The Holy Beasts - Digimon Tri

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Felipe Cid

Felipe Cid

7 жыл бұрын

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@blacklight4845 3 жыл бұрын
Here is the situation - Homeostasis says "the chosen one who holds great power, reveal yourself now and show your true power". The only thing is, the chosen one never showed up. The plan was most likely for Megadramon to become Huanglongmon, the leader of the Holy Beasts. I think it didn't happen because Tapirmon digivolved into Megadramon which was a virus type when he was always intended to become a holy digimon since he is a vaccine/holy type. His evolution line basically "failed"🥺🥺🥺 so Homeostasis probably felt this was the only other way. His "life force" was probably still powerful enough to seal them due to his chosen status, but since he didn't digivolve, his power was limited. To those of you saying that Huanglongmon is the four holy beasts combined, yes... that is ONE VERSION of him, but Huanglongmon can also evolve from Tiylinmon/Chirinmon, which I believe is who Tapirmon was SUPPOSED to evolve to. Just because fusion is one way to achieve him, doesn't mean that is his evolution line in this version/universe. Think of it like Gatomon needing to become Ophanimon to be a part of the 3 Celestial digimon. If she evolves into LadyDevimon instead of Angewomon, she loses access to ever becoming Ophanimon, thus she has not fulfilled her role and her evolution line has failed to meet the criteria to become one the celestial digimon. This is the same thing here.
@tristanbartolome2840 9 ай бұрын
Then how about the skullgreymon incident? the megidramon, the shinegreymon ruin mode, after they digivolve into the other path they just revert back to rookie or child level then later digivolve into the "right" path, wouldn't that suppose to be same for Tapimon? If that was the first time tapimon became megadramon then I can understand because megadramon didn't have enough time to revert back to tapimon then later for tapimon to supposedly digivolve into huanglongmon.
@Awesome_Pichu 6 жыл бұрын
So were these the digidestined who sealed away Apocolymon?
@tuff3jay 4 жыл бұрын
@WillMarcC 7 жыл бұрын
So this is the story of the digimon sovereigns. Digimon series starting to come together
@chrisclack4258 3 жыл бұрын
well actually WillMarcC the sovereigns of Digimon Tamers are completely different from the sovereigns of Digimon adventure apparently not ever one know this but each Digimon anime all happen in A separate pocket universe from each other and there were idiots who thought that the original digidestine were the digidestine of Digimon frontier anime and this would have to happen before the very first episode of Digimon adventure season one anime Diego who is Tai teacher based on height different between Tai and Daigo i am putting four years between the two of them i like to put this battle at the same time as greymon vs parrotmon from the Digimon adventure movie or the same year as greymon vs parrotmon from the Digimon adventure movie
@spawner2469 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrisclack4258 but wait, Digimon Adventure and 02 are the same universe still, Tamers is where the multiverse starts to make sense.
@asharipp 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrisclack4258 Akima Ryo exist in Digimon Adventures and Tamers
@seankennealy3021 3 жыл бұрын
@@spawner2469 All the adventure movies and anime are the same universe, Tamers is a separate pocket verse with its own timeline. This takes place before the scene in the Adventure movie where Greymon and Parrotmon fight infront of the soon the be Digidestined. I thought it was a cool backflash to show how the dark masters were first sealed away :)
@TeaganBAllen 7 жыл бұрын
poor maki, I'm not sure if I'd be able to watch my partner get sacrificed only to see them again years later but they don't remember you
@Soma81 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly one of the Unknown Tamers digimon should have been Sacrificed
@dominicwehrmann8515 3 жыл бұрын
@@Soma81 homeostasis said that maki basically wasn’t ready to influence her partner enough to digivolve, so it was sacrificed... some theories say it’s because she failed her trait (aka crest). Maybe she had two traits and couldn’t build them up both... but yeah, she went crazy after that, just like Kari when she lost Tai... Light turns into Darkness...
@CadeNg Жыл бұрын
As far as I know there were 5 original digidestineds, Himekawa and Nishijima being 2 of them. Their partner digimon were supposed to evolve into the 4 holy beasts plus huanglongmon as their mega forms. Then when the 4 dark masters came initially all 5 of them were only able to evolve into their "ultimate" forms and were struggling against dark masters who were all megas. Then during the climax of the battle, 4 of the partner Digimon were finally able to evolve into 4 Holy Beasts bar one who's Himekawa's digimon who's still only ultimate, and the 4 Holy Beasts had to sacrifice this 1 ultimate digimon in order to defeat the dark masters. It still baffles me to no end though, why would this be, why the sacrifice considering the 4 holy beasts had been realized, it should've been at least a tie if not a clear win against the 4 dark masters. Why tf were the holy beasts not enough to win against the 4 dark masters?! What I can gather from this scene, Himekawa's digimon was hurt while trying to protect both Himekawa and Nishijima, and Himekawa was emotionally affected by this, causing her Digimon to be unable to further evolve into the Mega form, thus the 4 holy beasts had to throw it under the bus and sacrificed it? It just doesn't make sense so I guess that's why himekawa was overcome with dark emotions even until Tri. But were the 4 dark masters that undefeatable though, especially against the 4 holy beasts, especially after having seen those episodes where they plus Apocalymon were defeated by just mostly ultimate digimon of the adventure chosen children? I'm wondering out loud here maybe the 4 dark masters used a lot of trickery and schemes and basically fought dirty so they could get the upper hand or maybe they're just equally powerful as the holy beasts, and maybe the adventure children's Digimon were actually much stronger than the sub levels of the holy beasts, which I'm leaning more toward at this point, after having seen Tri and the 2020 reboot, the adventure children's mega digimon league is by far the most effective team or alliance, more so definitely than the 4 holy beasts I gather.
@crowiltiziodeltreno4177 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe Megadramon would have evolved into Goldramon, since Fanglongmon is the fusion of the beasts into one specific being, and Goldramon can be seen as some sort of... Weakened counterpart of Fanglongmon. Both represent the same thing, and also, Megadramon can naturally evolve to Goldramon so... Maybe with the power of Goldramon, the beasts could have fused with it to create Fanglongmon, who knows.
@theonewhoismany8072 Жыл бұрын
Huanglongmon is not a fusion of them. He is a fusion only in the DMO.
@heavybassX 7 жыл бұрын
So Ebonwumon came from Orochimon, Baihumon came from LoaderLiomon, Zhuqiaomon came from Hippogriffomon and finally Azulongmon came from Triceramon? One of these things is not like the other.
@El_Badai 5 жыл бұрын
Patamon naturally evolves to Angemon, SkullMeramon to Beelzemon, and Pixiemon naturally becomes Piedmon
@serafin_795 4 жыл бұрын
yeah, I'd changed Triceramon for Wingdramon or Tyilinmon, which are more like him, a dragon or holy beast type one
@grimhellovanmikoto2486 4 жыл бұрын
@@serafin_795 that's digimon for you, in case you don't know, in older games gomamon's mega level is plesiomon and shakkoumon's evolution is vikemon.
@disneyrockz12 3 жыл бұрын
GrimHellovanmikoto lol, teapot to viking. Armadimon’s digivolution line is all over the place, honestly
@chrisclack4258 3 жыл бұрын
@@El_Badai well actually if you check out the wikimon you will be surprised by the Digimon evolution line
@imghostporo8479 6 жыл бұрын
What i dont understand is what happened to the 3 original digidestined like WTF?! Where did they go?
@trosses89 4 жыл бұрын
I said the same but if you look at the sovereigns there's a kid standing next to each of them. It's a answer I guess lol
@chrisclack4258 3 жыл бұрын
i guess that last three original digidestine willy wasn't that important enough to stay around permanently
@MDGOLD 8 ай бұрын
All three them fallen and most likely have died
@digimonfanexe1928 7 жыл бұрын
This was literally the only good part in loss. the entire movie felt like it was only 5 percent plot for yggdrasil's sake. The drama with Sora and piyomon alongside Mei reconciling with meicoomon felt awkward and forced. The digivolutions were rushed. and my God where has the logic gone? did it disappear with Daisuke and the rest? Salamon momentarily stopping Machinedramon in its tracks. Sora surviving from repeatedly getting slammed into a ice wall by machinedramon's chrome digizoid claw. it's fucking part 4/6 and we've barely scratched the surface. at this rate, the ending might feel rushed/sloppy
@lezard2102 7 жыл бұрын
OVA 4 felt weird to me. Like they had an original idea of what they wanted to do, but then realised they didn't have the time, either OVA time or real time, to flesh it out. OVA 3 setted up the reboot as a last resort, and spent it's entirety building up on the implications it would have on the partner digimon and them losing all their memories. OVA 4 starts, they slowly began to bond again, then they all get separated from their partner, except Biyomon who ends with Sora. To me this sounded like a really great setup. Each partner Digimon gets to reform their connection with their partner not by directly connecting with them, but by learning about said connection from another of the Digidestined. This would have served for great character development when, say, Gabumon hears the good traits about Yamato from Taichi of all people, and viceversa. It would not only serve the purpose to reconnect the digimon with their partners, but also for the Digidestined to think back and reconnect with each other. In the case of Sora who ended up stranded with Biyomon it would work differently from the rest, having both of them having to reforge their bonds through trials and tribulations ultimately leading to Biyomon mega evolving into Houhoumon. The way it played out however, not only did it undermine the whole OVA 3 by having every Digimon immediately reconnect with their partners offscreen cause "friendship", but it also undermined Biyomon's and Sora's arc when everyone else simply Megadigivolved just because they felt like it. "Can I help too Koshiro?" "Well sure, i guess, you didn't get to call out your attack last OVA, Herculekabuterimon, so go ahead". "Can I mega too Takeru?" "That would be sensible, yes, cause there's only 2 OVAs left and next one is Ophanimon Falldown Mode and OVA 6 is the wrap up. It's now or never Seraphimon". Not to mention that them getting separated only for reuniting the very next scene because "a plot door opened" felt completely out of left field. Nothing happened at all onscreen during that separation to justify them being separated at all. Maybe a lot happened offscreen, but dammit, manage your time better. If you are using a visual media, show, don't tell. After the slow but mature setup OVA 2 and 3 had, I had my hopes really high for 4 and ended very dissapointing, save for this scene. Hope they find their pacing again for 5.
@ivanpepeargentino2099 6 жыл бұрын
I agree. Movie 4 is the weakest. HOWEVER this 4 minutes makes it worth it. Also Movie 5 is much better.
@Derellrassy87 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you she should have died, they need better writers smh
@chrisclack4258 3 жыл бұрын
Tec Digimon adventure tri is twenty three episodes combined in till six movies with movie six being the last three episodes and the others being four episodes
@willian8538 7 жыл бұрын
Só faltou o Huanglongmon(sei que ele é união dos 4),mas essa cena foi foda ! Sempre gostei das 4 Bestas Sagradas! Pelo que parece,eles só se tornaram Holy Beasts graças a Homeostasis,por isso são bem poderosos que um Mega normal. Eu arrisco a dizer que eles têm o poder igual aos Royal Knights .
@shinzankuro 7 жыл бұрын
Acho que o Huanglongmon, no adventure, vai acabar sendo o Megadramon. Ele recebeu o poder das quatro feras, e ele foi rebootado.
@willian8538 7 жыл бұрын
Acho que não hein,porque o Huanglongmon é uma fusão ou digi evolução de DNA entre os 4.
@shinzankuro 7 жыл бұрын
Isso nos jogos. Dentro do adventure isso não é uma regra necessária a se seguir.
@royalknights5261 7 жыл бұрын
o digivice de himekawa possui um simbolo assim como o digivice de mei, e tipo e foi possuida pelo homeostase, será que o digivice de hikari terá o mesmo simbolo?
@estergym5083 6 жыл бұрын
Claro que está, apesar de que os royal knights principais tem mais experiencia, o nivel é o mesmo. E até ja mostrou o zuqiamon e o dukemon se estranhando em tamers e foi bem disputado. E dukemon não está entre os royal knights mais fracos (fracos por ter menos experiencia de luta experiencia não pelo nivel), pois era so ver a luta dele com sleipmon foi praticamente um empate, e sleipmon na sua forma anterior de kirinmon barrou sozinhos os 3 digimons hibridos que individualmente metiam a surra nos shouchinkas dos data squads. Eles lideravam a luta contra o eraser e eram considerados deuses em tamers, ate diaboromon e outros megas mais fortes estavam sendo liderados pelos 4.
@ZetaPep 4 жыл бұрын
Someone know where I can found this music?
@radifan23 4 жыл бұрын
Audio and visual about this scene is just depressing
@meghanachauhan9380 3 жыл бұрын
This song makes me want to torch the entire world and kill without discrimination. It's like remembering something more than watching something
@coolergettingtrash2482 5 жыл бұрын
R.I.P Megadramon
@kingshawn6982 3 жыл бұрын
What was even the plan right there, I don't get it.
@randomstorygirlnamedleigh1263 4 жыл бұрын
The song makes me think of Madoka Magica
@shinzankuro 4 жыл бұрын
Wait a minute.. If the dark masters exists at Maki time, this means the whole Ryo Akiyama story is forgotten? '-' [For who's wondering, Mugendramon was the original Ryo Akiyama partner]
@yamiblade 4 жыл бұрын
You say that as if it were a bad thing
@shinzankuro 4 жыл бұрын
@@yamiblade And it was. Ryo's story was basically the best extension of the Chosen Children's story.
@TheFeather_99 4 жыл бұрын
@@shinzankuro hold up, the movies are canon ?
@raphielfabayst2115 3 жыл бұрын
Ok I wanna talk about this. When did Ryo have Machinedramon as his partner Digimon? I never beat the games, but I thought he first mission was with Agumon and saving Tai and Izzy's team from the Dark Masters. Doesn't Machinedramon and Kimeramon fuse to become Millenniummon as the final boss? Then on the second game or whenever, doesn't ZeedMillenniummon fuse with Monodramon to be Ryo's true partner?
@raphielfabayst2115 3 жыл бұрын
@@yamiblade And that is a bad thing because Ryo's story blows all other Digimon shows out of the water. The story that was never fully stemmed together and forgotten about as a bit part to Ken's story, who could've also had a phenomenal story if they stopped giving dumb "couragesc goggle bois the spotlight.
@Maximo033Renegado 7 жыл бұрын
Wow que capitulo!
@mrrm5201 7 жыл бұрын
Crei que megadramon evolucionaria en goldramon... Que pena lo de su sacrificio.
@nickolas.h 4 жыл бұрын
Can someone please translate what the voice says when Maki becomes possessed by *homeostasis* please? And what does it mean?
@chrisclack4258 3 жыл бұрын
you can watch this another version of this video but typeing the original digidestine and see if there is A English version of the scene
@Ericquer 7 жыл бұрын
carai escolheram os quatro para serem bestas sagradas, excluiram o da maki e o sacrificaram, por isso ela virou maligna
@mechagodzillaanimation10.0 Жыл бұрын
Na minha opinião era bom o bakumon na forma de megadramon com o poder da quatro bestas sagradas vira-se o huanglongmon
@hattanalshutaifi4587 6 жыл бұрын
I was expect and believe that megadramon supposed to digivolved into huanglogmon last of digimon sovereigns
@TJChime 5 жыл бұрын
That's not how it works
@Derellrassy87 5 жыл бұрын
@@aeoyndjuric1679 exactly
@Derellrassy87 5 жыл бұрын
No but megadramon is a very powerful ultimate but I wouldn't doubt it but huanglogmon is when all 4 soverigns combine to make it
@CircuitReborn 4 жыл бұрын
@@Derellrassy87 that's for DNA digivolve though. This showed how each NATURALLY digivolves... so the natural progression of Megidramon would probally be the golden dragon. Personally I think he didn't show up because a certain god didnt want to be replaced. Also I think the dark ocean will be more heavily Involved soon and that is what was coming from the digital gate.
@shinzankuro 4 жыл бұрын
@@aeoyndjuric1679 Actually Huanglongmon have two specific lores and forms to evolve. Huanglong can be both the fusion of the four beasts in a crisis period.. As much Huanglong can be also all the four beasts boss which works in separate way.
@Nadeshko 7 жыл бұрын
Como se llama el OST del comienzo? Name of the OST?
@Matheus-wg5nq 2 жыл бұрын
@shootits48 6 жыл бұрын
How did she get the Digimon gods to help her? Does her friends digimon evolve into gods? Why would that be possible?
@boltzero2772 2 жыл бұрын
Because.... I actually don’t know ether my best guess is because of homieotasic or something
@theonewhoismany8072 Жыл бұрын
Homeostasis made them evolve into the sacred beasts
@RealestShaggyRogers 9 ай бұрын
The sovereigns were the partners of the original digidestined
@shinzankuro 7 жыл бұрын
Quem diria hein? Megadramon, um digimon considerado DESPREZIVEL foi o maior heroi do passado. Agora eu quero esse digimon na minha coleção do dmo kkkk
@Ericquer 7 жыл бұрын
ShinZankuro aff cala boca
@shinzankuro 7 жыл бұрын
Watch out. Temos um badass aqui: Vai pra puta que pariu, vlw.
@Ericquer 7 жыл бұрын
unico desprezivel aki eh vc, e o digimon nao foi nenhum super heroi, melhor vc ficar quietinho e pedir pra mamae um toddynho
@shinzankuro 7 жыл бұрын
No dia que tu tiver a minha idade e ser adulto, ai talvez você poderá TENTAR me dar ordens :) Mas desde já te garanto. Tu é uma criança malcomida ainda.
@lucaszamboni5753 7 жыл бұрын
Mds quanta bobagem. .. um querendo leitinho do outro. vão arrumar o que fazer bando de sugadores de toddynho.
@michaeldavis9190 7 жыл бұрын
Is there anyone who can explain where this took place, why gigadramon couldn't be reborn, and the part at the end.It looks like they are on File Island, but that is part of the Digital World, why can't it reborn? Was it sucks into a dimensional rift?Is the end referring to Maki?
@solovoypasando 7 жыл бұрын
what exactly did they accomplish with this, the dark masters weren't defeated, as they later attack again
@NaomiTCOOKIES 7 жыл бұрын
Must have been traumatizing, having to save the world when you're just a kid. Then you gotta sacrifice your partner digimon just to only seal away the enemy and that's not really something you can call a defeat :( Poor Maki..
@michaeldavis9190 7 жыл бұрын
I understood that they were the original Digidestined, I understood that Maki and Daigo were Digidestined, I understood that they were being attacked by the Dark Masters, I understood that she was possessed by Homeostasis, I understood that four of them evolved their digimon into the Sovereigns, and I understood that Megadramon(I don't know why I said Gigadramon last time) sacrificed itself. What I DON'T understand is WHY Megadramon can't be reborn. If it was File Island, which it appears to be and would be most logical, then Megadramon would have died in the Digital World. So was it actually in the real world? If it was the real world, then the Dark Masters wouldn't be back in Adventure. Was it just sacrificed in such a way that its data could not be salvaged? Also, the part at the end about traits, is it talking about Maki? Whether it does or not, what does it mean?
@michaeldavis9190 7 жыл бұрын
Wait, they were only sealed away? So the Dark Masters were force into another dimension where they were alive but imprisoned. Am I right so far? But it was Megadramon that forced them into it, and he went in himself. He didn't actually die until he reached the other dimension, so he wasn't able to be reborn. Is that correct?
@michaeldavis9190 7 жыл бұрын
I've watched it a few more times, and I don't think that it's saying that she doesn't have a trait, it says all things are created from one, but rather that the others didn't influence her and that she could grow. Something else I don't understand, while not being particularly important, is whether it is just the narrator speaking or if it is Homeostasis speaking to Maki. At the very least I think this makes more sense than the scene with the egg that was talking about Demiurge. I didn't think you were being offensive, and I hope I didn't seem offensive, I was just clarifying what I was asking. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I'm really annoyed that there aren't really any places to find decent information on it. Also, do you know where it says they were only sealed away? I want to believe this but I have no memory of it at all and I would like to look into it. I can't wait for the dubs. While dubs are generally not as good, they are more accurate for English speaking audiences than the subbed version. The subtitles translate the meaning of the Japanese sentences to match what they said as close as possible, but a lot of the time that just complicates things because of how different the languages are. The dub does the same thing, but a lot of the time it tries more to get the idea across even if it is phrased in a rather different way. I think that the dub will have more natural English translations and be more understandable.
@micbymike 2 жыл бұрын
@DanyCoFlamenko 7 жыл бұрын
y agumon biyomon gomamon palmon tentomon gatomon patamon y gabumon otros 8 elegidos
@amandasimons2937 7 жыл бұрын
so was maki one of the original digidestined?;/
@c-mc 7 жыл бұрын
yeah her, daigo and 3 others
@amandasimons2937 7 жыл бұрын
I was not expecting this XD
@geovaninogeoni2 Жыл бұрын
As outras crianças morreram?
@lucianopadula7815 7 жыл бұрын
Agora fica a dúvida: qual o estágio intermediário entre o Tapirmon e o Megadramon?
@pedrovicentebolssoncoronel2516 7 жыл бұрын
Provavelmente um Airdramon
@lucianopadula7815 7 жыл бұрын
seria legal construírem a linha evolutiva de todos esses digimons dos escolhidos originais
@pedrovicentebolssoncoronel2516 7 жыл бұрын
Maki: Bakumon -> Airdramon -> Megadramon -> Huanlongmon Daigo: Liollmon -> Liamon -> LoaderLiomon -> Baihumon Criança desconhecida: Hagurumon -> Stegomon -> Orochimon -> Ebonwumon Criança desconhecida: Muchomon -> Cockatorimon -> Hippogriffomon -> Zhuqiaomon Criança desconhecida: Gottsumon -> Monochromon -> Triceramon -> Qinglongmon
@lucianopadula7815 7 жыл бұрын
a do Qinglongmon eu tinha sacado e poxa quem diria o Gottsumon hahahaha maneiro cara
@Matheus-wg5nq 2 жыл бұрын
Existe um jogo de digimon chamado rearise e lá as feras sagradas digievoluem dos mesmo digimon que ai, então grande parte das pessoas considera essa linha como verdadeira para os parceiros dos primeiros digiescolhidos, sendo assim as linhas são Mochumon>akatorimon>hipogriffomon>zuquiaomon Vielecmon>tuskmon>triceramon>quinlongmon Kamemon>dinohumon>orochimon>ebuwomon Bearmon>gryzzmon>loaderleomon>baihumon Se essa teoria estiver certa a linha desse bakumon com base no jogo rearise é: Bakumon>monochromon>megadramon>machinedramon.
@astramaster8474 7 жыл бұрын
How the fuck does maki have the same power as Kari
@anthonyvillanueva5226 7 жыл бұрын
It's not really a power. They just both got possessed by Homeostasis.
@christophermaynard4625 7 жыл бұрын
Could you elaborate? What do you mean same powers
@rockybud787 7 жыл бұрын
In Digimon adventure Kari would sometimes get possessed by this Homeostasis and share information with the digidestined, i don't remember exactly which episodes, but Kari in s1 was always portrayed as being very special
@irfananwar9880 7 жыл бұрын
Rocky Bud season 1 episode 45
@NaomiTCOOKIES 7 жыл бұрын
+Rocky Bud Probably due to her and her crest being associated with the forces of light. She can easily be empowered by light just as she is easily vulnerable to darkness (i.e. the Dark Ocean).
@vitolinhaaa3196 7 жыл бұрын
Q medo desta musica ;-;
@diegovasquez1943 7 жыл бұрын
entonses las vestias sagradas fueron los digimon de los niños antiguooosss
@TelsonDraws 3 жыл бұрын
Why did the holy beasts destroyed Megidramon to beat them why didn't they just fused together to become Huanglongmon?
@boltzero2772 2 жыл бұрын
They didn’t know how to then
@theonewhoismany8072 Жыл бұрын
Because Huanglongmon isn't their fusion. He's a separate memeber.
@solovoypasando 7 жыл бұрын
seriously weak, they did so much and they couldn't even finish the dark masters off, while wargreymon and metalgarurumon did quick work with pinoccimon and metalseadramon, these were 4 megas and didn't even kill one
@thefavorite1637 7 жыл бұрын
They fought with only 5 ultimates vs 4 Mega Dark Master. Remenber,in the season 1, only Mugendramon and Puppetmon deafeat 7 ultimates and 1 champion.
@gerardomacias7370 5 жыл бұрын
@@thefavorite1637 not to mention they only managed to defeat Piedmon after Angemon digivolved to Archangemon.
@Derellrassy87 5 жыл бұрын
It makes no sense, on the 4 soverigns is on different power level that regular megas you remember when black wargreymon trying to fight azulongmon in season 02 he was no match each soverigns have 12 digi core while a regular digimon only have one the writers suck
@El_Badai 4 жыл бұрын
@Kalu Laitala If that's true, couldn't WarGreymon beat Machinedramon/MetalSeadramon earlier?
@El_Badai 4 жыл бұрын
@Kalu Laitala The problem is not that he won, is how he won. After a hard fight WarGreymon just passed through MetalSeadramon's attack and still had enough Strenght to pierce Metal several times. And after an even harder fight, WarGreymon literally DESTROYED Mugendramon with one slash, I know that he survived (Yep, Ryo's story is canon) but both cases are weird
@rougedruidlexi7543 7 жыл бұрын
@DigimonDarkMaster700 7 жыл бұрын
RougeDruidLexi Different universes
@rougedruidlexi7543 7 жыл бұрын
Enrique Buenrostro Yeah but what if it was different universes for only the human world and there was one digital world that connects them all
@DigimonDarkMaster700 7 жыл бұрын
Then which show would've taken place first? Maybe Frontier, because of the Digital World being ruined then rebuilt?
@anaalicia2750 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe he grew very wary of humans?
@alvinwonder2180 7 жыл бұрын
RougeDruidLexi One digital world is unlikely because in Digimon Frontier, that Digimon Universe was ruled by 3 great angels. It's just a show come on, they're just creating different series to earn profit. XD
@DanyCoFlamenko 7 жыл бұрын
yo creo que tapirmon su ultima evolucion es alphamon !
@MissLolaRaven 5 жыл бұрын
Noup, es Machinedramon (justo como el que sale en el flashback)
@DanyCoFlamenko 7 жыл бұрын
bakumon terriermon meicoomon y hackmon son los 4 niños elegidos
@gerhialvacanorio9500 7 жыл бұрын
Para los noobs o casuales que no son seguidores de la franquicia les sorprenderá esta historia, ya que jamas se tomaran la libertad de averiguar si quiera por curiosidad sobre este grupo de niños antes de Tai y cia, pero solo lo recordaron porque en cierto capitulo de Adventure mencionaron a "los niños elegidos de la época primitiva (digimundo)". Y ahora recien sacan sus conclusiones, de que los dos agentes del gobierno resultaron ser en el pasado Digielegidos.
@diegovasquez1943 7 жыл бұрын
Gerhi Alva Canorio si es sierto quien iva a creer esto pero y los demas niños donde estaran por q eran como 5 creo
@andresbarbera154 7 жыл бұрын
Y por que noobs o casuales? Eres estupido? hasta esta OVA no se tenia ninguna informacion de los primeros niños elegidos como para que te la tires de arrecho o de que ya te conocias esta historia.. Y es obvio que los dos agentes son de los primeros porque aqui lo dicen.. Imbecil
@UnChoqueCultural 7 жыл бұрын
Muy bien siempre se quieres hacer los que saben todo.
@UnChoqueCultural 7 жыл бұрын
Cual cia ? quizás quiso decir Sora
@pokettokuma8546 7 жыл бұрын
Bonita forma de juzgar a los demás para sentirte superior en algo. Déjate de tonterías y disfruta la serie, y deja que los demás la disfruten a su manera ya sean más o menos entendidos en el mundillo. Infeliz.
@grantdong7746 7 жыл бұрын
I'm confused with what they actually did to megadramon.
@thetombraiderfan 7 жыл бұрын
It absorbed the power of the holy beasts to seal the Dark masters., dying in the act.
@grantdong7746 7 жыл бұрын
So did these holy beasts have human partners? Is this what the movie is saying? I only saw two children. Are they the partners of all those five digimon?
@Crowsuitkey 5 жыл бұрын
They were helping him to turn into super saiyan god.
@KRStenik 5 жыл бұрын
@@grantdong7746 I know your post is older but.. at 2:44 you can see there are more children ^^
@DanyCoFlamenko 7 жыл бұрын
mas veemon armadillomon haukmon wormon son 8
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