This is a cautionary tale of the Brothers of the Long Watch - The “Redemption of St. Sulech” is an ancient heavy bolter relic that represents a symbol of honour, but also a disregard for orders. A Deathwatch Kill-team posted to the isolated colony of St. Sulech was caught up in the fighting when an Ork raiding force from the Evil Sunz Clan attacked. Delaying their extraction and the completion of their mission, the Space Marines chose to join the defence. Brother Frosius, a Devastator from the Imperial Fists Chapter, was deployed in the highest tower of the Imperial shrine with his favoured heavy bolter, while the others remained below. Thanks to the devastating bursts of accurate fire from the tower, the Speed Freaks were defeated, but not without the loss of the rest of the Kill-team. Upon his return to Erioch, Brother Frosius was severely censured for the decision to stay and fight. FOR THE EMPEROR!! ✊