The Fruit of Wolves (Remastered)

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The prophets warned us about wolves. Paul warned us about wolves. Our savior instructed us to watch out for them and that they can be known by their fruit. Do you know how to recognize them in these times we live? This full length teaching dives into the study of identifying wolves. Join us as we begin to scripturally define and reveal the fruit of wolves.
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@ellenlefavour628 11 ай бұрын
I believe there are wolves that have not yet had their eyes opened to the fact. Only the Ruach HaKodesh can open our eyes. I thought i was following Jesus until i was introduced to Yeshua and Yahuah called me to look to Him and not to the left or the right. He then called me to His Shabbat and gradually started opening His Torah to me, as i removed myself from churchianity. We have all been deceived. If He calls us and we ignore, disregard or rebel against Him, that is different.
@giovanni545 Жыл бұрын
psalm 1 is a very short chapter (like 8 verses only i belive) and it tells what a fruit is and its being obedient to the law and commandments of God
@kennethhenderson5644 3 жыл бұрын
Had to reflect on some of these points myself but am very grateful for 119 ministries taking the time to produce this video and explain it so well!
@whydidyouwin9981 5 жыл бұрын
pray everyone for each other and please remember my sister and me in your prayer
@gloriakahororo8867 2 жыл бұрын
Praise YHWH for this ministry...
@Matt-py8dx 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! May Yahuah bless this ministry, Shalom
@carolinemcgreal2382 Жыл бұрын
Thanks brothers for sharing, all Praise be to the most high Yah.
@K.I.M.7777 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video!
@barryomalley66 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the teaching brilliant god bless your ministry I love your way of making it plain to understand God bless your work!!
@lukerogers3694 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful teaching brother ! So clear and such an eye opener. Writing down a list was very helpful. Thanks for including that exercise. This teaching really summed up scriptures teaching on “wolfs”. Now I know very clearly what to look for. Yah bless 119 ministries. Thanks for your ministry
@leroymoore1088 2 жыл бұрын
Amen thank you Jesus for ur word
@giovanni545 Жыл бұрын
excited for this teaching
@bienvenidosescuelabiblica745 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this word! May God bless you plenty!
@chucklanger7510 Жыл бұрын
Great teaching
@seekingGODs-YHWHsTruth144K 2 жыл бұрын
Very well done brother 💯❤️📖🙏
@andrewmundenandcadfellmast4624 4 жыл бұрын
Great message! Thank you
@Lisav2023 3 жыл бұрын
HalleluYAH 🙌🙌
@libertyfarmsiowa 5 жыл бұрын
As time has passed and people slide further and further from the Torah and their idea of what "good" and "bad" fruit is changes. Their civil law (origins: Babylon and Rome) customs and traditions are what they cling to, so over time, what is "good" and "bad" fruit according to Torah is totally lost. Some say the greatest deception the devil was able to pull off is that he didn't exist. That's bull. His greatest deception is that the Torah was nailed to the Cross. If YHWH's law has been nailed to the cross, then the only law people will ever consent to and obey is civil law, which originated in Babylon, which Satan is prince over. Ouch! So even after they wake up to the need for Yahusha's death to be saved, they still won't obey HIM, the LIVING TORAH, the Word made Flesh, they will continue to bear only civil law fruit because their first love is their civil law gods many, their civil governments, nations, states, countries they have pledged allegiance to and obey. Even though Peter said, "we should obey God rather than men". “Celsus, a Platonist, writing during the term of Marcus Aurelius, “opposed the sectarian tendencies at work in the Christian movement because he saw in Christianity a privatizing of religion, the transferal of religious values from the public sphere to a private association” He did not believe that freedom is only enjoyed if it is privately maintained. Vigellius Saturninus, proconsul of Africa in 180 CE, addressed the seeming anti-social behavior of the Scillitan martyrs with the statement, “We too are religious, and our religion is simple, and we swear by the Genius of our lord the emperor, and we apply for his benefits, as you also ought to do.” The true Christians like Speratus could and would not apply to that Emperor for he claimed Christ as “my Lord, the King of kings and Emperor of all nations”. As a Christian, he relied upon the Genius of God the Father through the individual leading of the Holy Spirit and the free will offerings of his Christian brothers in congregation. - Gregory Williams, Thy Kingdom Come, page 114. How many so-called Christians and Jews today apply (pray) to their civil law gods for their "daily bread": government benefits, subsidies, entitlements, franchises, licenses, privileges, pensions, etc. unlike the Scillitan martyrs above that would not apply to Caesar for Roman government benefits, subsidies, entitlements, pensions, etc.? So what was "good' fruit for a Scillitan martyr and a modern US citizen? What was "bad" fruit for a Scillitan martyr and a modern US citizen? “In Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, he praised “the union and discipline of the Christian republic”. He also pointed out that “it gradually formed an independent and increasing state in the heart of the Roman Empire”. - Will et Ariel Durant, Rousseau and Revolution, p. 801. fn 83 Heiseler, 85. Are Christians and Jews a separate and holy people living among (in the world: kosmos: an apt and harmonious arrangement, constitution, order, government) the civilians around them, like Gibbon's wrote of, or are they choosing to be fully part of the civil law body politic accepting to obey all those civil laws, even those that violate the Torah, in order to get the benefits of being a corporate member? Did the first century church (the body of Israel) do that? Or did they separate from that way, not willing sit down to eat the dainties offered by civil law rulers? So what is "good" fruit today and what is "bad" fruit today? I think most people have slid into a state of apostasy in need of serious repentance. United States supreme Court, Justice William O'Douglas, writing the dissenting opinion in Laird v. Tatum, 408 U.S. At 28,29 (1972): “The America once extolled as the voice of liberty heard around the world no longer is cast in the image which Jefferson and Madison designed, but more in the Russian image.” How far Americans have fallen from: “But for seven years we hear no word of complaint from any district in the Union, of this part of the act. If it was so gross and palpable a violation of the constitution, as it certainly was if the words of this clause are to be measured by the sense which they had in England and not by that which they had in this country, we may well ask, with some feelings of surprise, where, during these seven years, were slumbering the watchmen of our American Israel?” - Ashur Ware, Judge: US District Court, District of Maine: 12 Fed Case 6914, The Huntress (1840).
@tw33ty4u 4 жыл бұрын
When i used to go to church, Father told me not to call no man Pastor. So some were offended. But better to fear YAH than man.
@WendyTai1 4 жыл бұрын
where in the Bible is God's name spelled Yah?
@loveworksnoevil 4 жыл бұрын
@@WendyTai1 Its in Old Testament, its the verse in Psalms that says extol Him by His name Jah, which in Hebrew is Yah, cus there was no J's in ancient Hebrew it was Y
@ia7277 4 жыл бұрын
@@WendyTai1 where is it spelled "God" or "LORD"? If you do the research you'll find out that there are many names you can become convicted to call Him. The more research I do the less I want to call Him "God" or "LORD", but I do not bother you about what you call Him. Shalom.
@jamesp7722 4 жыл бұрын
@brooketaylor8229 2 жыл бұрын
It is the fruit of the spirit...If you show the fruits of the spirit. I never grew those fruits until following the Law but the bad or good fruit, is the fruits of the spirit...
@kyleamerica5522 2 жыл бұрын
Do the wolves KNOW THAT THEY ARE wolves????
@brandonsims9725 Жыл бұрын
I bet some do. However: On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers'" (Matthew 7:21-23)
@justincase1919 Жыл бұрын
Some, maybe, but the Bible says they are " deceived and deceiving " and because their conciences are seared, God sends them a strong delusion because they prefer the lie instead of the truth, so they deceive others because they themselves have been decieved. I've seen this over and over with people who reject God's law in the name of "faith". They work so hard to deny the obvious truth. It never ceases to amaze me, the mental gymnastics they perform in order to continue in disobedience while believing they are followers of Christ.
@kyleamerica5522 Жыл бұрын
@@justincase1919 my brother in law is a SUNday “the law is done away with” pastor. I tried mentioning some of these things but he just can’t see it. Sad thing is he and his son are into watching professional and college sports. His one teen daughter idolizes that pro lbgt Spider-Man actor Tom Holland Boggles my mind
@aimebreeden8113 6 ай бұрын
I had that same question. I know many of my old Christian friends that REALLY believe they are following Jesus, yet when I came to see Torah, I kept thinking is their Jesus even the true Messiah? Or is he actually the anrichrist that's against the Torah?
@BrendaJones492 4 жыл бұрын
@libertyfarmsiowa 5 жыл бұрын
The preachers, pastors, reverends, priests, are all LICENSED by the STATE, and 99% of "churches" are incorporated by the STATE. That means both are regulated and controlled by the STATE. The State is their god (sovereign, law maker, ruling authority). They, out of ignorance of all forms of law, especially the Torah, don't understand that YHWH was the original sovereign power (god) that incorporated HIS BODY (Israel) and when His people apply to a foreign sovereign (not YHWH) to be RE-incorporated under the civil laws of the foreign sovereign, they LEAVE THEIR FIRST LOVE, and are now bound to obey the laws and regulations of the new sovereign power. In the US the "Church" was separate, it was EXCLUDED, from being bound to the STATE, but once bound to the STATE by consent, via applications to be re-incorporated under the civil law of the State, it needed to be "exempted" and legally defined as a "non-profit, tax-exempt, organization" of the State, with the same civil law status as any other exempted, non-profit regulated and controlled legal entity created by the sovereign power the State and United States. OUCH! But this explains why "churches" and their State licensed ministers, etc. are ravenous wolves, teaching that the Torah has been nailed to the cross, because for them, it has. They are fully under the civil law of their god: the State. This is done because of people's abject legal incompetence in both the Torah and the civil law of men. A partial testimony of Dr. Everett (Sileven) Ramsey Pastor of Faith Baptist Church Louisville, Nebraska 1973-1986 The following is a mere excerpt of the whole of Dr. Sileven’s written testimony detailing a conversation he had with the civil law judge Raymond Case. "It was well into this case in the year 1983, after I had already been to jail a couple of times and I was serving my third round of contempt of court, when the honorable Judge Raymond Case asked the Sheriff to bring me one night from the jail cell, about 10:00 PM, to his office on the second floor of the Cass County Court House. As I came to the door the Sheriff left; the Judge invited me in, spoke to me in very humble terms and said he wanted to visit with me for a few minutes. He then asked me to pray before we had our meeting. We both got on our knees and prayed that God would direct our discussion. He first began by asking me to close the school. When I refused, he asked if I would move it outside his jurisdiction. Again, I refused. He [Judge Case] then made a statement that got my attention. He said, "Pastor you're 95% right in your arguments, but you are 5% wrong." I responded, "If you can point out where I am wrong, I will repent and make changes." He then pulled from the file the pleadings that had been filed and asked me to read the heading. I read, "The State of Nebraska et. al., Attorney General Paul Douglas vs. The Faith Baptist Church, a Nebraska Corporation." At that point he stopped me and said, "Would you read those last few words again?" I read them again, "Faith Baptist Church, a Nebraska Corporation." He then asked me, "Is that a heavenly corporation?" I replied, "No!" He asked me again, "Is that an angelic corporation?" I replied again, "No!" He asked me thirdly, "Well, what kind of corporation is that?" I responded, "According to the heading, it is a Nebraska corporation." He then asked me a strange question, "Who owns your buildings?" I answered, "The Faith Baptist .... Ah, I'm beginning to see the light. The corporation owns the property." The Judge responded, "Who owns the corporation?" I said, "Ah, Nebraska." He said, "That's right." He [Judge Case] told me that he was going to padlock my church again and he wanted to explain to me that that was the most charitable thing he could do since the leaders in Lincoln, Nebraska have requested that he bulldoze it down and burn it, and the State had the jurisdiction and authority to do so because those properties belong to a corporation owned by the State of Nebraska and it is breaking the laws of the State of Nebraska which the charter forbids it from doing. Well, I didn't have to call my religious guru to find out if I should unincorporate. I unincorporated the church and it began to turn the case around from that point; not in the Courts, but God stepped in and ended the matter very quickly after that. Now, we have had a tremendous battle trying to educate Pastors about this whole concept of the Lordship of Christ and the [civil law state] corporation and any other ties with the [civil] government.” End excerpt.
@hoosiertarheel899 6 ай бұрын
My mother read her bible, prayed and lived for Yeshua. I have my parents bible and many passages are highlighted. Yet, they didn’t know about keeping the sabbath. I believe they will be in Heaven but am I wrong?
@mshazard4931 4 ай бұрын
No one truly knows any other persons relationship with the Creator. However, when we are very close to another person, we know their behavior, their beliefs, and the way they treat others. I believe this teaching applies to those TEACHING and LEADING others. Teachers and leaders are held to a much higher standard then the flock. But Yah does tell us that those who were sinning unaware will get fewer stripes, but those who knew better and continued sinning will get many stripes. And keep in mind that it doesnt say they will not receive eternal life. Also keep in mind that Yeshua says that “those who break the least of these commands and teach others to do so will be least in the kingdom of heaven.” It doesnt say these people will perish, it says they will be least in the kingdom. YHWH our God is the Most Loving, Long-suffering, Good, Merciful, Forgiving and JUST Judge. Our Creator whom is incapable of sin. He is Perfection. There is NO ONE more capable of being the Judge of our hearts. If you know he is Almighty, All-Knowing and the Eternal Creator, than you know everyone will be judged fairly, honestly and truly as he is the ONLY one fully capable of seeing EXACTLY what is in each and every heart. So if you Truly trust the Creator of us all, you can be at complete peace, knowing He is the Judge for all. Just an extra emphasis here, this teaching is how to judge Teachers and religious Leaders. How to know if they are a trustworthy. No matter who we choose to accept information from, we should ALWAYS be testing their information to the scriptures. ❤
@RobTheTruth Жыл бұрын
My former "pastor" Ravenous Wolves his wife leads the pack
@NickyABBAdaughter2237 4 жыл бұрын
What if one's parents do not obey God Torah nor want to? When their sins such as adultery, pornography, lies,greed,...... and many more sins. And what is one to do when they use their money to create a division such as favoring one child over the other and putting the unfavorable child under the foot of the favorite one. Although the favorite child lives a life of fornication, adultery,drugs several times a day every day,drunkenness, theft,fraud,...... and more. Both parents are aware of the favorite child's behavior and keep on support that child financially and emotionally. And when the unfavorable child dares to ask for any type of help or support,they refuse. These parents have been introduced to the Torah and are fully aware of their sins. The unfavorable child has been saved by Yeshua and has brought their sins to their attention. The parents in question have reacted as follows towards the unfavorable child,"you are envious, jealous and a bad child and sibling. We must lie in order to keep the peace. Lying is required and good to avoid hurting people's feelings. Are we supposed to obey such parents? And another case,a young woman was force by her father to have sexual intercourse. She accepted until she was old enough to get married and have children. After being married for several years,her father reaches out to her for financial help,never haven repented for what he did to his daughter. What is that woman supposed to do. She hears from her father only when he needs financial assistance. Her husband and her are in the Faith, they have 3 children to take care of and they have enough for their family and are sometimes thight on money. Is that daughter supposed to obey her father? I that disrespect is not something that anyone should do towards anyone, specially not a parent. But what if these parents feel and say that they are disrespected and that these children should obey God and honor them. Is the unfavorable child and that daughter sinning against God? Are they not keeping His 5th commandment? Pls help! God Bless you all 🙏 Shalom ❣️
@nobodybutHIM777 4 жыл бұрын
1st the favorable son or daughter should still respect the parents, after he/said said his/her peace and they do not change. Let it go and forgive them, let God do what is right for them. Show them love even though they did not give their love to him/her. Also pray for the sibling as well. 2nd case, if the daughter is already in the Faith, she should practice forgiveness and love though it is hard. She shoul Pray that the Spirit of Yah help her to forgive and love. Even us Sinners were Love first by our Father. Keep praying for the Set Apart Spirit of Yah so that He maybe Glorified in you through our Messiah Yeshua. Shalom!
@mistymorrison3731 5 жыл бұрын
This lesson I see the truth in it but it's hard because it makes me think of Paul washer David Wilkerson and John MacArthur three preachers Kumon absolutely love it seems like such a righteous man but Sunday so isn't that the characteristics of a wolf in sheep's clothing?
@Barbbfly 5 жыл бұрын
I loathe calninism . I ques. J. Calvins being born again such a horrid dictator executioner.
@NickyABBAdaughter2237 4 жыл бұрын
Stay away from those wolfs/angels of light. Specially MacArthur,he is not even saved! I use to listen to them too. Specially Paul Washer and John MacArthur, I know a little bit about Wilkerson. All I can say is look at their bad fruits. MacArthur has made a very lucrative empire on the Word of God. He makes over one million dollars per year tax free just from Grace to You, that is without counting the schools,the seminars and whatever appearance he makes on t.v. and he's got people like Paul Washer,Phil Johnson,Todd Friel, Justin Peters,......covering and defending him. Or as Paull Washer has chosen,to keep quiet. Why? Cause Washer is often invited to grace to you. Most of these so called men of God are just sell outs. And most of them are very wealthy and want to stay that way by defending MacArthur cause he runs the show. Check out Servus Christi,he tells it like it is. I hope you get over the disappointment quicker than I did. Always searching the Scriptures. God Bless you 🙏 Shalom ❣️
@jeffzima1924 4 жыл бұрын
I'd love to find a teaching that actually breaks down Paul's comments that shows he is absolutely pro Torah. I hear these claims, but can't ever find any detailed teaching. Acts 15 and 21, on the other hand, does clearly show a difference in what Jewish and gentile believers must obey. I'd love to see a breakdown of that as well. James 2 was quoted. James is talking about the perfect law of liberty. Not sure that equates to Torah as stated by Moses. I obey Friday night-Sat night sabbath because that makes perfect sense to me. Certainly, the 4th commandment was NOT done away with. Yet, I can't find any detailed teaching addressing the issues I stated earlier. The lack of these teachings is suspect.
@gileadtenn 4 жыл бұрын
You are either one of the two: The Commonwealth of Israel... or out of covenant (ie, gentile).
@kojofrimpong937 4 жыл бұрын
Check out their teaching on the Pauline Paradox it would hopefully answer all your questions. God bless.😊
@jeffzima1924 4 жыл бұрын
@@gileadtenn and that's all I offense. Just people saying things like this without specifics. Since the original post I found a 119 ministries video on sabbath that was compelling. They are HRM so we have to be very careful, but it was good. I'm open to specific dialogue, but not so much bumper sticker type slogans.
@carnivoreRon 4 жыл бұрын
Acts 21:18, Paul wet to James. 21:20, thousands of Jews believe and are zealous of the law. Acts 21:21, informed that you teach Jews to forsake Moses. 21:24, all those things are nothing, but you keep the law. Acts 24:14, believing all thing which are written in the law and prophets. Acts 25:8, neither against the law of the Jews neither against the Temple, now yet against Caesar, have I offended any thing at all. Acts 28:17, I have committed nothing against the people or customs of the fathers. If Paul would have taught gentiles to disobey Shabbat, eat unclean things or sacrified to idols, Paul would not have been able to say such things in his defense.
@Richfreerunner2 4 жыл бұрын
Look up paline paradox by 119 ministries. They got through every single book of Paul 1 by 1
@mistymorrison3731 5 жыл бұрын
Paul washer teaches that Yeshua did not die for the entire world that whosoever believes in him shall perish. He teaches that only only a handful did he die for, the elect. Pastor David Wilkerson taught that the Hebrews are not God's chosen people anymore that all the talk about Israel and everything like that is applying to the gentiles and is written in our hearts. John MacArthur has taught that in the end times that you will be able to accept the mark of the beast and still go to heaven I have heard this sermon myself on KZbin all three of these things seems to directly go against what is found in the complete word the true God of the Bible is my thinking correct? Or am I reading too much into what this teaching for 119 ministries is trying to tell me?
@skydreamer9582 5 жыл бұрын
Misty Morrison You are right, they all say a different version. After all, faith in Jesus Christ is the very essence of salvation! Let us remember that our own works are useless for salvation, only the work of Jesus Christ is the guarantor of our salvation!
@kingdomambassador1904 4 жыл бұрын
Paul Washer said no such thing dear If so send video link here
@libertyfarmsiowa 5 жыл бұрын
Does every government, regardless of form, kingdom (YHWH's government is a theocratic monarchy), democracy (the people as god: EL, theos: sovereign power, law maker, ruling judge: mighty authority), etc. have its own form of law? The United States for example has both Common Law (origin Mount Sinai) and Civil Law (origin Babylon/Rome: man made law: Admiralty/Maritime, UCC, equity, see: Article 3, Section 2 US Const.). Its very sad that whenever a modern civilian reads the word "law" in the Scriptures they immediately assume the verse is referring to Torah. What "Law" is going to have absolute jurisdiction over earth during the Millennial Reign of Yahusha? Is it going to be man-made civil law (origins: Babylon/Rome) with its statutes, ordinances and judgments, like the US Code? What "law", what statutes/commandments, ordinances (penalty/penal clauses) and judgments (how to apply the statute and ordinances to be fair and righteous) is going to have absolute dominion over earth when the Living Torah, the Word made flesh, the King of YHWH's kingdom/government, Messiah Yahusha returns to reign for one thousand years on earth? If a typical civilian (a corporate member of a civil law body politic) is asked what's the difference between Common Law, Natural Law, Civil Law, Admiralty/Maritime, UCC, Martial Law, positive law, non-positive law, etc. would they be able to give a correct answer? And how does a man (male or female) become bound to obey a certain form, type or jurisdiction of law? Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, stated that all governments get their power from the consent of the governed. And this is true. How does the Martial Law (military law, in the US referred to as: the UCMJ) acquire in persona jurisdiction over a civilian US person? By consent, via a military enlistment contract or a military commission. The civilian must accept by consent to agree to the terms of the contract or commission. If they do, then the martial law applies to them in their capacity as a soldier, marine, airman, etc. How did Israel become bound to Pharaoh's civil laws in Egypt? By consent. See Genesis 47. How did Israel become bound to YHWH's laws at Mount Sinai? By consent. See Exodus 24. It is said, "if you change your god (EL, Theos: sovereign power, law maker, ruling authority) then you change your law. If you change your law, you change your god". People do this all the time. When a citizen of one government decides to expatriate (come out from/of a father), migrate and then be naturalized (learn the new laws, customs and traditions: assimilate) as a citizen of a different government they change their law and their god (ruling authority, sovereign power, law maker). When Israel and the mixed multitude expatriated out of Egypt, migrated into the desert (left Egyptian territorial jurisdiction) and consented to pledge their allegiance (faith/fidelity) and pay homage (worship and obey) to YHWH alone as their new God: sovereign power, law maker, ruling judge, they started their naturalization process of learning YHWH's laws (statutes, ordinances, judgments, including His Holidays (holy days and calendar), His customs and traditions He was setting forth for His Nation/State/Country (corporate body politic), His Holy People. The Israelites at the exodus changed their God and therefore changed their law. But their naturalization, baptism, took over 40 years to get the Egypt out of the Israelite. And many couldn't so they died before crossing over (ouch! that should be a huge warning to us that have been living under Babylonian Roman civil law all our lives for many generations) In the US naturalization is typically only 5 years for a foreigner to learn and assimilate to US laws, customs and traditions. when Paul/Shaul says "you are no longer under the requirements of the Law" what form of law is he talking about? Is he talking to believers who were, or currently still are, under man's civil laws, including, pagan religious laws? Or is Paul referring to YHWH's Laws? Is Paul talking about the Laws of YHWH that had become twisted and amended, and annulled by men in positions of authority, like the Jewish Pharisees and their Talmud & Takanot? Or was Paul referring to the pagan/genitle civil laws new believers had been taught and followed? Did Paul ever speak against any of the Torah in its pure form as YHWH, Moses and Yahusha, and the apostles and disciples intended and taught? It may be hard to believe, but all civil law systems, like the US, have a "sacrificial penal system". When a subject citizen sins (violates the laws of their god) they pay "burnt sacrifices" (sin offerings) (ordinances: penal clauses) to their "gods many" for violating their government's Statutes (civil laws) So when a US citizen is pulled over for violating his covenant with the State under the Motor Vehicle Code, which they became bound to by consent (signed license agreement) they pay a "Sin Offering" (a burnt sacrifice, fines to government are burnt, the guilty has no say in how the government uses what it collects in taxes, fines, fees, etc.) to atone for their sin (violation of the law they are bound to obey by their consent), unless their civil law gods/priests show them grace or mercy: the cop lets them off with a warning even though they were in violation of the statute, or the judge dismisses the case, or lets them off without paying any "sin offerings". For example: The speeding Commandment/statute says "thou shalt not drive faster than 55 mph". The Ordinances say, "for the first offense, a burnt sacrifice of $50.00 will be paid for speeds of 5 - 10 mph over limit; $75.00 for speeds of 11-20 mph over limit; $100 for speeds of 21-25 mph over limit; SUSPENSION of license for speeds 26 mph over limit..." The judgments are applied for each case individually based on the facts and circumstances given in testimony, taking into account the ordinances as well. The judgments are what is actually the verdict handed down by the judge and or jury (judgments are the instructions of how to apply the statutes and ordinances fairly and righteously. In the US if the people keep the US Torah, all the millions of city, county, state and federal statues and regulations that apply to them then the "taskmaster" of the law (the ordinances: penalty clauses and judgments) never apply to them. They are righteous in the eyes of the civil law gods many. But if they are caught violating the civil laws of their god, they sin and they will be held accountable, and some penal ordinances demand the death penalty, like murder, while others only demand sin offerings, which are now paid in "money", but under YHWH's system are paid with natural substance from the herds and flocks. When you're a herder or a rancher, what you have is a lot of animals, which were used to feed the priests (government bureaucrats and needy), but in the civil law system, the priests (bureaucrats) are paid for their government services with $$$ and then they go to the supermarket and buy their food in the stream of commerce, rather then accepting their food directly in the form of the sin offerings from the people. Christ IS the WORD, He is the TORAH, He is the LIVING LAW. He came and showed us how to fulfill YHWH's LAW, all of it: statutes (laws/commandments), ordinances (penal clauses: fines/penalties for violation of the statutes) and judgments (what level of ordinance/penalty is demanded based on the specifics/facts of the case) after the people, and the religious leaders had totally corrupted YHWH's laws by their own traditions and customs, adding to, and taking away from YHWH's laws. One of the Messiah's tasks during His first advent was the "clean up" all the errors in the Father's Laws the people had put into the Torah of YHWH because of their apostasy, sin, choice to follow pagan customs and man made civil laws. The trouble Christians have is they are also civilians (pagans) as members of civil law body politics, so they are trying to claim DUAL ALLEGIANCE, they try to serve 2 masters, which Yahusha said cannot be done. What I notice is most so-called Christians, Orthodox Jews, etc. that are also citizens of their civil law nations/states/countries, they show more love and allegiance (faith/fidelity) to their civil law gods (sovereign powers, law makers, ruling judges), like Uncle Sam, the US national Father (call no man on earth father), than they do for YHWH and Yahusha, in direct violation of the first 3 Commandments. Christian civilians, in my legal analysis, are Anarchists (anti-Christ) to YHWH's Torah because they rail against and disobey YHWH's laws, in the US: 95% of them at least. If it weren't for their Common Law customs still having some influence over their corporate civil law, they'd break every law of YHWH. For example. YHWH's Torah says Israel is to bleed out its animals and not consume any blood. The US still bleeds out its animals in its slaughter houses. But not all nations do this, Mexico for instance, leaves the blood in the meat most of the time. That's just one law, by Common Law custom, still in practice in America that originates in Torah they keep because they brought the Common law (origin Torah) with them from England. Pagan, anarchist, apostate Christians better repent soon or they will find, at best, they will only be a guest at the Lamb's wedding feast, and least in the kingdom because they teach men to disobey all the commandments/statutes, not just the least commandments/statutes (Matthew 5:19). How many Christians have ever considered which of the Laws of YHWH does He consider "least"? Is Deuteronomy 22:6 describing a "least commandment"? "If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree, or on the ground, whether they be young ones, or eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the dam with the young..." Deut.22:6.
@Jasperkins7 5 жыл бұрын
Does this apply to Paul who said...' for you no longer live under the requirements of the law'.
@JORGEJEREZ17 5 жыл бұрын
New Living Translation Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace. If you understand the Spirit you will also understand this God bless you with wisdom so He can show you what it really is to serve Him It doesn’t mean that the law that is written in your heart does not apply
@Jasperkins7 5 жыл бұрын
JORGE believe me I pray for Gods wisdom regarding the old covenant requirements verse new covenant requirements. Old covenant is different from the new. Many aspects of the old covenant where foreshadows of what Messiah would fulfill in the new. The law lacked the power to make one righteous it only showed us what righteous looks like for we were all under sin and unrighteousness and only by faith could one attain true righteousness. Abraham was not made righteous by following the law he was made righteous by faith in God’s messianic promise before the law of Moses was ever given. Under the new covenant the levitical priesthood was done away with, because we have a new priestly order with Messiah as our high priest and he is also the final sin offering. We no longer offer animal scarifies because the new temple is not a temple made with hands...we the believers are this new temple and we are all priest in this new temple. Many of the old covenant foreshadows were done away with in messiah because they were only a foreshadow of what was to come. Law was given to expose our sin but it lacked the power to make one righteous and make one reborn in a new covenant where we now follow the commandments of Messiah which are many cases are old commandments that were written in stone but now written in our heart to obey. If you are a believer then you are under a new covenant with new requirements and better promises you are no longer under the law of Moses but of the Law of Messiah. On the Mount of Transfiguration where Moses and Elijah appeared with Y’shua God spoke this is my Son...Hear ye him. He did not say hear Moses or Elijah. Moses prophesied that God would raise one up similar to him and that we would have to obey him.
@JORGEJEREZ17 5 жыл бұрын
Jason Perkins it seems like you got it, the Spirit will show you just pray read the Word everyday, and before you know, if you are one of the Spirit, then the Spirit by it self will begin to reject everything that is not of God, this is why we are called to walk with the Spirit. God bless you brother and keep up the good fight
@lisawelch4926 5 жыл бұрын
"For you no longer live under the penalty of the Law but you are now under Grace" is a better way to translate it. Every time the new testament seems to say we are not under the law anymore -- please insert 'penalty of the Law" because of Yeshua covering us for what we don't get perfect. We are under Grace.
@christinehogue9477 5 жыл бұрын
Read that whole chapter maybe even chaper before and after. What it is actually talking about is we are no longer under the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. The Renewed Covenant (new Covenant) In Jeremiah says YHWH would put his spirit into you and cause you to be able to do His law (Torah ). We can do all things through Yahshua (Jesus) who strengthen us. We do the commandments to LOVE YHWH AND TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR. Not how we are saved but because we are saved. It is also how we are a peculiar people set apart and different from the world. Doing his commandments bring blessing and reward. YHWH does not change. He divorced Israel (the assembly/church) and sent them into captivity for backsliding continually (breaking the Torah). He is not going to marry the bride of Christ (remarrying Israel) if they do the same works that ancient Israel did. There are not different laws for different people Numbers 15. Same law for every follower of YHWH. YAHSHUA (Jesus) says when he gatherers his people at the end time that many who claim to be believers saying we healed in your name etc. He tells them depart from you you who work lawlessness (Torah-less-ness). Peter warns that many unskilled and unlearned will twist Paul's teachings into lawlessness. 7 types of law discussed in Renewed Covenant (New Testament). Traditions of elders or men is talking about the Talmud which is NOT the Torah and this is what Jesus is condemning the Jewish leaders for because in Leviticusand deuteronomysay not to add to the law and you do not take away from the law, law of life and liberty which is Torah PS 119, law of sin and dealth breaking the commandments. The 2 commandments in new Testament are why we keep the commandments. The ten commandments fall under one of the 2 commandments. First four commandments are how to love YHWH. The last six commandments are how to love your neighbor. The 10 commandments are an index for the 613 commandments which in greater detail giving a fuller explanation and examples of how. Some of these commandments only apply to women, others apply to men, and yet others apply to Levitical priesthood. Without a temple and a priesthood these ceremonial laws are not applicable. Notice I did not say done away with. Hope this helps.
@Righteous210 10 ай бұрын
7:04 what does this👌 mean?
@pinktiger5254 4 жыл бұрын
Ironically, I've never followed preachers or gone to church for guidance. I figured out what I believe and fight for it. I'm extremely independent thinking and have stood strong enough not to follow what anyone else says. Too many things are contradicting so I just turn away from all of it and admit I don't know for sure. I just love god and stick to that....I am Leo the Lion though, I guess wolves don't find me easy prey. LOL
@CA-sj6oo 3 жыл бұрын
God's Law is in our heart now after we become born again and Spirit filled.
@thepaintscrapers6741 Жыл бұрын
Ya so follow it coz now we are without excuse
@ketheravigdor2388 4 жыл бұрын
A wolf in sheep's clothing is one of your own who feed their greed on the weak and needy
@usera-hj6lm 5 жыл бұрын
-Do we honor our parents even if they are not believers or are not believers keeping Torah, also do we honor them the same if they are not believers or believers keeping torah?
@velipekkanousiainen2408 5 жыл бұрын
We honor them always!
@bryanyawn 5 жыл бұрын
Many characters in the Bible actually destroyed the idols in their father's house leaving their father enraged. If they respected and honored their father for the sake of that commandment then they have also condoned idolatry thus breaking Gods first commandment..
@Jasperkins7 5 жыл бұрын
@@bryanyawn I assume you're referring to Abraham who destroyed Terah his father's idols. I don't believe Abraham was showing disrespect to his father but loved his father so much and he did not want him serving Idols which is considered evil in the eyes of God. You read later in the book of Jubilees where Terah did much evil to Abraham after this incident but Abraham forgave him and took care of his father in his old age.
@lisawelch4926 5 жыл бұрын
Important to honor, make sure your parents are ok, calling or visiting. This does not mean we have to do what they say, or agree with them or CONDONE their sin. We are to love them and honor them and we can do this without condoning their sin.
@119Ministries 5 жыл бұрын
Shalom John, here is a teaching that you might be interested in.
@katiehav1209 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus defined how NOT to be a bad tree thrown into the fire. And Jesus said He took the Kingdom from Jews, to give to the nation bearing its fruit. Luke 3 8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. 9 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 10 And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then? 11 He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. 12 Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do? 13 And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you. 14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.
@katiehav1209 4 жыл бұрын
Yet false witness is the way of the new world today, especially in so called spiritual biblical debate
@edgaralejos8989 4 жыл бұрын
yet, fruit is do Good commandments. Read John 14 and 15. In that case it make sense, as Paul said: "Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God"
@katiehav1209 4 жыл бұрын
We each have an internal ability for us all to know God. Conviction leading to a clean conscience, and a softened heart from a stone to grow in wisdom and grace. We bare witness to a God we already knew. By the natural law. God's laws and purposes for us as a Kingdom of people born of His new creation. To image the higher nature and law of Christ is to be newly created children of God. Through this witness Christ saves the world. Light exposes darkness, with what is reasonable to us as written in us, and knowing witnesses of Jesus in the world through the life of the church as parents in the Lord. Because by a clean conscience we are brand new creations by grace. We don't get a new or different conscience, we get a clean one. Romans 10:8 But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”-that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, Hebrews 8:11 “AND THEY SHALL NOT TEACH EVERYONE HIS FELLOW CITIZEN, AND EVERYONE HIS BROTHER, SAYING, ‘KNOW THE LORD,’ FOR ALL WILL KNOW ME, FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST OF THEM. The New Covenant is this, "we will all know Him." How? Because we ALL can naturally bear witness to God. ... Not by a "bearing witness" to some "special knowledge" that we can't really grasp to believe without asserting something that goes against our basic God created human nature, which already bears God's image from the first creation. We didn't become filthy rags by the fall alone. "Human nature" should not to be confused with "sin nature."
@ketheravigdor2388 4 жыл бұрын
In a wolf pack you have an alph male and female so it usually is those the leaders
@tomference4618 3 жыл бұрын
..your understanding of John's reference to our sent savior as the WORD is incorrect. 119 ministries must endeavor to get past the same superficial reading of scripture as mainstream christianity. You can do it,..a harmony of all scripture has to be our goal.
@TheresaPacheco361 4 ай бұрын
Beard teaching but not applying?
@119Ministries 4 ай бұрын
Shalom, We aren't sure what you are referring to. For more on beards, please see our teaching "Can we shave our beards?" We hope this helps. Blessings to you and yours...
@berylackermann8240 5 жыл бұрын
Those who KNOW the TRUTH of the WORD of Yahweh but they do not practise what they preach or teach. (Yeshua speaking in his day to the Pharisees). Incorrect interpretation and lack of understanding does not make one a good teacher or preacher. Every teaching must be in line with Yahweh's and Yeshua's teaching and instructions. Be as Bereans and search the scriptures for the correct teachings not mans. As 119 teaches, test everything. The excuse of ignorance and I listened to my teacher or preacher is not accepted by Yahweh our Abba. We have access to the scriptures. Yeshua is our "Wise Councellor, Master and teacher". The Holy Spirit of Yahweh will lead and guide you into ALL " wisdom and TRUTH", if you are seeking it diligently as hidden treasure. Truth will always stand against the untrue. "As Yeshua has said "Do not put your "trust" (confidence) in man, only in Abba Yahweh, and Yeshua who obeyed and taught the "TRUTH" of Abba Yahweh's WORD (His Commandments). Yeshua not only "taught the WORD", but " LIVED" it, as we are to do. Blessings to all our brethren scattered in the nations and those at 119 ministry. These things were also taught, from the scriptures . . "My WORD is NOT for SALE". It is not merchandise. "Freely you have received, freely give". (Teachings and blessings, kindness, live, justice, mercy, forgiveness and grace, including the truth of the WORD of Abba Yahweh.). "The financial blessings one receives are to build up the Kingdom of Yahweh, not themselves". (Also to be used to help the brethren going through difficult times. Paul was one who also practised this). "We belong to Abba Yahwehs Kingdom not this world as Yeshua as Yeshua TAUGHT. A Kingdom is made up of people not material things. Making disciples, reaching out to the lost, as Yeshua did and taught, by directing them (the WAY) to the " TRUTH" the Word of Abba Yahweh, so they too, can received the "Eternal GIFT of Salvation". We labor for the " Kingdom" not for this "world". I AGREE, about Paul. There are those saying Paul taught a different doctrine. PAUL DID NOT. Please don't listen to those who say otherwise.
@general8109 5 жыл бұрын
Beryl Ackermann is it inconceivable that if YAHweh is the name of the father, then the name of the son is YAHshua, emphasing the YAH and not YEShua as you call him?
@berylackermann8240 5 жыл бұрын
Disputing over words is what Paul taught us not to do. Yahweh know the heart intent. That's good enough for me, as He knows me better than anyone else. Bless you. One other mention, a very old Rabbi (Kaduri - over 90 and lives in Israel) who is well respected, and nearing his death, wrote down the Messiahs name and told his followers not to look at the note till after his death. He wrote in Hebrew, the Messiahs name Yeshua. I will continue to call our Messiah Yeshua as I have been for many years.
@general8109 5 жыл бұрын
@@berylackermann8240 your reply and understanding is respected.. blessed be Yahweh our God
@unleavenedkaraiteplus3412 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that is wrong. Y'SHUA did not tell the multitude ""ALL therefore WHATSOEVER "they" bid you observe, that observe and do;..."" Nope Here is the problem: When translated into Greek the translators not knowing what took place from "Moses' Seat" took the liberty to change the original pronoun "he" (for example,: as it appears on the ShemTov Hebrew Matthew) to "they" ; thinking the Hebrew text had an error. Y'SHUA was referring to "he" , Moses', not to the scribes and the Pharisees. This is old information. I'm surprised 119 Ministries is not aware of this... probably not even aware that y now the whole BritHaDasha/New Testament in Hebrew has long been discovered. The Greek translation of the New Testament (from its very first page has many (translation) errors: Matthew 1:16 ""And Jacob begat Joseph the "husband" of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. 17¶So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christt are fourteen generations."" If you count the last set of generations, that is, "from the carrying away into Babylon unto MESSIAH", you only count 13, not 14... the translators (probably to quickly) assumed "Yosef" being Marian's "husband". The term "balaá" (as it appears in the Hebrew text) can correctly translate into "husband"... but it can also translate into "master" (as a boss) and translate into "father" as well !!! What does this mean? In means, Mariams "husband" and Mariams "father " were namesakes. This corrects yet another problem of the Greek text of Matthew: •Matthew 1:16 says: "And Jacob begat Joseph..." •Luke 3:23 says: "Joseph, which was the son of Heli..." Well, now you know who the father of Yosef really was. SHALÓM SHALÓM P.D. Google (that is to say: "everyone") wrongly assigns the genealogy found in Matthew to Yosef;... and the genealogy found in Luke to Mariam, but Mariam isn't even mentioned there. Nope ¡¡¡ Translations and translators-(interpreters) are not infallible!!!... not only that, but also have inclinations. Hebrew is the pure tongue, the language of CREATION.
@mimimontes6426 2 жыл бұрын
where can i find the hebrew version of the new testament?
@unleavenedkaraiteplus3412 2 жыл бұрын
la información que le envié está disponible tambien en Español... aunque a menos grado). Sabía que tambien se encontró el "Arca del Pacto" con los 10 Mandamientos escritos por YHWH !!!... O sea, lo único en toda la Biblia escrito por YHWH mismo.... no fue dado a nosotros a través de hombres inspirados. Entre otras cosas también se encontró el ejército de Faraón bajo el Mar Rojo; Sodoma y Gomorra; el verdadero Monte Sinaí-(el que turistas hoy visitan no es el verdadero) la Peña de Horeb etc , etc. Tienen ta SANGRE DE MESIAS... la prueba de cromosoma no muestra paternidad alguna; solo la de Mariam , SU madre humana. DTB
@MrKook Жыл бұрын
Wait, there's a complete Hebrew NT and not just the Shem Tob Matthew? You have to share this. It's a major potential game changer. Yes, I've read Shem Tob Matthew.
@ellenlefavour628 11 ай бұрын
Yes please - you didn’t respond to the others. Where can one purchase a Brit Hadasha accurately translated from Hebrew. I have found a few books, but not the whole Brit. I assumed all Paul’s writings to Romans and the other gentile “churches” would have only been written in Greek, Latin or maybe Aramaic. Hebrew Gospels online gives translations from Hebrew of Matthew, Mark, John, James, Jude and Revelation.
@FidelAraujoAlberto 2 жыл бұрын
Prefiero escucharlo en Español leer es muy rapido.
@Blueberr13 2 жыл бұрын
Ben jij, net als ik, opzoek naar de waarheid, en heb jij vragen over bijbel? Dan raad ik je aan om het youtube kanaal: B’nee emet te bezoeken.
@kirklucas1332 3 жыл бұрын
No sheep were killed to make this video
@narrowistheway77 3 жыл бұрын
What a liar to claim that a wolf can’t produce any good fruit. The serpent, he was more subtle than any other beast of the field. You have to pay attention to the whole body of the work and if any fruit among the harvest be rotten, they are a wolf. That’s the correct understanding
@mistymorrison3731 5 жыл бұрын
I'm sitting here listening to this and my vehicle today working on the Sabbath and I have such a heavy heart because I know I'm not supposed to be doing this but I had to to keep a roof over my wife my kids is head and it's killing me on the inside to know that I'm willfully breaking his commandment so that I may like my family I feel like a hamster stuck on a hamster wheel that's Fenton manufactured by sin I want to follow I Creator's law I I'm going to get down on my face and ask my savior for forgiveness and to keep me faithful and obedient to his and his father's law. I also have one question that I'm very torn up about in regards to Torah when are we to fellowship with other torah-observant individuals? If we are to stay in our home and rest on Shabbat when are we lawfully allowed to Allison with other believers? I hear many say that you're not even supposed to go to church on Saturday so when does a Hebrew roots believer worship with other believers?
@nobodybutHIM777 5 жыл бұрын
If you desire to follow the Sabbath, pray that Yahweh help you and direct your path to obedience. He will surely give you a solution to be able to obey His laws. It is possible to travel to go to place of gathering if there is in your place. In the meantime start with your family at home and listen to 119 ministries video. Yahweh listen to those who seek Him. Watch their video regarding The Lost Sheep you will be enligthen. Shalom!
@Anonymous-zn4ou 5 жыл бұрын
Misty Morrison ,I'm a wake TRUE ISRAELITES, (1) yes we assemble together on the Sabbath, and worship the Most high, as we were commented to do, because, we are coming out of the sleep we were in,most don't work. but we dont cook, clean, shop, etc and we follow the laws and statute and commandments that the most high told us to do, (2) We follow the: dietary, civil, moral ,spiritual laws of the most high. (3)The reason you are having such a hard time is because, the gentiles were never suppose to teach, The most high did NOT give the other nations, is teachings..thats why all the confusion.,to many gods, false teaching, pagan and SATANIC DOCTRINAL RITUAL beliefs in the churchs. (4) This is another teaching Paul was talking about,....The New testatments is base off of the old...its one in the same. our SAVIOR said, I come NOT TO CHANGE the law BUT to FULFILL it...and that was to RIGHT the WRONG, from ADAM - the CHOSEN - until the end of this age.... (5) The church is boosting against the natural branches. and will pay for the conspiracy and the BLATANT DISRESPECT TO HIS NAME {I AM THAT I AM}AND his SON YASHAYA our SAVIOR, ( JESUS AKA CAESAR BORGIA is NOT the TRUE ISRAELITES SAVIOR),and the treatments of his children. (6) you must remember, this world is giving into the hands of the wicked and satan is the leader. this world dose not agree with the MOST HIGHS WILL....but it accepts Jesus Christ all over the world (WHY)🤔, its of SATAN, to keep the TRUE ISRAELITES, SINNING against the MOST HIGH, their TRUE Creator and GOD... (7) if they { TRUE ISRAELITES} don't know who they are { the dry bones} and they keep worshiping other gods, eating pork, sunday worship, Christmas, EASTER, thanksgiving, mother's day and father's day, hell-oween, dishonoring the Sabbath, fake New Year doesn't begin to spring according to the most high. that's what april fool is all about, them telling us the new year is in the winter. (8) We must follow the HOLY BIBLE FEAST DAYS, GIVING to US TO DO..and call on OUR FATHER, I AM THAT I AM .and NO other. (9) Christopher Columbus ,read the apocrypha, so he knew,the new land had part of the twelve tribes here, they spoke well the SLAVE children are some of the chosen seed of the most high. from the tribe of JUDAH, GENESIS 49 CHAPTER, it tells you were they WOULD be. (10 ). It's the serpent seed against the women seed..the ten toes, iron/ clay, ESAU AND JACOB..... SATAN WANTS TO WIN....but WE all know the END. Esau is the end of this world, and JACOB is the beginning of the next reign. (11) when we know Who is who, YOU will see SATAN.. lets see, rev gives us a clue for those that are waking! 2,9 and 3,9..there is only one people in Israel that worship in synagogues, those FAKE JEW-ISH PEOPLE, who hates christ, teach from the Talmud, pretending to be his brother JACOB, hideing himself. even Hitler said you have the MOST HIGH JEWELS and look how you treat them. Gamal Abdul Nasser, said there will never be peace in Israel,they are not the chosen seed of the most high, they left black and return white....psalms 83 v1 - 12 it tells you who conspired against us. Until we return, there will never be peace or righteousness,the whole earth is groaning because we the chosen seed of the most high is NOT the Head .
@mistymorrison3731 5 жыл бұрын
By the way, my husband wrote this. He uses my account. And I appreciate the replies, he needs encouragement as well as I do. 🤗
@Anonymous-zn4ou 5 жыл бұрын
Misty Morrison ,another thing, its by design that friday is payday, and Saturday is the day to shop, party, work etc and worship on Sun- GODDESS day, not son but SUN... evil BABYLON AMERICA IS FALLING and she will not get UP...from the time they step foot on this land, a sword in one hand and their version of the bible in the other.....from the beginning ...satans plan against the chosen, to rule over the elect and keep them in perpetual state of disobedience, and servitude to evil against us and our {FATHER I AM THAT I AM}.
@Anonymous-zn4ou 5 жыл бұрын
Misty Morrison ,BE BLESS AND SAFE.
@tw33ty4u 4 жыл бұрын
Paul was a wolf, Messiah said call no man Father, but Paul says he is our father and he has begotten us, Messiah said make sure we are not decieved, that was to the deciples at the time and to us, and behold when Messiah Asscends the enemy comes in like a false light. Paul was a wolf, who renamed him saul to paul? He named himself, please note, Father's word never needs a disclaimer for misunderstanding beloved Yah has a perfect word. But theres a disclaimer with Pauls writings incase you dont get whathe is saying.... Let Holy Spirit show you truth. I was shocked too but i worshiped Yah so much i didnt even see how 3 hours pass me having learned much. We must walk more intimately with Yah' Spirit. Hes Holy Spirit die to the flesh and see. somethings are taught, somethings are caught, i say in the fear only of YHVH please dont be decieved anymore. Follow Messsiah Yahushua not Paul. Love Truth with Zeal! Shalom we need noone to teach us: 1 John 2:27❤🕊🙏🏼📖
@119Ministries 4 жыл бұрын
Shalom, We have an entire series about Paul that you may be interested in titled "The Pauline Paradox". You can find it here:
@vrab. 4 жыл бұрын
The book of Revelation says those that have the testimony of Yeshua and keep the commandments get to enter into the gates.... think about this... This shows the foundations of the Bible are the Torah and the gospels which is the letter of the law and the spirit of the law, which is also how we worship him in spirit and in truth. So even though I think Paul was a servant of Messiah, he isn’t necessary. The prophets point to torah And the letters in the New Testament point to the gospels. I agree that if Paul becomes your foundation you will misinterpret a lot because they build their definitions based on Paul’s letters especially Galatians. You can’t start with Paul and fit Yeshua into Paul’s letters. You start with Yeshua and fit Paul’s letters into the gospels of Yeshua. Shalom😊
@nicoarnold2200 4 жыл бұрын
When last did you slaughter a lamb for Passover? Never? Then you are not following the law and your efforts to please God through the law is in vain.
@119Ministries 4 жыл бұрын
Shalom Nico, You may be interesting in our teaching "Sacrifices in the Backyard". It is a very short teaching that addresses this very question. We hope this helps Blessings and Shalom
@nicoarnold2200 4 жыл бұрын
@@119Ministries Thank you, I will check it out.
@bobhartner5123 4 жыл бұрын
Not true because at this point in time there is no temple! In order to sacrifice animals a person needs to be in the place where YHWH has HIS NAME which is in Jerusalem!
@6969smurfy 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so clad I came to the word with out his kind of church bias. Sacrifices are not for us to do. I hope you really took the time to watch the suggested video and did not both to be learnt....
@ChristinaFromYoutube 3 жыл бұрын
Do you eat meat? If so you have no issue with slaughter. Please don't tell me you're only ok with animal slaughter when its to fill your hunger. People are just fine when animals are sacrificed they're just intellectually dishonest with themselves. Either don't eat meat OR sacrifice your livestock to Yahovah and share it with him in gratitude. But don't pretend one is bad and one is good.
@alanwolf9542 3 жыл бұрын
My last name is Wolf so guess I am guilty
@CA-sj6oo 3 жыл бұрын
This guy teaches false doctrine in some ways! Jesus is our Sabbath not a day of the week!!! Does these people live by the lamb slaughtering and every single law as well?
@119Ministries 3 жыл бұрын
Shalom C A, We believe we are saved by grace ONLY through faith in our Messiah. Obedience is not for salvation, but it is evidence of our salvation. As James 2:18 states: I will show you my faith BY MY WORKS James 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith BY my works. We hope this helps to clarify what we believe. For more on what we believe and teach here is a link to our Faith Statement. You may also be interested in watching and testing our teaching titled "Grace, Faith and Obedience Understanding the Relationship". And "Why Bother". Blessings and Shalom
@6969smurfy 3 жыл бұрын
So YOU are following the Roman Callender and we r wrong?
@ChristinaFromYoutube 3 жыл бұрын
"It is a sign forever between me and the people of Israel that in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed." Exodus 31:16 Forever means forever.
@king_____geo273 7 ай бұрын
Yes CA you must live by his laws because you will be judged by your deeds Rev.1 the deeds of the churches
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