The Maccabeats - Candlelight - Hanukkah | Reaction

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@jmw939 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for covering this classic! The original use of a dreidel was part of the Chanukah story. The Greeks did not allow Torah learning so teachers and students learned secretly in caves. When a Greek soldier would come by, they would quickly put away the scrolls, and take out a dreidel, and say they were just gathering to play. There’s an MBC song, Light Up The Nights that’s really good and catchy.
@bradg9118 Жыл бұрын
The "Sandwich" is actually a jelly donut. On Chanukah we customarily eat foods cooked in oil to symbolize the miracle of the oil that lasted 8 days. Most notably, the latke (potato pancake) and the sufganiya (jelly donut).
@eliezerbulka4811 Жыл бұрын
Awesome! I've been meaning to tell you to do this 1) because it's almost Chanukah and 2) because I think you'll really enjoy them. This is a good place to start because I believe this is the one that really got the ball rolling for them.
@RelLub Жыл бұрын
Also Chanina Abramowitz, co-owner of the maccabeats was originally in Miami Boys Choir. And yes, their videos are all acapella! They are super talented. A very different sound than Hasidic music-both much loved!
@RelLub Жыл бұрын
This song was their hit that made them famous! They have many videos since then of many songs that are either straight covers, original songs or their words to an existing tune. They have put out a few albums, and the members have changed over the years. You'll notice the one who wore the nasa suit kind of plays the "clown" role with his silly antics (like the jelly doughnut exploding on his lap, swimming in the nasa suit...and many more in other videos), though he has an excellent voice too! I was wondering if you would notice the latke spatula ;) potato latkes and doughnuts are traditional Chanukah foods due to being fried in oil-to commemorate the miracle of the oil in the Menorah lasting 8 days instead of the one. Dreidels are symbolic of the toys that would be brought out during the time of the Chanukah story-the Greeks forbade learning Torah, so the Jewish teachers and students would hide in caves learning. When the soldiers would come to check if they were learning Torah, they would hide their scrolls/books, and bring out the dreidels to make it look like they were just playing. The typical way to play is what you alluded to-awesome memory! Each side of the dreidel has a different outcome when landed on. As far as the dreidel song it goes "I have a little dreidel I made it out of clay, and when it's dry and ready, oh dreidel I shall play..." The maccabeats actually have a video of the dreidel song (it's a little silly) Thanks again for bringing more positivity to our world!
@annonimiss6422 Жыл бұрын
He somehow notices everything... I'm not sure how though. Half the time he points things out that I never noticed myself
@mamagold7200 Жыл бұрын
The dreidle song is so awesome
@z-ro Жыл бұрын
This video is incredible 🤣 I cant believe I've never seen it before, thank you for sharing!
@RelLub Жыл бұрын
Lol yeah it’s great. My kids love it and ask to watch it over and over. They really do the different genres well.
@RelLub Жыл бұрын
Like the baby in the stroller passing by the women in Peter’s video with the man that kept staring!
@kinglake9738 Жыл бұрын
This video is awesome! Nice new jacket with the PortuguesePai's logo!!
@kinglake9738 Жыл бұрын
You should check out Dudi Kalsih! He is a super-talented singer This video is very interesting to watch
@GoodDayYall Жыл бұрын
We missed you, friend... Two days without posting is wayyyy to long lol In all seriousness, please post more if possible. More is not less in your case. Every video is unique. I can watch 10 in a row... And when/if you post something other than music videos, it'd be great if you can also post (that day) a music video as well so those who aren't in the mood of that specific video can still get their typical music video review. All the best Huge fan
@yeshevishman Жыл бұрын
Another classic from my childhood! XD That high pitched noise is indeed exactly as it sounds live, with minimal vocal processing here.
@gingi5799 Жыл бұрын
The Maccabeats also did a cover of Burn by Ellie Goulding that was chanukah themed. The chanukah story is really interesting bc there was kind of this dual wat going on- the spiritual war and the physical war. Physically defeating the Greek armies and spiritually fighting against the laws they had in place to try to squash the religious elements of life. Chanukah rly is all about a re dedication to God and the Torah
@familyfirst4ever Жыл бұрын
Latkes - potato pancakes Dreidel - spinning top with 4 sides. (Can be made out of anything.) Each side has a different letter representing the saying that a great miracle happened there (in Israel, the fourth letter is changed to represent the word here). The way the game is played is that every person gets a certain amount of coins (or whatever pieces you want to use), and there are also pieces in the middle. Turns are taken to spin the dreidel. Depending on what it lands on, that's what is done. Nun - nothing happens. Gimmel - you get the whole pile in the middle, and everyone puts in 1 piece. Hey - you get half the pile. Shin - you put one in. The dreidel game originated because the Macabees would hide in caves to learn Torah, and when the Greeks would come looking for them, they would pull out a dreidel and begin playing. Regarding when Chanukah starts, our calendar day starts at nightfall, meaning that (in terms of) Chanukah starts Sunday night, and the first day is Monday.
@henrysand3900 Жыл бұрын
You rock, really nice you are commemorating our chanukah holiday.
@gingi5799 Жыл бұрын
Ahhh so refreshing, light and fun! Thanks for doing this! I like the informational videos as well bc I love to see how you think and get into those discussions but they were honestly getting a bit heavy for me bc the topics are so emotionally loaded and then add the layer of the political ugliness… Anyway, this was a nice change and I was cheesing the whole time 😁
@annonimiss6422 Жыл бұрын
Haha how do you even know that song?? 😂 You got it almost right! "Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay And when you're dry and ready Oh dreidel i shall play" It's really funny because I literally never thought about the fact that the first line is totally not something anyone does. I've never seen a clay dreidel 😂 Although, if you want to make one, you're welcome to lol. It took you to make me realize that 😂 Also, dreidels have on each side of them one of these Hebrew letters: נ (nun), ג (gimmel), ה (hey), and, פ (pey) for Israeli dreidels, ש (shin) for all other dreidels. They stand for "Nace Guh-dole Huh-yuh Poh/Shum" meaning "A great miracle happened here/there." (And I wrote that transliteration differently than we normally do, so you'd know how to pronounce it.) Part of the story of Chanukah is that the Greeks had banned Torah learning. The Jews (young and old) would hide in caves to learn Torah, and when the Greeks would come around looking for them, they'd hide their study books and play with dreidel type of things (spinning tops). The "great miracle" refers to the fact that the Jews, literally a tiny army, defeated the Greeks, a huge army. (And of course, the Greeks not catching them learning Torah was a miracle as well.) Playing specifically with dreidels reminds us of the Jews risking their lives just to study Torah. If you're curious about the dreidel game: We put pennies (or any sort of coin) in the middle, at your turn you spin your dreidel. If it lands on Nun, nothing happens. If it lands on gimmel, you take everything in the middle and everyone else then puts one of theirs in, if you land on hey you get half (or maybe give? Lol I don't remember), and shin or pey, I can't remember 😂 I haven't played in a few years... Oh, and the word they're saying is "Maccabees". A Maccabee is what a soldier in the Jewish "army" (it was barely an army because it was so tiny) was called.
@annonimiss6422 Жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, the details I add in comparison to other people here is embarrassing.
@Sari-qu6jn Жыл бұрын
Mr. Dreidel standing outside shower with curtain closed looking very annoyed: "You're STILL not dry and ready??"
@yeshevishman Жыл бұрын
I have seen dreidels made out of clay, although they tend to be rare. I think the song was written as clay because it rhymes with play! XD My mother is an elementary school music teacher at several Jewish schools and uses the dreidel song around this time of year to help with her students creativity in music. She will have them change the building materials of the dreidel in the song to something else and then create a new verse. The all time best by far was one kid who came up with this gem: "I had a little dreidel I made it out of toxic waste It looked so very filling I took a little taste!" XD
@eliezerbulka4811 Жыл бұрын
You're right on! These guys are awesome and really talented. They started out while they were in University together and I think they might have had a little hiatus for a while but they are still very much making music - mostly parodies. They typically do a new one every year for Chanukah but it hasn't dropped yet this year. Since you mentioned "I had a little dreidel," you have to check out what they made 4 years ago - taking the song and adapting it to various different genres: You're probably going to get addicted to these guys, just a warning 🙂
@annonimiss6422 Жыл бұрын
Because of the miracle of the oil, and because olive oil was used to light the menorah in the Temple, it's preferable to use olive oil and wicks as opposed to candles. But some adults use candles, and of course kids usually use the colorful candles. (It's funny that because of Chanukah, I don't even think of them as birthday candles, I just think of them as "the colorful candles".)
@RelLub Жыл бұрын
Totally! I watched this video with my 6 year old and she laughed when he said birthday candles. She was like "what? They're Chanukah candles!". She also thought the "what sandwich was he eating" was funny-she said right away they're eating sufganiyot!
@NechamaGluck Жыл бұрын
Fun fun fun! Loved the throwback.
@ygross18 Жыл бұрын
You can make a dreidel out of whatever material you want. Wood, plastic, metal or even clay - Although I've yet to see a clay dreidel. I think it's just in the song because it fits the rhyme 😆 🤣 The dreidel was originated under Greek rule when the government outlawed the study and practice of Torah. The Jews would go to hideouts in caves to study Torah. If they hears the Greek soldiers who were patrolling coming in they would quickly put away the books and pull out dreidels to show the soldiers that they were only playing a game
@FamilyR-ie5zu Жыл бұрын
I linked it:) Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! happy hanukkah🕎🕎🕎🕎
@avigdorf Жыл бұрын
Dreidel can be made of anything. Wood, Clay, plastic, silver, etc.
@5lrhythms803 11 ай бұрын
if ya look on the bottom left at 3:31 the man with the glasses is actually the same boy who was in the Miami boys choir in the Yerushalayim music vid! he was one of the soloists.
@user-ge2je3sv1p Жыл бұрын
The traditional foods consumed during the Hanukkah holiday are symbolic of the events being celebrated. Most of these traditional foods are fried in oil, symbolic of the oil that lasted eight days. Others contain cheese to celebrate Judith's victory. Foods enjoyed at Hanukkah, including latkes and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) that are fried in oil. That guy was enjoying a fresh homemade jelly doughnut, not a sandwich.
@hannahaguirre2972 Жыл бұрын
And the jelly squirted out down his shirt 😃
@mamagold7200 Жыл бұрын
A dreidle is a spinning top. It can be made of wood, clay, mettle, glass, plastic, etc. It is a gambling game.
@menachem2521 Жыл бұрын
Good choice of a song to review!
@hershygutnick6498 Жыл бұрын
The simple story of chanuka is that Seleucid empire(“The Greeks” as we call them”) forbade the practice of the Jewish religion. This is during the times of the second temple, in Israel, so about 200BCE. At first, there was no violence. The Greek culture and philosophy(which was 100% at odds with Jewish culture and Judaism) was very enticing to many nations, and even many jews. The jews that abandoned their Jewish way of life and adopted the Greek way of life were called Hellenists. Eventually, the Greeks, with support of the hellenists, started using violence and tyranny to quash the Jewish way of life. They forbade the practice of the Jewish religion, the study of Jewish wisdom and the Torah, forbade the keeping of shabbos, and especially forbade circumcision(The Greeks worshipped the body as perfect and divine. They couldn’t fathom that we would circumcise). This led to a Priestly house, called the Hasmoneans, to lead a rebellion. Their army and supporters were called the macabees. They waged open war against the Greeks and through a great miracle(and lots of bloodshed) they were victorious. The Greeks had defiled the temple, put idols into it and defiled the oil needed to light the 7 candled candelabra(the Menorah), which was the most central service of the temple.Through another great miracle, they found one jar of sealed undefiled ritually pure oil. Each jar was supposed to last one day. Through another great miracle, the oil lasted 8 days(enough time to procure new pure oil) The sages and Jewish Supreme Court then established an eternal Jewish holiday, one of praise for the miracle of the oil, and thanksgiving for the miraculous military victory. We commemorate it by lighting candles for 8 nights, in commemoration of the 8 days the oil lasted in the temple. (Which is why most “menorahs” today have 8 candles and one helper candle, despite the one in the temple having 7 candles only) The Hasmoneans reestablished the kingdom, and the temple stood for another 200 years until the Romans destroyed it and exiled us from our land.
@bengoldstein26 Жыл бұрын
During those time the greeks forbade learning the torah They would hide in cave and have someone on watch, when the greeks came they would pull out the draidels as if thats what they were doing the the time
@avigdorf Жыл бұрын
The sandwitch was a jelly doughnut and the jelly fell out.
@Tef1029 Жыл бұрын
They made another song called candlelight in 2020 which is also a cover of a song called dynamite
@avigdorf Жыл бұрын
The war with the greeks happened. And they destroyed the temple. After the war they looked around for oil to light. They found 1 flask that would only light for 1 day but that flask of oil lasted for 8 days which is why we celebrate for 8 days.
@ML-dt8ti Жыл бұрын
I love the jacket! I need to get my hands on some Portuguese pai merch asap! Where can I get one of those?!
@PortuguesePai Жыл бұрын
Haha, glad you like the merch. They're actually sweaters I wear, but these are an older batch from when I was more on twitch. I'm looking to reopen the store, and possibly add some new things. I'll keep you posted 😅
@familyfirst4ever Жыл бұрын
I was hoping last night you would react to this!
@David99356 Жыл бұрын
The Nasa uniform is a thing they have - the same guy wears it (for a second or two) in every one of their videos.
@tourots Жыл бұрын
The Hebrew words of the song are "nes gadol haya shom" which means "a great miracle happened there". The letters on each side of the dreidel stand for these words.
@yitzchokroth6168 Жыл бұрын
Miami boys have better song of chanakah called" light up the night" check that out!!
@rivkaschmelczer1698 Жыл бұрын
Happy shoveling!
@tourots Жыл бұрын
The maccabeats performed at a chanukah party at the White House.
@eliweber5071 Жыл бұрын
“Light em up” by beri It’s a rap kinda video for Chanukah You should check it out
@bengoldstein26 Жыл бұрын
The greeks desecrated the temple, when the jews took back control they wanted to light the menorah but couldn't find and pure oil. Eventually they did find one jar buried in the temple but it was only enough for one day, but it lasted for 8
@lcs8967 Жыл бұрын
The normal process of making pure olive oil in those times took a total of 8 days. When the Jews won the war and found one small jug of pure olive oil they were ecstatic and lit the menorah with it even though they knew it would only last 1 night and they won't have enough until the next batch is produced. Then the miracle happened and the oil lasted through the entire 8 days until the new oil was ready to be used. That's the miracle we celebrate today.
@debbielebovic6573 Жыл бұрын
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes…(latkes are potato pancakes)
@joeldick6871 Жыл бұрын
The Dreidel is the Jewish version of a teetotum, which goes back to the ancient Greeks. The legend goes that the Jews under Seleucid Greek rule would play with them so the Greeks wouldn't catch them meeting secretly to study Torah.
@ygross18 Жыл бұрын
Yes, back to music! Here are a couple of more good videos for chanukah. One from Miami Boys Choir and another one from the Malchus Choir
@tourots Жыл бұрын
Just checked out the maccabeats have a little dreidel video some commenters recommended here. It's great!
@shoshimonster5451 9 ай бұрын
this was their breakout song, they still release music every year by chanuka
@monkeybizz77 Жыл бұрын
Check out "hold on tight" by benny friedman!
@gailb6406 Жыл бұрын
you underrated know ur stuff
@elazarnoam Жыл бұрын
They led a whole genre of young male accapella groups doing covers... they have many more videos, as well as groups like 613sings, ystudsaccapella, shir soul
@proudjewgirl2489 Жыл бұрын
there are a lot of live show's about chanukah like MBC light up the nights etc...
@Tsofisticated Жыл бұрын
4:14 it was harder than it looks here obviously... But it does sound funny to be in that scenario... 5:03 and do you know why he pushed him out? Lol 😁 5:59 birthday? 6:57 there is a little story behind the dreidel tradition, which is part of the whole story of Chanukah 7:10 sure they do! But this is their best and most known song 7:30 Sufganiya aka doughnut 8:00 remember that spaceman when you watch their videos! Conclusion- someone needs to react to your reactions... 😂
@PortuguesePai Жыл бұрын
5:03 I was wondering why he got pushed out, but thought it was just part of a gag, and ya those look like the candles I would use on a birthday cake.
@Tsofisticated Жыл бұрын
@@PortuguesePai the guy who was pushed out is the videographer, not exactly one of them... And about the candles, it's not the best option, the highest level of menorah lighting is with oil...
@Tsofisticated Жыл бұрын
@@PortuguesePai a Torah obligation that is done "pro" if you like to call it this way, is called a Hidur
@Tsofisticated Жыл бұрын
@@PortuguesePai oil menorah is a Hidur
@simabelsky3471 Жыл бұрын
Plus do "eicha" from the album of miracles 3. There aren't music videos from it but it is online. That song is pretty new. Came out this year. Thanks!
@rafylevy590 Жыл бұрын
They had a part in the Itzi Horovitz Shaine a little light song
@avigdorf Жыл бұрын
That is the original purposes of the Dreidel. The jews were not allowed to learn Torah. So they would learn Torah. And when the greeks came they would put away the books and play with the dreidel.
@YouTuberDreamyLuna Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately most of the Maccabees split apart.. My uncle was actually in the Maccabees but now he got a greater job.
@freespeech100 Жыл бұрын
No instruments at all were used..... its entirely their voices.
@proudjewgirl2489 Жыл бұрын
must have used technology, their voices sound computerized,
@Tsofisticated Жыл бұрын
1:22 remember Chanina?
@simabelsky3471 Жыл бұрын
Please please please do Ari goldwag! He's amazing. One of my favorite singers. He has two amazing chanukah songs. So now would be a good time to try him out. A lot of his stuff are Acapella. But even those are amazing. Do a song from darkness to redemption too. Also one of his most famous songs are "hashem loves you" and there is a video to it.
@avigdorf Жыл бұрын
Dreidel is the top we spin on Chanukah. and usually the for actions are all, Half none and pay.
@t.ackerman8368 Жыл бұрын
This is a really fun video. They have another Chanukah one that I like even more. I find it more moving. My other favorite Maccabeats song is their Rosh Hashanah one:
@bradg9118 Жыл бұрын
Once you go down this path you need to see all of the chanukkah songs made by Maccabeats and Six13, super fun! As a sample here's a particularly good Bohemian Rhapsody parody by Six13:
@bradg9118 Жыл бұрын
oh, and by the Maccabeats, a Hamilton parody:
@1977CBV Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for linking this. It's hilarious!
@zalmanovkids2877 Жыл бұрын
Here is the Hanukkah story in very short: the Greeks did not like the jews and the king at that time was Greek. The king did not let the jews learn Torah. The jews didn't like that so they started a war. The jews had a tiny army the geeks had a big one. During the war the geeks got into the holy temple and destroyed everything. After the jews won the war they went to the holy temple and needed to light the menorah but they couldn't find any oil that had the high preists seal. After looking for a long time they found 1 jar that only had enough oil for 1 night but it would take 8 days to get new oil. They lit the Medora and it stayed lit for 8 days 2. I think that u should react to yeshiva boys choir called those were the nights
@elazarnoam Жыл бұрын
One more comment. This is a traditional Sephardic (Spanish Jewry) Hannukah song ...Ocho Kandelikas
@avigdorf Жыл бұрын
latkes = Potato pancakes
@annonimiss6422 Жыл бұрын
What's snow
@Sari-qu6jn Жыл бұрын
@PortuguesePai Жыл бұрын
Haha, come to Canada, I'll let you experience it 😊
@yeshevishman Жыл бұрын
You're not missing much imho!
@rivkaschmelczer1698 Жыл бұрын
Snow is my childhood. Grew up in Montreal. Moved as a young teenager, so snow remained that magical fun time, without the responsibilities and annoyances it causes as adults
@annonimiss6422 Жыл бұрын
@@PortuguesePai So.... To be honest this time, I'll confess that I used to live in Canada, even more up north than you. 😂😂 I now live in NJ. What's crazy is that before I moved, I really thought out-of-towners were overreacting about the difference in weather. I still can't believe how huge the difference is. Canada is like the North Pole compared to here. So yeah, I'm kind of familiar with that white stuff.
@acberkowitz Жыл бұрын
5:30 how do u know that song?!😂
@MrDana102030 Жыл бұрын חנוכה שמח ומאיר!
@autumns5445 Жыл бұрын
Please react to “Open Up” by Gad Elbaz
@violetcarney3462 Жыл бұрын
Hava nagela by gad elbaz
@masonsky6797 Жыл бұрын
While watching your reaction videos, I've found it's more comical to believe you're a Jewish guy pretending to be a non-Jew trying to understand Jewish culture and customs. 😃
@masonsky6797 Жыл бұрын
You seem to have learned so much so fast. It's wild!
@PortuguesePai Жыл бұрын
Guess I'ma fast learner 😅. Especially when stuff is fascinating
@simchasherer7640 Жыл бұрын
I think you would love the latke video of the Maccabeats.
@hannahaguirre2972 Жыл бұрын
synopsis of the Macabees and how it ties into Chanuka.
@muskmania8944 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure you know of matisyahu, you still didn't review him, and I'm sure it will come, here's a hannkah song from him while he was still hasdic,
@violetcarney3462 Жыл бұрын
Yeah you're definitely one of the oldest people I know lol
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