Your travelogs are so beautiful. They are such a blessing to me. I am 76 and suffer from Long Covid and no longer able to travel. Since elementary school Geography was my favorite subject and National Geographic my favorite magazine. In college Cultural Anthropology was my favorite subject. Your channel is a blessing. You are such a beautiful person. Thanks for all the adventures I've been able to share with you.😊💜
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Great comment. I hope you can travel again one day
@Katara12163 ай бұрын
Hope you are able to travel again soon, take care🙏
@CrlMchd3 ай бұрын
Such beautiful words! I speak Spanish so thank you for expressing kind thoughts to this lovely traveller's lady. Hope you understand my poor English.
@nuwangamage59053 ай бұрын
I am SriLankan, I feel the same, Voice and explanation perfect
@rukiatik56073 ай бұрын
Saya seorang ibu dri Indonesia saya sangat mengagumi perjalanan anda nona 🙏😍😍😍
@predrag-peterilich9003 ай бұрын
Uyghurs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, .... what a mosaic of ethnicities, cultures, colors, languages, customs, cuisines,...! And I am thinking: your drone shots bring us the big scene of the area you are visiting while your interactions with the people along the road, on the market, in the restaurant, in the square, on the bus, ...bring us the little pieces everyday life is made of. Your charm, simplicity, warmth, and non-judgmental approach make you an excellent ambassador for you country, for all of humanity. Thank you, Yan.
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
Od >> hot Odun >> wooden >> wood Oğuz Kağan>> oğuzhan>> owodhan>> wuothan>> wõden>> Odin Wõdhen’s day >> Wednesday Buz >> (Mwudh)= dihydrogen monoxid CRYSTAL = Ice Tuz >> (Thwudh) = sodium chloride CRYSTAL = Salt TH > T / D TH > TS > S / Ş / Z (Thwudh)>Tsuith >Thuits > Tuiss > Tuish / Diş = tooth (dental) (Thwudh)>Tsuıth > Thuıts > Tuıss > Tuısh / Dış = out ( outer) (Thwudh) >Tsuıts >> - Suz = (- Less) >> without it / free from it / has got rid of it Tış-yer-i > Dışarı / Dış taraf = outside Dışsal = external Dışı = out of… / de- / dis- Suz > sız/siz & suz/süz = without / -less Kanat = Wing Kanat-sız = Wing-less Su= water Su-suz = water-less / anhydrous Suç =crime Suçsuz=innocent (freed from blame) Şeker= Sugar Şekersiz= without sugar / sugar free Kitap= book Kitapsız = without books / free from books Ücret = fee ücretsiz =~free / exempt from fee >> ücret dışı =out of fee Gerek / lazım / ihtiyaç = necessary >> Gerekli = needful Gereksiz = needless >> İhtiyaç dışı / lüzumsuzca =unnecessary Kanunsuz / Hukuksuz = unlawful >> Kanun dışı = outside the law Hukuk / Yasa =law > Yasal =legal Yasadışı = illegal Görüş = sight Görüş dışı = out of sight Sadık / vefalı / vefakar= loyal Sadakatsiz / vefasız= disloyal Beğeni = like Beğeni dışı= dislike Bağlantı = connect Bağlantı dışı=disconnect Evirmek= to make it to turn around itself or transform into another shape over time İç = inside > ÇE Çe-evir-mek =(içe evirmek) = çevirmek = (turn-into) / encircle / convert / slew round Dış =outside > DE De-evirmek =(dışa evirmek) = devirmek =(turn-outer) / overturn / overthrow De-monte=démonté= dis-assembled (Dış- Thuıss) Siz-Sız-Suz-Süz ekleri “Dışında olmak” ,“İçermemek” , "sahip olmamak" , “ondan azade olmak” veya "mahrumiyet" anlamına gelen bu ekler, bir şeyin dahilinde olmayışı ifade eder. (Have no)( ~without) (...less) (LIĞ-LUĞ) (aluk=has got)>>-ly Lı > Li > Lu > Lü ekleri sahiplik ve dahiliyet ekleridir... (Have)(~With) >> ~..-ful O benim sevgi-li-m = (~s/he has my love)= s/he is my lover İki çocuk-lu kadın= (which one) the woman has two children > woman with two children Çocuksuz adam = (which one) the man has no child > childless man Şekerli =(it has sugar) = with sugar Şekersiz= (it has no sugar) = without sugar = ~sugar free= şekerden azade Tuzlu =it has salt =salty Tuzsuz= it has no salt = without salt = saltless Gitmelisin (get-mek-liğ-sen)= you have to go Gitmen gerekli (get-meg-in gerek-liğ) = you have need to go Gitmen gerekir (get-meg-in gerek-e-er) = you (getta) need to go Toluk>> doluğ=fulled (has stuffed) Renk= color (Renk-dolu) > Renk-li = colorful > (has color) Keder=sorrow (Keder-dolu) > Kederli = sorrowful > (has sorrow) Zarar=harm (Zarar-dolu) > Zararlı = harmful > (has harm)
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
Ba Ba = Baba / Apa / eba / abu /爸爸= Papa ( Pater > Father) Na Na = Ana / Anne = 妈妈/ Ma Ma / Mom ( Mater > Mother) Ne Ne = Nene / Nine = 奶奶/ Nanny (Grandmother) / Bög anne = big mama Ta Ta = Ata / Dede =爷爷/ Grandfather / Bög baba = big father Ka Ga = Aga / Keke (~steerer /beak) 哥哥/ aga bög > ağabey = big brother Bir-ol-diger> Birader = (per-alter /pre-other > one other) =兄弟/ Brother Ba ba la =Baba-la /apa-la /abula > Abla = older sister ( ~with father) Ba ba chui = Bavoji > Bacı = younger sister ( ~loves father) Ba ba cha = Apa-ça /abuja > emijae > Emmi / Amca =舅舅/ paternal uncle (~fatherly) Tai U = Dayı = 叔叔/ maternal uncle ( nearest’s he ) Tai Thu =Taitsu> Teyze = maternal aunt / Dasy ( nearest’s that ) Çe Çe = Ece / Cece / 姐姐 / older sister Mi Mi = Ümmü / Mimi / 妹妹 / younger sister or younger aunt (or little mom) Bi Bi = Bibi / Hala = 姑姑/ paternal aunt Pe Pe = Bebe / bebek =宝宝 / baby >>( sweetie > balak / bala ) Kayın ağacı = Beech tree >>>difficult pedigree = different family tree Kayın peder / Kayın baba / Kaynata = father-in-law /公公 Kayın valide / Kayın anne / Kaynana = mother-in-law /婆婆 Kayın = brother in-law for women > Kayınçı / Kayınço = brother in-law for men Baldız = sister-in-law /嫂子 ( honey- salt) wife's sister for men Görümce = sister-in-law (~observer) husband's sister for women Elti = Brother in-law's wife > just for women Gelin = bride / 新娘 (~newcomer) Nedime= the bride's assistant at the wedding and closest friend Yenge = Brother's wife (~came over marriage) Dünür= parents who are related to each other through their children's marriages (~ later relatives) Güvey /Damat = groom /倌 / 马夫 Sağdıç (sağdeş) = The groom's assistant at the wedding and closest friend Bacanak = sister-in-law's husband (each of the husbands of the sisters of your wife) just for men Enişte = sisters or aunts husba
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
Bal = (Honey) Bal >Mar > Mer > Mel > Mil =(yumuşak, melul, balsam, hoş kokulu, tatlı) Mel >Melo > Melit > Melis =( yummy, mellow, balmy, malleable, dessert, sweet) Mal= sweet-tempered, docile, obedient animal / ~inconsiderate, manipulable person Al-Bal (red-sweet) =Alpal >Apple >Afal = Almelo>Almıla >Alma > Elma (the dessert) > Alba> halba > halvah > helva > salva > xalava > xlapa> crepe> xleb > salep ? Mel-ak (sweet-white)>(Mela >Mar >Milo >Melon >Melam) Melak>>>Milk >>>Lak ? (sweetie) > Balak > bala >>> bella ? >> well ? (Ma-hoş-mela)> Moş-mela > Muşmula = Medlar ( not so pleasant but yummy) Meltem= mellow wind = breeze Mel-melat > marmelat = marmellata, marmalade Melisa = balm / jam / rosin Melamine = a type of chemical resin (Mel-hem)> merhem=(almost-balm) > ointment (Mel-sumac) merşumak> mercimek = lentil Mel-audio = melody (Dağ = mountain)> height > sublimity (tow/toğ/tao/tai/tav/tag/day/doy)>> high/ 塔 / 高 /ضيقة /ضيق / to come up / to rise / to come closer/ coming out dev/deva/devasa/diva/dheu/theo/theus/zeus/大>> huge (dar /tar /dai /tay /tav /dae /too /toi) = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Phone / Phoon/ Fun / Wajan / Wehen = (Esen/ Esinti / Rüzgar/ Ses ) - Wind / Breeze / Sound / Voice Dae-vane /tai-fun / tao-wen/ too-phone/ typhoon/ 大风 = (loud sound) >> hard-strong wind Dağ= litosferik tabakaların sıkışarak yükselmesi / compression and rise of lithospheric layers Dar-lık= to rise upwards by squeezed, feeling of height, feeling of being squeezed Dar = narrow / nearest /stuck / compressed / solid / hard / durable Dar = birbirine yaklaşmış / sıkışık / sıkışmış / sıkıştırılmış / sağlam / sert / dayanıklı Darlık= sıkışarak yükselmek, yükseklik hissi, sıkışma duygusu Dar = yakın olmak , alakalı olmak, ilgilenmek / to be close, to be involved, to be interested Hüküm-dar = Hükümle ilgilenen , hüküm veren = Sovereign Mihman-dar = Misafire yakın olan , misafire alaka gösteren = ~hostess Darülaceze =(diyar-u-el-aceze) Acizerle ilgilenilen yer = ~hospice Dai-u > nearest he's = Dayı = (materal) uncle Tai-tsu> nearest that's = Teyze = (materal) aunt Toy = meeting /ceremony/feast/ immature-game boy Kurula-toy > Kurultay = scheduled meeting / council (Dai-emek)> Dayamak =to base on /make it support/fasten down / get it closer well to (Dai-en-mak)> Dayanmak= to recline upon / stay strong /be close literally (Dai-et-mak)>Dayatmak = to impose / insist / keep it completely nearest to Yanardağ ile ilgili / pertaining to a volcano Dağ-et-mak >Dağıtmak = to distribute /to deal out / to deploy Dağ-al-mak >Dağılmak = to get dispersed / to go to pieces Dağ-la-mak = krater şekline çevirmek / cauterize (Doğ-umak) = Doğmak = to come up / rising up / come into the world > to born Doğ-ğur-mak= Doğurmak= to make this come up > bring this into the world > to give birth Doğu=the direction where the sun comes up > East / 东方 (Doy-umak) = Doymak = to rise to the top / to be full Doy-ğur-mak= Doyurmak=to satiate > to make it full > to feed Tok= has peaked, satiate, full (Tik) Dik= direct to endpoint / ~upright Dikey= vertical (Dik-uğru) =Doğru = right direction = true (Dik-uğur-al-mak) = doğrulmak= to stand up / straighten up Doğru = (which direction goes direct to the endpoint) Doğrusal= ~Linear Diken= thorn Dik-mek =to make directly them overlap each other at the endpoints > sew / sow Doğa= upper surface structure of the earth > nature Doku = surface structure, texture Doku-mak=to weave (on the surface) (Toku-en-mak) Dokunmak=to touch / to contact the surface of..
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
Yağ = spilled on/ spread on/has held on to/ kept over it >> oil Yeğ / Yüğ = upper, superior Yeğ-mek > Yemek: "To take over and over, spend on one's own, accept upon one's own" = "To eat" Yeğ-im > Yem: "Provender, fodder" = "Feed" > Yemiş= fruit Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = to keep it on top of others, make it relatively superior = "To prefer" Yüğ-ka-yer-u > yukarı =(which side is the top) = Up Yüğ-ce > yüce : "Superior in level" = "Sublime, exalted" Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek: "To achieve superiority in level" = "To become elevated" Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = high Yüğ-sel > yüksel = exponential , superlative Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek : "To rise to a high level" = "To ascend" Yüğ-sük > yüzük : "Jewelry worn on the finger top" = "Ring" Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek: "To feel slighted, take offense" = "To be offended" Yüğ-ük > yük : "Carried on top, undertaken" = "Load, burden" Yüğ-ün > yün : "The feathers on sheep" = "Wool" Yüğ-üt > yeğ-üt =yiğit =(valiant)> superior in character Yüğ-kut > yeğ-kut = (highly holly)> yakut =ruby Yüğ-en > yeğ-en = "Nephew" "Which is kept superior, held in high esteem, valued, precious"(yüen > yen 元) Yüğ-en-cük > yüğençüğ > yinçi / inci =(precious little thing)> pearl , 珍珠 Yüğengi >yengi> yeni =(new)> what's coming on top of , what comes next Yüğenge > yenge =(brother's wife)> came over marriage, added to the family later (new bride) Yüğ-üne /Yeğ-ine > yine/ gene =again /over and over > yeniden = anew /once more Yüğ-en-mek> yenmek: "To overcome, to cope with, to subdue" = "To win" Yüğ-en-el-mek > yenilmek: "To be overcome, to be subdued, to show weakness" = "To be defeated" Yüğengil > yengil =remains on top of, light, weak Şan= Glory, splendor 單于 > Şan-Yüğ =Exalted glorious Yormak: "To arrive over someone (too many), to go onto it too much" = "To tire" (Yörmek)> Örmek: "To operate on something, to weave on top, wrap off" = "To weave" (Yör-et-mek)>örütmek> Örtmek= To cover (Yörümek)> Yürümek: "To go on, to reach over something, to get somewhere, to go ahead" = "To walk" Yüzmek"To go by peeling off the surface of something" = "To swim" Yülümek: "To go by rubbing on the surface of something" = "To glide" Yalamak: "To take it away by swiping over something" = "To lick" Yolmak: "To pluck, tear off, pull by snatching over" (~flatten the top) Yılmak: "To throw down from the one's own top (~get bored), to hit the ground from above (yıldırım=lightning…yıldız=star) Yurmak: to pull onto, cover over (yur-ut>yurt=tabernacle) (yur-gan>yorgan=quilt) Yırmak=to bring it on top of, to take it off (yırışmak>yarışmak= to race> to overcome each other) (Yır-et-mak)>Yırtmak= to tear, to take from inside-out or bottom to top (by pulling from both sides) (~tide over, ~get rid of it) Yarmak= to split in, to tear apart, to halve, separate by cutting off Yaratmak= to reveal it, bring it out, to create Yermek=to pull down ,pull to the ground (~to criticize) Germek=to tense> to pull it in all directions > Sermek= to spread it in all directions Yıkmak: "To overthrow, take down from top to bottom, turn upside down" = To demolish Yığmak: "To stack, put on top of each other, dump on top of each other" = To pile up (yığlamak=shed tears over and over, cry over) Yağmak: "To get rained on, to get spilled on" = To rain Yakmak: "To burn out, to purify matter by heating and removing mass, to reduce its volume = To burn Yoğmak: "To make condensed, to tighten and purify, narrow by compressing, ( get rid of one's own mass > ~get dead) Yoğurmak: to tighten and thicken , reduce volume, bring to consistency = to knead (Yogurt=thickened milk product) Yuğmak=to purify squeezing and clean / Yuğamak>yıkamak= To wash Yiv = pointed, sharp, groove (yivlemek= to sharpen the tip) Yuvmak: "To squeeze thin out, narrow" = "To thin" (yuvka>yufka= thin dough) (yuvka>yuka=thin, shallow) (yuvuz>yavuz=thin, weak, delicate) Yuvarlamak=to round off, narrow by turning (yuva= nest (smallest shelter) (yavru= cub (smallest) Yummak: "To shut by squeezing, close tightly" = ~To close Yumurmak: "To make it close inward" = ~To clench (yumruk=fist) (yumurta= egg) Yumuşmak: "To be completely enclosed by oneself" =~To soften (yumuşak=soft )
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak=to plaster Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something >to drive (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in four directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thankDenge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chiu)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it > to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn outer/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@injahnet3 ай бұрын
Your videos are AMAZING!!! You are an excellent ambassador for China. The warmth of the people you meet gives me hope for humanity. Thumbs up to you.
@guitaruncle38013 ай бұрын
True ❤
@guitaruncle38013 ай бұрын
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Great comment
@leepizarro2 ай бұрын
@danilphi52522 ай бұрын
nations other than the Han nation are always kind and friendly. Only the Han people are bastards and unfriendly
@river-dragon60323 ай бұрын
Love from Malaysia! I'm ethnic Chinese borned in Malaysia. My paternal grandfather and grandma were both from Guangdong. Thank you very much for showing me the land of my ancestors!❤🇨🇳❤🇲🇾
@jt-ttt2 ай бұрын
call Yourself han ethnic, i am han too. Chinese is not an ethnic term.
@jt-ttt2 ай бұрын
@ukbulldog20242 ай бұрын
@@river-dragon6032 Kamu dari India dan gembira keturuan and a. Shabas.
@子夜快車2 ай бұрын
@Dharma_and_AhimsaАй бұрын
This isn’t your land tho. Becos of expansionist Mao
@Devoye3 ай бұрын
It is eye-opening to see the border region of far west China. Amaze by how they manage to provide a good living to people living far off from major cities and central China. if ordinary people are dancing and singing in happiness everyday then it is the dream place.
As the video says it is a Tajik wedding..not a normal day…but the dancing and beats feel good…
@fokkebaarda3 ай бұрын
After leaving a tiny village somewhere in immense China: "I feel so warm, my heart is filled with happiness and love." Well, dear Yan, we felt it and we were again blessed to visit the world through your eyes, with all the opened doors due to your modesty and kindness. Thanks again, dear friend.
@imdervish3 ай бұрын
Keep them videos coming up like this we don't need Netflix 📺🍟🔥 Much LOVE ❤️ from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
@imdervish3 ай бұрын
I'm tajik living in uzb this video brings me a lot of happiness ☺️
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Agree 100% - GOOD comment
@vivavivo50713 ай бұрын
All Central Asian countries have magnificent scenary
@10lauset3 ай бұрын
Wonderful to see, even the farthest places in China, the roads are in fine shape, electricity reaches throughout (I saw transmission lines in your video) and the ability to communicate electronically (using cell phones). All this infrastructure demonstrates the CPC promise to all the people within China to make life better for all. Your videos display all this.
@gfgf90202 ай бұрын
@wowokgg72806 күн бұрын
🗿🗿Klinik DONGFENG nium 😅
@tonics71213 ай бұрын
Every single place you go is full of beauty. What an amazing country.
@jacqueline-fc8wb3 ай бұрын
And so vast.
@ElyceSandriАй бұрын
At age 25, I travelled solo around China. Though, I did not visit as many locations and there are so many places I would love to visit. Unfortunately, I have a genetic condition and an autoimmune disease, so travel is much harder and I am immunosuppressed. I have happy memories of the kindness of Chinese people, who helped me when I could not speak or read, or made me feel safe when I was alone. I also feel sadness it is not easy for me to travel anymore, but I am very grateful you are showing the world China is not how the West presents it.
@bertanelson80623 ай бұрын
Here in jungle of Mexico. Delighted to see you take us to this part of the world, still China! Beautiful people, enjoying the dance! Love how you show unseen China. Thank you.
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Great comment, China is great - and so is Mexico
@eduardomonforteperez49092 ай бұрын
¿ en cual jungla estas? Saludos desde Jalisco 😅
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak=to plaster Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something >to drive (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in four directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thankDenge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chiu)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it > to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn outer/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@HG-os3dy2 ай бұрын
It's not China, illegally occupied by Han Chinese.
@Ataraxist3 ай бұрын
Even at the most border area of China, it's safe for a solo gal to move around. It shows that prosperity and security has spread so efficiently in China.
@shineluvslambiel2 ай бұрын
Yes, that in itself is amazing.
@rotikithaali89592 ай бұрын
U r Indian? Teasing women and harrassing is not part of their's not about security
@akash_mondal07284 күн бұрын
Are you even come to India and spent years of time ? India have 1B+ population and you are judging by its some few bad people who got excited by seeing outside pretty female in those yt videos right ? So let me tell you does you know some Japan female brutally murdering and torture case ?? Does you know USA nowadays mass shootings or criminals cases ? Bro everywhere in world thoer is bad people ok judge you judge Japan from those burtal cases no right ? In india. Also there is bad people bad places and also there is good people and good places so it's a grey place ok not your black white judge by some videos ok does in foreign except India doesn't girls also molested ? Just search it and you will find many videos ok
@tedtombling27703 ай бұрын
Hi Yan, today's video is bringing to life a book I'm reading at the moment (The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan). The mix of peoples coming from the Asian plains in the west (now Turkman, Uzbeck, Afghan, Kyrgis, and Kazak with the suffix 'stan') were called Sogdhian and travelled the roads using the horse and camel. The horses were famously popular. Your filming has bought the book to life. The history of these byways goes back 5,000 years and more). I can't wait to see your journey further west. 😊
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Nice, great comment
@tedtombling27703 ай бұрын
@@ChrisHereToday Thankyou.
@arbs3ry3 ай бұрын
We had a deep relationship with the Sogdhians, in the past many came to China for business through the silk road and then settled down, some even served as officials in the Chinese imperial court, An Lushan who was a Sogdhian Chinese military general, he rebeled and totally ruined China, tens of millions died and China finally lost control of central Asia and Xinjiang because of this guy.
@tedtombling27703 ай бұрын
@@arbs3ry Yes, the book confirms your story. A shame about Lushan - every now and then, in history, a leader makes bad decisions and sadly it is the population that suffers.
@ДинараС-м3з3 ай бұрын
@@arbs3ryА Согдийцы, Бактрийцы это кто? Это и есть Таджики, живущие ныне у Вас и в Таджикистане, Узбекистане, Афганистане
@MrEroshan3 ай бұрын
The barrier to understanding other cultures is the lack of travel. Once you see how others live you respect them and their way of life. We are truly one world.
@rudyspassig38643 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, Yan. I always wanted to see this border region between China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. What a magnificent culture. "Super" thank you
@gadgetgasspoll29233 ай бұрын
@littlechineseeverywhere3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!! 🥰
@imdervish3 ай бұрын
I think next video will be about weeding Tajiks right😊I saw you in another blogger video 🔥@@littlechineseeverywhere
@User-kjxklyntrw2 ай бұрын
@@littlechineseeverywhere Hope you will explore China Jackson Hole American Style Housing Complex Villa near Taihang Mountain, really curious about it development now
@JP-tq7ni2 ай бұрын
Thank you from Canada. Beautiful China.
@FionaXu-i5p3 ай бұрын
Chinese fan here! Thanks for making this video and show the world how china is like-diverse, beautiful, complicated, a land where have warm and hardworking people. This video somehow makes me want to cry. Only people full of love and kindness are able to make such video. ❤
@petrstolz57883 ай бұрын
Xinjiang is the most diverse region in China. Ethnically, culturally and geographically. The blends of cultures amazed me there. This region in particular left many great memories and I'm looking forward to get back there. We have stayed 2 weeks, and it surely wasn't enough.
@shngain1003 ай бұрын
Yunnan province is also very diverse ethnically
@Amidat3 ай бұрын
@@shngain100 Guangxi too
@mickmarshall92543 ай бұрын
Guizhou too
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak=to plaster Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something >to drive (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in four directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thankDenge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chiu)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it > to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn outer/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@domif.b.765710 күн бұрын
It's not just the places you show, it's how you show them! Each time I watch your videos, they somehow take me back to 1999, when I jumped on a flight to Beijing, then to Chengdu, then on a van for 8 hours, stopped halfway to eat the chilliest meal ever; only to learn that this would be just the first of that kind of meal for the next couple of months...I fell in love with China that year and cherish so many memories. You make them come alive in such a graceful way!
@chitru19833 ай бұрын
The boy dancing is a star! Get him on cdramas already! Everyone is so pretty and handsome. Thank you for showing us this side of China!
When visiting Taiwan and HongKong one of the first things I learned was that when talking about China it is a lot like talking about Europe, there are many countries, languages, Cuisines, and Peoples. Yes there are Han, and Mandarin, but there is far more diversity than one might expect in the country, and including landscapes as well.
@guitaruncle38013 ай бұрын
@wsmithe22093 ай бұрын
It's also very diverse within Han people.
@brianz59223 ай бұрын
one huge differences between west and east is that where religion place at in the hierarchy. In the ancient china, there was tons of so call religion or more of way of communicating/living with others, and later on religion got push out the court/government. on the other hand, religion was always above the king in Europe, where kings needed to be appointed by god. I find one true difference in east and west religion is that, the west is all about becoming god. Daoism or Buddhism has always been training one self to become like a god. Whereas, in the east, god had been there since the beginning.
@SKML-r6w3 ай бұрын
it's the same in india and it's hardly surprising given the size of these countries. china was quite like europe in the past until the first emperor of qin dynasty united china (which was very small at that time and did not include the south ). he standardized a lot of stuff. many emperors like the first emperor at ming dynasty did a lot of things to unite people. the dynasty before ming was yuan during which the china was ruled by mongols. EU wants to be like china but i guess it's a bit too late?
@ku93053 ай бұрын
@@SKML-r6w EU absolutely does not want to be like China.
@kennedy66183 ай бұрын
Little Chinese Everywhere, You are an amazing person, strong minded, down to earth, blessed with health, and not scared of challenges. Your vlogs are outstanding...Well done young lady!
@chengkw88733 ай бұрын
I am from Penang Malaysia. In June this year, my wife and I were fortunate enough to travel to the various scenic spots shown in your vid. Our two weeks period there was an eye opener!
@ukchub66333 ай бұрын
Where do you visit in China, I want to go to China for holidays too, I can't wait 😊
@FrankZhang-pj9nn3 ай бұрын
wow, as a Chinese, I never went there before. hope you can make another trip to China soon.
@2gdent2 ай бұрын
Im planning to do the from the Phils
@yklow75462 ай бұрын
Me too, visited these places in April and Baisha Lake is super beautiful
@志云-ping11 күн бұрын
@lolitadeguzman813927 күн бұрын
I am so impressed with all your vlogs,I am from the Philippines but living in burbank, California for 40 yrs. I've travelled to China and visited Shanghai, Xian, Beijing, ,the great walls,and more.....but with your vlogs, it's like I wanna go back again and experience a different adventure...I've been watching all your vlogs for the past 2 weeks since I discovered you and you know what's funny even my classmates from high school been watching you too.💜💛💚💙we are your fans...👍👍💜💜
@susanwarford42213 ай бұрын
Watching from Kansas City US. Beautiful country with warm and friendly people. ❤❤❤😊😊😊
@twilightpurpleglow3 ай бұрын
'Nihao Ms Yan" This world of ours never ceases to amaze me. So much to see, so little time. You are my "eyes 👀 " I can visit far away places, I could only dream off. You meet the kindest people along the way it's fascinating. They open their doors of their home to you, offer food, warmth and sometimes gifts like the beautiful scarf. Things I, living in a big city, would never do. Fascinating your conversation with people in Tashkurgan. How you interact is mesmerizing, As I mentioned before, are a wonderful Ambassador to your incredible country. Thank you for teaching us the beauty beyond our borders, seas and continents. Your friend in Texas USA.
@FrankZhang-pj9nn3 ай бұрын
well said.
@JESSIEXU-lv4hk3 ай бұрын
They are all part of the Chinese nation, China is a multi-ethnic integration of the country, from their sincere smile, I can see their happiness!❤
@wbbartlett3 ай бұрын
Xi Jinping joins the chat...
@yj90323 ай бұрын
Lol no, they are occupied people
@guitaruncle38013 ай бұрын
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
HAPPY - so great!
@knockknock12463 ай бұрын
Yes, they seemed ecstatic for being recognized.
@TariqNiazi8683 ай бұрын
Any city any village and any place of China , we love it and love Chinese people Love from Pakistan ❤
@historyalwayslie3 ай бұрын
I Love China.❤ The Most Peace-Loving Super Power in The History. Be Blessed , And JUST.
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Peaceful, so true
@Picasso_Picante923 ай бұрын
Maybe the people but definitely not the CCP.
@leesiewoo51163 ай бұрын
@@Picasso_Picante92it is a good government that makes people good life.
Indoctrinated by your disinforming and misinforming,feckless medias?27:37 kkless 27:37 @@Picasso_Picante92
@ellcarpee3 ай бұрын
Another fantastic video from Yan. Every minority ethnic groups you've showed us from China are a very happy lot, full of life, carefree and free to practise their religions and cultures and also to speak their own ethnic languages. The same here with the Tajiks, the women are gorgeous and beautiful, the men are rugged and handsome and the children are cute and bubbly, their dresses are beautiful and colourful. One has to wonder how the West conclude that minority ethnic groups in China are oppressed and suppressed. Thank you Yan.
@avil86863 ай бұрын
Not to wonder, the west was slandering China 24/7
@chunxiao3 ай бұрын
@sachinmainkar2 ай бұрын
I have hardly watched the first two minutes of this film and I have to say that it is beyond captivating. The region and the people. I am Indian and I am deeply fascinated by the region, that lies near the borders of Pakistan occupied Kashmir, China, Afghanistan and Tajikstan. This is a whole new world. Can’t thank you enough for all this beautiful work. Xie Xie.
@edwardsnowden88212 ай бұрын
get your Indian propaganda out of here Pakistan occupied kashmir my foot.
@muhammadwasim527220 күн бұрын
Kashmir occupied both by Pak and India.
@sachinmainkar20 күн бұрын
@@muhammadwasim5272 No sir. That is not correct. I will stop at that because with respect, this is not at all the place to discuss Ind - Pak politics. Let us just admire the work done by this wonderful Traveller lady. Thanks.
@ekon14853 ай бұрын
You are one of the best KZbinr in the world, I bet! You always charmed us with the fascinating sides of the remotest beautiful China that only you can detail. I can't wait to visit china soon and wanna meet you in person. I am a fan!
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Great comment, you are correct
@zhuang58002 ай бұрын
@Joni.b.3 ай бұрын
Phenomenal drone footage, Yan!! That landscape is beyond! My husband says we’d never see these places without a drone (flown by Yan, I add). And how you feel so comfortable as a young woman putting yourself in the midst of people’s lives with such curiosity and genuine interest! Thank you!🙏🏼
@Dons923 ай бұрын
This is the life everyone want’s traveling around the world.
@matthewhartzell47093 ай бұрын
I went backpacking on this route 18 years ago, in 2006, on my first trip to China. It was amazing, the most memorable part of my trip. We stayed in a Krygyz yurt at the base of Mt. Muztagata. I hitchhiked with some Pakistani truck drivers to Tashikurgan.
@RobertKenney-p5x3 ай бұрын
The geographical features are so very stunning. You younger lady sure know how to not only entertain, but inform your viewers. Shay shay for your videos.
@RajeevKumar-mu9wb2 ай бұрын
That couple who offered you warm tea and snacks is so so kind...........Love from India...............❤❤❤❤❤❤The kids dancing in the wedding were cute as well
@curare183 ай бұрын
Central Asia, West China is so amazing. Love the people. So different.
@Kevinpro212 ай бұрын
I’m thrilled that you’re considering a trip to Pakistan! Hunza Valley, Skardu, Gilgit, and KPK are truly incredible. I can’t wait to see your take on these stunning places LOVE FROM CANADA
@ricjun30013 ай бұрын
Mystic, exotic, enigmatic and picturesque of the hidden breathtaking nature as well as her diverse culture of Tashguran bordering Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikstan; including the much sought Karakorum Highway captured through your lens.
@richiedawood99002 ай бұрын
I’m blown away after watching your KZbin videos. Love from Stockholm, Sweden ❤
@kimmeilim19703 ай бұрын
People are so kind and lovely... It's so humbling.. Usually people in the cities are out to get something out of everyone
@rezayaseri27903 ай бұрын
I'm Iranian and It's wonderful that China has many ethnicity like Iran. I hope I host you if you visit Iran. we have Persian, Turk, Kurd, Lor, Arab, Balouch, Lak, Gil, Mazani, Sarakhsi, Turkmen, ... . ❤❤❤❤❤
@littlechineseeverywhere2 ай бұрын
definitely would love to revisit iran, the people are the best
@rezayaseri27902 ай бұрын
@@littlechineseeverywhere ❤🙏
@JK_Anthony2 ай бұрын
@rezayaseri27902 ай бұрын
@@JK_Anthony middle east includes many countries which is safe. so don't give her false info
@glenshea90932 ай бұрын
love to Iran !! ❤❤
@ShawnRitch3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your videos ! I have been in a very depressed and despondent mood all day until I started watching your video for today. After seeing all the beautiful and loving people you run across, I can't help but to feel better about things. God bless you :)
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
What a great comment - take care
@ngheanchoong3 ай бұрын
she bring peace to our mind
@jieyan79523 ай бұрын
Me too
@dhanykusuma44343 ай бұрын
I missed this place, I went there back in Oct 2023. Thank you for all your videos @Xinjiang, it's reminiscing the memory :):) Ciayoo and upload more videos on the other parts of Xinjiang that have never been explored before. Luv from Hkg+Indonesia.
@Abeturk2 ай бұрын
The language of 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 people Su=water /水 (Suv)=fluent-flowing Suvu> Sıvı=fluid, liquid Suv’up =liquefied Suv-mak= to make it flow onwards-upwards >suvamak=to plaster Suy-mak= to make it flow over Süv-mek= to make it flow inwards Sür-mek= to make it flow ON something >to drive (Su-arpa)>chorba>surppa=soup /Surup>şurup=syrup /Suruppat>şerbet=sorbet /Surab>şarap=wine /Surah>şıra=juice şire=milky Süp-mek= to make it flow outwards /Süp-ğur-mek>süpürmek=to sweep -mak/mek>(umak/emek)=aim/ exertion (machine/ mechanism) -al/el =~obtain through -et =~ do /make -der = ~set /provide -kur=~ set up -en=own diameter > about oneself -eş=each mate/each other/together or altogether -la/le = ~make this by it /do it this way Sermek= to make it flow in four directions =to spread it by laying over somth Sarmak= to make it flow around somth =to wrap, to surround Saymak= to make it flow drop by drop /one by one from the mind =~to count, ~to deem (sayı=number) (bilgisayar=computer) Söymek= to make it flow through > Söy-le-mek= make the sentences flow through the mind =~to say, ~to tell Sövmek=to say whatever's on own mind=swearing Sevmek= to make flow/pour from the mind to the heart =to love Süymek=to make it flow thinly (Süÿt> süt= दूध/ milk) Soymak=to make it flow over it/him/her (to peel, ~to strip )(soygan>soğan=onion) Soy-en-mak>soyunmak=to undress (Suy-ğur-mak)>sıyırmak=~skinning ,skimming Siymek=to make it flow downwards= to pee Siÿtik>sidik=urine Say-n-mak>sanmak= to pour from thought to the idea >to arrive at a guess Savmak=to make it pour outward /put forward /set forth > sav=assertion Sav-en-mak>savunmak=to defend /Sav-ğur-mak>savurmak=to strew it outward (into the void) Sav-eş-mak>savaşmak=to shed each other's blood >savaş= war Savuşmak=scatter altogether around > sıvışmak=~run away in fear Sağmak=to ensure it pours tightly /Sağanak=downpour /Sahan=somth to pour water Sağ-en-mak>sağınmak= to spill from thought into emotions> ~longing Sekmek=to go (by forcing /hardly) over it further Sakmak=to get/ keep/ hold-back forcely or hardly (sekar=?) Sak-en-mak>sakınmak =to ponder hard/hold oneself back/beware Soğmak=to penetrate (by force)> Soğurmak= make it penetrate inward= to suck in Sokmak=to put/ take (by force) inward Sökmek=to take/ force out from the inside(~unstitch/rip out) Sıkmak=to press (forcibly) into oneself > squeeze (Sıkı=tight) Sığmak=fit inside /Sığ-en-mak>sığınmak= to seek refuge Süzmek=to make it lightly flow from top to bottom / to filter Sezmek=to keep it mentally flowing gently /to intuit, sense Sızmak=to get flowed slightly / to ooze Suŋmak=to extend it forward, put before, present Süŋmek=to get expanded outwards /sünger=sponge Sıŋmak=to reach by stretching upward/forward Siŋmek=to shrink oneself by getting down or back (to lurk, hide out) Söŋmek=to get decreased by getting out or in oneself (to fade out) Tan= the dawn /旦 Tanımak= to get the differences of =to recognize Tanınmak= tanı-en-mak= to be known/recognized Tanıtmak= tanı-et-mak=to make known >to introduce Tanışmak=tanı-eş-mak= to get to know each other =to meet for the first time Danışmak= to get information through each other Tanılamak=tanı-la-mak= diagnose Tıŋı= the tune (timbre) /调 Tıŋ-mak=to react verbally >Tınlamak= ~to take into account/ respond Tıŋı-la-mak= to get the sound out Tiŋi-le-mek=to get the sound in >Dinlemek= to listen / 听 Tiŋ-mek=to get at the silence >Dinmek= to keep calm Denk= Sync>登克>~equal / a-thankDenge =balance Thenğ-mek>Değmek= to touch / to achieve a harmonious reaction Thenğe-mek>Denemek=to try to get a harmonious response in return teğet= tangent / tenger> değer=sync level >worth / teng-yüz>deŋiz=sea eşdeğer=equivalent / eş diğerine denk= equal to each other Deng-en-mek>değinmek = to mention /touch upon Deng-eş-mek>değişmek =to turn into something else equivalent /to get altogether a change. Deng-eş-der-mek>değiştirmek =to change it /exchange Çığ (chuw) = avalanche / 雪崩 Çığ-ğur-mak =çığır-mak= ~to scream /read by shouting Çağırmak= to call / inviting / 称呼 / 邀请 Çığırı > Jigir > Şiir = Poetry / 诗歌 Cığır-la-mak > Jırlamak > to squeal /shout with a shrill voice Çığırgı >Jırgı> Şarkı = Song / 曲子 Çiğ (chee)= uncooked, raw / 生 Çiğne-mek =to chew / 咀嚼 (Çiğnek) Çene =chin / 下巴 Çiğ (chiu)= dew / 汽 , 露 (çi’çek=flower/ çi’se=drizzle) Taş =the stone (portable rock)/大石头 Taşı-mak = to take (by moving) it > to carry Taşı-et-mak =Taşıtmak> to have it transported Taşı-en-mak =Taşınmak> to move oneself to a different place Kak-mak=to give direction (kak-qa-eun> kakgan=which one's directing>Kağan>Han) (Baş-khan>Başkan=president) Kak-der-mak>kaktırmak= ~to set aside Kak-el-mak>kağılmak =to be oriented via > get fixed anywhere >kalmak= to stay Kakıluk-mak=to tend upward >kalkmak=to stand up /get up Kak-el-der-mak>kağıldırmak>to make it being steered away> kaldırmak =to remove Kak-en-mak> kağınmak= to be inclined> kanmak / ikna olmak= to ac-know-ledge it's so /be convinced Kak-en-der-mak> kağındırmak= kandırmak (ikna etmek) = ~to trick (to persuade) Der-mek=to provide bringing them together to create an order /der-le-mek= to compile /deri= derm Dar-mak=to bring into a different order by disrupting the old /tarkan=conqueror /tarım= agriculture /tarla= arable field /taramak= to comb Dar-el-mak>darılmak=to be in a disturbed mood towards someone Dur-mak=to remain in the same order /keep being, /survive /halt on (thoru>diri= alive) durabilir=durable /boğa-thor>bahadır=冒頓=survivor-victim> war veteran boğa=sacrificed by strangling >buga > buhag > pigah> 피해자> pig Dur-der-mak> durdurmak=~to stop /diri-el-mek>dirilmek= be revived Diremek=make to stand against / direnmek=resist / diretmek=insist Dür-mek=to roll it into a roll / dürülmek=get rolled / dürüm=roll of bread Dör-mek=to rotate it on its axis >thör =mix/ blend (döngü/ törüv=tour) (dörük=blended) Thöre-mek>türemek=become a new layout/form by coming together in the same medium (tür= kind / type) Thörük=order formed by coming together >Türk Töre=order established over time= tradition /torah=sacred order /tarih=history Thör-et-mek>türetmek= to create a new layout combining= to derive Thör-en-mek>Dörünmek= to rotate oneself /turn by oneself Törünmek>törn-mek>Dönmek= to turn oneself /döner=rotary /turna=flamingo Dön-der-mek>döndürmek=to turn something Dön-eş-mek>dönüşmek=turn (altogether) into something Dön-eş-der-mek>dönüştürmek=to convert /transform (Edh) Ez-mek=to thin something down by pressing over= to crush /run over (Edg) Eğ-mek=to turn something the other way or to a curved shape> to tilt it eğim =inclination Eğ-el-mek>eğilmek=to get being inclined /bend Eğ-et-mek>eğitmek= to educate Eğir-mek=to cause it another shape by spin it crosswise around itself / eğri =curve, awry > ağrı=crossways >uğru=~aspect of > doğru= true, right direction Evirmek= to make it return around itself or transform into another shape Çevirmek=turn into/encircle Devirmek =turn outer/overturn Eğir-al-mek>eğrilmek=to become a skew /be bended by Evir-al-mek>evrilmek=to get a transformation over time /evrim=evolution /devrim=revolution /evre=stage Uğra-mak>=to get (at) a place or a situation for a certain time= drop by/ stop by Uğra-eş-mak> uğraşmak=to drop by (altogether) each other for a certain time=to strive/ deal with Uğra-et-mak> uğratmak=to put in a situation for a specific time Öğre-mek=to get an accumulation above a certain stage Öğre-en-mek=to get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time> öğrenmek= to learn Öğre-et-mek=to make somebody get (at) a knowledge or info level at a certain time= to teach Türkçe öğretiyorum =I’m teaching turkish İngilizce öğreniyorsun =You’re learning english Öğren-i-yor-u-sen (learn
@clumsytriangle24363 ай бұрын
They are such good looking people and I love their clothing and dancing - basically, their culture. This is why having culture is so important. It is beautiful and meaningful. Thanks for showing us this wonderful side of Zhōngguó
@duskymoonuk3 ай бұрын
I love watching your channel, it’s really nice to see China from your perspective rather than how the media portray it as a country, so diverse!
@dimascennel20752 ай бұрын
The BBC media will say you have been paid by the Chinese government. If you report bad news, the BBC will give you a prize🤣
@Michael-fw5ef3 ай бұрын
You always talk about how other people are kind to you, but YOU ARE KIND and that's why people are kind to you. You have the sweetest personality and you would make an excellent wife. You are the type of woman that every man wants. Women always ask 'What do men want in a woman' and here is you answer - THIS WOMAN.
@tonics71213 ай бұрын
She is married, pretty sure.
@Michael-fw5ef3 ай бұрын
@@tonics7121 Probably, but I never see a wedding ring on her finger.
I agreed, she's personality is so warm, ❤️her simplicity, her sympathy makes her more beautiful 🔥🔥🔥
@momphert20262 ай бұрын
Normally, when one watches news, it is all misery, war and crime and disease. This is about happy people and their interesting cultures. such a relief. Positive! And you do it so well, I love watching your programmes, keep up the good work! 🥰
@edbardoe21953 ай бұрын
Always a “wow” experience to travel with Yan to places I didn’t even know existed!
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
WOW - so amazing
@WowJustWow373 ай бұрын
You’re one of the best travel vloggers ever! You did so much justice to the beauty of China that I now wish to visit. These latest videos are so extremely special. My heart fills with love like yours does! Thank you!❤
@billyboyles3 ай бұрын
😢This is my very favorite KZbin channel. It's so nice to see content like this. Greetings from Canada 🇨🇦
@iamnot12 ай бұрын
Thanks for showing these beautiful and generous people! Their loving attitude transforms a "stranger" into a "beloved guest" in an instant. ❤❤❤
@lee159383 ай бұрын
Love your videos showing the beautiful people and country of China!
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Same here, good comment
@andnimbus791919 күн бұрын
The mountain views are breath taking, an art on its own. I just came accross your videos and now its addicting to watch them. From Canada
@WingsOfADream13 ай бұрын
the dancing is so beautiful. like they are almost mirroring and that they all seem to just know it so well...
@karl-heinzheinbach844719 күн бұрын
Ich muss Ihnen ein großes Kompliment machen. Sie machen für mich die besten, informativen und interessantesten Videos. Tausend Dank dafür und ich wünsche Ihnen alles erdenklich Gute.
@Scrat3353 ай бұрын
Wow. In Mexico, in all the small towns every night weather permits they have a fiesta in the square. People dance, kids run amuck and there's a market. The same tradition an entire world away. Your content is astounding Yan. We only ever hear about these distant places. You take it to another level completely. My only complaint is you don't do enough.
@laifamily78042 ай бұрын
aren't indigineous mexicans from east asia thousands of years ago? so it wouldn't surprise me there are cultural similarities
@Scrat3352 ай бұрын
@@laifamily7804 It's a good question whether the custom has a specific place of origin. Amerindians are descendants of east Asian and central Asian peoples but the "party in the park" was done in places as far away as Ireland too. I think it's origins are from the times of Homo Erectus who had fire. Fire was protection, warmth and cooking. Even then they had the need to gather in some specific place. It seems to go through all cultures through all times.
@Scrat3352 ай бұрын
I agree. Homo Erectus probably invented this custom. They brought family and then clans too. Most importantly the passing along of knowledge to the young by the old.
@johncopeland38263 ай бұрын
We have a saying here in Scotland Yan , - "we are all Jock Tampson's bairns " . Roughly meaning we are all one big family and going by your brilliant video ,it is absolutely true matter where we are in the world. Great to see you indulge in the local dress fashion too ..the styles are exquisite. Do you know of the old adage Yan ..if you want to get a head ..get a hat ? Well , you are the way ahead for us viewers with your remarkable short story films . Be well .
@iamcanadianedmonton3 ай бұрын
i would like to go to Xinjiang for the second time. but Xinjiang is so big, it's really a daunting task for an old man like me 😢😢. love from Canada.
@Dordordord3 ай бұрын
150km2, half size of india, turely big
@hcreed93462 ай бұрын
its so beautiful,im go there 5times
@汪洋-s4z2 ай бұрын
@denglinzhiniao2 ай бұрын
@baxsterm72302 ай бұрын
Your videos are always eye opening...its not something that is being taught in school...always interesting and places you chose are always the unknown or road less travelled. Keep doing what you do cos you are such an inspiration. ❤
@felicitasbruzkova37633 ай бұрын
Srdečně vás zdravím z Česka a mnohokrát děkuji za úžasné video, zajímavé, krásné záběry z dronu ,jako vždy 👍 . Moc zajímavá oblast ,krajina , lidé, děkuji že diky vám to vše může vidět celý svět,jak v klidu, míru a v pohodě žíjí spolu v Číně různé etnické menšiny , moc hezky, děkuji. Opatrujte se, hodně zdraví, štěstí a Boží ochrany🌹😍🙏✊🍀👍🙋🇨🇿
@530MAIDU2 ай бұрын
It’d love to see your Amazing Country as well. I love the Russian people. As an Indigenous Native American…I was shocked when a Russian person claimed 🤍We Are from Russia. 😂 ❤️👍🏽
@seseseye26 күн бұрын
捷克这个国家,在欧盟,是最抵触中国的 ,你知道吗
@constantinass90103 ай бұрын
Ești minunată, deosebită, tot deauna informată. MERGI de una singură prin locuri grru accesibile.Esti tot timpul cu zambetul pe buze,nu profiți de oamenii saraci,plătești tot ce cumperi.Mii de mulțumiri pentru ce locuri minunate ne prezinți. Drum bun in continuare,te urmaresc cu mult drag din ROMANIA.
@littlechineseeverywhere3 ай бұрын
Thank you 🥰
@TwoCentsOnTour3 ай бұрын
So windy but so beautiful! Awesome! Thanks as always for sharing these places with us 🤩
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Yes, agree 100%
@sleo37203 ай бұрын
Thank you sister Yan for taking us through this wonderfully spectacular journey sharing your experiences with beautiful people in the rarest of places situated near the roof of the world
@ahmedbaloch84583 ай бұрын
I'm really astonished by their dance it so similar to our Balochi dance. I'm living in Pakistan and iran border area called balochistan 🤍
@Takashi-q7sАй бұрын
Hello from Japan.I am originally from Kyrgystan.I was so happy to see ethnic kyrgyz people in your vlog.
@adam1984-p9j3 ай бұрын
China is truly a magnificent country
@guitaruncle38013 ай бұрын
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Agree 100%
@Scrat3353 ай бұрын
@@adam1984-p9j Have you ever looked into it's history? It's amazing, and easily 7000 years old.
@guitaruncle38012 ай бұрын
@balghari63912 ай бұрын
you mean east turkestan that china illegally occupied?
@parttimethinker76113 ай бұрын
They are so generous folks. They looked just like Afghan or Pakistani, beautiful people.
@chengsoonlau14433 ай бұрын
@hdoglesby3 ай бұрын
My partner and I got a kick when you talked about how handsome some of the men were 😊 You are so genuine and adorable Yan ❤
@shupun3 ай бұрын
thank you for the video. The Tajiks are called Wakhi or Xiks in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The people speak Wakhi language, also spoken in the border villages of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
@xavierlewis19963 ай бұрын
Most Chinese Tajiks speak Sarikoli not Wakhi which are not mutually intelligible.
@karan.kunwar5433 ай бұрын
They are actually Persian central Asian culture
@realcyberpirate2 ай бұрын
@@karan.kunwar543 no they aren't. They speak Eastern Iranic language, and the biggest language of this group is Pashto. Persian is on the other side of this group, related to Kurdish and Balochi.
@karan.kunwar5432 ай бұрын
@@realcyberpirate Pashto is also Irani language 🤣
@ShujArash2 ай бұрын
Iam Tajik of Afg so this people speak persian ( dari). Pashto is the the language of Pashtuns in Pakistan and Afghanistan.@@realcyberpirate
@newsunderfootАй бұрын
Hi! Thank you for the video, which introduces viewers to the most remote corners of the world and the peoples inhabiting them. In my city of Omsk (Siberia, Russia) there are quite a lot of Tajiks, even more Kyrgyz and most of all Kazakhs. And it was very interesting to compare their lifestyle in Russia and China. In Omsk, they assimilate more strongly into the surrounding society, although they retain their religion (there are several mosques in Omsk), folk customs and holidays. I wish you good luck and creative success!
@RChern3 ай бұрын
I always wondered what Western China's culture looked like. Thanks for sharing!
@李大酷2 ай бұрын
@peterwu84713 ай бұрын
Amazing scenery - you know I have found it to be true that everywhere I go, people are kind and friendly and helpful. I am sure there are bad people in the world - but there are so many kind people too.
@Елена-э5у2т3 ай бұрын
15:26 Как же красива наша Земля!!! Всем людям мира и добра 💕Спасибо за прогулку! 👍
@Amidat3 ай бұрын
Wow!! So wonderful to see the different ethnic groups in China and see how much hospitality they show!!
@MrVvulf23 күн бұрын
Rural people around the world are almost always very hospitable. They have fewer daily interactions with people than city folk do, and they often deal with the stark realities of life. Infrequent visitors offer interesting news and a break from normal life.
@bikramcanada3 ай бұрын
This ethnic groups… if born in Pakistan or Afghanistan. there is no question about freedom! Life is? Very lucky and I can see their happiness with moderation.The whole world loves you ❤❤❤
@outman19232 ай бұрын
Ethnic minorities have freedom as well. Don’t take it as fact just because Western media tells you they don’t. For example, in reality, quite a few ethnic minorities actually hold dual citizenship. Although both China and Kazakhstan officially do not allow dual citizenship, many people secretly hold it in both countries. This remained hidden until recently, when Kazakhstan requested China to share data with them, which exposed these dual citizens. The borders are essentially open, and China does not prevent these people from emigrating. Every year, hundreds of millions of Chinese people travel abroad and return to China. China is a free country. We don’t boast about our freedom, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have it.
@JK_Anthony2 ай бұрын
@haiyanlin50542 ай бұрын
@blang70173 ай бұрын
What an awesome drone shots of the amazing place. It bring tears to my eyes to see the generous couple there to invite a complete stranger to his house and offer you food and show you around his house. Amazing. ❤
Homer in Odyssey says that a complete stranger could be a mighty God in disguise...
@cordeliav30553 ай бұрын
Thank you for this further glimpse into your incredible adventures. I am blown away by the friendliness and diversity of the people you meet on your travels.
@EnamulBari-h4t3 ай бұрын
Iranian people once lived from eastern europe to all the way into eastern mongolia, turkic migration from the east since 500AD resulted in lot of admixture but the area around tarim basin is one of the homeland of eastern iranian people
@weibinsong31403 ай бұрын
It’s nice introducing the historical origin and the old religion of these people in such a tenuous way with full respect.
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Agree, good comment
@erickent42483 ай бұрын
You are so right about the people of Tashkurgen being beautiful, that mix of Eastern and Western features is indeed a good one. Beautiful land too, so clean and serene.
@treesnl3 ай бұрын
The drone shots were stunning. Such a unique and beautiful landscape.
@semqueixas3 ай бұрын
It´s amazing how yo make friends wherever you go. Your channel is so beautiful and light. Thank you.
@mariaisabelperezmiori93943 ай бұрын
I simply love watching your videos. You are so amazing 😊 Greetings from Brazil ❤
@ChrisHereToday3 ай бұрын
Argee 100% - great comment
@mariaisabelperezmiori93943 ай бұрын
@homergee573 ай бұрын
Lucky found you channel You have a nice clear voice away smile kind person I am 77 Chinese move to USA young age from Canton no need for next life learn about Unseen China best wish to you you coworker of cause you family Good person come from good family ❤
@engkumuradengkuibrahim50293 ай бұрын
Hi Yan... Lovely insight of the diversity of ethnics in China... so lovely, peaceful and great hospitalty. Just wonderful.
@filika103 ай бұрын
As always, your presentation is very nice. Respect for what you do. Thank you for that. Greetings from Greece.
@solotraveller8883 ай бұрын
My most fave vlogger. So calm and friendly. No drama around her and what she does.
@catolicosoy78692 ай бұрын
Soy de Guatemala ,ase un par de Días me encontré con tu canal, y me encanta tu contenido ,un abrazo ah todos
@wengisnothere3 ай бұрын
Very friendly people, added with a warm and sincere smile. 😊😊😊
@KellyGustin3 ай бұрын
Pertama kali saya melihat keberagaman budaya di China. Terima kasih Yan. Salam dari Borneo, Sarawak, Malaysia 🇲🇾🇲🇾
@NOORCHANNEL01233 ай бұрын
This people is very near to the people in the valley of gilgit baltistan. They are very similar to the look of Kalash people and Chitrali people of Pakistan. The clothing, dance is very similar with chitrali people. I cannot blame my colleague why his language is very similar with Chinese. Your videos always blow my mind. ❤❤Magnificent and very interesting content ❤
@Gordiy13Ай бұрын
Они ваханцы , памирский народ . В Пакистане живут и в Китае , Афганистане и в Таджикистане . Малый иранский народ , но не таджики .
@Spright913 ай бұрын
Incredible hospitality from those Kyrgyz people how can that not fill your heart. They deserve happiness and fortune for their lives.
@maybox20843 ай бұрын
The landscape is really stunning 🤩
@TabeshKhan2 ай бұрын
Dear Yan, Compared to the days when you freshly started posting here on KZbin, I am astounded at the level of improvement you have brought into your travelogues. Keep it up, Love from Waziristan. 😊
@hmangaihzualikhawlhring74743 ай бұрын
Your channel is an eye opening for China. It is so beautiful
@AhJodie3 ай бұрын
Thank you! The world is full of amazing people and views, and I appreciate you sharing some of them! It is so easy to get caught up in problems, and then you show me there is a vast number of things that have nothing to do with the problems that have been bothering me! Love to you! Such wonderful people you meet, I want to say thank you to all of them too!