Excellent speech! Interesting notes about Jefferson and co.
@Fortress33315 жыл бұрын
Another great, great speech/lecture/talk from DiLorenzo.
@broeman15 жыл бұрын
Another great book on the way from Tom? this is truly Christmas. No other, that I can think of, has written great history books in a libertarian perspective.
@s0beit13 жыл бұрын
@TenTonHorse Heh no kidding, sometimes i overlook the dates. No problem, i enjoy this stuff a lot.
@NSResponder15 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see Tom DiLorenzo write a series of books to debunk several other presidents besides Lincoln. People really need to understand just how evil Woodrow Wilson was. -jcr
@s0beit13 жыл бұрын
@TenTonHorse and it was a bad move because, as stated, it only helped to drag them into a war. Embargoes wither people like to acknowledge it or not, are an act of war or at least an act which has traditionally lead to war. This is no less true in Jefferson's case than it is in World War 2. Jefferson himself defended the need to trade with all and be overly friendly to none but Jefferson was often a walking contradiction. His mind was sharp but his actions were clumsy.
@s0beit13 жыл бұрын
@TenTonHorse Economically Jefferson was not so great, in his personal life. He ran himself into debt and was in debt until the day he died. Hamilton's plans to assume the debts was only necessary as a means to an end, to establish a central bank. So in that respect, yes. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think so. They could have paid off their debts over time. (Some may have taken longer than others) Jefferson's embargo was a bad move (cont)