The Hephthalites - Who were these people and what do we known about them so far

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Boring Old History

Boring Old History

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@AltaicGigachad 6 ай бұрын
The Hephthalites were considered as a powerful military force. Depending on sources, their main weapon was the bow, the mace or the sword. Judging from their military achievements, they probably had a strong cavalry. In Persia, according to the 6th century Armenian chronicler Lazar of P'arpec'i: Even in time of peace the mere sight or mention of a Hephthalite terrified everybody, and there was no question of going to war openly against one, for everybody remembered all too clearly the calamities and defeats inflicted by the Hephthalites on the king of the Aryans and on the Persians. -Armenian chronicler Lazar of P'arpec'i. "Hunnic" designs in weaponry are known to have influenced Sasanian designs during the 6th-7th century CE, just before Islamic invasions. The Sasanians adopted Hunnish nomadic designs for straight iron swords and their gold-covered scabbards. This is particularly the case of two-straps suspension design, in which straps of different lengths were attached to a P-shaped projection on the scabbard, so that the sword could be held sideways, making it easier to draw, especially when on horseback. The two-point suspension system for swords is considered to have been introduced by the Hephthalites in Central Asia and in the Sasanian Empire and is a marker of their influence, and the design was generally introduced by them in the territories they controlled. The first example of two- suspension sword in Sasanian art occurs in a relief of Taq-i Bustan dated to the time of Khusro II (590-628 CE), and is thought to have been adopted from the Hephthalites. Swords with ornate cloisonné designs and two- straps suspensions, as found in the paintings of Penjikent and Kiziland in archaeological excavations, may be versions of the daggers produced under Hephthalite influence.] Weapons with Hunnic designs are depicted in the "Cave of the Painters" in the Kizil Caves, in a mural showing armoured warriors and dated to the 5th century CE.] Their sword guards have typical Hunnish designs of rectangle or oval shapes with cloisonné ornamentation. Lamellar helmets were also popularized by the steppe nomads, and were adopted by the Sasanian Empire when they took control of former Hephthalite territory. This type of helmet appears in sculptures on pillar capitals at Tāq-e Bostan and Behistun, and on the Anahita coinage of Khosrow II (r. 590-628 CE)
@ramtin5152 6 ай бұрын
Judging by the Hephthalite and Kidarite seals, coins and scripts, the Persians and eastern Iranians such as Bactrians and Sogdians had also influenced them in style of clothing and alphabet The coinage of the Kidarite Huns imitated Sasanian imperial coinage, with the exception that they displayed clean-shaven faces, instead of the beards of the Sasanians, a feature relating them to Altaic rather than Iranian lineage like the coin of the Kidarite king Kidara The "Hephthalite Yabghu seal" shows a Hephthalite ruler with a radiate crown, royal ribbons and a beardless face, with the Bactrian script title "Ebodalo Yabghu" (ηβοδαλο ββγο,"The Lord of the Hephthalites"), and has been dated to the end of the 5th century-early 6th century CE Stamp seal (BM 119999) in the British Museum shows two facing figures, one bearded and wearing the Sasanian dress, and the other without facial hair and wearing a radiate crown, both being adorned with royal ribbons This seal was initially dated to 300-350 CE and attributed to the Kushano-Sasanians, but has been more recently attributed to the Hephthalites, and dated to the 5th-6th century CE Paleographically, the seal can be attributed to the 4th century or first half of the 5th century The influence that these people had on each other, as small as it might have been, was by all means mutual, rather than unilateral
@ramtin5152 6 ай бұрын
But lamellar armor was already being used by Iranian people The Parthians used lamellar armor and it's even mentioned that it's one of the reasons of their defeat in their battles against the Sassanid Persians who rebelled in Pars Iranian nomads also used lamellar helmets of their own before the arrival of Turkic people And it doesn't look like Sukhra/Surkhab, Kavad I and Khosrow Anushiravan were afraid of them judging by what historical records and evidence tell us Surkhab marched against Hephthalite king, Khushnavaz, raided his territories and defeated him in battle which made Khushnavaz to immediately sue for peace and give him back all of Peroz I's treasures, chief priest and daughter, Piruzdokht/Perozdukht In 503, Kavad I countered a Hephthalite attack and in 508, a Sasanian campaign led to the conquest of the Zundaber (Zumdaber) Castellum, associated with the temple of az Zunin in the area of ad Dawar, situated between Bust and Kandahar Based on the Sassanid coin found in Merv, it's indicated that the Sassanids under Kavad I defeated the Hephthalites and reconquered Khorasan Khosrow Anushiravan, allied with the Gokturks, and conquered the southern half of the Hephthalite empire while the Gokturks conquered the northern half The Hephthalite king, Ghadfar, and what was left of his men, took refuge in Sassanid empire under Khosrow Gokturks sent a delegate with gifts to strengthen the alliance They made a treaty and sent, Faghanish, the Hephthalite who was supposed to be their own puppet king to Ctesiphon to be approved by Khosrow who made Faghanish and his kingdom into his own vassal In 562, Khosrow defeated the Hephthalites AGAIN and also stopped the threat of Turks Sinjibu attacked the Sassanid borders but in the end, married his daughter to Khosrow Anushiravan (probably after a Sassanid counter attack)
@antidweller6373 6 ай бұрын
No its the other way around. Lamellar armour and conic helmets were already worn by iranic people before any Turkic people arrived. And iranic peoples always used straight swords as evident from art dating from 400 BCs before any Turkic people arrived.
@teovu5557 2 ай бұрын
The largest pashtuns Afghan tribe today was called Abdali/Heptali til a couple hundred years ago. Tribes from kiffaristan still call all pashtuns as Abdali.
@tokmakchibashi 7 күн бұрын
Around 456 AD or slightly earlier around 454 AD the Persian king Yazdegard was feeling confident enough to demand reverse tribute from the Kidarite Huns. The Huns refused to comply and in a major engagement that followed the Persians suffered another decisive defeat, which reversed all previous Persian gains in the preceding decade. To make matters worse a bitter civil war erupted shortly afterwards within the beleaguered Persian Empire. The next Sassanian king Peroz (reigned 457-84) overcame his brother Hormizd and seized the Persian throne with the support of an army provided by the Hephthalite Huns. In order to repay the Hephtalites for their assistance, Peroz may have ceded the formerly Kidarite possession of Taliqan to the Hephthalites. The Kidarites, sensing Persian weakness, renewed their offensive against the Persians and in 464 AD the desperate Peroz even resorted to asking the Eastern Romans for financial aid against the Kidarites, a request which was haughtily refused by Constantinople. In order to buy time and to appease the Kidarites Peroz offered the Kidarite ruler Khunkhas his sister in marriage. According to Priscus, Peroz resorted to subterfuge and sent a woman of lowly status rather than his sister as wife to Khunkhas. The Hunnic king soon discovered the deception and sought revenge. He invited 300 Persian officers to his realm and then murdered or mutilated them in order to humiliate Peroz. War was renewed and the balance was tipped in favour of the Persians when once again the Hephthalites intervened on the side of the Persians. The allies captured the Kidarite capital of Balaam (possibly Balkh?) in 467 AD and the Kidarties retreated to Gandhara where their rule was later extinguished by the Hephthalites. The cooperation between the Hephthalites and the Persians against a common enemy, the Kidarites, would not survive the demise of the Kidarites. The Hephthalites seized the Kidarite territory that the Persians had taken and assumed leadership of all the White Huns. Peroz attempted to take back those lands, but he was resoundingly defeated by a Hephthalite king called Akhshunwar (or Khushnavaz).31 Peroz was captured by the Huns on two occasions and managed to escape death by agreeing to pay a huge ransom-tribute and sending one of his sons to the Hephthalite court as a hostage. Persia had now again been reduced to the status of a vassal state to the Huns. Peroz, however, had still not learnt his lesson and tried his luck against the Huns once again. According to Procopius (1.3.1-22; 1.4.1-14) he was slain with most of his army in a disastrous battle with the Hephthalites in 484 AD. The historian Agathias (4.27.3-4, a sixth century AD East Roman source)32 provides much the same information as Procopius and emphasizes again that the Hephthalites were a Hunnic people. These triumphs over the Sassanians made the name of the Hephthalite Huns a terror to the Persians and other Iranian peoples. The victorious Hephthalites then proceeded to intervene in Sassanian internal affairs. In 488 AD Kavad, one of Peroz’s surviving sons, elicited support from his White Hunnic Hephthalite overlords. The Huns married Kavad to either the daughter or sister of the reigning Hunnic king and then provided him with the necessary military aid to gain the Sassanian throne.33 Kavad was forced to seek refuge with the Hephthalites yet again ten years later due to a revolt. The Hephthalites supplied him with 30,000 men to reclaim his kingdom. However, the price for this aid was high. Kavad was forced to cede more territory to the Huns and pay an increased annual tribute. Part of the Sassanian coinage was countermarked with a Hephthalite sign signaling that they were destined as tribute to the Hunnic king34 and the Hephthalite kings claimed that they were the legitimate rulers of Iran, the Sassanians being merely their vassals. The Persian king Kavad, increasingly short of funds, asked the East Romans, with whom Persia had relatively good relations for about half a century (which was largely due to Hunnic pressure which prevented the Persians from upsetting the Romans, and vice versa, the Romans the Persians due to the European Hunnic threat, rather than any new amicable intentions on the part of the two powers), for loans. The Romans, just as they had refused the request from his father Peroz before him, arrogantly rebuffed Kavad. In 502 AD Kavad renewed the ancient hostilities between the two empires in order to avenge his humiliation.35 The Persians would continue to pay tribute to the Huns from 484 AD to the 550s AD during the reign of Khusrau I (531-79 AD). With the Persians subjected the Hephthalite Hunnic Empire now reached the zenith of its power. The Hephthalites proceeded to expand east as well. In the last decade of the fifth century AD Kashgar and Khotan were occupied and between 497 AD and 509 AD Karashahr and the region of modern day Urumchi (all regions in Xinjiang in western China) fell to the Hephthalite Huns. Nearly all of Eastern and Western Turkestan were now in Hephthalite hands. The Chinese historical records mention the vast extent of the Hephthalite White Hunnic Empire. The Liangshu 54 lists among their domains Persia, Kashmir, Karashahr, Kucha, Kashgar and Khotan and the Bei Shi 97 names Kangju (Sogdia), Khotan, Kashgar and Persia.36 More than thirty lands to the west of China are seen as being subject to the White Huns in our sources. After also conquering the Kidarites in Gandhara and northwestern India in the late fifth century AD, the Hephthalites began their invasions of India during the reign of King Budhagupta of the declining Gupta Empire of India in the last quarter of the fifth century. In the early sixth century AD a Hephthalite sub-king by the name of Toramana, who was called by the Indians ‘the boundlessly famed ruler of the earth’, conquered all of western India penetrating as far east as modern day Madhya Pradesh and completely dominating Uttar Pradesh, Rajputana, Punjab, and Kashmir. His son Mihirakula became the ruler of virtually the whole of northern India. His capital in India seems to have been Sakala (modern Sialkot in Pakistan). His cruelty however is said to have incited the vassalized Indians to rebel against him. He somehow ended up in the custody of a certain Baladitya (possibly a Gupta ruler or magnate). In the meantime the brother of Mihirakula usurped the Hunnic throne. By the second quarter of the sixth century AD the Hephthalite Hunnic Empire was probably the most extensive empire in the world. In the east it extended as far as Urumchi in modern day Xinjiang, in the south central India, in the north the steppes of Kazakhstan and in the west up to the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire via its vassals the Sassanian Persians. However, the glory of the Central Asian Huns would be numbered in the middle of the sixth century AD when a new power emerged in the east, the Göktürks. The Hephthalites had been linked in some way to the powerful Rouran Khaganate in Mongolia in the early stages of their rise. Chinese sources suggest that they were initially the vassals of the Rouran before becoming independent. By the middle of the sixth century AD the Rouran Khaganate was overthrown by the Göktürk Khaganate and the new rulers of the eastern steppes, the Turks, now sought to conquer the Hephthalites as well. The Sassanian Persians who had been seeking an opportunity to cast off the Hunnic yoke tried to form an alliance with the Göktürks against their Hephthalite overlords. The Turkish Khagan reacted swiftly and a mighty Göktürk army seized the city of Tashkent and then engaged the Hephthalite army under King Gatfar near Bukhara. A titanic struggle ensued, a gigantic eight-day battle involving contingents drawn from nearly every Inner Asian nationality. The result was the complete defeat of the Hephthalite Huns. The Turks duly occupied Transoxiana from the retreating Hephthalites who elected a new king called Faganish (also called Afganish) as they fled south. The Hephthalites were now, however, trapped between the Persians and the Turks and the last Hephthalite king surrended to King Khusrau of Persia sometime between 560 and 563 AD.
@nenenindonu 6 ай бұрын
I love how Indians of that time period lumped all those related groups Kidarites, Alchons, White Huns, Nezak Huns,... together simply calling them "Hunas" an ideal term to describe the Huns of the South and separate them from the other Huns who invaded Europe
@surajsinghdhingra5451 6 ай бұрын
The Hepthalites were referred to as 'white huns' while alchons were called 'alkhan' their ethnic name
@user-cb3lp1sm3f 6 ай бұрын
*Even the powerful Sassanian empire needed help to reign in the Kidarites and Hephthalites.*
@gyulaerdei3180 6 ай бұрын
Kidar = Kattar ..... ! :)
@gyulaerdei3180 6 ай бұрын
​@Rajnasya - nem kellene a Hunokat - barbár - idegen elnevezésekkel illetni ..... ! Cidarita = Kattary ..... Fehér - white - európai hun... stb. /Aki gyűlöli a Hunt - annak "rémisztő képződmény" ! ! ! - akik, találkoztak velük... - azt mondják - kedves emberek... s vendég szeretők ... ! * :)
@gyulaerdei3180 6 ай бұрын
​​@Rajnasya - a Hunok... - lndiában a "Rádzsák- rétegét adják ! - ott is laknak - Radzsasztan ! ! ! * :)
@felipepereira214 6 ай бұрын
In 20:28 the left manuscript is written in Old Uyghur script possibly hinting that the Hephtalites acknowledge both turkic and iranian languages at once, just like Canada does with English and French today. Excellent video, by the way.
@mudra5114 6 ай бұрын
The Scythians had blue/green eyes and blond/ red hair as described by ancient Greeks, Romans and Chinese. They maybe the remnants of the Aryans of old before Mongol and Islamic invasions.
@raritica8409 6 ай бұрын
The last of the nomadic Indo Europeans.
@mudra5114 6 ай бұрын
@@raritica8409 Yes.
@Wazir.Akbar.Khan.wardag 5 ай бұрын
Ghilzai khiliji are from hephalite
@tokmakchibashi 7 күн бұрын
Khalaj and Hephthalites were both Turkic peoples that contributed Afghan ethnogenesis.
@symmetry08 6 ай бұрын
There are still people who live north-west of Uzbekistan and had asian look numbering few called Karakalpaks. They lived there for a long time. They resemble Turkish culture but not many sources about them.
@salihdalgin1573 6 ай бұрын
I am karakalpak,I am turkic
@x-error404alphaepicfellsan9 6 ай бұрын
they are Pechenegs basically
@Protato666 6 ай бұрын
Your channel deserves to become much bigger
@FutureMythology 5 ай бұрын
I initially compared their location and behaviors to the massagets, the eastern branch of the Thracians/Getae that the huns pushed west to become allans. As with the Kazars, nomads became city residents due to the mix of Jews, commerce, financiers, and warriors needed for commercial domination and ultimately state construction and control.
@micahistory 6 ай бұрын
nice video. i recently found this channel and think it is interesting
@odilbekb-sarkaev1052 2 ай бұрын
Tsagaan(in Mongolian is White) =Chaganian/Surkhi=Red=Qizil= Surkhondarya a modern southern region of Uzbekistan.
@ramtin5152 6 ай бұрын
The Sassanids might've fallen way sooner due to a possible Hephthalite invasion if it wasn't for Peroz I wuzurg framadār/farmandar (something like prime minister), Sukhra/Surkhab of house of Karen After Peroz I and most of his successors were killed in battle and his army was destroyed just like in his previous two clashes against the Hephthalites, Surkhab quickly installed Peroz brother, Balash, on the Sassanid throne, regrouped the rest of the Sassanid army and marched against the Hephthalite king, Khushnavaz When he reached Gorgan, Khushnavaz was informed of Surkhab's plan of attacking him, he prepared his men for battle and sent a message to Surkhab, asking him his name, official position and intentions Surkhab shortly sent a message back, informing him of his name and position Khushnavaz thereafter sent another message, warning him of doing the same mistake as Peroz I However, he wasn't discouraged by Khushnavaz words and even raided Hephthalite territories, met Hephthalite king's army in battle and inflicted a heavy defeat on him This made Khushnavaz to sue for peace which Surkhab would only accept if the Hephthalites would give him everything that had been seized from Peroz camp including all his treasures and royal treasury, his chief priest and Peroz daughter, Perozdukht His demands were accepted and peace was made He then returned to Ctesiphon, where he was received with great honor by nobles and people Balash ruled as king for the next four years but was deposed due to his unpopularity among the nobles Surkhab then installed Peroz son, Kavad I, on the Sassanid throne and appointed him as the shahanshah of the empire What Surkhab did truly saved the Sassanids and bought them enough time to later properly retaliate Peroz defeats during the reign of Kavad I who took back great Khorasan from them and his son Khosrow Anushiravan who conquered the southern half of the Hephthalite empire (while his Gokturk allies conquered the northern half)
@ionelghiorghita688 6 ай бұрын
Good job! I feel a very good objective still.
@ricardonascimento9461 6 ай бұрын
I never heard about this!
@uxb1112 6 ай бұрын
Did you hear the world is round?
@panatypical 6 ай бұрын
Everybody's heard that lie....​@@uxb1112
@odilbekb-sarkaev1052 2 ай бұрын
Our tribal ethnonyms are Abdal, Baraq of the Nurata Turkmens of the Samarkand, Djizak and Navai regions. The central villages are called To'ra=To'raman and Kara Abdal=Qora Abdol.
@Nobody-yq9fk 2 ай бұрын
Can you guys go back to Siberia please?
@Based.Afghan 6 ай бұрын
Hepthalites are Afghan/pashtuns. They spoke eastern iranian language known as bactrian. The ancestors of pashtuns
@Wazir.Akbar.Khan.wardag 5 ай бұрын
Ghilzai and the other step tribes ones yes my tribe karlani pashtuns have G2b mainly and not r1a dominant as other pashtuns are
@aryan1481 4 ай бұрын
That’s laughable, Huns are East Asian decent people. Iranian literature states East Asian appearances. Pashtuns have dark wide eyes, with brown skin. Huns are most likely, Turkic like Turkmen Uzbek or the hazara.
@RandomGuy-df1oy 4 ай бұрын
​@@aryan1481 Yes Huns were mostly Turkic but Hepthalites ruled over the ancestors of Afghans and other people as lesser warrior elite
@Wazir.Akbar.Khan.wardag 4 ай бұрын
@@aryan1481 u think pashtuns come. In 1 tribe?
@alwaysright3943 2 ай бұрын
@@aryan1481 "They are the only ones among the Huns who have white bodies and countenances which are not ugly." Doesn't sound very East Asian to me lmao.
@mudra5114 6 ай бұрын
The question is did the Scythians speak an Indo European language like Sanskrit, Persian, German, Russian, Greek, Latin etc..or even the Tocharian language (Tusharas in Sanskrit) of the East. Was their language of Aryan branch of Tocharian, Germanic and Latin type or of the Slavic, Persian and Sanskrit-Prakrit type?
@gyulaerdei3180 6 ай бұрын
A szanszkrit; nem "indoeurópai nyelv - nem Germán... * hanem , ... - ŐSI RÉTEGE, ragozó - nyelvü ... Mint, pl: - Magyar ! ..... :)
@rayp-w5930 6 ай бұрын
@@gyulaerdei3180 apparently an Altaic language ?
@gyulaerdei3180 6 ай бұрын
​​​@@rayp-w5930 - Turán - Altay (szkíta) Kárpát - medence - Magyar ..... ! :) - a "Sumerok - is ezen a nyelven beszéltek... ! ...
@gyulaerdei3180 6 ай бұрын
A - ragozó nyelv -...azt jelenti, hogy nem Germán... ! s nem Ny. európai ... ! :)
@alwaysright3943 2 ай бұрын
Only Indo-Iranian is Aryan. And yes, they belonged to the Iranic branch.
@odilbekb-sarkaev1052 2 ай бұрын
The Khorezmian king dynasty was Avarig'=Afrig'iy. Aq(is white)shun+Var. V(U)ar(Ugor=Og(h)ur+Huna=Varkhun =Varkhun- Varkhonite. Alvon=Al=Qizil is also our tribal entity=Red Huns=Alchon=Alhuns.
@user-cb3lp1sm3f 6 ай бұрын
*Were the Hephthalites of Turkic or Iranic ethnicity?*
@gokhan2970 6 ай бұрын
probably had turkic-mongolic ethnicity but mixed with iranians later
@GrecoByzantine1821 6 ай бұрын
The Hephthalites were of Iranic stock. Turkic-Mongols weren't emigrated in central Asia back then but they still were around Altai mountains and Baykal lake which is further north-east
@noahtylerpritchett2682 6 ай бұрын
​@@GrecoByzantine1821 neither. Hephtalites were Naphtalites.
@MuhammadKhan-ti1bf 6 ай бұрын
The White Huns are a splinter from the Northern Huns, another part of the Northern Huns moved to Europe, they moved, they will become the Huns of Attila, and the Türks are a splinter of the Western Huns, and Ruran is a splinter from the Huns, who were once separated as a result of civil strife
@MuhammadKhan-ti1bf 6 ай бұрын
​@@gokhan2970The White Huns are a splinter from the Northern Huns, another part of the Northern Huns moved to Europe, they moved, they will become the Huns of Attila, and the Türks are a splinter of the Western Huns, and Ruran is a splinter from the Huns, who were once separated as a result of civil strife
@AresKazak 6 ай бұрын
Heptalites these are the tribes of the Kishi Zhuz Kazakhs - Western ancient Kazakhs
@FieldDay-cj3tv 6 ай бұрын
My People My Family My Tribe
@user-cb3lp1sm3f 6 ай бұрын
*Where you from*
@attilatasciko4817 5 ай бұрын
Thanks .
@uxb1112 6 ай бұрын
Any chance of Greek genes from Alexander's time in their tribe? If so this might explain their skin colour and round face
@user-hp8kx6eu6v Ай бұрын
Its name nature's and adopting new languages and culture mean they were Abdalo tribes pushtoon Afghan
@AlptheSpearo 7 күн бұрын
They were mostly Turkic. Most of the traditions described in the video are Turkish traditions. And the Gokturks are the continuation of the Huns. Although there are Mongols and Persians in the minority among the Huns, the army and the administration are Turkish.
@gurkanyildiz7013 6 ай бұрын
White Huns (Akhun in Turkish) their grand children still live in Turkiye, Afghanistan and Central Asia.An example to this is Taliban Leader Hibatullah Akhunzada, which name translates to "AkhunSon" in English.
@gyulaerdei3180 6 ай бұрын
Hephtalita - Hun .... ! ! ! - ez egy - (utólag meghamisitott -) magaskultúra !!! *
@perretti 6 ай бұрын
I think it’s telling that the Greeks describe them as “White body”, and their name is White Hun, but you and others depicted them as Chinese.
@tokmakchibashi 7 күн бұрын
White meant WEST rather than white skinned. There were also red(south) huns aka kidarites. Were they even gingers😂
@tokmakchibashi 7 күн бұрын
They actually looked like Steven Seagel, not Chinese Sinid.
@noahtylerpritchett2682 6 ай бұрын
The Hephtalites were the lost Semitic tribe of the Naphtalites. The Jews of Samarkand are descendants of Naphtali. Samarkand, "city of the Samaritans" They were the lost tribe of Jews.
@agnelomascarenhas8990 6 ай бұрын
LOL, This is the history, not mythology department.
@teovu5557 2 ай бұрын
​@@agnelomascarenhas8990Japanese are Jews! Look it up hebrew Japaneae origins.
@unitor699industries 4 ай бұрын
Time to make videos about the kipchaks Avars khazars etc
@Roust7 6 ай бұрын
It sure looks like hephatolites are same as Gog-Turcs based on time period.
@MuhammadKhan-ti1bf 6 ай бұрын
The White Huns are a splinter from the Northern Huns, another part of the Northern Huns moved to Europe, they moved, they will become the Huns of Attila, and the Türks are a splinter of the Western Huns, and Ruran is a splinter from the Huns, who were once separated as a result of civil strife
@henkstersmacro-world 6 ай бұрын
@gyulaerdei3180 14 күн бұрын
Jagdis ... Ezt egy - Hunnak mondod ... ! 😅
@user-lx5qf3rd2h 3 ай бұрын
There are many ethnic groups on the northern grasslands. They originated from different places and have their own histories. China has very detailed historical records of them. The Tibetans, Qiangs, Manchus, Koreans, Vietnamese, etc. in China have different origins and cannot be regarded as Han people. Similarly, it is ridiculous to regard all ethnic groups that appeared in the grassland history as Xiongnu or Turks.
@Do-not-be-sheep 6 ай бұрын
Why the insistence of these channels to depict Huns and other central asians as Mongols. The people of central asia - until the conquest by Mongols under Ghengis Khan - were Iranian steppe peoples, ie. they were caucasian not mongol. Especially the White Huns - like their name suggests they were Iranians who also incorporated germanic tribes in their ranks.
@hamxakhan9784 2 ай бұрын
Sorry but the real huns are pashtoon living in Pakistan and afghanistan
@Do-not-be-sheep 2 ай бұрын
@@hamxakhan9784 why are you sorry the Pashto are iranian
@hamxakhan9784 2 ай бұрын
@@Do-not-be-sheep no it’s not iraniani i can prove it to you that’s why
@hamxakhan9784 2 ай бұрын
@@Do-not-be-sheep and again sorry it’s not pashto because it’s their language they’re called the pashtoon and have pashtoonwali
@Do-not-be-sheep 2 ай бұрын
@@hamxakhan9784 the Scythians were a confederation of Iranian tribes that domesticated the horse. Developed the recurve bow. And created an empire that extended from the Black Sea to the Altai mountains and beyond. As a result their confederation incorporated Turkic and mongol Tribes as well. Which has caused confusion for historians ever since. What evidence is there that the homeland of the hunnic tribes is in Afghanistan and Pakistan
@mahdibahrami3004 26 күн бұрын
This are the ancestors of Hazara, Turkmen, Uzbek and other turkic tribes living in Afghanistan nowadays.
@odilbekb-sarkaev1052 2 ай бұрын
We are a Turkic speakers, not Eastern Iranian one! AI collected, created and voiced bs video😂🤣😆
@user-hp8kx6eu6v Ай бұрын
It's afghans
@ionelghiorghita688 6 ай бұрын
I though from the beginning considering them location and habits to the massagets, the eastern branch of the Thracians/Getae which, pushed later to West by the huns, become what we know as allans. The patern of the nomads becoming citizens of the cities is as in the Kazars case due to the mix with the jews traders finance and warriors needed for commercial ways control first and later states creation and control.
@user-xc6co3ur2v 6 ай бұрын
“Moreover, almost all the Halani are tall and handsome, their hair inclines to blond, by the ferocity of their glance they inspire dread, subdued though it is. They are light and active in the use of arms. In all respects they are somewhat like the Huns, but in their manner of life and their habits they are less savage.”-Am.Marc.XXXI.2.21
@user-xc6co3ur2v 6 ай бұрын
“Massagetae whom they now call Huns; and the rest were almost all inhabitants of the land of Thrace.” - Proc.III.11.37
@ionelghiorghita688 6 ай бұрын
@@user-xc6co3ur2v the trace/Thracians were living in a large area from Greece to the Baltic sea and from today Germany to the Uralic mountains areas but speaking similar languages or dialects they were also looking different, the north Thracians (today Poland and Baltic countries being more blonde than the southern people. The Russians seems to be a north branch of the Thracians as well but probably more culturally than genetically.
@user-xc6co3ur2v 6 ай бұрын
@@ionelghiorghita688 They are Veneti, not Thracians
@user-xc6co3ur2v 6 ай бұрын
@@ionelghiorghita688 Or at least most of dem.
@salihdalgin1573 6 ай бұрын
Karakalpaklar turkic pople
@dan8910100 6 ай бұрын
@salihdalgin1573 6 ай бұрын
@@dan8910100 I am karakalpak,I am turk
@x-error404alphaepicfellsan9 6 ай бұрын
@@dan8910100 Karakalpaks are Turkic, all you need is a one minute long research
@alwaysright3943 2 ай бұрын
@perretti 6 ай бұрын
Obviously they originally were Greeks from Bactria and mixed with Scythians. But you have to keep the narrative that I do Europeans didn’t play a part Asias civilization. So we have to pretend we don’t know the origins.
@salihdalgin1573 6 ай бұрын
Turkic poplle
@swasg3521 6 ай бұрын
@salihdalgin1573 6 ай бұрын
@@swasg3521 yes,turkic
@user-cb3lp1sm3f 6 ай бұрын
@@swasg3521 *Then what?*
@warrendonpaul4549 6 ай бұрын
Its the Sinhala empire. Sinhalese are indo aryans and most were light skin. Ceylon was the administration centre due to its strategic location and island rock fortress. Until Britan eventualy conqured them in 1815 then stole its riches, throne, technology and all ita other kindoms.. Britan then flooded the population with south indian tamils and erased the countries history from the record. All european architecture, the crown jewls was built by sinhalese. The singhalese ruled all the oceans and trade. they are also the mystery Celtic (ceylon, celonese) they are the Gauls ( Galle is the name of the main shiping harbour in sri lanka in the centre of the indian ocean. This is also were the name Serendipity originames from
@user-cb3lp1sm3f 6 ай бұрын
*And what has this got to do with the Hephthalites?*
@SimpleMinded221 6 ай бұрын
All nonsense
@Based.Afghan 6 ай бұрын
Hepthalites are Afghan/pashtuns. They spoke eastern iranian language known as bactrian. The ancestors of pashtuns
@Based.Afghan 5 ай бұрын
@punjabiboxer50 afghan or pashtun same thing
@Based.Afghan 5 ай бұрын
@punjabiboxer50 afghan is the original word used for pashtuns. So it’s the same thing. All the pashtuns still acknowledge the fact that we are only afghans originally.
@Based.Afghan 5 ай бұрын
@punjabiboxer50 all pashtuns have a common eastern iranian origin. Pashtun means the speakers of pashto language. Which are ethnically afghans. Historically even the language of afghans was known by outsiders as Afghani
@Based.Afghan 5 ай бұрын
@punjabiboxer50 cope panjeet
@teovu5557 2 ай бұрын
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