system and gives players something to grind for with great difficulty. I'm fine with there being punishments related to the water system as well, I just hope the notion of wiping goes by the wayside. It will only serve to kill off more and more of the player base over time. I want water to feel scarce, valuable, scary, and rewarding. I do not want it to be just a chore with a punishment for not doing it.
@katus1039 Ай бұрын
@@jeffkgregg Sounds great, I just hope that you will find a solution that makes it valuable, but not a chore that wipes the progress.
@local9 Ай бұрын
After getting months worth of water, I'm glad these changes are happening.
@Pilps Ай бұрын
Sounds fun and in the right direction. But for people like me who stored enough just to wait a while to see if updates would improve and give more stuff to do and being a 30+ old dad who just wants to play casually, only to get something cool like this but with a price of having water bandits raid your innards unless you cough up more grinding for water to add defences then i don't see the appeal. I dunno guys. It's cool but i really think you should just remove the IRL timer and just have it where only your water supply decreases when you're in game, not away from the computer. I only have so much motivation to keep coming back, if all it ever is now, is to restock water with some grindy quests. I already have a job, i don't want another for a never ending decreasing water supply which will make me sadly not want to play indefinitely at some point. All my other friends have already fully given up on this game for this reason. Please reconsider.
@mudgw2 Ай бұрын
I agree, and also my first thought on seeing the robots was "well, why not just send them to get everything why should I go out and risk my neck since they are clearly superior?". This is a game where you are supposed to be nobody, but now you share a base with robots who could do what you do better, but choose only to get water...maybe it will be better in-game, but I really like this game, but also dont understand why this game mechanic persists despite community feedback. Get rid of the robots, get rid of the water loss, add difficulty modes..make more players happy.
@yungoldman2823 Ай бұрын
seriously. everyone in these comments acting like this is some massive changeup when its just slapping a bandaid on the issue, that real people with real jobs cant play this game unless its literally the ONLY thing we boot up in our free time. Its a real shame, still seems like an awesome game, but I just cant get behind this mobile game ass design philosophy. dont try to feed me fomo and stress me out about playing after Ive paid for your game. Lifeless chuds enjoy that shit but us normal working people dont
@skavenslave Ай бұрын
based comments
@irpanfauzi1160 Ай бұрын
@@mudgw2 i mean you are corect that the reason Gun head Character Exist, seem they follow Dark Souls Method rather than Difficulty Mode they resort to player Aid like Donation Box and Coop Play, Seem The Live Water Drain Not gonna go away and rather they willing to get feedback about implementation of Live Water Mechanic
@sonicfan12121 Ай бұрын
omg i like your total war videos, but i feel you. it just feels kind of intimidating to me to play the game, because i know i'll HAVE to boot it up in some future to get more water. Even though - and i tried it multiple times, you can get 3 water in like 10 minutes from scorched earth. But yeah, it's just some sort of ick i can't really scrub away and the fixes presented take a lot of consistent grind because that water will count down, even if you are busy with life.
@CTC41392 Ай бұрын
Seeing the Water-Bots in action... Gotta feel sorry for the poor Europa Shmucks. Almost...
@jakobibest1789 Ай бұрын
you guys have restored my love of games thank you
love it! have never had more fun engaging with the community and making content for a particular game! cannot wait to see where this IP goes in another year or two.
@deefactual Ай бұрын
I love the blend of the updates into the story and ongoing timeline of the games world we're in. Bravo 👏🏻 love this game, this winter, I'm heading back in.
@Hubyyy9881 Ай бұрын
Good adjustment. Haven't played in a bit and got my shit deleted (ran out of water) Heading back now!
@casbienbarr Ай бұрын
glutton for punishment
@palaranp Ай бұрын
I'm so glad that I get to be the part of this incredible development journey. FDS; I'm with you till the end, I support your vision and your art. I'ts amazing to see there are still some studios out there caring about gaming as much as you guys.
@Mathenaut Ай бұрын
It's nice to know that I can take a break from the game and not lose everything for it.
@ulugshka4505 Ай бұрын
Привет, Я купил вашу игру чисто чтобы поддержать вас, я ещё не разу не сыграл в нее, но надеюсь я поиграю в нее тогда когда она будет в хорошем состоянии, на данный момент, я не хочу разочаровывать себя тем что в игре плохая оптимизация, о котором все говорят, и мало контента о котором все говорят, не работающий save о котором все говорят..... В общем и целом, надеюсь вы исправите то что все просят, и будете прислушиваться к обычным игрокам. Я лично от тебя всей душой пожелаю вам удачи, и не бросать свой проект на пол пути, вы сделали реально интересную игру, просто нужно дорабатывать ее в активном стадии, каждую неделю какие нибудь обновления, или же опрос среди фанатов или игроков и много чего другого. Но самое главное не бросайте игру.
@FuuzBeeen Ай бұрын
Fantastic, the thirst is real, and it must be tended to. Have a Merry Christmas, team.
@informatikabos5481 Ай бұрын
It is an interesting update and it seems feeding more into the base building aspect. Nonetheless, it sadly still misses the core problem with the current water mechanic, being the water consumption being tied to real life time, and all the implication that brings. I'm somewhat torn on it, on one hand the developers seem to be invested in the base building aspect, and it could be fun, at the same time I feel like the game has other areas of gameplay that I wish get more gameplay development. Lets hope the Devs will follow how their changes turn out and make something interesting out of it.
@irpanfauzi1160 Ай бұрын
isn after the Water Runs out its Not instant Wipe? you need to defend your Base from Water theif? so if you not instal base Denfense weapon and Skill issue its mean Base wipe
@Eaez Ай бұрын
@@irpanfauzi1160 my Base got wiped before this Update there were no Defenses, i had a Bug where didn´t even see the Enemy. Lost everything hopefully they change this forced Login Mechanic someday.
@informatikabos5481 Ай бұрын
@@irpanfauzi1160 Sure, its not bad game design, its skill issues. I haven't fought water thiefs in 2.0 yet, but before that I literally shot every single bullet I had and still didn't stood chance. In either case water thiefs are just another bandaid over the actual problem.
@vinberros Ай бұрын
HYPE AS HELL, i need the ability to have a hat on my gun head!
@tryhardigan9952 Ай бұрын
I watched every online video about this game damn near daily for almost a year without buying it early due to the water system, I just needed a way to grind for a self sufficient system (due to jobs and traveling) while maxing out all of the characters and participating in community runs and solo dives. Grinding towards a self sufficient base makes this entire experience worthwhile as a long term game for players like me, thank you.
@hypercritical6123 Ай бұрын
I really dig it when the updates are presented as if they are some sort of in universe lore or events. Hopefully we'll see more drops like this in the future!
@HK94 Ай бұрын
Already have 2 out of 3 auto cannons built. Just Keeping the Warter bots at 1 out of 3 for a low chance of getting detected by water thieves for now. Hope to see more expansions to the Innereds as we go. Excited what future may hold.
@pastabreaker4385 Ай бұрын
This just replaces the water mechanic with the same problem only now i get to come back to a raided out base. Water was easy to solve. Just tie it to an in game timer instead of a real life timer.
@AsBizarrasAventurasdeKlonesias Ай бұрын
fixing the thing people most complain about the game, you really want me to buy the game during this Steam Winter Sale don't you
@smyk3ns Ай бұрын
buy it it's great !
@SdinkyPoompMyan Ай бұрын
​@smyk3ns if it actually runs on your computer :/ my PC is 2 years old, and this game can't even hit 30PFS consistently, and if i lower the graphics, it's a pixelized mess. I gave the devs a month to figure out how to expand their game onto "bad" hardware and I missed the steam refund deadline, don't make my mistake and only buy the game if you 100% know your rig can handle it.
@chaosinsurgency6636 Ай бұрын
@@SdinkyPoompMyanyeah the game is just a public alpha. The circle jerk playerbase wanted it out sooner so they did and all the criticism is valid even if its “early access” game it is in rought state that is well below what is made public access especially when its paid i believe in the dev team though but its valid to not enjoy the game for such aspects
@dkkanofkash8798 Ай бұрын
@@chaosinsurgency6636 I also can barely run this game, but I still love it, and my fingers are crossed that the developers will further optimize it after several updates.
@yungoldman2823 Ай бұрын
…sorry not to be rude but do you understand whats actually in the update? the issue is still there, the IRL timer. Now paired with base invasions that can presumably happen offline, its almost made the issue worse. these comments are just…did you not watch the video?
@jehoiakimelidoronila5450 Ай бұрын
The water must flow
@ShowerCurtain1 Ай бұрын
I just don't understand why this couldn't be an option. Like, have a "hardcore" mode or something where water depletes in real time, then have a "regular" mode where water depletes with in-game time. If the goal is to create a sense of urgency, then have water deplete significantly faster in "regular" mode and make it much harder to find. I really, really, REALLY want to play this game, but sometimes I have to take a week off of gaming to work or visit family out of town. It sucks that, even with this update, if I dare to have a life and don't play the game on IT'S time, I have to risk having all my progress reset to zero. I get that you want to do something innovative, but the vast majority of people can't afford to build their entire life around your game. Unless there's an option to not use the real-time water depletion, I'm sorry but I'm just not going to buy this game. Which is super disappointing.
@UndeadDragonWarrior Ай бұрын
Mad respect for making this video lads, I hope you guys can make a collage of update videos for IGN crowd or some other popular public eye Media. Will see you in 2025.
@lilbruh1151 Ай бұрын
This is nice, some wierdos will act like you hate the game because you gave negative feedback when usually it means quite the opposite. Many people in the community would not go out of their way to say "hey this needs a change to make the game better" if it was not a genuine issue people had. Very good storytelling and design, props to the devs fixing up the game and adding content too
@yungoldman2823 Ай бұрын
yea dude I think most of us are familiar with the concept of constructive criticism, thank you though
@casbienbarr Ай бұрын
@@yungoldman2823 pointlessly critical. wildly condescending
@ChaseFace Ай бұрын
@@casbienbarrhe was pointing out how trite the comment was, it didn’t need to be that long lol
@jingbot1071 Ай бұрын
@@yungoldman2823 Case in point
@thebarbaryghostsf Ай бұрын
Dude, ty... I was so f-in' stoked when I saw the first trailer and read the devs vision for the game but having worked in mobile game development, I know a FOMO tactic when I see one, and have refunded my copy. But I can't discuss this mechanic with anyone in the games fan community, without the same tired, bootlicking responses. It's just nice to see someone who gets that the people complaining aren't doing it to trash the game, but quite the opposite. We care a great deal about it. My theory is they want this mechanic to force people to play. So their Steam player count stays high. Ironically, this mechanic has had the opposite effect on that.
@zak13lexe Ай бұрын
Not gonna lie those water boys would make me think twice about stealing someone's water
@yonsisac264 Ай бұрын
4 gun heads with LMG, 20mm turrets "Sir, your life warranty has been forfeited. Please don't resist"
@spitfyre8688 Ай бұрын
im so sad, went home for the holidays and didnt stock up on water beforehand, so now across the ocean my water supply in my innards is out, and its all gone, moments before this all got released hahaha. Ah well, time to start over for the new year.
@802Garage Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, many people will come back to the same situation and simply exit the game and not bother to return. I still think the water system needs a major rethink from a basic design point. It's not the right way to make the game "challenging" and I say this as someone who loves this game and has been maintaining my water. It's a punishment mechanic which only serves to force people to do chores regularly. It's not good for the game and will only kill off more and more of the player base over time.
@thavidu78 Ай бұрын
​@@802GarageI simply have not bought the game because the water deterioration mechanic is an addiction mechanic and as someone who works a full time job I'd rather not be punished for having obligations.
@davidrossi5096 Ай бұрын
@@thavidu78what a joke, how could you possibly compare this to something like a mobile game where you’re buying keys to unlock chests? The game is $30…it’s amazing, you can stack a months worth of water in 2 three hour gaming sessions maybe less… I stopped for a week or two and came back and got absolutely wrecked by the water bandits and lost everything….andddd guess what….I had a blast playing the game again and getting all my stuff back in less than an hour lol.
@sovietaeroplane55 Ай бұрын
@@thavidu78 Agreed, one thing holding me back from buying is IRL water timer
@UnsoberIdiot Ай бұрын
@@802Garage What do you mean "unfortunately"? If devs make incredibly dumb decisions, the game should not be received well.
@Unknown_Armies Ай бұрын
Вы крутые! Я обожаю Вечную Зиму за её неподражаемый стиль!
@bobphooman Ай бұрын
Update via lore? Love it.
@georgeanos7831 Ай бұрын
Fire update, following community feedback and staying true to the vision, well done
@ok_listen Ай бұрын
These videos hype me up so much; however, the only "complaint" I have is that the man speaking has incredibly heavy equipment on him: to make it more realistic, it shouldn't move his head so much, cause this way it looks like that helmet is made of thin plastic. For the rest, it looks phenomenal.
@802Garage Ай бұрын
Maybe he is just crazy strong! Hahaha.
@cyanyde4950 Ай бұрын
I mean mask man in game moves his head and body that easily, he may not be the tallest dude, but he isn't scrawny either he's got the mass. ( the model here is that exact playable character.)
@jingbot1071 Ай бұрын
Dude is probably a cyborg, converted body.
@ok_listen Ай бұрын
@@802Garage must have a crazy neck game then, hahah
@802Garage Ай бұрын
@@ok_listen lel
@jaraldoe Ай бұрын
Why not make water only tick down when ingame? As it stands right now it doesn’t add anything except FOMO by making it deplete when you’re not playing. And putting the problem behind an RNG system doesn’t solve it.
@802Garage Ай бұрын
This would be a fantastic change. I agree RNG does not make the system feel better.
@irpanfauzi1160 Ай бұрын
How do you Implent that? curent System fall to your Skill if you dont want to follow Fomo, in my Opinion if its in game Time The Timer will be Short and Probably its Dicision Making to get water or Big Loot and Some Common Water theif invasion
@jaraldoe Ай бұрын
@@irpanfauzi1160 the current implementation is still FOMO and as much of a gear check as a skill check. For ingame, make it tick down faster and limit how much water you have would probably be the best way. Make it scarce enough so it’s always a threat when you’re playing. The water thieves can still be a last throw/saving grace if you run out of water during a raid and/or just a random event. The key takeaway is that no matter how many “last chances” you give someone, if you create a system that forces a player to play the game on a schedule of some sort (outside of the one the player chooses when to play) or else they get punished, it’s a bad system that only brings FOMO. It’s a part of almost every gacha game that everyone criticizes because it forces the player to play or else miss content. This kind forces you to play or lose all your progress, which I think for a game like this is even worse. It’s just a shit system that can never be good or relevant (except if you want to make lots of money off of FOMO in gacha games, it works REALLY well in that scenario). They either have to make it so meaningless that it doesn’t add anything (like now it is easy to get water so the whole aspect of it being scarce and a looming threat doesn’t exist) or you give it real meaning in the game to where it adds tense situations where every decision to skip picking up water or else lose all account progress if you miss a few days of playing. One system is trivial and meaningless and the other punishes players so bad that any audience of the game will quickly die out. There is now winning with it ticking down with IRL time because you have to play with one of the extremes to make it either bearable or meaningful. The fact that their “fix” is RNG is honestly comically bad.
@zenzibar28 Ай бұрын
this is such a sick way to provide updates to the game and tie everything in thematically. Super stoked!
@RansomedSoulPsalm49-15 Ай бұрын
everybody gangsta til the mechs start wearin baseball caps
@eaglesix6585 Ай бұрын
0:54 bro was using underbarrel shotgun attached m60.
@phisoot Ай бұрын
i was thinking a belt-fed buckshot m60
@xS1leNtRapt0rZ Ай бұрын
“My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.” ~water boy, probably.
@spacecorpse3212 3 күн бұрын
fantastic way of fixing the problem
@UnsoberIdiot Ай бұрын
Just learned about this game. Let me know when there's 0 serious penalties for not logging on often enough. I'm not buying a game that forcibly resets if I don't play it for a year.
@Wolfserker Ай бұрын
getting Keanu Reeves vibes from his voice, everything about this games style is so good that i forgot that this was just an update video and not a major trailer
@hardtailgang Ай бұрын
Im scratching my head at all these "thank you for listening to community feedback" posts. Is this bot spam? Did people even watch the video? Youre not listening. We're not complaining about water being too difficult or too punishing, and yet you continue to treat the criticism as a complaint about difficulty. This isnt about difficulty and yet you basically just nerfed water. This is about ME deciding when i want to play the game, not The GAME deciding when i have to play. That's all, thats it. The offline timer is the problem and it wasnt even addressed. Stop sidestepping the issue and adding features to a broken mechanic. Water is now easier than ever - it doesnt add "stress" to the player like you intend. Its just passive progression currency that people stop thinking anout. Make it cost water to do a run. Make it cost even more water to die. Make water rarer with unpredictable spawns. Make water "payments" having to be made to keep traders around. This system could be SO interesting, stressful and punishing... but you choose to make it a forgettable non-issue for regular players, and a huge demotivator for occasional players. You're right on about SO MANY things with this game Even the jankiest features, i can still see and believe in the vision. But dying on this offline timer hill is a huge thorn in the design of this game. This system could be SO much better if you drop the timer and make water depletion tied to something that actually matters in-game. Make a system that punishes me as a scav in-game. Not a system that punishes me as a working dad in my real life.
@NononJakuzure-rh4ti Ай бұрын
It's bot spam. This video has over 50k views, yet the game barely clocks about 700 players at any given time. This VIOLENTLY dilutes the pool of 500 comments, I feel, since I doubt 500 of those currently playing all unilaterally left glowing reviews to this. The only people nowadays on KZbin comments that aren't bots, I feel, tend to be those with longer albeit confrontational views to the presented source. Bots will never butt heads. But now I know you're not one because you're actually criticizing the game. For the same reasons I refunded, no less. Super huge bummer to see it sit at 700. I was honestly expecting 2k or something, but the water system actually DID destroy their game and they really wanna pretend it didn't. I'd go so far as to accuse viewbotting (50k views for a game that peaked at 12k players???? Even being generous, that's over 300%!!)
@Goosecanoe0040 8 күн бұрын
I wish more people were playing this amazing game
@dearimena7466 Ай бұрын
The only thing preventing me from playing this game is water depleting in real time which resets everything when gone. Just make it only deplete while I'm in game and I'd be all over this....with the current implementation i essentially cannot progress because I just refuse to work 10+ hours a day and then dedicate every waking free moment to this game so I don't lose everything and have to restart.
@JackNorman 12 күн бұрын
New to the game. Hoping it still gets many updates as Im loving it. Hope we get more upgrades for innards like maybe a personal rack area or stat screens. Absolutely love the art and lure. Hope you guys put out some new word of updates soon to come
@GeneralDelta072 Ай бұрын
I'd love some more features in the inners, more stuff to buy, or things to give you buffs/perks.
@SusCac Ай бұрын
So the main grievance still isn’t addressed? Water still ticks down when you’re offline?
@samuelemurru4327 Ай бұрын
Kinda...the waterbots deliver to you but there is a small chance that some dudes raid your base for water, no worrys with turrets
@sparktite Ай бұрын
From what i saw you can get an upgrade at base to collect water passively. Donno the rate but i may hop on sometime tonight to try and farm up another 30 or so water for a couple things. Not to mention now you can store literally all your savings for buying/selling in the protected storage locker...
@SlamHerClam Ай бұрын
@sterpogamer7958 Ай бұрын
it's a nice cushion, making veterans able to ignore 90% of the water system, and it's a good 50/50 for newbies too i think.... but just like before, still flawed and has little reason to be real-time. water adds a roadblock to entry, but gives almost no benefits to the people who can pass it.
@6theMSDemon Ай бұрын
I love that y'all added a passive water collection system. And with the MGSV logic of "you won't see the intel team, but they're out there with ya." Makes it all the better.
@rori2089 Ай бұрын
I do think this is a step in the wrong direction, kind of. If the solution to the real-time water system is introducing a way you can eventually ignore it, then it brings me to the same conclusion as the people saying "just grind these specific spots for 4 hours to get months of water so you can ignore it", that being "why would I continue to play if the drive for my survival can be ignored?" I still think the main motive should be "I need to go FIND water before I run out" because that means after I find some, I need to find better gear to find MORE. The only issue was that I didn't want to be *forced* to grind several hours first so I could continue to have an actual real life alongside my game. The real-time counter still acts as purely a hinderance to this game, giving it the worst feels from the live-service garbage the studio very clearly and passionately does NOT want to be. As I see now, trying to keep the real-time counter is creating systems that allow me to further distance myself from the game until I forget about it. If I know my barrel of water is going to give me one or two hours of play time before I lose it all, that's even more of a fire to get me back into the game. Figuring ways to make the water spots not as predictable is the engagement I want, because everyones trying to optimize the gameplay loop till it's not fun anymore. Everyones goal still feels like they want to hunt the mechs because they "solved" the water issue already. Why do the factions keep leaving water in the same places even though it always gets stolen there? The water delivery as an answer to the real-time counter I feel is a misstep. I still wholeheartedly believe an in-game counter and a water-trading system with NPC groups would help make a more engaging game, and allow for a lot further depth in the long run.
@jiffyb333 Ай бұрын
Absolutely adore the vibe this game has and this update is keeping that alive and well :)
@ggamer2 5 күн бұрын
Great worldbuilding while addressing feedback.
@TheAnnoyedGoose Ай бұрын
Now that the water system and water thieves are more fleshed out, I think it would be really cool to get missions themed around them. Either missions where you can trade water to them for gear, or maybe the ability to do similar raids (e.g going into a water thief hideout, killing like 10 enemies and getting a bunch of gear and like 3 days of water if something like that). Really glad to see the ability to store items away if you’re taking a break from the game
@MoSami7029 Ай бұрын
This is probably going to be my first game I buy while in early access coz damn the vibes around it keeps getting better..
@fabianels418 Ай бұрын
A mechanic update that also serves the story? Now that is how it is done!
@csam9167 Ай бұрын
"A scav loot his his own , but the water belong to the hub"
@CYNMYKXN Ай бұрын
"water invasions",so you guys actualy implemented the base invasion mechanic of "let it die", that is very freaking cool actually talking about let it die... i know it's kinda of a big ask, but consider the idea of a mode of where a colossal tower would be build by the mechanical creatures, kinda of a rogue like mode like that would be very hardcore
@7hird3ye Ай бұрын
Keep it up. This game is a gem and inknow you can polish it into some truly glorious. It is already so beautiful.
@OneBiasedOpinion Ай бұрын
I just came back recently to see what’s new with the game and was immediately met by a water thieves raid. I loaded up and jumped in, fought them off, and dumped my reserves into the tank. Fantastic welcome back. Getting pinned and unable to move or shoot by Eurasian Cyborgs on the Frozen Swamp… not so much. Game is as jank as ever and my rusty ass lost three consecutive runs before I gave up, but I do love the way things are shaping up for this game!
@IceUnderWater Ай бұрын
This update was MUCH needed, I might try the game again now
@chuckingflem Ай бұрын
Bruh. I was almost out of the Frozen Swamp, and the dog got me at the extract.😱😭😭
@playwars3037 Ай бұрын
I'm...not super stoked on this. So, your solution to your FOMO 'force the players to return' timer is to make an extremely expensive upgrade that just causes you to get base invasions that, if you fail one, destroys 90% of your stuff ? Since it's the exact same invasion as you get if the timer runs out. It's better than the frankly horrendous system you previously had but it's far from good. I really want to know why you guys are so dead set on this awful 'You HAVE to come online or we take all your stuff' system to begin with. Especially since you seem to have deliberately made it so that the water bots CAN deliver less juice than needed and thus force a water death anyway.
@triptank7857 Ай бұрын
You can stockpile almost 2months of water idk what you mean?
@DoktrDub Ай бұрын
@@triptank7857some people can’t play enough to stockpile water like that and don’t play as frequently. But make no mistake… get rid of that IRL predatory timer and the player base with boost significantly, and make the game better, because it’s the exact same game but without the dirty predatory timer
@triptank7857 Ай бұрын
@@DoktrDub you can get 1 day of water in 5minutes, 6 days worth in 30mins, if people cant manage 30mins over 6 day period then they arnt even gamers in my honest opinion!! Good day!!
@silva9648 Ай бұрын
@@triptank7857 People can get burned out of games easily and they don't want to be forced to play every week or so just to not lose 90% of their stuff. If you play games you're a gamer doesn't matter how much you play a day.
@triptank7857 Ай бұрын
@@silva9648 like i said to someone else breifly... If you cant manage 30mins over 6 days, tough. Just my opinion. As for loosing 90% of your stuff im pretty sure they patched that recently. In 40+ hours i havnt lost anything an still have like 25 days of water Games still in early development too keep in mind so they still have alot of fixing an adding things in to do, i brought early to support them as im tired of aaa slop
@HangOnThereSlick Ай бұрын
I'm starting to love this game studio a lot
@fortieznoshortiez Ай бұрын
too little too late i lost everything due to lag 🤣now i just live vicariously through people that are actually good at the game til i can run it well
@JNJNRobin1337 Ай бұрын
water thieves when the old water treatment plant is back up and running (more than enough water to spare]
@qlac9598 Ай бұрын
I'm still going to wait a bit before getting the game but i'm so glad to see it being updated this frequently, def going to buy it early next year
@AresWuzHere Ай бұрын
I'd tell you to take my money but you already did. Love the story telling here.
@thathandsomedevil0828 Ай бұрын
Bought this game on early access, haven't touched it since. Waiting on that sweet, delicious release date. :)
@gakuyax 10 күн бұрын
This update made me buy the game. You can actually fight to keep your stuff after a hiatus instead of reset.
@jarvy251 Ай бұрын
I had actually intentionally run out of water just to experience a base invasion, so that they'll now happen as a special event at any time is really cool. Maybe if you get on any factions sheit list, they might decide to pay you a visit...
@tod3632 Ай бұрын
Very sick update. Re-installing.
@ByOdinsBart Ай бұрын
@marcusRemon Ай бұрын
i love this update format
@alphatonic1481 Ай бұрын
Awesome. Please add a first person mode to the game. It would increase the immersion even more.
@joshuasmyth3115 Ай бұрын
I can't get over the idea that the armies that actively wreck Lost Angels will happily sell anything to anyone if the price is good. I like to imagine that soldiers trade in Ammo like in metro between eachother, since water is most likely shared in platoons.
@jakewagnerk4332 Ай бұрын
@matthewcooksey5411 Ай бұрын
Alright I'm back in. This art style is too good to keep me away. I just sincerely hope performance improves.
@tezextv Ай бұрын
Now optimize the game so not just people with an RTX 4090 can enjoy it.
@alexandermendivil7464 Ай бұрын
I honestly hope this game makes it into it's own franchise with a bunch of lore and secret thing in it like warhammer or elder scrolls, it has so much potential
@matx6666 Ай бұрын
Can we get word on what is up with the aggro system being broken right now?
@d.o.a7552 Ай бұрын
It's not broken just really basic, it works off a cone system around the player. Walking makes noise and running doubles the size of the cone. Walls won't stop the cone so enemies can see you through anything right now, even if they are above or below you.
@gaz4553 Ай бұрын
@@d.o.a7552 But water is what needs fixing...
@d.o.a7552 Ай бұрын
@@gaz4553 I can't tell if your being sarcastic lol
@matx6666 Ай бұрын
@@d.o.a7552 You literally just described broken system since enemies see us through floors and walls. The whole thing worked better before the patch so it is broken.
@d.o.a7552 Ай бұрын
@@matx6666 lol na it's just shitty and not complete it's like saying the foundation broken because the house isn't built
@zule10000 Ай бұрын
If the game still expects people to babysit it like a Tomagotchi, this doesn't seem like much more than a band-aid. A shame to scare away players because accessibility and your vision can't seem to exist at the same time without a "but"
@DoktrDub Ай бұрын
Yeah me and 3 other friends love the concept and we intend to buy and play together, but none of us are buying it with that IRL timer, nobody likes it… it adds nothing of value to the gameplay, it’s just very predatory is a super shady way to keep people playing and in the end their player base will suffer for it, imagine how many many people would buy in if they just got rid of the timer
@tyronedyrone1483 Ай бұрын
I love the waterboys they are my very good pals from way back
@AlexanderMharcei Ай бұрын
Love this game. Keep up the great work.
@JULR0W Ай бұрын
tried the demo, really like the atmosphere and landing headshots 😈
@Howitzer23-mc3jp Ай бұрын
Payday gang coming for our water.
@MJPIA Ай бұрын
Just remove the offline depletion, it does nothing for hardcore players who have no need of water and it drives away people who might otherwise pick up the game. Given how much water you can pick up in a single run its pointless anyways since its evidently not some rare resource
@junebug4004 Ай бұрын
I was waiting for this update so i can played it
@InterplanarerPennersoeldner65 Ай бұрын
Gereon persists... uh, I mean, Lost Angels persists!
@THEGOOD360 Ай бұрын
One of the few modern games that makes me want a new PC. Maybe next year 😢
@N.o.t.h.i.n.g.n.e.s.s. Ай бұрын
the music in this game is fucking awesome.
@FriendshipMech Ай бұрын
Good changes but still feels like putting band-aids over the problem. The water timer ticking down when players are offline just isn't a good mechanic.. Especially when losing your water basically means losing all progress. That just feels bad and will always feel bad no matter how many band-aids there are on it. Either make it a shorter, in-game timer only (maybe have it tick down when you're out on missions for extra pressure to get in and out quickly) or at the very least just have it lock higher end vendor access till you get back up to a certain level of water or something.
@STALKER5795 Ай бұрын
Вы молодцы поддерживаю вас во всём
@vlanson6529 Ай бұрын
You mean I can get water without farming daily, use a new character, and have base defense missions!? Now this is the kind of update that'll rope me back in. I may have to restart since my water's gone, but this is well worth it.
@ReivajLive Ай бұрын
You only need to make the water mechanic based with in game time, instead of IRL, thats the only reason im not buying for now.
@Samarai-hf9si Ай бұрын
so wait, if the water still depletes when you're not playing, how does this update actually solve the issue everybody was complaining about?
@titanslayer7002 Ай бұрын
i love the game with a passion its a survival game i really enjoy and it has a challenge but one thing that is annoying idc people can call it a skill issue on my part. But the revive system i wish the timer would pause as your helping you teammate up. once again call it a skill issue i love the game im not gonna let one annoying thing stop me from playing just a suggestion. but once again love your game keep up the amazing work and happy holidays.
@freshglizzy3763 Ай бұрын
need the raw concept art for those water thieves, they look rad
@timfrolov7891 Ай бұрын
Damn I'll be trying this game out after all
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