The Liberal government tries to capitalize on capital gains

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National Post

National Post

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Ottawa bureau chief Stuart Thomson talks to National Post reporter Ryan Tumilty about this week's federal budget and the political reaction.

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@victorlee2398 Ай бұрын
I am a millennial. My parents were planning to sell their cottage and give the proceeds to me and my 2 siblings to use as down payment. Now, my parents are labelled as ultra rich and they will be taxed to death. Me and my 2 siblings will never be able to buy a property. My whole family will vote Conservatives.
@LaurentiusTriarius Ай бұрын
Another kick in the balls of the dying and overstrung middle class. This government need to go ASAP
@platinecoiffure7833 Ай бұрын
It does not only affect the very wealthy,it affects anyone who invested years ago in a revenue property and now when they sell it at retirement they will be hit for working and being responsible citizens! Get someone who knows what they’re talking about next time and not some Trudeau mouthpiece!
@russburton4018 Ай бұрын
And bitcoin unless they move to el Salvador lol
@larrylarry3549 Ай бұрын
There should be measures put in place for circumstances like that. If you own your home ( primary household) and 1 investment property or cottage there shouldn't be any punishment on that but when people buy 5-10-15 homes yes it sorta does mess up the country. When you have a majority of the population unable to work towards a home your going to have a serious problem. If you don't have a "dream" to live towards or a childhood house cause you keep moving your going to have issues.
@sprintstothebathroomdaily2429 Ай бұрын
@@larrylarry3549 Its not landlords or property owners doing this its not having a legitimate immigration plan. If city x expects to build 100K new homes and you bring in 500K into the region you're putting an insane amount of pressure on the market. We're seeing this in Toronto right now, im a home inspector, we see single family homes essentially converted into 10-12 bedrooms in areas not zoned for it, its illegal, and its driving the property prices up where its impossible to start off. All government funding will do is give land to developers for free to build low quality homes that our kids will buy for too much and have nothing but issues with
@tdwz1652 Ай бұрын
not to mention middle class who get inheritance from their family, government is going tovgetva nice fat bite of that too
@sac0429 Ай бұрын
@@larrylarry3549My Mother was hit with Capital gains after I sold my house that was in her name and it was $42,000 dollars and she only makes $3000 a year, she is 71 years old!!
@layne4376 Ай бұрын
Trudeau's net worth went up from about $1.7M when he took office to about $60M today. I wonder if he is going to pay taxes on the capital gains?
@ryanprosper88 Ай бұрын
I keep hearing different numbers regarding this. Pure speculation
@Grooviebones Ай бұрын
@@ryanprosper88 so what has he done for you that makes you think he's in the trenches, working for you?
@uninvitedpwner Ай бұрын
​@@Grooviebonesidk if you watched the video.. but he just put in taxes for the ultra wealthy... that far better than firing people with jobs like pierre wants.
@firstandforemost87 Ай бұрын
@@Grooviebones Where did they say he is in the trenches working for us? I too have heard several different figures for this. Doesn’t mean I like the guy or support him.
@Trythis837 Ай бұрын
It’s $97 million. Personal net worth is probably nothing, as it would be with anyone that understands Canadian tax laws, but when you look at what his share of his grandfathers real estate empire he’s worth around $97 million. And everyone’s net worth has gone up. There are 7 millionaires in Canada today for every 1 there was when he took office.
@buck_up Ай бұрын
These 40,000 individuals and 12% of corporations will just leave Canada and we will lose jobs.
@guigram1124 Ай бұрын
More debt than all previous PMs in Canadian history combined! It's insane!
@protic4 Ай бұрын
So why would you be complaining about a tax on the wealthy then?
@guigram1124 Ай бұрын
@@protic4 It makes me wonder who would be crazy to invest in a country that tax 2/3 of their gains. And we are in times of all time low in productivity and investments.
@alexbosorogan7501 Ай бұрын
@@protic4 because some worked hard to get that money(rich people are not rich because they win a lottery, they usually rich because they took a risk and worked hard) and from 50 percent taxation to 67% is a lot of money . Another thing it is a bad message that Canada sends out, I will bet anything you want that investors will think twice before investing here, I know I would.
@davemcd9077 Ай бұрын
@guigram.............................well no, not insane...actually it IS called Canada Belongs to Quebec=we've KNOWN abou thim EVER SINCE HE SPEWED THOSE WORDS.
@adrianharrison5208 Ай бұрын
@@protic4 probably the most ignorant comment I have read all year
@soul76can Ай бұрын
To anyone who says, the rich people with money should pay more in taxes, are being ignorant. Canada is / was a capitalist country. If you work hard and you make it by owning a big business or making very good investments you shouldn’t have to fork over a large part of your money in taxes because the government has completely mismanaged the country and needs 20 Billion from somewhere to help fund a housing crisis that THEY, the government, created. That is why they are adding this significant tax to the wealthy, to help pay for their prefabricated housing divisions so people under 40 can afford a down payment on a prefabricated home. So because the Trudeau government is so inept at managing immigration, infrastructure, the economy and housing, they now have to STEAL (tax) the wealthy significantly more to help and try to make up for their blunders. How one single person can completely destroy a country in 8 years is truly mind boggling. Once this sad excuse for a PM is finally gone, it will take a generation to fix the economy, housing, infrastructure and deficit IF it will even be able to be fixed. Justin Trudeau could not even run a lemonade stand, much less a country. And he is still shovelling bags of money as well as military weaponry and support at a proxy war on the other side of Europe over territory that has been fought over and gone back and forth on for hundreds of years! 13.3 BILLION and counting / plus more already committed through 2029! Unbelievable.
@Caminator952 Ай бұрын
he taxed us peasant's to the max now he has to go after the rich
@liberalManifesto68 Ай бұрын
Trudeau must go... I hate his spending and luxurious life style on tax payers money
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
what luxury
@liberalManifesto68 Ай бұрын
@@nathanlevesque7812 trudeau-montana-weekend-cost-1.6986793
@huggybear3098 Ай бұрын
@TheRealBatCave Ай бұрын
​@@nathanlevesque7812that's funny
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
I think it's called glamping when you live in a luxurious tent.
@earlkitsch1155 Ай бұрын
I am sure Trudeau’s net worth of 100 million is in a tax haven hypocrite 😂
@FaithUp3 Ай бұрын
Extremely frustrating as a Canadian. Waiting to leave this horrible fallen country. If we all do, whose money will you collect? Bastards.
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
So you're one of the ultra wealthy then? Imagine being mad that the tax burden will be less unequal.
@huggybear3098 Ай бұрын
​@@nathanlevesque7812you're a f I n r e t a r d! Certainly not Canadian and you support a rapist
@KevinJayJohnson Ай бұрын
​@@nathanlevesque7812the ultra wealthy will just fuck off with thier money and move thier businesses elsewhere and employ the locals where they move! This isn't funny! This will push Canada Into a jobless welfare socialist hell....mark my words! It's anouther Nazi Marxist move STINKS LIKE WEF AGENDA! THE SAME STINK CANADIANS ARE CURRENTLY PROTESTING......EVERY TOWN AMD CITY! MORE AND MORE JOINING!!! A DECADE OF ECONOMIC SOCIAL DESTRUCTION IS ENOUGH!
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
Do you need help packing?
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
@@huggybear3098 He's a Trump supporter?
@suemulligan3219 Ай бұрын
NDP will be down to very few seats after the next election if NDP supports budget 2024, Canadians do remember who is playing with our life by propping up the Liberal minority government.
@VikingMale Ай бұрын
Canadians forget all parties broke the Nuremberg codes, all 10 with the experimental medical treatments. All should be in jail.
@Frameboy71 Ай бұрын
BREAKING NEWS - No they wont.
@d4rkomeg413 Ай бұрын
CANADA IS BROKE , go to the bank and try to take out 5+ thousand i just saw a kid the other day cant take out 3k to buy a car cash, its comin canada we are the next greece when they went broke WE ARE SCREWED !
@kentknelson5465 Ай бұрын
He's killing us
@davemcd9077 Ай бұрын
yuppers...butcha woulda KNOW THAT when he spewed Canada Belongs to Quebec..........NO effingpoint in crying about it NOW if you're JUST WAKING UP to it NOW.
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
@@davemcd9077 the heck are you talking about
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
PP would kill us faster
@mandtgrant Ай бұрын
@@davemcd9077 What a moron
@ekimeno3061 Ай бұрын
Slanderous. Care to explain? And be detailed none of this vague gesturing with no facts to back it up
@davethusberg8954 Ай бұрын
It is not true that this is about taxing wealthy people. Any home disposed in an estate is now taxed more. This affects every type of Canadian household.
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
I don't think you know what those words mean...
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
Ask anyone living in a tent if they care about your estate.
@davethusberg8954 Ай бұрын
@@mikeb5664 You're 100% right, there is no capital gains tax increase on tents.
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
@@davethusberg8954 And if there was, your 1.25 million capital gains exemption will have you covered.
@henryvanderbeek2973 Ай бұрын
The rich will just leave Canada.....Yeah, so the government collects a few dollars..but then those wealthy take their money, their businesses and knowledge with them and they leave for better locales...........Money is goes where it's appreciated.....
@mikep2207 Ай бұрын
Easy fix: restrict transfers of currency across national borders
@annumkhosla Ай бұрын
Exactly thats the plan. But most Canadians are too stupid to understand this simple concept
@saltymonkey8874 Ай бұрын
​@@mikep2207Lol, ya that will just make it worse.
@loulinaz3770 Ай бұрын
That will affect businesses, which lead to more layoff and more issues😢
@AlbertaBoy247 Ай бұрын
Jagmeet Singh will vote to keep his pension. He is maybe the second most unscrupulous politician in Canada, if only because Trudeau is in office.
@mandtgrant Ай бұрын
Sure Jan
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
So none of the policies he negotiated for matter to you? Or do you just want a new election asap lol
@AlbertaBoy247 Ай бұрын
@@nathanlevesque7812I haven’t seen anything in the Budget that’s going to be good for Canada or Canadians so yeh, I guess I’d like to see us at the polls to decide vs have more taxes dictated to us and more rights and freedoms eroded. But that requires Singh to do what’s best for Canada, and not just keep supporting this inept, corrupt government simply to stretch this term lout long enough to qualify for his pension, and the pensions of many of the parliamentarians who will suddenly be unemployed after the next election
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
@@AlbertaBoy247 Then name one thing in the budget that isn't the inclusion rate on capital gains tax for profits of over 250k (with exemptions).
@davemcd9077 Ай бұрын
he prophetized it all by spewing 'Canada Belongs to Quebec' this it is OBVOIUSLY coming true, just what WILL Canadians DO about it?
@kaelanskinner8298 Ай бұрын
How about stop taxing Canadians and instead stop throwing money overseas.
@flyovercountry4653 Ай бұрын
This country has turned into a hellscape. Can’t afford to live here anymore this is nuts
@Bigshark1312 Ай бұрын
YOu care about Capital Gains taxes? How rich are you? average Canadian is unaffected by this
@saltymonkey8874 Ай бұрын
​@Bigshark1312 Give me a break, were was this for the last 9 years in office? The guy is playing political games trying to act like he gives a shit about the little guy.
@Bigshark1312 Ай бұрын
@@saltymonkey8874 he passed dentalcare, education benefits for Veterans and 10$/day childcare. All those policies drastically improved the quality of life for my family and others I know. Don't know how that equates to a hell scape. Maybe go touch grass.
@thanos834 Ай бұрын
“None of this means that government does not have a very real function. Indeed, the tragedy is that because government is doing so many things it ought not to be doing, it performs the functions it ought to be performing badly. The basic functions of government are to defend the nation against foreign enemies, to prevent coercion of some individuals by others within the country, to provide a means of deciding on our rules, and to adjudicate disputes.” - Why Government is the Problem, quote from an Essay by Milton Friedman.
@KevinJayJohnson Ай бұрын
They will steal everyone's bank accounts! Rich or poor! Watch Canada world! The ICJ has to stop those two!....or the citizens will! To much! The good good guys are fed up and protesting! The farmers! Soon to be alot of oil and gas workers joining! Working for free days are done!
@joesinclair5107 Ай бұрын
They've already made most people poor and now this capital gain increase will help to keep it that way.
@danilomadrid7876 Ай бұрын
In my opinion ,imposing new taxes and increasing existing taxes are formed of extortions .
@zomboii2325 Ай бұрын
This stops when people want it to stop.
@alexbosorogan7501 Ай бұрын
You dear journalist are very wrong at 0:58 say that this capital change apply to only very few Canadians less than 1%. Au contraire, it applies to every person whom worked hard and has an extra property in GTA or GVA or any second property sold from sea to sea to sea This is abusing and rip off the people that worked a life time for an asset to just see their pension stolen from them. It has very little to do with only 40 individuals or 200 corporations. The message propagated to the foreign investors is a disaster as well.
@chase-warwick Ай бұрын
The vast majority of Canadians can not afford a single property in the GTA or GVA let alone two. I think you are likely just out of touch. Either way, this will discourage real estate investing and encourage investment in assets that are more liquid (and thus won't trigger massive liquidation events) such as equities. Equities are actually backed by productive assets that contribute to the GDP and thus encouraging investment in equities over real estate will actually lead to better long term gains for the economy (compared to real estate investing).
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
Try typing that from a tent you live in.
@eazyb7974 Ай бұрын
​@chase-warwick You realize there is much more demographic to Canada then the GTA right? Try getting outside your bubble once in awhile.
@chase-warwick Ай бұрын
@@eazyb7974 You do realize that they specified GTA or GVA in their comment right? Like specifically called out those regions. Either way owning multiple properties is not super common among the working class people of Canada. Also the appreciation outside of the GTA and GVA is quite a bit lower, the average capital gains tax on property sales that have 500k of appreciation (not total sale price) will have half of the new proposed rate for example. Also I'm not in the GTA or GVA regions I used those regions specifically because they were mentioned.
@eazyb7974 Ай бұрын
@chase-warwick The fact you are ok with government implementing more taxes says it all. This government has already destroyed the middle class and now they will go after richer demographics. All of this will be catastrophic for the economy.
@donaldnicol8415 Ай бұрын
Next raise the taxes on dividends for the wealthiest people and corporations in Canada.
@warmgun Ай бұрын
It's much more than 40,000 affected. What about those who have had property other than their primary residence. They've had it for decades and their profits when they sell will be less with these new capital gains rules. This tax erodes the retirement funds of ordinary people. How can this reporter not see this happening?
@user-qz3yw2eh4g Ай бұрын
When Pierre PoiLIEvre was housing minister, the Affordable Housing initiative was defunded by 97% and he presided over the construction of a whopping 6 houses across the entire country. He doesn’t view the housing crisis as a problem, but as evidence that capitalism is functioning properly.
@chrisworthman3191 Ай бұрын
Put a sliding scale on profit margins and give anti trust laws some teeth.
@dalenesbitt Ай бұрын
Just because a relatively small number of Canadians are impacted, doesn't mean that it's right.
@Jimmy_Jim_Jim_1234 Ай бұрын
I'm retiring very soon at 55. I am planning to work Under the Table for cash in the U.S. No more $ for Justin. Now they're going to pay me.
@ryanhordyk4437 Ай бұрын
Not all landlords are ultra wealthy. They are middle class who invested they're money differently than others. Why should they have to pay for their alternate strategy of investing?
@Rev.DavidJTowns Ай бұрын
Lower income tax for the middle and upper middle class -- end carbon tax and allow Canadians to dictate the economy -- the government sure doesn't know how to do it. GOD Bless
@charliehigglons7490 Ай бұрын
Yeah let's just increase taxes more and more to pay for shit we don't need
@guyfawkes8384 Ай бұрын
The end is getting very near. I'm lookign forward to it. Time to feel alive again like our forefathers in the 1700s.
@crush42mash6 Ай бұрын
Absolute bull, crap, increase from 50% to 66%! Are you effing kidding me, screwed me again. Saving it for my retirement.
@janosnagy14 Ай бұрын
I wonder if the government pays capital gain taxes since its investing like the teachers pensions into stocks to pay the retired workers. Maybe all the retierd government workers should be charged with capital gain taxes since their pensions paid from investments
@adeletuff5092 Ай бұрын
New increased capital gains inclusion rate will affect regular folks who invested in seasonal properties to vacation in and fund their retirement
@JSpintoplace Ай бұрын
I am rather confused. Who are the middle class in Canada anyway?
@manolaykhounviseth1864 Ай бұрын
After all your hard work than this capital? So wrong in so many levels.
@DR-uj2dd Ай бұрын
Putting my properties up for sale. Getting ready to Leave. Taxed to death.
@helenachase5627 Ай бұрын
Itll cost us all more, no question
@PelonMusk Ай бұрын
Neither of you has a proper fitting suit
@kikolatulipe Ай бұрын
Type of analysis you get when u have a partisan media no free media :-)
@ImBrockatron Ай бұрын
Anyone who proposes or enacts carbon taxes should get life in prison.
@rhye_guy7717 Ай бұрын
And how do you think these wealthy people are going to get their money back? Their going to do things like increase the cost of their goods and cut back on wages (even individuals have staff) and further discourage foreign investment that directly affects jobs and the overall GDP.
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
If you knew that you'd be in the top 1%. But you are not.
@Marley-ii6ls Ай бұрын
Wtf 4.4 million Canadians own rental property. Anybody that has owned an investment property for 10 years is going to be hit hard. Electricians, teachers, trades people, small business entrepreneurs. These are middle class people that own rental property. This guy doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
@darlenehisko2595 Ай бұрын
Doesn't it effect people who bought cottages yrs ago not wealthy wealthy people.Is Trudeau going to sell properties left to him after his Dad died
@davidardjevanidze8406 Ай бұрын
Wont those 40,000 wealthy Canadians just leave the country move somewhere else like i would be fed up if i was them and just move to different country
@user-yf7to9nr7c Ай бұрын
Why Pollievre isn’t speaking about all the new services and benefits that were added for the middle class.
@davidharrow9025 Ай бұрын
There are no benefits to this budget. After 8 years the liberal party finally decide to do something about housing, but only after seeing their lousy poll numbers? Why would anyone continue to vote for them. Can you say your quality of life has improved in the last 8 years? It has only gotten worse for many Canadians. This party is obsessed with spending and increasing taxes. For the first time I am seriously considering relocating to the US. We are taxed to death in Canada and see very little benefit.
@nathanscott762 Ай бұрын
he is wrong that the capital gains tax only affects the rich. i bought an old trailer and renovated it. i would have been able to sell it cheep but still make a profit thereby helping myself and a new home owner. i even contacted my local MP as i could have done more of these to help with housing in rural areas like where i live. no response from my liberal MP. and now i have to calculate higher capital gains to still get a small profit. im not rich and this capital gains increase is hurting me and any people in my area needing a home. absolutely no one is going to build a 4 unit apartment in this rural area, and if i buy old places and renovate them to sell cheeply the liberal goverment will not help me on tax breaks like they will for large companies who can afford to build 4 unit buildings. i explaned to my MP (liberal) that me doing this helps in 4 ways, 1 it removes an old unsightly property from the community, 2 it can provide a low cost option as a starter home,3 it can provide me with a taxable income, and 4 it provides the goverment with tax money (but the goverment got greedy and now all benifit is gone)
@paull3179 Ай бұрын
Spending more than the income coming by over 50 billion when there is no emergency any more. Meals for kids because it is such a poor country that kids are dying of starvation like in Africa? There are gigantic child tax benefits which parents need to learn how to manage.
@joaocherrydon9413 Ай бұрын
Government taxes your income. Government taxes you for “your own long-term benefit” to set up your retirement fund. Government also taxes you if you invest for your retirement and make gains. Government taxes you on most expenses you make with what you have leftover from paying income tax and capital gains tax. Oh and then they tax your pension as well. Just because, well why not? Government is supposed to facilitate trade and growth, while providing services. Name what pros this current government has done with the highest budgets and deficits ever.
@garywagner2466 Ай бұрын
Yep. Liberal Rule Number One: Punish Success and Reward Failure.
@danielrosati2373 Ай бұрын
The capital gains also applies to everyday canadians whome go and sell their homes and make over 250k now have to pay a 67%tax on what we make on the selling of our home.
@VividTheater Ай бұрын
This is not good at all. Time to head to greener pastures.
@billyholiday4947 Ай бұрын
It applies to all types of people that sell assets!!
@ryeonspencer6235 Ай бұрын
The worse government in Canadian history
@larrygee5311 Ай бұрын
Canada is not liveable anymore.Time to leave!
@davidlopan9614 Ай бұрын
The rich saying tax the rich. How rich.
@DanKac182 Ай бұрын
Like taxing riches are not going to affect other classes
@moments80 Ай бұрын
The most inept and horrible prime minister that Canada ever had, he should be a shame of himself, he doesn’t really care about Canadians that’s why most Canadians can’t wait to see him out of office then Canada can be great and prosper again but until then we’ll be stuck with this inept globalist.
@ThePricipleOfParsimony Ай бұрын
@PVaughan-bv4zk Ай бұрын
Brilliant Trudebtism - tax more, waste more, corrupt more, reward buddy contractors more, and scam voters more, all while jet-setting around the world on freeloading green vacations.
@shaykespeeer7040 Ай бұрын
The less taxes the wealthiest and corporations pay, the more that tax burden gets put on the shoulders of the working classes. TAX THE RICH !!!!
@MoistChickenLegs Ай бұрын
With the state of Canada right now, it's critical that funds are not wasted, but it's just as critical that we spend more in sectors that are hurting. People will complain about targeted spending, but wont complain when proposed tax cuts increase deficit spending like crazy.
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
Exactly, they don't seem to remember how badly we got butchered by Harper during the '08 recession aftermath bc of all the tax cuts.
@Cardus501 Ай бұрын
Nothing to see here captain, it's only ice.
@marianam8643 Ай бұрын
Why does everyone keep saying that this tax applies to “very wealthy” Canadians? Have you thought this through at all? My husband and I bought a 5 Plex 15 years ago. This was our retirement. We have 1 property. This tax applies to us. We are NOT wealthy. Yes, those that make over 250k every year in capital gains are wealthy. But those who just saved for retirement by paying a large mortgage are NOT wealthy.
@edithchan7248 Ай бұрын
Not only 66%. But also claw back on your OAS. Retirees work hard in their working days and that's what we get. It certainly doesn't make sense. Do remember we still need to pay for our Healthcare and insurance in a big way. No, no, to this budget.
@blainclatworthy5423 Ай бұрын
AXE the TAX!
@philipsimmonds1103 Ай бұрын
Champagne socialism..
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
you don't know what socialism is
@batmanandrobin1587 Ай бұрын
Pierre have my vote☑️ So long Justine.
@drumitar Ай бұрын
no one will work or invest in this country lol
@ekimeno3061 Ай бұрын
@davemcd9077 Ай бұрын
do ya all think, at this point, that Trudy is using the Phoenix system to calculate expenditures versus revenue?...sure looks like it, 'eh'?
@DL-ds7xp Ай бұрын
The government should tax themselves by getting much smaller
@darrininverarity4297 Ай бұрын
That should be their prime directive,anything else is just theft at this point.
@florapetrescu9358 Ай бұрын
Liberal/NPD must go!!!
@francinecyr6083 Ай бұрын
@moonrakingmilksop Ай бұрын
What the hell is wrong with taxing the investment gains of the rich and super rich? Where do you think the money gets drained into that the vast majority of Canadians pay in rent, mortgage interest, swelling profit margins? The rich and super rich don't share it out. They drain the wealth of the majority faster and faster as their investment portfolios swell and demand returns. This is why housing, fuel and food costs are skyrocketing!
@garywagner2466 Ай бұрын
Bollocks. Only an imbecile believes anything the Liberals claim.
@davidardjevanidze8406 Ай бұрын
Hes killing the middle class
@fujibosco Ай бұрын
I'm not paying them.
@rejeanbarrette3996 Ай бұрын
@alexbosorogan7501 Ай бұрын
You cant say that, NDP will be snatching us with the LPC and pass the budget. This is indeed a disaster.
@davemcd9077 Ай бұрын
oh yes it will sweety...oh YES it WILL....did 'we', o rdid we not hear HIM when he spewed CAnada Belongs to obviously Did not...I DID........besdies!=you have a french name='Kebeker'=the LAST THING proper Canadians WANT or NEED is MORE FUCKINGQUEBEC.
@davemcd9077 Ай бұрын
@rejean.....(2nd attempt to reply to your comment....).oh YES 'we' WILL!!! He spewed Canada Belongs to Quebec yeeears ago, and he fooled 'us' with that...he got into OFFICE after spewing THAT BULLSHIT.........CANADA WILL get fooled again.
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
fooled about what?
@davemcd9077 Ай бұрын
@@nathanlevesque7812 ...asks the ignorant Kebeker/ hes got NO IDEA.
@lifelong5425 Ай бұрын
The new power couple...Heaven help Canada
@darwinelliott8855 Ай бұрын
communism 101
@ImBrockatron Ай бұрын
Ya just take more money.
@raylocke282 Ай бұрын
Tax the rich guys like poliev $
@barry4988 Ай бұрын
Trudeau and Singh 👳🏼‍♂️ need this money to pay for the welfare cheques 💰💰💰 for their Punjabi Sikh fanbase 👳🏼‍♂️👳🏿‍♂️👳🏼‍♂️.
@stanfink981 Ай бұрын
@miadevich1738 Ай бұрын
He is getting rich I heard 100 mill worth now
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
Might be the high salary and zero living costs.
@nmacesic1 Ай бұрын
PM needs to go!!!
@dorothyenns3874 Ай бұрын
Liberal ndp communist dictator.
@marvinzorn9907 Ай бұрын
Define "pretty wealthy Canadians".
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
Are you making millions per year?
@propertyvideotours4718 Ай бұрын
Bring back Stephen Harper!
@javiervega1065 Ай бұрын
@mikeb5664 Ай бұрын
I didn't like the worst job creation and GDP growth since 1946. His buddy PP helped accomplish that.
@MegaDonzee Ай бұрын
@citizenm9590 Ай бұрын
Just wait and see how bad Conservative will treat us middle class and low income earners lot worse then Liberals. As old timer I have seen this Conservative are great if you are very rich otherwise becarefu what you ask for.
@joaocherrydon9413 Ай бұрын
The Liberals win low income votes. The Cons win high income votes. When you study poli sci, a good professor will tell you “look at each policy as a vote gaining or keeping mechanism. How does this specific policy win new votes or maintain the party’s hold on votes.” Liberals benefit from you staying poor. If you go from poor to rich, you’ll likely end up switching your vote to Conservative. Ask yourself, what incentive do the Liberals have in improving the livelihood of the lower and even middle class?
@huggybear3098 Ай бұрын
More taxes more debt
@Zigazaga420 Ай бұрын
40 thousand people have their taxes increased, not just any 40k but the wealthiest in our country. Why is that bad? Honest question.
@Apersonintheworldtoday Ай бұрын
Why is it okay to take people's money?? Robin Hood mentality is still theft!
@Apersonintheworldtoday Ай бұрын
And poor people won't even benefit from it....but, even if they did, it's still wrong. If someone wants to help the poor they shouldn't be FORCED to. That is 100% theft. And no...I'm not rich
@Wi3dMaN Ай бұрын
That's not how a capital gain tax works, dummy.
@alexbosorogan7501 Ай бұрын
This guy the reporter is misinformed and sincerely has no clue of taxing application, is not 40K people is every single person that has a gain. For example a old age person that bought a house and worked a lifetime to pay a second mortgage will pay significantly more if they sell their property. If your grand mother does not sell it and pass it to you you will pay the government the same super tax for inheriting a will. Therefore EVERY single person in this country is affected more or less, the the reporter is simply a simpleton and has no clue of what is he talking about.
@robdixon5016 Ай бұрын
They will take their money and business and leave Canada. Now we have more unemployment and less money.
@MegaDonzee Ай бұрын
Boo-hoo, ain't it hard to be rich!
@derek89273 Ай бұрын
Sorry but I couldn’t watch this
@rsmith2815 Ай бұрын
Its a slippery slope... A test to see if Canadians are happy to keep paying even more taxes.
@nathanlevesque7812 Ай бұрын
0.13% of Canadians will pay more...wealthy Canadians. You are being convinced that this is an attack on you, by people who hate the working class.
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